OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, July 01, 1884, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1884-07-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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?BBsattBlBB fsv Aa***ia**a?r*-rbs Brlacl-**!
aaB TBelr Meit-Mcnu -B->**iir*l
|Pi?.Tidariw Journal. |
Yawrt I* evening star until tbe tub
Though tbe cease* to ahloe In the trett
era te* after tbat lime, and even di-c*;>
p**rt Iron* i?t.-xtit h. fore and after the ad?
vent cf one of her great epoch*, *>!? |*
dining the whole month IV m..*t Int.-r
e*il*B mern, er of the planetary group
with which* tbe earth I* imll-nolulily
britiad?nt lei?t tor million* of v,*r* to
eome, tm Ibe 11th, al ft o'clock' In the
evening, the ta in Inferior BtadBMHBB
with ibe mn. Mic feen |>i?*<'* lo nm m
us sad tbe Min, filth ber dirk aldo tii.-nd
toward* tbe i.-ith, l-t th? moon at new
moen, rh-ngtm- it tlic anim- time from
H.- .ei;'. . *( rn aide, where for nearly
ten aioatbi *lie lt** Nlmneaa evening ?tnr.
th bia we?lern *tde, and where, in rcvcr-*-d
order, abe will nhlne a.* morning *(nr for
wirtytcn tnon'h* to com*-. H.r prtBNl
inferior conjim. :mn I* <f spacial Intere-'t,
lor ii ? . in, morallie one of tb* nih
olPecrin.K-r, 18SS, vin-.- sh.- :nn [*, h. r la
mow* transit over tbe gun'* di*.-, one of t'>e
gnat .latronemkjl epoebs of thc nineteenth
e* ntury. At the present Inferior conj uno*
tlen *Ue im.**Hra above the *uu, and i*
lo*! to tight In the depth* of apace. At
tbe -.revlon* Inf*i*,?r conjunction s'.e
wat near one of ber nod*-*, and wa*
pro Jet-u tl on lix- aun'i lirirh' tnirtace, ai
a tiny I l.-u-k oib, Ju*t vUl'de to Pie Baited
eye, ami, rta an orb of Intense Ut
nearly a* large as tl.e moon. In n good
trteaeoae. Anoi'.er trinili wilt not ooenr
until tbe year 2004. tor at every intervening
Inlirlr.r eoajoa* -rion rite will pu** above or
below thc mn, ami. though tin- txaet mln
ltU- of tbe BBHBCC v. ill be UiiOrVn, Bo mor?
tal eye w'll tclndd it. The reason >f these
movement* moy l.c eiial'y explained. Thc
or! it of Tenet U Inclined to tbe
ecliptic, at.out three and a h.If de?
gree*, *o tbat ?|.e I* lui If thc tine
.it ..vc the tan's path, and 'i..'f the tum
U low i. 'he inuit, tin it lon . lc nt, li?
near, one or her iio-'c*. io blina ber di?
re tl I uk i-ti llic i .ii "I. uti J tun, t ad m ik*
barpBaaaaae trnn-.t visible iot-areatrial
vi*w. Tin-h.!. , vu! bet worn ea* talerior
conjunction and the next one snoot. Hi
h 6M dal*. l?il? i* oaUed the synodic
d of Vi nu*, tboiigb *bf com; ,
tntire nvo'.uii* .i mound tbe -un in 9S4
day*. Aa Ike faith and Veaas a
lmvi.-T.'. a* mv three r* ? Vena*
ate i*.un ci to bring Ibo tun, Venu*. aud
th. . ?!? I. r.'o lim-.
dur nenreat pwM tiry neighbor move*
very npidly In tn portion nf ber ?ir!nt,
BBB BUBB bBBSBMS Visible a* noraluB *t:ir
in ibe eastern -.kv. Btw will ba * beautiful
oljec at thc i nd ol .be roon tb, ri*ln,' boob
niter .1 o'.-ioi a. h.".riv tere h.mr* belora ti:.
sun. Bot sha bas net wttb a eat age lino.
we ".child lier in the (lowfaut Wi -t, when
lui- *!cm|e, ??' teni vv .* diiiiniMiiiiT, ..'
i vi ry n tpptaianu1. For, n* Btoralax *t ir,
tlc lovel) > r> ???? ni:-. ill the linn' ili?
in dimension* aa Ihe planet turns more ol
ber iltomlned aortace towards her tern-s
Irial Betgbbor, lt i* hurd todeeJde abethor
the lair alar lt mon baaulitHl whee betta*
lng in tbe twilight iky, tbe ilowly *iiik
Ulow the vv.-,. rn billa, or when, nntiei
i ttl.t dawn, ie lade* away lalo tbe
debt ol b'-ven al the coining ol tbe sim.
"N". in.** ;- hrlirbtest aad tarneit ol tbe
?' If] toroa***. Mid '? i.ii|ii.itively iieiir
the eaitb. . ' ul', an a lat tb*
li-t 'iK-'.e, i Snd oat what is gaint
on m ber bnaa doBuda, on bnobo! oi i. i
int*ti***- lu*tre ami tin- atiaeapbere ol
I In wbwb tbe bi closely veiled. Il*r
varylaf phases, aad tba totaewbal uu
.v.i. lonadary of h.r teTatloator, or la
mr bright edge, are all tbat will probably
le detected bj toe ordinary observer,
Hut tinki*d obeerven have aever, *in.'
aatrenemjf beeaass :. te!enee, elven up lb*
bena al BMhtng discoveries eoaocrntng
thi* ? Inseinating planet. M. Troiive'i,;
bli* L'lUrn up the Mlljei't in earn* <!. nnd
bat BUBB diligent and lon.'-continued
? f our iTi.iinr; oelghbor, Thta moil
iiiii'i.ti-niid nrefnlworfe behaseearrta I on
hi!..-, t*-", nbea be fouad two rcmarkabl.
wi.itc spots ob opposite limbt ol toe plane',
nun lie i xticuitj ol Um cu*p*, or 1: Bot,
of the BN8B8BI. 'lie tOtttherB sp.it w.i*
tbe Mffhtor nf tba two. and appealed t > in
tdmpcsed of Bate* i?ri,'lit point-, lormlog
in ihc north* i ii border a roar ol iirilli.nt
ttaf-Uke dots ol ll ghi, Tbe spots dtaapnaarad
In shout Hine nm-i'lu. Since Dint tim"
Xi Ti'i.uveloi baa ebeerred <m Mt o*-e:i
. itlnT one or the ot'jcr ol lU'.lna'ii
tam spots, and ocea?l jiially bott ol tbem,
and hus _1;,_,. i_.i drBerlaxa ol toeptaael
v.itb the ipota in varied Baperts, Blaea
April al toe pics, n* ;,i ur the aortbera tp d
Las nloiie I 88B vi lille. Be (lid not lind th''
alWttd be lha diana] rotation ol
ti- planet, aad bene* lafert t!;-it toe axil
? Iti cr tlir iij-'li or nour their centre.
lin- ipoti mi i.i to be nini >.-t pertaaneat,
ni tl J!. Tr'Uvl..; IblBBt tlnv tie fi- ram*
i high mountain! pro]eoMd bevoad
ll ciouly envelope tbtl e.iv.r* the
i ? vat ions made In leTi-'itl
aver* made iu QuthrtdBe, Mataacbuiett*,
made dorina; thc present year wore
. i tlc ot'sirvntorv of Meo-oa, Bear
I'i'ii-. M. Ttouvi-I'it I* on" ol tba ni'-'
-4.'l;i:l a-i*l accurate ob*?rvertlu thea*.
ti. ?,i inie:.i ranks, aud as well bs ob who
. uuopg the high --i lor bl* drawing*
rf Uh toa, sad tb* d fi ri al mani ?? ri ol
I |a i io iii.* ohserv.it"in- un ! dr:r.vii..:*
area* rel mob i itrii"it*) wor_ on
far iii.*!, ri i. .j i-f* can I . VV ti ;-. bi
Braetleedeye wllldetocl (omething more
r i p. two vh't'. ???"? i ."? Un lace ol V- nu*,. '
ivglimpeo of thc lon. l'-t i. ?. . lorin
Manet, woold be bi :<? latlsfact tv thea ..
dozen bleb monnttint.
i ! .1 Venn* on thc lal
1* Th. Marcher *l< eltnatlon is 18?SS'north,
ami her 'Unmet,t i* WA.
Yctiu- *<i- on lb* l-t aboBl n quarter
rft.i- I'(.'clo k ililli" c.i nini; : ,,ti tie .'11*1
aberlen *oou atter t o'eleeb rn the morn
JlBBtBBl le BBBTBtaa. star until tbe 12th,
and then hecomet evening Bar. On tb
al Bridal**-., be i* in -ntperl' r con
Junction wi'h thc nm, thus reversl
renditions jual described lor Veno*. Pot
i,i | ,.? . . io the sim'* tattara side lattead
et E ? v..- ?. ra, 1 eyood the -un Instead tri
between hbn and the earth, aad bi al lil*
Bteatett tlttaac* Irom the earth Instead el
lit i*li*t. HW Ile-V mellis of III- t.vo
lilasili itnB.1 lllailratn tbe dbterea
ivviin tnuniaT nnd micrior eonloaeUoo,
r*. Indccii tin- wi.ni- tbeeaseteei pbualv
,. ,i rete. In the larmer cate tb* planet w
ji.tut-d to ihe -lin "ii in* sup rio.-or "i.'er
aide. In thc lath r Base, on tba -defter ->r
ii.i. r *ldr.
Ahhoufh In renlitv. Mercury and Venn*
are ?* far apart a* thejf can Im>, in onr
vicw, th* v m p*it iieiii* togi-ther. and :ir In
conjunction cn the 1-th al 1 o'clock in tin
mornlBg. Vmu*. t-mr bonn after inferior
mt Junction, encounter! Mercury twenty
H : e hour* buforc superior eon|unetion.
Thc planet* meei and pi*** on the celestial
conn*, loth morning *t:us at the ti tm-, tin
former movtiu* westward from tba -un.
tte tatter moving eaiiwunl toward* the
sun. Though tbe asjx-ct* ol 1-oth planet*
ore thc Mme, ?wlft-footci' Mercury will
complete nmre than five nvnodic- parlodt,
wblle Ute more ?*,i*ely Venu# complete*
one. Mercury i* in conjunction arith Ju?
piter on the 2**d at 3 o'clock In thc- morn?
ing, bel og 1 ** I (K north. Both planet* are
too near th.- sun to mike tbe conjunction
Viaible, even if the time were favorntde.
The right uaeeiihion ol Mi-ri tirv on the
lat b. 6h. Wm., bi* declination I* iiJ ii'
north, and hi* diameter i* .V'.H.
Mercury n*e? on th. 1st about a quarter
Indore 4 o'clock iu the morning; on the
Klrt be acts a few minute* after 8 o'clock jn
tbe evening.
RnttRI I* morning itar throughout the
month. Then- i* nothing noteworthy in
bi* courttr. ewepting bit incr?-a*in, di*
tsnee from thc *un ami hi* approach to tbe
earlb. At tbesendof the month be rise*
before midnight, and be would be a con?
spicuous object In the morning sky if we
were near enough lo bcbold bim. It would
abo be ra*.y to keep the run of bim, for lt
take* bim thirteen year* to move tin nun
a conrtel tallou ol thc tc-dlac.
?The right a****n?ion of Neptune on tba
lat is tb. Min., hi* declination la 16? 4V
non h. and bi* diameter _vx.8.
.\( (-tune rites ob tbe lit soon stier half
peat 1 o'clock In lb* morning; on thc 31*t
lu- rim-* about half-pa*t ll o', lo.' in ttie
San lix i* morning ittr. He i* far
enough Irom tbe sun to be aeon by early
riaer-*, and will soon nkra proini*c of the
radiant object be will beoome a few
months hence, lie bas perceptibly ad?
vance.} in bat eastward pro-m-M ta bl*
orbit, and ta having behind Aldeb<ran
and tbe Pleiades, bl* clo** i-omiunbim
of thc laid year. Obaerver* will ld him
alroo-it direetlv *"iith of Capella, riling
au hour and a ball before tbe tub on the
lat of tbe mouth, and three boura before
tbe -un at tbe eto?e of thc month.
Tbe right a>cen?lon of Haturn on tue lit
1* bb. 4m.. hi* di-elluatlon i? tl" te', and
bis dtanuter is lt''.
Hat ure rtae* oa tbe lat st 8 o'clock In thc
monjlB-r; on Ibe Mst be rises about halt
ntat 1 o'clock.
JrriTBBl*ev-*rliig star dunog toe month,
but will icon be too Bear toe tun to we de?
tected in the flare ol twilight, lie reign*
Bk.u*,lor e'en**, bis great rival, ls out of
ibe wey. Ile will, however, enjoy the su
premaey but a ihott time, for be I* rapidly
approaching hts greater rival, thc ann. lu
who** overpowering beam* bl* lesser light
will lie cclipaed. Kven (be giant Jupiter
hs* to MMBMBB to the mighty power of the
great ceutr.il orb. and. en il were, be blotted
from tbe *kv when be dare* tn encroach on
the solar domain. Jupiter, baatentng lo
m ard tb* *un, i? met on the way hy Mer?
ell?, (he amalleat ot hi* brother-planet*,
baalening from (be *un. They are In eon
junction on (be Md. an event already re?
ferred lo.
Tbe right a*cen?lon of Jupiter on tbe
1*( ia Pb. 40m., hi- declination I* 19? north,
anti bl* diameter I* ,V?".2.
Jupiter tot* on the Int anon after 9
o'clock in ihe eienlnir; on the 31?t he Mai
at half-past 7 o'clma In tbe evening.
Mau* ia evening ttat'. He ia near Uranus
dilling Un- wi.ole month, actllng about a
bnlM-our earlier ob the l*t, and a quarter
of an bom later mi the 3l*U Meantime,
th. I mitt and pass ei.nh other. hcin_ In
conj net lon on tl.e 1Mb ut 2 o'clock In tbe
?ft*moon, w on Mara I* ir iouIIi of Ura?
nus. There arc >. itli*ult it * In tbe way of
oi'-icrvli.g lin- pl.nu t.-trv conjunction. It
cc. ur* nt tl.iyli.M, mid if thc condition*
vere favorable i: would require a powerful
t. Icaeejat ta pick up 1'ranu*. uow far sway
Itaai tnt (.nth. walls Una i* approaching
bia iiioai meMnllsBM tspaet,
The right BeetBllBB of Mar* on the lat 1*
Uh. 4m , hi* declination 1*6? ol' north,
and bi* dbm* tor i* .V'.s.
Mar*Vet* on thc l*t ahoiit a quarter kw*
fore ll o'. Im k in lh?it vening; on the 31*1
he *( I* nt hnlf-|.:.sl ,'! t-Yl.ick.
I'mms i* tvealag star. BsaMebslaf in
eonjuiit linn arith Mara, ba i* very Bear
Bate Viminis, a star of tba (hird magni?
tude in the enfiel*- ll dion Vino, Thc con?
junction luke* iil..ce on thc WOh it noon?
day, thc planet betel I****- kat i' north of
the -!?!
Int* re-ting oh?* rvalion* on UraBBBBBVe
recently lie. ii midi- hy M. Peirolln tad
Mr. Lockyer nt tba Opeeryatot**; bj Nice.
The* found a bright tool near tbe lower
11iiil> of thc planet that further oti.scrvntioii
thawed wea toot tt.<- eejnater. it ares a
v* ry difficult object, and much daahl wa*
felt as io it* real ttl* tea re, .'lu? repeated
observation* continued the tttt ImptT*
liena*aBd nude them conclude (hit liny
saw n liiminon* heil inst* ad ol ? band.
1 l.e deduced from their oh-eivatio'.* a
rotation petted "I aboot ten boara. Tim*
thees (rained obssrven aetnally ?nw toll
Itii.i- tpbere rotatiai na lb hm*, m they
wateh* 'I the progres* ol Ilk tunda ra
(Vi ihe disc, though t'.iev were nearly
ma moos.
The July moon full* na tho Bth, al 11
mtnutea past "> o'clock in tba Boroiog,
? il linn. On the 17th. two I y
i.it r thc h.i-i ejaarter, ita i? Bear Nen
md oa th* 1Mb noir .-saturn. On
tbe 21 i-t, tb* day lu lore mw mooa, theil
mar \ i nu*. On the Md, the oik?liy-.l.t
i-..ion ia mar Jupiter and Mercury. On
the -juill the - In eouJunetloB arltb Uta*
mi' .md Mart, thu* panting each plane1
in turn, ind tbOWlfig the order rd their
posiiii'ii in renard te tba sim. Tba aid
moon drawi Bear Neptune, Balara, ami
Venue, morning stan, on toa ana's west?
ern sid.-. The bow moon drawi Bear
Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, tad M irs,
tiii'e stars, "ii tbe sim'* pasters -i le,
The noon occults onrr three -mill ttart
tl.:.' ire vtaibk in ti.i* hell ol the arorid'i
territory, Obaerver* froaa other lookout!
Tin- timi' lavon ii. tor tba ii.o in occults
Ni i.(m.. lo oi s. iver* in -onie looaUttes be.
tween41 ead 7. south htHoda*andoe
i-nits Venns, tbal mool ebarnUng -u'lit, lo
vonie favored iiioi-4.'-. lookiog upward be
twei i, tue limiting parallel! Ot 'nv and .*?P
Barth latitude.
A 51, "lei: lti.(l,.|v" i.er Kilt.n *sit.eritiii III iiv,|.
Iii.unil Arter I'.cliif T.-rrlhlj- >lati_lcd.
A tpeehil dlapateb -hsotii Bootoo lays:
Ahoiit 4 i.'t lock Sunday morning E.
W. Jackson, book-keeper, wu* ob hi*
way from Malford le Malden locate*]
thc early bora, -cur tar Btetoa, While
passing t!.c rreldi bbc >>' Of*ot*8*e Iv- Gould*
ibb .. targe Blberiao bloodhound, beloafiag
to Mr. Ooukllnr, rushed oul to toe nde
wulk Mid attack*4- Mi. Jackaoa in aatoal
i ivage iii.iiiih-i'. The aafmal Jumped for
ti ( man'i throat, Inri csagbl bold of hi*
Wrist, du li w I* imf nj) |0 wald ofT tlic
aitHdi. A desperate itniggi. followed.
The ridout beast, having tasted blood,
lough! like :i lifer and ton tba Mab in
several placet froa. Mr. Jaekaoa's sroti.
The dog i" la| targe aad powerful. Il re
..nM'e.i -.ii .Mr. ,iaeti*oti'.-ttrengtb to K" ;>ii
twee troaa his tlu-oit.
Thc ttruBgle lasted a considerable time,
during v, l.ich the erie* of Mr. Jackton lor
bi lp 11.u!d i.i heard ball a mlle away, bul
unfortunate!) then vva* bo one la the
rlciatty al that early hour, aad the utan
aad beast bad to continue thc atrtarglefor
life or di .th. Tbe dog ?nallv _?'>" a vi*e
llki .ms], of Jackton*! wrist, whleh h"
nu-lieil and broke between lil- U tb.
The band helot bta ii?_? lit one. Mr. .1
was :?! a areal disadvantage. Ile linillv
.-?Ka-eeded. I: iv. i -, 'CT, ill RrtupiBK the aui
li.al by the throat, and, with the unnatural
--riii_tli of a i.mu u loo life l* at st.ike,
succeeded in choking the beaal to death.
Jh-. Jaekaon was taken home and bi*
wound*, i i.ieh arc -.Hons, */credressed,
chained, bul fr. quently
broke at -. and was tba terror ol etnldren
r.nt! ol eTrrybody ebe vi.i" panwd tint
way. _ _
Mow a IJi-hoi' Br-ilic T!ii.iii_Ii B t'row.1 sf
Bf* * lalor*, nud .Sci-nra-cillhc * uii.liaiaut*.
WWI* the mw Bishop ol llakotab, I>r.
Waiker, was en a vlail to a ctergyiaaa ol
bis diocese nt Mabpetoa on Sundas be
> in *. veiity or eighty
mt-ii lonolng a ring aronad twe others wa ?
were engaged la a desperate Ight, Their
clothes were torn aad blood-staJaed, and
mid one was mi.riv blladed. BisBop Wal?
ker broke Into Ibe lin,.', aad gotuc.up t..
oas ol tbe stmgBllaa aiea, who waa kiek
lag toe other lo tbo l*ee, attempted t" drag
hun away. Bc Um ii said :
??Vi',li tm one of von help to separate
: .ii?"
?' Lit t'.n ni have it out." BltedBBBM "ill?
ili til.' .1 o', ii.
Thea the Btsbop, iiftiiur blanell np t'
hi* foil li btbt, hi* eye-, blazing with ladlf*
nation uml contempt, -uitl :
?? l? [| potall li toa! the munhoodof all of
von I.* goad An you only wolves 1
Selim- on you I"
I he a hole .rou | for a ni .mint stood
dazed .-uni :im;i/ii .1. Then lour ur live raab*
* d forward and helped the Bishop lo dra?'
;l.i men apart, Hi- hand* and cloth.* tyan
.oiled with blood in tbe strand*** Then.
Beading between toa two unn, who were
glaring at each other and ttreamlag with
blood, be asked ta e or three <>f tbs crowd
to take ene el tbs bmb tc hhihetae, and
two oj three ethers to letti tba other mm
away. This they did. Tuen the crowd
quietly dbpafBha,
The Min or au tlarthq unite.
[BB rms ami iBBShhBI nf a BSBiMl*J l.lfc.)
A tremor io the earth iva* ;>erceptihle
throughout thc ri imundcr of the day, mid
th. Bigheat wei.-, foi the time hcini;, over?
whelmed with terror. Brigadier Shelton
Ililli i,UHi-.clled with almost evcrv one of (he
prisoner* except Mackenzie, with whom
be happened to he sitting on a bench on the
toot at a banss winn un ihoot look place.
Ile looked round fiercely lo see who wa* ,
almkiii?Tii* Inn li. Mackenziecried: 4< It'*
an tarlhquiike, lirigadirr! " and cullin.' to
Lady Sale, mad* for thc stairs, wbieh wer
eeaekiag tnd falling about them, and, bf
(J?id'* mercy, they all reached thc bottom
in Mitty, in the eventual Shelton came up
and faiii: 4- Miteken/.i.. I want to speak to
you." '-Very well, Uriinidier." In a
*ol* mn tone, to make him (eel th.- enormity
of the offence: ?? Mackenzie, you went
down *tair* first to-day"; to which tbe
latter coolly replied : "If* the fashion In
an earthonake, Mr. Brindles*. I learnt it
among the Mj-auiard* In Manilla."
Bhot hy ear infuriate*! Wau.
A Trenton ti!c_rum ol June -.mb tay*:
Richard Coleman, a young man Just en?
tering bi* hihJoi lt>. wa* walking past tbe
hrick-yard in the up-n-r section ol the city
tbt* afternoon when be heard erle* ol44 Mur?
der, murder, wive me ! " They came Irotii
tbe premises of George Gregory, cloie by.
lolcinaii run Into tbe v.'.rd und found
(tregory Bavageiy beattag bl* wife and
? hil nu. He re u ion strutt'(| with (irej-ory
snd a nariel cn?ued. Infuriated ut Cole
maii's intiif.ti in *?, Gregory rwbed Into
hb bouse and in a moment rat urned with
a two-barrel gun. Taking aim, be burled
a load rt abot into Coleman'* left breait
aud then fle-i. It I* tboui-bt that Coleman'*
wounds will prove fatal. Gregor} la still
nt large, but officer* are in pursuit'of bim.
Tbe victim bear* an excellent reputation
a* a peaceable citizen, while hu a*_ailant'?
character ia quite tbe opposite.
A Mow OrenBtsterg,
Messrs. Devi* and Bend, of Lancaster,
Pa., were ia Washington, Pa., recent Iv ev*
Bunnin-* tbe Lemoyne cremte-ry. They
htve the fund* on lund and exptct to have
a crematory In o->*-raiion ia l,aacaster by
Au-ruat lat. It will be en Improvement oo
(lie ont there, sad will cost between t)5,000
snd to,W).
BelBvaa, IA* Ct********, A**?*rs B*f*r* a
B*W Tork Ab-Icb*-** " tte*-"
"Sra tmm, Jubc W.-lVtween -.OOO and
r.,000 people, Inclt-dln* bUBdred* from
Boston and Philadelphia and large dele.v
Hon* from li*ltimt>re and (."bk****?, went to
Madlaon-f^iiare Gani, n tonight to see the
rl?-ve-<-nntr*t announced (o take place be
(ween John L. Sullivan and Charles Mlteh
eli. Thc fir-l part of the night's pr?
grxmn.e, in whleh appeared several roetn
Icrs et ihe Sullivan (oinhlnadon and
others, passed off pleaasntly, the ?|H-etator*
giving hearty encouragement to the ipar
4 ft w mlniit.i Indore 10 o'clock John L.
Sullivan. In street costume, staggered up
thc -dapa hading lo the plstform. accom
prilled W llillv O'brien and another man.
who wes said SB I-e Dr. VV. H. Vanderpo-d.
of (he Ashland House. O'Brien announced
ltiTit the Iloctor had positively *t.*("d thal
.Mr. Sullivan waa too ill to spar. He *ald
tint ratberthaa bare Ibo peerde dtsappiuBt.
ed D?.minlck MeChfrey would spar with
Mitchell. Mr. O'Bilcii Wa* booted. Tlcn
ihc Brad Sullivan made hi* way to the
e?!_c of the rim.', and tB*JpOtt*H blatSSB JW
the rope* made a few remalli*. He looked
like a li rrll.lo example. Hi* hat wa* un
bratbedaad hi* eMhestvan soiled. Ile
wa* Moiled tn body, and hi* face
and fi-.turo* BOB rad and distorted
aimo?t beyond waagnBioa. Btaadiag
in th. attltlido of a lounger at a bBT, be *aid
ui a beana eelea thal could ix; beard bal a
few l**t BWBJ : 4" 1 ean'l sparto-nigut *, I'm
too shk. You univ think I'm drunk, bul
i ain't. I BM sick I don't think il fair I .
glee \ou a fric.id.y ict-to with .Mr. Mitch?
ell, for von didn't conic Bl BM thai." The
people '.?ried '? Shame." and hissed and
?boated, -Sullivan, you've lost your rep?
utation," anti made tal leas Other .loi-rofia
tirv rellim-1 ta, and then slowly nnd Milly
left the building. It is estimated that $14.
000 was tnko.n in hy the management, and
that WNW will cover all ox pons -.
A in .ill-mil..--, Work.
iu* ui.frupii t" u.e IBaaaHhd
UBBBvaUS, June .io. ? latefltgeaee
rein he. thi* city to-day ol thc ibootlog
mid fatal W4BBMHB8 "f Joba Vauter-, the
tOWB marshal . f Twtaet si.ition. Beery
County, at that j.lace OB Saturday, by 8 d' ?
1 redo naiiied I,rn icu Ilvali*. Ail old
I WM tbt cause "f the ibOOtlBg. k
warrnu: was IWOfB out f'-r IU in*'* arre-f.
hut ho surm;inii.d hlnseH wKbebjbl des?
perate conpaaloar, who levelled gum at
ibe ii':'" I-* and d* Bed tbe?, lin.ill.- forcing
tt im io ii an. Vainer* i- Brana*! BUB vi.
ll e|,| Tor lii.li. timi.I.
Ill) I. leu-null to lil" l)ls|'lt.-ll.J
I'anvii.i.k. \ .v, .lune M.?After a trial
if live boan m the Examlolng ''ourt
George it Lea and J. lt Reagan, Iwo ol
Ibe n.cn who wereenaagaa la the ililli rnlty
will, the nero (Jed.:.'' Ail in* on i!ic lllt'i
ol Mae last, were thai evening ordered to
ii .'elli ior Hu-inti..ii of thc grand JUT] in
Si 11< iii! er.' barged with feloniously malm,
lo a Adams. The* arc held In B1O0 bail
(i.ili. The otii. r iiien were discharged.
limier* lu Italy.
[By ii'.l.t.. Un iu.j.ite-i.1
Bonn, -fane ?a.?Two eases of cholera
have appeared al Bahut-O. a city ol North
Haly. ' ________________
Two Cm nunora in Glentana, in M hird itu
'iliirvr* Ciel ihc Worst ol' lt.
A llddm (Mont.) telegram of Jnae 2rith
-.us: On Tuts,hiv Bight Ed Owen* and
Bl SIChCTBOB stole eight horses from the
Beeton A BlUIaga Maue Uompaay'i Bock
Spring ttatloo, one hundred miles north
cst ol Helene, JobB Mavis, taperlnten*
deal of the tinge line, punned them d nra
th. If?sselsbell river, and when fifty mile*
below thc station was told l.y COW-boy*
thai the thievet had paesed arith tbe horse*
a few lu.ins before. Fifteen cow?boys roW
unteered to follow thc trail. The tuieve*
were overtaken on Tliurs.lay thirty mil*
north of Bbwk'l ranch and attaeke i. Tin'
i v.-i.i.y* wen- iiriviii back, being armed
only with revolvers, while die borso
thicvei had rill's, yj> n wen sent to camp
I.; inns and the fight renewed. Nicker
- n un- |ho4 dead and Ed OlV.-lls, will
v ti wounded, was captured and baaged.
William Jones -'i'd Tim Devlin, gow-hoy-,
wt ie wounded.
On ThBraday three nun, aaat-et un?
known, -ti.lc si vi ii hois.',, lotty mile*
toutbeesl of H. h--a, from Boulder Valle)
rancnaten, while the owners were abaenl
on a loiiiul-up. The theft arascoatmitted
in breed daylight and witnessed by seivr.il
people. The boreel were driven np toto
the mountains, when the thieve! ramped
for tin talent. The men on tl.e round-up
wiie Betided bys n esseoger. They arne l
tlum-ilVe- aud followed tile thii-Ve-i. ((.in
hu. up to thc camp i't l o'clock on Friday
BioraiBB. The tot* vet were ordered t?>
throw up their hands, but refused, and
after Urine at tbe rnnehmen Bed tata the
thicket, one heirn' h.div wounded by the
return volley, All et* I. Nooeol toe
rsnebmea were burt, 'lin bortct were rep
con red.
Tbackeray't widow i-: ii-in. ber old
age in toe bouse "f oueo! I"-;- buioand't
.'eur', st friends, who esrefally looks siter
lu r vv. Ifarc --Ik i? tufli ring from a lllghl
bm ntal deraaaem. nt.
Tbe new unif. rin- ot tbe Rntstaa anav
are so severely iimple tbal they are aim ist
nely. Even thetlmc-houoredmetal bull m
is iii . ardi d, tbe fruteuingi i ? m- !, -ok*and
eyes biddi n from tight.
The Emprest Eugenie i* '.-oin.- next
month to C_rl_bad to take Ibe wal ???-. an I
(rom then ?h* \*. iti ?_- ? "ii to Switzerland,
to ubi for a fhoti time al Ajrencnberg, ber
beautiful residence oa thc Lake of <-..i
Frank Burgi. tbe n ember ol toe Load >n
stock Excbai ? who blew bia braini oul
after the Exchange announcemeul ol bit
(allure (or $250,000, wai one ol the band
m.ines*, nen in tandou, Ile was *;%; (eel
linc.' Inch* i tail, married, ind childi - -.
Tbe Duk. ol Albanj l< ft only ?10, IO l,
and tin Queen hat con** nted lo pay a p ir
(ion of bia debt*, Including a abare ..r toe
fun.'ral expenses, There I* a beartlcai
clause tn tbe gnni to tbeDucbeta which
laka away ber BtMQ * year if the re?
A wlii.r in tim paris Roora Bates thal
a young man about tweaty^gbt yean of
age, fauBleealj (Ireeaed, tad (oHowed hy i.i
valet, gaea through the ttrcets ol London
play lag a barrel organ. He i* Lord Bonier
sit. and be like* thi* method of raisin,'
money for the London poor.
lliillam Tennyson'* wedding followed
the novel fashion in Baglaadot bein;,' in
the afternoon, and mark* the grated dis?
appearance of the vvcddiiiir-hreakfa-it,
which is now loudly denounced from all
side* as breaking up a whole day, while at
the afternoon weddin'.' the guests can do a*
(hey did alter the Tennyson marriage?
take a comfortable ailing in tbe Park.
I oru._n IVicth uml <Uo?*lp.
(ienernl Tchernayen", thc late Qovcrnor
(.(?ncral of Turkestan, propones that along
thc linc of (he present camel track fr un
Taabkend to Khiva a railway with camels
a* the mo(ive j.ower be built.
The pi opie ol Ninies, in France, arc very
reluctant to nive up their periodical bull
-Kbti*. and view wltb |*reat tlixfavor thc re?
cent (iovernment circular interdicting
tbe*c entertainments. The Prefect, of the
dt|Mirtiiieii( went to Paris a fortnight ago
to confer with thc Minister of the Interior
on thc Kubject, Thc matter waa referred
to the Cabinet.
Mr. John Tenniel, of Punch, dined In
Downinir *trcet with Mr. (iladslone a few
week* ago. 4t Pity Mr. Bright wa* not of
the partv," nay* the London World, "tot
then the dlxtiniruUhed cartoonist could
bx ve Keen tbat tbe Right Honoraldc gentle,
mun does not wear the right evc-gla**, with
which ho ba* tuen endowed in Punch tor
thc last twenty-five year*."
One of the wealthiest resident* ot Nice,
s gentleman who If said to I* well-known
In England, France, and Italy, in a private
letter, draw* a lamentable picture of the
condition ol that eltv. Ile say* that through
tba gambling aplrlt fostered hy Monte Carlo
(be town I* going fa-it on (be road to ruin,
and tbat debt and taxation are painfully
prevab-nt there.
During the last twenty-five year* the
total cont of new streets, Bewers, water?
works, and public buildings In Parii baa
been something over 654,000,0001. The
making of new streets ha- cost 191,000,
0001. and tbe erection of public building*
llO.iJOO.OOOf. Two item* In these total*
show that the aggregate cost of making tbe
A vernie de ropers and of th* Boulevard
>t. (Jermain wat |16,0(Ki,000.
Since tbe death of Holloway, tbe pill man
"f London, and the publication ol (acts
about his advertising expenses, interesting
(acts about other great advertisers are com
lng to light. A well-known firm of soap
manufacturer* are speadiag from tl.V'.ix,?
lo $100,000 a year. Tb* most profitable la
vestment they ever made ls said to ba Po
LV/JtJLX'J.v-'xi _*?- ?
aardVi fstn*. "Ton Wi* Bn*.'? tor "?
maible ol which tbej gave B-,*W.
Count (inienne, who died In kogara.
crntly.twa* one of tl.e teachers ol he prc
?eat Emperor before he ?*een.led the
torrne. I'aill the battle of Sadowa he re.
melded tba Emperor'* Intimate Irlen- and
roeCd.nt. Ill* power cea*ed with ll e id
v,nt of the Costitution. This ba -SPPOBBJ
iv Ith all bl* power, hoing Blame*. I ?*? SttB
llneere advocate ot clertcaliun and aino
lut, rule lie lived ..nd died n. ? house
owned bj thc BhBJBBBt
Tb* Thrllll** Ad?r*l*re mt Tw* Vonna
fl'lillad.livhil l"rc?l
Thc *(? amer Ittchmnnd. which arrived ta
New York on Saturday eveninc from
N.rfolk. Vi... brougtit In tWO B lv.titur.ill*
voutiL' riiiiadeiphlan*. wh?. were rescued
.luring a terrllde ?(onn OB Friday fl
minti Taebt In distress, bIkviK twenty
mlle* "below ChlBi'aOeagBS. va. when
al lindon*ii the yacht Wat *erl?u-lv erle
pldi. Her mizzen MU wai Mown away
uml ibe rudder wa* broken ..fl' rleta BB to
the bend. Tlc young sailor* wen- lnlf
ib;ld (rom exhaustion and expeaare.
f*und?vnftcriioon a -turd*, browa-faeeo
young fellow, dress, d iii s.iiii-sail'r:nr :,
arm found at No. IBU Orren -greet li
amt william Howell, son ol i?r.
Howell, a well-known phyatelao. Be a B
one of the sailor* meale*] froiu ihc >,. ht.
To a FreSS ri p.rti r he mod **tlj UH-I ?*
storv of his thrilling escape from Me P .'Us
of Ihe sea.
" (in Saturday last," said he, ?? Edgar I..
sti.it, td .Mover street, Kensington, and
nindi started from Cape M iy for Ching >
teens In mv fiith.-i's EBtrHsb vT.v;-ri'.",'.-tl
ya* ht Sea (illll. Wo arrived there OB ll ">
tlav. and left f.rC.ieMay a-:*!n onTbtn**
day morning at fi o'clock. The wind aral
frt.m the louth ami Ihe Weather W*8' .1
..nit ptaaaaM il shea* '.' a*doek.whafl
off Isle m n iu'i.t bay, ball wbj ta tk
tapes, the wind suddenly iMfted ta tba
north without ? niomenC* aratula;.
tad in tlit**n minutes' lime wat btow
!.,. tin- wotatgalc I ever expe/ienced. Il
rained, too. as toeugh tba boll ' i laddrop
jtd i.ul of tin -ky. Tbt mb Immediately
WBS lashed inl" foam, and tin- Mg green
w.ive* flatbed toe bi ri tround Uk.- a chip.
We stooii eui to aaa a eonnle of miles, for I
was iu dread ai being cari upon tn
?bore, wbh h was nneoud ??
'I I,.ie we hiv to, under mi/:" t.- iii and Jib,
In :. fen minutes tbe mtaennll eraeked
with an pori like a pistol, and natl -rn from
t..-i (?? b* itoiti. Five i ilni ird n il
b ai ogle shred was left ol ir. -.in!, a -'
force of the .vim!. 1 Bet
laing Re it. <M:r only reiil.
out -i s.-a-i '.'lieu- Tah
tori et i di i to keep a i el'* h
Into thc wind. Our case wa i ritlcal. Wc
arranged two dreg*, ob ol wbteb wa*
formed bj tj in..- tbe cal I i rop
tad dropping ii ovet' 'ard. rb- pm .i4
in a little lui!! r shale. Tbe areal trouble
with the draft wa* ibal the month r ??
would oft.-n causa the lin" to slack, aad
thc hont w,,iiid yawl around and p -
tbougb intent only upon (retting to tbe
?? Meanwhile thc aigbl tel la anr1 lb*
itara im i-i .st .1 in viol* uei. uird i'
?i i nu .1 us tin uu'h Iheetemeats were i. m
ob ii> rt rue! lon sad desto. Tiie eol I rain
ft ll ir. torrent-. BBaoal frc clag us. lt w i*
truly terrific. Tl.e wind bowled and i
T* though it waa Davy -Tone* calling "-.
Tbe waves ro*e even nigher Ulan I. foi .
?ad through tbe pile] > darline*)* we could
. very BM nun' let the uniit, ur. en, bill iwy
banka towering above our bead and tim -
cuing to enguU us. The Sea Gull wa*
completely al tbe mercy of toe waves, Sbe
tossed around li'vc i draak, n man,o ii in -
n.iiii ttaadlBg l '-rp' ndiciiliriy ii;iiii her
?lera, while a watery rlaal Wed t" ovetr
tl-.r'.vv inr, the next she would be pol** I
upon her Ihivv*. as though r.11 >i? i11lt ii.-r
bom ii|-<.n tbe bottom.
-4 My companion anil I were wi t tbroueh
and Chilled to thc hone, and iver ? weak
and cold fi"in exposure. We took i lie m m
hl't im nt of the bool sailor-f'-hion, 'wal i
and watch.' Despite toe m dion o' th
eiafi, I was-o exhausted tba) l contrivi l
to get a little sleep la tba cabin. Several
time*, however, I awoke t. Bad tal
stool-, and furniture piled up >n mo,
wat tl.' ti in ni able |m ipii of toe h -at,
All during that Bight a*e waited in
vain for tbe storm to abate, a .ul
.1 A. M. of Friday thc rudd r
brok* u oil' iii til'- '.mii- i, M'e w re I. n
li Iplett. The * -I- it*.
Wi'.inr.it til ? rudder we would i. u
to make for any port until lair a
Meanwhile, thc fury of the I ran had n I
Hillie least tubsldeu. At daylight a
a buge steamer close by ii-. It ara* tb
Richmond, Captain Cros*man wanted to
tal," u* mr. 1 di.! to I"-.' the
boat, so I asked bim to tow us, wbleb bc
?lid ? at Impr icticahl . Wc prere tim i*'
ii*, .1 op, :?.mi in- eventu illy indue d u- t.
leave the (sea Gull. Tbe sea wa* terrible,
and to loweri, small bot) sm* i ry dan
: but, nota itv
manned I; ten men, put off. YVeaw
with breathless eagernct* the result. I
ext 'ti .1 lo -. <? lo i- ga to Ihe I. tl un. One ?
sh.- alu... t iwsm] .'1. Finally tb
wai clow andi r our ?t* rn. tn i. ??? i!
onr opportunity, we both {umped Inti lt,
and left the jracbl ta b. i lal ?. In a i. .
niinuti i wi ? :. the Kiel
Tiny raid we tn ra tb ol ?? ? ?
at -i a, mid ab iii: the - lin
< bineoteague. I tell you, Captain <
niTTii is a l.i..-l,i t n dman. We owe thank*
lo him aiiil tin- brave niton a
ii-. I think we will ?-?; ouryaehi again.
f-he vi ry nol ably bas rid lorin
safely aiid been picked up h\ nome ve -.1.
Should she lie at tl 1
BB, ht rbIi ? toe vetsel' i ipti| ti
Hr. siii'ii lost _|| bit clothing, rle.
no? niii ii'v Railing, 1 m. urn the lo* ol
,:.-' '
Tl.e lliiKliiul tl irv I.liol.
A New Haven teletn ira ol Sal
Tin dory Harold T. Bibi l -I din
Traynor, a young lishennan ot Bath, Me.,
i* tuting buI here to sail lor Em-lan i on
Hondar. lin Captain will row all tbe
wai. The ii. ? ? ii I . ' king.
Tl.;* j., ;i i, _ .; -/er ' ir ? attempted.
About two veM ago <' ;?! ita 'l.
gained world-wide notorietj by - din?
? tbe oeeaa in a dor] i Igbte i .
ile wa* tertyiia da] ? a
?, anil l. td nile "?.>iii|i:iiri.ii. I p to
thal tit. i th's wa* the tmallest crail with
wi,nh the trip had erer been attempted,
anil it waa g. nerally predicted toa) the
.'arin;.' mariner would B? vcr ace >in;>lish
H.-.ni,len.il.m.. au r many vicissitude*
and Miine very cloaaescapes, bower*;-.' 'ap
tain Trayaor reaeb* d -mc'and i.i -
pi aral considerably lloaBmd there, ..il
i ick to thi* country l.y -t amer about
(111,000 ricln-r than when h.- went away,
hi* i mn*. eal Bl eaperuaeat ii navigation
iniviiiL' l.rontrlit hii.i liberal elita Irom
royalty and the rich Eii-li-liiiun.
Tim liiij.n-etiKj-it Killi On.
[Kr mi li,. \,>* York --u.i.|
44 You have heard of papa's trouble a'
the hank. (.'eor?e. dear?" she tabed (rom
beneath the lajiel of his coat.
44 Your papa's trouble at thc bank '. " ex?
claimed George, turiiin-r white. "Cer?
tainly not 1 What i* it?"
44 Why, be 1* B4,dOO,O.Kl behind in hi*
account*, aud an investigation Ik to be
'? In tbat case,4' replied (Jeorire, coldlv,
Mrugpling to release hiuisell, "our efl
mrnt muxt-"
41 And mamma pot a dNpaloh from him
today from Canada," interrupi.d Mi" |b_,
holding him down by main -tine b.
"II" reached there only thi mornin , . :l
ls willln-r to settle matters- al three eenti in
thc dollar."
44 Oh! " *ald George, returning her ht i 1
to hi* shoulder and strokinsr her rind itt
?.- mn -
l-*l? Ht ulhcr Kt-port.
I-jh elr.l ti'iiyrain lo the dispatch.)
Wa.-?him)Ton, D. C., Julv 1?1 A.
hf.?For the Middle Atlantic state*, fair in
the northern portion, light shower* f.i
lowcd by cb anni.' waethflf In the south* rn
liortion. slightly warmer, southcrlv win.i*.
For the South Atlantic stat*-*, local *ho v
er?, partly cloudy, illghtly warmer ?out!i
erly wind*, lower barometer.
Tub weather rio-TiCRiuy wa* clou lv
tuad rainy.
THtauoiniTEH Ybhtebdat : 0 A. M., :o;
9 A. M., i*; noon, 81; 3 _*. M., 83; rt I4.
M.. 76; midnight, 70.
Mean ti i.i|.. rat ure. 75 4_5,
ACAIIKBY. I'lir circulars aUitrca* *-*--. I
C. J. WBIU1IT, A. M., Prliiclp-I. ^
_|J* ll-dsodtmAwam I_
I'ldrr c?rc or memberi ot Um- Ktllflotii Borlrtv
of rrtenda. ThlrlT uuiiuU. fruin a______li
au.loii. FLXLCOLI.KtiK ('ol'lisi:*_c|uT. 1
1-rlt-iillSe, Biiit Literati. Alan, a ritK.PAB.V rilli)'
SidHlMd.. l.ncatlnu on*ur|-_.*ae.| (ur liHUt-tfu -
tina, ttxtmmm)** .ruun.l*; uew au.1 coan* tui'i '
l.ifi tnd appara.ua. Academic jrc?r cuiniu, 1...
nliiih looiitJi-s-'t'l-TKMlTJtII ii, IN84. Ai'i.h
carl* tn enter*nlmlaalim. Pot celsiuses enif 11
parUcitlar* anilr*** ?-i.n
KDW'ABI) ll. MAGILL, A. M., i'rwtileut
tell-8m swartbw/r*, Iittowwe cotiD.f, pa.
ArcTt***? ?AIJ!B-T_te faar^^
s-ajw- ^t -j^niii.. n lln.wn * C*..
Rral Bents A*eoU and Aaclioaoar*,
HIS Main street.
rmii!-4*TErS aAsutTot SMALL DK
Aril iiVr w tu. Nott rn nt: om it
'V. i-FT "|W Tlrta- i.f e riced of tr.ul rt.-c.i.".l
.7 W> .'.'mir*. d??-<l inrll 2. l-H.1. iwid-. I**
"Tr.: Srfwfc?..nc- ..Mtlclimoud I'livinrv
?-' el. I)! Vu*-k IS-4 A. !**?? BT, "o renn- ' ;i-r
, ,., rt. I"'*,'451 _,., ,,,??. i".n,| vt.jciim* d -fan!'
L_?il?___e***? I', tn- i?'ymo..t ttwrmat. en*
^Pf'riSii''''''''- I ?Vadi at pu-Uc.u
J;',!:;;,'.'i'T*..) r-**-il-.?bai-* a.. irMmiard -,. tito
'.', *. ii t\|?**c nf tate, ania note
cltino'wllh inliresl ttrnW April 8, lHt-l I Sal
_______* ?Ocr Um amor* mia wewin *9t-f
t ?m :V'i'ii dim wi ?? or. ?
,?. Hlisl * "l ' " ' ' '" ' !'r "
-..-. .. ir-et-. ". c ri' ?l..iT.- ,.r..|.-nr. stn ni
B^TmS here**4*- ? K ?" twsn psfl-Bl*
'?iVe'-VI'- En'Tl sra il. csti pavment and toil.'
''?'. ' ? J.1-llOMi'S.i.S BBOWB ?
_Am-tieii'y* s
Sheriff's **.m.i:.--;.'. rlrtoo ol ? i
'.''. er tn. rt!-.* 'v - '.????;?
ca. nf 'illU'l-' *?-? i'-r.i.i'M ;-'???? *
.7 Hie cli-r-lact"'v "I -*ld BcrtiABde* Si Co..
mi 19181 i
I ll.'DAV.Tiir. '.71 ; dat ok .li "*F, Itt*,
ermmmaawtsa "','?' *>''??*?* A* ???_"ft
-ii in .-I -. ?t factory - 'I. ?* -1" .
0 , ,.'.'r.ln.'i.''% i ? IA' "> ;,'-l\
.; ., . '?? ' ? ?
?? iiiii.ieoi'M to men
Irii ???? nt
n?. _, in.iaclan af ? > ?*al4*IoircII I
?rt* BsUai* '?|";' bstTi ???"I 1-raBars w.it bs
?ste **e ?*****?< . ,, f unwtrtog, .
jj.g -Hiiii sad Bi
l-i'sii iV.VilM'.
Tlic alx.vt **le i ? i'" 'I" in-1 "?"l
I_Y.JC1.T1, Iff*
atlOOIrK-L A.M. I.I.WI-I'.'-VIV '
jj_1 t-licrtl '.ci l"-,',|i'lj_
in- Bu at se,
IT ucl A'i"l 'H'-cr",
Ni., g cull 1.1. v. BM
rTOUSTErfl Al [CT IO 8 bale ov
1 hTOHK -Wi, tiwi i . .
|,8 i f.l INC ' WKVI HI '
-.: \i; um.uh v /I.Ni : .?Uv virtue ol
| ? -, s. I. I, 1 Alli Hil
:. I', vi..en
', ? .1, -.||lH"|. ll'.'l, .
!.. . ?! '1 "1. tS fr ?' ..'I ill. Il >'
? . i I reel or lea*,
iriiiih In rear cl , ,, .
h .. f ur .- ? ii r "i ei I
: irr.n .
| | ? ,'. ...1 1.1 fie ?!< 1.
l-l. .eel
., |
114 .'.'.ii ii li
c_TOCK *H' <;!:<>< ii.'ii->, - ii 0 vv
* i .un
, I : . 1ST,
ti in o'clock, I '-ni -'i-i' *?",. 539 il n ?
1 T l.ll"i .'ll - Hi .-lull
I.l.i OMS, I! -I-' I .
1 IV, 1 K> I "ii-" VS.
*( Ai.I..-. IKIB'-C >-i -? '. ?
_1 . ll. ?'.')'.. -??. ?"'?-??
Iii.:..... E. 1 '.' moa* r.
. - roBE-rix
i ..
rv v,rti e.r.. J -rc. ol tl
.1 ?'.-.
>. M***ir*i'ler?
. ti.li.ii,.'. .. i lei, pr i e- "li ni il..
I* vi: t.ii-.v. ..-ii I 't.i ? ,1884,
?I ; ubi
i i ?. -'in::--.
v All-. *.
. I I IlKs,
.?. i ? t in
'ile ??.!.. will I Irom .la; tod
-l u mm .-.ll .n.i-1,ti li r -. '
. oil approTi 11 .l"i ' i ?.
i -..Al
I'lM.IM..*.: iel .. ?.. . lill.ll.
Al ? ..
of ll ?
BTURI i . .
Al !
bOL. ? ?
iv 1-31
MH' I ?
I ' '.
? ,'. ? .-. Howe,)
np HE Ctt
i|.< ?? '. I. I I S 1 I I I \ ? : -?
. .-il.i) ul .-.
' '
- m.. i
. 'II,- . : ' - ?
Villi le ll
K '" . n 'WF. 'n .
ircflftS ' \ : . ?- P-atar* ttmrn.;
Hj lt. I . * ...' .i I ( ...
I ?
t 0MM1 ' ? \i.::
\j ..i
I,Iel ? , - ri ... VA.
. BON DAI .1' ' v 7. 1-*;.
i (ll' . ? r
? ii ut nm: ii
? . ?
i i. mlle
i ? ii . .
i tr lie ile*'ns I
. .
- : .i I vi... . i! \*<
?.. I r
I. ?
law l. el .'. .i.i. 'li li ?
In li-md
Kor pleasant ind
IO? e ".
. i'.ilnl,
' ll V . - r ,. I Hiller
? .
i. on s .? ? ? . u.t'nii
f"-i- ? . . ii' i rharrbc* ccbti ;-.i.-tit.
i. il i \i;l!iVi.i'.\.
U.T.I i.'. ?
i ii
We i.r- Mihi
it'.; er;\ in .i n'.n.i- ni -ie ii- "i '-r, i . ti .pond
H. H. (UAH ls * ?
? ltd_Aiictliini-ri _
1 TB -> I I I ' ' i> . i'i tm .1COC.VI V.
-i Vi " vu.' ? 'il. LIT4. '
HMMi : i: , , --.I .. ;v . ;u
Mi lil ' ' I'i . '.".li'lMV'i, TUP. I. INP- ul
Ml- KA Ult Alt. HiiMil.lV HTRAKV8. AXII
M M'll . I. ll VI.I. IN .1 |,| 1 . -,
ri.in vsii w h i, * inn i ..ni i n riVA
li Ai.rn.i'l'is ami ii i iii ir N--. i:t. -';.
Mi"., "i ' deed ? r ir.it ,i,i, i r-hnun t, f-TH.
an.' rei. rici 'nil ? el. r..'.i.:.';.e ..Ill..ir' ? .''. m.
iv i . ? r; rn ttoeit-ltook Bl, I > -.? J!--. .1. i.i.It tuv
lna i' en mail* In the | iy. ni * crt mi bou I
Hi' i'. In -.ei r ??'. isled l.-iirii .rv 4. 1S7H. with In*
tn t thereon, tor lb* nun ol 11,600, with Inter*
? e.and i v reqar rt ur tbe beocdel-ry in auld _e?<l
ur ir.ivi. ?*? .nil atti ni i Tillite i'm'ti..a, '.? Bit
Ine.lt. .1 *! Till Oe, OB
s.v'll lll.AV, .ill. Y.MS84,
?! I ',-.:.,w i-. M., ii,.. PBOPBBTT '1 -criiM'd
al '.ve.
Tbbms: wini.-h.e .1 ad tenir** e**h mwBm
H".I "f fie il. le. HKOfCd. lin-'erin-will t.eiill..
li 1*11 ? . r ll..- i ur' ?:, i i -n. 'h. vii i- tab, ind iii" b il*
.?niel' I.i i in; in-.Tiiui-iit, <?r one, two. tbr.-.-. and
row .Mir-, witt) iii'.re-i il 'i per evnk, parable
liMr-yi_rly,Of all ni li. If I.-lr. I.
I'll VNKI.IN -TKAKN*. Jr...
lt. A. NOPES.
Bi-B-ona,saws bs, i?t-i. |*s*l
Bone Attn io* i.
COAL an.l Wool) .-.. luwest r*.I, priers. An
Ihraclti . .ii, *i.7V 85, and 15.86: *|.nut Owl,
44 I.. ti.-iJ, Tin.i *|..-,..; Wood, 89 .ml ri.ii.
Leu/and kiwi '1 ard klinllln-r at li.wgal prl", -.
oi.le. 1808 i .ryitr-.-i-l.aiiii Telephone 185.
'-? 2'^ C. II. l4A*iK.
AM;KAiTUaUCfiff (<i.VI>.
Jl'ST UK.' KlVKtl.
LEHIGH Ll vu-, lon roUBDBIESi
**;.-., STOVE. AND ches r\t r.
BTIBT VIII*.IMA BTEAMCOAL n-. .lve.l dall*.
s. I-. LATHROP .1 < ".,
my ',0 TaoTcnUciitn itrcet, at .iraw-iiriilrc.
Witt RN. i iv I ons, ,i,
rn mos. intel ran Brswaonr.
_-iih la.^wiMrsi_
BOIIBKK * ol I) UVK. illtitilNS'S RYE.
WINES and URUCEBIKS, at l..wc?t
. _ ?***???* ni..-.inh'-s
tea _naar*Md Mar>eU_
We baie )ii*t tBMttal fr un *tc*mer a
M'e h?TC Mid ttili OIL for many yean -mat, and
Ita s.iMVirm and ittprrter '|-..allt* ha* ri-cituniended
ll to all who baie used lt.
Ait fir
iiotftBnr-8 olive-oil.
For uUe by driy*lat* and gntrer*.
_,_ PLRCKLL, I. vni) * CO.,
*>* 18 Wbi>l?a_le Dru*_l.u.
1 , gxji-Jrw*
arcnow aBM-st-r-tai**-. !??**.
*? or AW TH*
ri *.*-tl.a-iT*
..X ?'Al{T,l)"?i-. Vlfl'.DIMl'- ART,
lt.. V I'I II nn.l .Univ KU. .
( I.WI'I .*-*.SI I.KV-' .BANER.
"H-l Ali-roM ' il M *?' HIM >?
iNsii A..i -? i 111 ::. ki i i- ; vsticatok.
a!.'1-', . V?!? LV Al I-:, ll!MM) -'I .INK. Ac i
?j * M.lil.I * in I'.lllDl.K.-,
i sim,.- inm.:?:.
-.il i,i;..i|..r ii.ii.ii .niel som .1 Bjrst-cl***farm.
INP THC iv ?vi-.,
37 ll KAU rtriP.V* I ? ?
I ... . I . Ai.', i t
;,!i HEAD CF riHEEP,
I., t..r i. a vu:-.
?J H N I M l I. -
5 .,r <i illl.Vli or' lln'.'sKS. Ii'c'-i Hnir Uriel
lure Timi I "ll fid I 1'"" 100B_ .'"i.11,-11 ur* ?
A 1 1KB UH OP I'-*;-- I"IJ*?I.t? ano kitcii
N H UNI'-, I UK. I ,. lOdlli*
VNii-U-ll < ll HUI K'?< '
alni i in i-'..\r.
. -,-| iii. n.i;, hm, ,? .i.i.''".I-*, .-i.i?' '.iDi.sTt:;:-'.
- (ll M '." i
si \\ IN*.- VI ??< Ul -' ?
A-.n--.iMi. i-.XT. v-i"\ T.Mir.i: ma* BID -
i uAKIi;
?. . i iii.i.icii-i ...vi.?'N;,-*.i-\:,..d i iiiri.r,
ml nil li itu! ''1.- ii-'' 111 '.?' ?" -<?"".(..r il'ly
ri.i.-ii.-'' r<.-... . ncc. Kal.
?| iii BSD -T. .i.i.v Bite.
*W*iBBl*B** Il.i'-. I.'* lT?iil|i'ly.
Tr.r.w.*: l.ni'c.-^.*..!.. i-ii mer WO, ulnetj
i (.ii-i a'ld'd, fer note v. .iii, ? "I ?. curtly.
TAZKWRLI. ll i.f .'T.
Adi'i'nl-'r.ii' r 'I l"."i.i- ll" itel. ?!. ? ?? '
.lons ,i. i.i: iv ??.*. Viie.l- ni-i-r. j- l-i'ntw
\ T'll. ( I1KAPI si flt Ct? "K PB 'I-..HT)
N VllllilMA ? A.-will -.ll nt I'UDilr .He'll"., nu
BOBDA1 ..iri.v Urn,
-urt.'.v .that vAi.cvi.iiLK r-oBN-,PI.AS
; I:-. UAKK-, -.M> 61 BAC-Mli.L il I.- i
, , p, i ni nu 'lim lyal il ??' pol ""'I' ?
? I cl |, ri: v ?>? f '?-' Ul* r ?nl. lin- Ul II.'
... ? w I ll KNttlNK ano
i-. wilt.all ilM-y'i'lini'-ii's ?.._*-!
li h. ? -..ii! it will ba rented. Ri* I
., UM ?( irk and
' T Vlnilr Wn.v. ll ill laB
?I'Vl.lvi'KllIU) A CO.,
ty ]-.. il.M I 1 I lOuUl ? ?
Itv ll. 1 I
Beal F.-'.i'e Aaeni i * BaeBoa.
t rr'i((i*t salk OP VALUABLE
'\ I.BOl NI* S lt Ml RI I WU
rn n nus
... I; vu 'V \V.-VI?
II bj au. lion,. pi
?\,tba i.iiT ni ibe *n*the-**t ror
i rt and rm. .In.
!, un till
vi mic. lt. L.STAPLES .t CO,
\ i - i ?
Hy lt. - ' . : ul".,
; Auction* r,
li. ri i.ii, .i Bank I
HI .!. '?? I' D IB -BL. -I. IC* I'I 'I
08 run
I.Al '. : IIUV BTBEKI -.
; I Ns, | Mt>.
? ?
.1,-. '
.iii-ii , -.'7. l*~:i. Min]
Helli ...nd . .ni I), ll, tat
111, il.in ll pr -
i , "ii
. 1884.
' .'.. !? M tli.-e MIND
I " . I . ? .. !' .. ?. ;? ??
I reel . feet to il Will
? rrain
lill ..li I'll I..lill.' II Villi -.
? 'UH ill. lt wit
.i.v, I- il l-i'..i throe tnt*, a u . ii ..e.ire i ul
mil lim il tra .
? . i.?
'l r
PO I! '??? '.'I NI'.
? V. .le | J.' i
B , i- , -I- ?. -ii ?-, 2. 1884,
Vu tl'.nT.
By E. I:. < .mk. Auctioneer,
24 Blath treat.
_UPERn "HAUL-MAX" ri'iii'.iii
7 :'.-*.*"r wi: pi v.Nn at Ai', ii ix.- ia
1AY, t
? ' ] . ? ' . i..I-.
??ll VKDMAN " ' ' i.'I'.H.'T .- " ? ' ll
. (JilN't l'UR A J. ll Pl AM I
f ur bum.iii . vi: u i
. .....
I. H. I
? r-.
Ka 1
? . i ,i'\ *\i.i:
? , ?
WU i >
i -,: i-ill || HIM -
-.., .,-, i III. l-l 111 I
. ..'I I -'
. ii mi
.. r. ? .mi
.. 1- '
i ? : . will ?. li
FBIDAV, iU-I.Yll, I.
I .-,'-.' ??? i i VU'
. I .
I l-l ll.lill . I
?i ? I.v i
nv. Ami .ei. .
? l.t. T.lT- I
rd. r..l'i > tb, < uri. .Hisiii-i. BUY v-..
Si . . ' i i
s.-ile ly II. II. CU tl ' ' ' on*, r-.
?: " ?
les,.. ' -li.- decree in -lui
.Hi-e "i ..
Ul vi IMiN ll. I'.l.iil-V.
Jy i
in .i.. . -i ted wal ? v
\ .in Gol . ui 'rei.
Hy vlrti.i' of a deer-.f Bm (Ire 111 C0*rt "t- th
inteii Bi*tc* for Bm E**t* rn Dtatriel ot viivini.i
n Bm ? baa* ? Cot* a, Adi ric,
nra.n-t Marj tai b* 11 ? ' .. I .shan, aa t.-usti-1
beni* nm.i. ii".'I. i t ?. Ntl it |in'.iie .uietiiiii.
lillie -li.ieN". Ill -ve.', .itli lu.t. e..-ti. ,- ...
il.-illiut ulliTV, and "I-m Ile th' ur.'ii nf tin Hil
Marlin, in tl.e i-i'vof BtduBead, Va^oa
HOBDAY, -It Ni. BO, 188-,
it 10 n'cli'cl, A. M., Hie LABU! ABD W'KI.L
UBOBTKD sin* K 0? BEB* ll tNDIBB, .i
BaBae at Bsadr>Mad* * k-BBoa, it.".t-. 8bo**
BatS, Cap*, (illllli .ni I:' 1 tirillsllllllf *.i?Xli*. Jew.
ir\. Be.;also, I t-etBtai Bho*M}s aa, t Datl
in.I nth. r Fl Muru.
SAJtEB K.l l v*H vi.r. Tru.tce.
Jl?. MAl'DOl'GAI.l.. Au.-! I..ii" i'.
Thc alH.vc .ale will I a c"ii.liii*l <m
v, BDBBBDAT, .ii i.v 2, I--I.
St lo-Mi A. M. wlicn all Hie CLO I'KINti, cnn
?NUiiif nf ? larne BMortm.nl of CoMI'LKTF
Bl :l-. COATS, PANT**, and VEST*, will I*
?old without rcstrvc to the til_he*t t-jdler (ot
a**. JAME.*) lt. rEABDALE,
li 1-8'_Trustee.
Ky yuailrs.t Mcl'urdy, Auctioneer,,
1B11 Main itrect.
dated l-l .lime. 1889, ml 'lily recorded lu th(
clerk**'.IBcf of Blebmoud Clune_- ( ...,rt, I), ll
118 D iukc 513.K1 Hie nu liisiunid, ti. trust.-.
belim required ta lo do i.v the holder of tbe note.
-.. ured i.y Mid deed,d*f?nl. barine t-cu un.le I,
the pa yu cut of U.e aamc, I will o3er for sale, apoi
the prenilata,
PBIDAT, J* IT ll, 1884,
ititi rh ri p.m., me Hill, BBTATB converet
l.y aforesaid dn-d-a Lol- <>K LAND, willi i
I.Al.i.K HICK K DIV KI.I.INi, add other lia
I ni. nu ul-, thereon, frontin* 71 feel aud rt luct.v
? ii th* -"nth nat nt it..*s -tr.s't hetwc ti Qofaraa
and 1. mt.. nih .ired*, and mimili/ back t-lwee,
l-r-i.il*'! Iii,e. I" a* alley-thc lal* realdcucc o
Saniuil s. r..t.rill.
Tums: Caah ss to cont mid exra'nse* of aili
and Miffli'lcney tn ,.*y oft* three .mle- of tl,US.
each, win B pei r**Ll*l?*e*l ihcrcn fi-.nn 1,1 n
.lune. 1888: Balue* ?**? BJmB tenn. a..he_?l,
li. A. rirriih may direct t thc time of aile, arti
hi* lailur* tu to do. u* thc Iru.'ee may direct.
_Je_7_J A MK* (.. ijhttBEI.L. Trusts.
By W.H. Lyne * < o?
Beat Palate Areut. and Auctioneer*,
1113 Main Hr. tt
IM.. No. lldt, ON THK IVKs-T *|HE Of -,K.('
COCTTH ?TRK*Ci's.-By ilrlue of a deed o
iri'.-t rn.iu Mila* T. Anderson aud wife t? Hie un
? 1. r-lk'n. .1, hearlnir date <*rntenit>cr |. 1H7S, an.
..f record In the cltrW'i ofllce of the ltlcnm-n..
t hanciry * ourt, lu IK?.|.ll.?ik 108 ?:,-ma-c 18.
ilcfault bavl'.ij; hi.-ii luade lu ihe payineut nt u,
?leht scrure.1, and Mint Uicrelo rciunsl hy tl,
la-neficlarle* In said deen, I aimil adi hy imbil
lin iioD,iin tiie preiiilam, uti
WtDNK-jDAY, *IUIY ft, 18(14,
at AW o'clock P. M., the PROPEKTY dcacrlhed I
>aid ibi-d and located a* al*vie. The LOT froul
?J 7 feet on Hecnnd ?trce?, and ha* a irood ileptli.
I kum* : I'a.h aa io thc niiM-niea of -ile ami th
?um ..f taii.i. wllh lour m fr im the lit of Jul.
1884, and the rraldu" ni>on .ucl. lenin aa .hall fi
?uiiioimciTd al lime of -nie.
_ _ . . l'RANKKElt8EY.Tro?t?*.
W.H. Lt*a A*o..Auctlouwir_, ... _*,
RAiLr.fi4ft i.'wm
8:20 A. H. Per weermmX*Sews, OM fetat Ot**.
Birt,Him,N. ri'?lk I)*i:y ?t.-??-,.? *u i
day Only .Inc mont* and for y
ie IMchm ind t" N'.rf ik
10:68 A. B. Ior .1 *-atlon* Mid Ley'ii*---i K
I'o1 -.tilc.ao'i ( li.cliiiuul. Mallei
rei. '-nmI.ty
4:80 P. M. ? i sr "I't-vife aeeo~i*M*>i lon d I
ll.exreiil t-nndai. si. pi nt ..li f-i
. ,.
4:15 P. M. Ii r Vrwpnt-t'l New. old Polo'. I el
? i r ? ll,. I ST|.n * < a.-ept WM iv.
1:40 P. M. Vi > 1 . .I-MII-- aad < linet** Ul..
ii'c'iinr for all |*>l>i * We.t. ,N'..i ?:>?
'ii I nd *. ,el,..e I. ),'
iii.tiy tum, iv i . |. r.r '.? ,i tnt
I'liline.n ileep nir-curii Hieh
li" io' U; Cincinnati jo.I IV ihhiii?l"ii
and < liiri"tti ville io t.'i.i
P:40 P. M. Vi r Scwpon'l N". md OH I'olii)
< ni '.-."i. xor... villi Pallin ii e..
il.I y X" ii! '? il 'T v. ii ?
? "ki ii Ul. hm".id -i
pi. News. Noc'liu". tl"ii for V'T
" ...
ir:20l'. B. ti ' Kv. Vlrlifv
l-'t t *,:?:.':, y. C. **d <> -le ?/,.,-- 1 .'
.' ( 1 i . i i . r-f.
PllOA.lt. 1 ri'ii i t lind. l.y..' B**M ?'-nnd*y.
li :..-. * r ?:.I 1-.....I. .n I Bear
rr '?>'?
i.itl P. M. 1" i ? I. I vl'le. ' liiei'l'l'll. ind Till
V e.! T-li.l'l IV.
Ci8(i P.M. li'' *?' rf.dh ev. in -nini v.
Did p. ii- i .1 Ne* i"
I'll* I' '. I VI T I s|. *"."' ,y ?.
F.'.U P. M. .1. in I ??: I ill e ie! < li, lott ll .
I ." ' ' VI'- .1 ..'?
K H I-. B. I i Vi* " V.'.'l l*'.*iit. .-iii.l Nw.
I .r .i tra, I ulv . .
-i'i'.! y 1 - ? i. . ? i ,r - N. v. i i i Cl
Print will ? ??-.. ' i I tn ml * .'. m.. ? ? ??: irrlveln
I Ll mon ( :." I-. M n Tiirni'iL-.
s. u ei. e th au Hi' ti I ?; ? ?
?Hil..1 i'i... ' ,1
ll. ii I't.r.H':.
I 'I f s, ?.,
*". tx. whim;, r.- al Ban
l.l.M'MIMor. -I'KAV-litl'
roi M vi TfOBK.
Tl I---, mt: ny vu.! flt?| ateh .ie ..f :!:. I-*? I-1. I. I
ittali in?I *. ? NHOI 1 E. Il"AN....I. MAS
ll I i V < I :> ... VIINI'.N . . I CK U-lDVl)
i '. I UV I I ; -li V.I lt.ll VV. ind *l NIIVV.
I i.'l' Bli .i
I i *l i v . -. I il: ?:
I ' V * - . , I 111. ? > ,1 .1 1- VI Ti... ? 1
,. . I -.
?'. 11 J- 1.11. ' I'. ... .
I.T.'l.-l' ?
'i he Tai tt- ?. , 11. ','.. ii . nil .t". i. :
i ? ? '
Aftl r ? .' li I".r ? - N . ' , io.- il.
.?ii. i berth .*]!>; i* un Uti
with '-.I'-i i ?
> 1.1, ? ? i, r| - ? ? ?? N '? - ?
, , |, ? ? Incurred
I ? ". -I.'l uly.
I PP'y to
. !' . . ll.
i'-i: NI v . nilli.- Tin t> i,i
r ?" .-v-j***.
? . 'I ' 1 '.IT ? .' . ' ' 1
\V YA.N.'K* . < RM ni i'i I cu; ic, KKIIIAV,
l.nAM'l.i. Cupt.l.i < or* ii. 8CNDAV,
?_ i ? 11 - .il ' ? . lock A M.
ni ll I) tl I .MON. t .ll I ilu \V ILKr.lt,
I) w..In j Ut. ii I"-, i ? k P. M
l :,.'. |l,., Ulltll i " ' \ I' 'I
rlay, and to j cl . r. i
1 tiro* d i ? 1.1 .? .1 f.r.
i *
i lg i r ' \- ?
' . . ? ? . t r
vi!!,-ul -
i . ll . -. I ? -
.'m , Wt ' i j ., . h ? i
II akc ft lld
.. ri'* News, r i r:r .11
1. ? 1 1 1 :_ >.. ll. ..
I ;.' I I
> ll ... M..T' Il
I .. ,. V. . V I. I - I < ? V '
NI W I "I. Vi '- lt -."1 ll I'''!*. !". No... Di. .
ll 1 ?".: I ll ill.
? ? ? ? . norn wiTB'?i r
i KAN. I . ll ml < ll ISOI Ol -NV Iv. M>.
OS! t 12 TO ll .-HIM, rOS, I'. 1 .
.1 v V!) s.;;|'. . |j USP, . ?H
M ll lill I'- M M -. "'1' I'-'IN I'.
Nelli <?? ' . 1 ? 1. 1 * .-. ., |'H. \\|, JAMI .
K1VI ll I. vMilS'.* ii.,-, 1 1 .
1 "WI < 1- \l .LD PolS 1 " I. .MELT Willi
11 -i lim: fob
* vii Al ll UNiioN.
NI.Wl'i r's XKH'l a ITU -?! \M! 'I ' Vi
( ">; \. . .: *\ii 1 oi : 1-.1.11.
ONLY Roi ? i. W I'I ll"! 1 iii VNs. ; :;. AND
. M.I -WA I I ll HOI I I..
JAMI.* ItlVKB 111 DWI.loin.
. '? ' I' -I ROI .
. MI ? il Ll - I ll -.** HM.I'' ll Vin.: I>
KY Wi "i i'. ll '? I .
I IPI III M '. 1 ll.I .81.1 .1 . , , M,|r
I. J ' ' '" _,
I- A H I -.I 'V. !'.< ?? 12.
1 a: HIP, M.T>0.
V, ,\V-LA**l)I.N*i I VI.I - i '.'"VI
vi) ,;.*. ir, t 1 ni* i; v ii.
v. .. I..
.1 HF lill), I
Itav. I. 1 I 1 1 -ii \ v. 1 III ii-l> KY.
-V : I III. W
.-.I : 1. M. ? 1 ni 1 1- v';-< ..wi 1 mn
place*. Ueuiriil
. . ni 1 \nrli ?
and Ne* 11 .tit- male day ? >ir.' m^ ai
|;n I.i 1. ml al ni I I', ll.
-TAH -LOOM-*. 1 -. ' ? B DAY OB
. 1.1 -H.N-.
. nd I'M t >.? ' 1. -, - ,'?',.. IO,
."Vi.. ll ? Ul VlcW. X.ll
. . Il
,M ? . ll. c.:
I,"IV I*, \ ' I s. ., '
L. H fATL'M,
plIIL -1 1 LPH I A, ltlCH-^W*^
\'"NI> -,M> NO tt FOLK
? - I N I > \ .
.. 1 r- r -
1 1.: t-r Sun Uj ?
.*. !'. M. s-ili.r i-i}. . t
? 18
, 1 '.,
.1. v,. ll
W. P. < I.V I>1 4. co..
" _ Oem v
TfOR I".!.1 IMOBE. f(
row BATAB i.ini -~i.lt;! 1 T -11 - m. li?
ll 1.lim- - Her tl '..I IAN
i-SATI PDA*, il Ul M..fr.un POI
IAN Dei li.al I ? ? iv i. ur.!, and I
I, '? ll ..f ! 1..I ? lan. 'i ind . >"-l- ( r
.i.t* N.ntll Ml ?
'/. VI.
1. r (uttli.r I nfl rn .iii..i-..i.'ily t"
VV. .1 .-. Nn.i! i. v
i>.'. v. ? ,-".1 c. - netti ig .1. 11
1.111:1 o ul.:.it.
( "I ll I ( I I I'I.'* I'IHi'It, JIN!.' 1 i.
H-M, IN \ M V I 1"\ T
ta. I . n ? \. linrn-', liri '. I ll.
11.' ..ii|..!.. .1. im vi. vi... ii . 1 id 1 1.1
11 11. .1.. 1 cln.it- an I Inn lucr* ti 1 ll |
1*1. ... l)af?uportJ Vl,,rrls. l-ululii!-.
Willum H. riler*..1. ind Theodor*P. Snow.mer
eli.'i.isaii'.l i .ur Tu.rs Iradi uk un hr the Brm alvie
"1' liner-.ui 8 - 11 ? w, ??' ? r.-.T o. lilli" iuvIi. and
ll ? nias... I lu t. *a. .Defendant*,
tl. IN V rOBBIOl WI U UMkl'.r IN Ky. nv.
HM "hi. el of Hil* sill! I- !" r.ht fi'in the ?!' -
' . I.mr-. 11 .V Mi"-v. Uk .um "i' 838.IU,
with ie-'al interest thereon ir.m tin 7th day of
Uar. 188*. nu paid, due tl.e pUlnllB* from in.
del. ntlav... liners.ni ,I -ii..*, nnd t" *ul.J<? 1. by
attachment, th* Iniere t of Bu Mid Th* dot P.
t-now lu i bond due from the **ld I bom m <>. Bar?
low lo 1.1.Mire 11. hlubanali and Ihe -..ll T. I*.
Snow, tale (.artners uii.lt r the-trie .if HIii'miit-Ii ,t
Sm.w. fur ?1>4. nilli hy 1! Iiiiei.-t fr.eu October
84,18*8,and parable ot ...Ur ^4,1-"-*; the In?
ti ie-, or tb* Mid I. I'. sii,.w in m.. i.ireei- ...'
I.unl 1V111 jr .1. Itu- stiI.I ccuntv nf LoatM, Hid *WB*d
|..nilly l.y til.- Mid ..."i>te '?. Illu'sii./li .md T. P.
sin.m. th.e i-"iil:iiinn_ .14 air.-, adjoining-thc
ul of Willie L. D*don .ind iitrit rs. and the "tticr
i-iuitaliilii* OH nc ri-*, adi'dnlujr the liiel- "f Ales*
:ni'l'1- H. Hi'IItuItiv BB* "lill.-, new st.indium pa
Hie iKIlll-li. "?> 1 I Hie saul e. .11 Tl. y tl. Hie III ll." " I
Bickerton I.. I.dui in, and *.!*>> a |ni't-el ..f one
fourth acre nf tai.d, lytnc In the *..l'i '-..unty "f
I.eiil-j, and iiil'.li Inn the lan.4.* of \\ l!ll:im 1
lill.h. amt Im 1. nat** lo T. P. Sn..w ; and hiv ..tiler
.-...ie nn.i debt* of the ?_ld Dttanna k tao**, ur
either nf tin m. tu sal I sf T the jil un-lff-' el.tim.
Aud affidavit h.iv,eg li.cn ui.nle uml Hied Ul .1
Hie .tcfo.daiil.s, Willi ut. K. Oners..ii, Theodore P.
Mii.w.and (.c.irre *). Illiit.augh.are n-.u-i?
"f Virginia, lt l* .irdcrt-d tint tl.cv _o*BM*r bera
within "ne Month after due I'liiiltiiti... .if this
i.riler lu thc Kl. lint.-nd IHnpnt,-!,, a :iew*ti*t*r
l i Ml-h. il In Ihe elli of Klchiii ni.), ..nd do wlial li
. eci-naary I? Bloted Hi. lr literesta lu thia ault.
A cop)?Tcate:
sVMVKI. lt. PAB80B8, t hrk.
K. H I I ll. Vi IT l ... ,S.,Ml*L I-AKK.SM, p. I.
l % Ititi 1*. I S. HI I.,.IIS. .le.
* Alt 111 Ai, r. itANI I Vi lt IlKIOs
A laure itock of Ult ll Mo NI >-M A DE CAB.
Kl Ali EN ror tale lew.
mil <t**m
ii vt i t i w r> r Am.
*X lAfl HAl-ltKIS KUE**II K*?iK
Oe'+WKI I AM) I.1U>: fem Ihc eolebratel
?i "Bil I.IVIK-KII.NS. Jiutartlie.1 per .teaiiu-r
Hrlgadler, fur (ale .ow fruin dock In
KnllKlcT WK NI. KN Bl-HO.
*e87?lw SD* Hain and IT rifleenih nive*.
?OtJU LANI) L I ll P. -Schooiier Thayer
K.iuhall dally ex|?.-tcd * argo for-ile l..w fi.?o
-' -si I. I,, .|, I. _?.,,|,i, I'cineut Jual received.
Jami. riYer Cenicul, I'orlland llmp..ii,*i) t ,
tcent. *'al.-lned PUuter, Lath*, rtre-tlrtck au I
* lay. Hair. Ac. WAKNRK MiMlKK,
Lump- and iiri.uuil-Pla.ier.
foot of .SeveiitcciiUi itreet. aoulb aide of Dock.
neati.t k\kit nen
01*1- VKli PBlNTLNU-aoUlU
Kt I i:-lin LfBBB.
??oM.r-wi) Bernette
*v nu. i *i now, j: v ? ? ,
I " ve .
'?' ir'o'.,. . lr'V
' - ' -HU'. It *i I-. vi
' l-aa.-( !'y. , i.,1 | p. ., ,.
"?v. fort .,
n'l,' rtin'a,
Vent He.
.'."ii-iHr'i.. ... . ;
7"?l p. M. .
a.; i i- *
r.ll U P. Vt
I I *r-"ltr..
<n ? i.\..:..
1 . V.
'I nc 1
Ml .< .. .v ul. I
suit ul it Nrrr..w-(. ng r I
' r . ? .,
1 ' V. \
, ,
? ?I
1 r:.ln N.,.'? tli!'i.'T.-li ii** .-./? * l
' I ? h. lillie, i ? xie.r- .ii ...:<?
' '
' ?! '."1 .'.vr 'li . e ?'" ? ?
BUB ii Mil -ni '-ii \'j i
? ? "
i a will, i ' r m.
railroad f"r * 'olembt*. tn ? ?
t*i<>tlr!a point , un i ali p..i ii* in
? I ',I"."t ii .
l-i. - e'li _,'rlv>- a' : ,
V. V. ,, .(;- ,. |\ l|.
1 "N am: rv-si mi BBBBVII ,
(dall) om. l-l -il .1
Tral! ?
Richmond at. | ?? p vt
. ? IP.M
Bin '.-.:v,.
( ? aitlold al.
Hon Air.
111. I.i, ? rt.. |U, M.
\ r
l-l 1.1.Vt IN ( VI -. n ,.
On ll In .',' -N -. i r >
I* Train !
*? . .' '
- i
111* I!'!' SD ASP A I, I. I. .. i: v
ll Hill
I ll':: I i ll
I.I. H'.'..s I) AXII
lr V
i a I 'I
.,,.,, ......
P. M
i ? '
\ l:i\ I lil. liv: .v
- PP. Il MAIL.
V. M. Ni. .11 I
- 1 ' I- VV V. . "'IV IDATION
rt imi".-, arni. . ..-. u.
. BM-.I ll 'Ns.
? '1 | .. lil - 1 i 'le- s,.,|i'
Ul -.
. ?
1 ruin N". I tn .?. - '
M i
'. . r- : >>-? i i .it < li il
*. .
.. '.ri ci lc n at Bari
bunill, tl ? ii ?-'. ** i
? rn.
Italn st.
ll.'il'.TIJ '.' | ' I, I ?
I i O . . ?
I'M.TI'i '111
Ill l'M"\|i |BI1 li'i.'M. IND OVN .
BA1LBOAH v nti.JNi v ? i f -r i 'll' '
.1 r r. B.
. V ).
. ??
, . ? - '
m. .ul ]? ?
v. vi. i;Altin i I
? v
. i ih.
1 ?
s 7 .
?fl i"
4 I LAN il'
IN ?
I ll VI \ - M
: i .i
' '
i ? ? .
Tl: vin- *,
i ? ?
t8 ? ? ' 18 A.M. I
- i -iv
_B 111:50 A. M. I ? - " M -
? ,., i >? i-i i
* U A. M. U.13 I. ll -
li. * NJ P, M B - ' '?? B -
?Unlit. 111*11] -? ?? ?' -
Ni 1.4(1 ..iel 1 ' l" t** ? N ? ' '"
-: i it M.ui'l..-ur. i'r. *r.
theater. N i. I0.lt.
?il alt -ii'.i.'U*. N". 'I -'"I- i' -H
li i -I" -?
Pi i.i BAB ivi{.*n:v ii I
Du trains Ne-. 47 ? i S
N. ? york aud Havannah, li ila n i
inn u \l a-hin.l.Ti .ni ' I- '
13, --. > idiiK-car* between VI t-li .
ii null'
LEAVE. - tm.
BlrhBMtid ll SO h.M.I Sf. I
itiebmond 8*1 " P.M. n r .
n ilk...-. 8*30 \- M.| lit Im
N. rf.Ik .. _.-_6 P. M.I Kl hui" ?
I rilli* J5 and it- make el. ?
In in taiuivlllr, 1.)... '.'"ir- .
I~ !n|-.an.l*.?y-?tali'n-cii ile Nt taitiw
i rn railroad.
.I.K. KKBL1 . * ? ??
1. V|. KHIU is. ...le r.l I'
KU ll JIU ND rBEl>KBJCK>Bl &i*
and POTOMAC mn.K"v ?
II'K.K (.11 AI.I.-KAIlTTv-l-H'H''1'
I., VNI'lhoM H.M.IIM'KI. ''',..
rmV. NKVl YORK. -Nl,,,1r.VM' '
AM) WESTERS ? l'l)s.
Ullin l ION.
? "rr. .ponilin-ly 'i'll--- '"-' -' "<h*,r ;
Tbrounb bill, nf ladiiot t?*i.,v.ll \ m.
ly 1 ? v'
ano POTOMAC KAH.it" ii;
ccnimmcln* MAY ll. 1--1----' ?"?' ["
lS'd A. M., learo* Hy rd-*' rssl
S*B?**l! at V
fer.l, anl Pttdet -
fro** Cavarlt-Xon lotta
11:0-2 A. M., toave* ll>rd-lre?t .U
?:S0 r. M., I.avi* Byrd BUeel I ,
Mwtvr from **?
ll 05 A. M., imidi at ltTr.l--tr.* i i iU
Bta***r fr-.m Kew York I ?
i.4S P. M.. arriit.'.atliyM *..?" ? ",,',_
ItOf* al lieder!, k.i.. ?
andJuiicti..u. Me. I- ?
Bftaa to * ' ark?l"?
10:00 P. M- arri*.** al i!*rd-Mn. I
IUilt *_._rr *i BBAtl
8:S8 A. M.. hsaie* mba: arri... at J
7:13 A.M. Wtatm a! Il - ?
4:00 P. H.. ae.oiu-uo.lalion.leayr.llr -
?tallou; arri!** al A?i?"** *4
808 P. M., le-iiea Elba; arrive, a. I
8:48 P. M. . ^_J ,.
8:?0 A. B., arrlit* al ttlba; K-aiw A'bi*114
5:84 k.m. _, ,,!?-?:
8:5*1 A. M., acrowino.tal.i-u. ?'r'Y* Jf_,7_i *
rt tree I Haltou ; loave? A-?'*u"
8*0 P. Un ar-l??* at -lb*; "***?*? **-,u*J *V
7:14 P. M. . . . .._??
C. A. TAYLOK. lieneral Tt*?*__?**"
B. T. B. BY***, lieuvr-l ?ui?*i?ul*-Bil.tt,

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