OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, November 18, 1884, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1884-11-18/ed-1/seq-4/

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A TtraAseawd rV**>?* lader tra* a*?r-*iaaa*
at ot* reaiawe* *r a Twer** 0Mri*AfO?t*
awai Stewee la Near Tai*.
f Ktw Tatt Tntitaae.l
fsa UM wen Md* of Ibe etty sa merin'.u*
BBBttnept honwe hs* reorally la-en om
ptrted, Ct occupies seven city tot*, and rt*-**
ta tbe bright ot mvarly two hundred feet
above Ibe |stYemeni. Tbe cellar, are blasted
thirty feet deep in thc sol id rook, on which
tbe villa*-* goals satin-,,lieu In the dsys
of chi Nev. Yoik. Beneath Hie sidewalks
lhere are apaetous apartirv-nt*. and an un
srergrvtuu.l tt*?uiigr al retch** back nearly
tire* hundred feel to ihe street in rear ol
Ibo Atruetnn. Th* building is tn the
styb el Hie Italian ReBBtssante. A brown
atone church rwjctirtte* the tot nn either side
of IL Twenty-five ycir* afro lhe*e plaee, of
warship wete marked among ihe principal
building* of Ibis pan ?f New Tort. Even
new an atmosphere, of quirt and sob*
nant I tl rswpectsblllty *ei rn* to miami*
Item Ibem pnd cnvi-inpr tbe neighbor which
Ofsrabsdewa lb. ni. The cs?He-!tke bower
at one of ihi?f eBurche* doe, not reach
I way up Ibe *id* of tbe apartment
r, aad ihe fifth ?innr ot the "fVHi<>s
ags " u- f,n a lt vel willi the ?? tower" tur?
ton, of Ihe apartment BOMBS. Height i* no
objection In a mini, rn ipsitm nt in tta
Otttreof New York, provided liar* are
"rapid"' elevator* and no sialrsvat- to
riltnb exrepi fl* ? matter of relaiali in and
aorrel-e. Rent- do nol lessen appreciably
Witb Hie altitude.
Thia house is un. af tb* cno|trrilite
apartment bon*** nf Um etty, battt oat
wRtb a view lo pi if Bte specul itlon, but
willi Ihe purpose of combining the
aetnifnrt" of a bonn- amt a prl
fal* hotel. *tnm* fifi, person, ol m-iu
?rgini/nl a stock ?otn|tuii.v tor the pur?
aka** of building the lion,e. Tint base
expended on it * million anil a quarter.
Then- are ninety-*, ten anils sf aparimeiil,
tanging from titree to twelve mora* in
?eel). Tbe arca.fr part of Bares ure
leased by Ibe stie-kbdd.r* foi a term of
years, while those that are renlei1 with kat
stare* in the street front afford a yearly
revenue sf 0*ef SKSi.bno. far nor* thai,
?B*>urh for tsxes. ri patt", sud current ex
0*ase?. No t vp' ti?. lin* been spared ( >
??atrihiite to eouifart and eontcniene*.
Tke atriietiire is fin-proof. <Hilv Hie for?
um* and li iii.mhi: - sr* *?mbu?libto. The
weotlwork of tba apur.'nients is of mahog?
any, cherry or lightwood, a, lh* owner'*
Essie prefers, and the frescoing ol tbs apart.
asent- is also in design* of UM ewncr*
Probably inure than h thoti*and p-raonv
Will mu! linnie- ur iteeupatmn in thi" i >*t
building. A large forte ol employe, will
be reqOUTd to conduei the daily routine.
This* w ill have roBBM in a building iu the
rear. Ho*kitchin, launilrv. refrigerator.. I
bulcher simp, coal mums, euri))'-" of OBJ
horse power, gas anil electric-light apiuia
tits arc in lite cellar* and under thc front
liiiewsiiv. Mest af tbe faasJRau base two
ar naen Mrvunts of their Otra, In
Ute mils (here .'re kllehens vs it li rani. e.
far eooking by gat er ?le,un. if the fitmili'-s
do lilli ttlsh IO Rn I.i Hie rest Ull.llll. lilli
family may give Ha miler from ii- otra
rei.ie" and hue the mui? Beal to Uta ap rt
??nt The m.u I-un- pms id'-d for Unate*B>
laid' i? -Hi a kfl*M nearly at sost. F.aeh
set nf p| ailments ha* grates unit OpOB
Creplac. s in adilllimi to Bison beat, and
tb* mil is forobiked nt eui. Th*
lenlb and eh tenth '(urie* prc finlihed
with the "sine eli ranee pa the ri-l af
tb* kattdlag, but especially lor aiti"t-'
ptiiitii'A. in th*' ba* meit taara li a karbar*
?hop. Oo tbe Iwelflb vt,uv p suit nf room
Ims lui n - "lated frmn all approach i x< -p:
by ito- I'lit'f. sud fiiriii-lii-d wjih flo tan care
than oibei parts of Ibo bouse. Thu u
kni.wn a* the hospita!. A petBOB pick ol
atv cont.ii'ii'U* ill-east' BOUld reOSifC all al?
li iitiui anil rare in this roon without Ita
Iras! tiling, r lo any oilier ocupint of thc
'I be rn.f sf tb.- building riiinmui.U on*
sf tin llnt-l tl. w. tn ihe eily. Thees*
BBflBOS iiimlislru. Dil from thc Kowai- Bay
te tba -t" lld. hu Up Um HudaoO and back
af Jtl-f.r Heigh,-. The roof hits b lloor of
bl iel, a." Boild as a lliniidss as pavelin ni. a ti il
l? luimiuidi d na lin a high brioatratle. This
Will be thc pl lygTOaod of the eliiltir- 1) ss Hil
till ir lilli-.s iii line iteitb. r. I Hil in:.' lie
langoor thr roof still he bid eui ia eordeo
plots and paid rn-, with BWOIOgS for pro*
HcHen from tba aaa. An enroler nins up
ta toe reef, ami aarab n st be lah n theie.
>inr sim 1.1,.t ni ii i.i, , a Bia is Roneawr'a
A Hslitsi, N. rt., apeel il of sunday ?iy-:
A terrible in i 111. Ill iteeiilfi tl .'! Kietmi
Islaiid vi -teni s, resultioB In Ita death of
nine men a lo ss pre working on Ihe wreck
af Hm steamer InreraR, af thal pta e.
rares ni rat i on ss bscxbbs.
itdtaaiaaaii tho Bann ol Un kiri ne > .
Charil* .lolni-inr;. Bt.Jobn N. lt.; Wesley
Verge, Hotbox; LtrwU Lawroacr, Piston
lnund; Husk MeFsrlaac Ptctou Maud;
llaarge Meeter, Qnr-to r: Pred. Doran, IJiie
bee: William Allard, ljuebee; k rta ur
Browne, Ltrerpool.
BC9JB8 BB un: I *t amii s .
Kit-toil Maud i- iibntil four mil." "tjiiare.
Ullll is OMOOtOd -i Neill Ulla'? nllUple of Hi*
halton of Pict.m. ll i- Hinch e\|to?ed to
atoiin. and !i 0 bl SO IBS SP Bf of s-s pro! IC*
riniiA di-a-lt l> t.--lil|ip.n-.
On tbe lii^hl of Hie Uh of BOT -Inls, dil*
ring ? sterna, tin steaonr loferalt, bound
frmn Monti*si toe Ptctou, in ballast, struck
within a .boil ili-tain.i -h.,re. and
Beared a total tata, tboagk all oa boord
were -ai ni. 'I lil ship afterward idled xv it ii
water mid -ink. Nuincnuis loeiaetual at*
tempt* kora atoos beon mad.- to paaap tin
stall r out and raise lier, but lately thew*
si.rc ab'-.tidmied aird H'C Wreak nv:is i|i?
B*aa*Saf st Bucttoa ha vM.non. being pur
abased u> Nosh lt ot bail anti parties Bi
(il.ebie. Iii' Ku natl couple nf Sti.lv- a
en NV of Atti.lill- Iron Halifax. Ki. Hm.
and tiiiciti. have been ot oort rabilng the
aiaeliiii. rv fruin ih* tuokea feasal and re*
inovilig il tn Hie l.tlid. lb. men engaged
ntunit.it d i lt rfu. laeludiug mao Irontbh
eily, nrerai from Ki. lou, and Um remain
der ITOOI llliebee.
-IPI l.l.l IN" IV Mit N N i t il.
VisliiuiiN afternoon a -Hong ".ale from
the m Mb ri,mt."ii, ti tin tn lo abandon work
tnv lix- OBS eiii'.xa linn it-uul, and in a
lll.Tsiiit.ei^bieen fd t long, they alane I Iron
Ibe wriekiiu'.ciif.on, r fm the Uland, only
aluna mu' hundred yards distant, Thu
-hore bad abaosl hera retched, when .iu-t
a* the crail NNa- rroa*la? a reef abc ssa.
capsl/ed and thc ss hole eiesen m. ii thrown
into il..- aster, (terra of then manaitetl
lo take hold ol M.e bolton m tbrir boat.
Pul ihe others -mil iiiinn-t BBBOediately,
tsatb bardi, an elliot to -ase them., ls i-.
'lie -ch ssa- raOflflBg Mgfl, and lb* np
luruetl bOiil. lo s.hleh UM -Nen nn i i -
cliugiiig. sta-pin-lit d lind I a?ni in vu. h .
luuRii.i (hat lin- men found it very duli int
lu retain Iht ir hold.
i ssiiit n-iif ki si t i.it". tan.
Mundt aile) the anni.ul hip.iene.i il
wp, aotieed bj Wilban Allard, a rook of
Ibe llgbtbou.e ?! itiou nu the Uland, who al
?nee pul nfl lu a assail boat to attempt the
i-cm-uc ol the men. lu hi. liirbl boat, Unst
? Vcr. In cv.old ni ike iml -l"sv IBOglOn, Slid
in bi* paarl to ittarh UM mm aeuatorttt*
Bstely dro|'|s-d BB on iud toiled to regain
lt. His pssOtlOB wa. Ibu, leiiilt-nd h-lp
W-m, the BtaAStn tx ind ..uii,d hun mil ti
*ea. sud ba i. sBBOd ceri univ hm.
shotllN alter Allaul put nfl Lied. ( uni
?iid aimi lui ie-ident of Hie kttand obawrrcii
Ibe |teiiloiiv .ittutlou ,.f the sseo nun tta
ts reeked-Mainer, and they, too, bntUrbei
a Urger Mad ritOturtl Imsii than the om
Which pie.,-d' d tin-in. and made BjljMfSsI
ide b.aiittiN toward lanae In dsasmr, Tta
waves WCte BOW roiling in mi the beni
with teri Hie force, amt i! * *.,ie raantBOtl.i
BataaaseBg m tiakiocs. When Ibe) reaehe.i
Ibe iiptiiitied bon .even weil were -iii
boliliii" brsveli lo th.- bottom, hm wen
rapldlv briag blots a eta bs -eu.
it aeivt. in iiiiiK nt nu.
ibe b>.?t had .lulled shout ttvn uni*.
vt bea i mri anil bb kASSRpaalOfl , .m.. vt i!h
ili reach, and UM two res'Oers 84 they were
cstrini bf those ia di.ir.--, nagoiitfor
Un rn to jump. All Hld as Bflaosi iBRelktu.
liBt three oi.lt of lb,tu -rn ceded incileh
ing kobi of lb.* other tutu ami in gettlag
safely on lutaiil. I le oilier lour failing to
reach kw sprain ajrasped thc overturned boat.
Btw Basse e ike** could be *,",sin approached
a beatt v.p wa,bcd (hem mit of *lgbt,
and sil wete batt, The Iso ooo lo ejttrry't
Uiil found UtSBaselre* atlrifl am! nuable la
In lp Hu tuseivf., bat iu tb* ncaa lian
Jame, Hogg, a lighiliou-e-kcep-i. and tsvn
.iib. i i-laiiil-ineii bad beard ol the a< "ideal
ano ?tailed to thc taara* in aa oiien sbIIiur
Tb. - ond boat that put ol Waa mei
laken four mile- out 4t sea and all wen
safely Han.ferreil. Then, unable lo rt I mn
te Picton Ivhiiiil n'tlii.t tbeprctiiiin
Ibe total ttps itiired ims-inl picton Iowa,
and reached lhere safety Ute la.l Oafht.
Me publican ManiM>n*ibHM.y |*>r %ur
fstuie *m.p| I wlwrwd Hail.
lt t* Tuaniic't by d,'|)*iUhe, n,.u) th*
South Hint Hie flection of lioturuor > Irti
taod ba. nv i a*ioiif ii a fear amoog colored
IN-opi* Utore of sftinctbii.g indi Rudds ter- I
iTbkr lo hupip-ii to them In coti.eqiirr.ee. i
Ihnugb wa do not to lies ? thal tbi, fear U j
me geaeiaJ ur so getiniiie an m>uh- uf (lu- j
?? . ??.' '" '*?????????????
retsarU Imply. The MviUiern lonrnsTs
agree ttvat lt prevail* to a large
extent aatoaB the knott Ignorant part of tue
cottrell rms! papntotlon. but nv that lt ls
scarcely raeres-frtlbie ta the cities, where
thr better educated Mlored men discourage
IL To mort men In thc North the grouad
le*?nc*s of the ahu-m give* lt an a?pe*-t ot
al.*ord!ty. Rut In tbe Seutb, we are gi id to
tee, lt la recognized aa lt ibonld bc. at a
very mt if ma maller, and tbe leading white
citizen* In many piatas arc utting energclie
?Ups ie dispel it.
If the. RepuMiean politieUn* of the North
have net bal the sense of purtotism In
their tin.?ru|.tdou* canvass for Mr. Wain-.
tbi'V should nuke baate lo volunteer help
in this ti*.lui work. Mr. Rutherford R.
Haye*, for example, could cmplot himself
at Ihe pr ???nit moment with great benefit,
tn bit ronmrv and advantage to hU own
reputation il be should go Mouth and re
peal Hie xml hing *p<-ecb** be nude Ibero in
H>77. Mr. Kv-irt*. nho hy this time should
la- convinced Ihnt he I* tri of place amnng
tbe BjakMJ-aBM, could al'ege the propriety of
keeping company with Mr. Haves f t sn
neena Bl CM loose from pliylng Junior
conns,! to Ur. lieorge Rita*, 'dr. Fred,
eriek Douglass has arrtiaiulaU-d enough
mom v in ma Bil PB Federal ellice* during
the hist do/en ytiirs to aruml to take a
v.icaiion for the ?ame good pur|K>*e of going
N.uth. Me might prolong thc hat: but
Hu wp iilii-Ui-.tion* are cnn ugh. A (in.'.-n
or two of the Republican orator/ who tie
voted month- to spotiliBg for Ri.dpt- in
holr-cf -|Kiil: entild quickly di?i[rale what
i n r piinc "!ti-t? among the colored BBQPU,
w in.io Un v uBofeea ??> Benah to love, if Me?
only wouiil ilisinteresfeftly devote hs ipi rj
tints lia telling fhcin the truth- Hrit the
(-.(dion nf (iovernor (ictriand threaten
tla iii with ) o peril.
hvery ntirttiirn Republican know* tint
all Hie civil and political rights ol colored
|rfi.p!e over which Ike Fed' ral Fx.-eutlv'
ha* :mv duty and |k wcr of guardi ui-hip
rt til BC Liiaiahd hy Mr. fievdand as va
crriiiv as the] peaatatr aoadd he by Mr.
Bliiinc. liv (iv noill.ern Repulilit -ill
know- il-o tfcal any alarm among (he col
oiui people of thc Soul li arises front false
iinpr. ? ituis on thai subject di-*( initiated
l.v Rta Republican ofHcc.holder* at
the South, In whose haitils ex
clu-iTi l.\ the Itcpiihlican National Om
?RIM left Mr. Rlainr's eanraai
th'Ti. If thc Republic tn n lianco in the
s-outh had no! been upon the ignorance of
Mtofad mli I-: if the Rcpuliliein N itional
(?oiiiinitlfc had made a -,-cni'iiio isinvais
throughout Hie southern States instead of
timely plotting to capture two or three of
Un ni hv corni pl ion- in thal BVenl a ililli
lir canvas, would have RBBB forced upon
th'- Kiiilhein |k niorriiH, and colored peo?
ple, whether in the eily or in Hie country,
would have bun so well instructed with
regard ta the mal eoaRRfoa of politics Und
the pri sent apprehensions among them
mii-i have become hnpoaribU.
The ll., to.,.
lb 'Ar l-JIHov of the DUttatCh :
i tn iilr-foiir rear* ago two (llii'ircnt sr*
Um- af civilization- both icpiililii an, bbc
baaed OR individual freedom, the other OR
iln coerced tabor of the Mare totted thenv
v. iv i* arrayed ia bitter ntaajaednat.
The election of Abraham Lincoln
brought on acoafllel betweM tbe States
of thi- li (leial t nion havim; these Benee
rale tyMeass.
The illili nt -talesmen ot both BBBttoBI
from Ibe (arlu -t pi rind of the (.nvcruiin Bl
-aw .md feared lins conflict, and at differ*
ipi linn-- in mir history attempted by toga*
latioii lo prevent it, or at hast po-tpone it.
These Statea at tari met la mortal eonllict,
nhUli lasted four years. The weaker tec*
Hop wa- i iitii|iiercd in the rtnta-gto, and,
throwing down their ann-. Mknowledgcd
ihiiii-ilv- beaten und siibratitcd to tbe
w ni ot tin- dominant section.
The people, with their li.ld- WSSted
(tin ir -iavo. vim had cultivated them,
nocking t" the ettie*, looking upon freedom
a* a perpetual holiday), manfully accepted
Hu la-lill, iiml cultivated vv il li their own
bands and wbal labor Uteyronld gel i
portion Of (heil' land-. With Hie I,--- ol
lin- lal.oia r- Uk li'nd* fell In prto?in many
in-i.iui i - t" a fourth, Md even a sixth, of
their Mte-brtYaui vain.-. Many afRlreataU
wm -old to pa] ? debi which wm leta Hum
;i vi o'- Income before thc war.
'lin death of l'lt'-iilenf Lincoln struck
with borrer tbe pronto of both North and
."?nulli: in. death removed i gnni itatea*
Hi-i'i from the head of tba (torernntent,
iiml tia iiiaiini i nf hi- death a*fouaed tbe
worn) i .'.--ion- "i tbe northern people
Bifrinsl the wBoto Houtb. Fanaticwtn, bate,
tbi hope ol plunder and office, aroins I tbe
worri ? inp. ni- "i ibe ronqucron agalasl
tbeeoaqoered. the mam of ihe northern
people knee no more ol tia ttatool -ontit
(lii Milly Dian they tollu nf the .tidal
slain, of the intel mi- of Afue-j. i lp v
a hooped and b rn led for v i Age ince riglin*:
a w hole in opie for the Inaane Rd of a fa
iiiiHi. They rafnncblsed the ignorant
nigra, thereby taking rule ont of the
hands ol the conservative and awl Barn.
The trading pclltlcbuu of the vilest da-s?
the rorprt-baggers?cante la ourniid-t to
arniise ihe po Judiei - of ihiv ignorant Bntst
and buy their votes. So oppressed and
plundered were the people thal bul for
lin ir poverty uio-l of the white, would
Inn moY.tl a vi ar. I'nih r -lull ililli' nli'e
Ihe Mouth ha- inbuilt Until it-'if up.
Tin re ll an eh RUBI Bf good in every
evil, und thc low price of tba lands has to
a large number 11 ea a btoariag la rjtogulse,
rnaiiiiii" iiiiinv a young man to buy back
Hie old lu.-tun!.' winch In- would Bri
have done if Ute laud Ind kept np ih price.
il i iii prob known and liked by the Booth?
era people, and Ihelr wild li'i'e- looked
Upon willi indulge,leo BS thc tilpal icvVd
children. Thur lean ol bria*- enslaved
agala oughl t" lie reatoved. No tenslble
tuan WOUld now own Ih in ii.'tin if he
could, and could not if he would.
li lalo bc boped IB the future pulp's
r, ill div ide oh question* ol' poltoy, and thu
i ? ?! Ignorence, Instead of tbethg Mnd
ed together Ina Mreted ui.i*-. will he db
tided in-iwieii Hp-parlies mil ccom tobe
a koinie of danger in tbs future eithet to
the Mate or ia |.iiidic. iin> gwal Nortb*
nest win aol pi unit tbe Ignorant negro, aa
tl Wen nt in habit and race, to bold the
ipi ntl, of Hie Mlsaitiippl willi ii- fort]
i linn-,md miles of Inland navigation.
All had to Nea Yo: I. , ily, thc . oinnirr
I rial Btctropollt of Un- gnat country,
which, taking a broad stew of tbe future,
bm said bi her vote: "ThU U a country ol
Fi tlerai stun, having equal Intereat* and
11vin- in tin- bro ul land.
nu Un- 4U- "f Milich, l-v.',. i,r ivi, i love
Mad will be teated si l***wldenl; m putting
? behind ii- dead humes, we will rrasp Hie
future n 'ii n ba wed hope. i\
I he i ot.,., il Man.
lb Ut Kdtfar oj tin His,,., tri, .
I have .ilivt ia ad vxiili groat ptOBSUre snipe
lintel] remark* from one large-hearted Md
talented city friend in tbe Uitpatcl ol 9at*
' nitiav, November luih.
I', rinit a few words from a countryman
, of kind iind conservative vtewi mi the
same -ul.il cl. li I fail to reflect fullv the
-I'Hiiiniiii- of mi friend and of IbeDMtoo.
ree] vnu utily. I .hall al toast -eek to utter
Hie Word- ot ?? truth ?nil -ohcrne-i." lt iv
nd hiv object to show who are the proper
I tiiiiiiiapv. f Meroe* la the tooth, If, ln>
nw.,!, tio-v need-ueii gaardaumhip, bail to
tay thc lime hu. conic ter Hiern io BROW
, theta manhood ami ladenendeBce fer them
-dvr-. Tho ottbn ri rltber party to control
Ute rota td colored men. in my vi- w, thould
He discarded.
If. a- my friend, arlina-. "Uti R**fN i-.?
freeman ben-sriorth Bod rorerw'," kt hmm]
jiuluc foi hiin-df who are Iii- linc and
keri ll i. ni!-. lin. i. the favored opp.rlu
nit* foi the Denim racv of tin- Ninth lo
?how b) ll.eu work- thai tlicv will protect
? the right*of the oolered nun. and do winn
thu ian lo ?? raoe him to th, In-iicst level
of which he is capfi'ole," av pro|>o*ed by
Mr. S- . Hui when ba t IL BS, with Hie
ie.| al Hie wmid. ?? bandi ntl of the Ihhtgl
wi,,,!, are etna,'' ii ?trike* me that biub*-*
Ind echo a .( utiinent which I toed lo heir
-nilli lilli vi ari ajii,
ihe piin.li-. ol event, ha* made thr
colored man pail and BBMei of the VoUng
ponttkUtoa of iheve Vatted Mates. Le!
ti., then. educiH bim to the petri of know
ilia; and BURBJ not only fm Hie uood of bi*
BUB race, hui log the wind, country,
windi ha. hom.red and ciiil.mcd him a?'a
waul nf f!ie Briton,
In Hie lime of u innph ind rejoicing BM
".t toraet Ute prtarlnlea rn eternal
ci|iiitv, and Hie foundation. windi
reeM ? n pul,lie like our,.
Pa, <?. Tnnvsr-vn.
PlBl'lBtRMM /io'/e, .NnyeinlHi 17. issi.
AR "id -iheiHe ha. jin! ueen rerain)>eil
in Kui ope to turn a ninihle penn*, which.
BhBBiw ("U mani! a rcadv |.atrona''e in I hi.
emull iv RRjeiRJ a .!*,. ?r BMBRjt Who btv e
plculy of money and very linle limin.
(Ireuhura are beBeg diitrihiited bbMbs U)
liclow mle* in excbtnjsc foi certain sum.
Bf ni.uicv. pio].oitirn- il in amount to Hu
glade (I.-io il. A prince cnn lie man iliac
tared for fl.,."to. ., juk.- for Siu.ouu. a
count (or BA.tMMi. while only pl.iaiu is re.
quired lo tte dubbed a bigOB, At these
inodrra'i pt ices it w .nilli scent tliat a livtiv
Haili ill lille lu-ilol. BUgBl he crcatcii.
imf 1 rlnl.
Tbe little daughter of Mr. T. Md'aiud.
i ot j dot. Iona, nus cured of a severe burn
by one application nf rU. Jacobs oil, thc
tkiigiral pata-eure, ino iog no marks.
I Per Me lllsp*?*b'l
Of f Malata ataaloat UM sbw*?aB#BstaiM*)
?T a special reasaslltee la rave* et Rsv
aettaa a Law far the Researvel sf tbs rta*
*eat White I ama tr. .r Ute Rastera Laaatlr
lavinia ts the Aevlnm sow ia Erse*** *T
Helsa EaiHl N*se retersbara Ter IB* I'sttseed
iBaoae. asst Ceavertlaa Hf* Kaitrra Laan
He Aavlsma lat* tlae Eirlamvelv T*r IB*
I ar ut the Neareea.
With all due respect lo the special *om
mlttee, bal wtih a freedom which th* di*
?tnsslon sf an Important measure demand*.
1 shall proeeeit to give my opinion *nd Mic
nanon* why Ihe recommendation* sf thi*
?rweial csmmlStac should not ttecome a
law; believing that inch a plan has nol the
support of thc directors of either of the two
asylum*, nor ol any espert on inwanitv, but
Koa Ibe contrary, a butty and ill-?dvl*ed
nipgesii.il). made withoul due knowled.'e
nnd rifle, lion. and. if ? irried out, moat in
jiiriou* lo the uni irtunsfe Inmatei ,.f ile
Bl stern Kuni.t'.c Asylum, placed nen- for
irenluii nt by Hiei." friend-, vs ho never eort
templnied meir reosooal ny-neb aaoBBMaro,
Your piatthaaart ptvstaat i)gain"t surh a
mea* ire, among*! other reason* that might
be urged? Hirst, because Soak a law would
be m *.Titrsv*r>lon of all the righi* of all
Hie parties concern, d?it mild le a pcrvcr
sion "1 a nolle Usn ttl and unju-l. and
nut *al!ed for by Ide ptaMJhm, who are
taxed (o "lipjuiit Ihe asylum*; secondly.
btta BBS il would be impolitic and inexp
ili.nt and allendetl wilh an unnesi ?-a, v
BXpeadttOr* of money not nuthori/iil In
any public rxpriMinn of ihe people, wiii
are Itu-Judge* of the mode ind BJSSBtBjeof
their lum fictions. When Hie KiMern Lu
nertie A.vlum wu* established in 177.1. willi
Ibe consent Sf BBS *or|Mir?tion sf Wii
BaBseborg nnd lbs Keuiaiatnn. In Hie hean
nf theeiiv. it wa* de.ign.-d as .td a-.tluui
timi ti tv br the benefit af the white race,
and .mil ineiilenL-.llv for lb* negro ? ??.
who were linn prim ijially abrei, nnd
ts OOM usn mrs were charged with thee*.
psaoeef Ibeh tare ami maintenance. At
IhJs piriml Um poiiilitioiifif Virginia waa
moativ in the T'iilr st afr re-inn. and Mure
were few negroes la Mps Saber trim! si i % I -
owns <d IBO state, hence there wa* bul a
?mall number ol WtKtaat in the asylum in
il" eat ly history, and they were chiefly from
thi* rfi'ion. .Vuom *an believe tbs found?
ers fifth's iisvlnm SOatanphReti iii Rt er. r
tton and support that it ifould art r ba fee
the *x'liiMte benefit nf the negroes, ls il
richi anil lawful t<> perter! tin. charity
from lu original piir|to?eand int. nt into th*
excllisite u-e of the ncgrof. net er so con?
templated by its founders, thc oarnotoltbn
Of Williamsburg and lbs Legi-latiire'r t '/.
bono? Tiiirc is smpic provi-ioii natta BJ
the Man for building-, noiv beiag tom
plottal on a site acree:! on bs (he proper
auiliorities. for UM tun- anti inriln'e
OOBOS of the colored in-alie. and will
?BOO li* enmpleleil. with all of the mo?
dern improvement*. With tlii* provi
sion for their rac , the Begroes sresathal ??!.
nor tin ibry desire th* cbsBge propo-cd,
anti if made wauld hate cni-c io iv ira;-il it
a? a Ninl.'itinn of frond faith. 00 tbe pori ol
Um slide. Thi>i change, therefore, would
be nantfestly uojari lesli th* parrie, cots
Ct i mil, and t-i nm)* mote flinn lax-piyer-,
who hate rontiililli, il fm- nmr* (han a eeo*
lory annual BRBonofa ta OMtsn the Eastern
Kuiiali.-A?yliim BSalhtMe in.titiitinn for
(In-eur.-anil maintenance of the insane of
mir uss n i.iee. The Eastern Lunatic Atr?
ina his beetons bbdorto, and b one of Ita
landmarks of Um pnL That R would i
lupoiitic nnd inexpedieBl lo mai,* (ta
meditated change in ilii- UBse*boaored ht*
?tittilion there cen be no doubt. Thee tt<
/in- nf WlllUtnsbargandadjacent eoaa.
tty held a burge nt". Hog al Um court-house
nit Moodaytbe lOUi Instant, and with one
voice, without regard to party sr color,
cindi inned Iii' scheme, and tse bise
DOdOUbl li ill. if tillie WM allotted.Mimbil
mrritnga would be held throughout Um
siiti*. In sddttton io the reasons already
a-"ifned. sse sseert Hint Stwh a etaMlge
rsmild be Inimical io tbe Democratic partj.
Tbe eur of Wlllbunsburg nnd adjacent
country contata ninoni? it- inbabitaota aa
int. Illgeal ela-- of a? -biiiii" HemocrAti RI
can bc lound in thc State. Who an kent
ilfitvn by the m gioes and Hu ir allie.. |. it
too inn- li to n-k of om- Democratic Lcgta*
iMtiire thal they will not lorrease our en*
i. rrassBMBts bj giving- our appooenU al I
and comfort, and SOOUll COBtribUtioBi
from the treasury, which may be u*ed
sgaiosi ii* in future, aa in Hm recent pre*
s H na administration ?
lt is the misfortune ol .mr party to bi
kei i doNvn by i lu-foil e of the superior num?
bera of Um negro,, ami Mn ir Bilbo, mil
iiiinn thai Ups coihiii'n is rejolctog ut tin
treal tMUirywhtet baa delivered us Iron
our eneiiiie* we bora Uni snu sn ill aol
pan a nrosure ableh nlgbl bbsUI In daap
pointing our hopes of obtaining poasi - ia
of mn nunMipal and county governments,
nott in Hu- bandi of Read -. iHu
-flUitniial BOd li ??.'Midis c t|,.lri"*- in in
tire lillnl- Of Colored Ki ndii'-tiT-. so tint
sse hate BO 1'' I'M "Ti! d is e fmin mr di
trieu to preoaol oar ress., oor do wi
know tthsi eouros they will pursue on this
question, aad we laeirfore havetosppeil
to all o in- agree ss Rh us lo -ii-1 dn our pe*
ii1' a .
We hare beard that Um reason assigned
bf Um special tronnlttre for lbj, change is
thal lbs Eastern Lunatic ityhia ls located
in a pince Ulled with niia-m. and Kial the
ncpio .-.in I" Mt r rests! its baneful Influence
than ihe sthiti man. and therefore such
conti nptated n natal nf Kn- Inn die- would
be Ior tho beoeth af both race*. Ir. reply
to theee anertloaa, whick ere alto
gratuitous, ws enter our posltlvi denial.
lt ft nottmt Hi d the lov.ilio'i of Williarn
burg i* tntue uinlcr Ibsplnffuenee ol mi.nm
than that nen- Petersburg, tbe aita ol ih
new asylum, nor i- it a fad thal thc negro
lt lesa subject to miasmatic Influence* th in
th* nn Kile rriiii. Kui tv* go Iurth.-i .i
nrintala, ob Um erideoce ol th t
mciileal faculty of tab eily, thal from it
ivii fklloa ami drainage it h .-. hcatthj l? ??
Hon.and particularly exempt fruin A-iali"
cholera, yellow* ead typboid.ferers, -n fatal
ineth*r portions of our State. An exam?
ination ol the reeordi of iii* A*ylun sud
those ol William and Mars College sustain
this fact lieiond iiiinliailiiiion.
I he ss riler of Uliapapei l.noiv. from an
in-l leiimi of these n.rds thal the rete*
nf mortality in IbOSC iOSUtUtiOBi 81
Iron elimatta and other diseases ih in tbo
ol tinlUr Institutions elsewhere i i
In t t'liilii-irm, sse a-l; i- it nu-et and ri.Mii
that thean unit cits ol WlilMmsburg and
v i.in itv. xv ii. root li,-Pus i- Uni of til.?
.-uie in tts saost glorious period, le ippeal
in sain io a DoBsoeratM Leg mixture to be
delivered Iron svlni ss,, retrard bi s
iiiii-ance if thii ehaage it ando! Abeady
i- In ard among-t u. tbe cry ol our I" -t
ei!i/ins, IIUicEastera Lunatic Asylum
i- to be etliveiletl Hilo ill" CXClUsifCly fol
04-0700*, we -Inn be roaapriled to (core oar
bobbfs. We hope our carnes! appeal and
peiiiiuii tu the Ltadsbdure aili b" heeled,
am! Ui.it Un- .up tsiil pass Iron our li ns.
And sse stillest )? plas, atc, YOBS.
-mn* boysrdekiogcheatautaia < hico|R*e,
Ms?,, lb" oilier div cnn* luddeflly upon
mst* iu tbe waaia, which bad th" appear*
ance of befog roi-ently lababUed, Bunin
loi lbs presahxa rorefulry, i ,nii al .-io.he?
wn- iivinui and sis,i pisant a basbri of chest
Bate, The boy. eeaBBcated iii* eheotnuu
and wera abnut to go when they were eeo*
fiontert by | niau ina nude "1st*, who lp
|?esi'ed to com* from anoth*r apart anal "'
UM Mi ni cate. He sta,apparently insane,
and "aid bc hui committed a .in lor whick
he wa* obliged io live on nut, and go without
clolh. s for seven tear-. He -aid b* bad
been lhere nearly .even veers hons, and
would soon be allowed to pul on hi-,
clothes and linallie thc flee air of libeilv
i? wei! a. the next man.
lu all BBBBja -.r BltOM IMAP arni Pl -limn ari
AlPr.lTIMVs pt ANKK's l UliltllY Ptain.
RAL, A-,u,lilil!treet*nUe<| and pre-crllu-1 bj
lite ujrilu-al iir>il<w-loii.at)il ie uiaiitr Ihatiunul-..i
fainllle. Ba] tin- paal I.riv s-ar- il Rn lan "
aatOadaan ksoslaBaeaBaaaBaMitaaaaT. RM ?
im i'l.rjiltui tii.ti uuly riiiiilrvs rn totSBSatatTsei
-mau aassaaBBaa, ami . rrw .to-** <-r n aaMMaap
nr.,1 Iii th.' earlv MaSB* "' * ?'<H.1> <" < Ol nil
willeSeel a -l-rrdf lure, am! may. Nm i"'-''" I
-ave inv. TbtM b no doubt whateser Hi it
BBS M*A*'ii,-,I Hu- live, nf preat innnbcr- af Ber
?smalif ir,,.tliifc- Ute ?!. vilt'iiiiiint .,( I.NRVM.M
v.niiy iXlNsCMTTloN. an I hf rh* . ure..' it,,.- ?
?lanrerp.i. uiaiadie-. lt ?armit be kiiu laadvfur
BS! iii rverv faniilv wliert lhere are iTnl'li.
I*a medicine far -utsT)o: I" allotliervlp Hie treat
menluf I KotlMhr altevlaUon ,f t\ Hip HM Vi.
loiTill. au* Um care ,u COLDS mi ivi;.; .
I S/ A alluu-uM iteciillarlv inddenlal to child
ima iii'l vnull). Pr.tiii|Uil)i'l.'lu drihuR with all
ttiM-a... .a Hu, ,1a-i.of Ut. uimo-i li)i|>iri,ii.???.
Ili.-lo-, "I a .liialedas mat, lu inuit .*??.. rut,, I
ratal i unw.|ueuce>.. Iknuolwa.lr pnvloiHllmrl i
.'ilterlun-nllujr willi medirhPH >l 'ItMitilfiii rim
t-a?-f, while H,e malads I. ri>u-.i*i>llv aaiitliia a
<teei?-r l.nlil. Put lake at pace lb* .|.s li -t ml
m..-I ti itali: tu turf.
inert] LHKMitv ph rm: ai .
'?"? ??- < ? AYKKSCl... I.una-m i . NU-.
s.,1.1 bj all IlriiiViMt..
I mys 7dV 1 e?rg,s?it?a,u8 .awl ?*dc 18 j
ktOND m?rA iv,*ci"
ACtT-nOU iSavnl?BM--gUmrl>ng
,^.rVX4X ? . - X ' 'V V- > ?**>!>..V4..V'
By R. B. law,!. Aamanet*,
M Miall) nrerf.
TJ OUMEHOI.D PljdgNriTRB, 4%r.
Hiee'rlwrk. lem 'ell ? Pj-?r**?, U"!riaasaB el
RXf*tI.t,P.MT Pl RNITI RP- rm'.r*e|n-t -Into-t
rtrry artlrle In Uh- boawrterpinr Mai,.
if^R- AMI. ^y-^A^^-e-,,
A ?*l4rTR. BBJ.
I alli ?H ny laellon
it 1 o'nVrk. al mr nore, 1438 Main Hr-et.to
riotr iwiiUt-iirfirrii?? wamist**
thknUAY.Kovbmbeb Ifsru.
at Bltli?ouo and riaOl)iMRa*iiirB rallrnad.
at 2 ..'rl.wY.
nalP-K* liRANliKRAir-NRINn*.
TIMOTHY. Oltl'HAIiO-i.liAv-i and MH.f.HT
SP.PH.sl IT) RV* and OATS.
F.XTKA ind vl'l'f UKI Nf. KI.'.H'R.
n? lft-ri-1 lil math Twelfth *i,re4.
? twrr.ty-ctne t-rs of arr. a SITI'VTIoV IN
mlP VV llol.k-AI.K Hot-I f. r lin l-l nf.latin
*rr. H-f.Y; li*, had ihrrr teart-expert.nra In ,rir
ntl Inullliaa llef.renrr-.k'irrn. Ad-lnt* lt. -":1
,.,vl n "r., I._tn, !--'!'
flxerevr- ala Burrett nf tattri -t- i" ha a*.
lund ix lien ad aa lat am litre il Imp*?red uiy
ml enuc Adi Movp.y
i,, i,. 11 ? Carr LeMersQafitat Rn. at.
, PBRRCB Nf RM", mie wi*) irwaka Dir Un
lainrr well. Ma-I I..O' I'-' " '? J Bee*. .
a- Ik-itt Itilr. VVKMTOH W"\_
Wam BD. A WHITE IU'l'si; si;c
VANT. Mint .nmr well rcrnniinrnded. A|>
plT tl T 1 1 awl Mr.'r -k._an IB I
iv am i.;>. ii dodd Va i phpul
VT liol -F-I.IUI.. one fiat CAB nail mi th.
: ><k and wllliiiK K' sleep '? it"- "''U"S' f?' th"
proem. Ai.pl> loni k'n-' ii -r? I.Iv-lt_
ty tn knew uk-t aaa Ka<r trw tr
llORM> riOAltlll I) A I LOB VHK R
Tin ph' aa rnnneetlnn fr'mi rann tr.rlty.
n? ltt-21_R. R. I'M APPIN.
WA'. | in. rn BURRO") IbtOOO POI
BB! a* tim-, T(-?r?at a fair rate id n.t. n i.
tola neared bl tlr-l lien on r.,al ...lite mi Vlnn
oro I la-twi-,11 I--,-l.il. and gwt ininti?-Ix. Per
(OBI (tearing ko furni-li Hf arum- aili ipplv In
o. p. VASHON * rtOR,
no 16-si_W'i- 7 Tenth st-eel.
W-TANTRD. A PIR*-T-( IMSs t l.nlll
VV IRQ RALBSMAM tt travel Hie Valley of
Vlf. inti. Mus1liaxiro.il ri li nair* aid expert
< I.,, Ol V VIovO I...
noll*!?*_!L"ilrt 17. mllliniire. Md.
(ooK. Apply atenee al 11 i ~>uih Tut i
.jr.. I._nt. lt-lit'
? i wi -in wi ( o; i IBR, Bee mi: -
neet ri IM city. Ter wilow. Monet anal far aai
ii, ini n d anea reeel|H af poatsj-itare.
BT. *. oirvNT.
un 7-] ill* I.i,, k'- l'n-1 iiffli-i .Hi -nrlcn nullity.
a Hl'liO MT POT ur ou Hie -rai |n uv wa bte,
(INK OVERT (PVT. -rtlh ii pair nf clove- In tte
i ket. Hi .In -.viii lu-riwinli'd ),v P nv Ina lt a<
V\ Ph nu lt. Milla'.-lind k .-.io' liable, Nu. n aorta
KlKhlri rtrcet,
i?. IH-ll* Lill I LU'S ".III 1 I '.'..
/ lAJII TO R \ IT I. Ks s a Iv Kr~v
A l '.liM.iiiirltnii Alr..tlHH)\VN (aivV -.-_a
I Iiml h. ni i vf. lu. Iii Lore- en I on ta ip, ..tn I -lil r,
ni .M. The earner n?H coote forward, pfovt
|l|i,|H rtV. .Itel pBI i X |4 ll I -.
m. IB- .loilN .liillN<To\.
I Ult HIM.
yoi: hunt. tn
l Ul -ii: ? i.: . ll WELLING. ?
? VU 11-J 1 i lui, trot, n ?!? Cl .v : 1 I r-?.ni-.
? J04 I'ioid tirrel ne .r Byrd: 12 n
x, i poB i lay, i '? l: 10 r., mi .
*4.V -AT 1 Fi'i'liili. Pearl liv ; lu r
?4.rtl N". -1 Illili -:r,l. in ir Mall ; hi-.H.ui-.
- ' i". i V! on, mir vi ii!-"i': Sj ruoni-.
1 iii HR I nil., un ran ?traet; I ronan.
-ai i -rot ni r stna ulhandf'lai t- -i : -
184(1 inl I ('.irv. mar land. 1: 7 roam*.
f.'ie ...inii irv ,"i-i.ii 'i r?m: A room*.
1240 I Ci l ? ? . I ? ir.I -inn ; n rrsini<,
1200?910 i.IP -ii'". (. oii'tlc-- Hill: H
biri -BIS i. iiii-i i. h. ii ( hint; 4 . -
? 404 I un a. near rprln* : .', i
-vivi.li i: H"L-i - In ? tlier loralltle*.
-Killi I V( Ililli--. VV Vi: Kl lo I -I., au I OP
Hi i -. I. ilio'II ' ON IIUoWN A lil,
HIS Milt).tri
I vu ! i.LIM-- i OH REN I.
v.-. l.ni, -. nd in r Pi ml lin * r. no.;
lu t amii aid wall f. :u.-l -WW ?
\. .c il.i.i . | li '.
V .- :,l fa, t lim'. : lo ru...n-: t at'.o.
-. ?"" v., .; (,t:.; Hi r ...rn- : MOO.
IO Mat shall; lo
.1.1.. ii 4 r.uii
. ,o pnd rtrtl
? i |i . ?
I HA vK ll. Hill. A ' o .
m. Ki-'.'t Ito* M
I u ? ? oviKoi: rviiii. ano v\ i li-ajtii
'oi v|l|) !|o|-l W | |, ,.,.- on nra and
- e.,nd n.wrr- ; iud ami e,,!l ita n,li?
lt.r..n d I.kr*, pl di i . Ililli ll di Ired. Tn
? , - 1-i.iHi-1. ruint- I'ldull* pn-ferredl. lerm
i-.ndev.n n ni rite Apply with real name tnC.
II. H'.x I'a'.i p. -I-.- , . rn, lu-itt
I.-'H: RENT, THE llANlistiMLaja,
Illili K lil-!U)V'l. J ed iniir. I a?j
i, lu,,I. and pu-In - .eui,I"', iitxler, S'n. 316ewl
I I r .-.Illili ar llnr I Bad I'liirtl,
i -trm . e. 1.1..linn, .imul Pa-nun r.."!u . l|,t
.in! ????i.i win- r ni da- h 'ti,-ph,rn *ad ca- Ihroa* i
aal. II. !.. SI APl.KMi i i.
e.. H l toa Main rj
( iiMVolilol - VV Alii lpn ,p ri.r;?-rta_
' I il> it'd Nlni-P i otu 'io i . i,to ...-,-..,., ,| ti
Mr.lleary McA-arei toni -!?,. i- -. mi m rood or
ilt r, -ml .I,!- ? p? i, -!-.r ure.i
ral rm i indi e. I li'.Mx o lill I. V i o..
t ? if,-.-tl ! lr- Main
c.j iiV-vii-i k:;m tiiijkk -in gw,
epXflA/RYIlltlCKUVY'KLLINli So.Il ?Jt
? , . Ar.
WILLI A V| H. LY Kr*I ( 0.
nell ; _ ill; vi.o,
UK li iv i Ml vii si.rrter Tneniv-JH
l..|,r!li iud \, , . I I [hi I "in"-. VII
modi ru mu ruintnents, Kent Inn.
'.v ii Ll wi il I v ni- v ..
Bj lt: 21 1 I 1 I Main ?teesI.
- n,)! ID usu llli'i K DU k Ll IS., N" ti
-.".ii Pt.i I Vi,o-l ,n -re.-l. , aili nun.- |,i r.,,in-:
kin le n 4 i- "in-. * lill large tut; all In Ul
repair. WU.Ll v v. il iv vk .4 ( o..
bo 10-21 l i : ? vi
T.-ni: HINT. ni;\v lu. I \( ilKTid/s,
I I'-lili Ix HW I Ll.IVi. Ko. 308 w Ht CUr B*_
7 i.uno; .lera I tn pron .
WILLI Wt ||. |.v St t t o,
111", ia-: Mi.ii,,-!
1,'UI! RENT, lill'- DEftRABLEfM
A HI.'K h lil -HU S( L Si. hi l,.,.u., ?? nVi
ii"a ?.alu iii" ? nt'ie. n i iota*, itarile, .v -. v
ii .i-t excellent I.lion foi i ar--, | ., boardin -
nm-.. VV 'I Ll Wi h. I ^ vi .V . o.
in. IH-21 till M liii -in,- .
JV v,. BIB w-t Qraec tren; ila rooraa,a*_
Ac : ip ni
WILLIAM ll. I.V SI ,v i o.,
ll-d'l-^l i'll VI ,
V'OR BERT, 0 I 1 1 IKS.-I vYiiaeq,
sui IM mi- iii Return' i,u::,Lu.:.M_
v i. h. o ii. iak
i ? ID 21 iii-Sh li. NH I A iii.
1/uiMlKM. sn
r MOUNT vriisos i iv r, t_?
an fro fln.u. MM Mia, un Main meei ii-.n
Admin: eirht n?,in-. i-inn-. natli. double pallor*
bi.o'I- inii:',I-. Re. ll.ll-H.'l.t tnd juill ir fur
lt,-al k_,l?ie Afemv
aolt-Sl_l^I i i vi, .
l.'ui: RENT, TWO PROMT. SEC-n_l
1 "SOU i)o|{ |ii)OM-on Krankll.i,tre*tKi
lelwo-n lourlli aad KHll) vtrerti: al*., a H V-K
MKNT for tturare. Addi,- A., Carrier No. 3.
tu. Ift SI*
'UH.INT A -I'Aii: [N ?*! 'HAM K ( BJ.
oi ? ? i ipik; vi ,.s .ritatr. Itu BHOSB.
ISt olil'oltATKH IN IBRe,
iv-t ur, iiWKI I.I.Ni.-.-lolii - vii p. || t,v..
him and OTiirn ri.-opKiii r
malii.l 1,^* ardainarr liv Uro.
uuu i rtMJtfl
a. I.. HiruV, l're.ldeut:
l.iovu. VV. B* ( a.. B, Yn-c-freodent;
Wu. na ll. MASAU, -Iv ki in Al.mi n Hoi.
I HOM A- A ri.!v,o\.
Bo R. 1:11 iiai:h-on. .iohn b. (.rvnt,
.nt. rrttry. K..,, tmttwmtj.
vv. g. mai ky. BaBeBnr,
Arrui. lu all Ute proraineut i-lti,... ,???,, ull,, T|U
i*|.-ni V inri ni a.
.e l-.v-dtiiu
WINKM. I.IQrnRA atr.
fi 1 VI'll.k-i'.KANDY.l.lN. ni VI
HtKNl ll 1IKANUV. Willi K VVIU.kr V
lt lovett market rat rt br
. 'OHS V. HI,,,.is
?* * rrinklm .treel.
411 MR.
. iso (,i s-. KULIN, I'iNT.iiH. sroiVriV .
I (.OOHS and AVJMIN'ITION ?f Ki? kiv;,,,'
An rtaiiitiiali.in I- r..|lftrd. :t* all tomi, lu mt'
line will P. Mid a. ria ai, a. .Initlar r?d??^
k*atntrt ...vwlia-rr. T. M. TlONO'l. lal i tl.la
1 turd, Mtdnairpd, Vtt ?ti7-lBj
TU E&UA 1. 1UM aC.ni.
at itlfsr. MAf.ru -Potato^Bssg**.
mihi P i K V** A I, Kn! AVA LUA R1. H
tsiitiv.-TV.-BT Tirrutof ulee-litf trim from W_
W IDilvrd, d**r*l Uh- BUi day of April. ifl84.?ad
__'., % corded In the lier* . r.rBrr of therentlv
taiirl sf Unaehlsnd. and ni l >e raqrawinf ihe bene
a. Orr in I?l* "Ired, drfa.ilt luiTlnr "i-tn m*'4cli
|W' ttiasient ofarrr'.ln txmi I tNerrtn secured. I
alli .. ti ??**?-.la (Std dead, *ell at piMie aucllou
at, Ihr prenti***, ea
PH1DA Y. Dis mum ks IHS4,
ai 13 o'*!*** lt- UV- f,ilh>*rlnB VALUABLE
k AilM. tno-rn is th* " LOW KU Rt RD" lyln*
Ind (V'P* H tb? enano.,f1i.?.eM,ndI on hm*
!|t,r and Ht* I yrd .reek, ami '?..lil slue.... Wi'
ltl.tn,ot.d?n.lAileili?BTrallr,.id and .?onltlnln'
1 Be/U UP-- ***** <"? "?s-.s'i.ui 14i *'f*_"f
1 wt.lrh ?reJ*rne< riser trw rr*mid*. TRI* f*'"i
.ti, lille "lie l-?l?'*r ali i rt! vi to Ute emf Inn*'
runulntroairofilerlnesl laud mille-Ute. ind are
li? .UnaaJly well loriu-d In ri <Vdl|i!itfY,Uy mULir
ronatr*, about twa hour.- mle from |t| jimna P
Trail-: ri.oosh e?tdi lo pt* Uh riiieoee.ff
rtrrotlii* Hill iruit and thr sum nrlJJM_t ?
.Ul, InUre-l frun ihr flr-l dI it nf Sf***?'
o.t and tlc lo Utter npnn If* foi ti.win* erroll
-, ariO wnb l?l*rr*i from the Dr.. .Uy of sa-pteiu
Irr pkl'i, th* Br-t dray of -eptetn'. r. is- ? ?
ard 41 "HU' srllb liiter-n frntii inc first day "I
v,,teml?r, OUsil.tm u'c fink dvy nf sepleni'i i.
tVm. an-' a* to ?bt balanee e.i -u.-h terni. ?? ls
?aid VV. V,. Hillard mar dlrerf. I,nt In rare of hi*
ivllnreta m*kr aneri (fl ree Hoe. th.-n up"" *?*?
}*?,,,, t. iheirB?lr. eba 11 thn.k lit. M be BBBSr
tDr.a...n.Ud.T?f.a|eN ^^^
?. Ik- 'rrnvtae.
rot'NlY -Ht Timi, ff a .lecd.d lrti-1 fr nu VV
v Hirr-rrl. "Vite.! Uk* BIA d*| af v-ol. 1-4,
and daly rrrttnlcd In Ihe clerk"* ."flee of fia f tara.
irrnort of i.ooehliiii.I. .ian! al Um -w|oe*i of the
y ,1,,.,,, ,. ib "ii (trad, ilifanir. h'.Tii.iT '"fr.
muli' In 'hr payment of ii rertalii '"'nd Inertia
?eriirrd. I roll. ?< Irtl-'f- tn said deed. BBS Bl pal'
lir iaiiW*>i aa DM pmiltssi aa
ITltDAT.pacaaasa B. l-l
itt r, i,'iii.t P. BL, Hu- roii-.vTiur v.vi.rv iii,r
KARU, known a. Ihr " MIDliU UV it t. lyl nr
ati'i tM-tnr ut in rettery of (JooeBtand-ttei?_***?_
rlrtr. Mic-Hvrd ntek. and "n Imm Pl** ol'Ins
Kirhniondai'.d Allefliant tall."*-', nn I rMtalB
iir UBI ACERB, rame ur res*. 14, yd whin.
*rrJimr.-rlx.r!i.wfr.iiin'l?. Hil- finn mid tin
i.ne aline advi-rUnnl bv ihr ?*!*;* lissie*enatsln
tonie sf the inert lani. In Uh -i-f.-.nd tr-rx
r. ptl,aiillr weil l??s*nsl In a drlluht'idly rollL.f
e.,trv. alii' I |w , liuitrs' ride Tr..nt Itii-hiimnd.
Trills. ra...n*'i ' eh lo Ml '" ' >?
rarcatlM u - ?"i-L -""I Un -I* '" b__?B1 I ?
w.ih Ittterr.t fmintl.e Itt d'y "f s. pit rn >r 18*4.
ami the holvti.c ano* tar f.dlowiiir rr, li
tl.7C.. ?HI> liitarct fr,in Ute I- dav of - pb in
k,r. H?:t ,,n Hu- IwMynf "eptsreber, 1885. ind
*4,7?*. with IntrrtM from the 1st d tv of
tar. UM.mr 1 tdiv nf - pl mn* . I BBB-sad
aa tat auy nalaara sa MM N I rat, a, thr vsl I M Vi .
I lr.?/ard may tllrrct; Ml in Nt af BM f illitre lo
nuke mi h direr l*tt*. then upon Mtfk irriao SI tin
on-p.- -loll think til. ki i-i inidc knnwimn tra?
il* r *f ??%;.. V\. VV. i 'i-KV. Ju..
aa IB rm t--.
Rei! r-Ult AkTeitl.t.iii'l Am'inliter-.
I tefl Hain -?nit.
i; ' RLR I.UTI.i TRI < R Ft it vt. CON
TAlNIWI 4lp.1T 14 A REaori.ASfO AMD
Mil tn- WITHIN 1141 VA MILL of KIN
Al Ike riipn-t af [Moaner tra .loll ?*??* fdr (ale
at | iii.lle .victim upnll the pr. BltSS, "li
THfli-HAV . ROI t.i.ioi: 'JU. IB84,
at l-.'?'rl">rk kL.llie alHivc-lr.-r'i,o! PROPERTY.
lotif owned ino oerapled Nj Benjamin I
k-,;.. ivinir a' i-u' -ix Mils* sorts of "i"- city of
Itlehmond. uni r.tuuin* sn Um Haaaary rmi
within li.-ilf a mileolareirn!arrallriuid-i ci n. '? '? ?
r'.n ii i.ltlr,-. Ar, win tv leveral tnlm pas
dally, in?r- ''X (trina it inti r airm.-nl tdranta(i -
H'e land I .,,'*,-..! uiitl :.. mir tt.ilf of ir Inch o
- phe,i. itebalaaes In wtjn.1 Uh own.lino
I* i-.iitiparanv. lr newwl'h four reOBM I M - Ol
oiii-iniidpr-. Be.
I lt re i-. ti Hu-td'.. ?? a '.?ui.'l V'.iiinr ? r karri, a.T.
a vartriy ni frs li aoai eater. a>.
I I hm'-: Hall' ea-P. lol.nc" si la andtwelrt
i.ii... -i ; pom .t ' ?>??
unit. ^____? _'
liv imo. L. Liia-hPT. ir.. Aaeti.
rrj! Mala
? \ i K I. I. E N T iRJl ARE '.I.*.
1j PROM r HACK. rt.-. illly pul in rift lt
d*:-, trill bc ...til in sae Hen ee
ii ISe'elork, la fretnl of Ibe ? or, I o-? -h ip. "I
a . 'I. !?? ni i! h .* ' ? ? I ' ' ' a"i -(,-??? ? li -
Usia .'nd Pi o'i-i.' . i" vttl,'.
Ih i v -,., ,i i-. mi i.
I I a. lr.: Al -.He
.INO. E. LACOU rSN. '.':.
BO iv
J a
VfiRl '- VI i uni PROPERTY .
I I 1 IPIVl.
rOUACI o-l u loiiti- ind OTU KR
I'. I HI (111 OP l> \ NV ll.l.K, V V..
tv il!! < i,ix iv OP PITTRYLVANt A. NEAR
HVNV ILi.L. v v..
Bl I "Vi l.vo roT.i ? WILLIAMSi ( ".
pei aaai lo ? I I
,i, ? nv ' I lil dimond retidi red on I it ls dir ..l
Viiiiiii'm. I--I. ll
l < i idinr iiinl.r Un (trie i f I. ? . wi liam , In in.
i.vin il.-l a. ,'..?.. pl 11 ir i'i. rt. Mary W. I'h. mi i-.rt.
, ? uti ? ' hom**, de, .i . ;. md
du. nc.ni-, we will |.i. i. , | , ? .t*e
H,.ti, lo Un bittiest oi.
?. ,1881,
i vu. In Pitt vi-, in -
rtinnly, on nn.| near I" in- franklin tv
i. v il: vi i ( uv i un.v.. .rt" J-i . vi rt R?
mon or li *, known m Tr iel So, i I
ixi.i vv ll Hani, a ('-"."ii in.'.xl md.
i. A TRA.' l vino. :. -.!?.:?, i-i I flt PS.
ii,ur- or le**, and taowna* Traci No. I
:t. v ii; u i i on TAININU 13(1 2-10 VI Iii-.*
ti ,,r. rn I --. kno* ii I i -.ttla.lt ?
on Tract N l il! u'cl.a-k
A. VI.
Inn r,Hil!. Iv liter I ll I ' (!?? vi
will proceed i .-> il Un' peronil itroprri] I
? inf I.' . u,;:, ' i death
? a Jam' - iiueii.i .ii - imeiy.
i V!| Ll -.
Vi 4I.I.N-.
And ii I"! "I t VHVIINi. IMt'l.F.MI N ! t.
i,u"! en Hu- neal .1 ti.
vv BDNRADAi, Nov I am ?-. . a, IBI h
e. tn iiit-ii" in,' ni 1 1 ..'. ii" V A. M.. we will tl
io-tn Mr purni snrtlnn.on the premix,. H.tin
I bidder, the roi lo wi na URAL I.-I V ri-'. In
the rill "i H."iviic. in tn, ,,.,|,. roenUoDedas
I l tri ol' I 4 vi), alia BRU I. PACT0B1
ANTI ('lill I! PLII.IllNi.-tli.ri. int.l-v itt),
and vi ter I nd ssl Ol I t'rnHt
Hmr lt << lo-' "it RllitfT .li "i tS tu lal ? ' i .
iT-Y feel, ni: i S : ?
?J. Lol Ir.e'l'ii? ni lirM.-e .treel I I ' ot .
??I ii m.- hark aboal 17.'. feet.wyih ol.ii HRtCki
PACTOKY 'AH oi io '; Hill OIN.,- i
:t. LOT ft "ti ii m.- hi Ht il.-, tirrel 7U feet, wlBti
depth ol aboal I ?A (eel ,,,, eu- -il, aadontbr
ut lier ddt .ii..,ni '.--'I reel, i u* vx , .
Ins lin .lol ni JonUn * -.?.,!(. and
' ? N l)f.|l PR \X|L KAI lol.V |
4. I. o I xx, :, SUOUKN Ll Vi lolivri f)
Kai lt du .
ituiiiiii.- os i ind iain
ni...- I reel, know na* Lot Kn i ,n ?
? ? ? i, .nieI,-.-.-ii.ii un ti liv 'I.CVV I;..m.A Ca.
nf |'|..|4i'v ' . !, ir od '.. '.!,,,tu li] di |f|*u>.| o.o.
ut ".:?-:. r in rYTl'lam vi. i ?
fl. Lol Irii-Lnv ll
(?I!!. 4 ? I - I li rt, l-.itw Ih -,
lil ! tutti, d and a tbi I I) To kt all
-ie li by aid r- - ni .tl Uttu "1 illdtll liol-, ni.
ii. LOT Ki ? I, i "ni' ? 50 fi a -ii -
11. mini-' Ha- kaboo! 1 ?
;. I ti I N" il. rronllna :. I fret on lld all,?.
?ad ru,,n' k- hark nitoul'.'lO feet, with a ? vi vii.
HW I Ll.INO linn.
, -. Ll i No. IT,, lr,.nilli.i -o I .allix !
and maalrur back alaiut 210 tset, sritlt ? -VtAl.i.
... I o I Ko.21. rmntlas on M H.
il ",.-|,'ll Ol Ch,Ul 1 !7 . Ti -t.
10. Lo I Ko. -J-j. trim lour :nul r, lu.' u
.in of Ibe rivet I 11 feel bj I 17 p.-..
1 I. l.oT Kn. -J,t, ti rt by 101 feel
lu.Mtil.iti rou.wnii a .:.-|,!li u li, fii i, ,.i ,_? u*
Ihe marglu of Un- river.
13. LO! No, 28, -,",!, ii .
? -i- io i deep.
I :. lan v,,. -ju. o .un.- ?? ? Hid iib r ahnui
14. Lol nt ll.. . urina n| Lae.n and Paitoa
tlrsrts, t'.'.iriii,' oa L'alon iri . im; 48-100 fm
1 uni un r.iU'ui -lie.-i 148 4-lu fret.barina le-.-i
reenitlv nI.lo ul.-I Into fire Int,, loin- h-ualiM
na Hal ti -lr,. I. Ri dj-1
, fr uiin. on Patton ttrrei .". t l-ia laet. Hu-ps
win 11 mid ii.Una lu said i > ?? rom
nieaelBB at Um loton i atou i. WI
I ia.*. x- io ci v. ? -l v ri. One fsartfa i ,
?uni ilir i- -nPu ns .i erinn of -ix. tv,, lie. mi
. ii in h.Ho reap, rtlvely for ii
wtUif. |- -i- e.ai Ll n ter.-.t a Id.-d fr".lay ol -tie
ami tlile retained netti ali thc pun baa* moa* -. la
p o.i tad j ? san . nu e he ord ed by I la
Pt ? .1 once ini!e.. ,,ti.< netts u
in .rsl ntl ,| IV Ul -Ult'.
I I i-.n- v- to i-hl!s..v.vi .:-.,!' ail Catii
TAMK- ALPdKO ?? "Ni -
I AMES Pl.* \s\vrs.
Ri n iv.Hi vin. xvi. Hi . . v
vv ii i it vn. .it.. pi korners, soaisbt Taos ti
v " vi -., lot om ,t-. iv no: ru.xv. suv
t .a Pl '.i rio ri i v ,) |:u BMOVD.
I. Rt ithniin ll. lt. ri x. i ler* af isld t mri.rM<
tx th tl the bond reo/slred of Ut* rpectal eotnmU'
ilouen by Ute derra* tn ali ni ? of Nonlaser !
Issi, aaa iM-rii ihtiv tl rea.
lox. ii Kii-i. r in. Mad lhi> I Ilii di tr.il N ,?em'i-r
ua 14-Kii H'S I4VIIN H. RRRBT.
liv K.W. Howe ind Kraiik tl. Hilt A I ??>..
ale Ajjetu.ind Au. I
1 fl.I IViritOVKO lil Al. I>1 V I I ON
ANDI Ali! -I IU.KI-. 4Nlni\ sol; ll-IIH
. 4I.'\ IO I W kin POt'RTI P.NTH AND Mk
l n-NI ll srRErtSx.-UyTtrtueof adaedol tra i
fr,,mo. Petey Haw ... flated -cpo-nt hei 1. 1 -?t
I it.tt ,'it.v teeorde.! in e|erk'. .tBi-e. Hi.iiiiinii
it4...i, ( .int. I?. u. Ut it.pai,, aW, defasji
1 haTiiiif Is-ni uisile In rrtrnirnt ol r,ri:iin ml.
I dktrelS '.'"-in -a. aud Jillie i,-,.ir.l nf Ihe rkeneti.
,'lliv In tod de-l. I will, a. siirriviiL- tni-t.-i.,
said dree, MR it pauli, m.ainu on tu pr*ml*e*, on
1 l I BOAT, n,.X i.ano ,: ga
l| I J ?clo. W M ItVRK.Al. EXT AT I de -rihedin
? I. il- Pde,!,. '
I l-l. A LOT OK liROI-Nll.tn 'lc I
I I .-.i'll-tren Vae.i, .Uti-, and ' uv ttrrtKa
fr.,i (inf t it Kifiaenti
and ruii?ln*l??rk Ra feat M iiiclie, lo ll,, I ,t r,i..
I meilv >?? md Hy Taoain. 4. Rest. L'aoe up. lc
Uar. U S Hillville HP. UK Bl IIDLNO. tniUkbR
tor lunn IrT pur|jo^.^
I jd A I.Ol OK Hitor ND ?ci Hi norh .id,- ,,1
' I'nx -fr.tt helween leio.-nt.ir
-,,... ..V *imilii? .rn Car. .lr,,, a' a i, . I
1 tint Hil Uvj-l- P-el Wfx,t ol Hi':' nih -lr-ei, run
I nlnr Ua nc-aratwardlT alon* 1 ht itreefSI f, et
I 7i? Iniht -, *M taaase n.? kesk ts*waar
imrilh-l inn. , 1 fret U)'? im-h??- ta ts *H ?.
I S', lilllie- aide.
ld. A roi OP QBOtIND, a.luini,,^ ..? il,.
"?1 ""' >M a'loxe deaurlhed. tinnitus xn Cut
*t^w'.,. .'! ,>'i.B> '"s-bea. aad inuutai beet in
tiseallel line. 71 fuel 104, ia, hr. ts au ailey :| i?.|
Bx, titelr, wide, leadlni out 1.. ktrtee?t:, .,?..,
1 I'pou tee (w.i la-t nien-lotied '.I. llief are T Wt!
1WO-IOI.V !>!>.I,K TKNKV4KNTS. V. !,
and 142S ea.! tart -tieri, Ihe whole pr?jer'>
i?nil ihe .ame rreentrr oe. upi. d hy Ur.!,. iv, v
ll iweia. tl,, -.mlhero -aw- Tn,! Ul,-Wm ..
I Tikvis. ( AslnttoaomiMihBsitneer-tvnrrriiini
iliervi?a.-.s?r ihlltatsaadsayuiawMtstaui *
1 dui rn 1 .ne ip.te rorB481.io. win, lui.? . -
! ind. ni .d'Un-remilnlns note., bein* piv ...'lr cv.ti
, Ihrrt-.nth-theerafter In tbenrder itime.1 atv.ve
! thrrre.111 rvtinir..|itorutel.iu;re*tadle.| aud t
be ??rared '?? ? 'l>ed of tr tu-1, ?r it,,. ssatBssti
j m?T.af I 1- i>|.t|..n. p?y sit r.ttiu
I M 1 ' sunning Trusiif.
\}Xhl\ IO, Ak-K-r*-.
Brcrriure BA^iot>-rnttieo tantwjb
Hy Rn naen Tapper,
Real Ratal* ASaal and Aiirttoerrr,
I? 10 Brain tirrel.
UUMlBaWH >!???'"
tty aMI at Hie owner, I shall arl! k* a*r lo i.
in bm Btaataatiaa
a-*0B0DAT, NovmuBB BS, IBBw,
nt )2 jtttath Ha Mjejjlrjg lettteed te mt t,v
VAM'AHI.K l'l.-ol'kK'Y. Tis..- are P-IORT
i\.o.k|oi;v HKICK TKNBMKNTa on 'icy
IS(. ni Kirbie* 1.II1 tirrel, and RlvVBN nviu
-TORY BRUK TPMEMEMTKob a wPt* altey,
nrrntdrd as 'la-rt* ami dwrllllim at a my Ina nt; ?
tn. ip. '. I T ul* ia.! r,,t eu ('arv mn eitel'!*
IM sSBil ?'? |H' BliiBaV IPe wrwUni line (.1 ' li
rrn IP atreeI to a wide aller. Thi* property In lu
pri-nil -PU' l*?T? well, lull tri na a* lt do* ? In Hie
uddslof Un- wholesale bu-inc*., and har I Bl I I
f.rt trnnl ut.i ladhOa'V and Klsrliprenti' ?H *?:*,
i Rena rnind "' nortnatiy fiartlieerec'l'irnir r,.
l?r|ra ami warri,,,uar, wlilrh miol pr vr viPivde
tiitrttmriit.. l"r tba Bawaaaai iinneit lr enan
i.. nillir tdT*at*?a. P. ina must ei.iireni.-iit lo
-liild'Hir b. l-lh rall aad water and all Hie facill
(i .mo ti fur e.iiPliictlPt I'
Trans: tlne-fllth i-.i-li; baUaeala nun .anna,!
mynu ip-, ii per rent, lateran aaweaiod ?
' ,-r.
ht anona .* (X,
Rral f state Ak'rnt* and A u<-1 lonee-.,
i rn ? Mala rttret.
1 UNIV!! SI-. NOS. Bli VNU OIN iVKni'
iiii.it HiiwH.N i.irviiAvi vsn mil
NTli'fr.TN.-Uv virinr nf a certain deed of Mail
i xi filled K lin- iilnler-ilfni-il too.Iittd dal)
!i7. IM*'.'. and af ri cool m IM el
Iii. lill.lld ( It-oti rv ( ui.rt. I) ll. 131 A,ixl*! 140
di fault t ariel lei ti (eade in lin 'pajraenl i I "??
e, :,?-.. un-d ll;. r~lu, utnl Imo*-r>,|tiirol ?" lol..
i thain. Air i or sale at pub'li- auction, upon MM
lui m. t ?. Ul
B/KIIRBBOAT, Kovbmbrr IB ir-?*.
i .u i e-cttei p v.. nu- Property r* iim *?
?Bore, Tia-1 oT tn.n*- -'J li 11 na IM north nd*
af l. U-li-in. Land rna* back M r.--,'.- io illey.
1 Itu. HW I'LI.ISi.v .,f, o,I-,,into iv ar?.tar
? Ira io ii i nil within nu ii.t h.n- x ir., and ron
j tain three ??!?..un, ii -h. riu j are m-w rented to
l *?> ,?l let linn.
Tbbrb: Ii-Ii ii- io ripen*? el -il- and
ti'fl'.'.H |, vv nit -.m..- ni' r. -t; balance np na sere
! Ulta- Iii*1.i.i I mil.I .l.ius.irv ',-. !nk,',; IfLrt I
milli April '.'<? I-so; 144.90 uuiil Jul. 'ht.
1 -.-.".: .ii.-l I dance ipi ai ii rm- t" In uinoanefd
( ll. -I ITov |r, lea.
? A i Cs, A action*. r*. ?-... 14
Binnari!" ,t Mei Bl Iv.
Real i ut.- lat ti tad kai i.re.
\ SI v i si i rs i ii -il; ia ? I'tin'Li! PT,
( ol lil i i UH. (Iii ol-' HU HMoNIl,
Hi ( HHi'l-' NOV! MIHI: I 1.1884,
? i Bl ' -u :'.e air v, .named d> ree iii
? i . ned iippiii'. ,l .p. rial *om
? er tin i-'i.x vnu uH'.i rot mk.tic pu *.
'' "lill li.-UW . MOVBRBBS BO, lsd.
Bl 4Mi ?clock, H.. PROPER TV aboee rm nil .m I
I P. li t Pur , fr.>r 41, f- e< "ti tin- -itilhae t
corner of Lowan and -emin , ni ii .oe,a*..-md run.
i.-.'k lull lil te Concord -irci-t. .ntli a-Vt Vl.l
I I: WU. DWELLING and other Imprnremeuta
Ha nun.
: pm One third eaah; reatdat at-ix and
im io month*,for negotiablenote* (warina Bp
ont. Hip ii-!. BBd Hie till ? n!-.'liol uuiil Iii-" i
il re pun io i- uni ? x li pHii and i ronti i
ordered byllu roan.ni ttl cash, al the ont'on ol
Ihe parri i.V.UKDUV.
I ii lt -l. . 'll |-,iin-i.|--i,,tii r.
Uv Prank ll. HUI h Co. and N. W. Bowe,
Reit Kattie A n n! iiu-i Au ii
?I'lic-i i:i.'s s \i.i: ni \ ali yul;:
I MACHINS nv iooi-. : is ll'til :-. PAT
I IPS-, ,t, .. IS i II"- I.i ,: ol v,v nv i viii
-a i.i t- ; liiut'v i n i: I r: v i il v v..
Ul 11 l- si ii -ia:1 T* A Nil i'i! l : iv iii ni
I vv i- I v 41 VI- VNO 4 AIU STRKI I-. RI
IFNI I.V Ol I UPI Kl) HY ).. I'. Il WV ii-, AVB
KNOWN V- fill' .-di lill i:n kaw- wu
kill -\U O'Iv v 4 S 11 1; ""U- Vt III. ni - Wt'.. -
Lv it'. ' i . ?! . I -I n .i-? fr .rn (.. C. Mawe .
dated I n lui, dal i t Vi..- .-I. I'--I. anddaij
e. r.io! In tl. rb rk't ol H.
? ..uti. tn . ii" ri o lu er. .ion t, I xx ll ott r I .?
..PH, ai'.. Hon, "ll Le IV* 1, ?
., i ii,, a, on
I I L-I1.VV. Viv iv -., !- I
e. iiiiiii'ti.'ii-/ .nt I ,.'-!,,, i, H. vi. linn
n , ile ol tin- bulldlrun), all ihe PROl'KH i v
,i m. v. a to nu. under nd dca i. eomlsti . u
. i > lin--. ? th COHN I'Li: -ll \
? ni ii i -ri;I ? ?'-:
I VIII.I ISi.-V! V, IlISi ;
? ll'oS I'i \ ?
1 l.oi ((Viol !', I ia il I! c. :
I r M.ISi . I!
i I viol:v -Win KL I '-t'..-;
i risi :iisi,-vi M him- :
1 Illili.!, fur.inline iii "i li
, Bl l.l-l I I I IN,. M 'i ,11 --L. 'i>. VI i'll
-ll U'l ;
I e.,:.|.,?].,,'|SH-|OSi.- i
II VIIMI I:-.i i:i-l I.i. Vt-)-. Will xi in -.
TAPS. OH-. I'l SI III-, ind -i'l the
TOOLS, IMI'1.1 VI' V l-.,v, . .-? I lu rp
in mutt, un. nf ? rx ,
. ! .: ol RI Vi i-v|| | ll - .LS;
Pl UN Al I , \ VI. I Ml \l CT-PAN, A ..Bc.
VI - i.
I PATENT I ATI!!' amii o'. N I lit -ll VI i
i .IH.--VW md ("is i n: silAPT:
l (UH ll vi: - vu . TA 111. I and -ll vi l .
I PONY I'Lvsii: RI vi m.-, v i -
ai-... ai" i i- i i -ti vn t vi,
;:, I'l I.I.KY- l-nl; -li vi-| INO, v t
I viii,!. NT'MIIKK ol -AW -.
ni I- li I -ll liv | | ( li!'. OK-iv
i ol'! ISL.PHI --.('ll VII!-, ftc.
ai ". I i vni-iioi:-i i vii i. winiai:sk-s.
liLACK-MlTll's-Nllor HI ll HISi. un Iraaeal
(round,andi NTfMKLTI UP "lIH.i: vl.'Tlt'l.Ha
Ol MAI HIM RY,*? a
Tbe mott ol the machinery i- il moil new, and
i...t i-i'i n.vi d kimi.
Tann*: Poralliami undia B100 eaah; on all
-ii.ni - 'mr ?'.00. a nut!-, with i .tn, -t add. I. pi* i
ble In -ixtT ila] ?. xxltli :ip|,r,,x, ,| endi
nota h. i woii i ii wi i
By i. i'iii.it.p.nii Bmwa .1 co.,
Rral l.-ii.i, .tu nt tad ka I
I I HI Mala Oren.
Ol i iii iiii.D.-iT:i;i:i' pruPERI t.
vi vii vm;v -iliiiii.
III lil. I- V 'll: "IM'oi; il V! I 1 .
i HoK Kilvl li VI l.oi ', I los
Vt ' will -eli Bl I ..'?!:? "i- 1 lon, "ii Ila 1" ?
i Iii fl, W . S-'i i mai: 9. l--t
?I 4 tu P. M..
i v\o io -iK.vm.k: i'i -on s. !?:-. v .
Ili'l ,'i, .'ii-l 111' U kOBlll i'll,rd ..,-. l-l. a
Vlllll I".
The nw i.i l.l si.-i -..inn len i.ns each, with
dall room*, paotrle., bath-room*. clo*ei . Ac
Hare th. modern lin
? - -. inn.i *
Un- LOTS ir..i.i _?- reel eieh by I _
-. ? iel real tilt i .
rhe local ii of the mos) c uv ip itt ,u
the ? in,
I Ail ,,"p..rtuiii''v :., h iv on I 111 I i ?
ii -ul. i.i -tro-l i- -,|,!,un "Hi ri 'I
I i an* ? One fourth r**j il Mx,
i t?. H.- ? mot ih ?. i
-.-. un.I i.x deed ,,!' tm t.
I, I MOMPSUN llliow x e OO..
Il" 14 Vuell ? ,
lo '?. A Appel .,,11.
Ri ii | tttie An. bm ind Anetlent ? i -.
Nu. I i,"Uh k !? v.iiii, In
OP STORR ash DWELLIBu s ? | la
-ol III -Hi INO -I li Kl 111 I 1 W Kr. S i VS VI
xs,i iiviiH -11: i rr-, io rlrtueol . ieerve of
.r! "I the ? uv .,f Richmond, .-n
lered aa ?*..- I BUi October 1--4. la la* mil ul
(.ia ..v.. .v.i ur. li u.io-. Ai-., Hie nader,, rue I
?pedal .-.iiiiiiil.-Pni. 1 tli.-r.-P, ippolate ', aili ?-u
t,? oe ti..11,.111 Hu- pr. tui-i-1, ea
1111 hnuay. KovBMnaa IS. ibm,
1 ' Inri. I'. M.. the aliovi'-.i*., ,!,-l |;t Al
l-l a ll, ii- min) 1, 11 ,,, 1 11.i t,y Mr, 1.1.
1 111.m- ta a rrocerv-klore. and *?- a tir,t-i-tte
.iiml. Tht LOT franki 50 fem oa Ute w.-.-. tide af
Second drc-t aud rum haUi 90 tfeeA.
tmxt.v: Dm- l.iurtli i-a-lii aud t*?l.e at four.
rlahl. and tw.lv.nulli- fur ue?.iii?l,|? noir.. Ul
i. ..-I ,.|.|,d. an I lill.- oUHiid until 'a- p-ir.li,.
m.,nf I-paid and a ronreyanc* .|in,-l?.| br the
i i.url. V B. AI'1'KRsON.
-ix aai i eamtarieaei
i.'.o.r- ARO Wira,A( .I'lxiNiin-, o.tiv-i
i act:, a pi -rf).. Ac. U, I kvi, c. r-: I* ut,
CnaYSCBBV loon -.) itlr. ( irv at Kph.
Las?ttala H. Berry.i i k "' Md aaaet,car.
llfl Ihai the toad rt.i ol Hie -i*--iti .'>,mnn,
tioner by thcdrrrce in -aol ,-ma- or o.-inwi in,
I SM. ba* '.ni lull no ,.
Oitrti null r inv li in t tin - 1 -t da) ol No*eni'M>r.
:--! Ul Si AMIS H. BRRRV.
I'u-ii'uvi vn s i
I lu alHiir ^,'i i- it-'tpunol !"
i iii bru A! s-'i attaea ? \ i-*4
a! 'In .aim hon". A. H. A I'I'k.K-oS .
n., ' I -la-j'lsl lointti'
Ut li. li. i liaHlii A I'd..
i:. i i -ni" Vf.'ins md Am aaxaaari
/ 'iiYl.MI--lti.NKU-' SALK Ol' A DK-I
t i: IBU 11: vi i ol i. wu i os i visin,,
.tn Vt'll In. IN 111. SH 11 o (ail N rv. Ol 'rna
KV.-iKKS .-lill, ol ill! ORBORNP IIKS
( UV oi- 'I'll TIMO.MI.-Hi Tirtu. ufa -terre* ot
ii, ni:, " i penn ('earl ra laced (>!trdspi g, 1841
ni ll., ni-.' "t K.asrt- -. R Averil and o'her.. Ut,
una r-nne.1. ip.-, lal mmaillilenen ap|??nla-,l lot
Hie iMiriaxte. will til bj ptkbUr au.-ii.tu. <? rrum a
llniri.iurt luiii.r,,mj
VIoSO kl , Ora BaOMB ?. IS84.
,l?- i-illll l-.l3T.lt 1 ..'clock P. M.. the RABB
lucatclat ihtue, nf which William Robert, di, ,|
.roie.1 and |Hm-rwr,-d.
lliclaud lu- beautifully, with a !.,ua fr.xal an
tb. O-borue itirnpikc. O plentifully water.-.I. tn I
I,*, vn, aear rt* dweUtni one -n tire anet .pnn<.
in Baaatra Virainli
Ttie iH.priii.iin al- .'.npi.t of a dweltlnr
rate lam. and other out buddins-.
Dir pioiliulty nf Oil. pmprrtT r.. the .Mtv. willi
a .-ral road P-a-lnn; the?to. make* ii xcry de ii i
dr. kai lt will prone a pmritiidr invctment.
Ttnxn: on. t.iuiili e.t.hi tue tial.xnrr in tlirrv
???i"..il in.lalmrii!.. 4t ,ix, ox ri v.. md ri/te.N u
inmiili-. for nut,-, .it d |?-i.*iil. uuen-tt. *nd lill
retained i-y lb*i-rHtrl lill all ila- |nir,-haae-m-.ii.o
i-i'"' v. I. Hon.wari:,
k.i . MTMOR,
. . ? ,. -pet!lal Cnmmlwlonci-.
-al. nv Ll. i II4IUV A rn . Auctlmire i.
Iii nu nt. vr. Pi.ioiit* .vn o rm it,
I I,, iov t.i-tlfy Hui ||,? Ih.uiI rciulred of tS|?.
rlai-rouinil-wloaen A. L. Koulaair ;iud t i
vtin..t I.v derrel enlrrad -in SUI dav of Ortsitwr.
IS-1, ni ..U,v,- .ult. Ima l?-rti dlilv aiveu. l.ltnv
nu.1.1 mr hand lill, lin, day of Novrmlwr. 1S*)4.
OKillOK vv ? VHTr.lt,. :.. k.
ArrniYR RAItlrN? Yatana ?*??*?
Bf Manum t P.SMplwB ? "..
Real Tat*** '"'"" *?'l -.r"lftti*STv.
he. ll 4a Mair, jteeel.
TmvwTEEn halk or a mplbnpih
I pith; pah m ok one l?^^.M,A*l,
?I li I M -nv. STTCATk Aimil r KIHHT MILE*i
H imvitll HMOND. VA.. NE A fl JTJIE
CHARLES CITY woaD-II/ vtrtiwof a **''?'"
deed - r tnel <liki.vd.lla -.?ath rl.vnf '..-Mtta-r. IMS I,
a ,d daly neordcl'ln ih- ? ..rVinm ?*;.f H'tni;*-'
Conti Curl. li. D B. ll-a" I*W-150. Tessa (E Al
len.l will sell al iniellos. ?n th* pri-nHics. Beti'?
rniiilr. d tv. m do hy the hold' r ? r aaa ?< inc n?tr-<
iherihv*eenrid. d'-raull hariup been made in Ile
payu.ri.t if Hie -sim-, un
tVEHNKSDAY. Novxan** Ci.lfls*.
,1 the .r Of I ">'<?A P- *? - *R *f ?* EKop
HilY n-nvetetl in ?.-U'l deed. The luiprnv
neat, en the farm ron-Pt "t 1 F""d -MA Uti.
MSN f I.l IVn ronulnlnr two ronni*: ul"..'ur.
ann Kitchen. There I" al*ns small .,rift tri
Tsnus : Kmniph In ea<h ?" piv tnr eaecu'lnr
U i" iru-iand I" P?y 'If mid <l!?li arpea BJ*** nt
8'47 ilt.Uwr -ti'li of Detolte . IS"4. with hiter
*."i salli laid. Itni.st the Both ?.f October.
1 r-S.*.. .Mitt ?'27f>.:i4 2oUiOfK>.V-. IshC. ; and UM
lalanc*. D any, apon Mich term, a* Hi. wu) H.
A Hot .hall dira.-t, an.l In < kc "f bte filia* t"
alf* "Ut I) dtrectl.io then a. Hu- -ru.tee .lull dlr..-.
Tba deferred pavB*eai* sn tte wrurolr-y laSorOoii
tl. i .r.'t'erti. and lb* Ini'dint/" tn he a Bl .i-tirctl
r,r mm..nt ur *...n*. m Krsvl^Trmt?.
Masnini, i'.Staplrs A Co.. BJOBSbBmaOB
no R-I.l* -____________^_?
Hy Chewn'.nr A BBSS),
Kial BOtan A?enl?. A.icti'.n.^e*.and broker*,
V". .", north Tenth >tr??l.
-TKfK.T Pv r-'i'i, lol the owner, who l? ab ml
IO n ni ni M. ii. BM ' Hs, se will nil SJ BM l" "?
ss t ORT SD ts. Vlsi ur sr t:>. loaf
nt 4 i.'.i". i P. M.. BM l-iu:ui-'"s a>*aertb*At as
above, . ,
Tile DSS Kl.Ll VU romain, flu- '.
?aaa! convenience* all In sseslleal or mr.
I h. I ul i i- it fi".it ut .'4 ? fiet ly. a Se, ?
IOU lsd in in alley mn-.r I.: r., livta*
Thi prent d'uuin.1 fur properlj mr <"
ll,, .lr. v.- .I, .eiiiuio-i (nails. ? ' '
nail for. .ti ul i ra "iii i ?? un band, ail nf Brassi
ate rt Milli* lilli!'il Pt) .iHe.i'l.
I 'viv: uni- Hurd In ctMi; the re-idik" at ?i,
and nilli nu ci Hi-.c. o' r ? rm. oil. n
aecurtsl Itv a ITS i-tl. i-I. tu all SasBSSS lin t *r
chascr nun . . t
noll I'lllAVNIMi A BOSE. A nc'tourer..
real KsTtrp; tr pitiiui: male.
noll -AKK, DWEL1 IN"* IN TH
iiio'li, e.t-r. ssata, BBS 08 t Cbs
<n. ysa liksbert. < RRWBTKQ A KOBI
bs tf.-'-'i AasBUkt v. |... ,, initi. -??.. .
i: All.HO All LINEN.
/ UIKsAKKAM. .WU lilli,) RAIL
\ Vi NY.--1 IIPDCIT IV Iff pl lilt inilfi:
IB, ifs*:
f*S8 A. tl. P'M Ni Sill if- Vi VS,Old Pi III Pom
fort, tull v. rf. Ik. Duly Pt. i
iii* tin, i !u.ur- iiiid twenty
ill 'um,it-- Ki.a ai..,-I to Morfota.
s.n. t, r ni Hatton* an I Li'iirii/t."), Kv..
I., utavltle.aad CTnetnasH, Mall i ?
u pt 'nu.lil*, li.tl. ki-t line I'l.'X
invitii. N ,.. marias" elua* twa use
Hon* PIS -I melon.
S 18 P. M. Charlottes* lleaccommo*aUln?(mts
ed) ililli, except -umlav. Slop, at
all -tallon-.
rt 46 P. M. Po* Newport's News.Old Point,aad
Norfolk. Eipre i exceptSunday.
ts 88 P. ll. lei I."ii nh!" and Cincinnati, amt
BeeUap for all is.iiiM West. North
...-i. a.itl Southwest, lu express
dalli. If.*-- not atop for local bwsb
Pullman ileeplng-eara lilli
mond lo Cincinnati ami ss nunn ..
and - li ii loth i Uh lo l alaetlh .
p .'?" A. tl. Prom < i.irii.it' ??''!' sxeeyjl SaaOaf,
11:38A.lt, tr,an Norfolk.Old Point.an! V?w
I , i Vf*,-, r *.t pt -un I if.
t jr. p. M. from Loutivllie,Clnclansil, tad Pi
local t-'tni ? -vi ta -iin.l.iv.
8.Iel'.NI. fioiii Vorl'L.tit-. pi-nii'liT. Pino
Hld I'olnl ' 'I sui i" s
vi IS P. AL t rom L.uii-iiP. md C I la* I
Past express 'I ll
-nnd iv Excursion to Kew port'? New, ml ml
Point Will ' u- I.'" lim lt I - N. SI...i il um iu
i; 18 P a;. ,t lurnlnp;,
Depot : -, ni m..-kitti and Kr' ad -??>??
Tl. lt l-ufflu I . 1000 At ,ui M.. .1 and I , ? ,
Peakeaud . Uilu Rlllwaj ti. pol
IL NV. Pl l I , 't.
lim. ral P
C. W. SMITH. O' I kl Ma ? . l l
DEF*. KT) HI. Of MT!'. I Mr. !T<?.
ALL IV I f PAM DI S ri I A MPV..-.
lin fast ind hraotii i;KM,i
..ipi. li v. !,< r wharf, pi pu dock, I
Tweuty-?-r lld - r ?,..?' ?- I . N. si ev r> I Pf '-?
DAN. lill U-D.NN. and .-A ll P.DaV, Itt
rTflphl rec. iv. M al i "sm -1 ft ATM from r P.
AI. tN.rv AP VMS-. IMUS ... st . ind I ttl
HAV; u ltd " III s. sp. i I t-Mts -, I URI'S.
list . -SM PUSS -. Il, l,I.M I.
? I..? pa*at-nsei iccoiniimdatlons md arrives al
?le-ilii.tp, n M.i,. ii i "in i Utan *nvother boot.
R, N ..'SI V. Af, nt.
p..!: I-uni iii
A vd ONLY DIRECT len l T. sn rHOI ,
nvi V si.Ml lu Ol ll POINT ? ns'fi)!; I
iwi .
N IKnlM s -l EAm"b7>AT i "Stptvs ?
?I nnd --lin i ll i INK
fut: V WPORTS) VI St -, vuK fi il.K. Pul | -
Mill ll!. AVM .1 SSH.-. IMS t li I. NVD
IVu- HMM.: ,.
ONS Liv;
fnli ULM PiHVl, P. NI 1 I vu,PT. NVD I tic
SOI iii - x ni ) vf n p vunv.
AND A I Nf SS Put; I - Vi SN -SN I I I -I I All bl:
ovi y l.-.'i If WITHOUT TRANREER, and
nVI.'l I LL-NA A li li KU I I
RATI - III i ll If.-- I 11 tv ii ni. f i il A1M.8D
lit ANN ni Ht it KUI I t.
KARE lu vnltf.ii.li. |l;l . .?..,
? ? ROI VD I PIP. ?-'. t s" '?'*" '
WAN-LA Viii Vu r \|:K- from V, to "
l l ttliAN . Mi ni - uv ;.i i.-upi tv pt av.
Tin ? ?
- IEL,
. I .a -I lil I M,,i|,|
/. i . i,ikKui:ii, -
a. I . very
tl'iVDNN . St t DVi SHAY, sv(. flMMAS
a 7 A. SI -i pf I M. s'T i uv V ra I IV KC 1.1.
I l ti, ., .-, th.
?U i. Iran v rfoll Portan ll and Ken
turi'. Nts- on tit-ie an lu-, aniviu^ al Rich?
mond Bl "Ul 4 P. tl.
Throi ?? i i , r and u .; n
ber'eS I..., u ? .... ?.. .ted
.-I NIL-liuuSI- f Vi, MM M lui; DAY OR
kim ioHT.
r-n^iit n .. iNui itally for v irfolk, I" ri mom ,
sn,nt,iii .1, pud Han pion ; stahl ns-ton, ll. '.;
Vt r.-"?, NS il..- on, i" I In" ira v. t .
? -. carol . . or K i-i
'i n Shore of N i v'liil ,. iiti.l all rr^ul ,r lamil up., on
lie., river, al LlfWKRT li.tl'ts.I ihronpu
billa Issued. P. II. TATCM, superintendent,
nc I Nu Illili Mali I rt, in I li eke I .
COMPANY. --..-fTiLg
Kui: ni ss rORK,
Tnl- i i.'ipp.l
'?? i A Vi.ul I f, I. iNViilvf. NI NV
ll N I I NV.ut.ll M"St|\|,,\ ,|, | Kll IIHtiVM
KN lin l li -M IV, I IMMNN, and -I SHAY,
I tor hoar, nf killin!
-i. -ann r- In New Y'-rl. Tit SHAN -. I Ml Rs
ll.Nl -.-iii"! -SM KMNN - si ; P SI. ,i. I
,net? nuintie) iv i, i um.
Pal- -pa ii", ' , in i
The far-, li camm
ui, ni i,a--'-l.
tn. I-.- ibi far* I -
and berth), 110; round-trip tickrtstlH;
with -a -1 i ;? ??? >7. v ii .... fl!.
r ii .- poluUb. ? .1 v.-v, York f.. I
willi dispatch, and ao i-barp, maths en -p ? l .
r\]u ii-r. in. urred,
(?nl.-lil reci ni .| aatl I 5 , el ark P. ll. i v.
f "i further lafonuatlnp anpl
QEORCiE W. ALLENS ( 0., Aeeala,
1*29 "rt..a...inf, tilni'v,, Ii,.. .
fJOB KEW vi>KK. ih.- ubi ??#%,
1 lKviii,i,,.,ii M,,i,,,-h,|i I .int ita ii* ^BS>0*)Mmi
? I -ai!,nu, ft r tue ?. k fnitowln I ire
MANHATTAN. Caputo stbvbxs, PK1UAT
November ltlh.al So'clock P. st.
veliiliei IHttt. al I n't kKk P NI.
OLD DOMINION. Captain smith. Tl KSDAY,
Noveinbct IStb,at B o'clock f M.
Kreipht reeelfcd unul 1 ...,..,?* p. m. Kn
as,.' oNtJIOCk P "
I. Tlle.tl.lf.
1 Iinuiji!, billi
wardnl with di
das.:. ..'el.,, i p. ni. Salui lay, and lo l'oV
ll. Tin ? lav. "
tliriiiiji!, bills nf Utlini Mfa art, and ...I, for
varde.1 with dur-tliti lo all iKiin', porth -,uth.
east. au>I wast; ai-. ??> foreHja imrt,.
Pasataa-tl act anm ?tlilitu, uiuiir|ia?>vr-L
I allin fare to New York i1iirlutll.tr m. . . :
herthi, 810: round-trip tickets, tl-. Stcerae-*
with-nh i-teiiie. #7; wuhoit tooslaieace.86.
\ I'aavrnayr- leavtna Rleliiipiml hi me < bea
peake and ubn. rritway at R.-30 A. M.isiw New
, |rort , New-i and lb* Rlrhin.in.l ami Prirre.urr
railroad st ll i-jo a. h. ,,? monday-, ii t
DAN-. Vt t.DNf sDAVs, .nd s t I I'ltllA V - will
mal* . oiimctliiii al N'oRKul.K wiUi -.rainer
liavlur tle-e .lat.,
turfrrlsht or iia.-aicr apiilv tn
laEOROE Nt. Al.I.KN A CO.. Afrnt^
sn I .' Cum trna v', Uharf. Riuaett-v.
J) ll I L A U I I. P II I A. KU H-? fffll
llnVI) AVM NMHK'i[ it **"????
STE AM SH | f , 0 Hf a N Y.
A ?*.""-! BaTna d..yT~K**ry TIT-riAY .iel
H. iDA) ai |8 M.. and ev.r> sP.VDAN al ,N A.
^SSHL^K Tu' l',.J"' i""1 l-'ri'lATs-itean. r, r- -
till lt 80 n. kt.; ior Btanday.' -i.-..., ?? un
','. jj M" ?*lurday- Ki.ipht received Hal I j nj 8
Kiev. 88.
tor further lui..rm tte.ii. apply to
(i'lirral -w.ullicrn A prut, .iffier Roe ketts.
nv.p.i ivnt: *i.k.r
?<> t" ..eueral Alcwif.
?JAUH ll ALTIMORE. <_v*3-slwj
CnlH fun her a.>tl.-e Up- .teamer ALLIANCE W)H
^ivVJua/I 55*f ? 1? M..fr..mP.)NVHN.
, rr n ii. ,"*nt>f??"'iOand Dock Hreets,
dliri-t fur Bubimnre.
Tbrourh bill. ?f ipdlnp ilsned ami , , .1, mr
war.lrd with sTspatch l. rs,|,,t, Morita and We.i.
treiphtreeelvrvi fmlly until 5 P. M.
for runner tu fur wallon, apply l-l
n j ?-? ? W> O. RN Ki HT Aaent.
D.J. WaihlotR.Solt. Ititi, Aleut. I. JJ
W NVATMi^in.i.^'^^^ MLNERAL
lr,.n.lh.NV,-k i1' VK UmNElNt. SN N 1 KK
tmni lbj Waake.haiiieiiu vprlin-, st auke-ha. d?
!he ?"*;." ,*!. , l. V "' {h- *" l?I- ''he drinaaa for
r .-ImrT*rtifkkl!lU*r *> '"" '"?'"">?? ttmUtaaaaB
di> Me lo^i ^.,"'""' ': ''"'a ln"**Bta*. In
Ml* hv leadm. a 11*'1', ?n'1 "T,',' dim. ulllc-. Kur
rn uleJrt frl,?f lll!"rt,'*5 -i"'|de-e.?-.us, artveer*,
e .iTleT AaSL?**1"* imrtrceka. half.. ,u,| ?1?.
L kUtlm I^ieTi, T. IL HU YA NT.
?? l^^lliabThlj \V8ukvjsh*,W!8,
n? imo au i.itr.t.
in ppppfrr rovi miip.m a. issi.
tainre A nie |
Rlrkraoed. , PWeraba i.
t7rea a m
?ll 41. A. Vt
? tile. P. M.
r.v-ja r M.
19:40 P. ?l
Md A.M.
its p. vi.i
> i. a -
ll lu v. ii. mr .
?ia-a !?. M. Pax kt
?: tu r t
li i - r v :
r r. '.vt ? -.,. .
7: i A P. vi -,,,
THAI'S- VM lir.V Mil.
I c?tr
fitit-l of
?r.:00 A.M
frH 10 A.V
Pi.-.l A lt.
I ,i 4 VI.
? VIN P. V
tn" r. vi
BUS v vi
i. , t. kl
i . v ?
11:45 P '
Ol't P. V!
foi" I' X|
? lui r. fus'iy [eat MM ina eat
Ko*. 40 .sr.d 4 ' nut ,
' I he-icr. Nn, 4.". Moat ti *l I
I KP.tT.i (iiiraila.Ai'd i realer, s
, ll liam i.ti
' "li.'i. li . I I..ind I
md 7 *H p al *ll ?'all"B rte*?I ri
I'l 1.1.MAR CIR -Kl", ?
On train Rta, 4" mi ?'
WltdlttaTl il and (bl
tad m. -pepin, -.t
Jet Va BTlMl "i Un. ?
I me-car* in.i" Br?Tori
IIIK ONLY Al.I.-UAH. list I" ,.
; Bteha v " ?
x . .
- ?
rtr.it IRand
fr. in I at it.xi I -
i io. and .ax- i at i - i
rt : kill ' i J. H. MKNI.Y.*
T. ll. I vi. i - .
?. sii;n-hi (ir.un ra.
in rm. i iv. ii o rossa ie, imi
f I Thi
? I ?
S". .An. IT v
Hun. ? Haiti
I > ix. .
ii. I,'l,d .11 .
Arrive at...
rx. x xi ?
i aaa -uv ?
k v. 1 rv.
1 Liri-nile...
-nip, ri
'.reen I
lilli lah.
-..li Bl.
-, (harv.
( harlot*. .....
i.t,. in ille
1 ip r. m i
v. 11
p. vi
.' ?
P, X
1 .
'Iruin N". (YO (itir.?.?
tPti. r.ntiif tin* at Ixry.x m. foi .1 lp.
ai.d M railroad; at Suttieilin ? ? ki .
-ntl.trlui Nirr.iwo. ie., rttli .. tor ??
on. ti-!-.!"' p.r :ill point* ? - mk
-ill I in* for .ill pu 1 ?
lit :i railroad; ..t ittaaBi for i ?
r.'iiUi*. ?
Tisiii s... 89 ,
1 ? ii . ,
'I !.. ni -n>. Ix.
Humid, and ? 1. "
lil. bun nd and I j ?
im-. ?. 111 Mn toa ?n i - - - 1
.11 Nut, in Hean h and N 1
t ii.-iii,,11. with Char , . t
ral I ri sui foi (..eu . 1 a
Kn.rid t P' el -. i'i I "' i
min Ko. 50 ? 11 1 , 1 w
: int, 1 I runt dalli evcci t tinda)
lt.! 1 ,
a. M.and 4 ."? r. R
BOM Ali; PAMI s 1 1; st Kt ;, t,
1 dally rai eal sun ta 1
f ? t
tloii .vn i
I rave
: : ai ,
Mn Air..... 4
* n iv.
Rici. le!
All nf v
ri ii vtiv 1
o.. Train Bi Sew Y
Oa Trala > i
non aad Nc* ?
1 ? 1 ii. I 1 a
T leta i ; dd , a
s.. I.o . .. j .
ROI. ll A Ak. Trstl '
A. I., li'. .-. 1.. . i
fpilE YORK Kl\ . .
? xv *
Kit MVlovl. LU OMoVii VNU HAN
BAU Kc Vi' . Il '.I VI v-i tl.rir ll 1
UAH.) 1 .'li -.
vii IP v;.
A I ti xl I ivt,,!:i kl 1:00 A.M.,
rivi . 1 I, and M
'1,., .
Richi I' M 130 A.M - 1 .
Arro. *'
v\ a 1 PM' 7 v 41
ir) with Aram 1 . .
? ? x, il!..
) 1. ik'iI tralni lett ina I
ld . I l. i! ?
xxiii han pa .i-ii/.a
? v vi... . ,|
am! r ? u r. M. if nt Rbi 1
K.a- Ticket*,Ttate-TMln tn I all 1 I ?
1 ,. . .
indlicketAjreal ii t..' ? .
? I' pot.
-t.it.--i: .in 1 ind llrrtui t
at ito. ..cr <. vi. -1. vi oil]
S... 7 Fl Bl .
-il ll 4 x- Iii'' VI, ?
H !IY!'iN|> AND A I. I. Il t. li A N ,
-1 HEDI Ll "I I 1: viss
IV r rle. 1 o? TOBI li I ' l*-4.
rjTRI E DAILY rRAISr! : lirrpi si NOA
- .
? ?io. 1.
Ki.l.n. . ll it" I', vi
? ' kt
Lu,. 1 lu." 4 ttl ,'. vi
1.1 Xii,.?Ion) (, J" 1*. V|.
cui'ii f ri ?'? 19 P. M.
?V .
I e
. ? s
A.RBIV l i:n UM"M>.
9 1.-. r M MAH.dad* ??,- pt -11 lat
A ll. A- . OM ROU k , i-.v daily
- ..:.,,.
k. vi M.,11 rfcXI'RI -- ? . x 1 .
( uv.Vt 1h.vs.
ai id withal tied rayti
1.id, li- t 1 i-. .
I.Xl,i pt,m.- with v 1 ... 41
v roik and va,'.t,ta fun ?
with 1 in ipeaki ai-l ?>:.., ttl.,-!
willi lil. mi Oatt ri
?vi,r, .,.?;-,.ir attathtd U .\,j.l t
? .
lian, 1 ll]
1 uk.t, -.,1.1 to ill p.,Lil .11 e
Mani ti.-, t, lu 11 xi, a, aol ,1 ,,. i,.,,,,t,,j .,
li-abauT ,!? -pot, k"a'.'u le I ' kui
i. H. VIV, ktllilto.
? ? IR 1.an.-ni Pa***nr*t 1
It li I! M n\ U, PREOERICKSRI I.ff
111 liol ..ll ALL-RAIL PAST-PRRIOUT Ll si
pi VSO tliDS HALI IM HIP, I'llll Mt I ?
ASH V, K-lKliN 1 lill-.
os ly r wu.yr hours rptwp.p.n
MoSU ASH II ttl. I I \l- Of I IS I x
iii it Ki 1 ION.
Cot wipe Bdiaely -fatal time to rd!,.r r- ti
Ihrnuiii bill*of lataniMaandai ? rah
4 . 4 ,
!t 1 lieu, ul r .-ail 4,
AND I'OroM Vi R Al I. Ito V .1 -. .
i"innirn,aiia SOV t Ml'.l'-K J. leel ?-.
lin- 'our
? :UV> A. M., Ie??i'i rtyr.1*lr? t -t.
-'.'|r,,iiit tt l.h'ii I li "
turd, ind Prr-ler.rt.niirir -
flinn .lark*atl*lllr io VA ? I
1107 A. M.. lr?,r. Pxt-r.-ilnNi ,iaii ? , 1. > ??
1,pl -un.lix tl. -li, |?r fi. 11
tun to VA tdiluti m.
?Ul !' M.. learc. llyr! !*4rm ttttlw '
sl.-ct* r from J* . -? ., v ?
lPJ'i A. M.. airi?,? ?t Byi-!--l!.-n ?!? '
-p?i*rli*ei s*w v
B..YB P. M.. irincNBt Hyrd -i? *
ttnpa at Pied*[|i>**>* 1
UM I'la. Moa. Bk ,? I*
lllJftou I ? < 'ai
kl JIU P. VI., .riv.-, il ll,, d--! '.
? |d N(inil*1.). -'? ?
VV 1 iiiuft.ie tu J*, kaoi. ?
4-il! VMI THAIN*
max Baonve aosiiav:
tOl) I". M.. ir.?oi.ia.wUtloe. !.???. - B
.t.,110*; lin,,, ak A... ai
? 04 P. M. .rr*T.-? Elbe, arriTrt a'. 4- fd t.
?ll P. M.
r -.0 a M. irrtvr* at Wat: learn AH
? 1 ? A.M.
8 J J A M., at'i-ontuiodeOoa, uri ow ll
Mirri lieu**; ai,. 4- . .- ?
S 3D I*. M., arrive* it Elba; i.-itoi A-*??*' *!
1.19 P.M.
I'.A. TAYLOR, (laneeia Ticket Yi'i
B. T. IV H t**t. l."nw*! **:?-(*'..nw*'
run aim*.
pAUTlOM. 4i??t -s 1: MER"
A DILI'S RraT t'OBM'4'(? will p
tier carefully khc yellow lavf ??. ^?m-. ml ?
lt lia* thc Wvrdlii*. lu bitvik I -ti.-i*, " UHi'- >
(Sher lotiac.-.o tr. t^taa Maced on Uti
wlthataa .innlarln ...loeiBaf ix) Ut* " DUI'- '
latr. aud mat uilal.-ad cuntuiuer. of thu ,1 '
brand ..f ltd,,,-.-.?. I., t* ?amit... Uvc hue >
rae aia.1 base n lt -UH1S1 Hat*.'' In bay'i
aota-k, for tl,.-loth, tallow taa >? toruwrt'
*? DtU> L-. I ilwi you ? i wbai *?
fax, av 4

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