OCR Interpretation

The Vinton record. [volume] (M'arthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1866-1891, March 21, 1867, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038222/1867-03-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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JWtS. it V Til C. II 1C ATT ON
At Briitton'H Building, East of tlio
' year, $1 50
Light months, 1 OO
1'eur mouths, 5o
,- rayruent lu advance In all eases.
U. A. Ilratlou,
Xl will attuiid to all legal burnout euliu.lud
o ma cftio in Vinton, Alhri , l.cn
Runs, 'loekioir.iiidtAliiiin iiffct'iiuliw. l'artlu-
nlar fttleuliiHi g'ven tu the collision ofioldieri-
claims fur peiiicu, bounties, am are ol
w., agninin in u a or uuio, iu.iun i
(id raid claims. jjtiB
Back 1'ay, llouuty anil Pen
WILL be culloctod promptly by
m'ahtiiub, ouio.
All soldiers, who aie by lw, eutitted to
Baok Pay, B-miitY end PeltxlonH. and wdL
', fathers, mothers, blot ho. . and .h-ters of
tended to.
ucea-eu eoiaiere' claims will be primi'tlr at
MA tO.
B. & A.
XV "111 attend promptly to all legal businoiw
enrurtcd to (bom. Ullicu iu Court llou-e. Mo
Arthur, onio j,n3y
Archibald Mayo,
CLAIM AOENT.-Biok Pay, B.,o Hybrid
fenrioLt will be promptly oul looted. Of-
Dee in the Court Honae, Mo Arthur, Ohio. All
outers who ar en tilled by law to back py
bouoty and ronnlcms. and the oluirna of wid
ows, fathers, mothera, .wethers and iten. will
n pirn pi li allei.U d to.. janBr
J.J. McDowell,
T will preciicein Vlntou ai d adjoining oo
tie. AUo, beer fy Collector if InWru JKuv
eauo. Office In the Vinton Co. Batik. junSl
Homer . Jones.
win iouu iuii.Kijr ia uu Duaineai .jutrua
Ma 10 nia care
OfHco OTerT. B. Davla' 8tora
MoArthur, Ohio. '
Muln t'rcot
t . ii o is s s
jack soy, c. n mo.
UTTeeth extracted by tin use of Laiv.ii
IMP OaH.JH jyfly
Cf. W. J. YoUk,
T ? Hulbcrt's Building. Mivlrihiir 0.
. Ytatolies;clocks:jcwclry : $e. ulwavs on
Hand. Repairing done to order. JiihH.v
YlfflQK 00. SAKE
11. F. Aian.v, D.V.Hannkls, F. Stuokq,
A. A. Austin.
Bank of Discount and Di'iKMsit.
Will buy and bt'll Govcruuiviit Scctitl
tlos, Konds, Ac.
CollcctloiM made at the usual rates.
Change of Time.
m. & C. It. It., TIME TABLE.
FROM and alter Sunday the Uth day of Dec.
19 Trains will leave Btutlour named at
Mat font.
0 15 a ra
1 57 p m
3 36 p m
3 52 p in
4 13 p m
8 03 p m
0 40 a m
10 10 a in
10 33 a in
10 45 a m
13 23 p m
B 00 p m
NtgU Ex
Vi 6ii a m
6 0.5 tl m
0 28 a m
6 41 a m
7 01 a n-
10 48 a in
yiyht Ex.
7 05 p m
11 OQ pm
11 31 p m
11 42 pra
1 20 a m
60 a ra
Corner of Front and Madisun Streets,
Portsmouth, Obio.
BUY all kinds of CouiWrj produce,
Z. Thomas,
00T AND SHOEMAKER, Loiran atreet.one
dodr BontB of Mra. JJodee'u Millinery Ea-
tabliahmeDt. MoArfbjr. O.. rainufactures to
erder all wo'k In hit line.
Repairing alw done with aeatn'
and die-
cb. fatUfaetion guaranteed
lid prioea
. , 412 Broadway, Neva York,
Dry Goods Jobbers,
SPRING TRADE .....1867.
WE leqoert the speoial attention of Country
M.rchanta to the large and attractive
took of all woods in the Wholesale Dry Goods
line, which' we are bow offering at onr new
.Warehouse, No. 411 Broadway, Kew York.
Buyers visiting thi city are solicited to call
epon aa.
' We (rive particular attention to orders by
nail, which will in filled at aa low prioea aa if
the buyer was personally pieeent. Circulars,
with full part'colars, sent on request.
We call attention to the high reputation our
.Iwma. tiM anloTid for niDT Tears, anil imhm
all who may beal with as cf fair and liberal
feeinunt. TRACY, IRWIN A CO., U
nurWra) 11 liioaaway, N. r.
-ill' llif ii jiiwif
VOL. 2.
NO. 12
ItV just us jonnny, m-ilibor Green,
A treasure, indeed, in my wile:
Such aiioltier fur bustle and work
I never Imve round iu my lile.
But then she keeps every one elso
As busy as binls on the winjr;
There is never a inoiuent for rest,
Slieis siicli a ttilgety tiling.
Slic makes the best bread In the town,
Her pies ar a perfect delight,
Iler coffee a rich golden brown,
Her crullers ainlpuddin g just right.
lint then, while 1 eat tliem. she tells
Of the cure and the w orry tlify br 1ii.
01 iIih iiiurtj r-liket oil she endures,
0, slw such is tldgety Uilitg!
My house is as nent :.s a pit
You should see how the Uoor-liandleg
And nil of the soft cushioned chairs
And nicely-swept carpets are mine,
But then she so frets ut the dust,
Atn fly, ata straw or a string,
That I stay out of doors nil 1 cun,
bhe is such a ildgcty tiling !
She doctors the tielghbors ; 0, yes,
If a. child has the measles or croup,
Bhe is there with her saffron and siiuills,
Iler daiiity-mnde gruels and soups.
But then she insists on her right
To physic my blood iu the spring,
And she takes the w hole charge of iny
0, she such a fidgety thing!
She knlUall my stockings herself,
My shirts are bleached w hite as the
snow ;
My old clothes look better than new,
But then il'a morsel of lint
Or dust to my trousers should cling,
I'm sure of one sermon at least,
She is such a lidgety thing. .
You have rend of a spirit so meek ,
So meek that it never opposes,
Its own it dares never to seek,
Alas! 1 am meeker than Closes,
But then 1 um not reconciled
Thesubordiiia'e iimsiu to t-lug,
I submit to Bet rid of a row,
She is such a fidgety thing.
It's justas you say, neighbor Green,
A treasure to me has been given :
But sometimes 1 lain would be glad,
To lay up my treasure in heaven.
But then every life has Its cross.
Most pleasures on earth have their sting
She's a treasure 1 know, neighbor Green.
13ut she's such a lidgety thing.
Let each one strive with a'll ids might
To be a decent man,
And love his neighbor as himself
Upon the golden plan ;
And if his neighbor clmiico to bo
A pretty female woman,
Why, love her all the more you sco
That's only acting huuiiui.
LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Highly Interesting Story.
An Austrian officer, Baron Von
-, who served in the last war
against the Turks, in the Scekler
Hussars, resided a few years at
A . lie took delight in speak
ing ot tlie various extraordinary
events which occurred m the
course of his campaigns. The f bl
owing story is given in the words
in which the baron himself related
In the spring of the year, 1788,
6et out from Miclos-Var, in
Transylvania, for the purpose of
conducting some recruits to my
regiment, then stationed In the
neighborhood of Olsowa. In a vil-
age near the army lived a Gipsy
woman, who iollowed the trade ot
sutler. My new soldiers, who
were very supersutious, asked her
to tell them their fortunes ; I ridi
culed them, and, laughing heartily,
piesented my nana to the lortune-
uThe twentieth-of August!"
said she to tne, with a significant
ook, and without adding a sylla
ble. I wished for an explanation,
but she repeated the same words :
and as I was going away, she
again cried out to me in the same
tone, w The twentieth of August !"
t may easily be conceived that
this date was impressed upon my
memory. -
We reached the army, the fa
tigues and dangers of which we
shared. ' It is generally known that
in vthis war the Turks took no
prisoners. ' Their officers . set the
price of a ducat upon each"bead
brought to the camp. The Janis
saries and Spahis neglected no op
portunity or earning this reward.
his arrangement proved particu-
arly fatal to our advanced posts.
Scarcely a night passed but the
tfrks came in superior numbers
in quest of heads. . The excursions
were conducted with such secrecy
and dispatch that they were seldom
unsuccessful, and often at day
break the camp was found guarded
only by headless trunks. The
nnce of Coburg determined to
send every night strong pickets of
cavalry beyond the line of videttes,
to protect them. - The pickets were
composed of from one hundred to
two liundred men ; but the Turkish
General, enraged at seeing his peo
ple disturbed at their trade, dis
patched still stronger deta'chments
against our pickets, which pro
cured them a. much larger profit.
The service of the pickets thu9 be
came so dangerous that when a
person was sent upon it he ar
ranged his afl'airs.before he set out.
Such was the state of things in
the month of August. Some ac
tions hal not changed the position
of the army. About a week be
fore the twentieth, the Gipsy wo
man, of whom I had often purchas
ed provisions, "made her appear
ance. She entered my tent, and
entreated me to-leave her a re'g?rcy
in case I should perish on the day
Bne nau predicted; and ottered to
engage, in case I should survive it,
to make me a present of a basket
of Tokay wine. This wine was
very rare in the army. I thought
the woman silly. In my profes
oiuu, u speeuy ueaui was oy no
means improbable, but I had no
reason for expecting to die precise
ly on the 20th of August. I wa
gered two horses and fifty ducats
against the old woman's Tokay
wine, and the auditor of the
i. "it . i
mem, nuu wiuiuui smiling, com
mitted the agreement to writing.
of Atfgust arrived.
was no appearance of hos
It was the turn of our reg
to furnish a picket for the
but two of my comrades
niglit ;
were to precede me. The evening
came, and as the hussars were
about to depart, the surgeon an
nounced to the general that the of
ficer appointed to the picket had
fallen' dangerously ill. The officer
who was next in turn before me
was ordered to take his place, lie
hastily dressed himself, and pre
pared to join his men, but his
horse, a good tempered and fine
animal, suddenly reared, and at
length threw his rider, who had his
leg broken by the fall. It was now
my turn. I set out, but, I confess,
not in my usual good spirits.
I commanded eighty men, and
was joined by one hundred and
twenty belonging to another regi
ment, making in all two hundred.
Our stations were about a thou
sand paces in front of the right
wing, and were supported by a
marsh covered with very high
reeds. We had no sentinels in ad
vance, and none of us dismounted.
We had orders to keep our sabres
drawn and carabines loaded till day
break. All was quiet for an hour
and three-quarters, when we heard
a noise, and shouts of " Allah"! Al
Jahl" and in an instant all the
horses of the front rank were over
thrown, either by the sudden fire
or the shock of from seven to eight
hundred Turks. They lost as many
on tneir side, both by the impetu
osity of their charge and the fire
from our caibines. They knew the
ground perfectly well; we were
surrounded and defeated. They
oiten hred at random. I received
many sabre wounds, as well from
friends as from foes ; my horse was
mortally wounded ; he fell upon
my right leg, and kept me down
upon the bloody sand. The flashes
of pistols threw some light upon
the carnage. I looked up and saw
our party delending themselves
with the courage of .despair : but
the Turks, intoxicated with opium.
made a horrible massacre. There
was soon not a single Austrian but
was extended on the ground. The
conquerors seized the horses which
were yet serviceable, plundered
the dead and wounded, and then
cut off ther heads and put them in
to sacks, which they had brought
expressly for that purpose. My
situation was not very enviable.
in the hzelker corps we were pret
ty well acquainted with the Turk
ish language. I heard then urge
one another to finish before assist
ance arrived, and to not leave a
ducat behind: adding that there
could not be fewer than two hun
dred of us. Hence, it is evident
they were well informed. Whi'e
they passed and repassed over me,
my horse gave a convulsive move
ment, and my leg became disen
gaged. I determined to conceal
myself among the reeds of the
marsh. I had only twenty paces
go, but was apprehensive of
sinking in the mud. I leaped over
men and horses, however, and up
set more than one Turk. They ex
tended their arms to seize me, and
cut at me with their sabres ; but
my good fortune enabled me to
reach the marsh, where I sank no
deeper than my knees. -I heard a
Turk cry out, "An Infidel has es
caped ; let us go in quest of him."
Others replied, M He could not have
gone into the marsh." I know not
how long they rsmained, but I
heard no more. I fainted from the
loss of blood, and continued insensi
ble for 6everal hours ; and when I
recovered my faculties, the sun
was already high.
I was immersed in mud to my
hips. My hair stood on end when
I recollected the occurrence of the
night, and the 20th of August was
one of my first thoughts. I count
ed eight sabre cuts on my arms,
breast, and back, none of which
were dangerous As the nights in
summer are cool in that country, I
Wore a very thick pelisse, which
ae"aaerredthe!kblow8T nevertheless!
i was very weak". The Turks had
long since departed. I heard from
time to time the groans of the
wounded horses. As to the men
the Turks had disposed of them.
In an hour I succeeded in extri
eating myself. The track 1 had
made served to direct me. Al
though a war against the Turks
blunts all sensibility, I felt an emo
tion of horror, all alone as I was,
when 1 looked out from among the
reeds. I advanced, the field of car
nage met my eye ; but how can I
describe my terror on feeling mv-
sen suuuenjy seized by the arm
I beheld an Arnaut, six feet high,
who, doubtless, had returned to see
if there was not something worth
picking up. Was ever hope more
cruelly disappointed if
I addressed him in the Turkish
language : " Take my money, my
watch, my uniform, but do not kill
me." " All those things belong to
me," he said ; " and your head in
the;bargaiu." In vam I supolica
ted for my life, but he persistently
refused. As he was preparing to
cut off my head, I felt something
naru in his girdle, which proved to
be an iron hammer. He told me
to M Be quiet 1" and these probably
would have been, the last words I
should have ever heard, had not
the horror of such a death impell
ed me to snatch the hammer, which
he did not observe. He already
held my head with one hand, and
his cutlass was in the other, when,
by a sudden motion, I disengaged
my8elt, and, without losing an in
stant, struck at his face with the
hammer, with all my force. The
Arnaut staggered. I repeated the
blow, and he fell, at the same time
dropping his weapon. I need not
observe that I immediately seized
it and pi unged it deep into his body.
1 now hastened towards our ad
vanced posts, whose arms I could
see glittering in the sun. The men
fled before me as from a spectre.
The same day I was seized with a
violent fever, and was taken to the
hospital. In six weeks I recovei
ed, and returned to the army. On
imy arrival, me oiu uipsy woman
(brought me the Tokay wine : and I
learned lrom others that, during
my absence, several precise pre
dictions A been verified, which
procured her consultations and leg
acies. - This seemed to be very ex
A short time afterwards, two de
serters from the Turks joined us,
ana when they saw the Uipsy wo
man they recognized her, andin
formed us that she was a spy, and
that it was through her the Turks
were enabled to inflict so much
damage upon our pickets. She was
tried, found guilty, and executed
a9 a spy.
Previous to her execution she
confessed that Bhe had selected me
for her victim on the 20th of Au
gust in order to establish her repu
tation as a fortnne-teller. She also
confessed that, from a conversation
with our officers, she ascertained
that two were to precede me. She
gave the first adulterated wine,
which made him sick ; and as to
the other officer, she contrived, just
as he was about to set out, to in
troduce a piece of burning sponge
into one of the nostrils of his horse.
A Good Companion. A com
panion that is cheerful, and free
from swearing and scurrilous dis
course is worth gold. I love that
mirth which does not make friends
ashamed to lock upon one another
next morning; nor men, that can
well not bear it, to repent the
money that they spend when they
were warmed with drink. And
take this for a rule. You may
pick out such times and such com
panions, that you may make your
self merrier for a little than a great
deal of money ; for M tis the com
pany, and not charge, tha. makes
the feast."
Some of the finest horses in this
country are owned by some of the
greatest asses.
THE GIPSY'S PROPHECY. A Case of Conscience---A Lawyer
With Conscientious Scruples.
With Conscientious Scruples. [From the Danville (N. Y.) Express.]
we have lately heard a capita
story connected with a prominen
lawyer of our village, who has dia
tinguished himself in the defence
of criminals, as well as in connec
tion with other trials, having fre
quently, through his skill, aided
the most hardened criminals to es
cape from justice. Some time ago,
While our Irrend 'was attendin
court in an adjoining county, he
was applied to by a singular speci
men oi Humanity, charged with
grand larceny, to defend him. The
lawyer very naturally inquired
what crime he was accused of.
1 he party accused replied that
somebody had been mean enough
to charge him with stealing one
hundred and fifty dollars in bank
notes, and had got him indicted.
"Are you guilty?" asked the
"That's none lof your business,"
replied the accused. "They tay
that makes no difference with you,
whether a man is guilty or not, you
will contrive to dig him out in
some way." So don't talk any more
about the guilt till you hear what
the jury says."
"Well, what about the pay ?" said
the lawyer. ,
"You just hold on till the trial i3
over; giveL (the complainant)
h 11 on the cross-examination, and
that other lellow lie has got to back
him up, and you'll have no trouble
about the pay."
lhe trial commenaed and proved
to be a somewhat protracted and
exciting one. The District Attor
ney proved that the money in
question was composed of fwo$50
bills on a certain bank,nnd the re
mainder all in 10 bills, all of
which were wrappod up in a piece
of snk. The jury, after listening
to the counsel in the case, and re
ceiving the charge of the Judge,
retired, and soon returned with a
verdict of not guilty. The ac
cused, who was greatly elated with
the result of the trial and the ef
fort of his council, invited the lat
ier into one oi me vacant jury
rooms. As Boon as they were
alone, he slapped his counsel on
the shoulder, and exclaimed:
"Free as water, ain't I ? What's
the use of trying a man lor steal
ing when you're around? Now I
suppose you want pay ?"
"les ; have you got any thing to
pay with ?" said the lawyer.
"Lend me your knife and weTU
see about that."
The lawyer, slightly startkd at
such a proposition, rather reluct
antly complied. The accused im
mediately commenced ripping and
cutting away at the waistband of
his pantaloons, and soon produced
tne roil ot bills lor the stealing ol
which he lnd just been tried, wrap
ped up in tne identical piece of oil
silk described by the witnesses for
the prosecution, and throwing it
down on the table before the as
tonished lawyer, exclaimed:
"There, take your pay out of that;
guess there is enough to pay you
tolerably well." . i:.
" Why, you villain ! vou stole
that money after all," said the law
yer. uo you expect 1 can take
any of that money ?"
"btole that money! Why, what
are you talking about? Didn't
them twelve men up stairs there
just say I didn't steal ? What's the
use of your trying to raise a ques
tion of conscience after twelve re
spectable men have given their
opinion on the subject? Take your
pay out of that and ask no ques
tions. Don't be modest in taking;
got it easy enough, and you've
worked hard enough for it."
Our informant did not state how
much the lawyer took, but we pre
sume the chap didn't have much
change left after our friend had
satisfied his "conscience" in the
A gentleman in California hav
ing made a lady a present of a pair
of pistols, after several trials of
skill, they concluded to go through
the forms of a duel. They took
their positions, fired at the word,
and, to the terror of the lady, the
gentleman fell. She threw herself
frantically upon the corpse, em
bracing and kissing it with every
emotion of endearment. Under
such magical influence the gentle
man revived, and rose unhurt from
the ground, and and they are to
be married.
The height of patience is a deaf
man waiting to hear the ticking of
sun dial.
One square, ten lines. .. lpl OO
Each additional insertion, 40
Tarda, per vear. trn lines. 8 OO
N'otlcwof fcxrcntnr. Admlnlstra- '. i
tor and Guardians. : 2 OO
Attachment notices bere J. P, . . a OO
Local notices, per Hue, r lO
Yearly arivertlsnient will, be charged
$70 per column, ind at porportionatw
rates for leas than a column. Payable lu
advance ,
"Early Kadishks. A writer in
Galignani's Messenger states that
radishes may be crown in a very
few days by the following method:
Let some good radish seed soak
in vralAr tor ffu'onrv.fniii hsii o Ihnt.
put them in a bag and expose it to
the sun. In the course of the day
germination will commencr. The
seed must then be sown in a well
manured hot bed" andjwatered
fromtime to time wilhlukewarm
water. By this'lreatment thev will
n'a very short time, acquire a suf-
fk'fent bulk, and be good to eat.
fit be required to get good radishes
in winter during the severe cold.an
old'cask should Le sawed in two,
and one-halfof it filled withl good
earth. The radish seed.ibeginnmg
to shoot as before, must be sown in
t,and the other half of the barrel
put on the top of the full one, and
then placed in thef cellar. For
watering, lukewarm water; should
be used as before. In the course
fla few days the radishes will be
fit to"eat.
"Colts KubbixcCtueir .Tails.
here are several reasons why colts
rub their!, tails sometimes from
worms, and often the lampas will
causo them to rub. The colt's tail
does not probably itch; the difficulty
underlies the tail it is the colt's
fundament that itches, and he ex
pects to find relief by rubbing as
near the aggravation as he can. If
you will keep this part of your colt
clean, by a daily rub with your
rubbing cloth, at xthe same time
greasing or oiling it, I will warrant
the colt will stop tubbing his tail.
If he has worms, give him a few
clean wood ashes, some salt, and a
teaspoonful of rosin in his oats. ,
three timesa week for one or two"-
Conscience Lord Erskine was
distinguished though life for inde
pendence of principles and for
scrupulous adherence to truth. He
once explained the rules of his
conduct, which ought to be deeply
engraven on every heart. He said:
"It was a first command and council
of my earliest youth to do what my
conscience told me to be a duty,
and leave the consequence to God.
I shall carry with me the memory,
and I trust the practice.of this pat
ernal lesson to the grave. I have
hitherto followed it, and have no
reason to complain that my obedi
ence to it has been a temporal sac
rifice. I have found it, on the con
trary, the road to prosperity and
wealth! and I shall point out the
same path to my children for their
A funny story is going the
rounds in Paris: A lady in the first
society was recently obliged to dis
miss her nurse on account of ex
cess of firemen and private soldiers
too olten repeated. After chosing
as a successor to this criminal a
very pretty girl, the lady, explain
ing why the first was sent away,
enjoined it on the second not to do
likewise. She admitted that she
should't. "I can endure a great
deal," said the lady, "but 6oldiers
about the kitchen I won't endure."
After week or eight days, the lady
came one morning into the kitchen,
opened a cupboard, and discovered
a youthful military character. "Oh,
ma'am!" cried the girl, frightened,
"I give you my word I never saw
that soldier before in my life he
must have been one of the old ones
left over by the other girl!"
A preacher in Berks County dis
coursing about Daniel in the lions
den, said: "And there he sat all
night long, looking at the show for
nothing, and it didn't cost a dam
cent. ' ,
Mr. Miner: I send you a safe
and sure cure for the hog cholera.
When a hog has the disease, thi ow
it and give it two large teaspoon
fuls of the common pine tar, and
it will cure if not dying.
A Virginia negro boy.who profes
sed to be dreadfully alarmed atthe
cholera, took to the woods to avoid
it, and was found asleep. Being
asked why be went to the woods
he said:
"To pray."
"But," said the overseer, uhow is
it that you went to Bleep?" ;
"Don't knoWjinassa, 'zacly,'1 res
ponded the negro, "bnt .'spee I
must have overprayed myselll' ;
To remove stains from the char
acter get rich.
Thk population of Cincinnati is - .
estimated at 250.000.

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