OCR Interpretation

The News-Herald. [volume] (Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio) 1886-1973, April 02, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. 78. NO. 52
Thrown From Buggy When His
Horse is Frightened by
Electrical Shock.
Morris Morrow was thrown from his
buggy Tiiesday afternoon and rendered
unconscious. He sustalnad a severe
cut over the right eye near the temple
and his face Is badly bruised and
The accident occurred shortly after
4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
Morrow was returning home from his
farm near Wlllettsville. He has no
recollection of the accident. The last
thing he remembers is noticing some
men sawing logs near the road. This
was just as he was crossing over the
tracks of the Traction Line at the
crossing on the Wlllettsville pike.
The men who were working nearby
say that just after he drove across the
track, the horse suddenly plunged and
Mr. Morrow was thrown from the
buggy The horse then started to run
and broke loose from the buggy. Mr.
Morrow was in an unconscious condi
tion when the men reached him. They
at once telephoned for a physician,
who came and dressed Mr. Morrow's
injuries and brought him home.
It is believed that the horse received
an electrical shock when he crossed
the tracks of the Traction line and this
f lightened it and caused it to plunge
as there was nothing else to scare it
Mr. -Morrow was unconscious for
about an hour. Wednesday morning
he was able to be up and around the
house although suffering a good deal
from the cut on his head.
Poverty Social.
A poverty social will be held at El
ton's school house on Friday evening,
April 10, for the benefit of the M. E.
Church at Boston. Admission at the
door 10c. All who do not dress ac
cording to the occasion will also have
to forfeit an additional nickel. An
ad valorem duty of from one to five
cents will be levied on all articles worn
not strictly within the bounds of pov
erty. So men beware of stiff collars,
diamond shirt studs, neck ties, etc.
Ladies be shy of rings, combs and
A lunch will be served on the pre
sentation of a paid ticket. There will
also be a literary program.
A prize given to the man and woman
who can best adapt themselves to
thriftless circumstances.
Remember the date, April 10, and
place,- Eltonville. Everybody come
and look scrumptious. Something
else will be on the menu, so don't for
get your pocket book.
Probate Court Proceedings.
Sarah E. Puckett elected to take
under will of Sylverlus Puckett.
C. W. Hiestand, ex'r. of Delilah
Hiestand, filed distributive account.
Myrtle B. Good, admr. of Thomas
J. Good, filed Inventory.and appraise
ment. Will of Catherine Goux tiled.
Elizabeth. Y. Garrett, ex'rx. of O.
N. Garrett, filed inventory and ap
praisement. Will of Sarah Beavers filed.
Will of Samuel M. Wilson filed.
Mary E. Conard, ex'rx. of John Con
ard, filed Inventory and appraisement.
W. A. Wright, trustee of Ed. J.
West, filed first and final account.
H. M. Fullerton, admr. of James E.
Moore, filed application for sale of
personal property at private sale.
Sarah O. Harrison, ex'rx. of Samuel
R. Harrison, filed first and final ac
count. Will of Stephen Sauner filed.
Sarah E. Griffith, ex'rx. of James
W. Griffith, filed first and final ac
count. Wade Turner, admr.' of Lyman
Walker, filed presentation of insol
vency. B. W. Muntz, trustee of Robt. E.
Fulton, filed first and final account.
John E. Hopkins appointed admr.
of Mary A. Williams.
Bootleggers Fined.
Hiram Reeves and Bert Gantz were
arrested Saturday, charged with the
illegal sale of Intoxicating liquors.
Reeves pleaded guilty and was fined
$100 and costs. lie paid part of the
fine and secured the balance. Gantz
stood trial and was found guilty. He
also drewa fine of $100 and costs. Not
being able to settle he was taken to
the Cincinnati work house. Reeves
runs a blacksmith shop on W. Main
street and six quarts of whiskey were
found in the shop. Gantz is a colored
man and w.as helping Reeves dispose
of the stuff.
Ren Mulford, Jr , of Norwood, gave
his address "Running Life's "Bases"
at the Presbyterian church Sunday.
The church was crowded to hear him,
a large part of the audience being
men. Mrs. Mulford accompanied him
and they were entertained by Dr. and
Mrs. W. H. Shields.
For Millsboro at Aleeting of
State Armory Board on
Last Saturday
Building in From 60 to 90
Days Will Be Erected on
Clifton House Lot and
Will Cost $20,000.
It was unanimously resolved to con
struct a state armory at Hillsboro by
the State Armory Board at its meet
ing at Columbus on last Saturday.
The following letter received by Mr.
Geo. L. Garrett from Col. Bargar and
the resolutions passed by the State
Board give the good news :
"Dear Sir: 1 herewith transmit
copy of resolution passed by the Ar
mory Board Saturday, March 28, 1914.
"It will prebably be well to arrange
for removal ot building without much
Yours cordially
B L. Bargar,
Sec'y. Onlo State Armory Board."
"Hillsboro Armory : After discus
sion of the various claims for 1014 It
was unanimously
"Resolved : That a one company
armory be constructed at Hillsboro
from the 1914 armory fund and that
the Architect proceed to prepare the
plans and specifications received by
him this day from the Board."
The Architect when he was here a
few week ago stated that after the
armory was granted It would be from
two to three months before work on
the building could be started ; that It
would take this time to prepare the
plans and advertise for the letting of
the contracts.
The building will be erected on the
Old Clifton House lot and will cost
$20,000. The building belongs to the
village and is to be removed by the
village upon reasonable notice from
the state. Capt. Best, the state archi
tect, stated that much of the material
In the old building was suitable for
use in the new building and suggested
that it be used. A meeting of the
building committee of council and the
executive committee of the Business
Men's Association will be held at once
to arrange what is best to be done in
regard to the disposal of the old build
ing. A representative of the Associa
tion will undoubtedly be sent to con
suit with the state architect.
The erection of the State Armory
will be a big improvement for Hills
boro and the people are to be congatu
lated on securing it. Not only will it
be a home for the National Guards, G.
A. R. and W. R. O., but will be suita
ble for use for many public meetings
I. m m
Death of James C. West.
"Squire" James C. West died very
suddenly Sunday afternoon at his home
in Brushcreek township from an attack
of heart trouble. He was aged 72 years
and was one of the prominent charac
ters of the eastern part of the county.
The funeral services were held
Wednesday morning at the Saints
church near Sinking Spring
"Squire" West served many terms
as a justice of the peace of Brushcreek
township and having much more than
average ability, acquired an excellent
knowledge of the elementary prlncl
pies of the law and was probably as
well versed in the rules of practice
before a justice of the peace as any
lawyer in the county, trying a case
well in that court. He had never worn
a pair of shoes until last summer al
ways wearing cowhide boots and bav
ing his trousers stuffed in the tops of
his boots. He had always enjoyed the
best of health and It was only a few
weeks ago that he said that he had not
taken a dose of medicine since he was
a child.
At the outbreak of the Civil War he
enlisted in the Union Amry and served
throughout the war. He was a life
long Republican. He was a great
reader and was always well posted on
public affairs. In his death Brush
creek township loses a man of rugged
strength, strong character and jovial
disposition, a man who always took a
prominent and active part In the
afialrs of the community,
Gale Chaney, who left town in Jan
uary after stealing a robe from W. C.
Townall, returned Friday and was ar
rested on the charge. He pleaded
guilty and was fined $100 and costs
and sentenced to 30 days in the work
house. He was taken to that institu
tion Monday.
West Virginia
Will Hugglnsisln
on .a business trip.
in Explanation of Light Question.
Editor of News-Herald I have
given facts and figures concerning the
Light Company and I hope soon to be
able to give data secured by the Light
Committee of Council and what they
plan to do, though they may prefer to
give out such Information over their
own names or perhaps withhold It
altogether. I have been promised such
data but when I applied for it I was
told that Council was not ready to give
out anything to the public. The cltl
zens are interested and are entitled to
know what Council Is doing in the
What Is Council doing ? Are they
afraid to tell ? They cannot please all
the people and regardless of what Is
done they will be blamed by a number
of people for years to come anyway so
it would seem that they would make
public what they know and are doing
at every stageof the game. The pub
lic wants to know. The Public Utili
ties Commission will safeguard the
people's interests but it seems that
Council is afraid of It.' Why ?
I realize that there are two sides to
the lighting question and believe that
a sane and unprej udiced discussion will
be a good thing for all concerned and
not harmful. Whether a new company
gets the contract depends upon who is
the lowest bidder and it should be
purely a matter of business and de
cided without bias.
I have been accused of butting into
affairs that do not concern me ; per
haps that is true but there are very
few residents of Hillsboro who would
take the initiative in starting such a
discussion for fear that some thing
they might say would injure their
business interests and not having such
interests at stake I have made bold to
help the discussion along. I do not
believe I have harmed any one and if
the discussion results in a better under
standing of the question the end shall
justify the means. I am going to be
fair to all concerned and will not re
sort to personalities nor do I believe
that the local newspapers would toler
ate such a course. It certainly could
not help matters any.
W. E. Duokwali..
High School Field Meet.
The College Athletic Association is
planning an inter-scholastic High
School meet to take the place of the
regular field day, which has been an
annual event of the College for several
years. The idea Is to have a dozen or
so High Schools in the adjoining terri
tory compete for the medals and prizes
that will be offered in the usual field
events. The College will not compete
in the contests but will act as the host
to the visiting athletes and their
friends. The following High Schools
will be present on the day, which has
been set for Friday, May 1 : Wilming
ton, Hillsboro, New Vienna, Blanches
ter, Port William, Wayne Township,
Kingman, Washington C. II., and
others, possibly, with whom complete
arrangements have ,iot yet been made
It will be a jolly day for the boys and
girls and the College will leave noth
Ing undone to make tne event an
enjoyable one and the contests spirit
ed. Wilmington Journal-Republican
Buying Current or Light.
Editor of News-Herald Hillsboro
at present pays about 4 cents for each
kilowat of current consumed in the
arc lights. These arc lamps are of the
solid carbon enclosed arc type and for
some light produced use about twice
the current .that the flame arc lamp or
the new nitrogen tungsten incondes
cent lamp uses. If the city were able
to buy current at 31 cents per kilowatt
and used either of the last named
lamps the streets could be lighted as
well or better than at present at a cost
of about $3500 per year Instead of
$0916.50 as at present
The flame arc light gives a powerful
light but owing to the hills and trees
in nillsboro there would be many dark
snots while with well distributed
j inc0ndescent lights the town would
iavft a hntt.nr a.,,d more uniform illu.
W. E. Duckwall.
Brown & Ayres sold two of their
fine Percheon stallions during the
past week. Illmen to E. Q. Rernard,
of New Vienna, and Jo Eat to Cataw
ba Creamery Co., of Hickory N. C.
One way to relieve habitual consti
pation is to take regularly a mild laxa
tive. Doan's Regulets are recommend
ed for this purpose. 25c a box at ail
drug stores adv
Friends here of the bride elect have
received invitations to the wedding
,of Miss Elizabeth Weldon, of Circle
ville, andThomrs David Harman, Jr.,
of Pittsburg. The wedding will oc
cur at the Presbyterian Church, Cir
cle ville, on Tuesday evening, April
21, at 0:30. Miss Weldon has many
friends here, having taught music in
, the Hillsboro schools one year.
Mrs. C. B. Sawyer, of Boston, Mass.,
' returned home Monday, after a visit
, with Mr. and Mrs. D. B, Scott.
lO ILL ilLIlL,
Seven New Cases Filed
Common Pleas Court
the Past Week
By W. F. Allen of Ervin Shaffer-
Trustee Asks For Directions
Two Divorce Suits and
Partition Case.
Seven new cases were filed in the '
Common Pleas Court during the past '
week. .
Dlanna Webb asks for a divorce from
John Webb on the grounds of gross
neglect of duty. The parties were'
married on Dec. 27, 1911 and have no
children The plaintiff says that the
defendant has not furnished a home
for her or furnished her with the com
mon necessities of life but that she
has been compelled to earn her own
living by working out by daily labor.
She therefore asks for divorce. The
parties live In Greenfield.
The Farmers and Merchants Bank of
Leesburg asks for a judgment for $280
with interest from June 18, 1912 against
Charles A. Gee and W. N. Bailey on a
promissory note of which the Bank is
owner and of which McGee is an en
dorser and W. N. Bailey an endorser
and guanantor. The note was given
by W. S. Derrick, who is now dead.
Jennie Wilson asks for a divorce from
Elijah Wilson on the ground of gross
neglect of duty. The parties were
married January 17, 1911 in Fayette
county and have no children. The
plaintiff says that the defendant has
been dissipated and has failed to pro
vide her with the common necessities
of life, so that she has been compelled
to live by her own exertions and labors
and that in March 1912 he deserted her
and that since then she has not heard
from him. She therefore asks for a
divorce and that she be restored to her
maiden name of Jennie Martin.
John J. Good against George A. Good
et al is a suit for the partition of 0
acres of land in New Market and Lib
erty townships. Tbe plaintiff says
that he is the owner in fee simple of
the undivided one fourth part f the
said premises; George A. Good, Hattie
Hill and Mlna Moyer being tenants In
common with plaintiff each owning
an undivided one-fourth of the prem
ises and Myrtle B. Good, being entitled
to a dower interest in the premises as
the widow of Thomas Good, deceased.
He asks that the premises be sold and
the proceeds divided among the parties
according to their respective shares.
Charles Dixon, as trustee of Carl
Huff, and Joseph and Howard Her
man us Huff, minors under 14 years of
age, against Carl Huff etal is an action
in which the trustee asks that he be
allowed to change the nature of the
trust and asks the court whether he
has the right to use any of the princi
pal for the support of his wards. Tbe
plaintiff says that by the will of Joseph
Huff, deceased, he was appointed trus
tee in trust of Carl Huff, a son of Joseph
Huff, and Carl and Howard Hermanus
Huff, children of Carl Huff ; 110 acres
of land m Fairfield -township being
deeded to him in trust for the above
named wards by Joseph Huff; Carl
Huff to be allowed to have possession
of the premises as long as he tills the
land In a husbandlike manner and uses
the proceeds for the support and main
tenance of the children and keeps
the property in repair and pays the
the taxes ; if said Carl Huff does not
look after the premises properly the
trustee to take charge of It. The plain
tiff says that Carl Huff has failed to
cultivate the land and that the build
ings are decaying and badly in need of
repair ; that the income lias not been
sufficient to support the children. He
asks that he be allowed to sell the land
and reinvest the proceeds, which he
states would be for the benefit of his
wards. He also asks whether he has
the right to use any of the principal
for the support of the children.
William E. Dlehl and George H.
Dlehl ask for the revivor of a judg
ment against A. N. Kler for $122.GG
and $11.11 costs herein, also Interest
from Feb. 1905.
W. H. Allen asks for $5,000 damages
from Ervln Shaffer for alleged slander
of plaintiff by defendant. The plaintiff
says that on or about April 1, 1913, the
defendant in the presence of other
people maliciously spoke of the plain
tiff false and malicious words as fol
lows ; that plaintiff is not an honest
man ; that his father had a high tern
per, that plaintiff had a worse temper
than his father ; that plaintiff had a
bad reputation where he lived last
Appointed in County, Leesburg
RfnrH anrl Pact Mnnrno
Buford and East Monroe
Also Blanchester.
Three postmasters for towns in
Highland county were made recently
upon recommendation of Senator Pom
erene. Reuben Grandle lands the
plum at Leesburg. Mr. Grandle had
the recommendation of the Democrat
ic Central Committee of Highland
county. He will succeed Charles E.
Hixson. Charles F. Rosselot was ap
pointed postmaster at Buford, and
Kirk Thompson at East Monroe. Mr.
Rosselot and Mr. Thompson took the
Civil Service examination recently
and the Cincinnati Enquirer stated
that they passed first on the list. Mr.
Rosselottisa Democrat and succeeds
J. A. Mabln. Mr. Mabln did not take
the examination. It is said that Mr.
Thompson is a Republican.
M. A. Baldwin was also recommend
ed for postmaster at Blanchester. He
had the endorsement of the Clinton
County Democratic Committee
The appointment of Mr. Grandle
has caused considerable speculation as
to whether Senator Pomerene will
follow the recommendation of the
Democratic Central Committee In
making all postollice appointments in
this county. If he does Joseph Miller
will be appointed here and John L.
Strange at Greenfield. A big fight is
on over these two offices.
At last Manager Ayres Has secured
for his patrons the much talked of
narmount's Big Scenic Production or
that Old Southern Drama, "Uncle
Tom's Cabin." Thiscorapany" is con
sidered the largest and best company
of its kind on the road today, carrying
their own concert band ; pack of Si
berian blood hounds, among which
are the famous dogs, Prince and Keno.
All their own special scenery from the
rise of the curtain until the close of
the performance, presenting life like
scenes of Phineas Fletcher's tavern ;
the ice gorged Ohio river by moon-1
light ; Eliza's escape, pursued by tierce '
maneatin Siberian blood hounds. Mri
St Clair's southern home, showing!
the tropical gardens with the oranges
and magnolias in full bloom. The ar
rival of Miss Ophelia, from Vermont,
the woman who tries to enlighten the
child that never was born, Topsy.
The great levy scene, showing the
bails of cotton ; the New Orleans
I wharf ; the sale of St. Clair's negroes,
i among which is the faithful old slave,
Uncle Tom. Simon Legree's planta
tion on Red River ; the whipping and
death of OncleTom. The grand trans
formation scene ; little Eva in the
realms of heaven. Watch for the
band. adv
County Commissioner C. O. Kesler
and C. C. Winkle, of Taylorsville,
went to Gallon Monday to purchase
some road machinery.
Glenn Stevens has gone to Bridge
port, Conn., to join the Barnum &
Bailey Shows, ills broiher, Oren,
has an important position with this
Miss Ruth Faust, of Carthage, Mo.,
Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Muntz.
Miss Faust Is attending Western Col
lege at Oxford and is spending her
spring vacation here.
Mrs. Anna McMeekin, of Cincinna
ti, spent a few days Uie first ol the
' week with Capt. and Mrs. Ezra
D. J. Keys, professor of Animal Hus
bandry at the College of Agriculture
Ohio State Uuiversiiy, and David
Fyffe, manager of Hie farm of the
college were here Friday and Saturday
to look over the horses of Brown &
Ayres and the cattle of Dr. Brown.
Harmount's Uncle Tom's Cabin will
be at Bell's Opera House, Saturday,
April 4, producing the correct and
only authorized version of Harriett
Beecher Stowe's great mtisterpiece.
Watch for the baud. adv
Considerable excitement was caused
in Lynchbuig by the circulation of a
petition asking for a local option elec
tion. The "dry" people at once ot
busy to slop the movement and the
latest information Is that the petition
has been killed and the luv.n will re
main dry without an election.
summer and that his reputation Is bad
where'ho now lives; that he wasdls
honest with defendant us to a book
account; that he was dishonest In his
dealings with Manford Workman ;
that he had nothing to do with his
brothers and sisters and that at one
time he whipped his father By rea
son of these false and malicious words
plaintiff says he has been damaged In
the sum ot $5,000. The parties live
in Salem township.
Alonzo Easter Arrested on
Charge of Alanslaugh-
ter of Step.son
He Was Bound Over to Grand
Jury at Preliminary Hearing
and Gives Bond-Basis of
Charge Unknown.
Alonzo Easter, of near Marshall, was
arrested Friday on the charge of man
slaughter. The charge arises out of
the shooting of his step son, Everett,
an account of which appeared in last
week's News-Hekalu The affidavit
against Easter was made by Easter's
wife Mrs. Myrtle Easter.
The preliminary hearing was held
before John McElwee, justice of the
peace of Brushcreek township, on
Monday. Easter waived examination
and was bound over to the grand jury
for manslaughter nis bond was fixed
at $500, which was given, F. II. G.
Bell going on his bond.
It is impossible to secure any defi
nite Information as to the grounds
upon whicn Mrs. Easter babes her
cnarge against her husband. At the
preliminary healng no testimony was
On Thursday Mrs. Easter went to
visit some of her relatives and took
with her their two children. On
Thursday night she swore out the
charge against her husband. She Is
now living with her relatives.
The whole affair is a most deplora
ble one from every standpoint. The
child, Everett, who was killed was be
tween 9 and 10 years ef age and was
an illegitimate son of Mrs. Easter.
The Easters are very poor people, liv
ing on the farm of F. H. G. Bell. Mr.
easier says mat lie tooK the boy for a
burglar and sbot before he realized
who ne w a'. 7 ,n x i,er l v the til
ing of the affidavit must believe that
the shooting was malicious arid mien-
Fine Concert.
The Hohumir Kryl Company which
will give a concert at Bell's Opera
House, Friday night, is a musical or
ganization of unusually high class.
The company is composed of ..Mr.
Kryl and his two daughters. Mr.
Kryl is one of the world's greatest
cornetists and his two daughters are
very talented musicians. This is an
exceptional opportunity to hear fine
music and all of the music lovers of
Hillsboro should be present. It is
the last number of the Lyceum
Course. .
Runaway Accident.
Mrs. Frank Foust and sons, Worth
and Floyd, of Pricetown, were thrown
from their buggy Thursday afternoon,
Mrs. Foust sustaining a broken collar
bone and the boys having their hands
badly cut. They were returning home
from Albert Duvall's, near Pricetown.
and were Jiding in a storm buggy.
The horse frightened and ran down a
stejp bank near Mr. Duvall's place,
upsetting the buggy and throwing the
occupants out of it. The buggy was
u-Muy ua,iuugL'ij oniy uie running gears
of it being left. Mrs. Foust had a
collar bone broken and the boys hands
were badly cut on the glass of the
storm front.
Death of William Kent.
William Kent, aged 75 years, died
at his home on E. Walnut street, Fri
day evening. He had been ill for
about three months with kidney
trouble. The funeral services were
held Sunday afternoon at the Christ
ian Church, conducted by Rev. B. F.
Smith. Interment was made In the
Hillsboro cemetery. Mr. Kent is sur
vived by his widow and eight child
ren, four sons, nenry and. Van, of
this place, Benjamin, of Leesburg,
and Alvin, of Chicago, ahd four
daughters, Mitses Ruth and Lena,
Mrs. Sanders Fanning and Mrs. S. M.
Hobbs, all of nillsboro.
Mr. Kent was a retired farmer and
had lived in illllstoro for 23 years.
Before coming o Hillsboro he had
lived on a farm about three miles
south of Hillsboro on the West Union
Wilmington College Is in need of
financial aid. An effort Is being made
to secure an endowment which will
bring to the college $5,000, annually.
This sum it Is stated Is needed that
the college may not only maintain Its
present standard, but can begin an era
of new growth.
. .j&wsg.. . i w. 5 .

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