OCR Interpretation

The Democrat-sentinel. [volume] (Logan, Ohio) 1906-1935, March 22, 1906, Image 2

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038120/1906-03-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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: Editorial toihioris of Affairs. '-'.,' ' r-' V?yL : S-,;f
. y ''While the republic endures let" us advocate what the great niasses of all the people J
believe in-G0VER6R JOHN M. PTIS&W . .. ' ..'1 ;1; Jl I4; ;
When wo as Dom'ocrats
two1 ideas of ' 'decency and anti-bossism, just so far wo de
sert the hopes of the people that, put us in power last fall.
The State Senate or the Governor of Ohio today" would not be
there as Democrats, had not the great mass of the people
rose in their indignation against a liquor soakod boss opera
ting the political affairs of Ohio. Our speeches and cam
paign war cry was, "down with bossism and the bum ele
ment, and up with independence, cleanliness and decency."
There is no backsliding or shirking to be tolerated, and when
Senator f.amb, In.lependent-democrat of Toledo, pointed
his long finger at the Democratic side of the senate and
warned them to be true to
sell their birth-right for a
their nnonle Mid forever kill
times of fooling the, people .to get offices, and then go back
on the principles we preach to bring about such success. This
is a day of square dealing. Do what we said we would do,
Afr. Democratic Senator and Mr. .Representative. Je true
to the people that put 3'ou
fidence in you,
now be men
Newspapers Consolidated.
On the first day of March, The Logan Printing & Pub
lishing Co., as announced, purchased and took possession of
the Ohio Democrat printing plant. On Wednesday evening
of last week the same company purchased the Hocking Sen
tinel, and merged both papers into one publication, as it'ls
now before you. The. subscribers of each will get this paper
in its new form. Now being the only Democratic paper in
Hocking county wo know success is assured, but we will never
let up pushing the paper forward as the best in the county.
We ask the support and co-operation of all friends, and we
will insure our best efforts to this publication.
Here are some kind words said of this new newspaper
I Hocking Hontlnel.'Mureli 13.
Onjast eveniner we sold the dear
old Hocking Sentinel, tho paper of
our fathers and grandfathers to the
Logan Printing and Publishing Co.
We are not quite sure whether
it was x sale or a marriage, but on
Inst evening the Sentinel nnd the
Democrat were made one, and will
be at home to their many friends
in Logan after tliii issue.
The Hocking Sentinel is one of
tho olilent papors in Southern Ohio
and its friends have lost none of
their love nnd good will for this
old time honored pnper.
The Sentinel nnd Democrat wijl
hereafter be issued as one paper to
all the subscribers of either paper.
The Sentinel lus always been u
Democratic pupor, nnd will ftill be
published nnd controlled by the
leading Democrats of this county.
There will be no mistake about this?
We are not now ablo to give the
name under which this paper will
be published.
Perhaps it will be the Sentinel
Democrat or the Democrat-Sentinel,
but its identity shall not be
lost, and it will continue to visit
the homes of its many friends, and
we hopa to make it ono of the best
Democratic papers In southern Ohio
Wo firmlv beliovo it hue been tho
dusTo add opinion of the Ituiliuy
Democrats in tho county, that it
would be t the Inte'us' of the
Democratic party to have these to
papers combiiifd, and therefore
we sacrifice whatever personal in
terest vf mwv have in the mnttei
und hull extend o the
our earnest support,
Yqurs truly,
U. McBrowm.'Hioti&ger.
presume to run away from the
their trust; that they must not
mess of pottage, else they betray
their nartv. These are not
The people reposed con-
and do your duty.
I Hoi;Ul'i; -Sentinel March IS.
It is announced elsewhere, that
the Hocking Sentinel and the Ohio
Democrat consolidated, and the
friends of both papers, in business
and politics, join hands in hope
for tho better of all cuuoerned.
For thirty-three yearn 1 have
had control of a newspaper which
was'tructo tho Democratic party
and faithful to every candidate on
the ticket,
In the passing of tho Sentinel
into tho new relationship I ask my
friends to continue the good will
extended to me.
Lewis Green.
(t.nncater Kuule.)
On February 28th,, thoro was
incorporated under tho laws of
Ohio, "The Logan Printing and
Publishing company" with a capi
tal stock of .f 10,000. Tho com
puny has purchased tho Ohio.
Democrat printing plant and Hock
ing Sentinel. We understand tho
olllcers of tho company are: Virgil
C. Lowry, President,' arid II. G,
Hunsel, Seoretary. The company
has retained J. It, Dollison as
(Nelsonvllle Ilackeye.)
A Joint-stock company has been
formed at Logan, wTth a capital
ization of $10,000, for tho purpose
of ooriKol irf nt i ii tr the two Demo
cratic papers, tho Democrat nnd
Sentinel,. It is a gqod move nnd
should meet with success,
(LtJKliigton Herald,)
The L'gan Democrat has been
incorporated at $10,000. ex-aena-
tor V, O. Lawry, ot al., forming
the new company, J, 1). Dollison
will ctimiuue
to be editor ticr
i.,f!"i W ,?.
tt tt
V! tvfrfr
Special Washington Letter
XDElt Bailey's splendid leader-
s'.dp the Democrat)! of the sen
atf appear to bo waking up to
the fact that they are ullve
and are making their Intlueuee felt hi
many ways. "TIs well. All (,'ood citi
zens will rejoice at this manifestation
of vigor. Under the despotic rides of
the house the ninclilue can run rough
shod over the minority at any time It
sees lit. to do so. but the senate Is still
n deliberative body where it man of
brains and courage may accomplish
something, though In the minority. If
the Democrats of the senate do no oth
er good than the defeat of the sense
less, lnrardous and un-American Santo
Domingo treaty they will deserve the
plaudits of all lovers of the republic.
It Is to be sincerely hoped that they
will continue to work on the lines they
are now operating on. 'Much good will
conic of It to both the party and the
Dwelling Together In Unity.
Those who. havl'ig eyes fcoc. and,
having cars, hear, obscrve.niniiy things
Indicative of the radical disagreements
Hiaoni.' Republicans, especially "on. the"
tariff question. The American Econo
mist, organ of the American Tariff
league, Is the highest staifil par au
thority In I he land, liar none. The trad
er of that paper can always ascertain
precisely what It Is up to. That It pro
poses to read out of the Itepubllcan
parry all but stand patters Is clear as
the sun shining In his' meridian glory
hi a cloudless sky. Iteeently the Econo
mist reprinted without comment, there
by Indorsing it, the following tart edi
torial from the Trenton Gazette, a Re
publican organ:
These Massachusetts Itepubllcans still
call themselves protectionists onil affect
a Hue scorn of what they speak of as the
Democratic doctrine of free trude, yet
they asked for a larger measure of-free
trade Jhan many Democrats would be
willing to consent to.
They want free raw. materials nnd free
coal for their rnctoiles, and that means
free hides, free wool, free Iron and free
wood pulp.
Out in Iowa Governor Cummins has
loaif been known as favoring a, measure
of tariff reform, but he would rio doubt
object to free wool and f:cn hides. '
The west generally would object to
both, but tlie west wants a reduction of
the duties on manufactured goods, to
which Massachusetts would object. The
difference is this: Massachusetts wants to
buy cheap wool and hides and sell cloth
ing and shoes at high prices. Tho w'est
would like to sell wool and hides at tho
best possible prices nnd buy cheap 'cloth
ing and shoes.
There Is a great variety of local luteiv
ests operating in the same contrary fash
Ion all over the country, und that is why
the tariff reformejs cannot get together
and why tho tariff reform sentiment is
always weaker than it would appear to
be from the nolso it makes.
Now, what do you think of that
Hepubllenu tnlk about Hepubllunns?
What will the Itepubllcan brethren uji
in Massachusetts, think of It V liow do
they enjoy being practically read out
of the O, O. I. hi such an ex cathedra
wanncrhs that? They have always
claimed that tbo Itepubllcan party was
cradled in l'aueuil hall, though' the
.Michigan brethren have always Insist
ed that Jackson, Mich., was tho scone
of that momentous event In our his
tory. In fact, when the stand patters
take a good iook at tho Hay Stale ICe
publleanw, yelling at the top of their
voices for free raw materials, they are
as inucn nuzzicu anil worried as Was
tho chicken hen which hutched out a
batch of goslings when she saw her un
nuturat progeuy tuke to a pond with
Joy. How will (Inventor Albert 1$.
Cunihiltm, now tilling his. second terjn
ai governor of Iowa and lightlug for a
third term, enjoy that sneer at him
self? lit is one of the bright, shining
lights in the (J. O. I and stubbornly
refuses to hide under a bushel. He
must bo counted In the running for tho
presidential nomination ir lie secures
his third term In the gubernatorial
chair. Can the stand patters affonr to
read the Massachusetts llepubliouiiB
and the Cummins Itcpuhllcaus of Iowa
out of the party in such an offhand
A Monumental Job,
But there's more to follow. Here Is
nu editorial from the Economist, tak
ing as Us test an excerpt from the
Portland Argus:
Reyle the tariff or lose the Ily State
It the Massachusetts ultlmutum to the
Republican stand puttets In congress, us
stated by Itrjiubllomi Congressman Law
rence. 1'ortlund ArKux.
If that bo Indeed the ultenutlve-whlch
we tuke the liberty of doubling then let
Massachusetts "ga Democratic" If she
will. One experience of 'that kind would
be likely to piave enough. A full crop of
Democratic congressmen would do more
than could possibly be done by fair argu
ment and Intelligent reasoning to conWuce
Massachusetts that her-lnterest hud best
not bo Intrusted to the party of freo
trade. One thing Is certain-lint tariff
legislation of the Republican purty can
not be dictated by Mttssachusetts. If on
that Bi'count h wantH to leavft the Ite
public ui) lawn fqr the Democratic barn
yard, way, let her nop.
'i'hero you have Jt hi plain, unequivo
cal words that Massachusetts, the home
of Charles Huinuer, Henry Wilson,
Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Uar
rlson und many other Republican
worthies, can go must go-uuleaa she
U willing to longer support a (Ueory
and system which she knows will put
an oad practically to t'nr umnufacfnr
it L
Vu iwihhiw, fuv t,vnStcu.-nun .air ue accepifti it tiii'ii in mi luuitau prop
Vuc I not the .only IJaMaehuwtt; Mjty h? wouyl ky been reuowimit.
lug Udustrles, But t'ougres.sruuu Law
I, ji fcr. Hi1 ,'Mit . .i.. , .... .n...i'..,..U
Sennit' Minority Patri '
otic twU'l'igorduiLack '
of llariiony Jiiiom! lie-piibUatttf-A
Reed Theory
Vindicated M istttkes of
Mr. Payne :: :: .'.
Itepubllcan of high degree wllo be
lieves that the' tariff ought to be re
vised. Mr. Mcf'all say.-, so. He repre
sents the Harvard district and Is tho
dean of tho delc.'atloii In the liottsc.
Even Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. Is
being educated up to it point where ho
wants free raw materials. Then there
Is the new governor. Curtis (Jnlld, Jr.,
who declared that Massachusetts would
have gone Democratic last year had
not the Republican stale convention
declared In faVor of immediate tariff
revision. We will welcome fifteen
electoral voles to the Democratic side
hi 1008 and a bunch of Democratic
representatives in congress this fall.
Truth to tell, the Economist and Its
stand pat helpers have undertaken a
monumental job In reading out of the
party jtll ' the tariff reformers In the
land. It will be a good thing for the
Democracy, and therefore for the coun
try. If the Economist prevails In the
councils of Its party.
Won a Signal Victory. ,
The late Thomas IJrackett Reed al
ways contended that even under the
code of rues bearing his name tho
house could do ns it pleased. A recent
victory won In the house by Hon.
Charles ltniHlolph Thomas of North
Carolina was what Mr. Rood would
have called a vindication of his theory.
Tho committee on ways and means
unanimously reported a bill authoriz
ing the president to ermsolldate cus
toms districts. The Intention of the bill
was to get rid of. certain ports which
do not pay expenses. Such legislation
has been pressed by the secretary of
the treasury for years. Nobody appear
ed before, tlie committee to light tho
proposed legislation, so Chairman
Payne concluded that It would have
easy sailing through the house, which
turned out to bo a f,nd mistake oti the
part of the Honorable Sercno. He
arose one ipnnilng with an expansive
smile on his countenance nnd proceed
ed to bhtndfy call the bill up. Thomas
politely asked him for a few moments
In which to express his disapproval,
which Brother Payne bluntly and curt
ly refused. Mistake No. 2 on his part.
The refusal got Thomas' lighting blood
up, and he began a light which ended In
a signal triumph for him. He spoke
during the time he had in lils own
rigUt. YUiUe he was speaking ills
friends were busy aligning members,
und when the vote was taken he won
by a large majority and was the recipi
ent of numerous congratulations. By
making his successful light lie. took a
long step upward and forward in the
house, for there, as elsewhere, nothing
succeeds like success. The fact that
he had locked horns with and vanquish
ed the Republican door leader was a
big feather In bis enp, but the fact that
he had rolled the Republican leader,
who was supported by the entire ways
and means committee, was a feather
of unusual prnmrtlous.
The Speakership and the Presidency,
The esleeni'.'d Philadelphia Inquirer
lu an article about tho death of ox
fcpeakcr David It. IIenden,ou of Iowa
and his caicer falls inlo the error of
saying, -it is a curious ract that no
speaker has -over .been elected presi
dent, although many have aspired to
the honor." The trouble with that
statement is that It Is not true, for
James Knoc "Polk of Tennessee was
lirst speaker und then president. Ills
career was evidently not familiar to
the writer of the'lnqulrer editorial. It
Is a curious ract, however, that only
one speaker became president and only
one reached the vice presidency"; .Schuy
ler Carfax. Really the speakership ja
the second olllco lu power In our gov
ernmental system, Especially lias that
been true in the last llfteou yeurs. At
llrst our speuker exercised much tho
sumo functions us the speaker of the
house of commons, thoso of n mod
erator, but ns the houso has grown
) membership the speaker's power
has Increased, and his power has In
creased principally by reason of the
Increase lu membership. Prom Muh
lenberg to Cannon, both Inclusive, sev
eral great mer Imvo wielded the gavel
men who not only aspired to-thelites-Ideuey,
but, who would have graced It.
Of courso Henry Clay and Jaiues 0.
Blaine are the.Jwo speaker preside!!--
mil eaintiuates wuo are ntosi trequent
ly spoken of, simply because lu each
case 'the efforts to become chief mag
istrate of the republic continued some-
thing like a quarter of a century. Clay
was an active candidate from 1821 to
18-18 and a receptive candidate before
the earlier and after the later year
Just what there Is about the speaker
ship which militates against tho Incum
bent's being promoted to the higher
plueo nobody seems to know. The
chances are that William McKluley
was sadly disappointed when Reed de
feated him for the speakership, but hu
was started straight ti tho White
House when Reed made him chairman
of the committee on ways and meuua,
It'n. a tea to one shot that ho would
never have reached the While House
If ho had been elected speaker.
It it said that Heed couliriiavo had,
the vice jyesldenilul hoihlnatlou at St.
LoulsH 1800, but that when It wna
suKcsted lo him ho scornfully rejected
Jt owl thfreby threw nmy his one
chancy of becoming president, for Tiad
he accepted It thou in all human proh- i
.i'i..n., . ., ft, ,,
' cuf unit re-elected (a 1()00 Mill' WfillkT
have succeeded' -McUlnley Just , n
Itodsovoiutld. ' .' ,
TliurloM AVcoil, pretty gooit nutliorlty
In RiK,luiu!Utei,sS,.tfU.vjf 'tb(it .tin; WlilffH
were anxious to hnvo Diinlt'l Webster
for their vice pre.-tldeiitlnl enndldiite
Imrlclli 1810 nml In ISIS, In both of
which yearo Ihey v'ei'o Hticcesdfnl, but
that Webster would hnve none of It
hi either ease lie would have reached
the presidency, on which Ids heart wai
i.(t and the tnliiMlUj,' of which lmhltler
ed Ids life.
Wall Street In the Dumps.
Accordlug to Henry Clews "fc Co..
bankers, Wall street is not happy. On
the contrary, the street Is dumpy and
has'a ease of niulagrubs, In their lira!
circular letter they say:
The .speculative situation falls to show
any Impiovement. T-hcro has beea a no
ticeable dwindling of upmbers hi the bull
ranks and u waning eottrngc01l the pat t
of those who hnvo 'been conspicuous on
that sldo of the market. The Impression
that the top wave In tho securities mar
ket has been i cached, for some time to
come lit least, Is steadily growing, nnd
from day to day It becomes Increasingly
evident that the technical situation has
been materially weakened by liquidation
quietly effected when tho market was al
Its best la December and January. As
prices decline thero Is a singular absence
of Insldo support, even fiom the promi
nent leuders or Insiders who are populurly
supposed to be on the bull sldo of tho
market. As a matter of fact, many of
theee gentlemen aie convinced that the
market must seek a lower level before'
imy substantial Inducements can be found
for reinvestment or for the conducting of
a fresh bull campaign.
At tho moment the market Is suffering
somewhat from .absenteeism, ii large
number ot wealthy operators taking the
respite from business responsibilities
which Is becoming so customary at ihe
end of tho winter. The absentee list,
moreover, has been considerably swelled
by the quiet disappearance of numerous
Individuals who wish to avoid testifying
before tho various Investigating commit
tees, which are not confined to New York
alone, but are at work in Washington nnd
other political centers. It is unnecessary
to cite the friction and animosity which
have been created by the Insurance inves
tigation, none ot which was anticipated
In tlie remotest degreo a year ago. No
body foresaw tho consequences ot dis
putes which began in the Eqiiltablo last
summer, and, while tlie results eventually
are certain to be beneficial to tho public
and will unquestionably raise manageilal
standaids, still the Intervening Period of
agitation nnd readjustment is a. disturb
ing one, Impairing confidence temporarily
nnd necessarily having an adverse effect
in higher financial circles. Fortunately
our large corporations will lu future ba
conducted upon more rigid lines, and tho
mesalliances between our big corporations
and the unscrupulous politician should
become more dlfllcult of accomplishment
und less likely to be repeated. Already
our lurge Insurance companies, upon
which great bankers have frequently
largely depended In their syndicate oper-ations.-liavc
-withdrawn for good'from all
transactions ot tnaTcharaeter. In future
these great syndicates will huve- to look
inreet to Individual purchasers for their
market and will lack the support of these
great organizations, which has always
uccu iiiguiy important in times of sticss.
The effctrr will probably bo to make such
syndlcntes more careful in their futuie
commitments, a chaage that will trove
benencjal and which has fortunately
taken place during a favorable period.
In a line burst of eloquence Edmund
Burke said, "Tho age of chivalry is
gone!" If Tom Moore could revisit
the glimpses of the moon, no doubt he
would say, "Tho age of poetry Is gone!"
us he reflected on the fact that a trol
ley line Is ubout lo bchullt through the
Vale of Cashmere, which ho embalmed
in Immortal verse. That's nearly as
Iconoclastic n performance as building
railroads Into Jerusalem, Joppa and"
Damascus., Wouldn't It Jar you to
have to hear a braketnan yell: "Mount
of Olives!" "Nazareth!" or "(Jethsem
ane?" A'Hustler.
Tom L. Johnson, mayor of Cleveland,
Is now a member of the Democratic
national committee, vice John It. Me
Lean, resigned. Tom Johnson Is a
hustler from away back, energetic as
a steam engine, bright as a new silver
dollar before it was demonetized. In
Cleveland lie Is monarch or all lie sur
veys, and now lie has obtained n foot
hold hi national politics once more
there Is no guessing how-fur he will go
or how high ho will climb.
Standing From Under,
Hon. J. v. Babcockor Wisconsin
decllues to again be chairman of tho
Itepubllcan congressional campalgu
committee. Ills coworkers, IJovernor
T. A. T. Hull of Iowa and .Mr. Over
street of Indiana, declare thnt they
will not play unless Hub does, Under
their leadership the Itepiiblleaiis have
won six times hand riiunlug In tho
congressional elections; bill, as they
had more money than they really need
ed, there' la small wouder ut their vic
tories, Now they all rcHiso to lead
any more. Wherefore? The 'chances
are that thene veterans scent defeat
and are standing I'jom under in order
to sit vo. their own reputations.
Certain feeble minded persons de
clared vehemently that electing a Dem
ocratic governor and senate, last full
tu Ohio would do no good, hut their
pessimistic utterances have already
been discounted, A senate Investigat
ing committee in slialHug up tlie drj
bones In Cincinnati in a manner to de
light the souls of all honest men, 1'boy
are lludlng graft, und lots of It, some
In high places and some lu low places
It appears from this Investigation thut
Ibo Cos machine was founded op .graft
anil flourished on graft. It Is Intl
lauted broadly that the ''oors of the
ponltputlary uro opening vide for some
who have grown J'lch oil graft. A few
more uemocrntic luvestigat mer coin
Mttueea woum piaee the u. o. i. hors
'' .'-
,n.. ,.fi , ...I. j , J,,-. . , ,- ,,,,. ., .
Her Clever , Method of Reaching Mer
Neat Unobserved". f
While Blrolliiig.. on .the, banks . of ,
French creek, near Clnyton, In com-,
pnny wilh tny wife niitl a frioiiil ' wo.
dueled u woodcock, wliic'lt feigned
bcinjr wounded and gave ttuoritncc
lo the most plaintive squeaks; from
which wo inferred the nu.st iniiat bo
A shorl search discovered it among
email bushes on the -ground in u
comparatively exposed position. The
nest contained Hired eggs, which wc,
of course, did not disturb. Leav
ing the nesl for over nn hour, I ctut
liously relumed and, getting on my
hands nnd knees, crept within teii
feet of it without disturbing the old
birth After watching her for about
ten minutes I saw her stand up in
the nest nnd with her bill nnd one
foot change the position of two of
the eggs, after which she settled
back on the nest. "
She then evidently saw m5 for
she gnu v sudden twjst sideways
with her howl and tlieh slowly und
cautiously stretched out as Hat as
possible, her bill resting tint on the
ground,. She remained thus for
.fully live minutes. Presently . 1
arose from my position and stepped
forward, when the bird quietly
sneaked nwny from the nest, seem
ing to crouch as near the ground as
possible until about "twenty feel
away, when she nrosc villi the usual
cry-, but immediately fell to the
ground, fluttered up and down nnuV i
nnaiiy turned over on iicr uacK, mu
tering her wings as if in the last
nconr, but as I approached she
scrambled away, drugging one wing
on the ground until -she had led me
fully 200 yards from the nest, when
suddenly she bade me nit revoir and
darted away like a rocket.
Secreting -myself 'some distance
from the nest, in fourteen minutes
I was surprised to see her sitting on,.
it as before being .disturbed, mil
how she reached there I nm unable
to pay, as I did not see hc;r approach,
and half a minute before her ap
pearance on the nest nothing was
to be seen or heard. As the woods
were open, I had an excellent, op
portunity of wntching her interest
ing maneuvers nud had hoped lo he
able lo note the manner in which
tho return would be made. Forest
and Stream.
Dick's Brilliant Scheme.
Dick had no father, and occasion
ally the fact worried him. One day
his mother fell ill, nnd some one in
cnutiously commented on the sad
btntobf atfairs if his mother, too,
6hould die. Dick said nothing, but
he kept up ir great thinking. When
ins moiner was quite wen again one
night at dinner JDick, who was seven
years old, suddenly broke the si
lence with the question,- "Mamma,
why don't you marry again ?" When
tho" Inugh which this unexpected
query raised had subsided hi.s moth
er asked Dick why he wunted her
to marry. ''Well," was his slow re
sponse, showing that he hud careful
ly thought it all out, "then I'd have
u papa, and if you died he could
marry another lady, and she'd be
my mumma,.tind if lie. died she could
marry n man, and so I'd always have
n .papa nnd mamma. And then
Dick looked grieved because his fam
ily all laughed harder than they had
before at Jhis continuous parent ar
rangement of his.
Origin' of Doily.
The word "doily" is used con
stantly, and yet few know the quaint
etory of its origin. Jn the time of
William the Norman, Uohert d'Oy
Icy was ono of his followers, and
vainnble lands at Hook Norton, in
Oxfordshire, were granted him upon
u curious condition. Each year at
tho feast dC St. Michael he was to
"muko'toudcr of a linen tablecloth
worth 3 English shillings;" As they
went to roynlty, the ladies of the
D'Oyley family took great pride in
embroidering tho "quitrent cloths,"
as they were termed, nnd in conse
quence un art needlework collection
of great beauty was accumulated by
these annual tributes. They did
eervieo for elate occasions in Wil
liam the Norman's household and,
very naturally, were called the
"U'Uyiey linen."
- .
His Alma Mater.
"I thought," said tlie irritable old
he,d of tho -linn, "that you said
when I hired you that you had taken
a courso of instructions at an acad
emy?" "Yes, sir," replied the young man.
"Well, do you mean to tell mo
that any ono could go through an
academy and epejl the way you do?
Look at that letter. Half the words
nro misspelled, und what do you
mean by making me say 'has came?'
uoniounu you, ir l hadn't glanced
over this thing ufter von'd not it
copied tlie man jt'a written to would
think mo a fooll Come) owu up
now i wnat academy was tins thut
you attended?"
"It it was Professor Do Flippen
dalo'u dancing academy, dr."-01ii-
rC9 necoru-uergiq
v?y$y5 ' .
.'-. o. ,)-! -1 ' u .
' i m m.'f w 0 - fcf
Success lo a peculiar thluV. , , - c ! .
It taken' an otherwise fooovfeUdvr,
And -when It sets' him on the atilnif
It makes liltii act a ttlfle' yellort;
Willi haughty step ho. passe by
Tlie ones In whom ho once delighted,
And often when they liappen nigh
lie seems to grow at once nearsighted.
You meet a man whom you rcRurd
In every way as worth tho Knowing.
And, though IiIm luck la coming hutd,
Ills kindness) .seems to be o'erllowlng,
Uut when ills fortunes are made whole
He doesn't Bee the common people,
Nnr could you touch him with a pole
So long that It would reach a ateeple.
Whcrfhe Is, poor and feels the need
Of touching you to get his dinner.
Oh, then lie Is a friend Indeed,
But wait till ho becomes a wlnnerf"
Then, aa you meet from day to day,
Uls nod, so cheerful oncei grows colder,"
Until he looks the' other way
And turns to you tho chilly shoulder,
'TIs pity, but you know 'tis true,
That money takes a decent fellow . .
And-sort of turns lilni wrong side to.
Just as the wind turns an ilmbrelUj
Jiut when' Instead of aa increase
Ills fortunes tnka a mighty tun
Then lie could give the Japan's
Borne offhand point on being humbl.
Mr. 'CI ty"ma n
(nervously) I I
thought I saw a
snake lu a that
Mr: S tt b b n b s
Is it as bad as
A Little Graft.
Some people who make themselves so
hoarse howling about graft that they
have to 'send for a horse doctor still
nevertheless receive with an open hand
all of tlio government, seeds thnt their
congressman has tlie nerve to frank lo
It makes some difference whose ox
Is being stuck with a pitchfork.
When we can save 37 cents by ac
cepting garden seeds from the gener
ous hand of Uncle Sam it looks all
right, but it heetns to be a broncho of
a different color when a congressman
is able to save enough out of a ?5,000
salary "to buy a railroad and a steam
ship line.
, Of course a man would scorn to. sell
his vote for tho seeds by which he
might raise a mess of pottage, but It
Is seldom that he wnxclb Indignant
enough to send back the seeds, for if
he hasn't a garden himself can't he sell
them for something to his neighbor?
Broke the Engagement.
"When are Jack aud Ethel to be mar
ried V"
"What's up?"
"Ethel's started to take vocal les
.,,... t
Annual Agony.
When resolute spring
Chases beautiful snow
And comes for its turn at the bat.
AVo'll have .to be saving
A tenner or so
To buy for our wife a new hat.
Plenty of Warning.
"Wasn't it awful tlie way Bluebeard
"Still, what could women- expect
from a man with that kind of -whiskers';"
Doublbl Compliment..
"Do you think ho will over make a
"Well, ho hns an ear plenty
enough to hold a pencil."
More Purchasing Power,
The dollars of our daddies
May hold Us with a spell,
liat the dollars ot our uncjtts
Will (lo ns nulla as well,
Latent deviltry lu a man come? to
the surface when the unexpected hap
pens. AVheu a man Is talking to the wind
It doesn't matter much what he says.
Public sentiment is Indeed a beauti
ful thing when It doesn't Interfere with
private Intereit,
There uro men-who tliluk that they
earn their living by the almpla act of
tlrawlug their breath.
The batlgo of nu investigating com
mittee should he a sunny snillo aud a
whitewash brush.
The man who
aldn't earn t.
has money to burn
Don't ga rou4 loollu for trouhU
unless you are bl to hand It MUie.
The copper plated rul of modem
business is "fio 'em, n'U dd-'tai now. ,
ktlie TUaut beleuir th pro
t j(rU,
S53 P5)

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