THE NEWS-HERALD, HILLSBORO, OHIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1914 i teMllONAL SlEMSOIOOL Lesson (By E. O. SELt.Rns, Director of Evening I'cpnrtment, The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR JUNE 28 REVIEW. READING LESSON ONLY-Heb. 4:14 6:10. GOLDEN TEXT "The Son of man la come to (seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10. The golden text Is a great summary of the meaning and the essential pur pose of all of our Lord's activities. Each lesson is an illustration of this simple promise. In them we discover chlelly our Lord in his work of pre paring his disciples to share with him in this work. Lesson t. The observation of man's attempt to get the best seats with the consequent abasement, calls forth the parable of the great supper. Therein we are shown man's enmity against Ood as revealed by his contemptuous treatment of God's overtures of grace. The rebuke and the parable reveal God's willingness and man's re fusal. In all this our Lord was seek ing these men. The Perfect Son. Lesson II. This is the Easter les son and is aside from our series. In it we are shown that Jesus Christ is himself the chief subject of ljji'3phecy. Lesson III. The one central truth here taught is that to be his dis ciple we must give up all and make him supreme. In our affections, alms, ' Ideals, yea, make him the sole pos sessor of time, talent and posses sions. Lessons IV and V. It Is impos sible to separate these three para bles. They are a whole in that each tells of something lost, sought and found. The Son, tho Holy Spirit and the Father aro each seeking. Our Lord was himself the perfect Son of tho Father; who never got into the far country, or out of adjustment with his Father. He is different also from the churlish brother In that he re joices to "bring back his own." These two lessons particularly illustrate his work of saving. i Lesson VI. Beginning with this les son, our Lord seems to be sifting the multitude, and at the same time bo preparing his disciples against their work of co-operating with him in his work of seeking and saving. The true motive In service is in the use of all we possess for him whom we love. I Lesson VII. As the last lesson had to do with stewardship, this has to do with 'service. This present life is but the vestibule of the eternal one. If we so 'live this life as to develop it and to rule its desires, we shall find abundant gratification in this world beyond towards which we are traveling so rapidly. j Lesson VIII. Jesus is still instruct ing his disciples. Offenses must, or rather, will como, but forgiveness is the divine attribute, not because he is indebted to us nor that he is mawk ishly, sentimentally, sympathetic. Nothing we do ever places him under any obligations to us. When we have done all we will exclaim: "We have done that which was our duty to do." This does not set aside the joy which is ours and his when one of the lost is "found." I Lesson IX. Not only did Jesus sift the multitude and reveal the need of helpers, at the same time setting be-' fore them the terms of disclpleship, but he also emphasizes the thought of gratitude on the part of those helped and of those his servants who are judged worthy to help him. j Lesson X. The kingdom which our Lord cameto set up upon earth is to begin within us and it is not to con sist of eating and drinking but of righteousness and truth. The visible kingdom which our Lord came to set up upon earth is to begin within us, and it is not to consist of. eating and drinking, but of righteousness and truth. Lesson XI. The picture of Zacchae us is that of a man restored to his right relationship with God; the out ward evidence being his acts of re pentance and restoration. This lesson perfectly reveals the essential work of Christ, and that to which he is calling his disciples. Zaccbaeus did not seek Christ, but Christ came to seek and save Zacchaeus and all like him who are lost. Lesson XII. The great refusal re 'veals that the condition of being saved or being lost rests with the in dividual soul. Many elements enter into the refusal of men but the es sential one is "and ye would not," John C:40. Much possessions will not satisfy the human soul. There is the danger that we trust our wealth rather than God. Lacking one thing, everything is lost. Summary. The whole of this pe riod of our Lord's ministry was that of conflict and hostility with the rulers, wonder and amazement with the people, doubt and uncertainty with the disciples. As he went from place to place he showed infinite patience. His compassion was for men in their sin and his heart beat with tenderness. Though his words at times were se vere, yet his Impulse and passion was to seek and to Bave. His faithfulness In dealing with men, guests and hosts, rich and poor, publicans and sinners, Pharisees and outcasts is also clear ly set beforo us. NATIONS OF FAR EAST TO EXHIBIT IN 1915. Copyright. 1914. by Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. H. S. Crocker Co., official photographeis K WONDERFUL TOWER OF JEWELS AND SOUTH GARDENS. T tho loft is shown the Tower of Jewels, 430 feet high, and the south facade of the main palares. fronting on half a mile of subtropical gardens of the Pnimma-l'uclfic International Exposition, to open in Snn Francisco in 1015. At the right Is the Festival Hull. The commission sent by the United States gut eminent to this n.ttinni of tho far cast to request their participa tion In the I'linituui-I'iiciitc Intoinntlon ul Exposition nt Snu Francisco ni'Xt year returned to New York Mny la. bringing news thut elclit of those gov ernments will be represented. The coiumlssioiieis, Including ex Governor Alva Adams of Colorado. Thomas G. Stallsinlth. chief of the ag ricultural department of the Exposition, and Welton HtulWiulth. secretary, giive out the following list of countries, with the appropriations mtulc by each: China .... Jl.OOO.OOO Philippine Islands WH000 Japan tOO.OOO Australia 400.000 Slam &U.000 Dutch East Indies 2M.000 New Zealand 2UO.0U Cochin China 100.000 This brings the total number of for eign countries which have decided to participate officially up to thlrty-slx. Austrln being the latest to swing Into line, with an appropriation of $400,000. half of which is contributed by com mercial organizations. Copyright, 1914, by Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. H. S. Crocker Co., official photographers. CHINA TO SPEND $800,000 IN MARVELOUS DISPLAY AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION. TING CHI CHTJ, commissioner of China to the Panama-Pacific Exposition, states that China's representation at the Exposition will ehtail an outlay of $800,000, of which at least $300,000 will be expended on the Chinese pavilion, shown above. Chu is a graduate of Harvard. Mrs. Chu, as Miss Pinga Hu, graduated from Wellesley college in 1013. Copyright, 1914, by Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. H. S. Crocker Co., official photographers. COLOSSAL STATUARY FOR PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION. I NTEIMOIt of one of three studios at the Panama-Pacific Interna tional Exposition to open in San Francisco next year, showing the partially completed figures, some of them thirty feet in height, which will adorn the Mint courts. Copyright, 1914, by Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. II. S. Crocker Co., official photographers. THE LARGEST GLASS BUBBLE IN THE WORLD. STEEL framework of the great dome of the Palace of Horticulture at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. The dome is the largest ever constructed, being l.TJ feet in diameter and 180 feet high and surmounted by a basket thirty feet in diameter, which will be filled with growing flowers. The dome, lighted from within by whirling colored lights, will resemble a huge fire opal. i la.- tv I. U 1 UlltlXl Crocker I'acillL liiiuluauuiiu. L,xpositiun Lu. 11. & Co., official photographers. INTERIOR OF A SCULPTOR'S STUDIO AT THE EXPOSITION. T nE picture shows one panel of an enormous frieze, "The Chariot of Pheaton," by Bruno Zlmrn, for .the outside of the base of the dome of the Palace of Fine Arts at the Panama-Pacific Interna tional Exposition in 1915. PRICETOWN. June 22, 1914 P. F. Certler and family entertained friends Sunday. Mrs Nora Williams, of Illinois, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Lsndess It had been 12 years since they had seen one another. Mae Shaffer spent Sunday with Gladjs Cochran Krell Bennington spent Saturday evening with his uncle, John Benning ton. Mrs. Perry Emery spent Saturday afternoon with her parents, Perry Moberly and wife. Rev. totist and wife were enter tained by Chas. Roberts and wife at Sugartree Ridge, Sunday. Wm. Dale and family, of Washing ton, U H , were guests Sunday of Ed. Barker and wife. Miss Nellie Stultz Is visiting rela. tives at Hillsboro. Mrs. Rufus Barker and baby, of Mlddletown, are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Belle Woods, of Sprlngfle d, spent the latter part of the we k with Mrs. Bose Ann Pence. Mrs. Ella Woods, of Danville, was her gutst Thursday. Mrs. Nora Williams, of Springfield, 111., Ed. Landess and wife, of Blan Chester, J. C. Landess and wife a d Bert Landess and family were guests of Ed. Lyons and family at BufoM, Sunday. John Fenwlck, wife and son, Leo, of h.owrystown, were guests Sunday of M. M. Workman and family. Vera Pratt is visiting her uncle, Alva Robinson, at East Danville. Grandma Miller Is very sick. Chas. Newton and family wne guehts Sunday of P. II. Shaffer and family. D. A. Pulliam and wife had as tin lr guests Sundaj: Rev. Weil, E N. Pui 11am and wife, O. B. Pulliam and daughter, Helen, and Herchel Wliu ley. Howard Cochran and family at d Theodore Shaffer and wife spent Sun day with Aunt Nancy Cochran. C. U. Sanders and wife, Matt. Pul liam and wife, Ed. Smith and fami y and Oreland Cochran and family vi-,-Ited Woody Pulliam and family, recently. Get Rid of Your Rheumatism. Now Is the time to get rid of j ur rheumatism. You can do it if yju apply Chamberlain's Liniment. W A. Lackhard, Homer City, N. Y., writes: "Last spring I suffered I rom rheumatism with terrible pains in my arms and shoulders I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and the thbti application relieved me. By using uno bottle of it 1 was entirely cured." l-,r sale by All Dealers ad LEESBURG. June 22, 1914. Mrs. E. P. Monroe, of Gallon, is the guest of her parents, F. T. Pavey and wife. John Arrasmith and wife visited relatives In Sabina last Sunday. G. E. Kerr motored up from Cincin nati and spent Saturday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Martha K. Van Pelt and family. Dr. J. A. B. Srofe and family were guests over Sunday with relatives in Lynchburg. - , O. B. Cox and wife visited relatives in nillsboro Thursday night. I Miss Helen Fulger will leave this week for Mansfield, where she will be the guest of relatives for a few weeks. Union services were held Sunday evening in the Friends' church. A large audience was present to hear Rev. A, P. Smith deliver an earnest and forceful sermon. On next Sunday evening the services will be held In the M. E. church and the sermon will be preached by Rev. McMUlen. David Heller aud wife, of Chilli cothe, were guests of C. P. Keeno and family last Sunday. Misses Arethusa and Josephine Hug- gins left Saturday for Oxford, where they will attend a six weeks Normal school. The members of the M. E. Sunday school and their friends enjoyed an all day picnic at the Monroe picnic grounds last Friday. At the noon hour a bounteous repast was served and the day was pleasantly spent in games. The school greatly appreci ated the kindness of the citizens who donated the use of their teams and and wagons to convey them to and from the grounds. By selling Ice cream, lemonade, candy, etc the treas ury was substantially replenished. Members of Circle No. 1, of the Ladies Aid Society extend to the citi zens of our town and vicinity their sincere thanks for the liberal patron age accorded them at their market last Saturday. Miss May Johnson Is suffering with a badly sprained ankle sustained last Friday when attempting to alight from a wagon. Medical aid was im mediately summoned and she is now resting as comfortably as could be ex pected. Harold Haas, of Ann Arbor College, is at home for tho summer vacation. Mrs. Truman Murphy and llttlo brother, Delbert Morris, will leave this week for a visit with relatives In Wheeling, W. Va. Earl Henderson, of Washington, C. H., was the guest of his parents, Geo Henderson and wife, Saturday and Sunday. j i m The name Doan's Inspires confi dence Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney Ills. Doan's Ointment for skin Itch ing. Doan's Regulets for a mild laxa tive. Sold at all drug stores. adv A French scientist Is experimenting n n.avdnf frtnr Hi? flnfitlncr small nnan- titles of oil on the surface of rivers to check evaporation, to which he con tends fogs are due. For An Impaired Appetite. To Improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets. Mr, J. H. Seltz, of Detroit, Mich., says : "They restored my appetite, when im paired, relieved me of a bloated feel ing and caused a pleasant and satis factory movement of the bowels." For sale by All Dealers. adv CAREYTOWN. June 22, 1914 Miss Alice Connell spent a few d.tjs with Leslie Connell and wile. Isla Edwards is spending a few dajs with Mrs. Terrell, of near Iliglilanu. Virgie Carev, or Cincinnati, isspeud ing a few dajs with her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Edwards. Ed. Wright spent Sunday with Hugh Purdy and larully H. C. Sander motored to GreenhVld Sunday. Kirby Chane. and family spent Sun day with Jake Chane and fumlu. Thomas Priest and wife spent Sun day with Carrie Priest and wife, of near Highland. Miss Grrce Ulevenger spent Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. McPher son, of Highland. R. H. Ockerman, Philp Oats, Frank Wallace and their families motortd to Serpent Mound Sunday. The charger used by Napoleon, wl.l ,h was stuffed and placed in a Pari mu seum, has just had a fourth tall fitted. All the preceding ones were taken by visitors as curios. Eagle eye salVE GOOD TOR THE IYLS-AND EYES ONUf EACJIiE EYES? Do yon Uilnk Hint watery, innftery eyea are natural? Do yon bvllete that tyro, granulated Hits, poor I Kit, KTOWIIm, are naliirnlT Ue KAH.i: KYK SAIVX and yon bave Iglo Kycs okoiii. "Yes, I lunched with the Conserva tive candidate, had dinner with the IatlXA tuucc auu iuuui vviwii alist." "And then how did you vote?" "My dear sir, how can you ask. Of course, the most simple regard for dell cacy kept me from the polls altogeth er." L'lllustratlqn Bllllous ? Feel heavy after dinner ? Bitter taste? Complexion sallow? Liver perhaps needs waking up. Doan's Regulets for bllllous attacks. 25c at all stores. adv "Do you know his wife well ?" "Not at all." "Would you like to be introduced to her?" "I don't think it would be safe. I'm the friend he always blames for keeping him out late." Detroit Free Press. WRitteiRore's ffjShoe Polishes FINEST QUALITY LARGEST VARIETY 8BSa EDGE I DRESSING eESjflsiy1 Wt&CBJinOESl PRESjRVES I LEATHER , -RtSTORtS.-' COLOR lustre P "CUT EDGE." tho only Udlea' alioc lireeslrp tht poaiiivcly contains OIL Slack, l'ollebes ana I're. nerves ladies' and children's shoes, shines without rubbing, 5C TRENCU CL0SS." 10c. "STAR" combination for deanlnn and poUihlng all klndaotruaeetortan shoes, loc "BJINDV sUe, Vc, "QUICK WHITE" (In liquid form with eponccjqolck ly deans and uhllcns dirty canvas ahoeo. luc&SSc, "ALSO" cleans and whitens BUCK, MJBUCK. StEDE, and CANVAS SII0ES. In round white cake rocked In line boxes, with sponge, inc. In hand some, larse aluminum boxes, with sponge, Sic If your dealer doet not keen the kind yoa vrnt. tend as tbe price tn ituapi for full also paclcase. cbmxwa luild, WHlTTEMORE BROS. & CO., 20-28 Albany Street, Cambridge, Mass. Tht Oldest and Larseit Manufacturer! of Shoe folithtt in Ike World,