r.3PECIAL -NOTICES.,. ,nTUATvuicuis WORTH DOING --is- ' WORTH ADVERTISING, tEINT AND PROSPER i. i mi J, P. TOWELL, Portsmouth, Ohio, offer to the Merchant and Furnace meu pf Vinton county, a u per ior stock of Pry Good and Notions, on terms tht most farorable. lVeptlj N.J. BOWERS, RESIDENT DENTIST, McArlhur, Ohio. Particular aiteutlon given to the treatment of the natural teeth. QUEENSWARE NYE '& MAC KEY. f OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, : 67 PAINT STIIET.. QUILLJCQTIIH, OHIO, l -i. ..... . i.: . : INVITE the atlentioo of m.rchanla and fur uaoeinen to lh large mock of the above r t.elM jtisl received. We will sell at t ia very lowal figure, to Hie trade. Order loliuited and promptly attended n, sUjul Notice To Teachers. . . i , . ,j , . ( ". i' i . ' T' THB BOARD of School Examiners for Vinton County will meet at the Union SchooT House, in MoArtbur, oh Ibe lot,' and! 3rd Saturdays of March, April,' Maj, September, October and November; and the 1st Saturday in January, February, Juno, July, Au gust and December, in each year. Ex amination, to commence at ten o'clock, A. Mv' .Satisfactory evidence of good Aural character will be required in all copea, A fee of 50 cents is required by law from each applicant. M. It. BAR .N Ed Ch'n ) Board of J. a. II U UN, School Ex- L. O. PERDUE, CTk, 1 aminers. Howard Suuitury Aid Associa tion. For (he Relief and Cure of the Erring and Un fbrtttuuteon Priuciplasof Christian Philanthropy. Sasays on tlie Errors of Vouth, and the fol lies of Age, is relation to Marriage and Social Evilt, with minimi y aid for the atllicled 4ent free, in aealeJ envelope. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, BoxP, Fl.:'.! pliia. Pa. M'ARTHUR ENCAMPMENT NO, 115, 1. 0. 0. F. Ooi(wv TEGUI.AR Meetings orthis En sffiz- Itoainpinenl will herenller be SjtXhfld on the second and Inst nviwiev Mouiluy eveiiinti of each mouth. Patriarch nl oilier emanipinmis who may be uniting on i ,, are invited to attend. PAUlSliOKTUN.C. P. John T. Raphs, 8. McArlhur, Frb'y 17, 1870. The Favorite Fine-Cut rpHE-'Chewers' Choice, la now inking the A, lend ol all other Hrsnrts. Hnght in color, pleasant in taste, tough and lasting in rlirw, thfialobaoco possea-e every qnxlily to suit rJitwers. and sella by the to pound bucket full Wcolieaper per pound, ihnu any other brand of the same grade and perhaps less quality, loo buckets of thia crlrliiiiled briincl iinve been sold In Chilluintha alone within he Inst two mouths, anil trndj null incrcns. lug. ""Try It " bCHiEKrEK A KKAMKR Cill)qoth, .Ohio, are the iManiifncturera1 gents and aoll at lowest Factor Price iWmar 187.1 Thousands of Lives and Millions uf Property Saved BY U'1NG THE AMERICAN .SAFETY KEROSENF LAMPS. Theae lamps art nude of brass and will never break. The burners have s safety tube attachment for the escape of gaa, and will never explode. The ehitnneva are marift nf mir.nr I. in. St ass so railed and tliev are the unit lai chimneys made that will not break by heat or cold. Glase chimneys are nnaafe andexpensive- snie i. me universal uonipieim. Over seventy-five millions of glass lamp chimneys are broken in this eouutry every year. Price of hand Inmns, eomnlete. with mica chimneys, on dollar. Price of bronae parlor or aiana lamps, two dollars sent In any part of the United Btstes by express on receipt ol the money by mail. Irio agents wanted to ell then la pa and mica chimneys in eeiy city and town, to whom a liberal discount will be made. Wend for sample lumps and circu lars givtog all' particulars. They speak lor themael.ee ,nd "e" on sight. Address, AMtKICaN fA'KI V LAMP CO.. No. 240 Pearl atreet, few Vork. AIXENSVILIE WOOLEN MILL. DILLON, HOUSTON & CO. PBOPRIB OH3. HAVING fitted np our machinery in first class style, we are prepared to do CABBING, SPINNING 4 WEAVING on short notice and in the moat worn msn like manner. We have on hand and for sale ac our factory, .good supuiyof iv n i. r. iv ti nuns , Bach as Jeans, Flannels, Blankets, Ac, which ws wlil aell cheap The Highest Market Fnce in Cash, PM for Wool. . HOUSTON, DILLON O, (ins Allenstille, Tintou O , O. HAMDEN MILLS. COZZENS & JOHNSON. PEOPRIETOES HAITI DEi, O. WK have purchased and fitted up the above mill, and solicit th trade ol the far mar. of tbia vanity. i A i BpecuU attention given to CUSTOM WORK, And care given topical, all customers. Mr. A- A. OOZZfiNO, an experienced miller, has oharge of lbs mill, and writ not tail to deal airly and gi ve general satisfaction. Flour, Heal and Feed ' . ' ..... j . Os iiaad sal for aalaat jLOWEST MARKET PRICES TD117 cozzens a Johnsohi 1 THE VINTON RECORD. Offlolal Organ of Vinton County. LOCAL MATTERS. Republican Township Convention. The Republicans ot Elk township are requested to as semble at the Court House nextSaturdayafternoon at 5 o' clock P. M. for the purpose ol putting in nomination candi dates lor the various township offices. The convention for the pur pose of nominating corporation officers will meet immediately alter the adjournment of the township convention. Temperance Convention. The Uourt Uouse was crowd ed last Friday on the occasion ol the temperance mass meet ing, although the attendance I rota the country was not large, the rouds being almost impassable. The day was beau tilul and the parade improvis ed by the Indies was a com plete success. The Court Douse was appro priately ornamented with les toons, wreathes aud mottoes. Over the Judge's stand where perhaps the' q-iostion will have Anally to be answered beautifully wreathed, was the question, "Shall Temperance or IvingAlcohoi reign?'' Back of the stand "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging.. On the west side "Working tor Jesui," and "Uharily to all.' Ou (he east side "God is love," and "We excel in a good cause," all of which were ap piopriately wreathed and orna meu ed. Mr. Ohmtr, ol 11am den, was elected President ol tne meeting, and Dr. Bowers, Secretary, i'res't. Scott was theu introduced and murle a profound temperance addresn. lie was lolloped by Mr. Olimer, who made a very inter esting speech, the greater por tion ol which consisted in a re cital ot his personal experi ence as the keeper of a Sunday bier garden in Cincinnati At the conclusion of Mr. OUtiiers remarks, Itev. Mr. Johnson presented a series ol resolutions pledging the ladies moral aud pecuniary : support, which were adopted, and a considerable amount ol money something over $2,000 was then and subsequently, secur ed. The meeliug wai contin tied at night, the house being crowded and several short ipeeches were made. The meetings ol the Ladies' League, and the prayer meet ings in iront ol O'Keeffe's s. loon have continued as usual. In addition to the regular pray er meeting which they are holding, they now keep con stant watch over the saloon, iront and rear, relieving each other at regular intervals, from day light ti!l 11 o'clock at night. Tub lolliiwing is a report of Ilatnden High School, showing the standing ot each pupil, and bis, or her deportment, for the month ending March 13, 1874. The lelt hand column fhows the grade in studies, the right in deportment : Jno. Hofflilne 99 99 T. It. Biirteiichttw 98 99 Hugh Cameron 94 100 Henry Henderson 94 1UO Homer Koobius 93 99 Willie I'aluo 92 99 George Smith 88 , 100 Alansoii lfobblns. absent at ex. 99 Alvlu AlcKiiinis " " " 99 Annie McKiiniis ...99 99 Nellie Cozzens 99 98 Emma lleskitt 98' 98 Tlieiesa bsvisoo 98, 98 Amanda Funk ... 98 98 Ruth Kay 98 100 Mamie Carrneci 98 98 Mary Thomas 98 99 Hattie Cramer 96 9!) Annie Morris 95 99 Fannie Johnson 95 99 Flora Baker 94 98 Louisa .Young . 94 100 Clara Paine 94 98 Amanda Ueskitt 93 100 .Mamie Bunily 92 98 Kpna McAinnia, abscntatex. 99 Mary Kobbinf. 99 Lizzie Cameron, " " " 99 Clara Watklns, " 99 Temperance Convention. R. M. STEELE, Principal. Ah inmate ol the Lawrence county Infirmary died 'last week, who is claimed to have been 106 years old. 051 cent reward will be paid for the name of the author qf La- f.veite RajQor sjetter. Report of the Hamden German School for the Term ending March 11, 1874. Below we give the compara tive grades of advancement , ol the pupils in Mr. Oscar Meese's school. The first column rep resents the grade in reading; the second in - spelling; the thiid "in grammar. Where no grade is given in grammar,' it is because the pupils have not advanced far enough to com menre that 'study : Annte McKlnnia. 90 85 80 Nellie Cozzens 00 85 80 Homer Robbing 80 85 70 Orpha.McKliiuU,..-. 80 80 70 Ktitiiie Miller'..: .,70 100 40 U. Dili, nbsent and not graded. Lizzie McKlnnU ; 05 60 40 Georjfe Fisner. , ..90 70 Willy FMier 65 65 Kittw O'Brtne '. ....iv.-...G5 60 Augusta Miller 65 60 Annie Grnltman 40 60 ElUe Cionebacri.'. ..... .40 60 Samuel FUlier... 40" 60 Ajrnes Miller 5 15 Ella Fisher .: 5 15 O. MEESE, Teacher. Fresh Arrival. J. A. Felton.at his new cheap each store, has just received di rect from the East, a splendid assortment of dry-poods ot the latest and most desirable pat terns and styles. A full stock of both staple and fancy goods including choide selections ol delaines, lawns, cambrics, lua tres.'chintzes, calicoes, gtng hams, and other . desirable goous ior areas pauerns ior the ladies as well as a large assort ment lor gentlemen's and gen eral use 'Don't forget to cal and look at those: splendid goods. 4lCheap for cashl" is the motto. Quarterly Meeting. Rev. R. Doughty, ot McAr thur, will hold a quarterly meeting in Zaleski, on Satur day and Sunday, March 28tb and 29th. Services will com mence on Saturday night. Rev. John Dickson will fill the pulpit of Rev. R. Doughty, in Mc Arthur, on Sunday, March 29h, at 10 o'clock in. the morning and at 7 in the even ing. Death of a Centenarian. Mrs. Mary Ann Reeve?, grandmother of Mrs. Q W. Tinkham, mother ol Mrs. II ron, died atZileski, on Tue- nay 01 last weeK. Mie cmne from' Pittsburg" some' three weeks since, and died after a short illness at the advanced age of 102 years and 9 months. The prevailing question of discussion now is which one ol the ring wrote the communi cation in the Enquirer signed "Lafayette Ranoi?'' It Is Ray nor's language, but. the onho irraphy, gramatical construc tion, etc, is in doubt. The bill permitting a rail road to miss counties which are mentioned in the charter in certain cases has passed both houses and is a law. This will enable he G. McA. &C R. R. Co. to shorten its track materially. Couut convened on Monday, Judge Dutladway presiding. A special grand jury was called which found a bill against Cul isten Miller for attempt to com mit a rape upon the person ol Mrs. Allen Thompson, an ac count ot which was published last week. Dr. Burr will be in McAr lhur on Easter Sunday, to hold service in the Episcopal Hall. ''Ommunion. service in the morning and preaching a 3 o' clock, P. M. , Bishop Bedell will be. here, on Monday, alter Easter, April 6, - and will hod service in the evening at 7. The entertainment of the McArthur Dramatic Associa tion last Thursday evening for the benefit ot the Ladies' Tern peranre League, cleared $42 A new grange was organized! in Madison township last Fri day evenine. Thev meet at Wheelbut Church. Lather Bolen is Master... Els Grangk meets at the School House Hall next Satur day, 2 o'clock P. M. Don't forget to Yrop in at Felton's and examine his new goods., .' to to Who wrote Raynor's letter for kirn? That's the question. i I The Answer to some Quibblers. We near those who are op posipg the ladies' temperance movement saying that it is do ing no good; that there is much whisky drank in McAr thur as ever. The appearance ot, our streets, is ,lhe best an swer .that can be given to such assertions. Heretofore; when Court hus been in session our 8treet8i have been . filled with drunkenness a.id .witnesses even (have testified in Court when they .were too drunk to tell the truth. We have not seen a drunken , man during this term of Court, and such thing was. never known before since McArthur, was a town, For this change' the ladies ol McArthur are entitled to all the utcuu. . . . ,i . f i . , ,-ir ; il. ,Aa to, miscfllarveous atfes.by the dcuggieta which are harped upon by thia ;same class, there is nothing rot jt, Mr. Sisson says he .has made bo few .sales and with such care that he can tell., to whom each - sale was made this month, and (or,, what purpose. . Wolf, Pearcsj & Co. keep, a public, .register of all saluB ot liquor made by them to. whom sold, quantity and the purpose for. which it. was sold, which register they are willing to verify at, any, time, by an affi davit if .necessary. ,It shows that amextremely limited quau tity.is ..dispensed at this eatab lishment, and none as a bever Now, as to the story ol jugs having come by express to pri vate individuals, which was published in the city papers On inquiry of the agent, we learn that no liquors have come to McArlhur by express since the inauguration ot the tem perance movement except that received by Mr. O Keele. We hope soon to chronicle the lact that he will ship no more, for lie is too much of a man to stand long against the prayers aud entreaties of the good la dies of our town. Tue regular monthly busi ness meeting of the' Ladies' Temperance League will' 'be held at the residence of Mrs Johnson, to-morrow, Friday evening. As business of im-. portance is to be transacted, a lull meeting is requested. Aaron Will has been rhn- nned to hi room several das by an attack of fever. Has any body seen the man tlut wrote Raynor's letter for him? , MARRIAGE LICENSES. Lorenzo Leach anil Martha Irvin. BIRTHS. At McArthur Station, Ueccmher 23d. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Q. Timnis. a daughter. At McArthur Ftntion, February . Mr. and Mrs. John Salts, a son. At McArthur Station. March 7th. ta Mr. and Mrs". V. S. England, a son. In Clinton township. March 16th. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hush, daughter. DIED. In Richland township. Thursday, March 19th, of catarrh fever. Cora A. (laughter of Charles and Laandcr Brown. At MoArthur Station. Saturday af ternoon, March 21st, of lung fever, Mrs. Susanna Mct'onnell, aged 77 years. la Richland townshin. March 23. Maria, daughter of Mr. aud M. Edward rwepston. McArthur Market. Flour, per sacK $200 uoru Meal per bush 60 Corn , .50 Oats ' . an Wheat ; 1.30al.4O Beans 2.00(3-2 liO Potatoes 75100 Dried Apples 1.60 Dried Peaches a.'sl Timothy Seed per bush 4.00 Clover " 6.75 Onions '.... .75 Hay Vton 12.00a13.fi0 lining, country , .12) enjrar cured .15 Smoked sides , .10 Shoulders 8.O10 Pickled Pork...'..; . 8.i0 gg .10 Butter 25 Cterse M , ,ao Lard h Tallow i .08 Chickens, live 154.25 Hocking salt per bbl 2.40 Sacks ..." . 15a25 Vinegar, cider...... .40 White Fish..,, 9.00 Mackerel .10 Kio Coffee '.. .. .33(835 Tea....- ...... ..:.;.....;..1.60al.25 Coffee Sugar. 12 lenowu ".. . 11 New Orleans Molasses SOal.OO Sorjrhum . " , 4050 Syrup 75a.l.00 Star Candles, per lb.'.... ...... .25 Tallow - -. .I5a20 Soap, country per lb.. 5a 0 reamers.:....-. ,j B5a75 Kaes 2W; .'flS Com, per bus.: ..v.W.i.'. .w ',T8 a COEAPESTPLACE I TIIECOIXTY AlwaysKeeps a FullLine of Fresh Drugs, Pnints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stud's, aud Pure Liquors lor Ale. dlclnul purnoiea. Perfumery, Fine Toilet Soaps, Ilalr Oils, Pomade, Hair, Nail, Tooth. Fk-sh and Clothes Brushes, C'emhs. School Books, Llnnk Books, Copy Books, Pens, Ink, Paper and Pencils, Envelopes, Slates. Fine Cut, Plug. I hewing ami Smok ing Tobacco, Clgrtrs, Pi pes. ' ' ' Lanterns, LampSjChimneys, Shaded, Coal Oil. ', 'A full line of Gold.Coral, Jet, Topaz, 'Amethyst, Agate, Gamett Sets, Brace lets, Finger aud Ear flings, Necklaces Sleeve Uutt jus, Needles for all kinds of Sewing Ma chines, ,. , 1 Mustcal Instruments, Tuning Forks Violin aud Guitar Strings. Clocks, Watches and Keys. Toilet and Work Boxes, aud an end less variety ol Toys. , , , :' ' i ' 1 am also agent or all the Maga zlnes, Periodicals, Literary and Daily Papers, which I furnish from three days to a week In advance of those furnished by mail. All of the Above, and a inousana Uther Arti cles, to be had at MAIN ST.. M'AnTIIlB, O. CUEAPEST TLACE IX TIIE COUXTY H O. JONES. ATTORNGT AT LAW, REL ESTATE AGENT, IlIcArtbiir, Vinton Ca, O. - RiEALlEiTAiTE' Bought, Sold and Exchanged GEEAT BARGAINS IN LAND9. A EAEE CHAH0 TO BUt A HOME 'l'HE following Ihtids will b aold low on X r aaonnble Urra aa to imvmenta : IOAACRE1 ol fine timber land, near the 1ZUM40. R. K. The ImiU-r Kill more ll.iin pn.v for the land it put up in the market, Title perfect. For lull description call upon or write to fl . C, .JuMEd. JbA X71TflINmileof the M.AC.R. iiju It B The hum contains SO acres ii?Jlorty acres cleared. Fair improve ineDta. a xoi'd coal hank open and workiDR. 4J4 feet best coal. Fur sale cheap. 120 Acres In Harrison Township, fOOD timber land, well wittered and near (the railroad. Title perlevt. Will be sold low. ISdec fl.C. JONES. HOCKY AIOLAT'IA S1LVEB SPKLCE The most beautiful tree in America, Bound Cactus, . Mountain Sunflower, Painter's Brush, .... ; Pike's. Peak Columbire, AMD OTHEB Eocky Mountain Specialties, For descriptive catalogue and price list ol teed, address, LANDIS & FOGAN, Pas via. Coloiido. Special Balm to Kurtrrymt mi Dtaltn, , Daily Meat Market I HAVE open ed a daily meat market in "hockey'a Bnil hnir, opposite the Yiuloncoun ') jail, and will keep constantly n hand all the vanetiea and the ei meat to be lound in the niarkt I will sell at i fair pnce, and bv fair dealing hope to merit .4 he pnblie pat-' v nnnge uf A. i.. ainwwir. tlx Bnt. , . rwn 1 Lot. ISJad latt . i 400 BARRELS Choice Winter Apples.' ; " 1 Assoited Varieties, IIE1RY J. I1AILEY FRUIT STORE. Ho. II M,ain Street, Near Paint, CIIILLICOTIIE, O: : , awOrder. jvr.mptly fllrtd". Udecl77 - , i.i U- J a 1874 PROCLAMATION. 1874 THOMAS A. TUB BRICK 82 ORE," , : E A - SMM7i Will keep on hand throughout the present year a large and Well atMrteJi stock of . . . . - JEWELRY, J NOTIONS, ; " , -' l DEESS GOODS, ' mUNEETr QUEENSWARE, ; 7; - FINE GROCERIES, v. : CLOTHHtG,!! i And a thousand other J Articles of Cornfort tJtility and Oraament,;? which I will sell lower than can be obtained' elsewhere in Vinton County. .. . , Ezamide my stock and prices before buying, n TII0S. L MELLOR .8 H IP T0U WOULD CONSULT Y0UE INTEEEST,- LOOK AT THIS OFFER, r 125 PEE CENT DISCOUNT On all Styles for Cash! WE OFFER NOME BUT THE BEST INSTRUMENTS MADE. EVERY OXE WARRAXT'D 5 YEARS A 100 organ for $140 " 200 " 150 44 220 " " 170 " 250 18.-, 400 piano " 300 BOO " 375 44 000 44 44 450 MlnUter, Churches and Sabbath School, furnished at wholesale rate.. R. BARNES, H H H M H Xffl Hih St., two doors wcat of Mar ket, lRilecTS McARTHUR, O. IELL0U -AT- . ; ' lid.: M'' CD- 8: CO. THE BEST STOVE IN TriE- WOBJL FOR Heating School) Houses, Churches, Lodge Rooms, Court Houses and Public HallSj 13 JOHN GROSSUJS'PATENT Ills cleinly, His economical; it l TieallK lul. It keeps up a perfect circulation of ai r. warming all parts ot the room alike.' U took the flri-t premium over all rompetitnra at the Vienna lux position. Circula -a and pamshlets containing engravings and full partiriilars fur mshed on application, or one ol the stoves may be aeeo iu operation at my atore. You are invited to call, and aee for yot'rselves. J0HK KELLHOFER, M, 9, Main St., Chillicothe, Ohio, Bole agent for Vinton an.! Rosa counties, and dealer in all the most appro veil Conking an4 Heating 8tovea, Uoyse Furnishing Goo-Is, and manufacturer of all kinds nf Tin, Sheet I vah an.1 ' n Mr... I . . . ..ww uu wipri nil.. uiutr. iruill in. countrr for Hpoutisg, Cooling, etc., will ai- Ildecl873 J. S. McCOMMON, JEWZLER AND SILVERSMITH Oppobite the Emmitt House, Shreckeita list's Old Stand, CHILUC0THE, OHIO, MA'S ACTCREB AND DEALER IS Fine Gold Jewelry. Agents for ' American and Foreign Watches. Ilgtn Watche. rj.s. w. . Qxward W.llham' BpringtloU a y. Bwlsa Knali.h Gent.' Chtiaa Mlllaoa Oira Ch.ttllD Beth Tkomaa Gocka, Wltenberg jr.rry OoM Setta Diaikond " Pearl " Jet . . . Garnet " Necklace. BraraU'a "' Finn and Studl Caff Ration. ' Tuiuibles Hair Jewelry Beetaclei Bllver.Wara P'sted Ware Fine Cutlery A anta for' UA6IE & TODD'S GOLD PEN. A FULL tfNE OF GOODS 8UITABLB FOR HOLIDAY, . -. BEIDAL it BIETHD AY PEESENT3 tioods made to orrieraml repairing done by careful Workmen. No extra charge for en graving good, bought at thia wUbliahmenk jy.,73 - - - - : - - .. HERE NOW! I have just manui factored and am now offering at lowest pri" ces a full stock of all kinds of fuknitdreV suited to this market;. I will manufacture to order anything de sired in my line; A full stock of Cof fins and Burial Cases always on hand. Wil attend funerals w'T." hearse when desirc.v PARIS HORTOIVV 1 Corner of High and Looust Street t ;. McARTHUR, O. t Tmarisr. " Notice to Hunters. NOTICE ;s hereby given that all ptraqnat are forbidden to huntori-hoot on tf premisea of the undersigned. All not h.nf ing this notice wilt he prosecuted. ,WM. TRAIO, .. GEO. HOFFHlNis, A. H. TURVEY, M.J.BALTd, ' ' R. B!,T8, J.8ALT8. -; . , . N. HOFFHlttES; , IJnovSm A. J. WORTM AN. J Mantoooi How Loat, How Eestorerf7 Jart onrfiPker, a aaw ar.,. bon or Dr. ClTfrwetf'iL Celebrated Easav on i' ndiaU mn without .im,i cine) of Mraa.aToaanou, or H annual Waf-ol.l nesa, Involuntary Seminal Losses, InpoTtnC't . Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimk.i to Marriage, etn., also. Cnssuamoa, Erjl'" st, and ttta, iidncedby aelMudalgeneeorei usl extravagance. .'... -rrice in a aeahd enve fope, only tcentrV The celebrated autnpr in this admirable e lay clearly df monstratea Iron thirty jeer-! successful praolH-e, that the alarming eons. -qoeneea of seli-aaa may be radical y our, L without the daogeroua use of internal me.!i. cine or the application of the knila; pninui.ir out a mode of cure at one simple, certain and eflectual, by means of which' every aoteear. no matter what hia conditio, may ha, may, cure himself cheaply, privately, antf, raiiwUavJ l'his Lerlure should be in the handl of every youth and every man ia the j Sent, under seal, in plain envelope, to any addj-esa, yorfsnM on receipt or aix uenta, orl two post auinna. AUo Dr. CulverwelTe "Marhag. Gmd,w price Ml cents. ' Addreaath. pubhahara. 1 . e CHAS. J.O KL1NK A CO., 121 Bowery, New York, Post OSoa Bos, iWi