THE NEWS-HERALD, HILLSBORO, OHIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 19 1914 r y' h Can't Hold It You can't hold all the money that comes Into your hand, but it 1b your duty to try to hold SOME of it. Why not try making a fair allowanco'for ex penditures and then trim down enough to permit you to make a deposit at our bank as a guarantoo against future needs. Consider this regular doposit as a debt that must be paid from your income. We will carefully guard it for you and help you to increase it. The Hillshoro Bank PLEASANT HILL. March 10, 1914. John Willison, of Wilmington, visit ed ills brother, Frank, last week. Carey Kirkpatrlck and wife and son, Chester, spent Tuesday with Will Kelley and wife and also called on David Sprinkle near Carlisle Spring. Miss Pearl Prlne spent Thursday night in HlUsboro and was the guest of Miss Florence Felko. Mesdames Dell Robblnsr""Walter Powell. Rollo Powell and daughters, Mary Edith and Louella, and Mable Stratton were callers at the Pleasant Hill School Friday morning. Charles Sirabro called on George ?rlno Friday evening. Albert Shelton, the New Market township assessor, made his trip through this section Friday morning. A. S. Welty, of Hillsboro, spent Thursday with Charles Slmbro and family. Walter Powell and wife and Mabel Stratton spent Wednesday evening with friends In Hillsboro. Charles Simbro and wife and son, Charles, called on Carey Kirkpatrlck and family Monday night. Miss Bessie Meyers, of Hillsboro, spent Saturday night and Sunday, with Miss Grace Simbro. W. E. Noftsger and wife and child ren spent Sunday In Hillsboro. Miss Florence Prlne attended H. C. T. A. In Hillsboro Saturday. Luther Campbell and wife are con nected with the outside world by the Home telephone. Dr. Humphreys' Manual By F Humphreys, M. D. This edition is In celebration of Sixty Years of continuous progress of Dr. Humphreys' Remedies. It forms a book of 144 pages, with a colored cover of Noah's Ark indica tive of the uses of Humphreys' Re me dies for every thing The great point of superiority of this work and the treatment over all others Is the directness and simplicity, lead ing to a greater posltlveness and certainty. Sent absolutely free on receipt of request. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., 150 William Street, New York, adv CAREYTOWN. - March 10, 1914. B. C. Carey a'nd wife spent one day last week with their daughter, Mrs. Howard Fisner. Mrs. Roy Beck Is sick. Mrs. Ova Creed and Elsie Michaels spent from Friday until Sunday at Uerryvllle. F. L. Carey and wife, of Wilming ton, spent from Saturday until Mon day with friends and relatives at' this place. Mrs. Clara Purdy and daughter spent Sunday with Wm. Dudley and family. S. E. Michael and wife and daughter, Rose, spent Sunday with Klrby Chaney and family. Miss Lora Underwood, of Hillsboro, and Ethel Thornburg took dinner with Ethel Carey Sunday. ' - Carey Priest and wife spent Sunday with the former's parents, Thomas Priest and wife. Taylor Martin and wife and daugh ter, Dora, of Ylenna, spent Sunday with Mrs. Martin's parents, Samuel Engle and wife. Marlle Jones and mother called on Samuel Engle and wife Sunday even ing. Elmer Ockerman and wife spent Monday with R. H. Ockerman and wife. B. C. Carey and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a granddaughter, born to Howard Fisher and wife. E. n. -Edwards and wife spent Sun day with Salked Larkln and family. When baby suffers with eczema or some Itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long ways and it Is safe for children. 60o a boX at all stores. adv and Savings Co. SHln Blomlshea Caused By Germs skin or lit a broken flace, and It la hard o get rid of them. Pus gorea or olmnlea follow BELL'S Antiseptic Salve oon destroys these, germs and keeps them clean and healthy untilnature heals, use It on the face, lips, in tha nose, anywhere, for It Is CLEAN. PUKE AND HEALING. "Tell It Dy The Dell" LEESBURG. March 16, 1914. The first and second divisions of the Ladles Aid Society served a chicken pie supper and held a market Saturday afternoon and evening In the M. E. church basement. The proceeds which amounted to about 832 will be used for a payment on the parsonage furnace. Daryl Johnson, of Blanchester, ,was the guest of his parents Sunday. Miss Ethel Griffith spent Saturday in Blanchester with relatives. Mrs. W. A. Teter, of nillsboro, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Barrett. Elmer Keene, of Chicago, was the Week-end guest of his parents, C. P. keene and family. Supt. C, H. Lewis, Prof. Elmer Nay lor, O B. Cox, Ira Young and the Misses Ethel Carey, Florence' Hadley and Madge Purdy attended the II. C. T. A. in Hillsboro last Saturday Mrs. W. H. Penn has been 111 the past week at her home on E. Main street. Mrs George Haas has returned home from an extended visit with relatives In Colleeville, Kan. Miss Tura Kuhn, of Columbus Bliss Business College, is spending a short vacation with her parents. A. G". Barber and wife attended the funeral of an aunt In Jamestown last Saturday. An enthusiastic meeting of the Busl ness Mens' Club was held Saturday afternoon at their new headquarters. Music for the occasion was furnished by the Citizens' Band. Miss Florence Jones delightfully en tertained Saturday afternoon In com pliment to Miss Geneva Pavey, an April bride-to-be. Rev. E. R. Purdy and wife returned Saturday to their home In Wilmington after spending the past two weeks here assisting Rev. McMillan in his special evangelistic services. These services will still continue throughout the coming week and Rev. Purdy will present a part of the week to assist. Supt. O. VH. Lewis and P. O. Mumma attended the meeting of the S. S. Su perintendents in Hillsboro Friday evening. Fred Wolfe transacted business In Cincinnati last .Saturday. Fletcher Van Pelt and family are moving this week to the property on South street, which he recently pur chased of A. G, Barber. Miss Rose Cohn Is slowly recovering from her recent Illness. Mrs. Bessie Cox visited relatives In Hillsboro Tuesday of last week. SUGARTREE RIDGE. March 10, 1914. Rev. Tlmmons and niece spent Wednesday with Henry Llndsey and family. Miss Flotilla Carr, of Pike College, attended school here Friday afternoon. Frank Edmlnston and wife, of near Winchester, spent Sunday with his brother and wife here. Low Igo and son spent Sunday with nenry Igo and family, of near Miller's Chapel. Rev. Foust tilled his regular appoint ment at the Christian church here Sunday, both morning and evening. Miss Ruth Haas took dinner with Amy Igo Sunday, Miss Hattlo Martin and friend, of Seamen, spent Saturday night -and Sunday with her Bister, Mrs. B. F. Borden. DODSONVILLE. Match 10, 1914. Mr.Larrickand wlfo.o'fWillettsville, were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Louis Shaffer, Tuesday. Charles Wolfra'm, of Hillsboro, at tended the sale here Tuesday. Ellle Taylor and son, of Lynchburg, were with Hi Shaffer and famih Tuesday. Eddie Strieker has returned' home for the summer. Abram Aber and wife, of near Dan ville, spent Tuesday with his brother, T. E Aber. Roy Redkey and wife were guests of his parents Tuesday. Mrs. Grace Pratt spent a few days last week withM. C.Stroupand family. Mrs Cleveland Murtland spent Sat urday and Sunday with her parentr, Aaron Stroup and wife. Ill Shatter and wife and daughter spent Sunday .with Clell and Alpha Shaffer. Calvin Stroupmade a business trip to nillsboro Saturday. Mrs. R. II. Orebaugh, Mrs. T. C. Pratt and son, Roy, were shopping In Lynchburg Saturday. The sick are Mrs. Janus Phibbs, Loney Wilkin and Frank Strieker. Misses Altie and Nettle Hriggs, of Russell, spent Sunday w 1th their grand parents, P. L. Baker and wife. Mrs. Harvey Walker spent Friday with Earnest Lemons. Orlen Roads and family, of Har- wood, were the guests of J. M. Roads and family Sunday. John Tedrlck and family spent Sat urday and Sunday with their son, Warman, at Harwood. Henry Miller and sister, Ella, and lonard Aber attended the Literary at J'rlcetown Friday night. Miss Ljona Stroup spent Saturday night wllli her cousin, Miss Rosle Stroup. Oscar Baker make a business trip to Danville Friday. Theodore Hawthorne and family were the guests of Lewis Shaffer and wife Sunday. Miss Mag Stroup visited her sister, Mrs. John Pratt, Saturday and Sun day. J. J. Conard and Ben Wilkin made a Business trip to Willettsvllle Sunday. To the Housewife. Madam, If your husband Is like most men he expects you to look after the health of yourself and children. Colds and coughs are the most common of the minor ailments and are the most likely to lead to serious diseases. A child is much more likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when it has a cold. If you will inquire into the merits of the various remedies that are recommended for coughs and colds, you will llnd that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy stands high in the estimation of people that use it. It Is prompt and effectual, pleasant and safe to take, which are qualities especially to be de sired when a medicine is Intended for children. For sale by All Dealers, adv .;-..;.:., bj 'f'B ." - , rrFiitwmz. ;& wwwfflWN&res-.' ; vr They all see it now what Henry Ford saw years ago that the light, strong, quality car, sold at a low best meets all the people. following where Five hundred'taollars is the price of the Ford run about; the touring car Is live fifty; the town car seven titty 1. o. b. Detroit, complete with euulp ment Get catalog and particulars I roni Hlllsboru Auto Co , Hillsboro, Ohio I I NEW PETERSBURG. March 10, 1914. Mis3 Clickner, of Centerfield, wi the guest of Mrs. Elmer Cowman the past week. Mrs. M. F. Garman Is visiting rela tives at Xenia and Dayton. Mrs. Hannah Grim is 111, also her daughter, Mrs. Charles Weller. Howard Weller, youngest son of Del bert Weller. who has been very sick with appendicitis, Is slowly Improving. Mrs. EllaUlen and daughter, Elsie, visited Jesse Carpenter and family Saturday. The Ladles Aid Society will be enter talned on April 2 by Mrs. Laura Wil liams and Mrs. Robert Snodgrass at the home of Mrs Williams. All mem bers are urged to be present as there is very important business to discuss. Oscar Hamilton and wife have moved to the farm recently vacated by Bert Hamilton and wife. Mrs Laura Carper is visiting her children, who live In Fayette county. Mrs Wallace Hiattand son, Stanley, attended meeting at Carmel Sunday afternoon. Recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "I take great pleasure in recom mending Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy to my customers because I have confidence in it. I find that they are pleased with it and call for it when again in need of such a medicine," writes J. W. Sexson, Montevallo, Mo. For sale by All Dealers. adv Thirteen was the sacred number of the Mexicans and ancient people of Yucatan. Theirweekhadl3days, and they had 13 snake gods. mJWWWUMMSaJMKag ' far , -iiaiiiiiiHiiiimwiji wiiigil For Pipe sr.d Gi,ree 11? '"" v $ - r-vra-tAcviKO-w good- M ;ii ', demands Now they're all Henry Ford led. BERRYVILLE. March 10, 1914 The meetings conducted here by Re Scarll continue to Increase in interest and much gool has been accomplished Many regard Rev. ScarlT as tlie most forceful speaker they have evpr heard. Miss Ladora Reams is the guest of Mrs. Cora McConnaughey. Mrs. E. E. West was in Hillsboro Saturday afternoon. Mrs Ova Creed, of Careytown, Is visiting her father, George Chaney Charles Ashmore, of hillsboro, is the guest of R O. Elliott. Rev. Scarff spent Wednesday night with E. E West and wife. Henry Hunter, Charles Ashmore and R. O. Elliott were guests of E. E. West last week. On her 83rd birthday Mrs. Elizabeth West received many cards and presents from relatives and friends. Although a helpless invalid she is cheerful and hopeful and wishes to thank all for remembering her. For the Stomach and Liver. I. N. Stuart, West Webster N. Y., writes : "I have used Chamberlain's Tablets for disorders of the stomach and liver off and on for the past live years, and it affords me pleasure to state that I have found them to be Just as represented. They are mild in their action and the results have been satisfactory. I value them highly." For sale by All Dealers. adv "War is hell," said Sherman, thus anticipating tne feelings of those base ball magnates who have had to double the salaries of their playors as a result of the baseball war. Charleston News and Courier. JBKgSETSU"t- iUSMBgagS; ikiSnSSiiih;.. i ' A tobacco that is instantly distinguished from all others by its fragrance. The first time you get a whiff of STAG, you(ll go buy some. In the pipe, in the tin, indoors, out doors, its natural lasting fragrance will win you at once and forever. Convenient Packages: The Handy Haif- Size 5-Cent Tin, the Full-Size 10-Cent Tin, the Pound and Half-Pound Tin Humidors and the Pound Glass Humidor. Srof9taionu. $. S. R. HOWARD, VETERINARIAN HILLSBORO Both Phomr.In Ollitt tr.i Kttidtncc J. FRANK WILSON. X. CRAIG U'lIHIDX WILSON & McBRlDE, ATTOItN K Y 8- AT-LAW. Office Short St., Opp. Court Utttt I. W. CARET, DKNTIST, JlennBlg. HILL8BOBO,, Home 'Phone 340. Bell 'Phone 141 B. McCONNAUCHEY, M. D. Hlllaboro, Olilo. 'PTloi In Holmes Hullrtlng, Uortfc lilt Street, IrriOK Hodks Pto 1J a, ra 2 to and f tt 6 p. m. oth l'honee In unite ind iasnce SIMON HIDER. THE FLORIST. or our Fl flwers. KINCAID & SON SUCOFSPOHS TO RDD1 E & TEKNEIiEJ Funeral Directors & Embalmers !A Full Line of High Grade HUTU PHONES HILLSBORO ICE DELIVERY ntiOLESALE A!D RETAIL l-rompt Delivery Courteous Treatment Your Patronage Solicited STEVENSON & STEVENSON PROPRIETORS (Successors fo J. C. Koch) Ottlce.ktar or Traction Ttfot Home Phone .344 To Enjoy the Popular Dances, The feet must be free from pain. Many women and men realize the comfort to be enjoyed by using Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shak en into tlje shoes before the dance. Since dancing has become so popular, Allen's Foot-Ease Is in demand every where because It rests the feet and makes dancing a delight. For Free sample, Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. (3 12) adv "A Reno alumni propose to combine and give the town a line statute." "A replica of the Goddess of Libei ty, I suppose." Washington Star. f$1tfm&. - . fcjft., v, -r?. 4. i. -