OCR Interpretation

The News-Herald. [volume] (Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio) 1886-1973, July 02, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038161/1914-07-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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Real Estate List.
114 acre farm, rolling land, located
3 miles from Ripley, on Ripley and
HUlsboro pike, nice one and hall-story
house 7 rooms, two Rood barns, all
out-buildlngs Rood, also nice tenant
house. One of the nicest farms in the
county. Price $100 per acre.
204 acre farm, level and rolling
land, on pike 3 miles from Russell vllle,
number one grain and stock farm,
nice two story house, barn 48x100, all
out buildings good. Price 50 per
110 acres level land, a good story and
half house, all out buildings good,
barn 40.48, farm well watered, located
5 miles from Russellvllle. Price $3500.
50 acre farm rolling land, number
one tobacco land, nice frame house,
cellar, cistern, well, other out build
ings good, barn 30x02, 4 miles from
Georgetown. Price $5000.
100 acre farm level and rolling land,
number one tobacco farm, located 5
miles from Ripley, on Red Oak. Price
152 acre farm, level and rolling land,
nice two-story house, well, cistern, cel
lar, barn 46x60, other outbuildings
good, fruit of all kinds, on pike, good
location. Price $6000.
252 acres number one tobacco land,
nice two-story frame house, other out
buildings good, also a nice tenant
house, two good bams, located 3 miles
from Felicity. Price $7000.
841 acres one-story and half frame
house, two nice barns, other out build
ings all good, also a nice tenant house,
located on pike, 3 miles from George
town. A very desirable home. Price
Call on or address
W. E.
Office in Bank Building.
Phone 19 W.
June 29, 1014.
Miss Ruth Pulllam, of Cincinnati,
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with her cousin, Miss Mary Gossett.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Farls and Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Farls, of HUlsboro,
spent Sunday evening with Frank
Foust and wife
Mrs. Newt. Bennington and child
ren, of near Hnllowtown, spent Satur
day afternoon with Mrs. John Ben
nington. . Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ridings, of Mt.
Orab, were Saturday guests of Perry
Emery and family.
Opal Landess visited her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Young
Mesdames Orland Gossett and
Mlnott Pulllam, of East Danville,
spent one day last week with Frank
Foust and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Winkle, of HUlsboro,
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with their daughter, Mrs. Henry
Stroup, and family,
Mrs. Leslie Pence and children, of
Lynchburg, and Mrs. Rose Ann Pence
spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. McConnaha.
Mrs Anna Shaw and children, of
Bond Hill, are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stultz. John
Newton and family, of HUlsboro
Free the Slaves
An up-to-date Pilot Acetylene lighting
p'int can be completely installed in the
average country home ready to light
up in two days time, without injury to
ceilings, floors or walls.
Once installed it means no more lamp
cleaning, filling, chimney wiping, wick
triming, breakages, soot or smell of ker
osene. Instead, brilliant Acetylene Light from
permanent handsome polished brass
brackets on the walls, and neat chande
liers from the ceilings city-like, elegant,
up-to-date and out of the way.
Can't tip over (like kerosene lamps) whera
there are children and need no mantles,
wicks or chimneys.
Acetylene Is, too, an Ideal cooking fuel
Thousands of country families will eat food
cooked on Acetylene ranees today. These
ranees are duplicates In shape of city gas
ranees and they have done away entirely with
the drudgery of handling fuel and ashes In alt
these homes. t
114 acres level and rolling land, nice
one story house, barn 30x48, outbuild
ings all good, close to school and
church, located 4 miles from Russell
vllle. Price $4000.
67 acre farm, rolling and level land,
nice one-story house, barn 36x36,
plenty fruit of all kinds, close to
school, 1J miles from Russellvllle.
Price $2700.
80 acre farm, level and rolling land,
nice two-story house, out buildings of
all kinds, two nice barns, farm well
watered, a very desirable home, loca
ted on Russellvllle and Winchester
pike $5100
53 acre farm, level and rolling land,
small house but good, good barn, lo
cated on pike 4 miles from Russell
vllle. Price 81600.
140 acre farm, level and rolling land
good two-story house, good barn, plen
ty fruit of all kinds, farm well water
ed, located 1$ miles from Russellvllle.
Price '$40 per acre.
200 acre farm, rolling and hill land,
number one tobacco farm, nice two
story house, 4 good tobacco barns, 1
good stock barn, farm well fenced and
well watered, located five miles from
Ripley on pike. Price $7600.
100 acres of level and rolling land,
nice house, two good barns, out build
ings of all kinds, plenty of fruit, farm
well watered, located i mile from
Hamersvllle. Price $6500.
07 acre farm, level and rolling land,
nice two story house, out buildings of
all kinds, good barns, plenty of fruit
all kinds, close to school and church,
on pike 2 miles from Georgetown.
Price $80 per acre.
Also a nice line of town property
for sale.
Sstato ew.,
Russellvllle, Ohio.
were their guests Sunday.
The threshing machine will be
heard humming this week.
Ulrlc Stultz and family, of HUls
boro, visited her parents, Ed. Smith
and famllj from Saturday until Mon
day. T.ie Boxwell Commencement will
be held at this place Friday evening,
July 3.
Rev. Mc Henry, of Lynchburg, will
fill Rev. Well's place here next Sun
day, July 5.
Glenn 'Workman and sister. Miss
Edith, and Warren Workman and
family, of East Danville, were Sun
day guests of M. M. Workman and
Mrs. Thomp. Duncason and sons, of
Lynchburg, were guests Monday of
D. A. Pulllam and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Certier spent
Sunday with James Phlbbs and fam
ily at Dodsonville.
Theodore McLaughlin and family
and Curtis Lelninger and family, of
Danville, spent Sunday with' Robert
McLaughlin and family.
"What became of the sword-swallow -
er who was with your sideshow last
season ?" asked the caller.
"Oh, he's planted," replied the cir
cus man. "He got a fish bone in his
throat and he died. "Cincinnati En-
1 qulrer. ,
of the Lamp
Once a month the hired man drains and re
fills the Pilot Generator the Automatic ma
chine which makes the cas. Takes him about
30 minutes to do this. He refills one compart
ment with the gas producine atone. Union
Carbide, and another compartment with plain
Shall I elve you more precise figures about
this "Rural Oaslleht'" called Acetylene, and
the simple Pilot Automatic Light Plant which
makes It.
Then write me today hovy many rooms
you've got in your house, so I can answer In
telligently and to the point.
Address me as follows-"
Walton, Ky.
Salesman for
Just as Scores of llillsboro Peo
ple Have.
Waiting doesn't pay.
If you neglect kidney backache,
Urinary troubles often follow.
Act In time by curing the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills are especially
for weakened kidneys.
Many people in this locality recom
mend them.
Here's one case :
Mrs. Ida Mahan, Knauer St., Ba-
tavla, Ohio, says: "Four years agb one
of my family was in bad shape with an
attack of kidney touble. Ills back
caused him so much pain that he could
hardly do his work. lie complained
almost constantly. He was unable to
lift without getting sharp pains across
his loins. Ills kidneys caused him
much annoyance, disturblnghlsrestat
night and he got up in the morning
feeling all worn out. Many a day he
felt more like lying down than work
ing. Nothing seemed to give him re
lief and he gradually grew worse.
Doan's Kidney Pills were highly rec
ommended by a friend and he used
them. The first box relieved him of
the misery in the back and after he
had taken four boxes, his kidneys were
normal. He hasn't had any pain in ,
lus back since and his kidneys are all
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the U"nited
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other. adv
June 29, 1914.
Adelia Morrow, father and grand
son, of Petersburg, spent Tuesday
with Lhas. Dlven and famtly.
Harriett Dower is spending a few
days with her grand parents, James
Kester and wife.
Lydla C. Good returned home from
Blanchester Saturday after spending
a few weeks with her nephew, Dr.
Robt. Conard.
Mrs. Mary Edwards and daughter,
Mrs. Lizzie Caron and two children,
of New Vienna, spent Wednesday af
ternoon with Mrs. Thomas Hiatt.
Ellis Cook and Glen Chaney were
business visitors in Berryvllle Thurs
day and Friday.
Miss Helen Woodruff spent Satur
day afternoon with Anne Thornburg.
Frank Hadley and daughter, Mi
riam, of New Vienna, spent Friday
with Fred Woodmansee and wife.
Harry Eakins and Bennle Chaney,
of Berryvllle, were business visitors
here Friday.
Ethel Carey and Lenna Thornburg
spent Friday afternoon in Leesburg.
Eugene Lewis, of New Vienna,
spent Sunday with his parents, Chris
topher Lewis and wife.
Brent Woodmansee and wife, Frank
Woodmansee and wife and Harry Cur
tis autoed to Columbus Sunday.
George Donohoo spent Saturday
night and Sunday with his brother,
Ova Creed and wife.
Mrs. Walter Engle and son, Arthur,
of New Vienna, spent Sunday with
Samuel Engle and wife.
Isaac Dunlap and family spent Sun
day with Mrs. Dunlap's parents, C. N.
Carey and wife.
Vernon Pierson and wife spent Sun
day with Kirby Chaney and family.
There is Healing in Foley Kidney
You need a mighty good medicine
if once your kidneys are exhausted by
neglect and overwork, and you have
got it In Foley Kidney Pills. Their
action is prompt, healing and tonic.
Sound health and sound kidneys fol
low their use. Try them. adv
Garrett & Ayres.
June 29, 1914.
Mrs. S. W. Spargur and son, Gor
don, of Houstan, Tex., are the guests
of her mother, Mrs. Luclnda West.
Miss Helen Kelly, of HUlsboro, Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harry
Dr. Nathan West and wife, of
Cleveland, are visiting his mother,
Mrs. Luclnda West.
Mrs. John Breece, of Portsmouth, Is
the guest of her parents, William
Miller and wife.
Miss Violet Sexton, of HUlsboro,
was here Sunday visiting her parents,
A.. E. Sexton and wife.
Dr. and Mrs. West, Mrs. Spargur
and Mrs. Ellis West were in HUlsboro
A number of people from a distance
attended the children's service here
Sunday night at Prospect.
Miss Ella VanZaht has returned
home after visiting her sister, Mrs.
Holt, In HUlsboro.
Impure blood runsyou down makes
you an easy victim for disease. For
pure blood and sound digestion Bur
dock Blood Bitters. At all drug stores.
Prlcej $1.00. adv
We know If the house of our earthly j
tabornacle were dissolved we have a
building of God, a house not made
with hands eternal, In the heavens.
The Christian looks beyond the perish
ing, fleeting things of earth, knowing
that If In this life only we have hope,
we are of all men most miserable. To
the soul that places its trust in God,
there comes a clear vision and a blessed
hope of the beautiful life beyond, and
when we face the last solemn hour it
means only a brief transition from
earthly sorrow to heavenly Joy.
Nancy A , daughter of William and
Mary Wood, was born near Danville,
May 4, 184G and departed this life at
her home in Buford, June 10, 1914,
aged 03 years, 1 month and 12 days.
She belonged to a famtly of ten j
cnnaren, an of wiiom nave nave passed
away except one sister, Mrs. Matilda
Terrlll, of Jacksonville, 111., and two
brothers, Frank Wood, of near Seattle,
Wash., and Richard Wood, of Lexing
ton, Ohio.
On Dec. 20, 1805 she was united In
marriage to Reuben White. To this
union three children were born, two of
whom died in Infancy, only Charles
White, of Mlddletown, surviving.
In 1870 she was again married to
Sanford Bradley, of Bufofd.
She gave her heart to God and unit
ed with the Methodist Church at Dan
ville early in life and remained con
stant in the faith until the end. Mrs.
Bradley was a good woman, always a
friend in time of need and doing a
kindly deed for the friendless was her
greatest joy. She had been a great
sufferer for the past six months but
bore It all with patience.
She felt assurred that It was her last
illness and during the long months of
intense suffering she calmly viewed the
end of life and was happy when the
summons came and she quietly passed
to iter rest.
Severe Attack of Colic Cured.
E. E. Cross, who travels In Virginia
and other Southern States, was taken
suddenly and severely ill with colic.
At the first store he came to the mer
chant recommended Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
Two doses of It cured him. No one
should leave home on a journey with
out a bottle of this preparation. For
sale by All Dealers. adv
June 29. 1914.
The Patterson Commencement held
at the Methodist church here last Fri
day night was well attended The
address was made by Supt. C. C. Pat
terson and music was furnished by
Underwood's Orchestra.
Mrs. R. R. Vaughan and baby spent
Saturday and Sunday with her parents,
near Point Victory.
John Beckwith and wife are visiting
the latter's parents here.
C. M. Igo and family spent Saturday
and Sunday with relatives at Seaman.
Will Corns, of Cincinnati, took din
ner with D. C. Askren and family,
Lewis Igo and wife and two children
spent Sunday afternoon with Ellis
Igo and family.
The Ladles Aid of the M. E. church
here will give a lawn fete on the even.
lng of the 4th of July. Refreshments
Rev. Timmons gave an excellent
address yesterday along educational
A. W. Cotterlll and family, of Day
ton, are visiting Mrs. Cotterlll's par
ents, II. II. Redkey and wife.
George Druhot and family were vis
iting G. N. Alexander, Sunday.
S. U. Gayman had a valuable cow
killed by lightning Thursday evening.
Joseph, the six year old son of James
Moler and wife, while playing in the
barn, was bitten by a horse last week.
He is Improving nicely.
Best Diarrhoea Remedy.
If you have overused Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
you know that it is a success. Sam F.
Guln, Whatley, Ala., writes, "I had
measles and got caught out in the rain,
and it settled In my stomach and bow
els. I had an awful time, and had it
not been for Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could
not possibly have lived but a few hours
longer, but thanks to this remedy, I
am now well and strong." For sale
by All Dealers adv
m mi
Insects and tree diseases annually
cause $40,000,000 damage In the United
TUFR EYES an Htlng lenaea. If
weak, dim, strained or cougeMed,
tliey can be crently jet aurely
cleared, brightened, corrected nnd
re-Invigorated by tho cleansing.
Dealing;. Ktreiisrtlii'iilnjr properties
of kaoLk KYU &A1AE. One 25c
tube rtovjES it.
, How's This?
Wo offer Cno Iliac'ed Dollars Vtt
ward for any case of Catarrli tut
cnot 'bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
T. X CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Wc, Ilia untlcrclrFietl, have known V. J.
Cheney for tho 1 -. 15 years, nnd bellevo
him perfectly honorable In nil business
transactions nnd financially able to carry
out any obligations mado by 1.1s firm.
nas.:o:;ai. bank o? commeuce,
x Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo is tnlten internally,
acting e" roctly upon tho blond end mu
cous surfaces of iho system. Test'r-.onlali
Bent Tic. r-!r , 73 cent3 p r b'ottla. Sold
by ell TrUT-lsts.
Take Hall's Family Villa for -onstlp.itlon.
June 29, 1914.
Joe Holhler and wife and Mr. and
Mrs Layman, of Dayton, were guests
of F- T Pavey and family, Saturday
and Sunday 2
Wm. George and John Grim, of
Blanchester, visited relatives here
MrsvJ. B Mltchel, of Peebles, Is
the guest of her son, I. V. Mitchell
and family.
The Standard Bearers held a lawn
fete on the Farmers & Merchants
Bank lot Saturday evening. A neat
sum was realized and the young ladles
feel very grateful for the liberal pat
ronage accorded them.
Francis and Carlton Mitchell re
turned home Friday from a visit with
relatives in Peebles
Moxie George, of Sulphur Lick
Springs, was a guest of relatives here
Supt. C. H. Lewis and family have
as their guest his father, of Martin's
Mrs. Sara Dooley will leave the lat
ter part of this week for an extended
visit with her sister near London.
Mrs. Arthur Naylor and son, liar
old, vlsted her sister, near Greenfield,
the first half of the week.
The Bethany Bible class will meet
Thursday evening with Miss Sara
W. A. Patton and family motored
to Springfield Sunday, where they
were guests of relatives.
Mrs. David Sanders spent a part of
the past week in Washington, C. H,,
the guest of her daughter, Mrs G. L.
R P. Barrett and son, nubert, of
Wilmington, were business visitors
here on Tuesday of last week.
Cured of Indigestion.
Mrs. Sadie P. Clawson, Indiana, Pa.,
was bothered with Indigestion." My
stomach pained me night and day,"
writes. "I would feel bloated and
have headache and belchlng"after eat
ing. I also suffered from constl Datlon.
My daughter had used Chamberlain's
Tablets and they did her so much good
that she gave me a few doses of them
and Insisted upon ray trying them.
They helped me as nothing else has
done." For sale by All Dealers, adv
June 29, 1914.
Miss Clara Harris was calling on
Mrs. Walter Hamilton, Friday even
ing. Herby Harris, of Port Williams,
spent last Sunday here with his par
ents. He made the trip on his motor
cycle. C. E. Euverard and wife, of Maple
Grove, spent last Sunday with M. E.
Harris and family.
Mrs. Elizabeth Custer, of Point
Victory, visited G. W. Sanders and
family Thursday night.
Esq. Vance's court was in session
two days last week.
Albert Shelton s team ran away
last week with the mowing machine.
They ran near a mile on the public
highway before they were caught. It
was lucky that no one was on the
road, for the sickle bar was down and
tne machine In gear.
L. C. Chaney Is preparing to build a
new house this summer.
Mrs. Clarence McConnaughey, of
Norwood, visited Aunt Sarah McCon
naughey, last week.
The lightning struck Amos IgO's
house one evening last week, tearing
off part of the roof, spouting and put
the telephone out of business. Fully
Insured in the Mutual Co.
If Kidney and Bladder Bother Then
Foley Kidney Pills.
Overworked kidneys will break down
If not helped. When they can no
longer protect the blood and the body
from the poisons that come to them,
then look out for Brlght's disease, se
rious kidney trouble and bladder
annoyances. Foley Kidney Pills are
your best protection, your best medi
cine for weak, sore, overworked kidney
and bladder weaknesses. adv
Gakuett & Aykes.
With a four-horse power engine a
motor-driven plow Invented In Eng
land cuts a six inch furrow fataspeed
in excess of three miles an hour.
When baby suffers with croup, apply
and give Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil at
once. Safe for children. A little goes
a long way, 25c and 50c. At all drug
stores. adv
Both Phono, In Office and Rcldnc
Office Short St., Opp. Court Bouto
vilennBlg. HILLSBORO,,
Home 'Phone 340. Bell 'Phone 141
HUlsboro, Ohio.
Orrior In Holmes Building, North Hits
Ornoi noons: 9 to it a. m., 2 to and 6 ta
Uoth 'Phones in Offlce and Residence,
For Your Flo-were.
Funeral Directors & Embalmers
!A Full Line of High Grade
Prompt Delivery. Courteous Treatment
Your Patronage Solid tea
(Successors to J. C. Koch)
Otllcehearlot Traction Repot
Home Phone 344
Frank Ayres 'nc
S Opera Hou
ce Agt
se Block
representing : six of the Htrongest
Old Line Fire insurance Companies.
Most liberal Farm Policies ever writ
ten in the Aetna Co. Also Live Stock
Insurance. D Insuring your horses
agamst;death from any cause.
I represent the Aetna, Fidelity and
Surety Bond Co. One of the largest.
Also with accident policies. Terms as
low as you can get in high class safe
insurance. 9-G
Our Four Books sent Free with list
of Inventions wanted by manufac
turers and promoters, also Prizes of
f ered for Inventions. Patents uecured
700 Ninth 8t.
Washington O, O
'Cl-insrs &od beautifies th h'
ITevcr Fails to Restore Ortj
Prevents balr falling:.
o'k- nn , imr ITngpl"'"-
' Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
quickly ascertain nur opinion freo whether aj
invention is probably patentable. Cotnmunlei.
tiontrlctlycoiiHucntlHl HANDBOOK onl'atcms
Anvone rending a sketch nnd description mar
pent frea. Oldest aircncv for securlnu Datent.
Patents taken tiirouEb Munn & Co. receive
Uncial notice, without charge, la tba
Scientific jfnterieatt
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nrscst cir
culation of any srlcntluc jourtt.il Ternis, U a
jear: four mouths, 11. Sold trail nowsdcilers.
Braocb Ufflci. "- P St.. Washington. I)
i "I don't think your father feels very
kindly towards me, "said Mr. Staylate.
j "You misjudge him. The morning
after you called on me he seemed quite
worried for fear I had not treated you
with proper courtesy."
"Indeed ! What did he say ?"
"ne asked me how I could be so
rude as to let you go away without
your breakfast. "Saturday Journal.
Scientists have determined that at
the age of 30 the female brain begins
to lose welgnt, but that of the male
not until the age of 40,
- o

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