OCR Interpretation

The News-Herald. [volume] (Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio) 1886-1973, February 19, 1914, Image 6

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038161/1914-02-19/ed-1/seq-6/

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n n rr
The Mystery
of the
Bon I e Gabinet
Copyright, 1913, by Burton E.
"I can go at once," I said.
"Then we will drive around for you.
We should be there In fifteen or twen
ty minutes."
"Very well." I said, 'Til he ready.
1 shall, or course, want to take a wit
ness with me."
"That Is quite proper." assented Mr.
Horublower. "We can have no objec
tion to thnt. In twenty minutes, then."
I got the Hccoid olllce as soon as I
,cotlld, but Godfrey was not there. He
did not come on usually, some one
said, until the middle of the afternoon.
1 rang up his rooms, but there was
-no reply. Finally I tailed up the Van
tine house.
"Parks," I said. "I am bringing up
some people to look at that cabinet.
It might be just as well to get that cot
out of the way and have all the lights
"The lights are already going, sir,"
he said.
"Already going? What do you
".Mr. Godfrey has been heie for quite
awhile,' sir, fooling with that cabinet
"Tell him, Parks, that I am bilngiug
some people up to see the cabinet and
that I should like him to stay there and
he a witness of the proceedings."
"Very well, sir," assented Parks.
"Everything quiet?"
"Oh, yes, sir. There was two police
men outside nil night, anil Itogers and
me inside."
"Mr. Hornblower's carriage is below,
sir," announced the olllce boy,- opening
the door.
"All right," I said. "We are coming
right up, Parks. Goodbi," and I hung
up and slipped into my coat.
Then as I took down my hat a Mid
den thought stiuck me. If the un
known Frenchman was indeed an
emissary of Monsieur X., madame
might be acquainted with him. It was
n long shot, hut worth trying. T step
ped to my desk, took out the photo
graph which Godfrey had ghen me
and slipped It Into my pocket. Then I
hurried out to the elevator.
There were three persons in the car
riage. Mr. Horublower sat wllh his
back to the horse, and two women
were on the opposite seat. Both were
dressed In black and heavily veiled,
but there was about them the indefina
ble distinction of mistress and maid.
The latter was restless aud uneasy.
Mr. Hornblower glanced behind me
as I entered.
"You spoke of a witness." he said.
"lie Is at the Vantlne house," I ex
plained and sat down bOMde him.
"This is Mr. Lester." he said, aud the
veiled lady opposite him, whom I had
known at once to be the mistress, in
clined her head a little.
Parks opened the door to us. and,
nodding to him, I led the way along
the hall and Into the anteroom. God
frey was awaiting us there, and 1 saw
the flame of interest which leaped into
his eyes as Mr. Hornblower and the
two veiled women entered.
"This Is ray witness," I said to the
former. "Mr, Godfrey Mr, Horn
blower." Godfrey bowed, and Hornblower re
garded him with a good humored
"If I were not sure of Mr. God
frey's discretion," he said, "1 should
object But I have tested It before
this and know that It can be relied
The woman I had decided was the
maid sat down as though her legs
were unable to sustain her and wns
nervously clasping and unclasping her
hands. Even her mistress showed
signs of lmpatlencve.
"The cabinet Is in here," I said and
led the way into the Inner room, the
two men and the veiled lady at my
It stood in the middle of the floor,
just as it had stood since the night of
the tragedy, and all the lights were
going. As I entered I noticed God
frey's gauntlet lying on a chair.
"Is it the right one, madam?" I
"Yes," she answered, with a gasp
that was almost a sob.
"You are sure?" I queried.
"Do you think I could be mistaken
In such a matter, sir? 1 assure you
that this cabinet at one time' belonged
to me. You permit me?" she added
aud took a step toward it.
"One moment, madame," I Interpos
ed. "I must warn you that In touch
ing that cabinet you aro running a
great risk."
"A great risk?" she echoed, looking
at me.
"Is there not connected with the
irawer," I asked, "a mechanism which
s the drawer Is opened plunges two
poisoned fangs into the baud which
opens it?"
"No, Mr. Lester," she unswered, as
tonishment In her voice, "1 nsmire you
there Is no such mechanism"."
I clutched nt a last straw, and a nor
y oneit was.
"The mechanism may have been
placed there since the cabinet passed
from your possession," I suggested.
"That i perhaps possible," she
agreed, though I saw that she was un
convinced. "At any rate, mad'arae." I Bald. "I
would nsk that In opening the drawer
- Itl II T -.1-1. .t
on which It lay. "It Is needless that
.vou flhduld"take any risk, however
slight. Permit me," and I slipped the
gauntlet over her right linud.
As I did so I glanced nt Godfrey
He wns staring nt the veiled lady with
such n look of stupefaction that I nenr-
ly choked with delight. It had not
often been my luck to see Jim Godfrey
mystified, hut he was certainly mystl
fled now.
She moved toward the cabinet, God
frey and 1 close behind her. Instinc
tively I glanced toward the shuttered
window, but the semicircle of light
was unobsenred.
The veiled lady bent above the tabic
and disposed the fingers of her right
hand to fit the metal inlay midway of
the left side.
"It is a little awkward." she said
"I have always been accustomed to
using tho left hand. You will notice
that I am pressing on three points.
Hut to open the drawer one must press
these points In a pertain orderfirst
this one. then this one and then this
There was a sharp click, aud at the
side of the table a piece of the metal
inlay fell forward.
"That Is the handle." said the veiled
lady, and without an Instant's hesita
tion, while my heart stood still, she
grasped It and drew out a shallow
drawer. "Ah." And. casting aside the
ridiculous gauntlet, she caught up the
packet of papers which lay within.
"You see that they arc only letters.
Mr. Lester." she said In a low voice,
"and I assure you that they belong to
"In touching that cabinet you aro run
ning a great risk."
"I believe you. madame." 1 said. and.
with a sigh of relief that was almost
a sob. she rebound the packet and
slipped It into the bo-,om or her gown.
"There is one thing." I added, "which
madame can. perhaps, do for me."
"I shall be innl happy!" she breathed.
"As I have told .Mr. Hornblower," 1
continued, "two men died In this room
tho day before yesterday, or. rather,
lt--was In the room beyond that they
died, but we believe It was here they
received the wounds which caused
death. It seems that we were wrong in
"Undoubtedly." she agreed. "There
has never been any Mien weird mech
anism as you described connected with
that drawer, Mr. Lester-nt least not
since I have had It. There is a legend,
you know, that the cabinet was made
for Mme. de Montcspau."
"Mr. Vantlne suspected as much." I
snid. "He was examining It at the
time he died. What the other man
was doing we do not know, but if we
could Identify him if might help us.
It hns occurred Mo inc. madame. that
yon may have seen him on La Tnuraine
that ho, may even be known to you."
"What was his name?"
"The card he sent In to Mr. Vantlne
borf'the name of Theophlle D'Aurelle."
.She shook her head.
"I have never before heard that
name, Mr. Lester,"
"Perhaps you will rccogulze this pho
tograph?" She took It. looked at it and again
shook her head. Then hlie looked at It
again, tinning aside and raising ber
Veil in order to see It better,
"There seems to be something fnmll
Jar about the fuow." she said at last
"as though 1 might have seen the man
"Ou the boat, perhaps" I suggested,
but I knew verv well it was not on
the boat, since the nmn had crossed In I
tho steerage.
"No: It was not on the boat. I did
not leave my stateroom ou the boat
But 1 nm quite sure that I have seen
him, and yet I can't say where. Per
haps my maid can help us." Photo
graph In hand, she stepped through the
doorway into the outer room.
"Julie," said slie In rapid French, "I
have here the photograph of a man
who was killed In this room most mys
teriously a few days ago. These gen
vtlemen wish to Identify him. Tho face
seems to me somehow familiar, but I
-cannot place It Look at It"
Jnlie put forth a Blinking hand, took
the photograph and glanced at it:
then, with a long sigh, slid limply'to
the floor before either Godfrey or I
could cateh her.
As Bhe fell her veil, catching on the
chair back, was torn away, and, look
ing down at her. a great emotion burst
within mo, for I recognized the mys-
teriotis woman whose
D'Aurcll had carried in h,8tch
For a moment I stood spellbound,
staring down at that Jaded and passion
stained countenance: then Godfrey
sprang forward and lifted the uncon
scious woman to the couch.
"Bring some water," lie said, and tta
he turned and looked at me I saw that
his face was glowing with excitement
I rushed to the door nnd snatched It
open. Rogers wns standing In the hall
outside, and I sent him hurrying for
the water and turned hack Into the
Godfrey was chafing tho girl's hands,
and the velied Indy was bending over
-her, fumbling nt the hooks of her
"Here's the wnter, sir," said Rogers
ind handed me glass and pitcher.
The nest instant his eyes fell upon
the woman on the couch., ne stood
staring, his face turning slowly purple:
then, clutching at his throat, he half
turned aud fell Just as I had seen him
do once before. Then Parks appeared.
"Rogers has had another fit. Get the
ammonia!" shouted Godfrey. Parks
staggered away.
When he caiuo back a moment Inter
with the ammonia he held up Rogers'
head, while Parks applied the phial
to his nostrils.
Madame, meanwhile, had dashed
come water Into the fnce of tho uncon
scious Julie
"She will soon be all right again,"
she said and. truly enough,4it tho end
of a few seconds the girl opened her
yes and looked dazedly about her.
Then a violent trembling seized her.
"What is it, Julie?" asked her mis
tress, taking her hand. "You knew
this man?"
A hoarse sob was the only answer.
"You must tell me," went on ma
dame quietly, but firmly. "You knew
this man?"
The girl nodded and closed her eyes.
"In Paris?"- '
The girl hodded again.
: "ne was your lover?"
' A third nod, and a flood of tears.
' "I remember, now," said madame
suddenly. "I saw him with her once.
What was he doing In this bouse?"
she went on more sternly.
"Madame will never forgive me!"
sobbed the girl, and I began to think
that she was more concerned for her
self thnu for her lover. The same
thought occurred to her mistress, too,
no doubt, for her voice hardened.
"Try me," ishe said. "Understand
well, you must tell if not here, then
before an officer of the police." I
"Oh, no, uo!" screamed Julie, sitting
suddenly erect. "Never that! I could
not bear that! Madame would not be
so cruel. 1 will tell. 1 will tell every
thing. After nil, I was not to blame.
It was that creature. I did not love
him but I feared him. He possessed
a power over me. lie could make me
do anything. He even beat me! And
still I went back to him!"
"What wns his name?" asked the
veiled lady.
"Georges Drouet he lived In the Rue
de la Huchette, Just off the Rue St,
Jacques on the top floor,' under the
gutters. He was had bad. I met him
sir months ago. IIokn6w how to
fascinnte one. I thought he loved me.
Then he begun to borrow money from
me until be had taken all that I had
saved, then my rings every onet" be
held up her hands to show their bare
ncss. "Then"
She stopped and glanced at her mis
tress. "Continue!" said the latter.
"I knew of the secret drawer. -Madame
will remember her despair, her
horror, when she entered her room to
And the cabinet gone, taken away, sold
by that I. too, was in despair I
desired with my whole soul to help
madame. That night I had a renuez
vous' with hlra."
Her mistress stood ub, though turned
to Btone.
"He questioned me. He learned
everything. Tho drnwer, how it was
opened all! But I did pot suspect
what was in his mind not for an In
stant did I suspect But on the boat I
eaw him, and then I knew. Well, he
has got what he deserved."
She shivered and' pressed her hands
against ber eyes.
"That la all of that story." said God
frey : a enso voice: "but there Is
J "It it a lie!" N
ABk ber, .madame, for what I
purpose Bho calico 'at tins nouse, nigm
. .4 -J . .. t ,4
efre. ast. and saw PhiHpVantlne in t
this room.'
"I did not!" shrieked the girl, ber
face ablaze. "It Is a He!"
"She camo for tho letters," went on
Godfrey Inexorably. "Any fool could
guess. Sho came for the lcttersl She
had resolved herself to blackmail you,
"It-is a He!" shrieked the girl ngalu.
"I came hoping to save her to"
I could see how the veiled lndy was
trembling. I placed n chair for her,
and she sank Into it with a murmur of
I "Besldes, we have a witness to her
visit" added Godfrey. "Shall I call
the police, madame?"
"No, no!" and the girl sat upright
again, Jlier fnce ghastly. "I will tell.
I will tell all. Give me but a moment!"
I saw her eyes widen, and, glancing
around, I saw that Rogers had dragged
himself to a sitting posture and was
stnring nt her. his face livid. The
slKUt of u)m 8C:tle& to madden her.
'It was you!" she shrieked, and shook
hoc clinched fist at iiinM "It was -you
who told! Cowaid! Coward!"
"Re still!" cried Godfrey. "He told
us nothing. lie tried to shield you."
Rogers broke In with a hollow and
ghnstly laugh. "It was nntural
enough, sir," he said hoarsely. "She's
my wire." ,
Enter M. Armand.
IGUT or ten years berore the
fair Julie at least she was
fairer then than now had
come to New York to enter tho
employ of a family whose mistress
had decided that life without a French
maid was unendurable. Rogers had
met her, had been fascinated by her
black eys and red lips, had in the
end proposed marriage, had been ac
cepted and for some months had led
nn eventful existence as the husband
of the siren. Then one morning he
awakened to ilud her gone.
He had, of course, Intrusted his sav
ings to her, and the savings were gone
also. Julie, It seems, hnd been over
come with longing for the Paris as
phalt, and she had flown back to
France. Rogers had thought of fol
lowing; bpt. appalled at the difficulty
of finding her in Paris, not knowing
what he should do if he did find her,
he had finally given it up nnd had set
tled gloomily down to live upon his
memories. Some sort of affection for
her hnd kept alive within him, and
when he opened the door of Vnntlne's
house and found her standing on the
steps he was as wax in her hands.
When tho story was finished Julie
was quite herself again, oven a little
proud, I think, of holding the center
of the stage hi the role of siren.
"This s all true, I suppose?" asked
the veiled lady.
"All quite true, madame," answered
Julie, with a shrug. "I nm older now
and have more sense; besides, I am
no longer sought after as I was."
"And so," said madame, with Irony,
"you are now no doubt willing to re
turn to your husband."
"I have boon considering It, madame:
One must hnvd a harbor in one's old
p I glanced at Rogers and was aston
ished to see thnt he was regarding the
woman with affectionate admiration.
"I hnve hesitated," she added, "only
because of madame. Where would
madame get another maid such as I?"
"We will discuss it." said the Celled
ladv. "when we are alone. And' now,
perhaps, you will he so good as to tell
a ... t lti. I. -. l
us or your previous visit uere.
"One day on tho boat as I was look
ing down at the passengers of the
third clnss that I perceived Georges
M. Drouet strolling about. I was bou
leversee what you call upset with
amazement, and then he looked up and
ouf eyes met, and he camo beneath
me and commanded that I meet him
that evening. It was then that I learn
ed his plan. It waB to secure those
letters for himself and to dispose of
"To whom?" asked Godfrey.
Tn tin, nprsnn thnt would wav the
greatest price for them, most certainly, will otter at private sale at my "home
They were to be offered first to ma- in" Reesville, Ohio, the following per
dame at 10,000 francs each. Should sonal property:
she refuse they were then to be of-
fered to M. le Due he would surely
desire to possess them!"
The velied lady shivered a little.
"That nlcht." continued Julie, "I de
cided thnt at tho first moment I would
2E7 ." H V5
1,& mnffhf in f Vnntlnn? T Wnillfl Tier-
VUG t-H- -V MWM f
Buade him to restbre to me the letters
with which I would fly to madame. t
knew also that I could rely upon her
gratitude. '
"It was not until evening that I found
aB. 0ppo"rtunlty to leave madame. I
hastened here; I rang the bell, but I
confess I should have failed, I should
not haVo secured an entrance if it bad
not been tbatit was my husband who
opened the door to me. M. Vantlm
himself came into tho ball, and I ran
to him and begged that be hear me,
It was then that ho invited me to enter
this room."
She paused again, and a little shiver
of expectancy ran through me. At last
we were to learn how Philip Vantlne
bad met his, death!
"I sat down," continued Julie. "I
told him tho story from the Yery be
ginning. He listened with much in
terest but when I proposed that be
should restore to nle the letters be hes
itated, no walked up and down tho
room, trying to decide, then ho took
me through that door into tho room
beyond. Tho cabinet was standing la
the center of tho floor, and all the
lights were blazing.
'I went to the cabinet and pressed on
thn fl.ro nrl,1WH. nn I had Been ma.
damo' do, The. little bundle at the
Bide fell out. but suddenly be stopped year In the furnaces of ships employed LJe8a woman whowaaborntoeouawt
me. tn international' commerce. J manfj . pi,nnH0ini,i nn,
,, trhn-n iforiI ,i nnt bnlonir to vou.
ho Bnd; .Ihey b0ong to your mis.
-.MWDW .t,... w - -.- n V
j cflnnot pWt that you take
them nway, for, after nil, I do not
know you. You may Intend to mnko
some had uso of them.'
"Uo brought me back Into this room.
I could Tiavo cried with rage!
'"Return to your mistress,' he said,
'and inform her that I shall be most
happy to return the letters to her. But
it' must bo In' her own hands that I
placo them.
"I saw that it was of no use to nr
gue further. IIo was of adamant
So I left the house, he himself opening
tho door for me. And thnt Is all that
I know, madame."
"Of course," Godfrey suggested gent
ly, "ns soon as you reached homo you
related to your mistress what had oc
curred?" Julie grew a little crimson.
"No, nmiisleur," she said. "I told her
nothing. I feared - that without tho
letters she would misunderstand my
motives." '
"And then, of course, without, tho
letters, there would be no rewnrd." i
Godfrey supplemented. I
The veiled lndy rose. Julio resumed
her veil, shooting at Godfrey a ghtnee
anything but friendly. The veiled Indy
turned to me and held out her hand.
"I thank you, Mr. Lester, for your
kindness," sho said. "Come, Julie,"
and she moved toward tho door, which
Rogers hastened to open.
Mr. Hornblower nodded and passed
out after them, and Godfrey nnd J.
were left alone together.
"Well." snld Godfrey "well, what a
story It would make! And I can't use
it It's a hitter reflection, Lester."
"It would certainly shake the pillars
of society," I agreed. "I'm rather
(baken myself. I hadn't nny Idea this
was the right cabinet. I didn't see how
it could be."
"Tbnfs"lt exactly. How did It hap
pen when the veiled lady went to
Armand & Son In Pnrls that she wasf
directed to Philip Vantlne? According
to his own story, he did not purchase
this cabinet. He hnd never seen it
before. It was presumably shipped
him by mistake. Armand& Son cable
you that It was a mistake, and yet
they cite Vnutlne ns the purchaser."
"There is no poisoned mechanism
about ' that drawer, that's, sure," I
"No. and, never hns been." Godfrey
agreed. q
"'And that lenves us all at sea.
doesn't it? But there is one thing
sure. ThC killing, whatever Its cause,
was done out there In the anteroom,
not In here."
"What makes you think that?"
"We believe that Drouet came here
to get Vantlne's permission to open
this drawer and get the letters, saw
tho cabinet, tried to open the draw
er and was killed In tho attempt. But
it Is evident enough now that there is
nothing about that drawer to hurt any
"Yes. that's evident, I think." God
frey ngreed. .
"If he had opened the drawer, then,
he would have taken the letters, since
there was nothing to prevent him.
Since they were not taken It follows,
doesn't It that he was- killed before he
had achance at the drawer? Perhaps
he never saw tho cabinet, ne muBt
hnve been killed out there In the ante
room a few minutes after Parks left'
"And how about Vantlne?" Godfrey
"If he had opened the drawer," I
pointed out, "and been killed in the
a M I 1 J. II- . Al1 linnA Viaaii
act of opening It. it would haye been
found open. 1 had thought that per
baps it closed of Itself, but you see
that it does not. You haye to push It
shut and then snap the handle up into
(To be Continued)
Private Sale of Valuable Personal
Having decided to quit the road,
building business on account of my
other business taking all my time, I
j Aurora Stone Crusher, 10x15, with
25 foot elevator, and all necessary ap
1 Revolving Screen,
3 Stone Hoppers and Loaders for
LTT1T ""'"
" wmum tutuwuuU .,
1 24 inch Hoist,
150 feet of 5 8 cable,
3 Steel Cars,
1000 feet of T-Rails,
2 Steam Drills.
All pipes and hammers necessary to
complete the above outfit.
1 8 h. p. International Famous Gaso
line Engine, good as new,
1 4 inch tubular Pump and 25 feet of
4 Inch gas pipe connected,
AHo 12 passengrr Automobile, Slod
iow4 Havrftn 1(ViQ Pnorlciai oil In rrrtvl
... .. ... ... h
. 1 Boarding Car, 8x8, equipped with
oook stove, cooking utepslls and dishes.
The foregoing will be sold for cash
'or negotiable paper or exchange for
property of equal value,
Said property must be closed out
within the next GO dys.
- Will be pleased to show prospective
purchasers the'above property,
Phone, write or call on
(4-2) adv Reeavllle, Ohio.
It elves an Impressive idea of the
immensity of the internatloiiaK trade
lamwuuimwwww icu uoi oo,
000,000 tops of Qoal are consumed in a
Notice of Appointment.
Estate of M. F. Carroll deceased,
J, E. f arroll ban been appointed and quali
fied cs Administrator wltli the Will Annexed
of the estate ot M. F Carroll late, of High
land county, Ohio, Uecea&ed.
Dated this Oth day of February, A, D. 1914,
J. O. Woar.nr.
adv Probate Judge of said County.
1 ' 1
Teachers' Examination.
Ttic Highland coun y B 3rd of School ex
aminers hereby glvei no ,ce that examina
tions of Applicants oi nlUcatcs will take
Iilace In the Wastlngioa school Building,
llllsboro, on the Urst Saturday of every
Patterson examinations will be held on the
third Saturday of April and on the third
Saturday of May.
As prescribed by law, the fee for teachers
examinations will be 60 cents, while, for
Patterson examinations no fee Is charged.
O. A. Tbneh, Sinking Spring, Pres.
adv W. H, Vance, Hlllsboro, Vice Pres,
H. D. Qalliett. Lynchburg, Sec.
Legal Notice.
In pursuance of an order of the Probate
Court of Highland County, Ohio, I will offer
for. sale at public auction on
Saturday, March 14th, 1914,
at 1 o'clock, p m on the premises herein
after described, the following real estate,
to-wlt :
Situate In the County of Highland, State
of Ohio, and In the village of Ralnsboro, and
bounded and described as follows :
Befog In-lot Number Ntnety (No. 00), as the
same is known and designated on the record
ed plat of satd village of Kalnsboro. Being
simc premises convej ed by Amanda House
man to Sarah Houseman, by deed dated
January 18tb. 1883, recorded In Deed Book 61,
poge 228. Satd real estate is situated on the
north side of Main street In said village and
Is east of A1I1I street, but not between any
streets running north and south.
Said premises are appraised at 1260.00, and
cannot sell for less than two-thirds of
tne appraised value. Tercas, cash, on day
of safe. adv
(3-12) J. Hohace roads, Admr,, .
of estate of Sarah Dammann, dee'd.
. Notice Is hereby gtven that a petition will
bepresenUd to the Commissioners of High
land County at their session to be held on
March 16th. 19H, praying for the appoint
ment vt Road Commissioners to lay out and
establ'sd a Free Turnpike Road along the
following line to-wlt ;
Beginning at the Hlllsboro. Danville and
Prlcetown turnpike, west of the residence of
Frank Foust. In Salem township. Highland
Connty. Ohio, and in the center of a county
read; thence with said county road as nearly
as practicable, and In a southerly direction,
pasbtiig the residences ot c. C. Sanders, Alva.
Gosbett and Matt Pulllam to the road kn iwn
a the Salem and Clay township road near
the resldr nee of Nick Marconnett ; thence
with said road In an easterly and southerly
direction passing the resldencts of I J
Davidson and Wm Custer to the old state
road from Danville to Uuford : thence with
Bald state road a distance of about TO rods o
a county road Intersecting said state road
east of school lot district No. 3, Clay town
ship : thence with said county road In a,
southerly dlrectli n to the Straltout and Uu
ford Free Tumi Ike near the residence of"P.
Q Fenner. a distance of about three and one
fourth (3) miles, and being located In 8a-
I lem. Clay and Whlteoak townships. Highland
I County, Ohio. It Is understood that all the
taxpayers desiring to do so, may work out
the taxes which may be assessed against
tbem tor the construction of said road at
their option, at the prices paid for labor In
the building and construction of said road
by the superintendent or other person In
charge, and for the purpose of constructing
s,ld Free Turnpike Road, they will ask for
the levy of an extra tax of fn mills on the
dollar for the period of twenty nve years
upon all the lands and taxable personal
property within the limits of the said pro-
' pesed Free Turnpike Road (under the one
mile assessment pike law.) Sectto a 7233 to
7321, Inclusive. General rode of Ohio, unless
I the same be sooner completed and paid for.
I Wm Custeh And Otuers,
13-12) adv Petitioners.
Winter Tourists Tickets to Florida
and points in south. Tickets on sale
daily, liberal stopover, long limit.
t t -r m .... j m l i .
a.11 Year Tourists Tickets ori sate
dally to California, Oregon, and Wash
ington. See your agent for particu
lars. Homeseeker tickets to South, West
and Northwest on sale the first a'nti
third Tuesday of each month,
Important change of time.
Trains depart from Hlllsboro as fol
lows: V ' l
' s
'8 a. m., 3:45 p. no., 6:30 p. m.
8:20 a. m. 6;30 p. m.
Trains arrive is Hlllsboro as follows:
10:30 a. m., 0:05 p. m., 9:20 p. m. '
10:30 a. m., 9:20 p. m.
Two hour schedules to and from
Call on or address S. 6. Griffin,
Agent, Hlllsboro, O, L. B. Paul, D.
P. A., Chilllcothe.
Rublic Sale.
I "will offer at public auction at my
late" residence, south of Buford, Clay
township, Highland county, Ohio, on
Saturday, February 21, 1914,
my horses, cattle hogs and all farm
implements, tools and harness. Feed,
consisting of 400 or 500 bushels of corn
in tho crib, 100 sliocks corn in the field,
12 to 15 tonsgood timothy hay. House
hold and kitchen furniture.
(2-10) adv ft. O. nuooms.
Heretofore the percentage rating of
the United States in exports to the far
East, as compared with European
countries, has been decidedly unfavor
able, but for 1012 America, including
Hawaii and the Philippines, took the
lead in Japan's Imports.
Wiggs Young BJones thinks he Is a.
born leader.
Waggs Oh, many a fellow who
thinks ha war hnrn tn Mtnmanit m
,.i- -

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