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Winchester daily bulletin. [volume] (Winchester, Tenn) 1863-1863, March 24, 1863, Image 1

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. ..,tu "l t t t ii . mv.tiri? ur!iH Pvn TO III' K-PW 1 ITT TV T Ti'.OJ TTT 4 V nf VIVIiTk'VT "
' I 1 1 Li 11 1 1j 1-i U I CiVWjCi llWJUill v A A .- - - ..w ....... ..v... .........
JVO. 124
- '-ft
81: S2 .swutw.
. a- We learn from several who are
immediately from the front that our
-aimy occupy this side of Stone's river,
'w. X SLATTEU, Proprietor. ! tnc enemy the other. The respective
rr - " " ann'tea remain stationary. An
One Dollar per Monti.
gagement is anticipated in a short time
without Kosccrans deems it advisable
to fall back still further out of the reach
of our big as well an small arms. Van
Dorn and the indomitable Morgan, with
Bachelor's Iarn.
Notice to Subscribers.
M' HI you find X, before your name on
,dur paper, pleaM renew your subw-riptjun,
i it 1 notice th!lt thc timG iot w c U
v,at been waia win expire in a, iew iij. . . .
w f ,.- i . tkii,. itni. IWv f ashing IfMrinrs in roint of danmr
(jL A Wry tlinKtu re in me -"".' vuv.. , ,3
win will be allowed for advertisement.-- ,,ai.intrv as well as strategy, are daily
Trm $1 for a-h square. 1st inrtion ; oOvti T. ,
forT wbqu.utitt,.rti.n. . . harrassmg the vandals, giving them
Articles of iinvth l.-n;;th, intt-nd'Hl t..r path- )0 res, matching their movements as
., mi'' ht handed in in tlio lorciioon to 1 .
rjure'pucon "cxt d,u-. , ' stealthily as the tiger watches ita prey.
, Obituaries, Tribute of neSpoct, and Funeral yy h;ivC n0 foarfi as to tj10 rcsul t Rnould
inritanonschanwlaRftUvenise'wifitw, omnia. - ,,
lnlli"0" iw.fii U a frini-nl fln crfuromPIl t . Oil-
r- r- r i
...... ..mi npm ns i uuitMirii wv - r
Advertisements of charitable ihhtitutiona tit ;inny waH never in hotter spirits, and
Price- seem to be earrcr fT the fr:.v.
. The Morgan Difficulty. ! Tmt ronHC,irtSnre,on at Fay.
Wo learn hvm a soun-o wind, v.o, )p fiiAy . oBaofthc ril0K(
(,nna doubt that Oen. ..organ had a ; j,,.,.., nil(1
J' IV ,Mfy dithC"l;" 1 10 tf nCm: I misnphistK.ated ,mv horn, wo ever met
near Milton, lo miles orth-eai ot . . . ' t , filh f.onI(1
'Ill Willi. .11111 II I. " II I 'M II
iratlunl (ieneral ami his ine-n made a ,
!t ..c V.ink'i bite the dust.. ar-
lieu rs given in vur Times articl
niurtlier jvpri io uhi
ri.-t be held bv anv uned.-H' iiotter cuit
od than our iVu-nd (Irav. Ifo the
i r'uiht rihvi in the yi'iht place and no mii-1
". aliel . , , ,, , I
t:i-o. lleres t,n y'tir gooa neaitn.
l)nr-tor. When wo conclude- to "branch
'Wpr7glad to lean, that tliO out" for I-v.'ttevilb-ngin we'll bo oer
Funny and free are a bachelor's reveries,
Cheerily, merrily passes his life ;
Nothing knows he of connubial deviltries.
Troublesome children and clamorous wife.
Free from sutiety, caro and anxiety,
Chtirras in variety fall to his share,
Bachelor t, pusses ana V enus Kisses i
This, boys, this is a bachelor's faro.
A wife like a canister, chattering, clattering,
Tied to a dog for his torment and dread
All bespattering, bumping and battering
Hurries and worries him till he is dead.
Old ones are two devils haunted with blue
. devile.
Young onen are new devils raising despair,
Doet'T and Mir combining their curses
.idieu to tull purs:s and uaelieior s iare
Through such follv, days once swoet holidays,
Soon are embittered by wrai.gling and strife;
Wives turn jolly days quite into gloomy days,
All perplexing ana vexing one s me;
Children are riotous, maid servants lly at us,
Mamma to quiet us. growls like u bear;
Poll v is equalling, and Molly is bawling,
While Dan is recuHinjjhis bachelor's fare.
When they are older grown, then they are
bolder grown,
Turning your temper and .'purningyour rule,
Girls through fuolihnes-s, passion of mulish
lies. Tarry vur wishes and marry a fool :
F.ov will anticipate, lavish and dissipate,
All that vour busy pate hoarded with mre;
Then tell me what jollity, fun or frivolity,
Ivpi.tls in quality bachelor's fare''
Negro Regiments in Virginia.
Gen. Milroy, a Federal officer of tha
John Brown sort, who unhappily for
himself made the acquaintance of
,Stone.wall .Jackson last summer in
Western Virginia, has at present under
his command at Winchester a regularly
organized regiment of darkies, said to
he about b'llO r.tiong. This, it is thought,
will make a fine prize for old Stonewall,
and wo should not be surprised to hear
of his leaving oil' his manta for wagons,
commissary stores, 'e , and turning
his attention henceforth to the contra
band trade, lie is just the man to
make it pay.
His hoped that Kosccrans will bo
accommodating enough to got up two
or three black legirnen s in Tennessee
and give Wheeler's "Jforso Marines"
an opportunity for replenishing the
Southern market. Negroes are selling
high at present, bringing, as they da
in many localities, from two to three
thousand dollars. A full regiment of
' negroes would bring the snug little sum
of three millions of dollars. If whee
Van Dorn. or anv of our enter-
prising guerrilla chiefs could make such
a ten-strike, braco would go up from all
portions of the Sunny South. Si'lma
Tei.nessee river is rapidly i-.;eodin,
How truthfully can we now exclaim :
! Ooo us-'vvs in :v mysterious w:iy,
i 'Il u,eN'(',r i prrfui tn '.
We are inclined to believe- in the in-'ju-rpoMtion
of Pivin" Providence have
al way n believed thai Cod wan on the
side of the Southern (.'otite leracy. ami
tain tn trive the gentleman in question
a call, f'np we admire him in a multi
tude of re oot. Smith cotintr may
well bo pi-mid of Kucha benefactor and
true Lrent leman.
We bad the pleasure of meeting
n iili ( ' i Mt 1 . T.. T.r i t, n. f Favelte-
rromthe Front.
now that t ho Teiwio-soe
rynw leg
, we are
lb t.tl.e-re
en n ,
at. Jieeherd, on Sunday
,uiiil!er nud beautifully
eon v iiiirc.l more thot ongl
,i a
liivinitv that chupes ne.r nid-.
I'.iugU ie'w thrin r.v v.f wili.
Yes, than -s be unt'.' the (iod of our
1-1 Fathers, ijotwithtainling we have I. a I
sonio Awful rough hewing, in bhaping
ileiit our course thus tar in contending
I with the (Jcmo is that invade us by land
Rand water, vet there t a inviiuiy mat
f will make our paths straight and turn
. - ;
jthe tide in our ta'. or.
I Priie God from whom all b Wings vi.ow 1
la-.',. The Captain w.a-fresh out of the
( 'api!nl of the Cotifedei aey, and repre
sents our people its beiiio' q,ii-e eheer
fn! in the venerated old city. Kvery
thing i" moving on tinely. f'atain
lbitler is connected with the Conscrip
tion Depart mont, and will make his
Headquarters at Fayctteville. Ho i ft
nice trent Ionian, good officer and will
faitbfiillv discharge the varied duties
of hi m'sion with credit to himself
and the Government.
Fkom M v:no By way of San Fran
cisci the Northern papers claim to
i Tat Sit i 'at ion at Port Huhson.
i Port, Hudson, which is destined to be
i one of the 'joints ot desi-erato contest
.i !,.... ,rl pnm ii,i the West, is on the F..i.:t bank ot
A geniiemaii, j uuwiihj . 7 . , .
Nashville, says the Federals are un- the Mississippi river, about twenty
tloubtedly evacuating Murireesboro. five miles above Baton Jo.ge. It is
Falling back in the direction ot Nash-j on a very high nr.d precij-.tous bluH,
ville; Uiatone half ot the army will! the ascent of winch, from the nyer,
ck-e.t and home as soon as they are', has to be made by a rarrow, up hill,
oaidoll Not having been paid any diilieult passage. aukee aceuunts s.ty
bin- for months, they are entirely that the position ,s a very strong and
destftute id' means to bu v clothing and formidable cue on the i .ver side ; that
. , jcn-.es " i-i addition to rluj lieight and perpen-
''''"lU-M-rtH-H from the Federal arm v i dienlarity of the bluff, the river sweeps
. . . i i . . . I ...... 1 1... I.H.,. n It I, .i i'.i t-ii r r o (mi p-
.sav t s Utiown in the reiierai c;u.ip.- , i. i -..r. -
that a laru-e Contedcrate ioree nas
crushed the mountains from irgmia
into Kentucky, and therefore Uosecruns
,,, t,..,,i- I,, hi eici into itie laeie-i
rent that would b'-Ja serious disadvan
tage to gun or mortar boats engaged
in action. Port Hudson cannot be
turned bv a cut-oil', as the Yankees
lo inn niii i nil" t"-- i ., ... , .
...i :.. ti ,,,,, ,-.,., tn turn ic .111 r. i ho
State In anv aspect oi me case u in!",lui"v' w , - o -
now a conceded fact by every one that j current oi the nver there bears
!.,.,.,., will not advance in this di-! strongly towards the hast bank.
,,i,;en Hd bv many that if he makes! l'oint Coupee, itom uhicli the xan-
' have news from the city of Mexico to
l ftv.T Ito.. R. P. G ann a way, of the',
" w
Methodist Episcopal Church, delivered ; () (? y (.)Vn.iVy wh;(.j, represents
a very appropriate Discourse at 1 ech-; Mexicans in good condition and
frd with regard to observing the -liu
a forward movement at all, it will bo
bv the way of Columbia to Florence.
Thou'h there tire no grounds, only-
conjecture, for the latter conclusion.
The truth is, a Federal torwaru move,
kees are reported to I a o been driven
hi- mil- tr-oons. is ciht or ten tniiem
above Port .Hudson," on the opposite
side of the river. Faussen river is an
old cut oil' of the Mississippi, just below
he truth is. a r eoerai iui aiu iuw.Mv . ,, .,
in MidSlo Toino-Bce, at this time I'oint Coupee, on ho same s.de. Port
one of the g rcatest improbabilities of Hudson h.a .no radroad eommu.ncalton,
one. oi me le.iir i Lvnnr w th Chntoii.tl town in the
the season. A reucrm -'' :.--,.,, anmi
rr u mention
i-ont in runnmir order
through Middle' Tennessee, just now,
would bo the eighth wonaor oi nit
world. It would require moie force
same parish, some tifteen or twenty
miles hast or it.
tfag" Desertions from the Fedora!
tlav of Marb, a day set apnrt by our
uicaii iiuu kmuu n.-.,.i..i. . .
' spirits to resist the march of the French
towards their capital It is stated that
thev have m their army at ruen.a
wor d It won U requuw uiwio lun. w ---- - , . .
h lth. There appeared to be evinced j tliitv.roIir thousand troops, and at the
jirmch tceltng on the part ot me JUT ! t.-ltv ofi0xioo fifty thousand. Great
jjfnc,and the speaker elaborated with ; V.. uus ,)cit)i, ,iiHp!:iycd in tho
jacknoweledged zeal and power, urging j mam,ctniv (l war munitions.
the absolute necessity of keijutig the' , -
4y sacred bv Fasting and praying to ! From MurfreesborO.
I "V V 4 VU U MU ill eil bliw viiii----- - 11 t, I'-UI II i i
oar Confederacy, our army and the 1 letl Murfrcesboro on last Sunday, that
u : .. . -. . ..,t- ..... 1 i,rw. A'.inhen brio-ados loft that place.
crave Sons ot the boutn in tue.r cuo.is r .. : va,,vlii tt
. . on ,-)innia iiiuiuuii; iw
to free themselves from oppression s i j08eC1.an9 is sending a great
luiiiweui yuue. i r cmv.' ( manv jiersons inruugn i"i hhhj, 'n
'levoutly hope that every one will not i account ot their Southern proclivities.
'ail tO'Comnly with the Ctnot cxecu- ae oas uqTu j ;
, i . ,, . ; ilv there of al their provisions and is
Proclamation; let all pray, " : sluing rations to them Irom his
and ginner, and our word for it, good , commiss;u.ies, and finding the rations
Jill certainly follow. t getting short, has sent them through
j !t0 our lines.
! oiiu season. Tho gardens, many of ! 5ragg to send Kosecrans a few of the
i.. . .. .. . , I l ITnwm ahrittkera from this
etn, begin to present attractions trmy ...
could easily spare a largo nu rubor of
them. J:6rf Banner, 2Ut.
(Jf.n. Sam. Houston. Tho Houston
Tele-Vaph, of the 16th of January, ac
knowledges tfie receipt ot one hundred
dollars from Gen. Houston and his la
dy for tho bne5t of tho wounded of
tho Galvaston fight. Tho General's
health ia stated to. bo irapronng.
,.in..m the iob. The Southern
army is not laboring under any disa
bility at present. 1 1 S a in o anaj , anu
wide awake, fully ready for any
emergency. Tho South can never be
conquered by men who equalize them
selves with niggers. Let them como
in any direction they may think pro
per, we have the "biggest Bragg" in
the world. Manchester True Patriot.
froriuent. Not a day passes but
deserters come into our linos at b red
ericksburg. On Saturday night our
sentinels were aroused by a noise in
the river, quickly followed by several
voices Don't fire" "don't tir." In a
moment or two seventeen men deliver
ed themselves up as deserters, haying
eluded their guard and swam the river.
They said they were tired of the war,
and that there were hundreds in tho
Yankee ramp who would come over to
our side if thev could get the opportu
nity. 'They repealed tho old story of
deniorilizaL'e.n in their tu-my, nr.'J. on
being asked when their army intended
to make a forward m : cement, they re
plied, very emphatically, "Never; our
men arc toe ir.uch dissatisfied and in
,-, hnd a tiv to tiirht." The condition
I'palat&ble. Irish r-otatoo tops aro vis
k 'ble to tho eye; onions aro getting to
' extravagant in their growing pro-
Mwvttiea; peas are bursting tovtu with
I' alacrity from their beds of powdered
j'sarth, and other vegetables are coming
Hve flattering prcepocts tor an abofl-
idniifA t aa 4m Un ViIa lino.
gg" The groat Union meeting of
New York City is described as having
been largely attended, and very onthu.
siastic. It was addressed by John
Ijalv, James T. Brady, and that polit-icaU-hamoleon,
John Van Burcn. I ho
last, mentioned is reported to have said:
"In any way, howover, I am for a vig-
orous prosecution ot tho war, uuu lut ol oul. nnv t Sai 1 to be spienJid.
sustaining tho Government ma .general. in j-j ;uui ;ri tiK, bt
aBHAiilt on everv stronchold ot tho re- ...., n ,,(?! ,,,. tu., has bw,n in
iisoou.u "" ..... -- o , ,
bollioti, and in n nty days tho peopio
will bo astonished at themselves for
ever believing that the Administration
had such a wonderful strength as they
Tuk Poor Soldier. It would often
be better not to attempt to reward a
brave action than to reward it at a!h
A soldier had his two hands carried off
at tho wrist br a ehot. 'Hia Colonel
offered him a crown. "It was not my
srlovea, but my hands, that I lost, Col
onel," said tho poor soldier, reproach-
ot spirits. An oils ..or that has ten in
the army since the war began, slates
that never did he know our men to b
in better trim for battle. Everything
wears a cheerful aspect in camp.
PkovIsion's, We h:u'6 hoard a suscstioa
that if an ae-eount of the pr-.'vUioo tt'iek i:.
thirt citv could be taken, it would iuar an
hibit of quantity and variety that would ru
mov the a'prehns:ons of a greid many f eft
pie upon the subj-et f want to curie. (V.-jld
it not bo done under the authority of thn Com
manding General of th.t Departnicnt f
Our belief is tlu.t there if stored an ay in tho
rit7 flour, r'.e. .ir;ar iad ai"'ffs pti-uphti
Veip famine from the door f..r man a !on;
dy. Mobi Rjultr.

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