1 111 "'mm i -ti cfH: VINTON; -JtECOR'Q. r, JSU,ltor aud Proprietor. OrriOE . . Corner of Main and Logan 8ti., Ooposito Court House. , ,W A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Ci 1IOMEU C. JONES. : AirORNEY1 AT LAW, V.i f AJ8TREi,T.f , f . . jMcARTUUR, , 0UiO.: 'oMo OnedoorweatofPao. WillBra. more. ' - v ...... . laT30jl , t , . . , , , EDJV.IJI.N. J1A11NI1ILL, , ATTORNEY" AT' "LAW NOTARY PUBLIC, , 1 1 t; Ofllee AleArthur, UUlo. , . , Will attend promptlyto.il DatiDea entrusted la hi eare. uovll u s. claypcolb; .AT;r law, '. , PKjt.cUTir.a InohMJf j ' -' . McARTHUR, . i'WiU atactic. 11 Vioto'n end adjoining roan it.' BueieeeiriiUd lo liwuare piompt It attrixiert to. Office in Court Hou.e. : AMERICAN HOUSE. OPPOSITE R. R. DEPOT. HA MDEN . OHIO. C, I (jARTWRIQJIT.i Proprietor. Livery Slab let Attached. UIAI.B READY FOR ALL TRAINS. The Home hu iunt beta . refurnished throughout, .Koaro cla and comforlahl., tha table .npplled with the t( lb market artonla, and no pain, .pared to accomodate Cueete.i i , niar VW lr j. c. coLEiii ax, n.u. fin permanently locajjedtut McAR.THUR, O. or the practloe or MEDICNE andSURCERY. to which he will defo'e hi entire attention. OKKK'K in lii.' HuiliiiDjl up atairi". ojio it Vutto County Bank. Ka-iiaia DavifSiuart.' bamiiel W Kiltert, Jr. .V J . Eatabliah.d 1862.1 MI ART & KILVERT, .'' SUCCESSORS TO IMV1D SMART'l Wholesale Grocers aW CttlltlSSION MEEOnAHTS. Prompt Attention given to tlie '' Iransler of P1U IKON and other Property from and toL Itailroiid anu uanai. Water Street.between Faint and Wajnut CHILLtCOTHEt ' OHIO. v-mar.ll iKuVlv ROBERT CLARK & 00,, PUBLUata WHOLBS4LI AMD IUT41L Bookattllufa, Stationers. lUutiers, And rtlnters, BLANK BOOKMAN'FACTUKEES Law, Medical, Tbrologiori., School, and JiibCtLANtuta Uuoks, . 65 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati. ru lalngun fumilie) gratuilouxly on . api licHtiun nod any book wut by inxil, ioi : aepaid uw rn'tipt oi iubliheii riu. , CTbHaLINGHUEST, PHOTOGRAPHER, i and dealer io all kind of 'PICTURES, '"'I'L'b u iiii,"" . ? ,PICTURE-tORDV tc'V ' t f U ' -tv!,. and MS iiMrtRLy.!.pji i 3 ' eirelnllT dune, and tne .maile.1 picture enlarged to nj .lie, and Finished in Oil, WATER COLORS. i . r er i , : INDIA INK, ' eraayotbef.tyl that tnay bedeortd, attbe LQWKST RATES. jj i f. . ' 'La.rae ad toely laiahecl PhataaTmpk. Cms be atade firaaa eld mad foiled, er acrarfeaedl aictarea. Tietkriflt 'tttT kind, framed to .; 0rder, t.; '.. ' anil ilr'irork warranted to giTe aatiaftetaoB. lmay UTk - - - The Best - and Chearest WRITING INSTRUMENT JOHNvOLLAND'S .t:i PfNS rj i-r 3 hi rl 3 a fc ji ', - ? -. a ir'.T f i r RBU .'- MAJtDACTORT o,,UVE)lT ft VOL. 25- NO. 24. MCARTHUR, OHIO. AUGUST 27, 1874. WHOLE NO. 1.272 United States Internal Revenue. line. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE THE DISTRICT, OHIO, Portsmouth, Aug. 17th, 1874. The attention of persona holding unBtamnedDeeds.Mort gages, Notei, &o, Issued prior to Oct. lstn 1872, and subject to stamp du'y is called to the act of Congress approved June 23d, 1874. Stamps can be bad at tliis office. B. F. COATES, Collector. An Actio priYdelbf the itainplng ol no lamped ioalrumeota, tiooumenta 01 paper' Beit enacted ly the Senate and House of Representative of the United States of Ameri ca in Congress assembled, That all instruments, documents, and " papers -teretoiore made, signed, or issued, and subject to a stamp duty'or tax under any law heretofore existing aud remaining undamped may be stamped by any person hav ing an interest therein, or where the original is lost, a copy thereof, at any time prior to the 1st ot January eighreen hundred and seventy-six. And Kaid instruments, documents and papers, and any record thereof shall be as valid to all intents and purpose as if lamped when made, signed or issued, but no right acquired in good lailliTliall in any man ner be effected by such stamp mg as aioresaid; .Provided Tout, tp render such stamping valid, tDe person desiring to slump the same shall appear wiilTUie instrument, document, or papef, or copy thereof, be lore soum judge or clerk of a court of recoid, and before hnu, fiX'the proper stamp; and the , said judge or clerk shall indorse on eucb writing, or copy a certificate, under liU liniid, when madefy said judge, anJ under bid hand and seal, Wfen mailt, by said clerk, set ting lorth the 'date at which and the place, w bpje the stamp was thus uffixed, the name' o person presenting said writing or copy, the lact that it was thus affixed, and that The stamp was duly cancelled in lis prea t'uee. Sec. 2. That all laws in con flict with the above are hereby repealed. B. F. COATES, Collector. Approved June 23, 1874. Cheer Him. a a cih, while the upper stories of a lolly building were wrapped in smoke, and the lower atones aitlow with ill me, a piercing Rhriek told the startled firemen thai there was some one still in the bunding in ; peril A ladder was quickly reared Un til iVtouched the hqated walls, aud driving through' the fltmes and smoke a brave young fire man; rushed up t fie rounds on his errand: of mercy'.. Stifled by. the smoke, he stopped, and seemed about to descend. The crowd was in agouy, as a li e seemed lost, for every 'moment ol hesitation seemed an age. While this 6hi vering fear seized every beholder, a voice Jroni the crowd cried out 'cheer himl cheer .himl'' and a wild "hurrali burst Irom the excited i spectators. As the cheer reached the fireman, he started upward through the culling smoke, and in a tew moments was seen coming down (be lad der with a child in his arms. That cbeer did (be work, flow much can we do to help the brave ones ho are struggling with temptation, or almost tainting in their efforts to do good tOcOtheis. Don't find fault with your brother in bis iriaV but cheer bim- Give him a word that shail urge niin on i he way, and if you can't help bim in any other way, give. bim a rbeer. Bisa BfflQ official "If yon bare any trade, prisoner, state it, am1 we wul put you to work at it" Prisoner (just entered) "Well, boas, 1 waa brung up a bar -tender, and I d like to go Gallileo's Telescope. .In the year 1609, Galileo re lates, he first heard from friend in Flanders that an in strument bad been invented by which distant objects were brought near, and the powers of vision extended. Ileresolr ed at ones .to imitate and sur pass it. By jhia singular me chanical dexterity, bis knowl edge of optics, and his. highly pbl.ished glasses, he was soon able to produce a telescope be fore which the Dutrl instru ment sank into neglect and was forgotten. : If. was.nsver more heard pr; but a thrill of wonder passed over Italy and urope when it -was known that the famous Pad u an pro lessor had preptred an optic glass that enlarged tin bound of vision and endowed mankind with new power. The charm ot surpassing novelty covered the wonderlul invention with an unprecedented renown. Galileo carried his telescope to Venice, and from the tallest bell-towers Senators and no bles 'saw through the magic glass great argosies sailing far out 'at sea . and the distant shores brought near and made visible. All the value of the new instrument broke at once upon their minds; it must di minish the perils of navigation. Magistrates, Senators and citi zens covered the fortunate in ventor with applause. With discreet co'irtesy Uelileo pre sented, bis telescope' to the Doge at a friendly audience, and the Venetians at once rais ed his salary to a thousand flo rins. Covered with honors and emoluments he returned to Pa dua, halt conscious of the sur passing discoveries that yet awaited him in the silent beav ens, or of the pains and woes he was destined to.. bear in bis later years Irom the heretical revelations ot too tiulhlul and iatal telescope. Lo! the poor Indian! the Pi ute Indian, has no notion ol parsing away irom the face ol ihn earth. This tribe are in habitants of Nevada, and it is said oi them that "they are a remarkably healthy people; i hey are seldom Bick,and there appear lo be about one hun dred births to one death. Hard ly a squaw that is over sixteen and under sixty years of age can be seen who has not a pap pnose slung on her back. What shah be done with these peo pie will one of these days be a question that must be a ques- Unit- that must 'be answered in some way, as there seems to he no likelihood to their dying 'iff Among the Piutes, to work is considered no disgrace, and their biggest brave is not ashamed to be seen handling an ax or saw. The women are quite industrious, and the men are always readv to work when coin is shown them. Their greatest vice and their ruling patsion is gambling. They play among themselves, and when they have money cards' are never out of their hands." The average amount paid, in the last five years in the United Stales tor advertising was about $15 000,000 per annum. In 1867 New York city paid $80,000 tuxeson advertismeuts; Philadelphia, $30,000; Boston, $23,000; Cincinnati, $16,000; Chicago, 15.000, and St. Louis over $13,000. , The wealth of the 'merchants in those cities, and the extension of their busi ness over the whole country, ax well as. the flourishing condi tion ol tbe cities, themselves, show what advertising may ac complish. It is . a common re mark among observing .busi ness men that the enterprise ot a city may be judged from tbe appearance of advertising col umos of Us newepapers. , .Mas. ..TixxvB is said 10;, Be Clioeml, " "" , Railway up the Volcano of Vesuvius. plats the line which is to ascend Mount Yesdvtis are now complete. The route will be 161 miles In lengths Tbe grades are 20 and 85 jer hundred, and the roadatermin ates at a few feet fr&njihe crater. There will be one sta tion, protected by sort of break lava, which will direrl the. flow, in case of eruption, away Irom tbe bondings snd rails? The road is so laid' out as to be naturally sheltered at every point, excepthot 8 dis tanceujf 60eeL . Thb Mobammetla missiona ries1 :ad "Wlikiii gft4t progress in Central Africa, sndl?hen they come 'in conflict j with Christianity, employ a 'novel and strong argument in favor of their faith. They declare that while Christ was deoend ed from Abraham, through 8a rah, a white woman, Moham med was the descendant of Abraham, through Uagar, a lilack woman. The latter. therefore, they contend, is the prophet for the black race. It would be strange if such an ar gument were to bave only a small effect. , A man living about sixty miles from Parsons,. Konshs, stole a horse. A tb went to his house as they supposed, at night, snd finding that the oc cupant 'was in bed, they told his wife that they wanted to see' hi oi a minute, 'So he cpe out. They hung him to a tree and then shot twenty' bullets into him and left him.;;. 'The next momma- they "Tound that they had got the wrong man, ibis one being a bard-working laborer, with three children, and that, the right man- lived Chicago Tribune. It was only a lew years that horticulturists were brought to admit that Nectarine was only a variety, oi; thp peach. M. Carriere, editor ol the Re vue Llorticole, bad already suggested that the Almond was also a variety of the : peach, and he now states that there are specimens at the Parij Mu seum which proves this to be the fact. "Wuat brought yo'd. to, 'pris on, my colored friend?" said a Yankee to a negro. "Two con stables-sab." ' Yes, but I mean had intemperance anything to do with , ill" Yes; Mfcfr, dey was bof .o()Vn) druiik." Out in ' Wisconsin a -..-. .a,. kicked and killed a book horse agent lately,' whereupon v tie citizens made a donation party . for the horse, snd he now has" bats enough to last him a full '.horse lifetime. ' ' ..l . ' il . I. 1 It is too bad (bat the Mayor of JJrassCity; Kansas, is dead, lor the local paper says. that rt he hadn't but onejtAojfij 6f tobacco, he'd., divide it, wh a, iriend.1'. ?1 order to keep a blredC );irl iu Colorado it . is . nejCesBnrv. to proride a horse and buggy, lor. her to attend grange, meetings with, and a piauo for recrea ttfaU Vjni2Wi 3HT ' No animal hhould be required to drink water which the owner himself .would , refuse, and , es pecially, so if that animal is i he cow from which you hope to make good butler.' . ',' .' Ad pray. ir, ,hat do you intend to settle on my daugh teit and bb'wvdO you expect, to liver, "I intend, sir, to; settle mysell on your daughter, and live on joul " Jfmeh. ; ws '( . A Detroit j paper, .noticing the.fact that a man (atelyjdrop ped dead while combing his hair, says, "And yet; there, Jar'e people who will persist. jn this dangerous babit " ABorjx women ilett.;'' A Louisville bank some time ago placed in tbe hands of the Adams Express Compa ny a package containing $10- 000, to be carried ' to some point in .Louisiana. A bridge on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, over which tbe train carrying the money was pass ng, broke down and tbe mon ey was burned up in a fire that followed the disaster. , The Express Company was sued by the bank for the recovery o the money, and the United States District Court at Louis ville has decided that the Ex press Company is not respons ible for accidents on railroads. If anybody will take the trou ble to read the receipt of an Express Company he will see that the Companies hold them selves to but little accontabili- ty, Tbe., Company, jgeuerally bars itself against every class ot accidents krown, to the era on which we. live, and, then throws in the "visitations of God" ur good measure. Boy, is that a" Jicensed, dog!" ai-ked a Detroit policeman. o," said the , youngster: "no's ta rat terrier dog, and I'm talu ingjhim down to have his teeth filed.", " ,(On, Alphonsel Alphonsel what a soul you; have for art; you 1 were meant for a ' great painter!' Her' fafher, unex pectedly " cldse behind,1 added, "arid glazierl""'3' 1 -; 11 WiiEir' any one out West re lates a'cfrcumstance hat takes more than two men, to believe, they interrupt him by asking u : if ill ' "' '..'''..' ti:ru h tie nasa. pnoiogran oi the occurrence. ' ,J' ' ,ttWinc,are you, -so precise in your sutemenU;. ae you afraid pf telljng an untruth' asked an attorney of a female witness in a... police court .''No, sir,' was tha. prompt reply. ; "1 want to know, whether we are going' to keep house or board betore going' into this thing. said a young lady at the alter in San -Francisco. Commendable foresight. - '. . - : , i: A new York merchant ab- pent mindedly copied a love letter to his "hearts idol" in the letter book of the firm ' before sending it. '. . . .! .-: .i A - gentlemen iii ' Pottsville, Penn., has tamed his dog Pen ny, because it was boe cent to him and haS'had dennllls with the'ea't"70 ,',,)" : ' ! ' eps. "i Bay, don't ypu have to iui-yjc, ri'i. ;.i.y?.r. i ,.i:t. ia.ve .your .pantaloopns cut ,wtth, a circular saw?'' , ,' . ! It is good ground for 41 vftrce in St. Louis -tf a wife finds one hOndred'Wild th'Irtden lbve let ters i'frBh? af red-headed woman itf!fcer jiosbindV jJOc'k'et; ' ' ' . lO f'ii) )" ill. i-.'i lr-' i ! n A little, Cne, after undergo ing ,the disagjeeble , operation. of j yacciuatiouj ex9iaimed, ;Now.I won't. hve.t9.rb.e bap- yd,wi.Ujr, ,,... :m ; J An AMoRoVd" swain declares' he is so (ouit ot his girl' that he has - rubbed the Jskia from i his nose by kissing her sbaddow on the wall.-- c j Mm l I I. ,! H T . ;;; I ' Tub St. Ltmis Globe speaks of a 'certain iongtwinded Mis souri orator as a man who ulias a sleeping car k'ttacWd to bis train of' thought ; -i !' . OsTK3TATii.pi8J undertaker baylpg charge of an aristocrat ic luneral iLadies and gen tlemdrj 'will please4 keep' their seats till the corpse basses out." A PhilapelphV mant;dis!o cated,;his Jaw, the. other day laughing aVsomethjng he saw in a. newspaper. n But it wasn't a PhUade ihi t paper . , .Vj What was' '!l.e ' use of nest hiding nlei;EluabeUi: kept ..iherfHenneryl l k- ,!. ! .?. An Oswego psper describes a fire by raying that "the red flames danced in tbe heavens and flung their fiery arms about like a black funeral pall until Sam Jones got on the roof and doused them out with a pail of water." ' ... The Toledo Commercial says that the grspe crop at the Is lands will be larger this year than ever known. It oounts on 5,000 tons. A new coal and iron compa ny, with a capital of $200,000, has been organized in Jack son county. What is the difierence be tween an overcoat and a babvf One is what you wear and the other is what you was. A Maine husband wanted to bet his wife that she could whip a panther; bat she saw the joke and refused to try. The reason whytha Uavanese have selected for a penal set tlement the Isle of Pines is doubtless because it's fir away. An exchange say: "A cen tury usually produces precisely one great man." Which of us is it this time? There are few faults that are not more excusable than the means we take to conceal them. i We confess our little faults, only, to persuade others that wa have no great ones. . . -r 1 sts - Tomatoes should be . tied up to stakes' or trellises and the ground around them well mulched. ' ' ii i'. i. , ,.Rey. Charles C, Cox, of, By ington, Pike county, has been .adjudged iusne and taken ta A.thens asylum. ''Tisart ill wind that blows nobody good. That gale is truly diseased which puffeth benefaction to nonentity. "A stitch in time saves nine." The first impression of a needle upon a rent obvialeth a nine- told introduction. ' A Yankee editor has recent ly got tip - a remedy for hurd times. It consists ot ten hours' labor, well worked in. The Western women have in a great degree stopped praying in' publid and are making up their summer clothes. . : V.Thb least said, the soonest mended." The minimum of an pfTens.ve. remark jis cobbled with . the greatest promitude. "Looking two ways for Sun day'." Scrutinizing in duple directions lor the Christian Sab'bath. - " :': '! V.' . . I, I I s .A; II ob .ken , editor, being challenged, sent word in reply: wnen i wsnt to aie l can .shoqt.myself." , , . , ,. ' "lis handled his gun care lessly, and put on his angel plumage," is the latest West erii obituary notice. ! . ! . ' , in, . An experienced pld gentle man says that all that Is neces sary in. the enjoyment of love or sausage is confidence. :, Suggests the ' Travelers' Rec ord: Mtlow to shorten ocean voyages Lengthen the ships.' . Tailob, mea-uring ; tat cus tomer. 'Would you hold the end, sir, while I go roundl" 1 Wht are clergymen like rail way porter? Because they do a good deal of coupling. . Cure for a telon-Take it to the penitentiary.- A fa milt of original crema- tionists Burn 'ems. A green grocer Une trusts. who 4 iakw oi iBiereaw-inei dinner table. All , red beaded . women ari ? ADVERTIHIIlh TRrtMS One square, 7 $l CO fccb addition. .asertlpn ... 6( Cards, per ye-. lO VO Local notice per line...... . 1. Yearly advertisement ftlOo . column, and at proportionate rate pci Ina ..- II -..-11 1 I icwipucB, i ayauic in AUVArjCC. The Eecord being the cffleltil paper of the towni nd having tie largest circulation of any paper irt tltf county, offers lupcrloi inducement to advertiser. In the nortnwesterri' corner of the Territory of Wyoming is located onS of tbe most beauli ful lakes on this continelit, if not in tho world. Adjacent to it are the sources of four majes tic rivers, the Yellowstone, flowing into ths) '.Missouri at a distance of 1,000 miles the Missobri itself, which finds Its way to the Gulf through the Father ot Waters; the Colum bia which leads to the Pacific ahd'the Colorado, which pass ing through the most remarka ble canyon in the World, dis cbarges its waters into the Guli of Calilornia. Cropped around this lake and in tbe midst of this water-shed, is perhaps the grandest display ot cataracts, hot springs, geysers, mod vol canoes, and natural architectu ral beauties to be found on the face of the globe. A pAFEft containing -many, gne p0ihts-a paper of needles. ) Child's play starting new 1 daily PP Baiunoro. I J ones', - his "wifs's maiden name was Eliza, confided to his destined biographer the act that he once and but once af ter wedlock, indulged himself in an allusion to the devil as the "lather of lize." Since- that he has found it more conducive to mutual confidence to call people by their right names. An Illinois woman,' when they first began to have Con gressmen at-large ' out ; there, hearing the fact alluded toy straightway' rushed into the kitchen, exclaiming,1 "Sarah Jane, don't leave lhe clothes out to night, for therq's a Con gressman at large." 6 ; rTuE following advertisement appeared recently1 in an' Eng lish papert "St. James' Church On Sunday next the after noon serVice will to ill trie nee at half-past three and continue' until lurther notice." ' 1 J i ' ' . i Impehtinent dandy (a stran ger). uMay I bave the hpnor to accompany you miss?" Cool young lady. "Certainly buc keep behind in jour proper place. I discharged my, last footman for impertinence." ;. It occurred to a Danbnry scholar, while writing a compo sition, last week, to make th remarkable statement that ''an ox does hot taste as good as an oystef, but il can run faster" Tub Westminister Revie says: "We once heard a gf? cer say he liked the Saturday Review best of all newspapers because a page of t held ex actly a pound oi sugar.'' The new "La Belle KellogfT' shoe has quarters of patent leather, "With 'sandal, fronts of black kid, inlaid whhWdsof blue teilk. " ' , ' The indications with' regnfj to the' coming Ohio State FaUr are. that it Will, decidedly eclipse any of its predecessor. 'The premonitory.' "sympfons indicate the largest and cheap est peach crop tins season thaw Ohio has seen for several year. Already ' there i are maty winter bonnets imported. .Thev are cheifly of vefvet and hvy satin. ' ' : . Game, feathers, short and pretty shaded, are among tJi new bonnet trimmmgsv Few ostrich tips are seen. - a. L ' BiSHor Whitehotise died iiK Chicago on the morning of iho 10th, at the age of Tl years mil -i. . Frank II. Hurd, is toe Dem ocratic nominee for Congress' in the Toledo district ,., ; The two colors which re in discernible are invisible greeu and blindman's buff j , ' . , i It is a strange fait that wiser men learn more1 from foe! than fools do frStn wise' saen.