8hr.3jf.itt tori tto x d. BY THE RIVER. .- t m i I stood apod tha maw in of a stream, 1 WaWh' tl.a suidipht triad nrs luimt uoj fleam , , Quod it placid breast, . v " ' Sj.almtn itaaweet rwt. ) threw a rubble half-way from the ahore, And saw ila culm surface lib inoie ; But tiny wartle . fro-n thaceDter wont. And Jitjinn circles 1 h the cit, blent, And snch,euiil I, iulife, tknYitlmesall fiiM troni 'rifa. Tl a heart n ponti cureless happy calm, ' Till turn I'irht trill nil it wiia lriti, A pebble iaihe atrearo, ' A heavy c!o"J awept o'er tbo ixnre sky, Tbe stream grew itark as it j'i.t twiti'y I J : . . 1 Sar tr. samlvwa there, Twa- Juik where onto "was fair. ' A l!t!l brriif came with ihe d.irlBiiiiij olocd, Tho w:liw on the hank hefof-t it biwed. The tmnb'vd water rippled ,euu.t the shire. ' Aedplaintiva Ma-hoi' weareet re.it uu more.' iiow in ikIi. tald I, iit this, LU life's irano fldiil hlk. ; A liftl, cknd, a br cid swjtp o'er our aky, And a! I our hopes and jys ,'row dar aud d'e ; A shintow on the Mr. vn. The Proof of Love. Kin;; of Armenj n t liilfilimg his fi'-iRenirn!, Cwtia en If reel the ct uutry and beving taking him aud a l hi family tritouerf, uidrnj il.eni inutility before hi in. "Atmeniua " said he "you arc fiee , for you ere triisible ol your cnur. Ami wha: will you give me il I res. ore jour wife to ycu V "All that ! am b!e."' Wht il I iMtme vour children ?" "V.I tha'. I am i.b'." t'Aml cu, Tijfrei.es." sid he. turning to th cn. '-what woiiki ytu do to tave )oui Wife from servitude 1V Now Tisanes wes hut lately nvirried. end had fat love hr his wi'e.' "Cyrus." he replied "in me her Iroui servitude, I wo, willing')' !uv dnwn my life."' Let each h: v his own'awin," at id Cyrus ; and when h depirie', one spoke o' hi rlemercy. nu:her ol hia valor. aiiothei of hit beauty, and th unices of his persou ; upon width Tijjranes rke4 his wife ' if the tlu'Uglil him h-ndsi.me ?" Really," uid she, -I diJ nut look nt him." .'At whom, then, did ynU lmk V ' 'At him whd oflVr-d to Uy down hii liff for aie." G'ntt love hath no man hn this tlmi he ihonld lay down hi life for his fiirnd-. Tiranes va willing to din for his w i r. But while we were ' enemlea Christ died fort. How far lllia loCiill earthly lovr fXif Is ! The wife ol Tgraiirn did not look it the Kii g in his lieautv. She mold only look on him who wan willing to die fi r her W h' shall we di-.-ire in Iiimvph ir0re tlitm to lo k tin the fare of Him who did die li r oh ? 'Ihere if be;uiiy ph rv, infinitely resplendent glory in heaven, and ry hnth not ffen r hran tiTii.f ived it, but iioihiiighere wit ao atlraclthe believer' gnze, m the fare ol Him who gme his U e lor iuner. Wonder ful lore! Uii'penkihiV .we ! Anu we may look i n Him nft Invpliin loiever A ymvg man win had !osi his tnmher. :owhm he was kiom tendeiiy tia hed. hid ofien exproa'xl a urong diiie to k t" heaven that he nrg'it oixe imru meet his beloved iioth.T. Aa he had no interest in religion, Ms deite foi heaven had itohWi-'r object than this. 'Soine ti,n, a lcrward he became ia , Cliriiwn. and when in. k d about the anticipations of nnetuiir his itolhcr in heaven, he raid. '"It m. nut tine as ill thnuhl waiit'to g ze upon ny Svior a thousand yrfs, bel re lliiiikin ol anv one lie." Christ had IM down h's tifc furliim. He would nut Icrk m enoih-r. , The Spectral Face that President Lincoln Saw. a reicnt lecinie by llinhup S:rnpson he relate iininy intriev.ing particulars and ncidin so' Mr. L nruli.'s (irivie life, and rrp,ited the story which he hud herd from Mrs. Liiuoln ; ilm! wl cn ihe news ol Mr Lincoln's first tie cliuii leHihed his home in tprii gfield. he mv a 11 fleciion of hi own face ueai in ihe gU'js bc-ide (he reflect iuu oflhe l viiig iouii ernince. When he liril saw it he thuiightii wajuii uptiial deloi.m and turneil away liom the gliie, bijt when hehwkedinit I'ginig he saw the" double reflection. Af'er resting Mime tniuiies he toiiej in the g!aig tlm ih'inl time mid Hg.Mii saw the spectral fa. e hrliin I Ina mvn. Tiie circnmatjixe iriinle a deep iinprerMoti upon hia n ii d but he neier ypuke of it until about two week- befw ihe lte I'les'idetitial elettioii, wheu he nlited it to his uif . She wan ifailul thit he would not be ie e!cied,aiid he to d hi r ot thi i imhleni wish the iii'trpretttl'-n he put upon it-tint he would be re elott.d. hut w. u d not Ir e out hit term And elte(wad. when the piausol the future were dis m-ed uiid he was a-kedvvliathe would do alter tic seroiid te in ol I'flice had exp rrd, ne ah ays u lied With the p.nvia i -11 I live.'' Tin- Bii-hop said he cm o not exulaiii tho cirruinaiatice ord-termii.e whetlicr it was merely an nnti Cal delusion or an Intimation ol warning from on h'gh. Mr. Li.itoln alwa re garded it as the latter. . Duties of a Lady in Her Household. Without r gulari . mi ,u.se ran be managed with anv degree of economy or comTort. N'i M istress or head of a . hniise hold, thueloie yhnuld trurt lur domoiie with tie rare of More toom, closetn. nnd kiicheii.wiihou' ketping a Hrelul snpervic ion over each of them liersell. Tiie fem hiur for inspect jon in icard to itie-e mat tera. tF-iniinediately after breakfa-t. All the materials or store, as well 'he ne cesearv dieciiou niav then be given out. Bh should alto see. f'.r he sell, that every thing is m.'de Ihe lest use of by I host- M whom fhe intru?t the. iluinarv ojeraiinn. ttifl thtt lioihiug is left the chance of disor 4xt and waste. I'unc'ualitv in Ihe management of all home affair 'is a ' iud epennab'e. Tie me!g Mu uld elwajs un e s uimvi iilabe Ctumaliiii g intervene, be ready at the ac customed hour. U the mistre-s i piine.HH!, the domestio w ill o un be so. and Hum the tnind o the husband v ill not be ruffled, and there wil he no ronlusion and no bicker ings. but harmony and beer ,il apj r riat o I ol every meal lolii-wed b general relaxation and pleasant ro.nersatiou " These are no trifl.'e. however they ap pear ta ome. !f die jnsdlvencr of th us. amis could be traced to its source it would be found 4o hare commenced with the nnn performance of these h uehi.d du ie by tmj wife or other 'emale he-xl of affair for, 'without order there is no ecoiiomr." " An old man with an aquiline not wear epcetadas on bin owo book. Duties of a Lady in Her Household. Legal Notices. Legal Notice. Stale $ OKiVHio$ thunlji Jaukauu Woriiimu, I I n I'.lUlu t. w . v.. I titiou-iu Court W'rn. H. Trip, et al. DeH.j of Coinrn u f l'a T ILLI Ail II. TUII'l'. .f thvC'it- il Hhtlby. Scuta at tlli n i, Duvi I t. I ii p of Ihe Cnuuty ft' Viuion, Smie of Objo. uow srvir.jr In Ilia U S. Arm;. Ilyl.lin M. Tripp of di'id Vinton county, hf'pbvp.M. K. Tlipp of tho oouo'y of .'ck.-oB, biatv of UIJu. Junn I! Trii'P. of Jtk-oa ccnt , Ol.ia. nwetiv ii ST In tha V. S Aniiy.nirwrT. Tripp, of .ib! V iato'i count;. no NrviiiK in t e U. S. Arm;, L'j...i.la It I'ripp. a ininor, of hcoun JM juvfpoii. rtits ct nil', l.i ma trtpp mur niuriiiJ iih ltuhorl r Jui.i, of iiiaiom.( of Wo!l, Sta a nf Imiiuiia. Kl'Ziibaib Tripp, ii formirricd W'i AluX.n.ler i..viinr.i'.in, or kiM Vii.fi i county, Kjlie.vn I'rtpp. into -married with Kaii I.ura, f eni I .onnlj ot Vinton, M.ir Ann Tripp, Int 'nn irricd i:h Levi Liviiiatiui. ofnuid comity f in on. and Louisa M. Tripp iuiriuuriit. with i.oiru W. I.n i a, of eui l c lUDt ot Vii to i, l.o an children and birK4'Ur of Jfd ii I 'I. Tripp do-i.i' l, and U-nanta in ci n: nmn il b iba petniitiier. in the pr.ni e In roi al'rr i r crill. Nancy t. I'ripp. widow of 'A'iliiam II A.Tripp di-ieiiM-d ol tbovnuiity ot JuckMHi. Slati) of I'bl'i. who is emit'ud t ib.air in the whnlo ot id puini-ms, unJ Vty K Tripp wi.low of Jea J. Tripp, dec wt (tliu ur an bir ut law of WiUin II. A. rip(.) of tl connty of Juukmiti. Sit of t'bio, .u4ia cn'.t tic I tod mar in Uu part of .ai.l 'p clni e. "wimd liv aai I Jvrm -I. Tripp, itieearuil. and bUhul. nl lu a-i I min r c'.ol '. ran, t wit : llurvev 1-Tripp I.'hcIhI A 'Ir pp l.mir.i , Tripp, Willium E Tripp and Mary A. Tripp of JtM-ke-iii voiinty, S(mot 'nii, who io un ai)t In coiiinmn w it Ii I ha putili-ilier in file add lraiiiiaea, will laka intco Hint a efnlmi ain fled uifaliint tb. hi on tbx 59 ill dty i S vein her. IJHS, in the oinf of ('nimoii y- u mkl in ami fir tbo ni I cmntynf v niton, S'ate nio. bvuackMiu W'iriui in. and i iiiiw pan.l nf wbcrL-in auid .lackwu Woirmuu di iuumlr p.iT'itioii nf tiie filliiu ..o.d E-tul, iiuu ted In tbe mild county ot Vinton, o-wit: 'Tfcj North Kt .qiiartfr i.f'tho S.inth Wunt iUarfar ofSi fion A'umber .ua in T"n rhip Nniribor Klirbt of Killed NutHhrfr- Kifli oin.cotuinin forty aurer ; uLd tbat at tin next nriii of mid 'nurt, the uid Juukw n Wcrtinan will upply for all order thai partilion ma bo made of i pru ilfta. JAiKSilN Wl'KTMAX, Rv rirat'on A Muy i, bUAU'y. l-e 2' 13l iir Sheiitr'8 Sale! fHntt of Ohio, l-'iiifon County: ' Tbe tfi.ii of 0 do, 1 1 It In Court nf va , Ci in. i'lcaa Frniiklin Thncker und W.-h. Jack-or. Co iinr'on TliKiker. Pil'la J Ohio. I)L'KSUaNT to the eon inal.d f an es i-u-tinn in (he alx vo rnu-o t" me diirvtrd fr"iii li e Court id Common I l.-mi. of the an re an Id county i f Jackiii, I ill , AVr al ublit eal.i, ul Ibo dm r ol Ibe com t-hoinw in the town ol Mi'Anbiir In Hie en'tnty rf V iiii n.oii Siiturdity, Ftlruary 3t, I860, Atthefaftir. it I nVlnk T Moi Miiodu), llio lull living iuocribad luuda ami tviiviiieuU. to wit Tho cOHrhwoKt quar'ei of tha niphwr-nr-qn irtcr of aeriion niinih ir llilny Ix ,',s'i)in mii xliip nuuibur iilni', (?, und oi rm t I tun bur niiiuteen, ( lit) ."iiiiiiiniiie ti rty (4i )a nr and tun -ono bun lledtlia (10-100) o au avn iinini or leen , f... AUo, ilio sintheant qtmr er of tiiaori hcuat quoiter of netii n iiutlib r tbirtjflie 8A) lownxblp- tinnibi'r pine, (9) r a n'Jfffian m tr til net. en ( 19) coiiiin.iin-i rut tha wot'lnn Una whirs (lia iia vfmm ihi mad. riinnina' on bd line foit.v (4.l)rnl mid twenty-Heel. ) t'ovt tboncn imrth on fald H.c ion In a ll inv ix (84) m U to ald c -m t) r a I. iheiica nl- nu annl loud fltv-f u- (5 ) mda M.ld liir'eeii i IS ) 'u.'t to (lie plavo of bviniiiiig, c.iuta nlng tour t) iKrrfiuor .i Lea. ' " Tke it a tSo property ' of VrVh'rg'nn ThneUer, to mitisfv a j ulgai -nt ol af rud Court infivor of Tlio tStnta o l:n. Apprai-i-il a fiitlnwa tn-wi' : The firt do seril trac vprnleil ' riir Imndruil doll r (J WO W) i;d i In- aie-Mid b-m-rhvd fruc sp prnixed ul ti.rtv iMara, (fin 0). ami nm t hriii )f to-thirds of that tim respectively- lamia v a. le, M.h iu kit d . JOHN J RHO-KEr, Fbir V. Co. O. W K nTr?.ns. i t 'y fin, M'ff. Jan 3 IS'l-f Hit . Auditor's Sale or School Lands. TATRfiK OHIO, V;?J ION fO. TTi;iE undersigned. Auditor of Virion X county, will offer for sale nt puWic ati. tioii at lite door of tiie Court-hou-c. In McArthur. on ., . ' Saturday, February 17, 18f!fl. At t!ie hour of 1 o'clock I. M.. of said day. the follow ing described renl estate: situ ated in the enmity of Yiiiton. ami tow nship of Wilkcsvillo. to-wit: The w est half of the north-east quarter of swtfhtn number sixteen, township tium- iicri'iguu or r"ige ntimnct sixtecu, con-' tain Ing eighty acres mere or lets. Anpniiicd at 5 3U per acre. Also. tli: east half of the north-east quar ter of section, township, and range afore said containing eighty acres more or less. Appraised at S3 uo per acre. Each parcel of hunt must bring the ap praised value thereof.. Terms of sale, one-twelfth In cash the residue IneJeteii equal nunual ltistalmenta with interest from the day of sale, to be paid annually. II. C. MOOltE. Auditor V. CO. McArthur. Deo. 25 21wtf Sheriffs Salel State.qf Ohio, Viulun County, Jobu A.lin.wu, t'lHiniilT. 1 1 in Conn f ' ririoiil ' Coin. P. onti K.A . nratt'.n, nt nl. I), fr' j f aula Nn 9 ) L'KsUAiT In li e ci rim. in d of an o dor l aale .Ii t be above yuiin lo lilt-linei .1 fr. in tlia I'oiirr of Oou.imni Pia of tb af-ria. ei.imty nf Vinton. wHlnffurat onblic ul ut the dnor i f the Court U.te, in the town ii McAi'luir. it. il l-nt'orHrai ntitv nt Vint-,, on Tuet Jay February Me Gth A. D. 156, at tin-hi.urof oneo'ulock. I. U.. ot wi.l Hat thafvllowin pr. party. t.!t: in-lot Number sixtv twn(2 ,, the town of McArthur, V in ton tVun'y . Ohio Taken na tba proirlr of K A. Rraitrn t satisfy u judKinen of aforesaid Court, la favor ot John A. Krowo. Appraie-I ut fine thwuanj six hnmlrod dollr,od must -.bring two-thirds o that emu. ' ' " TKKMS OK SA T.K oaih in hand. JOHN .1 KIIOi KEV. Sheriff Vinton finntv Grojrbun. I.'lppry ' a i. Ally's f.-r Pi ff Ji niM I ii ! JJ i Legal Notice. NOTICE. MCARTHUR O., DEC. 23, 1865. w ill be a meeting of the stotk X holders of the Vinton Iron and Coal Company, of Ohio: at ' Vinton Furnace, Vinton county, Ohio, Febraur R l.ykt. at time o'clock, A. M, to elect Directors, and transact other business. ' J.iiillw4-2 GlO. F. WQIiK. Secy. Legal Notice. i nn V t known, i. berei.y noiitiud tbar Mury A. Srm h did on :he 10th diy . f January, A I). IBM. fil her pviHw. in tbetflii ji i-ti4;k-rk "f tha Com of Cnmnmrt I leas tri-hln and for th u niity o' Vii t-n ui i Mule of t'hio. charmim (hat at tbe time the e id ( lu-rlia Srniih was married to Jlur A. 6 . Ith. as al ledircd in said petitii n. be. tho -aid t'barle Smith, had a for.ner wifo living, and aakiiig that the n-ij. be d' V iced .Irom.lhe raid tbarlt-B Pmith aadsubl mnrriaifj dcufeert nnll ant vi.id.-and tint ! be restored t-fier 'onn er name. Jlaiy llnldeiiter-wbii..h petition will utand for bearing aitl n it term nf raid 3oJn; . . ' ' MARY A- PMITII. ..ByJ.epbJ. MePowell, her Atty.. jl!w i -."iit v. Legal Notice. Legal Notices. Times of - ilildln f . CJiirl V'V''.'!i - V ri -IN WE-T- .-: 'y.'. .,. 7th Judicial District of OMo; ' C'U.RK'0KHCK. 0l Rr(OM.pLKA8l Vl.MOS (WMY, OlIJO. McAktuv. Dec 20, ljo; ) Slate tifClhm,' Viit'mt nvhlu. ISAMUEIa L. W1T.SOX. -Clerk T the t'oiirt of Common l'lens, w ithin and for tiie- salii county of Vinton, mid State of uuio. uo iiereoy vemry tne rotiowiiig to tie a full' mill true -opyi of tho order for the times ot holding the bit ti kt courts and C oir.nion I'h-as courts, within and for the 7th Judicial District of the State of Ohio for Uie year A .!. lAXs to-wlt : Ordered that the Di-trh t .ttul Common l'lea courts In the'Tth JixlU-lal I'irtib t of Ohio, for the yaar lskw, be fixed as follow: i.i' DISTRICT COURTS. Washington. ApT. liTerrv. Sept. 4, Meigs. - Ili, Fulrltelit, Callia. " lMIw-Hig, 1 I.ftwrvirce, ' " 2o. Athens " U Soioto, " 2;i Vinton, . i 17 l'ikc, " . 2o. Jackson. It ' COMMON 1'LKAS COl'RTS." ' , Ftiisr SfB-Divtsiox. llwUnpr. Febriiiirv 20. Mav 1". Oct. t: retry. Mar.-!) 12. Mav 21. Oct. 13; Fairiclil, March -0. June 4, Nov. 5. $hom hi'ii-l)iviiiux. I.nwwtrre. Feb. III. Mav 13. cpt. 23 ; Vinton, l i b, l;t. Mav l'5. Sept. 23; Jackson. Vb.i7. Mav i!). Ch 1. 10; like, March U June 12. 0 t. :id; Scioto, March 20. June 'X Soy. 6. Tmun SiB-Divisto.N. Gallhu Feb. lii. May 21. Oit. 1; McljM. Fob. 2A M iy 2X. Oct. 8 ; Val.ingron. March 10. Jnue 11. Oct. 12; Athens, April 2. June 23. Nov. 7. John I. I'lvu.v.I Judge of 1'. Vax Tbijup. 1 7tli Ji'ilie W, W. Johnson, jial District Ii A.Gifiiiun, J of Ohio. December 21. 1SU3. In testimony whereof I. SaintielL. Wilson. Clerk of said court have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said court, at MeAr tiittr. Ohio, the day ami yvnr llrst above wriucu. SAMUEL I..AVII.SOX, Clerk inton Com. l'kas. JDec. 2S. 1?05 21 w 0 Joseph AV. Finiu'j'a Heirs. N n I It 'K n her by. iun In" Jiuucn Gibbo ll T I in ol ii-fi' 8 Kinn.y. 8i ii.in i II K'tniy Flno'iice Ki 'in y M tl.i I. f' Finney ami Py v!a Kinn.y, Im- li l I I- uu tint- and vmtclo ut for inp iilnii in. I 0 ul rwliliiun oi'Suiii iii-l It Fit i cy Kbirmice Ki-nc) . Mriah Fininj and Syltli Kmn y. aid tlkt lln-y ill bo .- liPHrinir in Hi" l o h a e nr' nf V n'm. cmii t) Ohio.M" ih- lTth d.y of F hrinrv it ui o'cliKik a in. . Ill il.Mil'i fltAKi. anli.S8w4 - I'n bate .I nrlgti V V ' Insurance Companies. I S T A T 13 Jfl , JIJ .. IV T OF Tilt CO.MITIO.S OK TJ1E It I ' 11 111 ill IhUllil.l co.vrjxr. On tht 1 day 4f Jammy.lMA, made to the Auditor nf Ohfa, inaua,t to tht statute ij that Hate. iA.MK A ) l.'x.'Ai IOV I'll K lian-e in' Iiw Compni.y a .K t lyaur uiicu Cotiip ly a-id lilucited l' llurlford Cotio. I - eriTt. Tbeanv nr. rf IsCai-ilal 8-i-ck la " Two Mil n 'l nn linn. Ire laid ' Kif y Thousand Undies, ai d is : l'-id up . f2 VS.i.lOn Ot II.- rf. I Ch oi band ia Hank, mJ wilb Affetna.' Sf3,lll :M i Kual Kstate nti'neiim'.ored, . H t" Si S. 'I hit bunds ai d sk eksi.wn.-d be ' y r tiie Cnnpaiiy (a M-bodn d filed.) Imw K.itt e i. and ; b rate of interest tberioN, ; . $.5J7,57 SI Total aMet of tbe Company, 14 0.7.115 411 III - l lABILITItl. .' I.oascs ill jiii-to.l hioI ii, -i ii he 1241 191 4't IV.- vifct'i t.x ou.' ' Tbe fr at t i li.iil ,i nlh.aril ijy be ul. h t. Ii.'iti'tjri'iliuariy i im C . nii.vi; ivu or block Va'la llip sl.eti wilb California 7t - ft' 13 WLvoru-in go po, iTprno'Soo li'l.C' 0 " 4 a. A py tl e i'liter. or Act . f I 0 ri r.- il... i ..i . .r I ........ ... r- i i.i. ... ... , y.w. ,r nie wiiu bite AUUl- t..r f ') i . l-TATi. or C.Nt T f CT, I I ..inly o Muitford ' f sa Th 'tuu A. A li Xiiii.Ur, Treat I n f . .-d r.ncjtti J. 'I.n no. S.cretur). or ibr X ,m lo-nrini' ''' "I y. bid t evcrullv in. doaan a d y iliatli.-f..r.yi I- a toll tiit and eor r-t Btutninenl of thei ffiira of aid t e ni y "attbeMiil in nranu- v n.pn- y ! tbn bona tido oanrruf al bant lino Hni,'.lr.-l Thou and lo!le f ic'ii I C'n-ll I'nt.ital i naitcd in s'mk , a i. bnii.t that -ha v d --cr h t in iei.t eots nor at y part tbcr.i.f a e inndu f.. II. h II. fil nlui y ln.Ini ,.x, roj,(.)lf ,. u-..,ri . i i' lb-, utaiianire.m.iit of M .'otiipai j i iiln i Ur V l-.-id. 111. SivaiHry, Tmh-iikt l ii',c:ot in lb. ise, ai d vbar H.ty aio b . b vo rloeeib ed i ffl ra ot a il I nnn - u:;c ' paiy.- Tn.. Aiixjii.i H, t',e-id.-nt. I i cits. I ' i.miie SuTiiiir Sul.-criheUn.la'A4iHt.efi r- me H la .1, "r ''"') lf- lli.m F- wirn. Tanr ' i r; .tii ju- ,,t ,, , t fao, , ' r'TS or viiKj AcniT s or Sat r nliiin im'iiIh ,. J ,i,, 1 Ij.jij ( I' Ik her by e.-ri ifl d thut Mm f..r jr i. a rreetcpy ' th St .I'l'.nni ,.f t. a!ni ,., ,,f tic -E f.N A I SSClt I f fK f -M I' N V ., t Ibm n-rd. inada to ti.U filed iu this i Uk-o, to tl vyi v llld 1 i 'itni my hand and serf fflulnlly t ." JAma II Goumav. si:ai 1 stamp ' n liior of uta t'KK i IF.Ca r OF lUl lIi'rorV (To expire on the 3 a Ouy .nt .Imni y. ;87 vrrick.riHKA iiit. m nr -i ata i Inaioi c i l!iarii.ieii', I rd'iti bii.; .Jtn 10 j3 ; Whlr fas, Tbt-ini: In t ratio, iVmp.iy. . cated a. Hi.tf r l. n h Si ite of C-. .cluu, hi tiled in Una office a iworii Kta'i iiie .t ot i c'"iicliji..n, aa r. q lin-d by tbe H a a . Ii -n . f tbe act -"o retfidn.- Im-urit'iee 6'.inn.i-ius i,..i , e r".tte,i ,y tha Siaie, f tlhin.'' p.a-od Airi Si.li.lS3l; Bid ani.'l.ded V h-nurt Hth l-i; and, V'liona-.. khii! cu nptnv liua Ul ni: beil Jbe uuduis'ir-.ed (iiiafaol .ry e i.b int t at 1 Ik aaa.eJ r at baa I'll. . Ilnndnd Tlmnaard l.oil.ir "I ae ni i'up tul teataii in HiH'kv . r H oid- M rtynifoi.1 KeuthMHie. woiib d. iiI Ic'b. um tint fn hi b the kuiiix is iur g-g d - 4 ol Mi-rii. mill I'.'mpan, las til 1 in iliia efflc a wrntenioatrtitiiriit uni er i avHiporatesJai Kinifwi by the IV- i .it ami S. creiurv tl i ro. 1. autlmiiz nu any Aire-1 ..f Aveiiti.i.f will t!. mp. nn; intb.aiaot acki.wit-d- cent pr.Kk.-s tor im 1 iu lie ball ot Kid Cptnpuiiy, aio toil ft? tho terms of aaid Uw.V .j Now. Th-y f'Ta. i 1 pnrnA"c of the fl'l e 1i011.it theafoMct dlici. I.J iMKS l (HH)MtN Auditor .0 S a'a f .il) j...,.i bot.-l .eitif. thr .id' Alll t'iNSI'tAN' K t:mp.NT. ot Hart orj.i- rudmrizl t.itrai-a..ei the bn-iue ot Fire ai d Murine I mural c in fhi- R u'e utitiil the thirty fl'Ht . ay .1 .lat.u oy infbeyea-oue lb aan.l eif ht bni-dnd an. I kix-t-ki V. n. ' IN WHNKr-S WHfHtoF, 1 hv.- herenMe snnK-)i ed n nann-anit miiMd ih -eal of n.t ifficutobeafflx d third y ardyeari-b vewiji ten J..M t ll (i(h)iHN aTAJir. Ao litor of ia A pli.a tn reel red and rdiri. r imi'-t and br Wm. R. Iiatio. V Aril nr.' fiMJ- 8. W. Kaleh llamden, Oblot Jno. fthmiA WHkMriil,t)bi. . ianMwfc in t I i fin LI I 1 III Gifts. , j I I ii,oco,(Ka ' ' . ' $i.ooaooc, Gi'lD AN1 SILVER GREAT ATTRAGT U GKEAT SEXSATlOXt!! WA'ICIIK', ( L CK-I IIIAIMN MAM Nl Kl0 , MKH'DEoNs' : M W KO MACIIINK PI Alton,' VE WliJJ0,C IhIlLRS MOATii TJ BK USrOSKh OF AT ONE DOLLAR EACH! v nn 1 1 1 ru.u.n T" v 1.1 v. SOT TO HE P JU FOR USUI. VdV hsoiv what iou iit:cKii: Splciidid l.i-t of Articles, all to be sold for One Dollar Each. lot) Cl-cla iK.unciiOa nil day i-lo.lvs I I f( 1 1 1 ac from 40 lo '.Sit (.1. b llM I'laiiix ol the best in till U tii.fu-u 3" to 500 each ISO Svviinr .iii'cliiiics, i fibu hcsi i ui.ul'jt'.uro .- il)tn 1'i't ei.cli -.TlO tiulH.' i I I lllllllilff-Cj ko WrftihuK 501.. loUea. 1. -.50 bob k' ti. hi ui d Kinim. l lluii'ii if wn'iliH - S5to ,i) eu.d ii'U ti-litf lliintil'K euro r-il-- ver wu'cl '.I.' 1 7 eiieb idamaml linnrs &.in HO.ihI 1)00 O.blVat A it vk cii iin-. iu 3-' end JieO (lo.l H; 11 RiunlitK- it' Seaul H'tM .li t 101. 1 (io .1 llr ve eta 0 10 lOuaib lH I'nali Killir (liaina a d liiiurd I'b.iiiiK S to 2U ou.'l 7 !9 f-Vif.iii A ().. 1 K rot In a 4 to 10 each .'1C00 t'.oa , t'piil and KmetalJ Kin clna 4 to 8 eacb HIilO Mo die. -let. Lava A Fioron linn Fur llr.-pK 4 10 6 each 7) 0 Coral op iUiid Kwrld tar I'mpa 4 to 6 enoli 4'-0o Culil' tida Diamond llioasi- ... pins.--.... y.iSoiolo oil 3.111.1 Cniii K.'U eat Wati-h key a 2 60 to 8 each 4.H.111 F"b ,v Vtst Kibmii hliilca -. Jtuluauvb itiil) Sutaa ii inru SI eve-but to )s, Stil l.. o 3t. g ea.di 30M ..,l I hiiiibliiK.I'enoii- An.... 4 in H ei.cli lo'lU Miuia-uie L. cki-'i-... -...'J Do lo lo in I 40ot " " HiikIu fprinit 10 to 20 each Oil (...in, fm.ll.plo'..s Crosfta o-- 2 lo S each .aicu I I.iiu Held llnijrt.. -- 4lnl0u. cb JiUOCliaKud 4 loll each I 8 ..uu ro' S'irnet lii i.jr--. 8 . ft-- r 0 10 0.11-I1 I al 1) ii'iioiid It tig 2 1 1 10 1-u.ch 750c buiK La lies' J;ilry Jel ami ilold ' 5 to 15. aih rtO''0 SetK LinticK J. wt'lry- t'aiiio). I'u.ol i.p-it oihei Kf iii.'a. 4 to 15 end 0l) Id ; ens, -il.il hxlensii.ti . . - holders uinl r'liuils 4 to 10 i-i.idi Hli'00 Crnld e ns and ( old Miiatrt. eil Hold, is 6toin(.nJ. VrO'l . . v Fx vuil.tn lloldVJA o 2. eu. b 5"00 Llld'UK'Uilt A. lu- liucklcn....A lo 1,', u. ci to)nO Hair bur. A b IIk-.1) lo 10 each .Vkmi Silver fl hleli. Diinkliu cups A i. .'0 i-n.-h "'' " f-li f I 5 to SU each .ovu Fruit. Curd and ,ak Ilaik-ia v 20 to 5n eu. l 30(10 d. Xi'tis Silvc Tea Sti.'otia..-10 to ii) p d. iC'UiNJ ' Tu'du Spoon.- A F oka -20 foil) . A. !n toiireqiici.ee of 'he friem atuirnitlion nl trade in the Maiitifaelttrinjr illatrld'h nt rrnice und r i n land, a a.g. qtii'lituy ol' vo tiahlf Ju i.ry. oi.fiiia'inti.. ed f r 1 In? Knro cull tur kel. bn hi-ci. Kent ITf. r s.'e in t,e coiiiiltv ...d MC"T KJ1.D AT AW s f,'U FlCr" ! Under iIiish i-l'i'iimatnt ces MIVpiN Co .ii-i if u A trill ts tor tbe 1 lincipal Kll'opcuti Matiiitiie'ii .'r" hae fsnfd npoii a CHEAT GIFT DlS'lR DL'T'ON ! Mi.biett to ihe ol low inj. u jji.lut ons , lir irii-ii as ot the vaiimia uniclct are fir-t put into env I 'e, kcuI d up and mixed : and ben mil. it.l aie a!ei .111 wl houi uiri r lto - In-icu, und s. til liyninil. tl U" v. n all u luir ih ill. e. tin feci Ipt of II certiflcnte, y. 11 will m bill y l- ' V have, and tliun i' is a' y- tl i. piimi t. koii'I thu doll.' r and tuke t e uniclu 1 n"t Tiiri-lmairK 11 uy thus olruin a piano Mei- ii. Ip'.ii.S i 11 MiichiueK Onbl wutch Diunmnd Kills' or any at of Jewelry 0.1 our Ha', fur one iloliur. Mild S3 C11IS for C. MlfVlite la all iraiiaiicit 'ns by 1 bi1,wc sbu'l cha'jj-. fm Inrwi.r.tii e t e veililie.itea, puj ii y p tt.'ne ano i..'ni(t!ii tiiisinesa It e-ii'a each, which 1111 .-' Iieetiel .aed whin 'becerrilica e isi-iii fur Five ivrittcaiKS will bo m-M fm fl. tl. 'ill lur !. thirty .i live doll. Kixr-flo lor ten doilara. iiii.l 1(H) 101 tit'. in dodiu'K AnKNTs. M. ul at-t-m. J.ciy town ain' i- ttn'y in c.'tin'rv. ami t bow 11.1i.1V us an h wi.lb "lloaeil 10 cents iieviry c.-if ifl.'u'e r ilere.i by tin tn pri.i!cd their . r mittinru um. tint loot c il Pu . .' a-i'iils will e-lbci 2,"i . Ik lor evoiy eci tifl.nl f. ami remit 15 es inn.. i lur in eah o, poali (.. sutoa A sen's re niitlinir at niu-i, ibir ndbi's i 1 he cini bd'.. 1. b am 1 fid K-ilvtr Wa vh, atidulso 21)') ccr Iti iatc. I'l a wii b jour Name, Town, fitnty and ft iti. oluimy. ulni nddi-.. k- -ill or.lerK lo II A VII.-' ON tf O . Ap.stitK for Fr -lg Ann r enn M uoituc's 8ii..r.K.t.i rn h j.Vm.1 m. vm Hit Libart H'r.-et ' Nov a?.-64 H i' Gifts. Loans. " MrKIGQ! MEXICO ! Js30,000,00u L0A. f Tim l.'EIUlll.IO F MKXICO IWl.MV TrAK C vrn Pokd IN Sum or yo. 1 1.0 t-'oo. 'nu 6i 000. 1 VI m: ks r s-iv k. i. r i: nt. . pa Va LIE .11 "le Ci'H ol ! ?. YORK.. rrl.c pit1 ai.d lull 1'i-fet ava blc I 11 ( I, It . $10 0(0 'AO 10 b. ShliitrlXlY CENTS : on the l-OLLK. 11. U. S , ( ur.eiict ; il.U" j it l-ling an i tei- I St l IVn tl V) HEP ( IM IN OolD irffcVKN- Tkia rut ciM m m bhlnlv, nt the pie em ruieo. preiiiiimi 011 to d Ihe Most IlLbllU '.I E 1WESTMENI eier OFFER i-.D. I.ttl NE 'I KACIri I.I MiMNO ANB Aolll- cti.TU mi. Lam us, Mxiv Pi u I'm ol Piri IH ts Hue. bis, r-ud 'I axis, in the S'li'.a ol T'MVl L'l'A-at ll AX LUIk P.T 81, UrJ the I in.HTib Fa I'l ll ot tit said Niries ami the (rRtSi:AL Ui VEH Sali bT re AIL I'l-IUGKIi lor the I. d. inptiini 01 the e 101. dean d pa.niiei.i l iii'er. si THE i: UltlTY 311'I.F. t30 m U F. ( i rui i y v ill bi y 1. 1 per c G.-I.i ILuid ol t50 ' lib 1 I fc tine-i ivi 1 Ii y a 7 ei it Gobi Bond ..f n 0 f 31 0 i. L S I uiri-ii) V will liu) a 7 jerct tJold 0 ltd oi t5'l'0 , CCOii I . urrouv will buv a7rct, Gold Bond id $1,0 0 L.TEIEI T LVEK F KltOni.ICA)! IsSTTU 11 S KIT AT IEAST Nt BND Cinulara forwarded and suli npiion re c ied by JOHN W C RLIE-S &Co .and J.N.IIF'PT, Fii.am ia; ig ns the Re pub i ol M-x icn 57 Biorf.lway N.Y Sobsrripii is alwre. eiel b B.nkand lljiikets gtneiatiy liiroUghoul the Unite " plates, N -ember l6ih 1865-6mo JOB TKINn.NO execute.! with ncatnaea and ill -patch at (hti.KixoHD .effica. Braitou'a lin ldiug, oft do r aat uf t!oart lious, (up-aulra.). Sewing Machines. GREA1 ; I U lilEMS SEWING MACHINES l'.lllitr'.' rli Mai'llilK. Siilttrmm 43H Boatuv N Y 230 iraiy'oi St U)thn.- 921 Chettnut t( . I hlltdr jjlu'a Ills .wAl'ilINE. I on-trusted on euttrel) 1 new j rin. ip'oi.f lin;. I aniK 11, p-a-a p II any laru .lid vuloul 1" itu lOvenienA, liavina Ken ex. m'liutl by tbe iiioki j uluiiyj expatts. ami pr.iin.i n id 'o l a 6IAiri.U I.' y ANDPEUFECIION lOMLMNED .t hu a stra Arlit neu Tu. pcipendieular ro 111...C-the k r Siiotile "ilcli bicbi. Nri'MrH K'ii nor K vit, and Ik a'iko on r.,i I. id -: p.n loriua pi-. fee el' (r 101 uey il-a il. i ii ot Uliilni,,l,lTt.tll 1." 11 a to the rlner-t iv ui -..ok Miik i e itlicntti.il ilncn or k-II k tbr. ud to 111 1 im c. urs. -1 to tbe liucKi . ti 1 -r. Ii..vink- ii, i' h. r ('..a ie rC-o Win' it., ami Ii, Uui-t Hi.-i. Ie fr'i-Mnii It lui.a a nil " tl a-a-lun, and i-em lu.f ca 1 a , NOISELESS MACHiiVtl I' n rpiir. k . r iriv n k ikst. itta e .wtR d Ivc i tin ti i.iin oihcr uni bine in lb.. mu ke Aii" 'livm eurof ane can sork it a colli) v tl out I'uti f'ic orin!ur tn b.-ul ll. InKl'in.'ill und WilMIHHIt, nnei.'fftT 1. ' U 'li.lrtici 11 n-iiilir-i am 01 inipiiKK.blu 1. rfe1. out ol on! r. aid I, i.iahiiami u by tin eoiiiuny to irivo en I'esa 1-l'uctioi, Wo rusp .'ui fully Invi 0 ult theao w ho may de--iret.i nipf il.i tn elvis a i h a atip.'tior at 1 1 Ie to eome and examine Ibis VMUVALLiU lu vbino. iie lulf liotira Inn'riii' I n is unflli-i.-iit. to in.ib'eany a ri-on l work thia uoicl ilia '. lb.ii entire saiefuu in T. lolillKl.lli I IIAI.HAtl.) ISfTltlTIOM all ha li'e-iallv .alt lib A dents W a n T r u for all 1..wiik In tho U. I e-' S'aiei. where Aii-nls are in I iilmii.l) rrl. ii-li, r. ash. f. 1 Cu ia. M'Xi' t'ni'ral und 8.11111 Mne'ieu, to win tn u lib-tul lii-ctiiit will Le fiver. N consb iirnf ii'a mmle nt nil Address Empire Sewing Machine Mi"g Company, a o. ft. ,u iw Y N.Y: r.i 'ciplu Airrnil-a KstabliKh. d: - I'ii ei.urir; Prncsl A-tuvin It .'liiu'i-e, Tin.-.' rhunka. Wh.cliiff. .1 . V11. W. I'.Siwkell Bro. t in viun .ti. . Ma h -i A Wlla.n N.v.iib.ir HO ll 1-HR ir Tllii model mm WCHl s'r..in fie New Y.ik Her .Id r. 111 in nl "tii- iig .he lie. h iincal tri .1111 bo l ib's 10. at i g.'iiicns uue, rem im ll 'n lie-ly i'..ii-l ua 10 notice ihe Fill pie 85 w i. g ,M o bine inim-tuled ..a j.ist- s yb d pei'ect 0,1 ise f. , I's.-fiil ae ImV bee 1 th vtiriuus M-wing nun him a, lo in ilil.' to limit pict.ented 10 the iti'.ilic each lie of them hs laecn cursed with ai nic r tl.cal del. i'l. w hich di-truls frum gitieiul U jlry Wuriied bv llie 1 xpeiii'iu e 1 I bis ire.pcessors, ti e imenlor 01 tbe I lupin Much lie has r.eliic. d im instriiinetit. mm Inning all the to Hiu.tiii.es f..r wbi h o'ln r aiev. tinted nod obriaiiiiK every deled whi. hr.iii he dtirihuiel in ilirui bt the no si ins' idioiH iritic. Tiie Etnpir" Maeniue is h niHrvell. us com iiiuHtiou ol rim Hi i.i ecoiioiiiv hi d petie.'t iMiikiiiinbli.p, tieiu duriib'e tree In nu ii Inliiy to get out ol ir. r. lod-etes,. a. id en ay 01 opt rat um, lis tncrh .iiIchI cotiiii v..iue is mio'i t to secuM siihility. free .1. in I'm .111 u cideiit. ami ariuuicy aa o woi km nhi Hy ihe u-e of 'be patented slui'tie aim s:rui).lit needle if makes n stitch, vv hi, h can neither lip i.iir rtnel while, ai the .-ame time, it can operate perlert'y upon every s,ecies ol tn 'en r in l a h-r to ciiin'iric, with thtedds ot cot 011. linen r tiiik fun the finest to the tours si miiiiher. A- the E.npite . Machine is ri!tullv upp hiittnu its nior ant q-p rival. in one iu want of n 1110 e u-nlul ies'ruiueu' il ihi-. ilecri'li,iii. be he or she tailor coai't innker ilreKsiniiker or sKMni-l.ess. inn du olheiwise I'm 1 -ceur" of these e.ou. in ii al and in mil utile m.ichi". s. -.ilited iiiiVe lot In in i 1 - nod luiiiiu'nc'iiring purpo-e. T ie ffice ol t'ie Empire Al inufac u iu" Co. is hi No. Ji3li llroudw.v. New Y- rh I'hy, where ihey are imw n'i,l vitty ti ese linipne M irliin-s nl pri e- b r bt I iw ihe e. mine ol the iiist'imiciits New Yoik icrull. 1 N....lber.',0 lcti.r)-IV Piano [...] Grovcstecn & Co.. PIANO FORTE ,iM i A i I 10!) IIro:i(hv;i)-, cw Vnrlv. Til ;attenl on of ihe Public and the ir th is invited to our Nr.v Soil.K 70lTAVK HOi E WOOD I'l AN ) FoRI ES w-hbh lor lo.umeapil p .rtv of t.ine are uti'iv till ed, bv uni hither ti iT erjil in t is nnrk l. I'hev con. aiu all the modern improve m.'iiti Fienc.h, firHiul Ac ion. H.np IVd I, Ir. n Frn e oveisiiiioo B.as et . nnd e eh in tiu tnent la-iiiis made ill- ersouin supe vi-ioii .IM'. J. il Gr.vb'ieen who Iks his m pin'iicul expe'ie nee ofover 3". years 1-1 theii miinufttc-.uie I-. fully warranttd in ev. ry par tienlur. Ituf'(ir v. fifecii IMhiiii F"rien" ro C.i lViJ till' HWHtll III Un si (,vtT nil i-tli. rn at tin; ceK luiited Worlds Kii'r, Where were ei' ibited in-l'om-tits tr 111 :he oest makers o' l,..nihui Pari. innnv Pbiludelphia llailiniore Bos'011 ami New Y'.rk: and also at ihe American lti-tu ute or live siicci asive te rs .h- gold and silver itit'd .U I10111 bo h uf whii h can be seen hi ur w .re r.-mf . Uy ihe iiiierisliictiiinnf inipr.itm nl- we make a stii" nee 1 er ect Pimm Foite. ami til maun a H-rntr h.re y. with a siiiif ra il sysieiu. ureei'i ihe i io offer theae 111 s r' 1 tii-nl Ml a pric which .wil. pr-vlnde all c. 111. eii I ion. I'k.ce-Ni I S ve.i () 1 iv r .11 1 1 corners riiiM iv ).'lpi..iii ce $27-). . N,. a, Seven Oc.Mte iniiini cornet. R sevvooilhei'Vy Piould!in t3'X N 3 Seien i)i-i ve r-'tiud i mnerK Ko-e o..l L ui- XIV sty e fco2 rt ui-: X-t i' au In 1'iiririi Eiincls. DtKCRIl TlVK CIRCULARS SEN 1' FREE. Dee. 7.h l-fi5- lr a. k c. mnd AJCXIATION' PHIuAOELFHlA PA DISEASEA OF THE UKI NARY AND cthXU.4LNYVrEIS -new nid relia h treainieni. Also ihe RRIDlLUllAM GKR, an Em-bv of Warning an 1 lii-triioioii Sent by mail in SPa'ed eiiieloie. Iter ot chnijff . a Hres Df J, SKI I. LIN HOUGHTON Howard AssmWtion Nn, 3 South Ninth street. Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 13th. 186 1r. : - . Medical. .11, L M B O L D'S, EXTRACT BUCHU ' iielmdoi.ds ru-'iui; P.-. HELM 01. J)S IUCHU. : '. ..'.'; , HtLMPOLD'H BtJCitU.-i-t-" ' ' 1 '.'..'; '.v; j.i iI TucCn'j Known Ceineily DIABETES IRRITATION OF " If VT NE K Of THZ I LM DF.K. IFI.AMM II N OF TrEMDNiYM CATARRH OF. 'I UK BUDDKR HTKAN. GL'A Y OK PAINFUL URINATING. C'OR these ilieeas. s V i truly a aovertten remi Il edy. i.itl on mite can lint fa sa d In. its prnisii. A rii g a d -k b:. a heii; kuowa lo ra d V,; 1 1 e ''ik utf 01 v no.. 111a. . ,11,-y 1 Hi-ill I J 11 Ii 1 l a, I'l-'reaririJ piiiqla be -.mall th, ba, k and tl r.'Uirb tl u I i, s t A 'ra po.,ntu adnyof Uulnibold'a Kucbu wilt re lieve you. iMiYSiriANS AM) OTHERS IlE!6E NOTJCE. I make n secret ef n jrvdia. Holnibotd's Kx r.iel Bucbn l u,.ip..-ednf Htteha Cahebs-, .01 1 Juniper Iteni, a. Mloete.t with iriei.t cars, prepatid hi Vacuo a'ld j.Cconlli g to rules of . I'll A U M ACY AND til E M ISTRY Tha-e ingreoTrr'a are knovn aa tho most val t able Diuraiica ff.id,il. , A D IURETI C I. t"iat which acta upon the kidneys IIELHBCD'S WW BOl'UU ACTS GENTLY, Is ploasant In tuate and nd tr. fr from all inja. rioiiK propuiics, auJ iiuiuui.biie iu i; aciiou. . F it TUK nATI-FACTl iK OF ALL, . t, ' Son Jfe.lic'lpr. pettlea ontiilne. In Dlsponsa.' n.iyot tliu U- S., of 1.1 1I1 tbe I'olloAinif iaaeor .. cepj : I.e. lie Its n lor la atr"ngr. difft-iva and luiwiia uro'nu iv I s tastd bit .eriah and a jl niroiia 1 1 ibui of mill-. Iila (fivnn, cboiflr In c tupbiiiit. of thu Urlnury Oriritia. Mitoll aa Ct i.vi-l C't n.ii c alarm of tlio r;.ild o and Uie h a: Dia iiae.of tha priwrat'.: nnd KetO'i iii, 11 in in, 1 inc., 11 in, nee of Urine fr ma loss .' t 11.1 in th,-p irt- cones rmd 11, itaevoi-italion. I ha also ho-n recommended in la)ep.ia, 1 br- n c I, In 11 ma i-m Cu uvn, alf.clloiis, auJ lr..sy. ' , rou FunniEu ixhon.MATioN v. ie l'r feasor Paw-oca' va'uaMo work on-tha p.uciie ..I pby-ic. Suu t. lemurka Hindu by tho celebrated Dr. I'liy-ic of Philud-1. Ina. Sue ui y and all standard works on iladklm, rnoxt rna LARGEST 1. MANUFACIURIXQ CHEMIST. IS Til F. MOULD. - f I am acqitaint'd 1J, II. T. IMmb !1 ; hs , ecu, ,id tin. d Hi! Mioro 1 pp, rite my teaijai ca, aid w.asio.e-sii.1 In coinlti tina- -.lie) business w In-rc orbcr hud not bear, eqiinllv so ' efora him. I biivu hei 11 fuvnrubly iinprueaed With hia cburaclei and eiiturpriM. , "' WtlotlTMAN, V ( Firm of Powers .V w eiirh man.) Mntiufnetnriiig Chott 1 ts, Ninth ai d Itmwn a ., I'bila. ''x m tho i'bil Kven'a Bulletin, Mureli 10'h.J We ar g-ra ilied to hear of the continued an-. cokk in New Yo k.of our towiiMtian. Vj. 11. T. Me tub Id liiuKirsts -Ilia a ore. ticxt to tha Mt:tr. H-li"iii 11 tel la 2s feat fmnt, 2-10 feet deep 11 lid five a'orie in beinht. It is certainly a vr ml eatahb.hm nt. ai d .peaks lavmubly of tbemils..f I i-unices. retnroa hia offiea an. 1 iab -r i'iity to ibis city , which are alao modi) I atnh'l.t mill a i.f tin ii clns. The p-oprietor I a- be n itid'hidto make thia tuietiirut from 'In- fuel thai liia retueuiea, al thuugn udver'.isiiil, are r GKMlVEPIltPARATIOA'S Atd tnwine that the Intelligent refrain (' a Inn nnyihli g iertuiiilnfr lo quackery' or ihe I'a em tl.dicine . rdnr m t of which tra pu p. r.'d by Kelt Kfjlcd Oot'tora who are to f nraiit tire da phy:ciali'a simplest preacrips 'i-.ii. much l.os c iii.uicuito pr.paia ptarma ciuiial piopiiia.I.ms, TIJ ESE I'A Rl'JES RESORT ... . - . i .i vatl ns means of effi-c lnf tails, sneh as et)p yinn p.r a of. adveril-tnients of pnpulur rem- di a ami nnisbnpwi h cartifl'-a ea. . i I h tvi.im e of Medii-in staiids impla. pure, and m..j. atic, havli g fact for it bai. induction Im iia pillut, truib alone for its 0 pital. - - - ; A WORLD t F CATTiON. ' H 'l'h Is most Imprrtant, and tbo afflicted' ..l o 1I.1 not nst 1,11 advertiaid ne-dim'.,,or nj r. incdy. ml aits c Hunts 01 innredienta are: known to o'hets l.tni la tlin manufacturer, pr until h y are aaliaficd of ibe qUaliflcaliona ojC lb pury Kooileiing;. IIELMBOLD'S .1 ' . : . . ' h GENUINE TREPANATIONS ct FLUID IXTRACrnUBHU.' ' ' rl.Uli) .XIRai'I SAR.xlPAiaLLA1; AND I .PhOVbD ROaB WAeJL. , r Establslad upwa.dsof 16 years.- .- 1 Pie, ared by II. T. HELMBOLD. -'. t. PlilNl IPLE DCFO r. 1 - t . . ' . .' .i.--. 1 HELM BOM-' DRUG'AND CHEMICAL WAKIHOU.SE 5' 4 Brrwrlwav NT snl Hri.A.BOI.D'S ME I ICAL f)Erof! 1 04 Sou h Tenth Si. Philadelphia Pa. , SOLD BYaIL CRyGGliTS, ,'J.a --..iit a.) KvVaJnW 1I,1M- li.