OCR Interpretation

The News-Herald. [volume] (Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio) 1886-1973, October 01, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038161/1914-10-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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R& H C" (KBBja JH S" S vH ?VlF (m
Set Contains
8-Ciip Percolator 6-qt. TeaJKettle
2-qt. Berlin Kettle
8-qt. Preserving Kettle,
Baking Dish or Pudding Pan
Here's the Gift of Aluminum
ware for Our Stove Show
Through the courtesy of the makers of Clermont Ranges and Heaters we
shall give, absolutely free, the big six-piece set of Aluminum-ware
as pictured with every Clermont Range bought during this Exhibition
Everything is in readiness for this worth-while event and we sincerely
hope that you'll visit us on so(nr day of the Show whether you intend
buying a range or not.
We want you to know Clermont Ranges as we know them then vou'll
appreciate why it is our ambition to install a Clermont Range in every
home in this community.
In our opinion, there is not another range manufactured that compares in
beauty and in cooking and baking qualities with the
Each feature peculiar to Clermont Ranges only will be carefully explained
by the demonstrator, direct from the factory.
He will explain wherein the Cler-.
mont differs from all other ranges
how the oven or reservoir can
be wrapped in a blanket of heat
by a simple turn of the damper.
He will show you the advantages
of the Clermont oven-door control
as against the ordinary oven-door
spring. Everything about these
wonderful Ranges will be made
very clear to you.
October 1st to 3d, Inclusive
and also that such an offer six
big Aluminum pieces with every
Range is not likely to occur in this
town again for a long while.
MORAL f Buy while the opportunity
is here.
Sept. ,28, 1914.
Miss Margaret Calvert spent several
days last week with friends at Hills
boro. J. A. Easter and family spent Sun
day with friends at Sablna.
3. A. Gilmore Is building a new
J. H. Gall and family have moved
to nillsboro.
F. B. Cumralngs and family and S.
T, Hiser, of Marshall, took dinner Sun
day at the home of A. YY. Milburn.
James Kelly, of nillsboro, spent
Sunday at the Hotel.
Miss Ethel Jamison Is visiting her
uncle, Gib Williamson, at Tranquility.
Miss Letha Redkey is spending a few
weeks at the home of J. A. Gilmore.
Chas. Spepce and wife, Aunt Cynthia
Jones and Miss Ethel Barnes, of near
New Petersburg, were entertained at
the home of A. W, Milburn Sunday.
The L. A. Society will meet next
Thursday with Mrs. O. G. Easter.
Next Sunday will be observed here
as a day of Prayer for Peace. A col
lection will also be taken for the Red
Cross Society,
Rev. U. D, Relsh is now located" In
the parsonage.
Rev. Pugh preached at the Presby
terian church yesterday.
Rev. T. C. Kerr attended the Tem
perance Rally at Leesburg last Thurs
The Gall farm has been rented to R.
II. Streber and the Ilurst farm that
had been rented by R. H. Streber has
been rented to W N Satterfleld. They
will move soon.
to the farm of Frank Willison, where
he has a large tract of timber to saw.
Mrs. John Caplinger is sick.
Rev. Pitzer, of Arnham, rilled the
pulpit at Miller's Chapel last Sunday
and was the guest of J. V. Sanders
and family Sunday night.
Virgil Shelton and family called on
Ira Haynes and family Sunday.
Sept. 28, 1914.
Mrs Zora Shoemaker and grandson,
of Pleasant, visited her daughter, Mrs.
John Vance, Sunday.
John Butler is very sick with cancer.
He was a soldier in the civil war and
is 87 years of age.
H. W. Vance, of nillsboro, is visit
ing relatives here this week.
M. E. Harris and daughter spent
Sunday with Marlon Shoemaker and
family, at Pleasant.
George Temple and wife, of Sugar
tree Ridge, were the guests of J. V.
Sanders apd family, Sunday.
Grover Eakins and wife and baby, of
Deadfall, were the guests of L. 0.
Chaney and family. Sundav.
Owe"n Huff will move his saw milM
"Droppel spends iuost of his time on
the rear platform of observation cars
when he travels."
'Likes to look at the scenery, eh ?"
"Not specially. I rather think he
has an idea that the natives like to
look at him In transit." Baltimore
Beware Oi omiuienrs tor
Catarrh That Contain Mercury
ns mercury will surely destroy tho senso
of smell and completely derange tlio
whole system when entering It through
live mucous surfaces. Such articles should
never bo used except on prescriptions
from reputable physicians, as the damage
they will do Is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.. contains no
mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you set tho penu
Ine. It Is taken Internally and made In
Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes
Mmoninls free.
Pnld liv DruBttlsta. Prlco 75o per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
Sept. 2S, 1014.
Joseph Woodrow and wife, Richard
Stephenson, Mrs. Lucy Harmon, Mrs.
Sarah Boardman and Miss Maria
Woodrow were entertained at the
beautiful home of Wilkin Woodrow
and wife, Saturday.
Harry Fettro and wife and son,
Hugh, were the guests of James Hog
sett and wife, near Prairie Valley,
Mrs. Ellen Winters and Mrs. Vada
Winters, of Flncastle, visited the lat
ter's mother, Mrs. Wilkin Woodrow,
last Thursday. .
William IIU1 and wife and three
children, spent Sunday with Fred
Hill and family.
Miss Minnie Skeen returned to her
home at Carmel last Monday, after a
two weeks visit with her grandmother,
Mrs. Mary Skeen.
Elmont Donohoo and wife spent
Sunday with the latter's parents, R.
M. Lyle and wife.
Mrs. Martha Beard spent Thursday
with her sister, Mrs. Mary Skeen.
Leah Williams and wife spent Sun
day with Loyd Hill, In HUlsboro.'
Canada In 1013 produced 76.720,000
bushels of potatoes.
Sept. 28, 1914.
Mrs. W, L. Sumner will entertain
the U. W. B. hit Thursday afternoon.
Miss Hattle Avers, of HUlsboro. was
the guest of Mrs. Fred Uunnrgan,
Mestiames Martin, Bumgarner,
Spllker and Miss Hazel Spllkershopped
In Hnlbboro, Monday. ,
Mrs. Ella Parker arid son. Leo. were
visitors in Loveiand and Cincinnati a
part of last week.
Mrs. R. B. Wiggins was with rela
tives In Cincinnati last week.
Miss Mollie Ditty returned to her
home In Columbus Friday.
Mrs. Wm. Carr, who spent the sum
mer with her daughter, Mrs. Georne
Smith, will spend the winter with a
daughter in Fondulac, Wis.
AIl&s Nelle DeLanev shunned in
Cincinnati Monday.
Mr. Erke and family are visiting rela
tives In Cincinnati this week.
Mrs. Ella Richards, of HUlsboro, was
entertained by Mrs J. I DeLaney two
days last week.
Miss Ruth Pllster and Leonard Abers
were married Wednesday evening at
G. T. DeLaney and wife were at
Dillsboro, Ind., a few days last week.
Dr. Garner and wife and G. T. De
Laney and wife and daughter, Marian,
visited friends in Blanchester Sunday.
Rev. Spurrier preached two excel
lent sermons at the M. E Church Sun
day. Rev. Spurrier and family are
moving into the Parsonage tills week.
Miss Hazel Galliett, of Covington,
spent Sunday with her parents.
Miss Anna Boosveld, of Cincinnati,
spent Sunday with her parents.
Miss Lulu Walker was with her
sister at oiadys Sunday.
Mrs. Horace Murphy, of Delaware.
came Saturday to spend a few das with
her mother, Mrs. Roser, who will re
turn to Delaware to spend the winter.
W. L. Stautner was a business visit
or In Cincinnati Friday and Batavia
The Missionary Society of the Lu
theran church will meet with Mrs.
Lee Terrell Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Bob Grishara entertained Class
No. 7 of the C. of C. Wednesday.
Mrs. Anna Stautner Weber, of Wich
ita, Kan., is the guest of her mother.
and other relatives here.
Dr. and Mrs. Mercer, of New Vien
na, spent Sunday with H. B. Galliett
and lamlly.
The Ladles Aid of the M. E. church
will meet at the home of Mrs. Brough
Smith Thursday.
Mrs Vivian Woodrow Scott returned
to her home in Seattle, Wash., last
week, after spending thbsuminer with
bur mother, Mrs. lsmu TruJi and sis.
ter, Mrs George Linton.
W A. Sajlor, W. B. Ruble and War
ren Morrow tranacted busine.-s in
Cincinnati Friday
Mrs. Anna Kellis and son, Joe, spent
Sunday in Columbus the guests of her
daughter, Miss Marietta.
Mrs. W. A. Saylor entertained Miss
Ditty Thursday.
John Williams was with his family
over Sunday.
Mrs. Sadie Cleveland had the Dewev
children of Blanchester with her for
the latter part of the week.
Mrs. Alex Puckett, whose serious ill
ness was reported last week, is slowly
Fred Roser, of Gary, Ind., is with his
mother for a few days.
' " ' i -
TonedJJp Whole System.
"Chamberlain's Tablets have done
more for me than 1 ever dared hone
for," writes Mrs Ester Mae Baker,
Spencerport, N. Y. "I used several
bottles of these tablets a few montns
ago. They notonly cured me of bilious
attacks, sick headaches and that tired
out feeling, but toned up ray whole
system.', For sale by All Dealers, adv
I With an instrument of his in ventio
a Chicago man can measure one Ave
millionth of a i inch, one fiftieth of
the distance revealed by a theoretically
perfect microscope.
&Tofi$ioncil $arttc
Both Phon,!n Office nd fceiidtnce
'JI'FIGE Short St., i ))p. Court he"
t. W. C-rRET
n k n r i - i
"Miii$lK ilbHiSOJO,,
done 'Phone v.. Hell 'Phone 14J
Hlllnboro, Ohio.
rnoi in Holme
Orrioi Hours: B to is a
O i
Hoth 'PnoneMn omce and Kcildence
Uulldlng, North a. si
2 to ana ; ti
For "Yoxxr Flo-veers.
Funeral Directors & Embalmers
!A Full Line of High Grade
II. iii.hmii.il mM
Prompt Delltery. Courteous Treatment
four Patronaee Solicited
(Successors ro J. C, Koch)
Ottlceheari.ut 1 racttonlDepot
Home Phone J44
You are responsible for the
eyes of your child.
Watch out for frowns and
squints when he reads or looks
at a book. Does he hold it too
near or too far? These things
grow fast but can be overcome
if discovered in time.
We insist on your bringing the
children in.
No Charge For Advising You.
Is iii li rdnM
Ofllce 1 door East of Economy store.
Main Street, HUlsboro, O.
Stop Early Bronchial Coughs.
They hang on all winter if not
checked, and pave the way for serious
throat and lung diseases. Get a bottle
of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
and take it freely. Stops coughs and
colds, heals raw inflamed throat, loos
ens the phlegm and is mildly laxative,
nest for children and grown persons.
No opiates.
adv Gahhbtt & Ayres
Scientists have figured that about
30,000,000 babies are born each year, or
at a rate of about "0 a minute.
Woman loves a clear, rosy complex
ion. liurdoclc Blood Bitters issplendid
for purifying the blood, clearing tiie
skin, restoring sound digestion. All
druggists sell it. Price, $1 adv
Twentv-four driving wheels, each 03
inches in diameter, feature a locomo
tive recently completed at Philadel
phia, which Is the most powerful yet
Sept. 23, 1914.
nardln Roads and wife, of Munrif
Ind., were the guests of Mrs. Mary
Van Zant and family last week.
Miss Elizabeth Ballentlne, who is a
teacher in the Blanchester schools,
was brought home very 111 Monday.
Misses Ella and Dollle Van Zant,
Mrs. Bert Roberts and Mrs. Roads
spent Friday afternoon with Mrs.
Tlllie Stultz.
Miss Cora Brooksbank, trained nurse
In the Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati,
called on relatives and friends here
last week,
Mrs. George Puckett entertained the
sewing club last week.
Mrs. E. E West was in Hlllsbcro
Monday, visiting her mother.
Jesse McCounaughey and family are
moving to tiie vicinity of Webertown.
Wm Ream called at the home of his
niece, Mrs. Evaline McCoy, Friday.
Miss Clara Hochlnberger, who has
been ill, Is Improving.
Mrs Stanley Miller will lead prayer
meeting Wednesday nlgnt. Everyone,
is Invited to come.
-i&. t . i. jUr jUjruSeiRk,j ,

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