OCR Interpretation

The Vinton record. [volume] (M'arthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1866-1891, January 31, 1867, Image 2

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038222/1867-01-31/ed-1/seq-2/

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.E. A. MiATTON, , -. - - Editor.
THURSDAY -' V - - JAN. 31, 1807.
Democratic State Ticket.
' ' Gottrnor, ' '
Allen G. Tliurman, of Franklin ;
Lieutenant- Governor,
Daniel's. Uhl, of Holmes;
Mate 'lYeanurtr,
C. Fulton, of Crawford;
Slat Auditor,
Joliu Mclilwce, of liutlor;
Attorney Central,
Frault M. Html, of Knox;
Supremt Jmhji,
Thomas M. Key, of Hamilton ;
Comptroller of (he Treasury,
William Sheridan, of Willimns;
itcmher Board of Fuhlie Works,
Arthur Hughes of Cuyahoga.
Bro. McFarlan, of Hie Ports
mouth Tribune, thus takes us to
task in his last issue:
"A.Vinton county stump orator,
who has been regularly imported
for several years, to make market
houso speeches ior the rebels of
Portsmouth, never failed to glorify
the party in having such an appro
priate name as "Copperhead," and
we remember distinctly of three
different occasions, on which he lik
ened the people to the Israelites
when they looked upon the brazen
serpent and were healed. Either
Mr., Mayo or the present editor of
the Vinton Kecoru, (Copperhead,)
are not orthodox upon this ques
tion. . tor whilst Mayo pays hom
age to the brazen serpent, Bralton
"renigs" on the snaik, and abuses
us in the following wanner.
Bro. Mac. has evidently become
somewhat muddled on the subject
of the Israelites fcnd tlje brazen
KflAvniAnr " Tn 11 1 ."toll l erflalI n rr
the subject draws too much water
for his soundings ; hence, his 'in
distinct recollection that he calls
us a "snaik." See 1 Vinton Rec
ord, (Copperhead,)" and in less
than live lines alter, says we 're
nig' on the snaik." Oh ! thou Af
ricanic protector of wool t to thus
belie thyself. ' '.'
As to Bro. Mayo, baring the com
pliment of calling the Democracy,
of PorUmouth all rebels, he is able
to answer for his importation, &c.
Again, Bro. Mac. says:
"Now, Bratton, that is a .little
rough on a fellow who got kicked
out of a Government ollico which
ho had held for four years, without
a dollar of money passing through
his hands, nor any possible chance
' of stealing a five cent shinplaster."
Now? Bro. Mac, we certainly did
not charge you with Btealing in
fact, such an idea never entered
our head. For the reason-that you
spoke of a live paper, we did not
conceive that this would include
the Tribune.' . But
"How the galled jade winces." '
No the fact is, personally, we like
Bro. Mac, and recognize him as a
very clever gentleman. ; '. .'.
Again, Mac. says:
' "If you will take that b.ack, Ma
jor, and declare upon your word
that you don't like to bo called
"Copperhead," we will have great
hopes of your final conversion to
sound Union religion." .
Mac. has become somewhat re
ligiously inolined of late. It is re
lated of him by P r-, a reliable
gentleman of our town, that Mac 's
change came over him on the eve
ning of his receiving notice from
Andy that his resignation would be
accepted. ;' that 3Iac. . went home
that night, and, lor the first time,
held family worship, commencing
with ' '
"Lord, upon what a slender thread '
lling" our official heads!
We congratulate all Mac's friends
en this change, and. hope his re
pentance will be complete.
But, really, Mac, your talking
to us about our conversion, reminds
ns of the joke about the devil at
' (pmpting a . reformation of the
t-VM:':" : -! t '
Ai.f. Bcknkt tells a good one on the ed
itor or the Athens .Messenger. Air, wasnn
immiceci to give an entertainment there oil
last Monday evening, mid, as usual, the ed
itor w as presented vmn a complimentary
tiiket tho only 0110 given, to uny person
there. The niulieiiue had 4.eiribloU, but,
owing to the accident on the Marrietta rouri,
the humorist did not reach Athens fu time
to go on with his entertainment. About
0 o'clock, the door-keeper iliMiiissed the
audience, iiiui gave to every one, us t boy
parsed out of the hall, the halt-dollar charg
ed for admission. After he was through,
he discovered that he had paid out Just fif
ty cents more than be hud taken in ; ami,
as thcrew as hut one dead-head present, it
win not a hard matter to guess 'who got
tne extra iiait-doiiar: Alr.sayi nobmiy hut
11 printer would do such a thing. Mariet
ta Times.
That all cornea of n two months residence
in Alliens! When brother Bond went
there, wo have the highest authority for
saying, he was, in every respert, n model
man. " Now alas ! where te he? Had he on
ly succeeded, as was his intention. In pur
chasing the Telegraph, and thus teen
brought within the restraining influences
of civilized society,, he might' Mow have
been as free from suspicion us we 11 re. But
ire got the Telegraph, and he had 10 go to
Athens, and now witness the result!
'Great God, on what a slender thread, '
llangj everlasting things.'! Pomeroy
Telegraph. . , '
It would tseem, from the abeve.
that Bros. Champman & Thrall
have made a great discovery.which
.has, heretofore, perplexed many
puuosopners, to wit : tney nave
discovered that particular point befj
tween Jerusalem and Jericho at
which a certain man fell among
some other "fellers;" and the Tele
graph says Bro. Bond, of the Mes
senger, is one of those "fellers,"
and that Athens is the point. If
this is predicated on ; the word of
Alf. Burnett, then it's true, for he
never lies (1) If the Telegraph
had included the editor of the Jack
son Standard as one of the "other
fellers," the coincidences would
have been conclusively : certain in
our mind ; for, you know, the Book
says they were plural.
However, we nave expected, for
some time past, to hear of these
Republican editors charging one
another with stealing.
More Lies.
We have received several letters
in the past week from leading
Democrats, and havo had a num
ber of calls from men who renewed
their subscriptions ; and many in
quiries are made about" the start
ing of th,e Enquirer. Others 6ay,
"Why! we didn't expect to find
you here ; were told you had mov
ed to Zaleski, and weie going to be
a candidate on .the Zaleski ticket
next fall," &c. . .
Now, once for all, we want to say
to our readers this is all a lie !
The men who told you these things
knew they were lying ; and it was
done to deceive you, and injure us
all that lay in their feeble power.
They were not deceived they
knew belter. Yon will know who
they are by their talk to you. I
would advise my friends, when
these men are near them, to keep
their hands on their pocket-books,
or they may lose them.
The Meigs County. Telegraph
comes to hand enlarged and im
proved,' published in quarto form.
Thrall & Co.- deserve a hearty sup
port for their energy and enter
prise. May they meet with suc
cess. ' '
The CoKSTrrcnoXAL Amendment
is likely to occupy a prominent
place in the' political "aiscussions
of the coming two months,inasmuch
as the Legislatures of most of the
States will be in sessionj and will
have to act upon it. The Legisla
ture of Ohio ratified it week before
last. In the Seriate of New York it
was ratified week before last with
three negative votes. The Gover
nor of Delaware, in his annua mes
sage,trongly opposes the Amend
ment, and. advises that . it be not
ratified. The Governor of Mary
land opposes the Amendment, and
declares that the passage (f it as a
conditian precedent to the admis
sion of the Southern States, to rep.
resentation; presents' to, his mind
objections cf the gravest character,
so long as the Feberal Constitu
tion continues 10 be the supreme
law of the land. ' ':
Cameron, just chosen to the Un
ited States Senate from Pennsyl
vania, in a speech Wednesday, lrjth
inst., in Harrisburg, said : ; 'I hope
to see the word 'white' stricken
from the Constitution of Pennsyl
vania, and the spirit of caste based
upon color, utterly destroyed.' He
also said the Constitutional amend
ment and impanal suffrage "will
serve to guard against anothei
treasonable rebellion. but universal
amnesty will help to umjoit. ' Of
Andrew Johnson he continued:
"I said long ago he was a traitor to
his party, an enemy of his country
and a bad man..' He also declared
himself in favor of protection'' to
our manufacturers, and he would
represent all the Radical Republi
cs. r- cf Pennsylvania: " .
. Governor Swann was unanimous
ly elected United States . Senator.
yesterday fdr six years in,Maryi
land. ' ' , ' - '
A Washington special says it has
been stated on good authority that
in approving the bill authorizing
the assembling of. the . Fortieth
Congress on the 4th of March' next,
the iresidenj had contributed to
his own impeachment. The Com
mittee on Judiciary are now work
ing very industriously in the col
lection of evidence, but will not re
port until the close, of the session,
and then the report will be in fa
vor of impeachment. The : task of
offering articles of impeachment
will devolve upon the next Con
gress. '
We are again in receipt of news
from Madrid, a formidable out
break had occurred, . occassioned
by the starving condition of the
In the House yesterday, Ashlcv,
of Toledo, was brought up with a
round turn. In the course of one
of his uncouth speeches he said that
tl ere were members in the Houso
who had co-oper ated with rebels.
Upon which Hon. Mr. Winfield
pronounced it a base and unfound'
eel slander, while Hunter, more
emphatic, added that it was a base
lie. Tho Speaker pronounced this
out of order, and by a vote of 85 to
3i a rebuke was administered.
Ashley then subsided., He had on
ly intended the application in a
Pickwickian sense.
A Washington dispatch says tflie
Republicans and colored voters of
11 ' ! .1 1 L 1 1
mis city anu ueorgeiown, aave
formed a coalition to carry- the
coming municipal elections in the
spring, iiy this means the Kadi
cals will carry every ward. ;
A colored man has been norai
nated for Council in Georgetown.
The Republican s St. Joseph spe
cial says: "the bill for preventing
negroes or mulattoes from sitting
on juries in Colorado, vetoed by
Governor Cummings; was passed
over his veto by the Legislature.
Governor Cummings is en route to
A verv nrel tv little breeze ner
haps preliminary to the great blow
which is to come was enacted in
in the House of Representatives
yesterday. Kelley. 01 Fensylvan
ia, a bitter, Radical malignant, de
nounced the. President as an usur
per, upon which Mr. Cooper, of
Tennessee, replied that if it were in
order he would reply in the lan
guage of Marmion, "Lord Angus,
thou hast lied." Kelly retorted by
charging Mr. Cooper with being
"the paid agent of the usurper,"
arid then, without quoting Sir Wal
ter Scott, Cooper gave1 him the lie
unequivocal. At this the Speak
er, who should in the first place
have clapf ed an extinguisher upon
Kelly interfered. ,; What a digni
fied spectacle does this present
Congress of ours present to the
world at large 1 : '
Mr.. Lee, who drew the Crosby
Opera House, has sold it to Mr.
Crosby for 200.000. ' . . : ";
The ice gorge in the . Mississippi
river, below Cairo, broke on Suu-
day morning and boats can now
get through. :
An ' oil well in Pennsylvania,
near Tranklin, known as the Eber
Jy well, threw up water and stones
to a wonderful height last weelc
Gen. Logan just ft:
says niw people are : generally in
favor of impeaching the President,
and believe him guilty of crimes
and misdemeanors. Give "Fight
ing Johnny" a bottle of old bour
bon, a fiddle and a little nigger to
dance for him, and he will say any
thing.' Chicago, Jan. 26. Mr. Abraham
Lee, who drew the Crosby Opera
house, arrived in this city last even
ing. He and his family ..occupied
one of the proscenium boxes, at the
Ristori matinee, in the Opera-house
this afternoon. . ;
Late last t night .. a carpenter,
named Schroeder, ' attemted to
shoot his wife, in revenge for seve
ral beatings which she had admin
istered to him ol late. The ball
from the weapon only grazed the
woman's nose, when she fell to the
floor,, more frightened than lwrt.
Schroeder, believing he had killed
his wife, fled from the scene, in the
direction of the lake, and has not
been seen since. ' , L . -
The Herald's Washington cor
respondent says a bill : has been
framed for introduction in the
House, providing ior the appoint
ment of General Grant to be act
ing President in case of impeach
ment or removal of Johnson. 1
Senator Wade yesterday presen
ted a petition for the removal of
the Capital to a more central point,
' The veto message of the Presi
dent of the (Jolorado tsm was pre
sented yesterday to Congress.
. The Empress Carlot.ta fcas recov
dred Ler bodily and mental health,
'The Empress Carlot.ta fcasrecov-
Columbus Jan. 2C, Mr. Stead
man offered a resolution, authoriz
ing the Governor to appoint a pro
per person to represent Ohio at the
Paris- World's Fair, at $2,500 ex
pense. A bill was introduced, increasing
the fees of County Clerk.' !
By .Mr. Bloom Allowing admin
istrators or executors to act as
guardians of minors one year after
settlement of accounts. '
By Mr. Sawyer Allowing suits
to be brought before Justices of
the Peace in the township where
eitker "debtor or creditor resides.
' To change the subdivsions of the
Seventn Judicial District. ,
Amending law relating to wills.
' Amending law for the punish
ment of offeiues.
Jan. 2S. Mr. Green, of Wash
ington, called up his resolution
thanking Congress for imposing
negro suflrago'upon the citizens of
the District of Columbia.
.' The vole was taken on tho adop
tion of the resolution,' and every
Republican except Myers,of Darke;
was made by party drill . to' vote
aye, while the Democrats voted
nay. Carried-4yeas 47, nays 29j ,
A little boy of James Williams,
f Jackson township, inGuersey
county, was on his way to a neigh
bor's house a few days since, and
became so behumed with cold that
he sank on the snow, unable to pro
ceed further. ' He was accompan
ed by a dog, which went on to the
plate whither they were going, it
being the nearest house, and the
appearance of the dog, and his
strange actions, coming to the
house and returning immediately
without any. one with him, induced
the family to follow him on his re
turri, when they found the child al
most frozen, in the snow drift. At
last 'accounts the child was still liv
ing, and was thought would re
cover. 1
Advertising and its Reward.
A celebrated wholesale merchant
in London, England has presented
the proprietors of the newspaper
called the Telegraph with a printing-press
which cost 25,000, as a
tokn of appreciation. In doing
so lie accompanied the ' gift by a
letter, which said: nIn your paper,
by judicious advertising, I first
built the foundation of a fortune
and in your paper, by judicious ad
vertising, I have amassed the for
tune which enables me ft) offer this
testimony of regard and good will."
E, D. Dodge
Is still selling goods at astonishingly low
prices. Give him a call.
Apples Green, pcrhushcl...
do Dried .:. .
Butter..;, ..!.
Beeswax ;
Beans. '
Collee,... ,
Chickens : j
', ..Mackerel
Flour, pcrbhl..
Kelts'. ..
.51 00(21 50
. 2 00to2 50
.125 to 2 00
... 30 to 33
... 20 to 25
. . . 20 to 25
..'.12,'to 15
". 12'
15 OU
: 50
Molasses Sorgho. i.
j.aru .,....... ...
,,.,.10 to 12
, . . . . 35
.....15 to 18
. . 3 50
Oats................ .'..
Sugar. . . . ;. . . . .
Salt, perbhl.... .'. .
New Advertisements.
Decker's' Piano, Milnor &Co.,
Money free as water.'1 "Costar"
Exterminators, &c. Times of
holding Courts. Howard Associa
tion. . '
Times of Holding Courts
.Washington county, April 11th;.
Meigs, April 15th; , ,.' !!.;
Gallia, do , 17th ; .
Lawrence do.lOth;' ' " v'
Scioto do.22d; ; .
- Tike. do. 28th: ; -
Perry September 3d ; ' -
0th k
20th. '
Hockiug, February 19, May ,14, October 1.
Perry, March 12, May 21, October 15.
Fairfield, March 20, June 4, November 5.
Lawrence, February 11, Mar 13, Sept. 23.
Gallia, February 25, May 27, October 7.
Scioto, Marcti is, June 17, octoDer 28.
Pike, February 18, April 20, October 1. - -
Jacksou, February 20, May 7, October 0.!
v niton, joarcti J 8, June 14, ucioDer zu.
Meigs, February 11, May 1, September 23.
Washington, March 4, May 27, Octobers.
Athens, March 27, June 21, November 11.
January 31, 1807. ...wo ',.
TUDE, and th etrore,i ftbqse tnd'diaeaws
which delroT th manly powers, and create
impedimenta to marriage with sure means of
-.!!- n . t J 1 . . .
loiioj. oent 1 01 voarfs, inooaisa 10 iter mi-
eiopei. Address - .
Howard Association,. Philadelphia, Pa
8"J1 .
-qlanks of every description, formal t
J3 , atthbofice. ; : i 1
Road Notice.
petition will be presented to the Board
ol toiumlssioners 111 aim ior iqwn coun
ty, Ohio, at their next session on the rlrst
Monday or lurch, low, praying ior me
view, survey ana location 01 a county
road, leading from Zaleski to Kaccoon
Creek, In snideounty of Vinton commenc
ing at a point on Broadway, opposite the
west end or Commercial street, tn mo vil
lage of Zaleski, and running thence a north
westerly course about one mile, to the "Di
viding Kldge;" thence the nearest and best
route to tne oriugo across itaccoon creeK,
near John Dillons house, and thereto end.
jan31w4 Masv Petitionkrs.
10,000 Active Loeal and Travelin
Agents, Male or Female, of all ages, are
wanted to solicit trade in every City, Town
Village. Hamlet, Workshop and Factory,
throughout the entire world, for the most
saleable noveltiesever known. 500 Per
Cent. Profit and ready balk wiikrkvkr
ofkkukd!! Smart men and womcucan
make from $5 to $50 per day, and no risk
of loss ! A small capital reiiuircd of from
S20 to Slot) tho more money Invested the
greater tne pront. a o Jlouey required In
advance we Hist send the articles and re
ceive pay afterwards I If you actually wish
to make money rapidly . and easily, write
for full particulars and address
M I LN Olt At CO., ( From Paris,
21U Broadwny, Xcw' York.
fXewsnancra cbnvlns tcill bo lihemllv
dealt with. JanSl-C7-ly
Ttsc Decker Piano Torle,
Warerooms, JVb. 4 Bleecker Street,
rpiIEtiiidarrigned respectfully Invites the at
L tuntion of tho paMier and trade to thene
celebrated instrumouts,manu.'c(itured nndor his
ctpecial euporvlbion of (he host seaioned mute
rial: 'lla Decker Piano has all tho lalo?t tinnrove-
mcnis, nuth as full iron framo, over-atrnng
ban, ivorr fronts, bushed holet, Hut pins,
French grand action, ana hammori emncd to
centre of key board. '
nr. Deckers prncticel f xpariance ai a manu
facturer of Pianos for over twontv live voara la
a eullicient guarantee that bit instruments are
unsurpassed for strength and durability of con
struction, purity, power andainging qnaliiof
tono. .
The Dockor Piano Fortes art very large full
sized insrument, mannfaotured rcgaidle&t of ox
poino, arewurronted lor the full torm ofsitvaN
ylaks, and iiavo obtained tho first premium
wherever exhibited, and also the recommenda
tions of the moat celebrated artietos in this
eoan'.rr. Prioen from SS0 to 1000. The intern
al mechanism of the low-priced instruments ate
trecisoly tho same as those of the higher price,
iborul discount to the trado, olorgymen and
toachora of muaio. Uoacriptive price list by
mail upou application. , .
(lute of Broome Btreot,)
No 4 Bleocker St,
janSIy New York.
Zaleski and Wilkesville
NOTICE Is hereby given, ihar a petition
will be presented to the board of Com
missioners in n.id for Vinton county, Ohio,
Ht their next session 011 the first Monday of
March, 1867, praying for the view, turvey
and locntion of a County Road leadin
from Zaleski to YVilkesville, in said county
of Vinton, commencing at the centre f the
road leading frjm Zuleski to. Prultsville,
opposite the Telegraph office, at lhe town
of Zaleski, in said Vinton county, thence
thejnrarcst and best practical toufe to the
Vinton county Infirmary Farm,1 thence the
nearest and best practical route to the town
of YVilkesville in said Vinton county, and
there to terminate. ,,, ; .
And for the alteration and vacation of
such parts of the roads leading from Zalet
ki to Prattsville and from McArtHur to Al
bany, and from Prattsville to Wilkesville,
as may be necessary in the location of said
proposed road, said proposed roadto be es
tablished 60 feet in width, And for such
proceedings as may be necessary to establish
said road and make such al'erations and
vacations, as aforesaid, as maj be necessary
and according to law. . :
jan24w4 .
Zaleski & Christian Church
"VTOTICE is hereby given, that a petition will
J.1 be prcBonted to tho Beard of Commission
er, tl their next nenfion on the flrt Monday
of March, 1807, praying fur the viow, eurvey
and location ol a county road loading from Za
loki to tne Christian Church at H. II Swaim's
farm; commencing, for said road, at the cen
ter of Bnadwaj and Vine streets, in Zuleski;
thance the nearest and best practical route to
the IxkUborry School-house; thence the near
est and bjst pruotical routo to Daniel Cram's
furm; thenco the 'neaieat and best practical
ron 0 to John Coulter's farm, thence the near
est and bet-t practical route to intersect the Mo
Arthur and Logan road, near the Chriatian
Church a' II. 11. 6waim's larni, and Uiore to
teiminato. And for such alterations and va
cation r on the road 3 leading from Mc Arthur to
Zaleski and from the Xckleborry School-bouso
to tbo Slid Christian Church, as raaj be neoes
sarj in the location Of said proposed road, said
proposed road lo be W feet in width; and lor
such crocetdines as mar be nocoBarv to ee-
tab lish said road and make such alterations
and vacations afoiesuid, ai may benecessiry
and according to law, ; '
Jlissolutioii of Partnership.
MOTICKis, hereby given, that the partner.
IN tliip heretolore existing botweea Jlulbort
& Hcrton is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. - : ' , " ' .
The books of the said firm are in the. hands
of E. A. Hulbertfor settlement. The business
will bo conducted by hira hereafter; '
January 1 ' 8 ' , .
An Invention or Rare Merit t
m. lamp, chimney;.
Burna up all eaa and amoka.
never break Br puttingona!
hade 1 ahort, and nof top
heavy 1 ia easily oleaned by
removina topi in (sot, thi
most perfect onlmney known
and ia faat wnpenading all
others whore it baa been in
troduoed. Ho dealer oan affbra to b
without them.
"' VS Warren MU, W. T.
i , 'AND ' ;" . - '
Corner of Front and Maditon Streets,
.; Portsmouth, Ohio.
BTJT all kinds of Country produce: :
...... noySn.
Adrertisw ia tfc KECOBD.
V ' V!-' J . ' 1.
Au Old Sons et to a New Tunc,
&&1867. ism
spring 'Upproachet
Ann and lioaehes
From their holes tome outf
And Mice ami Hats- '
Jn tnite of eats.
Gaily skipjtbout.
1 ' 8 jcrV,nlili.vhcd In N. Y. Cltj. '
"Cnly intnllihTohcmcdlo. Intwn."
it 1? 1 . ; 11 . .
riau iruni j uihiup.
"Notd anfjeroiis 'yo the Human Fnn ily."
"Kat' come cut of their holes todio.'
Costar's Itat, ttoach.&c, Exterm'f
I arnate nsod for.Knta, Mice, Hoochos,
'' Black and. Ked ants, ko., Ac.
Costar'M ,IJol:Huj21'.vtenniiiator
Is a lio,"ld or wash used to doxtroy,and
also ! a proventaMva ior llcd-Hiu, &c,
Costar's Electric Powtl's for Insect
Is for Moths, Mosquitoes, low, lied Riga
luvcots on plunts,fow lu, animals, Ao.
W" I Bewabs ! 1 of till worthless imitatiena
tSTSco that "CostnrS" namo in each Box,
Bottle, and Flask, before jou buy.
ljirvadi.y, N. Y.
BTSold In
itlcArthiir, Ohio,
aui all D.ugfrhta nnj.lctnilcrs avcrywhore.
For cuts, but ns, bruises, wounds, bolls, cancers,
broiton brensts, sure nipples, b oedinir. blind
and painful piles, aero I'uloui, putrid and III
condmonod sores; ulcers, glandular swotllng,
eruptious, cutaneous affections, riiitfworm.ltch,
corus, bunions, chilblains, o; chapped hands,
up. , uiwi ui rpiuera, insects, animulF. 0.
. Hytiwes.WeU., tools., and sizes.
l-t"Bold by drugfrists evorywbere,
tiT'And by Honry K. Costar, Depot 434
Broadway, N. Y.
t5"Aud by
' , ITfcArthur, Ohio.
.' "COSTAR'S','
For Corns, Bunions, Warts, Jto.
Hoxes25o., 60o: and tl sizes.
tfSold by all DraeKicts every wliiro.
If And bv llantv K. float nr. Il.nnt AkA
Broadway, N. Yt ' ' ' '
. ' AND BT
. V 1 '. . ' V ...
McArthur, O.
TT sC C M a y
Used to Soften andBeautifvthe.Skin.ro-
inova Freckles; Flrnples, Eruptions, to. '
Ladies are now nsinz it in proforenco io all'
others.1 1 ' ' ' .
"Bottles t. '
fifSold by all drapgisui everywhere.
tTind by Henry K.' Costar. DbdoW84
Broadway N. Y.,
nniirtii npismv
ifuuun ntrncufi
For Coughs,' Colds, Iloarseneu; Sore Throati
urunp; w hooping uocgn; influenza; asthma;;
Consumption: Bronchial affections, and all
diseases of the throa and lung.
l-aottlea zac, ouo; ana ft sizes.
. 4?SolJ by drnggiats everywhere.
fc"And by Henry R. Costar. Dopot 484
rsroauway a i .
1 " '
v.' t . -.-
For Nervous and Sick Headache; Costivenaas;
Indigestion: Dyspepsia, BilUoutness; Constipa
tion, Diarrhea, Colics: Chills, Fevers and gen
eral darangemant of the Digestive Organs.
Boies S5e 6C0 and one dollar sizes.
tarSold by all draggisU everywhere.
l-V aj nenry a tjosiar. uepof is uraaaay

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