OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, January 05, 1913, Image 14

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1913-01-05/ed-1/seq-14/

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JOe id cms!
is op 10 am
Kebraskan Can Have Place in
Wilson's Official Family if
He Wants It.
Prvsident-Elect Now Waits iui
Him to Say What Ik
W ill Take.
Trenton. X J., Januarx l ?la illiam
Jennings Bryan will be in PreeldeS'
Wilson's Cabinet if >lr Wlloon can in?
duce hi::i to accept the portfolio, says
?*N. Oh M. " in the Wasliin-toi. Si.t:
Those persona a no I ive Intimated that
iL. Bryan socles the piac< .tn,1 thai
his kntportunity baa ? nbarraased the
Pree;deiit-to-l'<- are arroni The shoe
is on the other foot Mr Wilson wants
Jlr. Bryan to >>e inside th-- breastworks
and not outside. Mr, Wilson does not
propose to mban um his admlnlatrn
tlon at the outset bp Offending, t!.. man
who <iid moat to place him la the
SJ on hie litis 1 chsir. So it is up to Mr.
Bryan to mi arhal place he will take,
or if he will take any.
Another msa likely ts be in the
Cabinet is Senator Ohedlsh Gardiner,
of Main* He is talked abO It f r 8eC
paeary of Affrtcnltare. He was former
?naster of the State vrana-. and is sup?
posed to stand well with the farmers,.
flWthala secretary of Warf
Here is a new one. MOW about
Colonel Qoethals for Secretary of War?
He is the man orbs pal the canal *u
Panama, an? Mr Wilson desire* the
<anal opening to be one of the fea?
tures of his sdmiaiatrai
As Secretary of War Colonel Goe
thals would be In constant touch with
the greet project which he has hsd 10
closx to his heart. Hut thest :'j..tlc .
of patronage, while interesting to th>i
persons concerned, are sec nJary to
?>tli' r qneetione which the r.ext l*resi- ]
dent now has under constant consid?
eration. He Is more concerned Just'
nt present in framing his legislative
jistlIJ The impetuous young legis?
lative Liocbjnvars just out fW*s the
W.xi, who think they are coining to
Washington upon the assembling of the
extra see?:on and write their narr>e.>
high on the scroll of fame, have an-.
Stair gue^s coming to them. Thej
ivjll n->t get a look-in. :
Mr. Wilson and Oscar I'ndcrwood snrl
Speaker Clark bare a thorough under- ,
standing as to what is to be done and
v.-hat is not to be done at the extra ses?
sion. There will be absolutely perfect
team 'work Of these three. The tarifl
bill will he ready by the time OonglSSS
meets ta March and will be .lammed
through the House in less than thirty
da\ ?
They hope to pet it ..lit of the Senate!
by June. The Republicans "ill be ask-j
od aot to filibuster, but to aid la get-,
ting tae agony ee. aa seen as pos?
sible, since th- i? stilt is inevitable.
Tariff I? Have It-till "t Wo?.
Appointment.- to offl. e may be a lit?
tle slow pending the tariff legislation.j
Of course tins statement la mad. arltb
all delicacy a-i.l is far from Intimating
that the new President intends to:
"bold up" anybody. However, "yon get!
Me." don't you?
All the badding statesmen will ln
troduce bills to th-ir hearts' content,
but they will not get anywhere. Oscsi
Objdei ? sail and champ Dark will
?JasM th.- btae pencil which M . Wilson
will han.i them and mark ";,othlng do.
las'' on the hacks or th. bills .which
the new men w ill offer
Ceanlng hack to Cabinet st.-sm,, w->
find thut Janephna Daniels and Albert
Bnrlev,,n and a. Mitchell Palmer ate
Still SB the slate There was demur
against Mr I'..Irr. r .is Attorney-Gen?
eral on account of his youth, until It
ttas sucKesi, r| that in the long run the
Attorney-' ?-neral Is the Presidents
lawyer to do what the Pieeid. nt wants,
ar.d that a mat;, r of fact the Pres?
ident himself wiO di. t?te the policy ot
tili Departrrer.t ojt lasttOS.
It la g?ltig f-; be.^, whirlwind ad
ministration.' Tfi1r.?.? will start a-nei
lag at noon Mat.-h 1. ar.t There will be
something doing every moment.
Financial Vatcnwnt '~r \ ..i <-i>, nor Sbseil
Three I'rr ( ent llerra?e.
The fr w
Tmnlf.' ?? t ? the I
Wowamrw? .-??
ly.n^tre .< n.
SSja KC-.c- B>
Tlie lrcreaa. ? - .
an.S. ar U jer >r: x. t ..r-e-aTtn?; rr ,-? aee
aajTrtirte.: ta f- ??" ' Inrreaae
per car-t no ?' .
Of the opr-n1; c -? si aa i
part a % t. -e .
?-aj>-ae? <? ... freight
Separ-mert. .- .
ta orartpan?-. i r-?-> ? . - --..
anas rspr." ted I
warn set a>*>-r
Snr the ."t?j?n^r n.c .
porn on ,ae- ,\oi..tV- , . -,. p.
tmi rit? > ?
aa Increase et M per
aseo-r e.- :-e<
P*>r tile %.-?? t >e ? ? .
S e. ;?\ ... I
SJJSI ia?a t- tQ ai. ; a
no.. r..eT-n?* aa I.
eeapondiag jerkx o< v. . }
Democratic i fc..lrc for ? hatrmaa of
t'?rrlsm \ftatr? ? oraaB'ttee.
Wagdl raget? ? :>pre
aen'atlv. Hal r F] ?. . r- \ ,
was eel'e'e?- , .<
ta* Hose* <*nr. ??:' *-e F'.rej-n .?
1, ? ? - ? - ? ?? s.?/. r. of
New x -V
Mi v.. - anno' that h? wiil -e
ttre aa sharrre.ar, of the :i ?
ntor.e, r-,,r, r"."r*> If be I? ?electe^ B?
cae'rri..of 1 Foreign Af'-,rs Co
One of Those Mentioned
\ rr.lrrh- Court land IVnflrld omy be ambassador to Uermany under Wilson.
Murders Woman Who Had Re?
viled His Bride of Three
1Special to The Tlmi ? PispalraV]
M'.mi-apolis. Mian., January 4.?Kn
t-ring poiii c headquarters to-night
without Hie faintest eeggeatlon of agi?
tation or remorse, Joan i'outry, twen?
ty-six, called tit, d?su s. rgeant aside
and to:d him anietlr, that he had
atraaglcd Mm Bertha Anderson to
death bacaaae the women had reviled
Ms bl ide of three mouths.
Almost at the sum- tln*a Anthony
Anderson, hnebaad of the murdered
woman. etMnsMed o\er. h-r dead body
wben he returned hosse freea work,
With one oi hei hnebead's neckties
tied tightly ahout ii r nectt, the woman
hi\ dead en the floor, and her two
peta, i white poodie dos and a srMte
Angora cat. lay on her breast.
Can try declared thai ins frenzy at
hearing bit Wife's aafflt reviled was
his onl> motte? for the murder. He
told of strangling the woman by tying
th- necktie about her neck, and then
of fleeiiig from the place W'cause of
th" dying woman's bulging, glaring
mm: ox HOMO* ROUU
[Special to The Tlines-Dtapatch-]
iiarrisonbiii g. \a. faauarj 4.?An
! In I nun Una laddeni at th-- Harrtpon
. urg it?tc Moiiuai School, following
the return of th- Students after the
Oiristnias hoMajrs, was the announce?
ment iu Chapel by President Rurruss
tliat nine Students had non places i.pon
the lionor roll in the first group and
twelve in lb- ?.>nd group. To be
placed upon the honor roll it is nec
enaary for th- atndenl to mike "A'
grades in nil her -lasses, or in all
enci pt one. an.i la th'a she must ma Re
a ' K" grade. " V grades are ?0 01
asaae; the "W grades run from ho to
j The nine young women in the Mrs!
group who mad-. "A** grades trt a.l
iheir etaaeoa ire the following. Juitef
tosh. Bedford Margaret Hella Btasn
ton Annie l>ee Jones. Petersburg B-s
stH i/eftwieh. [ayachbara Elate Morton
Indian Kock. Hot? tout! I'-unty: Patti"
PuOer, Weal Poln'. OlVriae Kunciman
Saab <'it> Katharine ralv>>. somerset.
< ?rana* Co Bai I . Anna eTard, Centralla.
? h-s t ? r ri-M county.
This i? the fourth an* Bcaajtee term
t\..t Mi - l'-i ??* h.is , e-n on the hono
I 1 e twelve >oune women in the pec
one BTOSSe who nmde .i - B1 grade on
on- subject and "A" grades tili all
dber* i.re the follow nit Beeefc n.i
i-y. DaarvtBe; lone Ben, Hsarirleaaeonrg
IrorothJ BreWa !'? fere*--:i ct: M<r??ra
B T-k- Parbk King Wtii.im <'ountv:
M. Ceedl Benrelfte; Shlitey Oeeaarr,
\ rfolh iirrl? <;.tr ai d Hr.iham. T**'
well ? :n Pretdia t*. nn>? layeetle
rilb Oeawty; i-#r.e afaasnwen
" rleowi i- Mirion Rueeep. Hera
rai. Vera Seay. Kael
Rock, Bsdewsearl fwnadj; hwhsa Roane.
Itlzht in the -wlm.
The I'WyctteTfTle, v c. Aheerver
1 oajits os f l:.-si
Three persons can leave Pwyetto
i-i He It the morning, ?rolng In differ
ent directions, one to the c-ipltal of
Mortal ra?vrts sees pa Ost eircai of
T i-cnla. or.e to the r\?.r*!taJ of fSoisth
OereHaa, speed several Sours In these
s xri retumlrg m?et ,n Pay elle
Qe l M : ig^' T?.v? ? -.rrj ran
'1 awtavsj 'r. lanj '.. with aha) world
Are You Interested
6% Gold Bonds
We have a few Fir?t Mortgage Real Rotate
Bond? to sell, in denominations of $ 1,000 and
$5,000, running one, two and three years.
If. W. Cor. Main and Eleventh Streets
Wilson Voices Expresstor. as He
Views New Buildings at
?Special to The Tlmes-Plspatch.] j
Prtnostoa, N. .1.. .lanuary 4.?Gover- j
nor Wilson turned backe the i-agvs of |
his personal history this afternoon and
for an hour and a half was a univer- j
?It] nan again. When he started for j
the walk that he takes every after- j
noon when he is at home, weather per- j
mittlng, he headed for the college
[ gr >unds. Kr?n? then until he started
! for his home he apparently for got all
j about State and national politics.
"I often wish i had been an archi- I
tectjr remarked the President -elect, |
a* he looked clot-ely at partially cor.
Straeten* Cu.vier Mall, one of the new
buildings at Princeton. He explained
the construction, architecture and ma?
terially of the building oaiefnUy to the
secret serv.ee men and newspaper cor
reaponnonta ?Ith him.
??That stone."' he said, with a Uttk
?how of pride. " Is home atone. We
1 cot it about a mile away over yonder. ,
1 .le pointed off a CT Oat the hills with his \
arnlklnaT stick,
j "It has been said that the buildings
' ?: 1'rir.ceton have reeentK- been
lanned for fifty >ears ahead. Gover?
nor." said one of the correspondents, j
! "That's tr ie." iie replied. -T planned
them myself."
Half-way home from his walk Gov?
ernor Wilson .stopped in a hardware
-tor.- and bought a ball .?f twine, whit a
he tested mrefallj before purchasing.
While waiting ten minutes while other
patrons were waited upon.
No . .illeis were received by the Gov?
ernor to-da>. and he planned to anotaj
Si 1,day uuietly with his family.
Special Grand Jury to Hear
Naval Commissary Graft
[g .. . a. to The Ti:re? l>isri,a;i.:i J
! Vat rale. Va-. Jasaasy i- i> urrc--.
. tfaltad BtaesS dis'-ic; attorney, an?
nounced ?o dar thai Jie bad d*n:?rt*:y d*t<T
?ntne.1 iViat he aouM not present the rava'
aeaaaaannwj graf eanm to th* grand Jury
?1 ' ,.,m?ned ??'- A'exeridrla on
?e ?sei 1
At Mr Orerer* reqn. ?? Judge Edrn-ind
sraaoi a-in aonj a ?pe,-iai term ot tt>e
Metrics. Oeart, mtth a special grand Jury, not
? ?e- than Ke*>roary 1. In Norfolk. At that
ime a ? eeMtnci teenyectfcaji Veea: e"*n
r? .:s Mtl Mm comnnasBey graft will be
M ''.rm?r said Mi re-iso;.? 'or not pre-'
seat tag aawsl 'ivt al Alexandria a ere
?3 Ftr-st. :he case does not b'lon*
there, and aecond. ? r.r ... .eatlgaticn is m:\ '
In .-or-?*? ..ere. and It cannot >* de-':
rr.;:.e j ??atnst s h. m , rtir.Ina! proceeSi-.??
-r. <? lt-II al! the evtdence
:? !-> hant
George A. Sipp It Now Under
Arrest in Atlantic
f**s<>ei .oTI* T.avs-Diapatct ]
- ? I t. 'ao-jary < -<:.?r** A anas.1
"~" ?r se'W-eiatar a* the Sa'ttr flm* a'
- ? l"S~ ?, a am .ad rjwa Sir**.. ?>?
" *>? nartisead >0| si sal a** prnt^r
svie^toa at*Me ester* ik* '"arras ataW
***?*? as?mn?a? sc t?n ? aati r bV was *r
'**i?S ta 'ISbt In AUaaiS- ('.?? a. the r*
* ?? 1 tfk ~ H Tb* irr?
? n ? ? *-*,*- ???*?,-? Hin? ans
? a-, ..*._.* *a?t<t?s pee.
?.?Haar i isarin
?i >sa? f? 'as aar? r tree?*? an*> ?a attaatlc
je 4er t la sarh? t?laye n< iStiat
* r#M * ???**?? sf Allae?i. (. t ?*?.'*a
'? ?SWS -
? ? S> t~ ihm ?>.?/ Womraff aeJt?1 "*w
*'* ?'-*? t??ei*ea aa 'S* ????*.t*?e*
? ?? ...<. ..i is* a. had Staat u?S** er
- ?-?.., r.u Staat T*c? i? nbrht
ear A <?..(l. r\>t vtas * parva at tar ?laa
* ? i -*?u..? a|t, ut f...?*ar-?
s. ?*?????? eaa a? ssaewa? favSf
.??? h*t rtshta is -feie dset***a
Presbyterial Conferences in In
terest of Evangelism and
I Special to The Times-l>ispatoh. J
Charlotte. N. C. January |.?,Hegin
,iiiiti on Monday ami Tuesday, the
pr shyteriaj onfcrcnci's In the intereat
of evangelism and stewardship in all
parts of the Southern Presbyterian
Church will be i riumod. and between
then and February t; s.xtv-threo ot
these onf- rences will he lield. Added
, to the conferences held before the holl
days, at least one of these cnafwtwahssn
then will have Oecn held In each ui
tho ninet.\ presbyteries of the church.
The magnitude of this effort of the
Southern Presbyterian church, the fact
that no other de/ioiulnatlvn in the
South has couduored a similar cam?
paign in the interest of evangelism
and stewardship, and the encouraging
results already evident from the con
f.uenc.es held, emphasize th- Impor?
tal! ?? of this campaign and gi\e prom?
ts. " ? lie larger results which are to
fel loa this uiilfd effort upon th - port
the ministry and laity of the church
Isjiei lal emphasis ?111 be placed upon
the impoitance. |rg| of all. of evan?
gelistic effort, in the confereaMM yet to
bA held, just as has been placed in
those held already, l'nd?i- the d l ec?
tion of the publicity department of the
campaign committee directing these
coaforoncoo, some special literature on
th? subje-t of evangelism has been
prepared, and will be distributed wide.
Ijr in the conferences to be held during
the next four weeks, and will be scat?
tered throughout the chureh.
tnnther latarsatlag feature of the
. eafereaeee win be the aghlhitloa ot
large wall charts, showing the exact
condition in each presb> tery regard?
ing additions to the church during tno
,a:it year. These charts will reveal
plainly the weak spots in evangelistic
effort in each presbytery, and will show
the exact status of each church in
the matter of gifts for benevolences I
Thepe charts will become the, property;
of the preabyterlea at the close of i
the conferences and will be uee.. for
comparison daring the next two yea:s
Tiiere will lie special literature avail?
able also on Christian stewardship an
personal work, in addition to that on
evangelism, and all of this literature
will be distributed free of charge.
This campaign of preabyter.ul con?
ferences Is placing effective emphasis
upon the new plan ff>r securing tne
nuances <>f the church as inaugurated
by the General Assembly, and which,
briefly, is as follows.
"That the state/i beneficences of the
church be separated from its current
expenses and local work of clhSlltT.
"That instead of depending on spe?
cial Sabbath collections tor the bcru,
rolent causes, that each session ap- j
point a beneficence or missionary com- I
roittee with separate treasurer.
"That a canvass be made by this
Let Me Send You
A Treatment of My
Catarrb Cure Free
t. E. CACSS.
I Ulli Take Air Caae of Catarrh. \n
Matter How t kronlr. or What Stage
It Is le. end Prove H> nnni.l
That It Us Re t ared.
Curing Cata-rh has beer, my business
for years, and daiing this time over
one million people iiave come Ho me
from ail over tn- land for treatment
Bjaf advice. Mv method is original. 1
cure the disease by first curing the
<-au*e Thus my combined treatment
cures wher- all else faille. I can dem?
onstrate to you :n just a few days'
time that me m thod Is rjuiok. eure and
complete, beoasuie ;t -id; the systern .-?r
t h. poisonous germs that cause catarrh.
Send j-oti: name and address at once to
c. E. tiausg. and he will send you the
treatment referred to. Fill out the
coupon below.
This coupon is c ?od for a packaare
ad qaCSS ??omrinkk catakrh
'TRK aent PYm by Basil Simply fjli
In na ii" and address on dotted tines
below, and mail to C B OACSeX
ISH Main Street. Marshall. Mich.
i"ii irrmi tx>.?* iwdTiTt now.
Try us and van will realise the
advantage By fraying your
niasacoS. tsai.be* end Jewelry
from u* v?u eav? from 11 to M
par seat ere mtt th* largest and
rr.oet reltee'.e Joan eflco.
i is 3' Pee wants ea Otneaewde,
at otsSm**. Jewelry, pee.
S. Bachrach,
Loan Office.
815 Ea?t Broad St
Groceries at Way Down Prices
Large cans Virginia Tomatoes, 7c; or,
per dozen.80c
Large cans Alaska Salmon, 3 cans. c
Good Salt Pork, lb.10c
Good Lard, lb.10c
Corned Picnic Hams, lb.13c
Smoked Picnic Hams, lb.13 c
Good Quality Eggs, dozen . 33c
Breakfast Bacon, lb., 18c
Skinned Regular Hams, smoked, lb. 16c
Kentucky Apple Butter, can . 5c
Sugar Corn, 4 cans.25c
Virginia Comb Honey, pkg..15c
Brookdale Asparagus, can .18c
Absolutely Pure Leaf Lard, Ib...... 1 lc
Fines, t Quality Full Cream Cheese, lb..22c
Good Rice, lb.6c
Large Juicy Lemons, dozen.18c
Boadad Raisins, 1-lb. pkg.8c
I iifornia Prunes, lb.8c
liest Navy Beans, lb.6c
Onion, 4c quart; or, per peck.25c
Choice Irish Potatoes, 2.*c peck; bushel 85c
Early June Peas, can.11c
Large bottles fine quality Essence
Lemon or Vanilla, 4c, or 7 bottles. . 25c
Katarno, the great medicine, regular
$1.00 bottles now.85c
Black-c\ed Peas, lb.5c
Large Juicy Cocoanuts.6c
Pocahoiila- Sugar Corn, ] cans. 25c
New I..?ndou Layer itui.-ins, 11?. lc
Cbjmi Cod Crajucrrie?, quart. lie
AH Pork Cpuntrj iaiioatc. lb. 14c
Walnut Kernels. pound.Mc
Fiss Grape Fruit .5c
Hill-daic Asparagus Tips, <an. 12c
6 Large New. I-at Macfesrd . 25c
New sWedded Cocoanwt, lb. 14c
Sored Country Cider, gallon. 10c
Duffy'l Malt W'hiskev. bottle. X5i
Good Rye or Corn Whiskey, gallon. $2.'">
(?ood 4-string Broom. . 20c
New Layer Figs, > pounds. 2fc
Atlantic Matche-, do/en . 4c
tiood Country Butter, lb.10c
t)-U>. bag- Prepared Biickwhc.it for... 2Sc
3 ChalmerV Gelatine for. 25c
Whet for jelly, ?juart. 20c
Winner Branil f ondoi.sod Milk. 9c; or. per doien $1.05
California Dried Kvaporatcd Peat he*. ac lb . or I Iba. 25c
Bett t itv Meal. 20c peck: per bushel . 75c
Hold Medal Flour, 38c bag. per barrel . I5.S5
Pn?t Toasties or Quaker Brand Con I lakes. Sc
High Grade of Butterine. lb. 20c
K bars ('in us Soap, for laundry, large ban JSC
Very Best Baker's ClsOCoUte, lb. Sfc
TihianliafI Lard, all aisa ?ans, lb.12 .c
/" bar Domino Best c( Toilet Sxip. 25c
\( r ( lipped Herrings, onsen, 10c; half barrel.$2.75
Campbell's Pork anil Bein-, i.in .9c
o Potted Tongue or Han for. .25c
Fairtsyilr*i CtdltJtSW. la ? an-, all -ues, 2's, 4'?, 10's;
per lb.14c
Old Apple Brandy, gallon.$2.00
'?I i I reach Brandy, gallon.$2.00
New S.ur Pkklee, gallon.'.28c
New ShgHed Almonds, lb.38c
Ne? Dale-, lb.8c
Nee Da tee, in 14b pk?..9c
Countrj Walnuts, hi slid!, pe<k..20c
Ib-intMadc Mime Meat, lb.8c
Swi et 1 lorida I hangt - per don n, 18c, 2tc and .. .23c
Finest California Port or Sherry Wine, liottled at
vineyard, bottle.35c
Good California Sletrr) W ine, per gallon.$1.00
<. od CoUSntry Butter, r ating or cooking, lb..3#c
[rllo, any flavor, 9c; 3 pkg-.25c
Mountain Prepared Diatltaheel. 2-lb. pkg., 9c; or
3-ttk pkg.14c
7 pkgs. Toilet Paper.... 25c
R? mit tam e must come with order.
Price Ltsl mailed on application
1820-22 East Main
506 E. Marshall
committee of every member of the
congregation for subscription to thooe
causes, to be paid at stated periods,
weekly. If possible, through duplex OO
velopee, or some other eyetem approve-,
by the session
"Whether there be one canvas
all the causes or two canvasses?one
for work at home and the other for
work abroad?'hail be left to the judg?
ment of the session of each ?
Among the most em enraging, fact
concerning the proabyterlel confer
ences ali.aoy heM are tiie expressions
which ba>e come voiuntaiily from
pastors and laymea In these preebT
terles to the campaign committee
"From m> experience in the two.
presbyterial conferences i have at- .
tended." writes 1>,\ J Lewla Howe, Ol
Washington and l.ee L'n've.sity U K* ?
Ington. Va.. 'I am confident tnat t.'ieyi
are proving of the greatest value to
our church. They cannot fall to beta
a bles.-i tig to every local church which
Iis rtpresenteii by a *? o delegatl r,
W. S- McCUnnal.an. of Raanoke, Va.. j
says: "1 feel that the Ptoabytertaa
Conference on Kvangelism and Stew- {
ardship recently held in our <-hurch 1
will prove a great blessing to our
church and to all who attended. Per
aonally. it was a great uplift, and 1
feel surf that great good must result j
from a continuation of this line of
work "
The follow inr word? come fro n Per.
D. P. McCaachy. pastor of the old Ston<
Church. L?c?lshurg. W. Va.: "Prop< rly
work* d up to. the Presbyterial Con-;
ferenee is an inspiration that ma> j
reach many: properly followed up. the!
conference becomes the authority and;
the opportunity for regenerating a ;
presbytery. This, under Cod. is prov- |
Ing our experience in Greenhrler." '
W. .f. Martin, president ..* Davidaon
College. Davidson. N. c. says: "The
value of the conference held in out
i section will be. i hrmly believe, very!
great. To the Individual church this
value will largely depend upon tho ,
character and number of the delegates,
tip the conference, and the length ot
time th? y spent at the conference." I
"The Pr-sbytcriol Panful mm a." >ays
Rao*, j. i Vance. r> i>. pant at of thei
i First Presbyterian Ckarcli. Nashville.!
Tenn. is of immense value The pres?
bytery that omit- :t will regret it.
and the church that misses it will feel
'its loss in all of ite work.'
lohn C. James.
!. Jotin C lames died at he- real
dence in Ooochiand t'ounty on Friday.
January U. In his seventy-third year
Be received an acadenil, education ??
It'tchmond College and the University
of Virginia. When the War Between
the States began. Mi J.iuos enter. I
the i'onfederute sin ice *s a member
of iv>mp.ui} I'. Goochland ?'.i\.ilry. of
which the late Julian Harrison was
captain He was badly wounded
I Spotsylvanla Co .nty. but returntd la
his company when flt for duty and
con tin ite-d in service until the last year
of the war. when he was captured atsf
taken to Point Lookout i>iii.in,:n: a
prisoner untiii after the saw Tt litt I.
R*turnt?g to Gooihlaii'I. M. -'a IM I
practi<e?i ;ik there for peoni peal
then remo.'ed to Ba titnore. Where he
practiced for siitc-ii years U'f"" re?
tiring from his profession ao.l i' l rn
ing to his Beteten eaerntj aa Hvo.
? tie Ss survived by his wife. Mr-.
Mary Morrison James. h\ one pen*
?Melborn? M. Jane, and ? brother.
Caeonjel is o James. The fansarnl pi ?
I ice* a ill t.o held to-day at -' o clot a
Mis. taste Met aOBaOSi
I Mra Ann^ Mr'nnnnl. > w idow ? ?'
: James garConnal. ? i< So od?, k
yesterday afternoon at the home at
her aon-'n-:aw. r>r F M Head.
I Eaat Grace Street. The f .neral trill
j he conducted from the residence at .">
I o'clock to-morrow afternoon.
Mr". Hnrrirt rowers.
Mrs. Harriet Powe-. d;e<t ,t ? ?
e'rlck veeteeday morning at the r??'
dee-e of her daughter. V.-t\ G. W.
Mills .14 South Harr?gcn Street. She
la survived by two eons. B A Powers
id C. H- O. Powera. and two daoeh
ters. Mm L. n. Moraland of WtP.Iame
burg. snd Mrs. O. W. Mills Pf I* -
city. The funeral wP: take rlaee to?
morrow aftornoen from Vettapon'
Church. Xing and Qucar. Co ..nty.
Mra. Fanale ( t liens.
Mra. fannia C Alias mit > yeere
?14, wlfa of Edward Ail-u. dlsC at. 1:40
j'clock yea'erday ?normt t '.?* home,
lit South r*n Sir ?i. Th? funeral
wtll ha eonduet-d i?i? >la r?sl
dance al I e'r'ech Ihm aftarreon,
tfaa. Jofaaaaa tH*4a?laa ?adeeaata,
Mra. Johanna ciir.atin*. Andere?*
Sfg a. fharlae tV Anataraaa, died aod
dealt peaiaeelar at h*? hr.roa t*i South
Pitta Si.Sat
H, T. Jefteeaaa.
f*hsibam. Vn. JaiioaajV 4 ?W T
J?(Tarawa, aftaf an llnaee of about eis
Waake died et the home of hie d. i,h
ter. Mra J. C Adklne near Svramora,
Sjnriey Mr. Jt ffaraon waa born in
litterlean:a County, near Pullrna. ne.ir
tf eeventy-elgt.t years ago, at.d hat
neons resided othar than m iha SSinj ?
of his Mria When Ike war broke eul
he "listed In oWenee of bis nariv
Slate, and waa four Pen*? wounded
Iii the battle ..f <3ett> sbiir|j. one bullet
im ?tilg through hit. b'irj.v He was |n
PlcketCa division. a:;d aonred with loy?
alty until the eieoe at Appoaaattox.
Since the war he eagased in farming
nntV (cable health aeveral >.-ari? auo
compelled him to give it up. His wife
preceded him to the grave several
years ago. Since, then most or his tiflM
baa been apeal with his cbUdrea la
different sections of this county. He
survived by the following children:
Mrs. j. at VYateon, Mrs. J C Adklna
Mrs. jl u Bal ? ?>. Mra Sydney Jeff
? rson. .Mr?. .l ine * lt> -ytiolds. VV T .
u. a., and W. E Jeff croon >>n Moatda ?
KINO.? Died, at bis bome. In Hanover
CeUBty. at 9 a'dOCk P m.. Pecember
2. wii.liam .[ KINCt in the sigkty
fourtii year of his agt
PuBerel tioai the bosne at J.no
To-D \ Y.*
ai.l.F.n.?Died. Saturday. January 4.
at 1:4? a. m . ftfBJg FANNIE C,
ai.lkx. wif. of Bdward Men, in
the elghtli th year of her age.
Funeral SI'ND.W. January i. at C
P m. from the home, us South First
. Street.
lAKTKi:.?Died, f'rldiy. .la.-.uary .:.
ISIS, in Petersburg Vu.. JOHN CAR;
at 2 a'dack front ISllwnld Chorea,
McOONNAI*?Died. Saturday. January
4. at .". .'.<> i . M. at the residence of
her -Lin-law. Dr. F. M. It- ade.
Eaal Ore <- Street, ICRS. ANNIE
McCOMXAJ* widow of .1 naei Mn
Con aal.
Funeral fr<-m the above residence
MONDAY, Jamer? f.. at I P. M
HUNTLEY.- Die-?, at the residence of
t...~ grandfather. Ml 1- V Alley, -.-.x
e il- m Forge, \ a . January ::. wr.S
LET P. HTJNTLEY, Third, ag. ?1 Jf
teea months.
Puan red at family section Holly
w.i SUNDAY, January ;th, at 12:3d
IV m.
LUCK -Died. .Tnnuarv Z at in to
I'. m 11 T. I! LCCK, in the
elghty-elxth year of hla ag"
Kaeeral from Bl**ey'a. 'Ihlrd and
m.us..?ireeti?. Monday, jenuan
?>. at J I". m. Xo flow-rs.
POWERS.?Died. Batarday, January 4.
ISIS, at S.l" a. ML, at the tesMence
of her daught? r. Mr?. <; W. Milis.
.".14 South Harrison Strait, MRS.
vived bv twa son* ;.iid two .i.iug'i
t. ra B." a. i' were, c. HL s. powers,
and Mrs L E Mordend, of 9TU
lianis'mrg, and Ilia. C ?>? Mills, of
thai city
from Mattapeal <"hurch. King and
1 yuti-n i'eiinty.
HARTOM Dieo Sal ;rday. January 4.
IMS, ?>? t a*c*acSJ A. M. ,.t Me
aaartal neap Hal, ?; K??. V HARTOH.
?>f ISV3 Pocatni Street, stouth in< h
I e.r.,.1 MONDAY AFTTIT'.xo. .\ at
:: e'eieek from Vcnable Street Jlap
tist Church.
LOVIN43. Pted. euddcnly. at Mi resi?
dence. m? ?? 4ts .v ? - i Main Street, at
i t.. P. ML. i'ridav. January ;:. 1918,
? ? ? ly*fhfth y :ir He leave* three
?iaiigbtei.-. ne son and three brolli?
es to mourn their loss
Funeral will take place Tills
<s > AlTHHX^iN .it ; :?" o ci?ek
from Oraea Mroet Ba.pt'st Chureb.
int. rment in Hollywood
vNDKli.-iN Died, awddenly at her
resid mi. e. t$S Bawlh Pine Str?.-t. Sat
urdfv. Jarmar}- I. l?i;. at
I'CRfifiN. b. loved wit' of rhati.-a tv
Faaerwl notice awaSP.
FORD - T' < : at '?/"> * M Satue.lay.
et h?r residence, iiv \\. ?t Thirty
flmt stret. vrewdiand Heiarhts.
OERTRI ni: LlLi i.xN. wif.- -f Staa
lev it. Ford. She ieavee. besblea her
husbard and father. J. H. Thorpe, two
eons ? ? \ -t-.^ g V. n-e Ford,
and bcoihera, AndWW M. J. M. O.
A. and John Thorpe, and s'?'*rs. kr.?
Flore-re L, pickensor.. Mrs. W, 11
Toml i son, Mr* Chat lee P. Fori and
Jdlas Kate R Thorpe.
F ;nera*. from Sacred Heart Ce
thedral MONI > X T \KTI RNOON at
o'i \ Interment M?oni Calra
afternoon Interment was in the chat
k i i. Oeneetery, B?r. T. R sanford con
d lie tins the Hervicee. assisted by Rer.
?Air. Upchurch, of !>anvii>.
?tea- Plans? -hanks.
j [Specht! to The T.mes-LMspatch.]
Croset, Va . January 4.?Mrs Sidney
Snanks. wife of Corif Shanks, died
this morning at I O'clock* aged thirty
two yeara She had been Ul for two
Weeks She Is aurvlveU by her hus?
band, two children, one an infant; by
??? ? sister. Mrs S K Garrison, and
' brothera. Tucker. John. Morris
ant 8am Bah nr. a!I of Craaat The tene
ial will o-- held to-nioriow morning at
? 11 o clock from th<- Methodist Church.
I and t u- harlal taill take place at
I Mountain Plain Cense tary.
William Hoc!..
T-'r?-fial to The Time?. Dispatch. 1
Amherat, va . Jhnnaty ??William
Bow lea, aged sevcuty-six years, died
yeaterday a; %?? home, aeveral mil's
from thla j la-- l|r had long been a
eufferer from heart disease, which was
the ennae of hlg death Mr. goal**
?as a member at r.ipjir MalliL#at
Chun ant was ? Confederate soldier,
having fought the entlr* four years
the Wmx Between the stales. He
in anrvlred bp his wife and nine chil?
dren, as follows. Mrs. Andrew Schaar.
M-s aftnie sVhtte and M;ss I>ora
Bowlen of Unheral Connty, and John.
Oiar!:... Willie, George .tgd Warn.
nlea of wnatUtttraan, D .c. gtn?i
Kenn] Bowlen, of Amherat, Th. bortal
took plac this morning at 11 o'clock
In the family graveyard.
?en, tt?Uaaan it. njnnj
rvjtahontas. Va.. January 4.?Mrs.
Ell 1 Frnnera Hnnkla Mtatxoy. wir?. ?t
William 1: Ifnxey, dried at h-r home
here on Tuesday, after an Illness which
...il months. Mrs. Maxey
v..1- horn In Wythe County, and was
1:1 her nftj-third yeag. she is enrTreeal
by a 1 usbant and Three sons and four
daughtern as foiiow-s: Blatrmani B. Max -
k ith Maxey, Betiep Mazer. MneS
m 1 . . Mnney, William I? Maxey and
Mnr< :. ? M v 1 ? I Ma Maxey. The
funeral sas conducted by Rev. W. R.
Wing on, ant ::,t r.-n.-nt aas made in
the rmahealaa Cemetery.
lOHK CTBSOWS,?January 4. l?l?. art
:.: penrj ant 7 months.
Natura il fece e poi ruppe la
WRIGHT.?la remembrance e*f my
?e MATTTF I? WRIGHT, who dle4
January ?. 1913.
I:? the graveyard softly sleeping.
Where the semiight SW'Ctly falls.
i... 1 Ihn .ne T loved so dearly,
Whom I never more ran call.
?etna thai eaara w-s? bright and
\ov y sa'! srd drear.
Jiving hearts that once w, r. happy
Ron arc always aching here.
Wr know that a:i Banal part and
Christ once suffered on the cross:
To thee thy .Path has bobo thy gain.
To got a heavy losa
Oh. Matths, tby gen^'e voice Is
Thy warm, true heart is still.
Tk\ death has caused a vacant place
This work! can never fill.
How wc mis* yon. cur dear mamma;
Yes. ne miss yon everywhere.
As BTOWnt o :r lomV.v fireside
\\'e .- til! s. e your empty chair.
.Vfo'hcr. h?w our hearts are aching.
Kot v-ur face no more we will
^nd without your loving presence
It's no more like he me to as.
BT hi:r Ht-sR\xr> Axr> two
i:i-i:i.n:j"T.?In loving remembrance
ot nor deal children, ALtV atED an-t
i.l .,i.Ni: KMJ.KU T. who departed
this Itfe lap years ago. within live
daya of each other.
Tlirough all psln at times they'd
A nie- of heavenlv birth.
And when the anrels . .ill?d Ihem
T?-er smiled fsrew II to earth.
H'?v?n re'a.r.etb now our treasures.
Farth their lonely caskets keep.
A-<1 the aunbeasne love ta> I'r.ge?
Where our darling children sleep.
1 U Ul? lyy^liCpilC o: the ud In.,,??,..
V fir
i. to; ...i A ' lac. A-jraaa 01 ?.? PO c*<-kri*fi ^trv^t. ?j,w Ynrfc

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