OCR Interpretation

The People's vindicator. [volume] (Natchitoches, La.) 1874-1883, October 28, 1876, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038558/1876-10-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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- -.--@. -o -
11 V.11.ain on tak :1 101 night.
,li (l',i u:ii iati] ate lo t the Div
l0 .1:11 t- ' l to ýr m it hty iotlel r (-ti)
1l" i ;, ~ i'll t1 ,"iii (; lll'ei i ll' Molt r
z nl/,i '. 1l. i I\ ' ,d. h1 l ,r litn thi(
';, tl. p nl ,ier. In the hunll of1 l 11. i
Ss it ln oV'erlookced ;Iln left out of
it : i. le. .\lo take at lli k at tlhit
le,,!: 1 ;..iiln Ifor the ('lonservative
l cax ;i , o~ 1p1, ltplhe rli' ndrail' C .
Th' l Tih!rn lui suil scrib lled sveri,
libll , i\ h .o the ('au p.llrli ll on Satnrl -
1,l;1 Iv, llll ', alltiolnu h obut a sumall
('l, ;tt nl Ilh ts 'etI1g on a u ;ltin;;,
(to -ii ht 1 sine of it ,in talc(' is
to bie tr;liansal d. Don't 1ml).
. vel ry ,i,,t l whelpt of the i'iral
IHulical l r et i uailil l ngai ged S (ti
soling the New (Orleans I l !i,'tle .
Why ? Sily th e ic th lin h t i
tlldt i tc lad clln trollad by ais bitg he
('rFld ; as vilia rt ous a Swindle .1i thi,
Kellog. (',verniient-a-d,' "hirds o1'
i I'e atlh'r," vou know.
overy d'irent 1 a011 upi Ried rRiver
iknows that Charhe Howarld wilh his
Lottery swiindle, is rIilaulin the ]tl
ltin, aiind the lpublic don'i t ail:k much
- --- * --- -
What nrealt melll WiarJ, Flowel(s
alnd iill wei e, wleut n theO supprtttd
tVarnouth, Itel1og, and that Se ntic:
bt ut w Sihrwo they' d nouiloitnce' tht:,;1
and favor the election of holnest ll:,
the ICadicl slop oTrga call th t
"woolly-headed niggers.''
It(gistr, tioi closes to-day.
The revision of the registration
books wi!l take place from Mo1ndaiy.
Pl hlih ' placejl hlavt e heen nahetit
throiughout the palish. See notice
thereof el l ew ter re.
Ifwe IiHi tl carries hti.o next Gont,
it will eI by the irt' est Chance.
`T'he New York SrtuniI puts doEl
Tillen's 1ijority in tihe Electoral
c(illge at I 5.
Carolina is ht'ing flooded with U. S.
tioots aind uu'll hear another tidal
Ve in tlhe North. (l o onl , Gran rt,
oli are tet ti ineil to bury) the raid
icial party.
T'Gio win, llys must carrlly tg:e
SOC I )Oli' Il, liPol.t 'Lldlan [li'
a1.. T'eli he is heatyes without
WTe are lneparkd hepil EE'
TION TICKI'ETS in fine st ie and at
ent rid.
iNoi tickets printe' unlof ss thi or
ider ois o mpaied ilth thew canh.
Thetae IblteI sear(ed vets--llill
ed Whieeler. Those cy elsi Genl's. l
Gpi.o Huso. hlcClell nila d md i htn
stoe eoier, slis'orl Til en aid lhe n-.
"'?.ach vote sIs hey fouliglt."
crili Nthe Yderk aneral conties
tioqartly ti the front for Tilden aid
The bettig ,llen of New shoulk of
foer two to niIe tiN Tlden will nl rry
Wie Ioi ldithat oilr ladyve friends willt
tpardoi us for lh listakto wher made in
last week'i a -se, in our article des.
-riin lg the Ladies' atLnwer presc ta
tion to the Tilden Clubt We said
cuher ptesentation by Miss Jack ar d
eisep ol ard, wheiv we oiU iitd hove
'aid lish sot Ella 'ipevtlllt and rlisots Bto trd.n
"biWard, ihlt lowT," and hllho pli nirt e
still, niht or h u ill hv all rLeaicls aod is
dtvery dlalgter teo lcy itn.
LThewis, cottn ! Acrl of this pnrip say ill
ohe till hnabunhl Ward and Flowerki is gi"per
nally responsihl tbh wtr iwha they nmiy sl
oi tlt him." lia-a-a !i If Ward was to i
troerek hisnclitl hgr Lewist the olor n's
lebor tis woudime n per eIlope al. Whyill
enwis ewoul! Ai togetelfl to deth, lhe
ndKeep oisian Lew is free.ll g u
-- -- -"  ll ,ill ....
Tll. "ahole dctted mocratic Union ''rises
That nlegro who waated the J war tso
beg light nol'," an d who t tplurged
-'--(I o on e liit 'l* 1
L. dica iSop!
i11 lli, iii0 l Ai lE R' III il L ,
l:? (.1 1:.I)i)!.sEE\ .N\' Otl" \V. I1.
o 'f i il./,r't., Y lI'.('K .,t.1 ),
\ND " .1': AL L."
" h , ditty ln, ,it ;11 1111 p r hit,; .-aid
;t "10011 (1t';+1 :Ill(Hio t Jlll e \'W . B. 1 1hil1
lii , and 1itw piod(ini hilow the et'n
dlit(( l ('lt of (1tll /ht iatr!il' i iirals
in the St;lt,, of ,judge t i illips' "cl:ii -
atter and 1 l !,pu li'i lian..
11"e .'inllpd d s.hice al plr/tics, and
Ni I t~iS. if I I i
panlitbllll file hil li'al i o l- ing is
Ir ttic 1111 it' 1', I i ta ' i 4 I -,1:1:11-1ti's
of Iie 'hdical party hr, to take
tia l l et i t and cogiti te * th c(nteit
at t i'il' l] t'i lrt'',
11, have thile ot'iiils ill ,Ii , ,:'. X e
hl 1 c th'y , c',lt: f-' t.i o h
N '\'," (l']:.;ih,-:l. ,"'' . ' '7
t'h. I' St.i'i:~,l i (t. I vli, t1., ~ii
PliV t t ' .t,: ,i,
TI'alk;,n--c., l"h.
l'eacr Sirt :-I t;k, pl.t-.lurt in pay
i ii i ll~-ti, l (li' It ll lit' , i t ;l uiit ; o -
liti , iii, i. v ot .01 ,I lZti , W . ! .
iliii] i>
lil.0 \ ho i o ......o s to :J ,iw( t .n A u L r
tr.. !X . p Sttaba',rl khosl
throur llh l~ot !ici',l!;+, hIrs iut:;:llyiV hat
l iu t ia' iN ubliicail i-rt, all e f !it M .
(111 11ff liii' Lf iita. i. 11 . ::CLI m e~ 1`i
u, .l-d 1,, o'ved ni the -tumlp a. per
h'i!,t-1\(' ;1.,!11 Ji titile 1' l' il :t.II'. I I': i'
t oilt i (- ci [e 'n the 1'1V ul'iiir I t
yh ouor State. n whreust
Jh ovre. MADSO W qELulS.,
J. 1:~. . S.P(T I .
I c nt":l i l ilyi iln (Ie X,' .I, ,,
. '. I'. L I 'i L\ i. \ I.
«1I. M.Eh-.
Nov, (ihlueas, S9qt.., 15 7(.
Sir -i'ernit file to c n.uIn ld to
+} r tI l,\yortbhl eonsitderation, I ir. 'W .
. 1'Lillils, who ilttfortnls he of his
itnth;tion oi locating in yur
Mr. ', i, an aitdent ]ilt b lican,
tntl capable citizen. who can he of
ofvi fii i liiir caIltllaigi i. I t,'l;l p alC
fl'r ,itAi llty 1ol n orao ''iit't te ourt
fliw is in lt r fOlt. ',
Yet.\ T]rily,
S. l. l>. ('r A Il).
Gov. 31. L. wlStearns.
I colnrliadly 't thi(ao'se all thit Mr.
Plactkaltl enls of Judg W. oI. Pltlips.
Wt 1. ( i. iti5(il en.
State slip' t. P'ublie Edut- , i ,n.
I ioniltr in t(he istatl ent a w re itt
in of the ;loo. S. B. I'acickaid--anch
:i 1. that Judge Clohill.s ili 1,~'e of
lilth se diteo in the ic allv sig of
,nhor State.
J. P. tlARIIS.
W 11. W1C !l ;I[ !, I' . S. C',nt.
I i11'1e k1)0 lit't ,11u ,:( WI . l . 'hil
tiite for Ittatly year< its ;u atllit utie
iluhlian, ag d beliaeve :ick s. be hou
est and raliale.v
A. V. r TI'I'1, 3M. D.
n rtgi ern, Chariti'y p orishital.
I rt .'ulm t dU Ju llge 1V. it.I i :hips.
WM.%. Vi :1(; MI,.
;tS cretary Rip. Stail, ('o',' I l (,ll ite .
tt t ot- e g. ii It ll.
oa e1w . litivel .,110
1 I . t 1 ('1l11 ('K .
JA. tl S TI''oI'h.
tn t Ill \o. t it . hi tr i r.
[ thdis. time ]frwardil , therih pptot,
ANT. I I:lil[C'LETl.
The Wail of the B~eaten.
Trhe Natchitolhes lR,,!),hicanl las
bgit iits old tie lanisbei og the dri. -
eTh isf >lsored vothi's bittd the ianlet
tf thle idotlo ed to WIl daesexrti"
whites "iti ing sold ouutiz if tltlpI vote
wias, a hr ho lilesn.
The miusg-, of democratic e ohine, ,
colored voters that tznok pals in thi
gralid display a nll Tuhsday inger's sw
has frightelled tile thieves of the
F rol treet ashcll orgn." T mae whit
happ for that dehectable sler klows foll
w.ll that no cooru' vot.rspmi r beieg
btnght and lae is fully htwaue that
wee'sr i tou.I colored voters will
dCli. a dNeworteichan halhlt on the
"7th of Novembller nexlt, for his wail
but ewdnaits it.
oaetocratie white men have In ia d
colred anoo fa'is on tiui, catd iong
timuoe at that, haVe tey y What rttial
TadinissOi I fro ii, t !o'f fllows who
atr tlweys saying eethi, tihe whites ,tie
killing the blahc'ks,
Did aily r'adical even help a inegroi
foir this or aPy other pariim iu thie
State to aI hollio--eveJn gi'e hitu a
dtlh' whue i\\ilut r Positively, o114 !
And because the negro who haI
bueel aided and assisted by his white
friend ; because the negro has fouunl
out it, last Ithose who are ahle und
willing to help himl and his, alld 111
tellds to vote with liis true friends
froni tiiis tiino forwari], tihe "tlop pot'r
inisist thai; he is "be inig bribed."
Thlis is nothiing but arnother insillI
to the colored lali wihe dal'e8 exert;
hht imiaihood ,and citizenshilp in ee;,ing
as, ilald fir wh]om he pleases.
Th'le Si11gerI Sellilg M",hinellll C!oll
pa1V :advert~ise their mnachinles hi thifs
week's issue.
The ladies all say that Singer's sew
ing machine is the charmer and beats,
them all. Don't fail to ,give the po
pnlar Roberts a call, and make home
happy by the 1urchase of one.
#. A. D)ucourriai resp,)nds to the
timles and call attentlioni to his varied
,'ndl select stock of goods in this
wreek's i.ssue. If yeol waiit blrgailns
in his lihn donot fail to give lhim a
call. ,New, fresh and elegent good.
at; New Orleans prices.
Blne Jeans William~s andi t~he Demn.
ocratio State ticket carry Indiana by
5000 majority. The Deomoeratic Con
grcssional majority is 9022 or 41288
more. Hlow is thai; for your radical
at the rousing nieetin ..fronil this timii
forward. Ply the \\hip "and spi-
this is lihe niowl. arnt:Ti'rl, ;iand we
l l ' . I hinu r, f, 11(oil.) +,.
WiIn p1 r.k.hl, r moved( to ('anipt in
nor pai ishli, anti went into 1 15in.eF"
nlhont a y(ear ;agr. Preferring a stat"e
of his own to tI'u1tini one 1 i veryl
scp dil." hl a iconni ,dialn onie ,rt
ed, stckod with :.oods, and, by his
lihelr:il 3l]nlinilZ. n:ail attentinn to
hait ness sc3enre1d nI11 tp sive pi1tlo 0
1n3' thlt haIs 1since sptc:'allhi iniiceased.
S'eeninii to l;no intnitively the
Wang11t ricneed of the commlunity he
S1;1 rec'nt! put up on his lot in firont,
in allil!4 li to his . store, a lare h il hl
into m'pl 1 n h lg a mllt 3o1l ('an in 3 h3ieh.
find onnst;ant emplI(ymtent and of an
ina;elr."niC h llh 1 ncet ail d on, venien'n
to tll people, We '3MdP5er11tnd he
n .chin ,'y th::t i:' w v t . hi lly ;1hl
t'i o re'onr+ , to 1t.r e l on ) (.-ý (l(
~ 's i inl1r Ul, nl i hlin. Mr. it--
('s iir -. l' o n d o vill f thi ( 1o f '.1
of ("m :n; , for th(. nu ;tt,"ial im1rve
ain,, hin l:ng, inan puraterl and for rhe,
es.en ti: liers-igs tlhey do, al nd wilI
('(orf tr, Moath there atl on adjui. '" tt
nih1'bohooids. S11'1uch 1n1011 keep the
'3ass from tgri owi in the streets.
lI1nnr· . -"r. i Th tore,,t' of A. N,
Timonl on 11roa1dw 'el's p1333 ntatlioi 11:s
enrered on,' day doirm, the week,
while `,I,'. ineon ".a.; at break:fast
and ro.b,,-e, of a r,.ge amnont of
alntl ote . Th1 e t l ' l1'ge 1i1 0.t ' ll (l -
oroes aniid were c'l1ptunld during, tlhe
day. All the tu10ny was irco1'cred
ht .V75.
The front street slop organ will
nw; illt'mnl the people whcther Woard,
I1ower'- or 3all .v11 r stole any thing
frnio the poulic crih o' any other crib.
Th'lose same people know that Myers
and lUoullt and Blunt and lB'e3da did,
and they know . cide. that the slop
oru is biusily entgaged in suIport
inii tli3m for ifflce.
Reform, a Fair Electiaon; Public
Schools. Raili'ads, etc.,
Dem:and d.
Ti" St. Louis ,::,;,e. ( 11( Pliat
K; li,;igiy ,ti the 1,'l'ic'al IT'luy J)T
The fItl' vi ii is the fall report on
plitt;firn of the conlmittee iappointed
at the 1',:tol lRange Conventlion, andl
of which (:ov. Al)Cit Vootrhies uwas
We, t! ' replI',en' ti ve '' of it' i')uti -
Srait -l ' n T\i \'e r il ,i:rt) of :h11 ,tilt, of"
L,1R i .lA' n ~l. in A Il \ ae ' l i:tio . l,ie; ild. t !I
Nr,; 4 ,hi :,b:ini. 1.ali\e andl l)
li'i.,': '-¢. An: *,( , , I, ,a a n l i.,.n ,
1iarn, ,, l :plt i", 1 t c ,u\t- lr i, , -ciilt. n of
e' LV ' ne 'Al' . i cal;i:ll , :i (oA iationll, \whitieA
o 'i. r, . to /,':a11 1,l-y "ico- ' , ra e 'r it' ,
ls '1 t1 1 ), 01 A1.Alm 3(1 A- tll I V itc
We arlt'irlIn tIhe liulie tl party of Loa
isi,ina for mari i .11i1 fi e e uenr viola
tins4 t tt It, idtr :dl ,pil l op thO ctn
sli lation: fo the u t!11' 3s.,n iion of illi -il
lAwrv|s foir thAe ..nlAit of the party, aIlIl
t t) 1 trel' -.a' iiry :n id itnl nstl total ruil
,of i't, St:,t,'; flt tho senl n tll0 i" n di4."' iollls
1 1wt ''' 'l 1 .h. rce n:rd dm i li rdtly ,.,'t x
I.it i '1!1 .!ri i ' ttte ll-l i Ai. therelby cr uAlly
s;airiti, in A tihe i\'cs of colored and white
citiz'nSI , it'it h li lt intent of lvn'AtrtinA g
inlWl arrantel'l it l t l n un:c tstitutional inter
et'rence in olr ltaht al;la ir'.
'rilE UsýiI'ATI x,
« e denonctlAeo the AnIrIlptive tiand hlad
go vl' ter nlIe nt w hic(h I i lisi n ha': s.ltl3ter
itr ( it laost fur vealrs, a iusuilrc n Iti lln
dfer cwhici olicrc, elected hy lh' e' people
ltve \'e lten diAhlaed, th gov,''lemenlt air
hlitrarily overthrown I' fed'eral olAe'r.
;tyl lt't A ill lintl '' lf lirofAIntAd Ai.aA','', lA,
sl)uo vi,!'ol nt a1n11d n)lawf1l inlterfer, 11ee
a•lliA. hat anoAther to tIhe loo. lists oftcrimes
for whl'th the Jil tpAluIi,'rlln party should
hc held to A.C'etnett in November nest.
.1 i' I.0 EIrcLECT Il.
We hA're'Iy pitiolaitil that it is our de
.;1:',. a:1i txo td p"' i"'e, 'itm ,.r any and
every J'ltovAAl'tiott, to have a fi ir t, nld
p;e:a t',ble cle'ctionA ; lbult we AtlC:l.itA ad1l
in!.ist that there shall I e" no vi o ")'l : or
intimid iati oniAl ,Aercid towards rsuch of
11r colored fellow-citiz'nv as n:ty' \:ish
to co-operate with Iis for the redenption
of thAIe 'tdt' 1'rA1A mistilhA.
W e fttlly reeAlgniAe' the IbiiAlin;; ,li'et
(of tihe thrle rece'nt article, of alAole'id
ment to the C(ionstittionl of the IlthitAed
Miit+es, anu accept the saute as ;1 hilial
Aettlemteltt of the controversiA'5 that nt1
genderA'l civil war, and we pledge o 'l
selves to( protet't evely ('itizcln in the ex
el'ci.se ofitl t'igl hts nq(' uirled and gutlranl
teed ly i aid, nitllel!AA'ents, w!'at'.ver tie
his rTac'., ('co.or r jlre'violls condition.
TIlE STATE 'I-N' :R5,.
We hereby pledgc t ouir party to the ,at
itfo'rtio n of .il tlt. llgal-t obli' ations i;
sued by the State of Lonisiana ; to tlhe
most treimmis e'fforts ill the dirctl ion oA
tion of the Governin'ut, and epSlciall\
to theaA.holition of ;Ill itnecessary puh
lic offices ; to the redttiction of 'fees and1
sialritr's of otilil'ers ; to tihe standrhi'd AIl' a
fair rnllttneratioAl 3(n1( the conseqllenllt re
dAnAtion of tax:tAthm to the low'est ]pessi
bºle limit voinlitellsurlt( with the nleces
i,,I'd' 1'x1 '; ': of the guVl'tn:lltl'nt andi
the preservation of the ipublic faith, and
to the etnrtaillnent of thit dauiagroSlyv
I;'''''' 1lAt111'Oh.1i+ of the Chirf Exe cutiv('
WX dei clt our'l'veL in favor o(" the
)aisalg o ithe "T'e I, 1 Pactfic Ri ilhol
hilll nVw pending 'l etel~ . (_'olgArAess, anid
r('coilllnltAt (ur ( tilt llel3 ers o' (otlI'ress tl)
'P,'lti1, CHIIO(OLA FoR .t).L.
lih schooiIls for l th lAAn!liit (Af all the edu
'. tnibh' chiilrh'eAl ti tilie State, tI'1l that
equal advantage be ~hiv I to all ehihitlrt
'olAred as V'ctll as white.
We 'cordially approve of 11131 entiorse
thle p)altfI)lln o(A thie Nitiottil D)'monl'rati,'
jt;il'ty, rlceilntly 1a'IiA)eibl ill 1(nvenltioAl
at St, Lonis. 3ill(1 f''ell inspired wilh thi
holp) of a I13 ,tthr Gov(.rliinieit il the fll
tlire: but the gi'riit ghtstiali of refor' is
brlAught IbefE)r'e the ptople of the wIlA,'
cOiutrt h)y ii great n31ilhnliti party, iilid
w)eV p l iig i r ti'el'(s to uIA' oltr tltmllol,"t
ettor'ts tA) A('tei'te tihe sill('I'sM of th1osA'
grCet ex AAlAS's ll ttioAnl)| reforlA.
1 . a ,' \ .1; lu 11. ': . 'i ; !"!' ,"I : t
] o \l ; :', t t.2 , i " I ,
I ' i . ' t o i '
* 22 . 1. 221 I 2 22422
I yIIou win t! i i ,1 1 '22 1 1 1.t
Sill1i; 1' 1,i1\Il 8 1.1M1i I.T'2L22
I'IRI:LY \'':(:.i:T'.111.1;,
I~ ' [ -;lil. 2i( 2ll n :'1 itm i 'c('h 1.
Is s eill'' ti Iei' it tlaken rel uli r r;1 ,
I. 1! iit xit l'itin h1 vw; r;t 1.
(1 i ','r ll itll l S2t2cib' n , i e,
' t 2, , 2ar . 2 iis;c i' i i t !.
2,1I , 1 2222ill 2llJ ! i ,' I'f:
]lo t-, n Iith ,"i - ai :c,· th U, int'
i ul.' t`o t' 1u 1 !2 !1' 2 a [i! ::11
J 11 t' 2:1 1 1 11 1' ' t h22in
Sa ,s li ph2 ' ' olf (I i hi, 1' !v I. PitiI(. s.
A,, ' l hv -I' tl 222l2tIt ,I\ '1 ' : f1 i ,ll2 l lll,'!.
A' k 1 ',, r \ '. ,,01 ,1 t it t ,1' , .1iih i tilli'
oiri"; :r., vic ti s ofti,. Ei er ia, , !n ' r. th ,
11212;f 2'l : ill:1 d -t vl h palhie' 2, hf l t\i- a l, rI ,
nt(,ler,.d halt heh·e1n :its a di' holodlilS li .l.
:a[1etil-t-h1 '" \i II i tll t 'tl t l i1'1 u
!!2,:llul1 ' L iver 1 1!,1' 1' o 2l t , r,
7'/!, ('.111 ,11, ]urc t and /;,'.,'t ]" ltºtily
Atll hic2., i. 11h'e W2rl2rd .'
It c('ui l n, i.' , :r 1:.1 ,11, h:1 ; l,,'2 n.i ,t', 1!.2 -
'1r 2ni2 1 ill tIh.' .:2lit 2 ii:Ipp2 , rL I 2 t lia n
ll 'Ill2"' 2 1iii'l' i ' 1' 1 222il:i , \ 1 : :2 2. !'2
t ,i11 .1 t ht rl'u.1 ' ltt' ; l , 1 ,1 :i: - ,l ili
1t h 2t2ti 11 1 111n(11"l * nic' t 21 : 2 n 12 . '
c t:,ll 1t;ile 'i:(;lc', ti , 'll c r:( il ( '
' :, 2tiv' a fl l ii " : ' h',o ltf I ,' t , 'idy. ,at1hci
: (111a i '.C (lr "' !. : , :r12 lt'1d it  , :11
21211r ( .i;:! 1'i I '2, 11o2'.I Uo)222!2 2 t icv,. . iý
i! 2' i"'! r lr h'l :21 1 l h'j'2'22' 1 I. lIt-i 1.'..
EI is:nwreg 'U I stle(
ior alll dis uses of he v i ele I. S, a chi
,n p cia., . nilt l llep si on' tI li, lt' .ii, -
1l1 ,,.i., :ich ', ('( hI ', (.o sltlll t
iion nld fliion-uun'ies
IT !I.A: N. EQUA1,.
CA UT 11 0 ION!
As t i21'' larc a 1tt4 1 12L'r of ilit:tthi1o
t:1 1, i'( l , , t f' lthii2 \1b\l w ihl ,':l' u ini
nBuy 1,1 I',v ;.s ' Pr,'pl'ta'd Sl',' -
( !.'" :N1' ,IV\\ 1 E l ATO, ' i, l l' in
`i;111!1 .11'I. :i.,ii u i2 ,'' aul2 .eli. N222'
other is gr22i2022.
J. If. ZEILIN & CO.,
:`1:1\'!)1, ,l.. a dl!. P ,ilath lph' ,<l,
Yoli2r v'anl i 1ediciine.t lmi_ h u 1!i Liver
] h112 :1 (r', h1ia ,U' i2 t ll2e ' 111:i1112 D ac 'tors
ini -. 1! ! e it for " i ili it is 1' -
1 i:2U'lit ''itell : 1 21 ' 1 ,''1ir 1.i wC it Iu f2il
1, L1v1 11111 .tf l Colic (2222 d G1'riit s. witl1
iy M ] .il al Ot e1 ,; gli.i',, tii; i 7 h,' li( t
li: 2 ia hottl2 e aIt 1 tihli'. I 1;'.' 21t 11t.,
! 2ill2' lh i( I :\'vI' it to. \ l2 2 -':I1 2'2'(il .l'll,'-litd
i2 to '21 2 , 2o2t 1' 111 1h, has ll1ck 2( Is 1 n1ll.(2
[i.h ' 1)hs't l1 i2i1 22'e 1:'1o\w li I'1' al: 1 t, C -o
p1lint25 tl 1that h1 ,e flesh is h11 r .to
E. T''. ''TAYI.uI:. A f'llt for (:angers of
S'2or .. l.
(Five Mil's fron NXlatchlitoches.)
50.000 Feet of Lumber for Sale.
1l2m2 a to 111 D)ollars, (:'ecorldinig to
q11.;lity) lie'r" M, at the Mill.
1)livered ii NXatc(litoeCies, at $14
121:r 31.
'.uch 2(1 .-- ly.
An EMblaustive Aceouut of its Pe
culiair :1r'opOrties--lteaslo )litior'
of the Tree-Its re,
inarkal~e A bsorp
tion of Malaria.
2222m 1 t '.e :42u 1rnt1 2 '2 o ( v2 2 nill ,'( Ih 2intIh.'
'WIN' t) teill' E!i,1;t.l4i4 ilquiih'h42 f42n'
;:''"''' 22l2r2u' 2gb dl clip.C ioni of it, 4n1
2.l':'iu' 11 2 22 ac' - 1 i212 h1 iterti pulh
li "" age CoL., o)' tii' city; \re have d4vo[lltd
lii222,'i t2li .n' It l' 2 < iltiv;11' o12 "2 th1 tr't'4',
wv hive obt( in2 211221 22(l .1t 22f t1he i2tf 1'lllma
t 1222 ' ( 122 I(4'(iSIh:(. 11h22 J' a ptJ:l\'lt 222 iS
'x2 ' -i .' 22 gr22'\n', h.! 41aliflrii1, \1-here
1ri2ih " 1221 l s t1''2 h,'1 (4120 lillion tl2ee2 5
222' 11'21ed, T I' t' hi1 s ('ity, iu front nll
lIm.2'i -,mi2 I r o'e2iU ,;n(''Sc , (y2l 2 \\iil 1hi22 it
2 wi 2h ;' 2 2'2"''Ailt'2'2lt 21th'22jing 1ra'12li)'2i2's.
niakiii1 412 1, ii 'ihiv 1122d2 g1ruedalli 2,h,221
2rt.e. 12 2.. k2 la2 d tiit. 1ur'oiltl a 'lnte2'l'2 1)12e
l1n'd 22112 t12i'2.
2i A"lo'ia its tcul2itionlu wI') U2i12.r
taken iiii 14, lill'rgt c:i1o. Sulille 13,000 ElI
cal 1,tii 2 rr1 , 1 l2222 td in ant II textrien, ely , 'l',
prevailed to a groat t'Xt(ntlt 2terl'y yen'i4'.
ulh rihlg 1ilo tii .5t yL'212' 1f thlilir grl)221 ih, 121
1h2' 2;w wh2iO fth i 2.4' 1' uLsed 1o
set il, n22. 12t. 11. inleh' (.1s12 &" ie er os'' r' lrr( d.
'et Itl 2 i'ee s W1'2re Oll line 12e2;t Ihigh.
Sil1Uct. 1h,122 thi pll2.ce is l'eio'4 'ld f'l' i .
t1'22lt its 1122 2'2412lto ' 2 iti'a i4"".
22t,1her fe\'2 r s't-t, n2t2rs2 a'1 2 i2fk.' 1ly, i2,
2\'ho(l g2r'122 w2 i,,I l ih' t 4124d Iupl 1 1,1 0 o"
thei''e 122222. In (Ciiba i22r,)'1 Idi.,2':.2'. nrt,
hi021 22 hi Lis fi' . A t:l'i1 2' 2t, 14i)ion 2in
t,2 I),'p2'rt'.!me1t 22f Vwr w , 2$ ]2) 1) elt i' l I224
tIhalt the (flf21:2i2s c2 1li not 22e221 ''ll2 0 thl22'4'
l l ie'' tha 1' 2f1 '2. For1' 4)1 ttit e ' s 12(2
22124' 1 l,2 u hl2nte' 'i2l tl'' !lt12h'al22 th", co2di
tion of the a1ne'lv, 22'')' c'uan2gr.d.
'Two lmli1,a from H1{y~'2'wu'2, i this
gr' ',es r2f tI'e EI e:-y! p .2tu 22') of 2 12out
nil2 ty't' "if'r(', Ol and till' o42th2 'S'Vt ity 1•(14'.'s,
thle \\"h1 l2' 222iipirising aibouilt ,)1 l0,2120 tree,.
Ye\ l1l21n' 2)4 tile trot") 1ir', t'r lb y to lifly
ti'ee 1h:, th21 it 1 2 nh 1 2makin 2 Ilhst CX
t t22iv2 ? ,ird hea1ulti'l] 12r2 -.1 : fbr file1 l)n(
th24''r lpnrpo2e'r2',hl'hig wo2i'th tholl(u2t2Sa
of dollhlr:2.
(I'22rhit. South Cr'lmina, Abbtbnu0a ,hil2
o 211r 1 oui2 h S2'2 i *.'t te's :l2' 1122 aw ,k'lnili' 124
the .inpin'It: ''2 22 pl' la ti2L7 I lit's' tl'2'I,,2,
n12.2 2 he 1.21' li' utaly be 21iI ofN) ,w M2'boh'.
T"l'iw'-: trces a' j' ' gi' i :;tedl| d 14( 'r
W. KI'rt.'I!ING,
eti0 e".h. Oprd 2'2' left sit this o121222 will
recei' ' prli4tt1 i, atteution.
N. 1.--''lt'y ar1112 gt'r4\ig ill lh-e',('2 witi
:i Il(ck of soil fo41 each trleO and ca42 12
$1hiil2Id Il d 1221t l'll 4;lIIlteI ali2" l1.i)2t411 in
• 2th2' 2(22' 2Viiho( t tsk.
.\lril 1--t;.
BEEF CATTILE for which
the highe-"t CASH priº'º's
wviil lº pid by the undr
,ined on il dolivery at
SNat, hi1tnrbr. La.
For t 1 ALL and W\ TN
l I Trade.
wE1 (-q M 7 S !
New Goods ! !
r|'l " ,., ; ,In f 1,k i 1 bett1 r :4(4 n11
  'it It ,, - (1 1,,. i, tr , .lnI( ii . 1
t il l I, ! :', I t i ,, . ,, , i Ig ](1 : ( 1 :',n , '. 1
P i11 ( A 'il. cii l  ' ri1 fl r, t l, .
'l' 14 I o f I h! r l firnl iI ( to 11ll
11.:ti'Et:I TIIAN TI" 1 , !: II ! 't'1F':T.
(;,- COiL l , n\,iiiit. ulil X1.4, i., t, w hi hI i
caon isi, iii pa'lrt of
I'E !N'T( ,
II(\' 1 ;IL!.k.U t! 21li Cu. ii [ N.M',
it) )l ' ,1
LLD] IDii fl 1F ' . 11.'I"i i.
T1*11 1. (11
Crockcr.,, Tiollow & \Vil
, low .\me.V
AW fall lir, of F:a.;('Y :l:,l l.'tIL,
it , ,TCE S , ! N I ,t . .
,% Fl'l ll] I and s,,!,. at at-li ,, i Ial ,lwi\s a
liºl 14:144,1. whirh |i having be ell p"' r,"tha-,,.41 n.a
a . ', '" ;:,4144 ,4.1 , 1,: tI i otSt u 'i t-itra i lsiu lt'
1 int hbut a t' ll .". ' ' rr,
lti'lieat ca-h 1,4 it a aid f,:' ctt tto i atn t -,i
Ilruthicr, Lid ilt[ ,i'll," r( :4,!(.(1,(i4 4 niadlu in (4:4,14
~ r11(1" ! 4 1 v4Iir- , oib ,12;IW 1141:":t.
3[1,1 -:; .
A C".;.
To flie ,llii FinuY and T'ravel
01n( I R, W INES.6ýa L 1'. .
In toluMt'rpltlit'('ro tlit ph1-tsvit It I1w stf:lg,,
of S. at.! ih," ,q c'iil,'r e - , tit A i. , , L iIie;. ' I
wtitloIr iv, it ftri tti t 4 Nt-v ttI -1,,:l itil (
11. lt 1 'i(4 ( u -41 i t tlifit. fio 1-halch tlwat I
Vt ~m iv rhch aing bjnt prthaid
s e ,'1 1 :it e( 111 t' tla ll'' (I 1 Owli' i ll l 'l ,
.\ . lil ',~i - 1 " 144 i (1 . ,. t i!1' 111-,,1 (1 !i , it 1.-,
Illy 1u 't4t ll.o t1 to sll .l i lit ill iiait \\ 'k -
I\"1 tl-.t Icaht la ii i l op oh tto(1 }ars to (i i
l irli' )', 'I;r,ll: " llt rllln inu l,;l:;,d l)-"
produle, Eianvid l~ ral (:nicrao 1'mie in 1s
A CEWI"'I'.l
((Stlot if:h es hi t Vtiin,-iig udioti T ildT or-e
i t :c n tiua1 . e[
114('_; tor l'tin r i 11 pai cs flor flip. lih-h
,rith fttii mrin \i- ll t h\ ' N l.c tilt', a14 1
S ,lii t' }ot nl'i ci t X 1 1hJ l 1 call 401 a tru 'ip
t':itl h So s ' titt' dl(! tilli, Ili S i ti c, otir
li''tiill; l'iit's Itt'NN iYI1 Et l ' tlic ti nth', [
Si. t 1 44 at l at(1l-il
V(:r\" rc1t,,pvc l lll
itt tii I \ \ iti'T5
Ipt . i i t't tt ilnI' n 1)1 1 -111(1t.
FOI* TlEr m ll)V A fliE, t-ib.
£t1!1 t l~li'garitvii-, to l(lXIi~ii 0 (ht rioet s.
I' [)[) flf'ti..t]""frl h WI llER li. Ial1g.EE"
i uorwriut gon I'eii F u.
ito 'iW h sii ttati iil A itt i i
Dit'd GOr ODS.ll" [)ic t(illli'IE" h 1 h A -li~c'tWAEEl.:4
.i lllli'thou "Is riou dw entc io +nl l'l. no in ii'uli'l'o
'l'\'.']tllItT h 'il,
iTh l''ttitlts;'E "itiitttI o uit.i llititi,1it I l~i0t'
4000v Emertvlqi"an :.u ig iii Qu roi, e iiilll l
i tltulsh' clit~
ThJli Sate oftlu n mm.t .,p e -
N'l' the rr Stairptiwd n of PEVu'blg , ,i l-nt;,c
AThn.; ,:th na r th e of - E.\+ I t eUI+m. lmo thlln
Ii ,,d 1 ,thrn andh,1.Y--,:l lv SttsIW
T's,!lll'h* , Sta h of EW YT, N hspacd 1.
ev r choi, 'rll yi' vol. u v h' Clit s
filti all\ he Shol.
Th' st antier hivstllt ii 'lllSTT hio, lii upc'f
pMle her il fen ol iliiUl aqll~il 'r ~ lo
T'(hht1he lite filiOlWiA IJlo n plily ohel" Scollls.
\Th ]t'a, ~ rt tfh of alNN iT:1eT h .h,,,lInoh-k
vtlhis lr io n t hir h r S h tr ,oo i \'l,,r ituh
i f ovl r 3l)' 1 scho s ii lilNrwd
splh-d bling he 15a +I A t,.. EInd fa.\ mr,
,iin 1 l-- lynd 14. Nl iliM
--t ete ivs,.tmen ca h -- e f
Seba )U'sh II S
Ino han tntd asN';\ u'f~ll('IIr.\XIlI E.
inth C anrgal, C.l..sloie
\Vdr, n II. th '.r\itdl r f. ada
Publl/iT chl, t Gi.IE! & t C 31 llit E ,
-- DAS.lIN-
DRYl GOODS, i':W.llS L'~l\.lE
Ada fwl GENE ~HAhLt sTolk of ,NDIE.
Ilidl' h aaii nsv.!li*l to C -n uth o m\ears; . h,
JF:l F t ',N t IHEE'I.
1W". 11;.e II.11.
,h1iUly CII--tt l ll"
'Ti Luacoste, ;IN.ý i r
I'luxr Si'. N'i'CulOC1I 1·>I, LA.
T_ 14 t'd riwicp friesh a iid
. t 11t'*
17 m ,(Ii
Sot' i:·;·iiti J lc (: !·( · 11 l ((, !! ll' ii1t c,
! 'S' ul,:Ni'L , I ' .;" o.IS Il tu l '
I N l A ';l tN,
( a'nt-i il p lit oit
A \i't'It'.\. .NI )El;N (.L S]1
i'ItI.AY Ni'
l'1..1 1I) LI, I ", . [--.
t 'l ..\l ", .i ;', ',
1'1''1(',1 .1:,\S a')- , -
Iil ) 1 l, IK0. !\ t !L, IA :
"L.oNt L,; 11:fli c eolors.
BLACK ALP.\('.\s,
TI .Y A.D i) 'WllrE Il, ANKiTI. -
OI~l{) E iY . ial (;l.1)Y}',<
l t E LT olill 0B.
Notion lis of all ln e c rilptiioS.
T1 A\\" .i,, : ,.. I ii . .
Also ',ilUllhte Ilia of SlO '.rS, I[.\t "
'mod I: f'llOT (Ia,
Il fact al' l ºoodsl. that canl be c"alllM : t
for in a N 1)iv l( t . i.,totl'ie.t
1PliFC.1h1, !.:.i,:S OF ALL KINlt.
1ilitd "i. iif t'(it iui of tin: clt, . 1 ' fli""(:,ti
tit .U Ilit" (:yll ,,f hic h e i, l ri' l, _l
11 J.ulch \t. 1, I .-ly,
TIS iti ittW $i4?n-. o ti-s 1,iothsull .iniat.t
TEr fur tit tltts icointlie fi ear,
.leh il t ? t i . . illlf ll
.OXNDED IN 1, ,.
lID r fl , l)ir'\\'n ll th. ll-i " , ~
the ,%,vihty a f the ,a icer t(d h 'l iirt.
Tl1 '. ,ili 11t l'ti Hlle L.t,
#'p ills tIo l tilttio 1.,!i; lea t i ilitlor ,i tnat(- t
l on. ith Miji. ppi n givsr, arido
Sinite ol v e tin tt le s. th inlliOll i (l
al' r, nI 'tit .s 11 e lCliv ilte . TJ C i
$ii tf the lelipuis col.lcti 15 it, is t
P. pil t, r t!M iit ' il t t nory imth and d
coiuliihed edai,; anti . Siipliciti l o1'
dress is enfi r''d by tdilf: n'll. 'Thir
health is tihn o , ,jt ' ultiringl: v licity u inh
11 , in , i i:,l .x' ,is Vy ar(l i alll tihnat- l, t
:lld e' ll,t:litl y ai l it ll,cl['d to.
The sch ,.lipli I rIh , ,whietb id lwidh id
into two s'1 ,sioli of liv in~tIrfihs eacuh,
lilieawnr on hu e tini ait Wdress ; in t
( i1;uliilil ,l i U oltl i le,' ii it ;l ii ilt o
O(th br.ee nil. nr t eslat( l'h ini ti h ile sit ec t
of tfnh folit' a!l h i Jliy'. t
Tern, ifor liltt feih.lti'c Yeailr, 1
Pt ahle ill ot It tti, 1.iii 1e, a 4l1 i s ii
lE:4 n'irav eri, ti',. (l ut io,4)i.) Gt (
liar, . Ith :l .it i t l oglih a lnd t
t'ahi, nt' ht f
Iin,,,, w ai te a l i l w t.y ll i
Sdniilil'r liathn l 2 -
M[sic .r tt
I', ue ," l hian lo or it s lth ir I')
l i.r \\lling t
ttaril ton il in. , the '' te Jr i'triati e
1'u ltiii r) ii Vi lit1itiiil tl e
elils gion huiit Itt ildi fi'illI tpiii :l lix
git Vi penlit. nesi h naon
liehiilt1'~ Only fl huil uiv 1ltM . - ' id Itiri- llnt.
No pla itielli drs, is rewlliiri an , i Ix
eelpt, oil Sllid;!\', lii Tiiiir.days,% whei'
bln~e Mflrino i- wrrn ill \t ?lnfer, nlli ill
hynlil, s ini laa , i lnat l oi t i l i. i ll
whlitl Jallolnld o1r N inll.ook.i
Eiaich upilre-hlinhi bi tlrcvidlt'J witC to
blio, hitcnlile ald tr phik dress il wiite
plaian flobbhin,> ;', :we aiid ia half orl
tlree tvou, olr i, ahrs in th fe sliz SI'
t .e VIu. lidy ' i, N black I la'iti lih n$tr it ,
:.'il, iwelve \l t' ies io Nti tlier g in'l ,
\twelv'e palirs of hosel, a, ihzeli iand ai Imlf"
' iweldozeniA k(,t hCl',rOhiV, l ight
l Jr.e i . l 'inst t ah l: C , t eln , col-A .
lur', .ix niiiht-go\wnls, heri p,,ir.of slholls,
Sf ioo l t Nl, t hal, n b x, w ii'ln -'-o Pi -l •
tIia-llk ifi, tlrk w i ' ' c lings , wo l&
ot° hlaikiels, lhr,,e p!:in of ,hielts, thlc,'
aiid ai hlll al'f . 1unt liu , two aild a hlfitt
w til,, .t ui u ih-har o" ,hih' netting,
two .yards, -sa ll h t tlh, t i i lo t-i lith', t
tltl' f we and ti hil ll' l . i ll to h,
dis Litly ill'k d l ith th iltier iit
it s lll wiesi iil  t .h ir thilr sin io hi,
furlih'ed wih cl;i if, tc., i ir'E ANx
Uedt C rt to delrit witl the Trch.u
iCund O f FE' t Ei HOUSE
Puills of iever\ i]ui ul nuil~llti'h ar'e rt'
qulired;l to si,:s, t a thel public txeisesollf
rel]igion-- 1"o fnirh,.r hinlh ,unce is ever tex
er'tis!.d ov,,'c ihi'ir cot m vieti ,ns oil this
gravi ,,p, oilit.
\'iqs it l'tre colif41el, whiiel praci caluei,;l.
to Suildays. anlld Tlhurl;.iayl :i n I ari' to
bet illadll onl~l y h? Irvlen., g.(intrdhaili anlU
liear reltivies,% inlt s,,. ,vwh n iaithol'iwd
by\ .llvh ai, hale po' a it nvl dll lll .
F pi.toliry corresplondenice is ,ubje,.ct toi
insult cion.
FoI' c~firedus ;inid f'lrther- partimin,'u~l
a p l yl l to o r :u i re s s h'l . .i l M o T H ril .l  I
IEl!f~fli, St, .M~ichal's Conli\vllt,
)ll{. iP. POI'llIN.I: !0 llra'ier lt' et.
NXew Oi'lvnn,, or
3111 ?,1, 11. tCA1WER. .Natchitlches,% [U.,
.\llli1,, lh y:0-t f.
At UR,\NI) 1.Coltl", L',.
J. M. F.ounl,, Gr:ange Agent.
h CERINi(v . F\ or1i<i n. lill'lj; i In i P ii
hanll' . 'il I m!'°l i' es: l ' i ntri} tf d ih iiiin hii
lhe' wlllllO l r't;ia!I - i:<l'l pr it ' atten iiin ail
erally dl,:ll ,,il!h ii char'es,% &0,
.It ,hailre of }he inii'J 7' lri', l'tl fully ,a
March 25 thn).
U n vl \i n g hu g h1tl I rh . Sr .. P a y i ', ,: ' '< h t i r ',
stoclk of 1[(-w,"(. llin'lts, lmTg b's uhnl
l-[illrtse l, a w,,ll : a full a.,orllenlit al
(.oltlins, I niow inivihe :t (.o tii onlilllce or
thl' plal foli;ge of'thie lpublil',
Charllges, will Ib, lo eriiel'' t.
Hlire of Ihlirtse withiii corpori'olnl $i.I
tPricel forl dlidqalic, il h ty ind r"l'tlrait' im-!
it. will hb' g1<ver,'kd by: lth i1h.tances:,|
fro'tll 25 to &TDl.
Collilis of all Mylyh' ch halii, 10'il,
I'alginil from~ 523 t $10. .il
,ulyd~ o f. " .' VlILI;I.I.I, ,
-reopold Ca ,tol.
It:, * *i' ' Trt! NOlII N ( IFr. .
Mu.ray Hiii PublishingCo'
t ,I iiiD ~iI\ , '4,, C"lareLI .
• I1, 'di -, l,v:., tin . , acrlt iti - i, .
CtlJ b k.- 1" t I. t r ,' t.  '1'. Ir3
,f ori , '"'tt . I. I tL ab tiliaty .
ti rn , ll,l!th ...t :',, 1"" t,;..,: ,.; Tl' for t:..
(I1"Iir . 'ill l, :::I " ", . t r :..,t.! ( i. . ull'of ,rti '
ne t bl |etl '*+*: l; " , . ,, , .; lbtuth ickn:t
tUtt' l, .., ,t "  :, t .l ' It1.,\ho ,lt l .tli t . ILd
' . ' '! ' p l 'Ile Itr ut
,-+ I .+ ! - :,~ i i i.., 1 11f i. ll Itt ig ili , ti l
" .ýý, :,,- !:++, v :; ,'1 !+ g, i'" ",:: , te to thole Itho alr
a : .: ,. ,. d , I 11 i I. ni t If. find ui l tll t
it F tg t , I t lii. It' vl. ithor, I)r It
}. ! .,I r. I' l, ti. ., ,o., AV Mr .',t', tw
s ); . 1 -,.. "'1 b it dlid illt ho te th
lt,.It l.it,' l :I .li.d y :titr, id hls h d lth,
r I in t tALL! IL: iul~tdJ 'l r FonT
Ct.' f i i, t . ',,, ,.l;.tt Itt l"ti r lle it o f l iavl r)
illt I h,. , t i:,' : I.: ,  I 'lts : r.( ] tl i i ) lid t9i eltdJ
gca-et i - r h tiL Itl; tIuih t his ability I t.
rn t t t: , t *: f'or . ti'. n t lid t reader. Ilr t
Ii o l tI i rl t r tu ., -:k etere o h re
h tt' , I',l" " t in:. er a with the in
1ll t vt 'r tl:"" :.:,tet, ' i', in:A i' , .LtE rAT '
E.: .¥ T !. " ," ti'. : .: i"r ,' f Phltdlt 1 t"
1''' r n t' i. u ll Wreie vi lih:
v : :',ft ill  . t, it inve ta circnl o
'l-tLi " *' i :. ,.: l11 htit):i! l,, tic. lr . `b tu' alL
u  i th ctr ad his i
S .ivoot i'oif, which gente
r.:' .:h c1,+,/ to l1'.n : re:,'! it. e.:1 be had u.
. .... ,,f . , -l . 1 t it. Plain ill lutL -
,, . L ,', b ,o , in Englishi only
S " ,. 1 - " ':e p+p ahid. (,i receipt
of thillt r, . A tlw:. ll t till so thel abt or: e , I
Ia.ne sl 4 f, .t yL o \'ut \,re Le phvr-iian of
ti lt ,r' r:,,t t'., Laf f t,,ur wonderful ctic
c, , . , :,; ; ide u,." tht rioater  'ys -
'tI fttr .rt:., ir t to b rc . for tilhe gna utdest
i,'uA o.tr: ag" l ll r iIVS- -" I would not
be ua ! (t t' f ,rt,' it' , nv, t." ail rlotto re
r, i" .h ti. ,i...u cct.y day. L.athntsi table
' IN .TORYo : nlso tb
-' 'u t." u . 5 v ,i . ill 1, u 'atly
d:+. -.. nli:, i.tra t , t litt ,: aid f5.3£,
, , Ga to hii:: 1... :."t:. I v hnil un receipt
(dof ! w, . ,)t tI, t hil., lor y ung people. Con
"1 rln. z Pblicatlon,. Wa can fur
1A 4, ni-h all ,,f tha. Fo+,rs't ,opular
S ,Dinte Poulb :ation4 on health and
kinlhr'd ,T i<. " ULD E), 3IN MADE NEW ,"
tell., h w It )to rt'tluto'tr L:, -i iht Ia.d iv' upglssest ,
,.0i'on: thy .n; tf 1kwt,)r or .ledicine. Illf 1
m il :i n h t . D, I ':1 .'1 ahead) I "Conralt'
A10 .... !'F r." '!)1n r7 ln t 8: :it i" a valuable
mnllOll ' i.5 fr t *, a6 h alt' nllltictld w.ith R1 p.
tttr (r Ilib n: " 'al, ,.V,, V AL IIIIR .EMiENTr
OF 1: t vera'lr ."r.,l!ttle to the euhject of having
p h-lbl orh liii' ,.:Lt,. "|'I'I t , ta l tau 1 |.AIJ M AoI '.
1 i\ "s t ae I ' "'t rit-ar+hes retgarding the lawe
goiv'ernin:- h ,.r top lrmtcld ndaptutioln, ,Ie., &tC.
A T r.i li.+<sv'.:Ym, rteviewinm• inconsiderate
l('.i=lion cuoerning the IPrevention of
'o )c v tim r " l A ro ltut ll(JIA ," o r S e m .
1:;ul \\',a:kikn, rs v, itih t+\i';n (e iof its curability.
" om 'r, fi.i rout..:. reventionl and cure,'" Ilva
t: i..." to c'\,.y a,)til, r hu sigg the care of small
thilirt n " ')l.l 1c..'," uauses, preventiio
owl, hr,,. A..t o ,,; f the fortgoitng Dimes
] ',.L ,,)n \i'll h, nt by mail, postage pr",
paid. on receipt of ten ceunt.
vahl:e to tw,, sick. " Brid, ra s Of Dr. Foot'st
ýe'r',,.w ; " a st.ity pag.e pampblet, frae by ma
ent i u the II a U o oflO O th
forevonse publi ations, ail also several othere
puLbi !hl 111v n4. Rt':,d all of the atxve, ann
t' dl fsr partucttla.'s. .ddress, for terms, outilta,
,-.,,'The ýMurray Ifill P'tbliehinug (Cumalny, 1I8
Eutlt SIh t itrecdt. AN kw Tork.
Thie Ltdlet' HIutd-Book
of vlualble information to evu'r
woman, OLD or YOUNGZ
Married or single. LADIES as *
,will thank us for this +u'se"
II and- ook,ad no ,n**
mowther will object 4 NER
to p,lacihg it iu the `'w
Ihalsof herdaugh V 0 U S
ters These Handel- -
J!ooks are n ot DDERANGE
privatec treat 4 M 14 IENTSof both
Isexs, particularly
ises, but are Fl Para1vsis,Apoplexyy
intended ~ ilep'y, and all ner.
for gen.- ~ ous deraugements;
eral cir- e their Cause and Cure.
eral ci 'This Essay will be found
cul.- dei!ly inieresting to all
tion.  ervyous sufferers. BOTI
or EITHIER of the foregoing
*,- any :ullress. Address' wits
tam, N. Y. '. Co. ,.edford,3lssM
NI)r ~ Irhld~1,l
1 Xii I(1' II1V".\N,,
tun strt. ';"I, t:ui: '*.Inl flit i
Zi1 12' at .. I tc u
(O 1ce ttn lrI' iutic 1tit" ffie'
iN".X'F( ' I f I' 'O(.' 1 S, I ! \.."k
X >r. I NT. Mt. I-1c'vtell
(';il. to 1( Utiue ti torr{iithlyuI~h~ at.
it utlut l I ti.
I'1. . Ij .. 'I' *I.. I pluu . (`
A~ 1
Fall I tiil 1,l ti'r I rrain:º.itieunl.
St )R ( )11,1 N;') A +'.'4 [11; :,. M 1 O \I" GM E '
'.1L\ t\thIJ. 1!'.\!,1 11,15 u'.rrt;L tN'$
I t .r u ~ uit 1:1 '"., 1 !). ' 1 It ' ,'}u li i
Al ju'Lt ''t l 'ug t ii'i i
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PRY\' (.i n1 1 .S,
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'111th.11.1 21 u
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