THE NEWS-HERALD, HILLSBORO, OHIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1914 That Rainy You have no doubt hoard of tho fellow who didn't know enough to go in when it rained. Foolish, of course,-but how about peoplo who know enough to go in but have no place to go? That's simply worse and more of it, isn't it? Tho rainy days of life come to every one, and wise is the man who prepares for it in advance. When storms of adversity strike you, thero is no refuge equal to a snug sum in the bank. Open an account now, while the weather is flnb. The Hillsboro Bank Obituary. Samuel A. Lyons, the tenth child of Luther A. and Sarah Lyons, was born Oct. 31, 1841. After a long and continual Illness his Immortal spirit departed this life from Ills home in Buford, Jan. 2, 1914. The subject of this sketch was a brave patriot, a kind parent, a loyal Odd Follow and a christian. He en listed as a private soldier in the be ginning of the great Civil War and served throughout the entire contest. He was promoted to the olllce of Com missary Sargeant and was honorably discharged as a second Lieutenant. Mr Lyons was first married to Sara Ann Roush, March 14, 1800. To this union were born three children. 0. A. Lyons, of Omaha, Neb., and Mrs. Anna M. Landls, Des Moines, la. One son died in infancy. This home cir cle was severed by death Oct. 3, 1870. Mr. Lyons was married the second time to Cynthia A. Brown, Jan. 10, 1872. To this union was born one child, Edward Lyons, the well known citizen of the Buford community. Samuel Lyons IndentiSed himself with the Church of Christ under tho ministry of Elder Thomas PInkerton, Jan. 11, 1875. He served the Buford church as Elder lor many years. The writer of these lines spent many hours at different times with the brother. As his minister permit me to say that he looked forward with faith and con fidence to the time when the Heaven ly Father would summon him home. Mrs. Wilkin and myself one afternoon, sang some old hymns for him. He said with a smile, "1 enjoy that. It makes me homesick for Heaven." He leaves beside his stepson, M. C. Brown, faithful companion, and Ira mediate family already mentioned, a host of friends and the following brothers and sister, Norman Lyons, of Parkersburg, W. Va Jane M. Clark, of Sheridan, Floris Strode, of Havana, Sarah Gray, of Samon, 111. Especial mention should be made of Walter Lyons, of Cincinnati, who has been such a faithful attendant, proving himself a true brother and helper through the last days of his final ill ness. S. E. Wilkin. If you are not familiar with LIPPIN COTT'S you are doing both yourself and the editor an Injustice. LIPPINCOTT'S MAOAZlJSfB 'The Standard Fiction Mnga. zine of America" Now In it's 46th Year 25c a Copy $3.00 a Year (The first magazine to originate the Idea of publishing a complete novel In each number.) A Year's Subscription Brings You 12 Great Complete Novels 75 Short Stories 60 Timely Articles 50 Striking Poems 200 Pages of Humor LIPPINCOTT'S is enjoying a big revival of popularity. Thousands of new readers have been added to its subscription list during the past few months, and its circulation is increasing rapidly. How to Reduce the Cost of Good Reading Send To-tlay For Lippincott's 'Little Book of Big Bargains" New Edition Just Published for tho Season 1013-1014 SENT FREE UPON REQUEST J, B.LIPPINCOTT COMPANY Founded 1792 Washington Square Philadelphia Day and Savings Co. BARRETT. Feb. 2, 1914. Mrs. Sarah Stultz and daughter, Rose, and son, Cary, spent Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Morrow. Mrs. Chas. Mercer and son, Wilbur, called on Mrs. Delia Morrow, Sunday. C.M.Stevens and wife and Wm. Rowo and wife were called to Monroe last week by the serious illness of Wm. Tompkins. Lee Morrow spent from Saturday until Monday with narry Hopkins, at Willettsville. Aunt Lydia Mercer, who has been very 111, Is slowly improving. Mrs. J. S. Lovett has been very ill the past week with rheumatism Mrs. Delia Morrow and lather and Nevll Falrley spent last Friday with Mrs. Enoch Falrley. Wm. Rowe and wife spent Sunday at the home i fC. M. Stevens. Wm. Barrett, wife and daughter called at the home of W. W. Wolfe, Sunday. Miss Glenna Garman spent Sunday with Miss Grace Chrlsman. Hamer Lyle and wife spent Sunday at the home of Vernon Rlttenhouse. John Perry aud wife, Mrs. Bee Woodward and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. Delia Morrow spent last Wednes day at the home of John Dutlleld. Miss Helen Kline and brother and Miss Helen Overman were guests of Miss Madge and Leslie Stevens, Sun day. J. L. Montgomery and family took dinner Sunday at the home of James Evans, near Snake Corner. Misses lone and Jessie Troth at tended Quartley meeting at Leesburg, Saturday. Mrs. Allle Rowe called on Mrs. J. B. Cowgill, recently. 1 m . Recognized Advantages. You will find that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has recognized advan tages over most medicines in use for coughs and colds. It does not suppress a cold but loosens and relieves It. It aid3 expectoration and opens the secre tions, which enables the system to throw off a cold. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumo nia. It contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be give i to a child as confidently as to an adult. For sale by All Dealers. adv FALLSVILLE. Feb. 2, 1914. Fete Stotler and family spent Sun day with Lem Stllwell, at Round Head. Millard Storer and wife spent Satur day and Sunday In Hillsboro. Mrs. Wm. Ford sj.ent Sunday after noon with Lem Stlllwell and wife. Thos. Perln, of near New Vienna, spent Sunday afternoon with his brother, Ellas, near Round Head. Raymond Ford called on Walter Ridgeway Sunday afternoon, i Wendell Summer and wife took din ner with the latter's parents, Sunday. Mrs, Ellas Perln, who has been sick, Is slowly Improving. Flossie and Mildred Ridgeway called on Walter Ridgeway Sunday after noon. Walter Ridgeway recently Installed a small electric light plant in his barn and house. Mrs. Wm. Ford entertained Ed. Storer and wife, of Wilmington, Sun day night. Inez Ford Is spending a few days with Mrs. Randolph Holmes. Although there are nearly 53,000,000 sheep in the United States, they repre sent less than 5 per cent of the total number of domestic animals on the country's farm. PILES are curable. All kinds mean suffering: and danirer. The CAUSE li always Internal. Dr. Leonhardt's H F M-ROI r tablets pr INTERN tablets produce araaxliur results by attacking: the AU CAUSE. The piles are dried up and r cured. M days' treatment. JLOO, JABOT CO. Buffalo, N. Y. (free book) Smith. Oo. and all droigUta. RESULTS TELL There Can Ue No Doubt About the Results in Hillsboro. Results tell the tale. All doubt is removed. Tho testimony of a Uillsborocltizen can be easily investigated. What better proof can be had. Fred Patterson, 305 E. Main St., Hillsboro, Ohio, says: "Three years ago my kidneys were in pretty bad way. My back bothered me and I couldn't get down to do any tiling with out an effort. It was the same way when I tried to straighten up. Occa sionally I got a stitch in my back that would nearly cripple me. My kidneys wore weak and I had to get up five or six times in the night to pass the kid ney secretions. My head felt dull at times and 1 was sick all over. Nothing seemed to give me any relief. I was persuaded by a Mend to give Doan's Kidney Pills a good trial and I got a box at Garrett & Ayres' Drug Store. In three days I felt like a different man. Doan s Kidney Pills my kidneys In shape and I have had very little trouble since." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Yor sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. adv CATALPA GROVE. Feb. -2, 1914. Harry Cratnpton and wife, of near Lynchburg, spent Saturday night and Sunday with A. E. Wilkin and family. Ira Cadwallader and family were their guests Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Smith spent part of last week In Hillsboro the guest of' her mother, Mrs. Nlckeson. Mrs. Clark Cadwallader spent from Thursday until Monday with C. P. Walker and family, of Hillsboro. Misses Minnie and Mary Pedce were pleasantly entertained Wednesday night by Owen Roush and family. narry McCommick and wife, of near Ralnsboro, visited from Friday until Sunday with E, O. Smith and wife. Charley Fouch, of Blanchester, spent a few days last week with his father, Louis Fouch, who is quite 111. Ed Burton and family, of Fairvlew, spent Sunday with Fred Roush and wife. J. T. Thompson and wife, of near Dodsonville, spent Thursday with Owen Roush and family. Ellis Boberts and family and Mrs. Ben Wilkin, of Russell, spent Thurs day with Samuel Wilkin and family. H. R. Wilkin and Mr. McConnaha attended church In Hillsboro Sunday afternoon. Colds and Croups in Children. Many people rely upon Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy impllclty in cases of colds and croup, and It never disap points them. Mrs. E. II. Thomas, Logansport, Ind., wrties: "I have found Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be the best medicine for colds and croup I have ever used, and never tire of recommending It to my neighbors and friends. I have always given It to my children when suffering from croups, and It has never failed to give them prompt relief." For sale by All Dealers. adv NEW PETERSBURG. Feb. 2, 1914. Mrs. Jesse Carper and daughter, Lola, spent a part of last week with her mother, Mrs. Ulen, near Salem. Mrs. S. J. Buck and Mrs. W. II. Pommert, of Greenfield, and Miss Ruth Hughey were guests of Mrs. F. H. Strobel, Wednesday. Mrs. Neal Wheaton was called to Leesburg recently to see her father, Mr. LeavertorT; who Is seriously 111. David McCall and wife visited rela tives In Marshall Sunday. Little Vernon, son of John Dwyer and wife, has been dangerously HI the past week. T. M. Frump and wife, of North Union, spent Sunday with Jesse Spence and family. Rev Shrlver will begin a series of meetings here Sunday night. Ellsworth Luttrel and son, Robert, of Sabina, visited relatives here from Friday until Sunday. Isaac Oats has purchased property here of Mr. Setty and will make this his home. Eva Pearce spent last week in Hills boro. Eva Powell, who has been sick for some time, is able to be out again I William Upp died very suddenly Thursday night and was buried Sun day at Greenfield. Ruth Caldwell was the guest of Hazel Shrlver from Friday until Mon day. Robert Shrlvers and wife and Rich ard Wlnegar spent Sunday with Bert Hamilton and wife. j Sunday School Teacher What no you mean by the quick and the dead? Small Boy Them as gets out of the way of autos is quick, and them as don't Is dead.--Ohlcago Record- Herald. BERRYVILLE. February 2, 1914. Mrs. E. E. West was a visitor in Hillsboro Monday. Mr. and Mrs James Beets went to the tabernacle meeting In Hillsboro Thursday night. Harry Shannon was 111 with grip last week. Mrs. Lillie Beets spent last Wednes day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eaklns, near Marshall. Lorain Spargurand Everett Beets spent Wednesday evening In Hillsboro. Glone Fox purchased the Al South ern barber outfit last week. James Steel is very ill. Everett Beets called on Ellis West Saturday evening. Ova Creed is going to work for Newt. Carey at Carey town this spring. Ilerron Nowby and wife spent Sun day In Hillsboro. Mrs. Joseph Swaner, of Belfast, spent Sunday with Harry Shannon and wife. Mrs. Alta Shannon called on Mrs. Evallne McCoy Sunday afternoon Amos Mull and wife visited Mr. and Mrs. Ilerdman Sunday. Kay West and family, of Columbus, are visiting his mother, Mrs. Hugh Moorman, and Mrs. West's mother, Mrs. Josephine Jones. Miss Clara West, who is attending school in Hillsboro, spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Hugh Moorman. Mrs. George Puckett entertained Mrs Shannon last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. West were in Belfast last Wednesday. James Hochberger is sick. Mr. and Mrs. L H. Mendenhall at tended the business meeting at Bel fast last week, conducted by Rev. VanPelt at the M. E. Church. "The Best Laxative I Know Of." "I have sold Chamberlain's Tablets for several years. People who have used them will take nothing else. I can recommend them to my customers as the best laxative and cure for con stlpatlon that I know of," writes Frank Strouse, Fruitland, Iowa. For sale by All Dealers. adv NORTHUNION. February 2, 1914. James Carlisle and wife visited their son, Cary, Sunday. T. M. Frump and wife were guests of J. E. Spence and family, of New Petersburg, Sunday. Charley Davis will work for John Vanzant this spring and left for his new home Sunday. Mrs. Gaorge Stultz and Mrs. Sher man Holt and son, Harold, called on Mrs. T. M. Frump Sunday evening. George Milburn and Ernest Frump are sick. Robert Lewis and Carl Wllkins have secured work for the summer near New Vienna and will leave the first of March. Sherman Holt and wife and son vis ited George Stultz last Monday. Mrs. Holt and son remained for a weeks visit with her parents and other rel atives. Merll Wheelen and wife were guests of Geo. Stultz and family Sunday. Mrs. W. L. Turner is no better and was visited Sunday by her daughter and grand-children. How to Prevent Bilious Attacks. "Coming events cast their shadows before." This is especially true of bilious attacks. Your appetite will fail, you will feel dull and languid. If you are subject to bilious attacks take three of Chamberlain's Tablets as soon as these symptoms appear and the at tack may be warded off. For sale by All Dealers. adv Mother You should save your mon ey, Willie. The price of everything Is going up. Willie Then why save It, mamma? The longer I save it the less you can buy with it Puck. No Backache or Kidney Pains. If you have pains in the back, urin ary, bladder or kidney trouble, dizzi ness and lack of energy, try Mother Gray's akomatic-leaf, the pleasant herb remedy. As a tonic laxative it has no equal. At Druggists, or by mail, 50c Ask to-day. Sample FREE. Address The Mother Gray Co , LeRoy, N. Y. adv English engineers asert that enough coal to last the world 800 years still is available in Newcastle. Good Tilings iq Eat will hold no joys for you if you have Indi gestion or any STOMACH, LIVER or KIDNEY trouble. You need notpay big dootor'a bills, but if you suffer from any of these ailments ju9t step into your nearest druggist and get a CO cent bottle of SEVEN BARKS, the great household remedy, the finest tonio and blood purifier known. If your system is run down and you want to regain yout youthful energy, SEVEN BARKS will accom. plisk it, make your food digest and give you new life. Money refunded if dissatis. fled. Try it and enjoy your meals. Addre&t LYMAN BROWN, 6S Murray St, New Yirk.N.Y CAREYTOWN. Feb. 2, 1014. W. D. Carey returned home Sunday, after spending a few days in Cincin nati. Ethel Grove is visiting with her brother, Homer. Mrs. Isaac Dunlap and two child ren spent Wednesday with her par ents, C. N. Carey and wife. Donald Carey spent from Friday un til Monday at home. Homer Grove and family and sister, Ethel, spent Thursday evening with T. B. Smith. T. B Smith and family were enter tained Sunday by the former's par ents, Mack Smith and wife. Glen Carey, Leona, Madge and Gladys Clianey spent Sunday after noon with Olive and Gladys Smith. Lettle Smith and Helen Purdy spent Sunday with Dennis Cook and family. Homer Grove and family and sister, Ethel, visited Taylor Hixon, Sunday. Roy Beck and family spent Sunday with Allen Ockerman. Elsie Michael, Olive, Lettle and Gladys Smith spent Sunday evening with Homer Grove and family. Isaac Dunlap and family spent Sun day evening with Homer Grove and family. Gurney Carey, wife and son, Glen, spent Sunday evening with Homer Grove. Kirby Chaney, wife and two child ren, Norman and Reba, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs Chaney's parents, S. E. Michael. Ralph, Reba, Ruby, Helen and Grace Carey were guests Sunday of their sister, Mrs. Isaac Dunlap. Taylor Martin and family spent Sun day with Sam Engle and wife. FORT HILL. I eb. 2, 1914. Mrs. Jane and Rebecca Stults visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Elmer Cameron, of near Marshall, a few days last week. Mrs. Artie Eubanks attended the funeral of Mrs. Dan Skeen at Sinking Springs Sunday and took dinner with her sister, Mrs. Ed Rhoads. Eva Rhoads spent Wednesday with Miss Grace Havens. Carlton Williams, of Dayton, and sister, Miss Grace, of Centerfleld, were the guests of their sister, Mrs. C. A. Rhoads last week. Bess L. Butler spent Wednesday night with her sister, Mrs. J. E Chap man, at Sinking Spring. H. V. Matthews and wife entertain ed Sunday for dinner, Dr. J. E. Chap man and family, of Sinking Spring, and J. O. Stults and wife. S. S. Deardoff and wife entertained a few friends Monday night with a dance. n. M. Eubanks and wife were busi ness visitors in Hillsboro Thursday. Given Kessler, of Harriett, and Jess Kessler, of Elmvllle, were business visitors In this vicinity, Friday. John L. Reed left Monday for Mid dletown to visit his daughter, Mrs. Tlllle Irons, who is sick. Mrs. Anna Rhoads and family were the guests of Mis. S. S. Deardoff. Manlove Reed, of Straight Creek, who has been staying at the home of his parents, John Reed and wife, dur ing their absence, spent Thursday with his wife. C. O. Havens was the guest of Isaac Bobb Saturday night. Ralph Smalley, wife and baby spent Sunday with Edw. White and family. Misses Jane and Grace Havens called on Bess L. Butler Saturday afternoon. Fred Rhoads visited his father, near Cedar Point, Sunday. Nellie Kessler was a business visitor in Hillsboro, Friday. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the funeral of Mrs. Daniel Skeen, at Sinking Spring, Sunday. Although the United States has more cattle than any country, except India, it is the world's greatest Importer of hides and skins. I Korea displays the plum blossom on her stamps. It Is the royal flower of her last dynasty a dynasty which reigned for 500 years, until the Japan ese wrested it away. "You are the manager here, eh? Well, years ago I dined here and, being unable to pay my bill, you kicked me out." "Very sorry, sir; but business, you know er " "Oh, that's all right, old right, old chap but might I trouble you again " Tatler. The first live months of 1913 saw all previous records in Texas broken for the amount of bonds voted In the vari ous counties and road precincts for good roads. "What I want to see," said the re former, "Is acity that knows absolute ly nothing of graft " "That's what I'd like to see," replied the ward politician. "Wouldn't It ba a gold mine for the right parties 1" Washington Star. j&roft$ioxial $?. S. R. HOWARD, VETERINARIAN HILLSBORO Both Phontt.Tn Olficc and RcMcr.ce J. FRANK WILSON. N. CRAIQ U'BRIDH WILSON & McBRIDE, ATTORNKY8-AT-LAW. Office Short St., Opp. Court Frvt I. W. CAREY, DBNTIBT, Glenn Big. HILLSBORO. ft. Home 'Phone 340. Bell 'Phone lis V B. McCONNAUGHEY, M. D. Hltlaboro. Ohio. Orrioi:-in Holmes Building, North Hira Street, Owoi Hours.-b to li a. m., 2 to and 8 to Both 'Pnones In omce and Residence, SIMON HIDER, THE FLORIST. For "Your Flo-were. KIINCAID & SON SDCCESSOnS TO RD11LE & TURNIRK Funeral Directors & Embalmera A Full Line of High Grade nOTII PHONES HILLSBORO ICE DELIVERY WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL IC IE Prompt Delltery. Courteous Treatment Your Patronage Solicited STEVENSON X STEVENSON PROPRIETORS (Successors to J. C. Koch) rttlcehtar'ot Traction' Tcpot Home Phone J44 PRICETOWN. Feb. 2, 1914. Rev. Well, Theodore Shaffer and wife and Willie Turner and wife were guests Sunday of ira Gossettand wife. Mrs. Ozro Barker spent one day last week with her parents, Wm. Wardlow and wife. Quite a number from here have be en attending Tabernacle meetings at Hillsboro. Orland Cochran and wife and daugh ter, Lucy, were guests Friday of Harley Cochran and family, at Blanchester Everett and Willie Haynes, George, Roy, Bernice and Ada Young and Mil ton Barr spent Saturday night with Bert Young and family. Robert McLaughlin attended the funeral of his nephew, Albert Stevens, at Marion, Ind. Henry Swearingen is confined to the house. W. S. Barker and wife attended church at Hillsboro Sunday and were guests of Philip Leinlnger and family. George Tedrick spent one day last week with his brother, Ab, at Dodson ville. The I. O. O F. team, of this place, went to East Danville Saturday night and did the first degree work, East Danville doing the second degree. The Buford Team will confer the third degree to the candidates of the Ease Danville and Prlcetown lodges at this place next Saturday nlerht. The Easr. Danville lodge entertained the Price town lodge Saturday night with a fine lunch. Miss Alma Kissling.'of nillsboro, spent last week with James Donohoo I and wife. Elmont Donohoo and wife were their guests Sunday. James Phibbs and family, of Middle town, are visiting P. F. Certier and wife. I jrsL wurKman ana wire were called to Danville Monday on account of the serious illness of the latter's father, B. F. Cochran. Allle Hartman spent Sunday with M. M. Workman and family. Mrs. Mary Harris and Miss Minnie Vance, of narrlsburg, and Mrs. Bruce Jones spent one day last week with John McConnaughey and family. Charley barlow had as his guest Sunday, George Shaffer. This Wiif Interest Mothers. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, relieve Feverlshness, Head ache. Bad Stomach. TpAtlllnir rtlenr. 1 ders, move and regulate the Bowels and destroy worms. They break up ! Colds in 24 hours. All Druggists, 25c. sample FREE. Address, A. S. Olm sted, LeRoy, N, Y. adv