OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, July 08, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1910-07-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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h-.u* dld not represent the ward, and
_.>r< *entcd a letter from the three now
fly elected men, who are not to he
leested untn September, lndnraing Mr.
??welsh. He did not read the lctlor.
Ilovi- They Voied.
j The llrst ballot rotulted as follows:
' For Mr. Goode; Aldernien?Atkinson.
JSutler. Cottrell, Gilman, Grundy, Mel
i'ton, Mltchell, Moore, Patrarn, Powers,
RI<*hardson, Spenco?12. Councllmen?
Hatklns, Boschen, Burke. Davls, Fer?
gusson. Gentry. Glll,. Huber, Jone?.
j Mills, Pnllard, .1. C, Powers, J. T. Pow
/?ert, Rlchards. nogets, Umlauf, Wilt
jehlre, Wlse. Workman, Peters?20.
For Mr. Welsh; Aldermen?Adams.
iBennett. Donahoe, Ellett, Hobson,
JKaln, Moncure. Nolsen, Pcrdue, Rcn
jnolds. Whlttrt ?11. Councllmen?Brad?
ley, Brown, Don Leavy, Fuller, Gar
; ber, Hlrschherg. Hobson, Lynch, Mlll?
er. Mltchell. Pollock, Powell, Ratcllfte,
I'Jtrade, RIchardson, Selph, Tucker?17.
The total vote ns announced was?
^?Goode. 32; Welsh. 28.
President Whlttet ruled that there
?I.ad heen no electlon, and although Mr.
Goode led ln each branch, he hart
|failed to get a majority of all tho
members elected In each branch.
A second ballot was taken wlth the
Mme result throughout. It wns not
untll the roll had beon called threo
times thnt Councllmen Don Leavy and
Hobson changed from Welsh to Goode,
and Alderman Whlttet changed from
Welsh to Goode, maklng a majority in
each branch. Messrs. Monrure and
Selph also changed, maklng the final
vote as announced; Welsh?Aiderm.cn,
fl: Councllmen, 14. Goode?Aldermen,
34: Counctlmen. 23, and Mr. Goode was
declared the wlnner.
Other Electlon*.
Other electior.s were as follow?:
Flre Commissloner from MonrDO
; Ward?Charles Keppler, hls opponent,
j Hlram Smlth havlng wlthdrawn from
the race yesterday afternoon.
Flre Commissloner from Henry
Ward?Stanlcy B. Tyler.
Flre Commissloner from Washing
| ton Ward?George E. Gary.
Police Commissloner from Washlng
? ton Ward?James F. Bradley.
Members or the Board of Health_
X>r. W. T. Oppenhlmer and Dr. M. D.
: Hoge, Jr.
Clty Offlcers ne-EIccted.
The foUowing city offlcers and de?
partment heads were re-elected with?
out opposltlon.
City Chemlst?Dr. J. M. Whltfleld
City Clerk?Ben T. August.
Sergeant-at-Arms?George Channlng
Clerk of Councll ComtnlUe'er?Alfred
H. McDowell.
City Attorney?Henry R Poliard.
City Engineer?Charles E. Bolling.
Superintendent of the Clty Home?
Dr. R. G. Crtbell.
Superintendent of the Gas Works?_
W. P. Knowles. i
Superintendent of the Water Works
?E. E. Davls.
Superintendent of Street Cleaning?
Henry Cohn,
Buildlng Inspector?Henry P. Beck.
Clerk to the City Auditor?W. S.
Clerk of the Futft Market?J. E.
Sullivan. ^
Clerk of the Second Market?Joseph
E. Johnston.
Welgr.master?First Market?F. A.
Inspector and Gauger?E. W. Joseph.
Grain Measurer?Rudolph Kaln.
Clerk of the Pollce Justlce?-E. B.
Bailiff of Police Court?Larry G'ib
Harbor Master?Captain John A.
Port Wardons?J. ... Meachcr, Rob?
ert Currie, John J. Buchanan, Cap?
taln James B. Harcum.
Collector of Delinquent Taxes?T. C.
Wal ford.
District Physlcians?Dr. J. G. Trant,
Dr. E. C Smlth, Dr. J. F. Crane, Dr.
T. E. Strattou. Dr. L. D. Batkln.i, Dr
Edward M. McCarthy.
Master plumber as member of the
Board of Plumber Examiners,?J. H.
Chappell. Journeyman plumber as
member of the same board, E. C.
(Continueia'From Fifth Page.)
or Its tariffs a'nd place them unon an
tqultable basis.
I.ocul IntereM In Declnlon.
, In discusslng the rate decision last
night a member of the Chamber of
Commerce said:
"Some time in the latter part of 1907
the Corporation Commlsslon of the
State of North Carollna, on behalf of
the cities of Wtnston-Salem and Dur?
ham, flled a complalnt wlth the ln?
terstate Commerce Commission, charg
lng undue dlscrlmlnation on the part
Brlngs New Life to the Bcdy ln all
A Tonic that Builds up tho Entirs Si.tom
Quickly Restores the Appotlte to
Giv.ing Renowed Strength and Vilalllt
The Demand for Jewelry
*>f handsome de :gn never de.creases.
Whatever ls deslgned and manufactur
fed In jewelry is mado a part of our
Jtock as roon as mada. Come |n and
jJooVc at the, many charmlng thlngs we
?rave for men and women.
Gla_?e? Fllled Correotly,
! f Tbe Diamond Merclmnf,
This tells the story?
Wash Suits that don't 8hrink
under any test.
For boys from 3 to 10 years.
Prlces from 93e to $3.80.
Other summery things for
Athletlc Underwear?
Blouse waists?
Khaki Pantg and Waists?
Ties and Searfs?
Eton and Turnover Collars?
Bathing Suits?
Serg_ Suits?
Cassimere Suits?
Wash Pants?
Rain Coats?
Straw and Crush Hats?
The Famous Berry Caps?
Shoes llke the Mens.
Everything for the boys com?
fort and good looks at a price
and of the quality that spells
Middy Blouse and Ties for
ooys and glrls.
are slt
f the Norfolk and Western Railway
salnst those citles. and, ln a generai
''aJV asking that rates from the West
o W lnston-Salem and Durham should
e establlshed by the commlssion on
ie same basls as the rates from tlie
^est to Roanoke and Lynchburg.
Ths rates from Western points to
loanoke and Lynchburg are the same
s the rates to Rlchmond, Norfolk,
'ortsmouth and Petersburg. The rates
rom the West to Rlchmond, Norfolk,
'ortsmouth and Petersburg were mada
n competltlon wlth Baltlmore, and aro
he same from the West as to Baltl
nore. Rates from the West to Lynch
iurg and Roanoke are fixed not to ex
eed the rates to the other Virginia
ltles named, whlch are in accordance
vith tho long and short haul clause of
he interstate commerce law, and thls
o'ndltion has existed for a great many
"Since the passage of the interstate
ommeree law ln 1SST repeated efforts
lave been made by Danville and Char
otte, and, in the present case, by Wln
ton-Salem and Durham, to have the
ates from the West thereto reduced to
he same'.basls as the rate to the Vlr>
;lnla cltics above mentloned; but the
nterstate Commerce Commlssion has
Iwaya held that the natural advan
ages of the Virginia citles and the
ompetltlon as between those citles and
laltlmore on frelght from the West,
ustifted the low basis of rates there
o. and has refused to reduce the rates
or the compiainant!?.
Attack on Rnte.
"In the present lnstance,
Hnston-Salem and Durham
ated on tho Norfolk and
:allway, which reached them through
:oanoke and Lynchburg, respectively,
he Corporatlon Commlssion of tho
tate of North Carollna attacked the
ates to those points, asking for the
'irglnia citles' basis. Evidontly tha
ommlsslon still adheres to its former
ositlon, as it does not reduce the rates
rom the West to Win6ton-Salem and
)urham down to the basls appllcable
o Roanoke and Lynchburg, but slm
ly reduce the ratea from Roanoke
nd Lynchburg to Wlnston-Salem and
Hirham, Whlch rates must be added to
he rates from the West to Roanoke
nd Lynchburg in order to maka
hrough rates therefrom to Winston
iale niand Durham.
As a rc?ult, Winston-Salem and
)urham are ln no better posltlon
.'hen compared wlth Roanoke and
.ynchhurg 'Aan thoy were before thelr
oiuplaint asking for the saine ratea
s to Roanoke and Lynchburg.
"The rates to Wlnston-Salem and
)urham have hertofore been the same
rom Norfolk, Portsmouth, Petersburg,
tichmond, Lynchburg and Roanoke,
nd it is nuite posslble, ln fact, very
robable, that the reductlons ordered
y tho Commlssion from Lynchburg
nd Roanoke to Durham and Wlnston
alem will be met by th* same re
mtions from the other Virginia
ltles, unless, ln the meantlme, tho
'orfolk and Western Railway should
ppeal from the decision nf tho Inter
tate- Ommeree Comrnisslon and take
he matter into the courts. as a ro
uction ln the rates from Lynchburg
nd Roanoke to Durham and Wlnston
alem would lnvolvo a rcduction from
hose points, and therefore from all
fthe other Vlrglnla citles, to a large
umber of points ln the Carolinas, the
ates to whiah from the Virginia
ltles have always been the same as
Forecaati Vlrglulu?Unaettled, proli.
bly bhovi'ers, contluued warm Frlduj't
nturduy partly cloudy; llght soutU
Xorth Carolina?.Local showers Fr>
uy uud probably Saturday\ uioderntc
outli tvlnds.
A. M. temperature .
umldtty .
Slnd, direction..Y.V.
^Ind, velocity ..,.
leather . ".'"ci
:alnfali to 5 P. M..'.*,.
2 noon temperature .,
P. M. temperature .
laxlmum temperature up to 5
P. M.
Ilnimum temperature up to' 6
P. M.
tean temperature ..!.'!!!
ormal temperature ..'..'.'.
?eflciency ln temperature.'.'.'.
Ixcess in temperature since
March 1 .
ccum. excess in temperature
since January 1.
^coss ln rainfall since March i
ccum. excess ln rainfall since
January 1 .
At S P. 51., Eastern .Standard Tlme.)
Place. Ther. H. T. Weather.
harlotte. 74
'aHhlngton .... 78
alelgh .; 73
harleston ..... 82
tw Orleans..,. N2
oblle . SO
lvannah ...... SO
.ipiter .SO
ampa . 78
ey West . SO
slievllie . 74
tlaiua.. 74
Ittsburg ...... 74
klahoma . ss
ansas Clty.,.. 78
uffalo ........ 70
'llmlngton .?.. 78
orfolk . 76
alterus .., 78
rownsviqe .... 81
hlcago . 76
un. rises.... 4:67 HIGH
nn se?s_.A 7:82 Morni
NAC. \
,ly 8, 1910.
the ratea to Durham and Wlnston
"It wlll be easlly seen. therefore,
that a large amount of revenue of
the rallways scrvlng the Cnrollnim la
Involved, nnd lt follows that the de
clslon of the lnterstate Commerce
Commlsslon ia very far-reachlng ln lts
RetTUlar MrellntT of Vlrnliiln Soclety
of piihiii- Aecountantt,
[Special to The Times-nismttch.1
Lynchburg, Va? July 7.?Tha rogular ,
quarterly meeting of the Vlrglnla So?
clety of Public Accountants convenod
hero to-day wlth George Mahon, of
Lynchburg, ns presid'ng offlcer ln the
absence of President W. P. Hllfon, of
Norfolk, Twelve members of tho
body wore present nnd several more
are expected before Uio session Is
over. Tho following reached the clty
Ja?t nlght to attend the conventlon:
Ma.ior XV. McK. EVant, E. A. Bar
ber. H. B. Boudar, 0. B. Wilson, A. W.
Pullen. F. C. Hudnall and K. IJ. Leitch,
of Richmond: A. Leo Rawllngs W. J..
Tolloth and O. H. Tufts, of Norfolk,
and George Mahon, of thls city.
Ofllccr.*. of the soclety, whose ob
Ject ls to promoto tne profession of
public accountants and to unite ln one
organlzatlon all the accountants of the
State, are: W. P. HHton. of Norfolk,
president; George Mahon, of Lynch?
burg. vice-presldent; E. A. Barbar, of
Richmond, secretary, and .v. McK.
Evans. of Bichmond, treasurer.
Tho soclety holds a meeting every
quarter for the dlscusslon of busi?
ness and the examlnation of account?
The mornlng session was taken up
with purcly routlne business, tho
readlng of reports and other Intimato
affalrs of the organlzatlon, Durlng
the afternoon meeting there were read
interestlng pnpers on technlcal sub
Jects by Major Evans and Mr. Raw?
llngs, of Richmond, and Mr. Mahon, of
Following tne adjoumment of the
afternoon session tho members of the
soclety took an nutomobile rlde to
Boonsboro and thls evening at S
o'clock there was a dlnner at the Hotel
Vldrieh Also Scnrncd by South Dnkotn
It cpitlillcnii-.
Sioux Falls, S. D., July 7.?The Re?
publican State Convonllon. in the sec?
tion of tho platform adopted yester
lay wlth reference to the present ad
ninistratlon, gave President Taft much
teartler indorsement than was antic
pated.hy many. The President was
:ommended for hls declaratlon of loy
tlty to what are known as the Roose
??elt policies. His admlnlstratlon was
ndorsed as havlng read many sublime
neaaures of reform Into "the statutcs.
The conventlon. In all reference to
he Cannon and Aldrlch policies, de
lared agalnst them in strong language.
?Inyor G"ynor Traiinmlts Charges to
Xt? Yorlt Alderuieo.
New York, July 7.?Mayor Gaynor
ent to the Board of Aldcrmen late
rueaday afternoon a mesaage charg
ng that polltlcians were extorting
toncy in sums ot from $5 to ?50u
rom persons seeklng aldermanlc per
ilts lor licensing news stands, fruit
tands and bootblacklng stands. The
lessage waa fortitled by two reports
:iade by investigators.
"Persons^applying for these llcenses,"
vrote the Mayor. "cannot get them
ntll they Joln a polltlcal club and
ay that club a speclflc amount of
loney, or until they pay some polltlcal
aptain a prescribed sum of money.
t is too Int'amous a thlng to be per
nltted to contlnue, and I ask the prlvl
ege of unltlng wlth the honorable
nembers ot your board in puttlng an
nd to lt."
leclMou <?r M?>inger? of Repuhllcau
Cnmpalatu la Indlana.
Indiunapolis, Ind.. July 7.?The fi
ance commlttee of the Republican
tate Commlttee at lts flrst campalgn
teeting has declded not to accept con
rlbutlons to the Republican campaipn
und from corporatlons.
"We realize," gaid State Chalrman
?ee, "that the questlon of funds ls a .
orious one. We do not expect to raise !
largo fund. In fact, we do not be. j
eve lt win take a large amount or '
loney to run the campalgn.
"This State Committee thls year
tart even, and It hopes, by bare-leg
ed and shivering eeonomy, to breaK
ven at the and."
ovcrinneni Aeroplune UelnR Tried Out
in Texaa.
Washington. D. C, July 7.?Flylns
jainst wlnds ranglng upwards or j
'tean mlles an hour, the government
?roplane, purchasod from the Wright j
rothers and manned by Lleutenant >
oulols, has been undergoing a serles
' interestlng tests at Fort Sam Jlous
m, near San Antonlo. Tex.
A report received by Chlef Slgnal
mcer Allen to-day from Lleutenant
oulols, covering tha month's opera
ons, sayB that durlng the early part |
I June thero were fllghts of from flve t
lnutes to fourteen mlnutes' duratton -
yalnst the wlnds. The work now is J
jlng conccntrated on perfectlng the c
achlnery parts for a system of
heels for the iteroplar.e and the
grhts wlll be resumed ln a week or
lmporUujj Strlke-Brenkera.
Washington, r>. C, July 7.?Strlke
?eakers are belng Imported to tak?
e place of unlon sheet metal workers
ho have gone on strlke for more paj
id shorter hours in thls clty. Twenty
>n-unlon men wero brought from iia?
moro to-day, The master metal work
?s clalm they cannot grant the de
ands of the unlon men, and wlll de^
are for the open shop. About eighty
en ave now out.
-i.,,.. *
Regiatera Small Earthauake.
Albany, N. Y? July 7.?The selsmo
?aph at the State Museum reglstered
small earthquake lato last nlght, ac
>rdlng to an announcement to-day.
;ie flrst waves arrlved at 11:52. The
emors were of sllght amplltud*. The
.lculations from the records Indlcated
iat lt was about 1,600 mlles distant.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nraatimc- mtmwbcn the Uwf ii rijlu llw J
?Umach and bowel* wo _!?&-,
ysaAfbialrmXy (
pcl ? lary are* '
Si<* ..
HmAueIm, and Diataa** nftar EMiag.
Wnuino muit^Deir^jnfcjnouj;*
Sale of Lingerie Waists
Only 15 dozen in this lot, in?
cluding all sizes. You have
tjirec styles to choose from.
Among them are embroidercd
fronts, also plain tailored, with
tiny tucks; others with stripes
of Hamberg insorting; open
front; they are usual /**>
S 1.25 grade; to-day.... U__ C
Chiffon Silk Net Waists
Only twenty-two Waists. in
this lot, in colors; some tailor
madc, with entire Waist and
sleevc tucked; others with fancy
net yoke, soutache braid to
match; S5.00 values; CO QO
to-day. <4>__*,70
President Taft Takes Millions of
Acres of Land From Public
Beverly. Mass. .Tul>- ".?Contlnulng
hls pollcy of practlcal conservation,
President Taft lute to-nlght slgned
orders wlthdrawlng 25,,n.),lS< acrea of
coal lands from the public domain in
the States of North and South Dakota,
Washington, Utah. Colorado and tho
Terrltory of ArIzona
Of the total withdrawals 20.?ftK,4?9
acres ar? new, while H.ITM'tR aeres
are covered In connrmations and ratl
flcatlons under the new law approved
June 35 of wlthdrawn in made during
the past four years hy both Presidents
Roosevelt and Taft.
North and South Dakota are tha
two States affeeted by the new wlth
drawals. From the publlc domain In
North Dakota the President has wlth?
drawn from settlement 1,831,182 acrea
af lands belleved to contaln workabje
coal. In South Dakota the amount
wlthdrawn Is 3.S70.2S7 ucras. Prevtouj
withdrawal* contlrmed by the President
to-nlght aro dlvided among the sev
aral Statea aa follows:
Washington. 2.2n7.^f,- acres; Ariaona
IS1.2S0 acres; Utah, 5.S 14,387 acres. and'
Colorado, 6,191.161 acres.
The withdrawal orders, prepared hy
the Geologlcal Survey and approved
?y the Secretary of the Interior,
reached Beverly from Washington iat*
All of the withdrawal* and confirm
itlons were made under the new law
passed at the last sesslon of Con
<ress, which defmltely authorized the
President to wiihdr_w various lands
front entry pending thalr classlflcatlon
ind special dlspositlon by Congress.
rhe President urged thls law as tha
Irst atep ln hls plan for practlcal con
IVeatern Unlon Ofllclals Silent on DIs
contlnunuce of llrok.rv WlreH.
New York, July 7?without explan
ttlon aod wlthout warnlng. the Wes
?ern Union Telegraph Company dls
:ontinued Hs service to-day to l.rok- t
srs ln ten cltiea of thls State and a
Pennsylvania. The citles affeeted are:
'Ittsburg and Johnstown, Pa., Syra
'.use, Uhaca, Rome, Utlca, Gloversville,
Uihurn, Watertown and Cortland. of
hla State.
Executive offlcers of tbe eompany
ook the stand to-day that. under ad
'Ice of counsel, they could not dls
?-uss the company's policy. Offioera of
he New York Stock Exchange denled
hat tho cut in service waa In any way
nattgated by them or that they had
my knowled_e of lt. There were
nany subterranean rumors that the
:ompany was actlng on the advice of
lome one ln Washington supposed to
>e vary close lo the attitude of the
Utorney-Goneral's ofllce, but these
sould not be conflrmed.
Hltherto, tha Western Unlon has ai
vays taken the stand that as a com
noner carrler, it had no rlght to re
use any buslness offered lt, provided
iuch business was couched ln decent
anguage. In fact, the company ar
rued earnestly that any attempt by lt
o inveatigate the private affajra of lts
mstomers would be inqulsltorlal and
On Uh Own lnitiative.
Washington, 1). C July 7,--It ls on
ts own inltlatlve, not the orderia of
he Justice Department here, that the
Vestern Unlon Telegraph Company has
Iscontlnued Ita service to a number
f stock brokers' offlcea in New York
itata and elsewhere. *rh|s was the
eclaration mado to-nlght by an offlcial
f the Department of Justlce who
layed a promlnent part in the recent
ulds made on eo-called "bnoket shopa"
?y the depanment. He duclared that
be department would have no right to
rder the telegraph company to dls
ontlnue its service unless lt could be
rovad that It had broken some Fed
ral atatute and that thls had not been
one. One of the brokerage uoncorns.
. Baltlmore firm, whose servlce was
toppad yesterday. had an injunctlon
ssued to-day, he sald, against the
elegraph company to compei (t to re
,ew Its servlce.
?ollco Say He Had Coofeascd to rtnh
bcry nnrt Araon.
Llttle rtock, ArK., July 7.-?Samuel
'owell, a negro olmrged with robbery
nd arson, was hangad by a mob at
luttlg, Ark., last nlght, accordlng to
dlspatoh recelvod to-nlght,
Powell, eightoen years old, btirgla
Ised tho home ot a nxorolnent cHlsen
>t Huttig of 9400, and then fired the
lullding. Ile oonfenaed, the polloe say.
Tha >txa ll prlsan whlch housed Powell
v&s broken into wlthout much effort
ry the mob. The faot that the nasro
iad been hanxed was not generally
enown untll hls body was found to
mw.. ??.!! ?l? ????''ia*" ? ' ' I
Wlnchester, Va., July 7.?Joseph D.
vlurray and Mlss Ada. Harford, dauglv
er of tho late Willlam A- TIarford, nt
iVlneheater, were marrled yeaUrflay ln
vvaahington by Jtov, jumei F. Colbsrt.
Die bride left reeently to spend some
Ime with her elstar in Washington,
ind the announcemont of hor mivrlage
was a complete surprlsa hore.
i...? i." ."
Heavy order (or K<|ulpmo?t,
Baltlmore, Md.. July 7,?The Baltl
iiore and Ohio Rt-llway Commjny to?
lay nlaced orders for 4.000 additional
relght cars, and will award ?. eontraot
or another i.ooo gonclola, oars, The
nanagement also ha* ordered flfty ad
lltlonal loeomotive. of the Mikado type,
fhe 'aggre-at- eaat ? -* *w _....a.~~._-a
?ongressnun Miles Poindexter, the
?enresentatlve whom Colonel Roosevelt
says he did not say he would support
n hls candldacy for a seat ln the Sen
ite from Washington State, was in hls
,-outh Identifled wlth Vlrglnia. receiv
ng hls educatlon in this State. He is
t nephew of former Attorney-General
iVilllam A. Anderson, and has many
rlends here in Richmond.
It will be recalled by thoae who keep
n datly touch wlth national politics
hat a few days agp Hepresentatlve
-?olndexter journeyed to Sagamore Hill
o see Colonel Roosevelt. Ile was cor
llally recelvad there, and when he
vent aw4jr Colonel Roosevelt was un
leratood by tbe preaia representatlves
is s&ying that ha would lend his sup
lort to Polndexter ln his comlng con
est for the seat of Senator Pllee.
rhls statement was regarded as pow
rfully slgnlflcant, since Polndexter ls
. polltlcal opponent of Secretary of
he Jnterlor Ballinger. who ljvea ln
he district whlch Polndexter repre
ents. Much publlo comment was
tade upon it.
As soon as the report appeared In
he papers Colonel Roosevelt gave out
statement saylng that he waa mls
epresented in the special dlapatchos
fhlch quoted him aa having said in
o many words that he had promlsed
Is ald to the Congressman. Colonel
loosevelt dld not deny either in hls
tatement or otherwlae that he would
riree Congressional Candidates
Without Opposition for
[Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1
Raleigh, N. C, July 7.-r-Democratlc
mgresstonal conventlons have noml
a,t?d unanimously for re-electlon Con
resaman John H. Small, of tho First
lstrlqt, at Edenton; Congressman lt.
. Page, of the Seventh Dlatrict, *at
ocklngham, and Congressman Claudo
Iteliln, of the Second District, at
ocky Mount.
J, 1-r. Sears, sherlff of Wake county.
te only oounty candldate on the "reg
|ar" ticket in the recent sensational
'ake Democratic prlmarles, who was
smlnated, was mu.de chairman of thu
jcth Plstrlct Judicial convention, at
mlthfleld to.day, when Frank A. Dan
Is. of Goldsboro, was nomlnated by
:olamatlon for judge and H. E. Nor
? for sollcitor. It is notable that tho
?mlnatlon ot Mr. Danlels waa by J.
ClJfford, of Harnett, who was hls
>ponent ln the prlmarleg of the sev
?aTcountles of the dlstrlct. congress
an Fou waa present and responded
. calis with a stlrrlng campaign
Hortoert 15. Norris, of Raleigh, was
Have Your Watch
Repaired Before You
Go to the Country
Before you leave for your vaca?
tlon bring your Watch to us for a
thorough cleanlng.
Give it a. rest as well aa yourself,
8tioPiminE rt ,n flr8t'claM COn'
J. T. Allen & Co.,
:-?? Jawelwa,
Fourtecnth ?na M?|n Street*,
RichwQnd, Va.
glve his support to Poindexter, and
there Is still good reason to believe
that he may support hlm. who ls a
Representative Poindexter has been
and ls a strong champion of the con
servatlon policies hegun hy Roosevelt
when he waa President.
The Third District is that whlch
Poindexter represents ln the National
Congress. H? lives at Spokane. Jfe
was born st Memphls, Tenn., Aprll 22,
1S6S, and was educated at Fancy Hlll
Academy. Rockbrldge county, Va. His
education was completed al Washlng?
ton and Lee In both the aeademlc and
law departments. and he received the
degree of B. L. from that institution in
June. 1S91. In October of the mme
year he located at Walla Walla. Wash.,
baglnning there tho practlce of ' law.
In November,1892. he was elected pros
ccuting attorney of Walla Walla coun?
ty. Shortly brfore that date he mar
ried Miss Ellzabeth Gale Puge. In
October. 1S97, he moved to Spokane.
and was for slx years assistant prose
cutlng attornoy for Spokane countv,
untll elected Judtco of the Superlor
Court of the distrlct ln November, 1004.
From that tlme he remained on the
bench until nomlnated for Congress in
the newly created Third Distrlct at the
primary electlon, September 8. 1908.
He was elected to tho Slxty-first Cen
gress, recelving 38,369 votes to 23,227
for William Goodyear, Democrat, and
1.2Sn for B. S. Rt-inert, .Soclallet. '
nomlnated for solleltor without oppo?
Hace for Judge.
Observers of the sharp contest for
the assoclate justfceshlp of the Bu
preme Court between Justlce J. s
Mannine, Durham, and Judge W. R.
Allen, Coldss-oro, are belng "pulled
and hauled" In thelr vlew of the sit?
uatlon by tho wldely dlvergent claims
of Manager Foushee for Judge Man?
nlng. and ot Mr. Dorteh for Judge Al?
len. Mr. Fousb.ee claims that of the
vote ln the State already Instrueted by
the counties. there belng 780 ln all In?
strueted, Mannlng has a lead cf '10
and a fractlon over Allen. He claims
that Judge Allon's managers wlll be
unable to overcome the Ma'hnlng lead
ln the Charlotte conventlon.
On the other hand, Manager Dorteh,
speaklng for .Judge Allen, has a lead
sf 48.32 votes over Judge Mannlng ln
the tnstructad vote, of whlch he says
Allen has ?108.11} and Mannlng 359.84.
He claims to have assurancea that
ludga Allen wlll recelve a majority of
the unlnetructed vote, of whleh a lit?
tle more than one-.third wlll bo nec
sssary to assure nin nomination,
STPDM-i.V stim'/ I.EAWS.
..fter UST. DallutH, Flfth UUtrlct Con
veutlun ItemulnH lu Ucndloek.
Greensboro, N. C, tfuly 7.?After flfty
lqurs of almopt contlnqous baUoting,
;be Flfth Distrlct Democratic Conven?
tlon lp still ln a olose deadlock at
nldnlghl, wlth no prospect of making
in early nomination of a candidate
lor Congress, Major Chariee M. sted
Tian, of Greensboro, ls ieading, and>on
;ho appth ballot only lacked ten votes
Df a nomination. There aro three
Uher candidates, they belne ex-Judge
i), B. Jones, of Forsyth; ex-AdJutanjf
3eneral R. s. Royster, of Granville,
md Dr. George A. Mebane, a cotton
nill. man of Rocklngham county. thelr
?trength ranltlng in the order named,
Thls distrlct was lost to the Demo
iratic pa\ty two' years ago, and tlie
'aiiuro of certaln Democrats to pup
iort tho nominee then is contrlbutlng
argely to the present deadloek
Vvltitors Stay on Ground on Account
nt Hlsh Wtml?.
Atlantle (City, n. j., july 7.?Attempts
o make fllghts in the Atlantle Clty
_ero Club comnetltlons were Qfflcially
leclared off at 4 F, M. to-day, aftor
ho aoutherly blow ot* thls mornlng had
reshed Into a half gal?' Both CurtUn
md Hamllton doelared that they wero
mable to land after apy fllght they
night attempt without danger of
unaahlng Into the boardwalk or plera.
Braioklns apd Coffyn, wlth a Wright
rtachlne, arrlved to-dey and wiu have
helr planes ready tor fllght to-morrow,
?Ii?tr?aa, Wlieu the Dog Propyed,
Fongl?? to FolHW tlie Oow.Wqw.
Catskiu, N. y? .July 7."-Whlle hun?
Ireds of vlsltors at Uatskllj Mountaln
iouse were watohlrtjf Mrs- O, ZrfiuJitt
3oyer, of New York, puttlng her p?t 1
log Into a satche-l near tha proclpjce ln
A Cable Ad. Every Day.
Ju$t as you are preparing to
move or to go to the country, thu
scasidc, the mountains or abroad,1!
don't ovcrlook sending your pianc
to our Piano Hospital, where it
can be repaircd, parts renewed,
case revarnished, ebonized or ma
hoganized. Wc will attend ta
these things, store tt, and, when
you return, send your piano back
to you practically a new instru
ment, for only a few dollars' ex?
As a mtter of fact, the money
will prove an investment by the
added value to the piano.
Phone Mad. 2734.
fiddePima JPjo.
213 East Broad.
satchel and ifll 1,700 feet. Mrs. Boyer
became hyiterlcal and was restralned
by force from leaping after her pet.
Atter a three hours' search the dog
was found Ivlng ln a road a mlle from
the Mountain House, none the woree
ror lt? fall.
fiiia.li.-ind Also ItMdieH Body of Her Malt
< ompaulon.
Trenton, N. J, July 7.?Arlstldet
Cournoyer. of 8t. De Borel. Can., shef
hls wlfe. and Charles Horn. of Mon?
treal, ln thls clty this afternoon. Horn
Is expected to die and the woman l? ln
a serlous condltlon.
Cournoyer came to Trenton frorc
Canada In n?arch of hls wife, who left
hlm ?om? months atro He found hor
to.day in the comnenv of Horn. H?
sought a recor.elliatton wlth hl> wlfe
but she refused to return to hlm. and
then ln a frenzy he shot her in tha
back. afterwards turnlntt the revolver
on Horn, rlddllng hls body wlth four
bullets. Cournoyer ls under arrest.
Award for TelearHpherta.
Toropio. O., July 7.?Increase of
wages from 25 to 35 nar cent.. phorter
hours, better clasalnrallon. nromotlor.
for merit and servlce have been award?
ed the Orank Trunk Paelrtc Railway
telegranh*rs by the board of concllla
tlon appolnted two months auto. The
company has not announced whether lt
wlll acept the award.
-iimiua. A. Urlttle.
f Special to Thn Tlmes-Dlsnatch.l
Waverly. Va., July 7 ? Junlus A. 3rit
tle. a. prosperous farmer of Sussex
eeunty, dled at hls home. five mlles
from Waverly, thla merning. Death I
rcsulted , from acute Indlgestion and I
heart fallure. \lr. Brlttle had been 1
a member of the Board of Sunervlsor* :
of Sussex countv for the naet twelve
years. and for the past four years had
been chairman of tho board. H? was
a member of the Democratic Countv
Commlttte. and took a llvtly lnterest
In the Improvement of the nubllc roads
and publlc schools of hls county.
Wrlarlu Ho??.
[Special to The Tlmea-Dlspatch 1
Brlstol, Va., July 7?Wright Hess.
a cousln of Bishop E. E. Hoss. and a
prosperous merchant ef Joneiboro,
Tenn., dled suddenly there to-day, of
heart fallure. H? was flfty-aix years
old, and Is survlved hy hls wlfa and
flvo children. Hia wlfe was formerly
a Miss Peolay, of near Brlstol.
Mrs. Mary W. Coleman.
(Special to The Tlmes-Dispatch J
Lynchburg. Va., July 7.?At A_ppo
mattox yesturday Mrs. Mary W. Cole?
man. widow of Wllliam G. Coleman,
aged 76, dled after a short Illness. She
ieave.? seven children. Mrs. Moseley
Jones, Mrs D. N, Marshall. S. P. and
W. a. Coleman. of Appomattox; Mrs.
Fannle Hunter and Mrs. I. Hunter, of
Klcluuond, and Mrs. XV. J. Brooks. of
Macon, Ga. Thera art living forty
three grandchlldren and elghteen great*
grandchildren- The burlal was at
Heed Springs Church to-day.
Mlss Jennle llule.
[Bpecial to The Tlmes-Dlapatch.] *
Roeky Mount, Va., July 7.?Mlss Jen
nle, the tw?nty-two-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hale, dled this
mornlng about 8 o'clock at thelr bome
near Rocky Mount. after allngerlng ill?
ness. The funeral win take place
Krlday about noon. wlth lnterment ln
the old famlly burylng ground near
tQWn' . - __,
Charlea XV, llabh v.
jSpecial to The Tlm?*-PlBpatch,]
Harrlsonburg-, Va., July 7.?Charles
W. Bahhle. aged thlrty-two years. and
unmarrled, the son of XV. A. Bahhle,
was found dead ln hls father a barn,
whero he had ?*me to reed cattle.
Apoplexy waa the cause of death. Be
sltles hls parents, ha ls eurvivad bv.
one slster and four brothers.
EP^INGTON,?Died, July; 7, 191". at
3:80 A. M-. at the resldence of hls
mother 1300 Ba nbride* btrset,
aged twenty-elx years. He issur
vfved by hls mothor, Mrs. Martha A.
Elllnffton one slster, Miss Mattle
R. and Robert V. EUlnston.
Funeral SATURDAV.-4 F. M-. Gjn
tral M, E, Church. Jrlonfif ???->??:
Quaintancea invlted. Intorment
Maury Cemetery.
?F or Iafaat* and Cliildren.
Tha Klnd You Hava Always Bought
Boars the
Bignatura of'
[ts to Our Interest
rhat you should save money and de
losit U wlth us; but we submlt that
t ls vastly more to your interest, indi
>Jdually, than lt ls to ours. Think it
)ver and Btart to-day.
Sapital, Surplus & Proflts, 11,500,000,
Vrlte lor booklet, "Banklng by Mall.'1

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