OCR Interpretation

The Vinton record. [volume] (M'arthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1866-1891, August 06, 1874, Image 2

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lioAKrUUfc, OHIO,,;'
THURSDAY. AUG. 6, 1874.
Tb Yiatoa Rteoti aewspepe ami
Job o&ee is (or sals alt bargain to a
ouh bajer. Alio ths reiidenoe of tha
ditor, on tbe corner of Sooth tod Lo
east street. Apply to 01 ad drew
JOHN T. RIPER, llolrthu, 0.
We visited the working force
on the G. MoA, & 0. R. R.
last week. The work has made
rapid progress sines oar last
report We found loacham
near the shanties with a force
of 26 men and four tea.ni blast
ing ont rock. In oar former
report we referred to the cheap
nets with which tbli branch ot
tie work wss progressing. It
is atilKbein poshed at propor
tionately low rates, and we
should judge by obserration
that far the greater part of. the
rock work between the farnsce
and the Beard farm is now
The next eonsiderable force
we found working in the oat in
front of the Beard hoase 33
men and 9 wagon teams, an
der direction of Mr. Finney.
The out was nearly oomplete,
the force being engaged in
leveling off their work. On
Monday last they would proba
bly move forward nearly a
quarter of a mile, where they
would finish op a small cat,
which was left by the scrapers
because it could be moved
more economically by the wag
ons. At the head of the Yin
ton Farnace Hollow we found
Mr. Urimsley with the scrap
ing force, well into the last
heavy cot which the force will
encounter this side of the Gal
lia county line beyond which
the grading is completed.
Three or four hundred yards
in advance we found the
pioneers, under Mr. Langley,
grabbing over a comparatively
light grade, within about
1 miles of Eagle Farnace.
The heavy part of the work, ex
eept the cut in which the scra
pers are now working, is done.
The amount of dirt which has
been moved with the force at
hand is simply surprising, and
can not but give satisfaction to
every reasonablestockholder.
From this time on it will show
itself more rapidly in the num
ber of miles finished, as nature
hertelf has nearly completed
the grade.
In the progress of the work
the company has found it con
venient where they were wast
ing dirt from the cats to .con
siderably improve the coanty
road. The grade of the bill as
you approach the Beard bouse
from the furnace is rendered
almost impercptible. The hol
low beyond, in putting in the
cattle pass for Mr. Damarin to
pay for his right of way, is rais
ed about eight feet, and then
there is .another fill ?f, about
eight feel at the head, of Vin
ton Furnace Hollow.
. t.n ... - -
One .thing particularly no
ticeable to ua. was that 4be
working force is nearly all from
Gallia county, a fact not muck
to our credit, for Vinton county
men were given, the preference
In organising the foroe. - We
saw but (oq; ; workmen from
this county in a force of 88 men.
They were A. X Brown, Frank
Dowd, James Lents and Wm.
fnook. ; All re working away
vigor o J jr. The don't have)
any time ie fool away daring
working lout, bat are reoeiv
ing their pay regeledy, and are
correspondingly happy o
rgeUc.-- ;
W. assoted. ot ttoSen
some foe since tltat the road
betwsen GaJlIpolis and Vlotou
Station imouli be 'eompjeted
beyond any' reasonable) , doubt
and aYqpfokly as the workmen
eouldeish the work. We are
sow toured that the manage
meat hope and expect to have
the ears running between those
two points before the first day
of next' January. Will our
people appreciate this tact and
move to completeour little
pject.o. nafiaiihsd grading! ' .
Indian Troubles.
Ohiuba, JtfeB, August 4.
Reliable information has been
received here that the Indians
are coming in from the North
to the Red Cloud and Spoiled
Tail agencies, rery much ex
cited over the death of twenty
one mere Indians wounded in
the fight with Captain Bates,
of the Second Cavalry, which
occurred last month, in the
Big Horn Mountains.
They also report that Stabler
a prominent Indian in the dis
turbance last spring, has been
killed by General Caster on
his march to the Black Hills.
It is romored also that there
are other deaths.
This woold indicate that
there has been a fight, whether
great or small, between Cus
ter's column and the hostile
The Indians say that General
Custer is returning to the Mis
souri River. It is not known
whether this is a retreat, or
that be has accomplished all
that was intended by the Black
Hills expedition. The Indians
are unwilling to tell the actual
results if there has been a bat
tle, or they do not know. The
latter is the more likely.
It is hardly probable that the
hostile tribes rould have mus
tered a sufficient force to beat
back Custer's command. In
any event, the column is per
fectly safe in its line ui advance
or retreat.
The Jay Cooke Bankruptcy
The elimination of the affairs
of Jay Cooke & Co., baulrupts,
by counsel for the creditors, is
begun . Jay Cooke was first ex
amined He referred counsel to
ihb book-of the firm for most ot
the information they desired.
Mr, Fahnestock, the senior part
ner of the firm, resident in New
York, said at the time of the sus
pension of the firm of J Cooke
& Co., they wore indebted to Jay
Cooke, McCulloch ft Co. The
latter firm held no collateral to
secure this indebtedness. Jay
Cooke ft Co. were solvent on
September 17, and iusolveni on
September 18, caused by the in
ability to raise funds to meet de
mands. The chief cause ffas ad
vances made to the Northern
Pacific Railroad, All these ad
vances were made by the advice
of Jay Cooke. Witness objected
frequently to this class of invest
ments. No proposition was ever
made by the firm to exchange
Northern Pacific Railroad bonds
for real estate. The Philadel
phia house was largely indebted
to the New York house. Wit
ness also remonstrated a&aiost
this. ' The examination will Le
A WieHiHQTOM special to the
Philadelphia Bulletin says: "The
estate of the late Chief Justice
Chase, the settlement of which
has been slow, owing to the dis
inclination of the executor to
sell stock and other personal
property during the period of
depression, ' will amount, when
all the debts are paid, to about
$105,000. Some securities, In
cluding 100 shares ia the Pen
osylvaoia aveove etreet railway,
have just been sold to pay small
creditors' Who were pressing.
The estate owes Jay Cook k Co.
$21,000, ' mostly advanced on
stocks, 'and Mr Ilojt, Judge
Chase's daughter, $5,000."
Murder by a State Senator.
EvABsmLB, Inc., Aug. 8
A epeoial to the Journal from
Owenshore anaoances an excit
ing time in the city todaj, over
the election. In the evening
George W. Swope, 8tate Senator,
shot and killed Perry Riley in
the court hoase yard, in a crowd
pt hundreds of people. Riley
leaves a large family, and was a
oitisen in good standing. Bwope
wasarrsiPted. The difficulty grew
ot ef the election excitement.
Ix a recent trial the California
trotter. Occident, trotted ' the
first mile in 2:21 and the second
in 2:22. Be is repord to be
coming East to again try the
speed aad bottom of Goldsmith
Ejociti BdaLa, Snow Flake
Flar at Oollaad'av. , . i
Indianapolis Peoplo.
An Improvement.
They tell a pretty good one
on Bob Reed, connected with
Snydftr's paper house, at Cin
cinnati. He was riding over
the New Albany and Chicago
railroad a short time since, and
complained considerably of
the roughness of the road. At
length Bob exclaimed, Mb,
this is better; I reckon we
most bave struck a new road
"Yes," exclaimed the good
John Fi8hback,wbo was on the
train, "the car's off the track."
Lawrxbcb, On August 3. A
prize fight between Edward
Dougherty, an Irishman, and
Thomas Freeze, a Welshman,
both of this town, for three
hundred-and filty dollars a side,
took place at 4 o'clock this
morning, on the State road,
three milos from here. They
fought twenty-seven rounds,
lasting thirty-five minutes, re
salting in favor of Freeze. The
money is not yet delivered, and
there is apprehension of trou
ble, as the Irish party claims a
Dittos, Aug. 2. It is esti
mated that 10,000 people were
at the Embury Park camp
meeting, near Dayton, to day.
Everything on wheels within
a radius of twenty-five miles
was moving all day until late
to-night. No caualitier. The
services lasted . about five
hours, including Intermissions
for meals. A number ot ad
dresses In English and German
were delivered. The meeting
closes next Friday-
All the lace scarfs are now
beaded. The newest importa
tions are Spanish blonde, with
beads outlining its figures; guip
ure hesvily beaded; and plain
Brussels net has leaves of finest
jet sewed in its meshes. . f.
Thehi is a great inquiry for a
method of cleaning browned por
celain kettles. They can be
rendered nearly as white as when
new, by boiling peeled potatoes
in them.
Nuts, confectionery, figs, rai
sins at Holland's.
Wilkeaville, Hamden ft Middleport
1 WILL mo a hack from Wilkasvilleto Bam
deo on Monday". Wednesday, and Fridays,
relnming on the same day.
I will also run a return hack to Mid dlf port
on Tuesday, Thursdays and 1st unlay., rea
turning on tha same day . JOHN LEVIS
Road Notice.
hereby giyed that a petition will
libeprentnfed to iheCommiaaionersorVin
to B Coonty. Ohio, at their next resnlar aea.
ion to be held on the flrat Monday ot Septem
ber A. 0 Wit, prating lor the eHtabhahmont
of a county road awing the follow til described
route m aaid county, to witi beginning at a
lointln theeenler of the county road lead
ng paat Jonathan Winters' dwelling house,
about thirteen roda weet of aaid houae,
in Elk township, of Vinton. county, Ohio,
thence mnning a north -easterly direction,
the neareat and beat ronte, through the Hnda
of aid Jonathan- Winters and Mary Rich.
Biond to a point at or near Ihe northvreet
comer of E. I. Wolfs garden. Ihencein as
easterly direction throiifh Ihe lands of said
P.. 1). Woirand Oilman, Ward A Co., south of
the "Water Mill" of aaid Gilman. Ward A Co..
and along the south line of lands owned by'
n en neiia wiison ana jniersecung ihe jsogaon
and MtArthur road at a point about VM feet
south ot the south line of the corporate limits
of tha town of MeArthnr, in aaid Elk town
ship, of Vinton rminiy, Ohio, snd there to
eaa. , : WILLI
rno ipai f etiuoner.
July JOth.lttt.
Road Notice.
NOTICE Is hereby r Ten that a petltton will
be presented to the Commissioners of Vin
toseeunty, at their neit aesaion to be hjld
on the Sn-l Monday ot September, A. l. I74,
praying for tha establishment of a county
road along the following described route In
aaid eoinij of Vinton, to wit. Beginning at a
point in the soanty road leading from Vinton
Mai ion te Ealaakl, in sa id oountf, at a point
where sa'd road Intersects the south hoe of
Isaac tthry's land, in tha a. w. quarter oi aeo.
Ho. Uof Elktp.. tha same being ihe point
nie tha township road called the Hoggins
road intersects said county roads Ihewe run
ning east about ten rods to the western boun
dary of the N, to. R R. land, thence in a
norUi-eestrily directum about parallel wish
tha MarieUt a Cincinnati Railroad until said
.line Intersects as old roadbed in the lands ol
aaid Isaac Mhry. thence a northerly tire.
I Hon to the soat i-est corner of the lands ef
Bolden Tripp, thence in a north-easterly di-
notion rarougn ine lanasoi jonttiaysioa
Clint near the center of the north -east q jar
r o the north. west quarter of section No. 13,
township No. 1., range Mo. IT, In the lands of
Kli Gill, theoea in a northerly direction
throoan tbe lands of ln. Will an the neareat
and beat route to Intersect the 8lale road
leading from MeArthor to Zalaslti, Ohio, at a
point nev tha bonse where John Uerroid
now resides, ssd there to end.
BOLDEN TRIPP, patitianer.
- Jnly W, U7f jM staara aw
. : - or ; .
Splendid Michigan Lands
The Oaaa Sastai assT hdlssM Umbimd has been
Smarted too anUss long, and its entire land
grant earned!
In ranwiag Im4m ta AetaaJ Kettlers, far
ladiTidsmia as? Celewtea,
nMQO seres bava bee sold already. Tha
laada saw wail Mmherexf. makinaT Ihe best
kiad of fcnns. Strong soils oi great produc
ing newer Easily reached by rail or water,
feei Versa. Railroad runa Uiionch tha
I rant Mwhigaa la one ol the Issel fcirfaWand
snost prosperous ntatea la ine west, ita
saaeeaj are aeynHai Its hnaanal atardiug
Us 1. Mo diffloulty In tranaportatioa. Peaoa
ami preepenty are la its borders. Lands from
M to M per ears. Time suMi-ient. Interest
7 per sent. WM. A. HOWARD,
Land Commissioner urand Kapuis, Mieh.
T. R, PIEaCJt. Bae'y Land Departtneat.
A BTEBTISEBS send U eta. to Gao. f,
rt. how ate ., at Park Row, N. t., for
their ns J-a-ftta. ajiowuig oosl of ad,
yrliaiiig, Jiunt . - - ,j
'-'TUT ID, Nw Haven, Con fortieth sear.
Preparatory to college, Ihe seleotiB.' schools
or DU.IOMM, Willi svetemsue
on tales! liainina bv military aniline, gym
Battle. roirt.fl. Catalnmea seat ap
plication. WJa.fl.KUSbr-LUrrlocioat
m tubs' eaaarr, ibt.bbst obit I pan oiat.
Send for "The Pioneer,"
A handeom ill nitrated paper, roataialoi
the Homtalead Law. A new lumber jut
published. Mailed tree to ail part ef tha
worm. Address
Land Commissioner V. P. R. It.
Omaha, Neb.
TheTianscontlnental Brand-
my, DEvnF, mg cn jr'8 nwtotik
iumtBuammm aiNT: ssawsaaanaassi
Tha Biaadara OU Ce
Jsha AIlateB V Ca A. Haywrnrw,
Urgently reeommeoded to general use by tha
N. I. Kira Commiaaion.ra and Fire Inauranee
Oo.'e tlommon coal oil is not sale tnder all
emumeUuoes or careless ase Peroa's Bril
liant Oil in safe under any clrcnmelaneea or
ess -Used In more then lio.ooo homes and
awlories for the lat aii years without sa ao
cident or a Srey-The 8 nest illuminator la the
world -does not smoke nor smell Borcrnt
tha wick Will bnrn to tha last diop la the
lamp without refilling Burns in Ihe ordinary
eoal oil I amps The can in which tha oil is
put op for fcmilr ae should be seen to be
appreciated Bmijor dnrnlar er esil as asess.
are tha most beautiful la style and perfect In
tone ever made. The Concetto atop la the
best erer placed In any otgao. It la produce
ed by an eitra sot of reeds, peculiarly ynioed,
Ihe ehVx-t of which la moat charming and aoul
stirring, while its imitation of tha human
roice la superb. Terms liberal.
WATERS' Philharmonic,
Vesper at Orchestral
In uniqne French cases, are among tha beat
made, and combine purity of towing with
great volume of tone, ttuitabla for parlor,
church or musio hall.
WATERS' New Scale PI
ANOS hare great power and a line singing (One, with
all modern improvements, and are tha best
pianos made. These organs and pianos are
warranted for I years. Price eilremely low
for cash, or part caah and balance in moottly
or quarterly payments, fecood-hand instru
ments taken in exchange. gents wanted in
in every county In the U. 8. and Canada. A
liberal discount to teaehere, ministers,
chuuhes, schools, lodges, ac. Illustrated
eataloguea mailed.
wa i tno a nun,
481 Broadway, New York. P. O Boi S64T.
Julytu, 187 4 I
Te As QaaIM fsrs Fiatoa Coaaty, GMe t
WHBKKAH.bf the laws of Ohio regulating
elections, it is reauired of the bheritt ol
his county to give, not too beiore the time of
boldinsi n election by proclamaiion through
out the county of ine lime en, which suuh
election .hall be holtlen:
In uursuanue of such reoulaition. 'I.
GKOHtih. K tLER,8herifl of Vinton Count,
Uhio, do hereby proclaim and mag Known
mat ma
la by the Constitution ami laws of Ohio, ap
DoinleJ the da on which the oiialifled elect
ore ol Vinton bounty are noticed to meet in
their resiMutive lownhiis, at their usual or
proper places of holding eleciions, between
the hours of t o'clock in the furrnoon and 4
o'clock In Ihe afternoon of said day, and then
and there to vote by ballot upon tha adoption
or lejecuvo oia
for tha State of Ohio, adopted In Convention
in Cincinnati, Ohio, on May 14, lo74, and also
to vote lor ins a ioption or reiwtion ot the
following propositions suugbt to be inoorpo"
rated into said Constitution, to a it i
Lioense to Soil Intoxioating Liquors,
As provided form Sm. 10 oftbaAcAtaWs to said
proposed Constitution. '
at said eleciiou the balluta shall be in tha
following lorm:
"New Constitution Ticket.
Erase that part of eAoh tow wbiob
jou do not favor. , . ' .
Fbtt Vole. .' '
I For tbe New Constitution. .,
Against tbe New Con8Ututiori '
Second Vote. '. " " , ,
For Minoriry Representation. ' ' "'
Against Minority Kepreaentation.
Third YoU. " (
.For Railroad Aid. , ,
'' Againat Railroad Aid.'-' '
Fourth Vote. , . '
-; For Lloenia. ' '' '
, (. . Agataf t Licence. :
If one claasa be eiaaed, the ether wball be
eouated. If both clauses be erased, or neith
er clanse be erased, the vote upon thai sab
ject shall not be counted.
WITNESS, my hand, at my effloe, la Ma
inour, this KKb day of July, 174 1
, , .etURtlE KALEK,
" ' ' - 'HBerrtlof Vinton County; !
July SOtb. 1874. . sw .
Scribner's . Ilonthly,
Another Great Literary Sensation, -
The Modern RobimonCrusoe
With 150 Beautiful Illustrations.
Messrs Hcnboer A Co.Hiava secured for
serial publication in BCBldNEKti MONTH.
LT, M. Jules Verne's latest story.
in whieh, not coolant with Ihe old stones at
Robinson Crusoe" snd tbe"Bwisw Family
Robinson," tha enter undertakes to show
how a party of men east upon a mysterious
and desert island may live by their aeieatino
reanumea alone, without the aid of any wreck
to draw upoa for tba matariala of lira and
com tort.
- Tha party are Americans who set out from
Richmond. Va.,aunug the siege, n a balloon.
M Jnlea Verne umtee wi n an accurate avian
tine knowledge aa axuberanoa of nvaaUve
geaius that Cai , . t
')). in -t l . . .. .
Tha lb etna of tba preeaat glory afords tba
author the Sieat opiionunity for the display
of his nooultar gilts. Tbo lory will be pro
luael; iloirfraMd, and la began la tha April
For sato by all Mew Jsalera er Boorsell
era. Price it is) a year, as cents a number.
8CRIBHv.it A CO.. 464. Broadway, JJ, T.
' SbmarU7t ...
1 1 srts m Uia ttUm
i HE
T7T7E are now offering our entire
f V part of Parasols, rant. Sunimir
pries, m oruer to cioee out oeiore September let.
Fans worth 01.50 at 01.00
" ;; 1.25 "...75
; " 100 -65
" " .75 ' .50
Parasols worth $&75 at C3.00
I I- 3.25 at 2.75
, " 2.75 at 2.25
" 2.00at L25
1 ' 1.00:at .65
" " ,75 at .50
Now U the time to bay m we &re determined to sell regardless of eost
R. S. & J. W WILCOX,
Hamden, O.
Wilkeoville, Vinton Co., Ohio.
UAVE fitted op tbeir new and oommndioat tU.re-roora in mperb style spar
neither time or money to remler it equal in arohiteotural atyle to any
room in Southern Ohio, and have replenished their former atook of Drugs,
Palnta, Olla, Dye Stuffs, Patent and Family Medioinea to repletion, to
which they hare ad ted a full and oomplete line of Yankee Notiona, Tobacco
and Jewelry which they will sell at lowest possible prioea for caah.
will be conducted io the establishment
per discounted.
in connection with the Medical
Men an Meal
for the better treatment of all ohronio and eu,gioal diseases and deformities
under a oorps of directors who will employ nothing but flrst-olaaa medical taU
ent as operatives In tbe Institute. :.;
Patients can be accommodated after the first of October with boarding,
lodging and nursing- at rates far. below what can be afforded at similar insti
tutions in the cities, and as good medical attendants as can be procured any
stock of Summer Goods coniletlna- In
Hata, 4c, at less than tba wbokaale
as heretofore,
Monies loaned and pa
Department will be established a
Notice of Appointment.
Estate of Martha Ilawk, deceased.
THE undersigued has beeo appoint! and
qualified as administrator of iheeelateof
Martha Hawk, late of Vinton oouuly,lreased.
AdminiHtralor oflha Estate of Martha liawk,
July 23, 1873.
H. W. HORTON, ufeader,
HAVING lately purohased a new and hand
some baud wauoo, and are oreuared to
furnish aood muate on application, to all
poiuta in this or arUoiniog counUes. Address,
s above. .juntm
Manhood: How Lost, How Eestored I
just puMiaaeii, a new edi
tion '( Dr. Calverwell'a
Celebrated KMay on- Ihe
radical osrt (wilhout nie.ll.
cine) of -PtaaiToaasnBA, or eeminal Weak.
hss, Involuntary Seminal Losses, InpoTsaor,
Mental ad fliysieal Incapacity, Impediments
to MarrisKe, fin., also, C"somptio, EriLir
st, aad Sts, induced by selMudulgence or sex
ual eitrasscance.
. aVaTI'ric. Tn a sealed envelope, only S centa.
The celebrated author in this admirable es
say clearly demonstrates Iron) a thirty aura'
aucceaafiil pracui-e, that the alarming conse
quences, oi seii-aouae may oa rsuioai i ourea
without the dadaerous use of internal medi
nne pr the application of the knirni pmntini
out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and
eflerlnal, by maan of which every suhVrer,
no matter what hi. condition may be, may
cure hims. If cheaply. Drivatelv. and radMall.
aWi hi.'Lfrtore should b Id tba hand, of
every voulh and ererv man in the land.
M.nt, noder seal, in a plain envelope, to any
add.-eaa, soatiMM on receipt ol six cents, or
two poet stamps.' I - !
Also Dr. OulverweU'a "Marri.g. Guide,"
Addresstb. publisher., . t I
' ' " fflAS.y.'0 KLINB a CO., :
KT Be wary, few Ysrlc, Poet Offleaox, MOS
' -J I Lj -
j s:
State of Ohio, tHnfn Co., as
- Bennett M. Clark, plaintiff,
Cornelius Karns, etal, defendants.
In Vinton County (hut t of Common
Phot: An Order of Sale,-
TUB80AtiT to the command of sn Order
X or Hale issued fiom the .Court of Com
Dion Plea, of Vinton county, and t ma di
rented aa Hhenff and Special Maatsy Com
missioner' ol said conn. v. I will onerteraale
at tha door of the Couit Housa, in fba town of
Mean our, in ton count, unto, on
llondair, tie 10th Day of Angust,
. ' -;!; ' '1874. ':. -11
at the bonr of 1 o'clock P. If of Mid day', the
following described lands and tenement, sit
uate in Vinton Uoonty, Ohio, snd bound)
and described a lollowa, to win Ths north
half of the south-east quarter aad the north
east quarter of lha -outh-weet auaiter of aea-
tioa thirtythree I S3) township twelve, (II) of
rauaw se.enieeo u') tooiaining one hundred
and twenty (11) acre, mora or leas snd lying
and being is Ihe district of lands subject to
sals at Chi lllooihe, Ohio.
Appraised at four thcuaaod and alghi hoa
dred dollar. HJtiO) m.4 must bring two
thirds ot that sum. .
To be aold aa tha property ot Cornelias
Earns, to sati.ly an order of sale, Issued Irom
tbe Toon of Common pleas ia at for ol bea
etM. Clark.
.iTfiBMaofBAtK-rssh. ' '
t J . EOKlsUUB,
eharinof Vntoa Osuaiy aad bpecia! alaa- .
ter Coamt.ioa.r. .
- J. af. MeHiurrui, AMorweV tor elasntkl.
Juljr,lTt. ' ' rsw
home, mala or r-a.ale, sail a week war.
lanted. Mo eapHal reqnirad. - Parttoulars
sent free. Address with as ratera .lamp. C
BOSS, WillisaiseurgB, h. T. P
SJ tanner day at home. Term. free.
a O uAddrase ta. ftnaaoa Co,
Portia, Ma. - .
State of Ohio, Vinton Countyj.i.
Will A Co., plaintiffs,
Janus Kennedy & wife defendants.
In Vinton County Court of Common
Pleat. An Order of Sale
PURSUANT to Ihe command of an Order
of Half issued from the Court of Cnmmn-i
fleas of Vinton county and lo me directed
at Hhenflqf aaid county, I will offer fir sale
at the door of the Court House, in lha town
of HcArlhur, Vinton county, Uhio, on
Saturday, the 15th Day of August
1874, .
at the hour of 1 o'clock, P. H. of aaid day lha
loll -wing lands snd tenements, to wit: tha
nnrth-weatquurter of the north-east quarter
of section twenty-four, (M) loenahip ten (10)
range siitem. (18) Ohio Company's purchase,
conain-ng torly (40) aor-a more or less snd
being ami lying In V. Dion county, Ohio.
Appraised at three hundred and fifty dollars
(I3MI) and must bring two-thirds of that sum.
To be sold aa Ihe property of James Kenne
dy and wile to sail fy an order of a de, issued
from Ihe Court of Common Pleas tn favor of
Will A Co.
bhcrul oi Vinton County.
H. f). Joans. Att'y for puuutiH.
July 18th, ISTi. , i - . - Sa
. Is another evidence of tha advance
men. of man's ingenuity Although it
is a simple cooking ntensil it is the
woman's' household ' treasure, tl can
be need in any cooking stove "and is'
adapted to all the purposes pt Baking
browning, Stewing, Broilinz, (toasting,
Fryip:, etc. It is air-tight, and there
fore retains all the steam and flavor
raised by tbe beat, making food mora
healthful and more nutritious. It r
quires no water, basting or attention
whatever during the cooking process.
The Model . Baker is for, sale, by
Preston ; Vanderrori, Hulbert House,
MoArthur Persons wishing to test it
will call as above. . I will sell single
Bakers or will dispose of ihe right for
Vinton ooooty. : t
, The following persons bave tested
the Model Baker and 1 refer to them
for evidence that it will do all that .is
claimed for it: . t.
T. B. Davis and wife, George Lams
and wife, M K. Barnes and wife. K. P,
Both well, Alex. Pearce and wife. John
Jones and wife, J. S Will and wife, p.
A. Brattoo and wife, L. O. Perdue and
wife, : J. B. Huhn and wife, O. W.
Brunton and wife, Hiram Hulbert, also
the boarders at the Hulbert House, H.
C. Jones and wife, D. V. Kannells and
rHAVB re-opaned wiy eoal bank, and am
prepared to all orders for eoal a quantities
to suit purcbsaera. 1 will sell as cheap aa
eoal of tha aama quality eaa beobtainedleiee
where. . . tio8 T. W INTSEtt.
atmnlWi tra '
, Wan ted- A , Partner.
ASILIMT er active parttter te mveat ssoe
la aa weuaMiahed boa.aeea la MeArthnr.
Business pays, but raquiTae mora capital
than am abht ta eomaisad, Addresa t-ABT-KB
ar raaka pwrsonal applwalloa at this
ottiee. . i ,'....t. . . , . i . iw .
Wa will furnish tba Record and the
Cincinnati Gaiette to subaoribara' at
WOpar jear " ' J" :
Fresh for the Spring Trade
Colors Ground t Oil,
PalntandYarntsbIIriisti.es, '
' Also a full line of . , 'I '.
Dye StulB, -
IVoliona, Etc.
. Everything at the very Loweet PrU
Umar 1S74 -'-
New Biylea of
Jate Dralds,
Edglncs, " .
' Lacea, . ,
F'cy Goods
Jewelry, . -
Corsets, Etc.,
' Also a large assortnlentof ' " '
GentUmen'M , A'tcktles. .
-. .: n . I . '" "'
Bleaching;, Premrg-. Ermcdelrr,
and afi kinds if MiUinery : ,
Work done to Order on
hi rt Notice,
Give as a call. ' We will iel' lower'
than ever. ' ' ' '
J. P. CX A. DUNKI.' ;;
Main st MoArthu O.
s t.
Al bi. new placa of busluess,
Choicest Rtock
Spring and Summer Clothing '
. . . ,-
"ITER breuht.lo this SRirkef, r robra?ib
JUoill Ihe lateat and most fmhioDaWe slvles.
cm in accarilanoe with Ihe lateat la.hiona.
whrn jou want a ool br suit don't ail ta call J -on
Frauk. He ales CU'l S sdo
Makes Garments to Ordek
and hu a lull line of
Cents' UnderweV1
All elolhlna marked down to the LOW. H
EST flOVMES. Givwma anil aad I wil : r
warrani aaMaUGkun.i ... .
B.g to invite attention to Malar e and. a . -IrttUva
aloe, offered atlewts A. f-
of all kinds '
1 I tn i
Black and Colored Sll lei'"'1
i ...
Mohairs anijf-MpattaSf
Black sx Color dGrenadlaiea -.
A Urge .lock of
BRUBSKOS an hjratMtjiTxt
jaM-A vvi v i nn. .
Mattiiigs &Window ShaSes "
j tir:a. ""
.. rat
so oa e-jeczMai a rtmtau -,- . ,v
Fon fuvcr -& 1 aquhj
as tba SaJpoata ta tba aacaa naaa,vblla H afMSi
thAUtf, la awre palataNa aad wmek ctiaawy '
Send hr dseu illva Ctrealat vrltti rVartswaeiarSjk ,
a rysie4asia from all pari af tba emu err..
. OfBamcle ravkafw t trial, M seats. )
rrrparaq ay su.UK UB, (JLrr a J

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