OCR Interpretation

The times dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, January 12, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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Charles W. Blake, an
Englishman, Arrested
in Culpeper.
Has Wife and Six Children at
Brandy?After Mock Ceremony
With Wife No. 2 Is Forced
Into Second Ceremony by
Girl's Father, and Priest
Charles W. Blake alia* Patrick
B?ks, alias P. C. Blake, an English?
man, forfv-flve, years old, who is
known a* "Lord'* Blak?, and who claims
to be a newspaper man ar.d book?
keeper, well-known in Richmond, was
arrested at Brandy. Culpeper Coun'v
Va , yes-erday at the request of Chief
cf Pol!"-? Werner and held on a charge
of '".'garry He wiil be brought her.
for trial. The pettAt claim that wh:i'
he haa a wife and six children at
Brandy. Blake wedd<-d Miss Ora'e
Mayre Brown, daughter c.f (Veorge L
krown. an optician, of ?08 East Grace
Street, by means of a mock-rr.ariiag?
ceremony In Hyattsrill*. Md.. on Mar n
SO. 1912.
When the father of wife No :
lea ried of h?r marriage In Maryland
nl'mn the past month bo forced Biake
to have a second c?r?mony performed
by a priest of tbe Catholic Church.
The local marriage rer.-jr/i shows that
tms ceremony was r?rformed on Jan?
uary 3 by the Very Bev. J. J. Bowier.
at St. Peters CbtUOB. A few days
later Blake left the city. and Mr.
Brown received Info.-rr at::on that tne
J-..-.gi'? "Ijnrd" had a wife and family liv?
ing In Palpngir Me took up the matter
with t'aptatn of Detectives M'Mahon.
and frees 'he Investigation which was
at onee begun, a mass of Incriminating
evidence has been found against him.
According to Captain M. Mahon. Biake
has a third wife In this city, but sh?
has not so far come forward to prose?
cute him.
Takea \er?a Calmly.
When wife No Z learne"! that Blake
ha<i a wife and fix children at Brano>.
ah? took the news calm'y. and la. it is
understood, read yto lestlt) against
The fact that Mr. Brown did not
learn of his daughters marriage un?
til recently was Cam to his absence In
North Carolina, where he epenos loo
larger portion of his time carrying
on his profession as an optician.
From the Information gathered by
the police. Biake met Mise Hrown more
than a year ago whlV* She was em?
ployed as a ste nng rap her at the Rich?
mond H'tel. and he aas employed In
the steward's department of the same
hotel. He persuaded her to marry
him. and last March went to Wash?
ington. He tota the girl he had ob?
tained a mar::ag? Scenes in Washing?
ton, but would go to Hyattavilie to
have the ceremony performed. Ac?
cording to her story, "he accompanies
him to a house adjoining an Episcopal
Cnurch. and a man clothed In frock
of a rector roamed them. Captain
MrMaPh. n asserted that this cere?
mony waa bogus.
\\ anted ? erttfleate.
When the couple return? t ? Rich?
mond tne bride toid Blake she woui?i
like to have a marriage certificate,
and he promised to get one for her.
The certificate which he gave her is
Bow in the possession of Captain fsk -
Kanon. It is about Zixis lncaes aad
lBhographe-i In gaudy eolora. It pur?
ports that the couple was married by
A. C. Carr. rector of Christ Churiii.
When Mr. Brown returned from his
trip ti.rough North Carolina and found
his daughter had been married he sum?
moned Blake. He informed the latter
that he had r.o objection to him as his
daughter's husband, but In' view of
the fact that she waa a Catholic, he
Would like to have a second marria^..
performed by a priest. Blake was
forced to comply with the request and
the father accompanied him to the
clerk's office of the Hustings Court and
a marriage license obtained and the
second wedding took place. ^
It was a f?w days sfter this that
Mr Brown learned of Blake s dual life.
Being a native of Culpeper County
himself. Brown wrote friends there
and confirmed hi ssu-picion that Blake
aad anot.ier wife:
? aptam M- Mah->n got Into communi?
cation with W. E Cooi.s. clerk of the
Culpeper County Circuit Court and re?
ceived a copy of the court's record,
which showed that Charles W. Biake
and Nancv c Faulkner, daughter of
Charles K ar.d Clara I; Faulkner, were
married on slay 15. last, by Rev. Car?
ter Page Additional information waa
that Blake gave his occupation ss an
KnsfJsh SSBcer, and said be had I - er
born In Parts. In the license which
Biake obtained here this month he
gave hfk first name as Philip co?xr<j;n
Several years ago Flake waa em?
ployed on a local n? wapaper aa a re
rorttr. lie was n"t.-d for glowing
s< counts of a nig farm an dsirms
of race horses w*iirh he owned In Cul
p?per. H? p??sed aa -I>ord" Blake aadj
?PgfM his ? "ive ration .ippeared to e
sn all-arour.d globe-trotter
Detectlve-Hergeant Wren will leave
thia morning for Culpeper end prob?
ably return with th? p: e s n
I Ibert HeMtard Pasaatted for ?ewcltea
I?n i sT waiter Tbrewgh wall*.
Buffalo. IJ V. January 11.?Klbert
fcuObard. of East Aurora, Indicted on
tlx i-o-ini? hv :be Coder..! g-and rn\
for aendina Imiwui mait<r through
lh? malls, pleaded guiliy before Jadge
Haa> 1 to.day and was f>n*d flee on
roint Ptnicnc- w?? Suspend, d
l"-lng good behsTlOT on the other gve
The charges were has?d en artlrles
appearing la a saagesln- published by
Hj board at J?an? akarora?
Mrs. (lex Hand and Mra- Hairiava
l.umlt of Mre. Taft.
' Washington, January 11.?The social
Paalllttlea for which Mro. Grover
Cleveland lins been tho centra Blno
Tuesday came to a rllmaX thle even?
ing In the dinner party given In the
Whit<* House by Prealdent and Mrs.
T.ift The President and Mrs. Taft re
eaireel their guests in the Blue parlor.
In which the ceremony which united
.Miss Trances Kolsom to President
Cleveland tvas performed There were
ahout sixty guests at dinner, and about
? fifty others were asked for a musical
I following
Mine. Julia -"upp. a famous Hutch
?Inger, gave the program. Mrs. Cat ve
land, upon whom the years seem M
! rest lightly, wore a gown of whUe
' nltfoii velvet made In the long Iraped
I effect of to-day. Sin- wore some superb
lace on the t.odi.e and a diamond t'ara
ami neck'ace formed of aeven diamond
Mars. Miss Cleveland wore a tflrlish
gown of white chiffon, wltii a short
sin-.-!- stritix of pearla about her neck.
Mrs. Taft wore a semi-mourning;
gown of black chiffon o.cr white, with
delicate traceries of silver, and a dia?
mond collar.
Mrs Benjamin Harrlaon. who also at?
tended the dinner, wore a gown of
heavy white satin, with lace trimmings
and diamond ornaments
Among the guests seated at a cres
eent shaped table decorated with jot
ejuils and maidenhair ferns were the
following: Mrs. <;rover Cleveland, the
Chief Justice and Mrs. White, the
Hilf ratal J of the Treasury and Mrs.
M.c Yelgh. Senator and Mrs. Warren.
Senator and Mrs. ffswlsadl Bofiator
HakS Smith, .?e.retary of the Interior
OB Jar President Cleveland: Hon. and
Mrs. Koben T. l>lncoln. Secretary of
War under President Harrison: Hon.
end Mrs. 1?. It. Prancls; Hon. Hilary
A. Herbert. Secretary of the Navy un?
der President Cleveland; ifoB. and M:s.
John W. Griggs.
Mam ^nagest? Punishment for Thoae
Who Mislead President.
Washington. January 11 ?"When
men aecrefly and privately, und' r the
- IS* of friendship, mislead the King
o- President in order to secure some
other end than public welfare, they
ought, to hang.'' declared Repreaenta
tive Mas* of Tennessee, in the House
te.-da\ upon the conclusion of the read.
IBS of an editorial regarding the Cabi?
net to be selected by President-Klect
Wlleoa Mr. Sims obtained the floor
ou: mg consideration of the post-offl-e
appri.-priation ir-IIl. and sent to the desk
an editorial lauding the President?
elect for the stand he has taken In
this matter.
II? jircsrntatire Sims said the men
appdaaaadl to eer.? in the Cabinet ought
to lie men of known ability, men who
w-etiid not work for their own per?
is nad benefit,
"t'nder the English law they did not
puniJh the King for any wrong done,
but they puntsned hit? advisers." said
rtrprcstntative Sims. H'- said that he
bclicvej that to be a wise provision.
!:? yresentatlve Sims declared the
Ci untry had eontid? rice in Govern'ir
U iison's Judgment to do the right
thing, DaHag his dissertation on the
l ahmet. i;.-prcs. ntative Sims was
iked by P.epresentatlve -_'acnon if he
had in mind any one who */ould fill
the bill. Mr. Sims replied in the nega?
"?be Is -selred by Mate Official and
l.eklgh I ni-.rrr.lt> <>>tudrnt.
Allentown. I 'a.. January 11 ?Pros
re- r:ve heiress of a foriuoe of more
than a million dollars. Miss Anna K.
Steck-I. only child of Henry Steckel.
was kidaapped late to-night by two
men. who wore arrested soon after and
were identified as Samuel Sinclair,
aged thirty, supervising Inspector ot
State rugnwajs. with headquarters at
this city, and H. Walte- Starr, a senior
of la-hig'^ UalSeesMl, South Bethlehem.
SlacWhr. it is declared, was eaafly
infatuated with the girl, and the ab?
duction was the < lima.x of her rctusar
to marry him or to permit him to con?
tinue his visits to her home. Jdis-v
Stecke! is a handsome brunette and a
graduate of Vassar College. The men
seized her as ahc was about to enter
her home, threw a blanket over bor
head and hustled h< r into a waiting
taxicab. Once inside, the girl's arms
were pinior.'d and the taxicab driver
ordered to g< I into the country as fa*t
as he could. M:.*s Steekel screamed for
help and finally succeeded in making
the taxicab driver, whose name Is
Sherer. understand that she was tein;;
kidnapped, and lie drove to the poll .
*t it ion.
I onferer? \cree In *lep Which Will
Limit Imc-lsratinB.
W.-.shlngton. January It ?An itn??r.
tar.t step towards adopting a literacy
test for the admission of Immigrants,
w I Ich has been a schject of contr ?
versy in Congress for twenty years,
was taken to-daj. when the conferees
of the two houses of Congress flnslly
agre.-d up m a report whi.-h will re?
tain the f^st in slightly modified form
As the measure mill n*. reported, the
literacy prevision will appear as It
was psssed by the House, which re
qu -es that lmn.it ants shsll be- re?
quired only to be able to read, whereas
th- Senate r..u ;-.i\-u-d that they
she.uld bit'i read and write.
The priretpsl reason urged for the
adoption of the requirement !n ary
form is that it will have the effect of
limiting Immigration from tho.se por?
tions of the w irld from which the least
desirable elements of laborers are re- j
Democrat* \ltaeh Order PlaHac l'?t
?BJM I ader ? H? ?erTlee.
?Washington. Jsnuary 11 ?aWttei
eriilclsm of th- order of President
Taft placing fourth-class postmasters
? nd. r the classified cirll serrlee *??
pmr< tpitated in the House to-dsy dur
'ng consideration of the post-office ap-|
proprlatlon bill R? presentstive Bei
lett. of Georgia plOpo?ed a resolution
prohibiting rbe pa\m?nt of per 'Hem
allowance* to post-ohV.. insp- ? tors
while they were making mleettona
n?l *>m: .e *i IT1 ! 'or ?opolntm-nts
aa fourth-class postmasters
la the dediate Which followed the
^,-rs?? rn ifiH'v ?rtacked the FTesI
dential order and predicted that It
would he revoked b> President-Elect
Powers Prepare Note
Cede Adrianople.
Unless Something Unforeseen
Develops in Two or Three
Days, Delegates Will Leave
England and War Will Be
Resumed?Roumania's De?
mands "Blackmail."
London. January 11.?Diplomacy
ft.ii is buey seeking a solution for the
Turkish-Balkan deadlock. Fears that
til', peace conference will end In fail?
ure, and the allies will take up arms
retrain, are stronger to-night than at
a ay hour since the plenipotentiaries
i me to I?ndon.
I'nless Adrlanop'.e should fall with?
in two or three days, or something
ihould turn up. which none of the dip?
lomats can foresee, it appears prob
able the delegates will leave England
1 efore thf end of another week.
A not? from the powers will be
: -<ser,ted to the. Ottoman government
Monday. It la Arm 'n tone, and while
recommending Turkey to leave the
question of the Aegean islands in the
hands of the powers, makes It clear
that Turkey has no alternative exee; t
to cede Adrianople
Prenent I rida> ? >ote.
Another note was prepared by the
it nfcnseb.dors ar Constantinople, 'but
will be superseded by the collective
i' mmunieation decided upon at Kr'
day's meeting between Sir Edward
Grey, the British Secretary of State
lor Foreign Affairs, and the ambas?
sadors. As It is necessary- to tele?
graph the text of this note to the Con?
tinental -apitals for approval. It can
net he delivered before Monday.
All th? ambassadors to-day had sep?
arat? informal meetings with B-chad
Paaba and osman Naiilrn I'asha. the
Turkish delegates, trying, as one on
the ambassadors put it. "to square the
ctn le," and to discover a mid-'l?
. o rse between Turkey, which Insists
upon keeping Adrianople and Bulgaria,
which persists that she must have that
town. The Turkish delegates were Im?
movable, and said nothing could, induce
them to change their minds concern?
ing the posseaaion of Adrtanopl?.
The position of the powers is most
difficult, because all their delibera?
tions arc invalid unless by unanimous
consent. The note was agreed upon
for the reason that, although Turkey
complains that the powers did not keep
their word that even the war should
not change the status .|Uo la the Bal?
kans, the powers were able to answer
that the fault was Turkey's, which
for thirt}-four years found no way to
put Into effect article it of tne Berlin
treaty concerning reforms in European
Turkey. The note amounts to prac?
tically nothing more than advice.
The Turkish delegation openly de?
clares that the Porte will not be inov?t
by the powers' note, and will answer
with stronger refusals than hereto?
Allies Waat teflon.
The allies are becoming dissatisfied
with inaction. >ome ?ieslre a more
resolute attitude, and remark that I
after the ultimatum of January I it is [
undignified to remain in iamdoii for
more than a week without making
deeds folKw threats. The feeling in i
s..iia favors the recall of the delegates. 1
hut some of them a:? lncliaed to re- J
main for a few days, awaiting the et- '
feit of the p.iwetrs' note.
Kumaman demands continue to be,
the uppermost topic of interest. M.
Jonescu. ih? Rumanian Minister of the
Interior, whose wife is English, has
learned that public opinion is against
Rumania, and that l.-umanla's action
Is regarded in the nature of black
mall, whicn. if persisted in. might
mean war with Bulgaria in the near
future. M Jonescu is understood to
have received this impression also;
from a conversation with Sir Edward
Grey to-day.
A Sofia .li?pat?h says that Rumania1
has recelv'd energetic representations1
from Great Britain and Russia, which'
has infiuer. ed her not to cross the
boid?r. as sh? was prepared to do.
< ?n lit Inn? \ re Desperate.
(Spci 11 to The Times-Dispatch. I
New York. January 11.?That condi?
tions In Saloniki are desperate, as the!
result of the war between th? Balkan
States and Turkey. Is shown by the
(Continued on Fourth Page > "|
Kissed by President;
Now She's Satisfied
tVaahlnsion. January It.?na Pres?
ident Taft"? appointment list to-day
waa tbl* r>m i
"Phyllla Wtatraad. l ander, w to
I to be kissed i.**
\t ben that Item ranght tbe Preai
Oent'a eye ?? be ?at rionn at bta
desk be looked abont ht? nflloe. and
???er la oae corner, >sn a little ?Irl
with blonde curl- looVlac raaerlt at .
bio. lie.Llr her waa a woman, evi?
dently brr mother.
-a ell. Philllm.- be ?al4 aa be rwae
from hl? rbalr to ?hake band?, ~?o
ytro want ?? He M*?ed by tbe Presi?
dent nf tbe I nlted ??nfe?f
-1 em, air." nke llnped.
? Vt ell." aald I he Pre?M?nt. aa be
mined ber blab In bl? arm? and binn?
ed her fairli on tbe rkerk. -I bapi
yew will i rn?rn?He-r Iba?.?
Phvllla I? tmmr yewm old. She
renn? with ber mother aad some
f r1on<!?. aad ?nr.-m.ee then (bat
nke wocld net er leave U .hinti ?
nnttl abe hn?t been hl??e4 I.? tbe
Pre?iden?. ?he waa no luvlalent
?bat her melt. ? ?rnl, to the u hlie
Haeae and anally made na appoint?
ment with air. Taf?. Parin? left
fee her home In Wyoming te-day
?wife aatUded.
Republicans Seeking
Some Way for Return
to Power.
Government Ownership of Rail?
roads and Liquor Question Sug- ^
gested?Meantime, Progres?
sives Hold Meeting and De?
clare There Will Be No Re?
turning to Fold of G. O. P.
Chicago. January iL?The factions
Into which the Republican party has
split were cal!?d upon to "get togetn
er" hy former Governor Chase K. Os
borne. of Michigan, at a banquet of
the Hamilton Club to-night.
Referring to the club as the leao
lng Republican organ'zatlon of the
ooountry. the speaker called upon it
to take the Initiative In Inviting
leaders of the Progressive and Repub?
lican parties to a conference to seek
common ground.
"The invitation to attend could bo
marie general, and I would send spe?
cial Invitations to Theodore Roosevelt
and President Taft, to Senators La
Folien?. Dl.xon. Cummins and Root, to
Mr. Barnes. Mr. Filnn. Mr. Fairbanks
and Governor McGovern." said the
"The Republican party Is sick." con
tfaOBSl Mr. fJakeame. 1 There is no doubt
about it. I.ast year it was delirious.
Now the fever ia broken, let us hope
permanently. The patient Is weak
and anaemio. beat convalescening, and i
1 believe it has enough vitality to war- I
rant a prophesy of recovery. During
i*s dtelfrlaaa the, party was repu'liateit
by the countr). I ?lo not believe tins
turning of the people's backs is neces?
sarily permanent "
Party Must do Things.
The speaker said the Republican
party must do things as it did in its
"stout young manhood." The party
might take up government ownership
of railroads, as the government at
present is exercising "ignorant and in?
competent supervision, without respon?
sibility." It might taks up the subject
of "employment slaves." Of this class
be MSi there were more than there
\vc:r> of black slaves when the Re- i
publican party was formed.
Tb? temperance quest! >n waa an- |
other worthy problem, the speaker 1
said. "The greatest curse In our na- ;
tion is commercialized alcohol." h? said.
"I am neither a total abstainer nor a '
prohibitionist, hut I cannot close my j
eyes t? the facts obtained through ?
every channel of social survey that N
sac cent of crime, degeneracy, diseas*
sad pauperism is caused by the sale and
intemperate use of alcoh d.
"If the Republican party !s seekin? |
a worthy task, let it undertake this |
one. It need not sdvvate proritbi- ?
tion. but it could replace the saloon ?
with sufficient municipal clubs or sub- j
stltutes of that character, where pure ?
liquors and beers made in dlat?lerles
and breweries supervise rl hy the gov
crasssat could be sold in temperate
quantities at cost. Liquor will always
he used In some homes, clubs and ho?
tels, to which there may be no ohjec- !
ti in."
Determined Not to 1 nlfe.
New Torli January 11.?".Uraisht
out political Organization throughout
the I'nlted States" is to be the watch?
word in the Progressive National Com?
mittee for the next two years. So
says a statement issued to-day at the
close >f the two-day session of the
executive committee.
"The- first objeeflva." ?, v. the state?
ment, "is the i.rcanization of the Pro?
gressive party In every county and
congressional district throughout UM
country for n 'ruinating countv tickets
for the election of l"il ar.d making an
effeetlva congressional eampalcn In
that year."
The statement adds tTiat provision ? as
made for the perpetuation of various
committees, in iudir c the lcr.siative .
referenre committee, which will en?
deavor to 3?. 1st State legislators "in
the disse-'ilnatfor. and co-ordination of
Progressive measures." As to plans
for Progressive meetings in the near
future, the statement says:
"A irr- a! I onference of f.ve Ptat"*
is t? be held at St. Paul on January
I*, at wMr?i the or^eni-atlon of the I
party In the States of Minnesota.
Michigan. Wisconsin. North Dakota,
and South D-fkota will be reported ard
plans discussed for extending its work.
At a la'ee data a emferene? wil be
held In lows, at whff*s representa'.ve?
from all parts of the State will re?
present and work of organization In
that Stat" will be thoro-tghly discussed
A similar meeting will he held In Kan?
sas, where the Progressives will be ?
formally organized aa a pagty."*
Ml? Keller la ? harae.
Miss Frances A. Keller, with h?ad-|
quarters In New Tork. will have
charge of the commltter on education
which comprises the bureaus of child
In bor. popnlar government, so. 'al and
..idustnal juatlce. cost of living and!
oiher div.slons of t'??? rm^r'??iv. .-am
palgu. Permanent headquarters will |
b- main'ain'dj here, and O K Davis i
will continue aa director of the pub
licltv hnreatt. The organl-at'on work
will be In charge of 'Walter Brown, of
f h.o
The committee provided for com?
pleting the work of the finance com?
mittee and Tion H. Hooker, chair?
man, announced the appointment of
the following eommltteo to assist him
George <* Priestly, Oklahoma:
Charles * Bird Massachusetts: Aug Set
Heahahlr. New Y.-.h. 'Tiarles It. nrv
M , , usetts H D W kns
I'ennsylvsnla i^-orge F po-te.
Illinois and \r'?-ur I? Garford. Ohio
?est a. i ?Ire te Cnllfoewte. etaedaejj or
toiirts?. Latter p-rsone-' v coadected witbo-^
chars* daf!-. earept tasadey. Berth S*
a aaa-s-atrasst Reste, Sg K. Mala-A4 T,
Charges Cause Tumultuous Scene
v7a*hin?rton. January 11.?Mrs. Helen
Plorc* Orajr. who, as an investigator of
Crow Indian affairs, has been the oen- |
tre of mote than one storm, created a
tumultuous scene before the Sen.it?
Indian .\ffairs Cmmitteo to-day, when,
she charged that Ir.-'.ians had been
murdered to ret them out of the way:
that Secretary Fisher and Senator j
I>ixon had made statements "deliber?
ately untrue." and that If she had 1
opportunity to produce all her evi?
dence. "Secretary Flshe* woul^r be
connected up with one of the most |
gigantic steals going ort In the United !
Stc'es to-day."
The secretary and the Senator oft>
Jocted vigorously to her being per- ,
mifte?! to make, such general charges.
Members of th* committee demand- ]
ed that Mrs Gray produce proofs, ant!
Se rejary Fisher agreed readily to
prodOCS any evidence in his possess'on.
The hearing, which was on Senator
Townseni'e resolution to send tne
? 'row records to the Department of
Mbftee far inve-ttigation, went over
to next week.
Independents Fear They \\ iil i!c
Crushed by United States
Steel Ccporation.
They Complain That Corporation
Is Powerful Enough to Dis?
regard Legislation.
Washington. January IX?A picture
of the m^naco of th? United States
Steel Corporation crushing the inde?
pendent tin ]t!ate manufacturers in the
event th?- tariff bars were let down for
foreign products, and a ES? I SSI bah of
th- eONgjaVsto indifference toward tariff
revision shown by the Singer Sewing
Ma< hine Company, characterized by the
independents as a trust, f.atured to
day's hearing on the metal schedals
before the Hiuso Committe? on Ways
and Means. There were many wit
n- s?es testifying to a great variety of
articles borne on the iron and st-ej
portion of the tariff, and the commit?
tee continued in aeaaeag to-night.
The independent tin plate interests
?wer. represented hy e. R. Crawfort?. of
Pittsburgh. pre.?id. b| of ;he McKe-es
port Tin Plate Company. The Ste?>J
"Corporation was not represented. Mr.
Crawford offered g ooeaaraMias sugges?
tion of a tfa plate tariff of ft c<nts a
ton. and was sharply cross-examined,
ile ?.Vd if the tariff was cut so that
for. icn competitors of the Steel Cor?
poration were let in he fearad that the
corporation would retaliate by adpist
~9 so as to crush for ign com
get ? >.n, and that the independent*
beTg ?ej? go down with the foreign?
Calla It til-Powerful.
"The t'nited States Steel Corpora?
tion.' ha add-d. "simplv suff-rs us to
d. lcis ::??.? It ;? str-T.^ enough to pa;
us out of business in l-se than a w-ek
if it cared to"
TH >.m think." asked Represents
t ?.. Palmer, rvmocTaf. of Pennsyl?
vania, "that we oug-ht to legislate on
what you f' ir. or on the basis of ?. .?
contrai y historv of the last eleven or
twelve yeare?
Tea might put a weapon In thftr
hand.* to enable jjhem to mal:? a r* c ?
t-> I. r> pal e -. cn producers, a-.th
whom we might go down ?
Mr. Palmer responded by Baking if
the witness th ?u^rht there was .my
danger. aoagteWrtag th? present erst*
of public mind, of th- corporation drlt
Ing the Independenti oat <<f hus'neee.
The witness said that a tariff redu.*.or,
In fa? or of fo-eTgrt com-pe'lto-n might
Cive |h ??' -peration "an excuse" to
drive out eo-n petition, and flat he
wanted the tar.r to keep that excuae
hji ' -m r- eorporation.
II? teattnVd to hie belief that the
Oarpagaojaaj *t <1 producing
capacity to day greater than Great
Britain and ??? rmany combined, a ,d
that with all that :t represented only
?& per cent of th- ?feet p?ad<arlng ea
pae.-v of fV? eiunt't " that "It .naM
defend Ita position absolutely, even If
the aajjfaf was wiped out." that "it felt
aasohatalr secure - aud -rsa take rare
of tts?lf frevm legislation, no matter
what may a itse?
lf- said th?r? was a shorta?? o*
st*?l fe.-djc ard trtu th* ?aamaeaMaa
"There g <?? ? h- r*-ost .%f th? eo?s>e-a
fl?n again." said Representative palm?
ar, acorn fully.
"TK> y?*a think.- astmr Represent a
Uimax of Judge's Impeachment
Trial Will Come To-Mor
row Afternoon.
Vote Will Be T^ken on Each
of the Thii -en
Washington, January 11.?The Sen-]
ate to-day agreed to -begin at 1 o'clock'
Monday the voting upon the articles
Pf Impeachment against Roheit W.
Archibald. Judge of the United States
rommerco Court, charged with misde?
meanors and the misuse of his ju?
dicial influence. No debate by mem?
bers of the Senate will be permitted
during the voting, but under a reso?
lution ofTered by Senator Root and]
adapted, each Senator will have an
opportunity to file a brief explanation
? ?f his vote in writing, to be printed'
as part of the Senate proceedings in
the -case. |
ferret ?SBBBfcSBi Held.
Arrangements fop the final steps in
the case against Judge \rohbald were
made in a secret session of the Sen?
ate. The question of whether a Judge;
i ould c impeached for offenses that
did not make him subject to indict-'?
i.lent ander the law was raised by:
Senator McCumber. of North Dakota.1
hut was withdrawn without a formal'
vote having been taken. The legality'
.?f Impeachment proceedings based on
nets committed by Judge .\rrhbald he.;
fore he became a member of the. Com-!
t:ierc? Court was also ">rought Into;
d iestion lev Senator Clarke, of Arkan?
?a* but was not threshed out in the
When tSe Impeachment c?-irt re?
convenes at 1 o'clock Monday, the first
?rttcka of impeachment wMl be put
to a vote without furfher -tielov. Sen?
ator Root offered a motion to have the
question of "guilty or not guilty" sub
Brtfaai Individually to each sltiato- on
each of the thirteen articles of im
Th;? was modified at the
I g?ssest ion of .?nntor Clarke, of Ar-t
kaasaa. and the individual question to
each Senator, followed In the case ot
the impeachment of l*re?ldent Andrew
Johnson, will give way to a general
mbmission of each article, to be fol?
lowed by a roll call vote on each.
Wa? Modify Peaalty.
It is expected that In oase Judge
A-chbald should be found guilty by
a two-thirds vote on any article or
Impeachment a resolution will be of?
fered by some Senator, proposing that
the penalty shall be limited to his re?
moval fretn ofllc? snvi shall not bar
Mm In the future from holding of?
fice. This proposal was not made for?
mally In the ee. ret session to-dav.
but probably will be pressed if th?
accused jurist aho ild be convicted
leading members of the Senate ex?
pressed doubt to-day as to the ??]
. ea* of the aropose-i plan to m >dlf>
the penalty.
The first artlcl- of Irr.pe*- hr ?
upon which a note will be taken, al
paaaaj that Judge Agr-hhaM tried to 'n
CafaVe ohVlala of the Erie Railroad,
which had antes pending in hia court,
to grant him a favorable opt'oe opoa
a refuse coal domo "w r.? d a aub
?Idlary of (he railroad.
w\ar>i i.nx? f taNT^tf.
Very ch?ea? nuae a*d th-oae* PaiieuMi er
eofsmndartaws via ho THMty IUU.WAT.
^??^1 V en. c-.tr ^*^-^>-^ *?
Must Be Honest
Before Country Can
Be Successful.
Wilson Says Perfectly Honest
Man Is at Disadvantage Because
of Present Methods?United
States Must Be Set Free
of Every Feature ot
Chicago January 11.?Big business
Its right to growth md Its duties te
the country, were discussed by Brest?
dent-Elect Wood row Wilson In a speech;
before the Commercial Club, of Chica*
go. to-night.
"I do not care how big a bualnesB
prows, provided It grows big In con?
tact with keen competition." he said.
The Qovwuer made an appeal for a
dissolution of what he said were pre?
judices In this country between capi?
tal and labor.
Among Governor Wilson's auditor*
were batik presidents, railroad presi?
dents and heads of great business en?
terprise. Seated near him were Gov?
ernor Deneen. a Republican, and Gov?
ernor-Elect Dunne, a Democrat.
Contrary to expectations. th? Gover?
nor was not spoken to by local poli?
ticians In reference to the senatorial
situation In Illinois. His only caller
to-day was Charles R. Crane, who
frequently has been mentioned as ?
Cabinet possibility.
Governor Wilson declared that suc
ceas of enterprise) depended upon the
opening up to the rank and file of tho
nation, not only its physical resources*
but the business credit aa well.
System AI reedy Convicted.
Men had testified under oath, ho
said, to the existence of an "inner
ft feie" hy which credit was obtain?
able to the exclusion of those against
whom that Inner circle sought to dis?
""I am not drawing an Indictment
against the banking system." he said.
"That already has been convicted But
I do refer to the banks ot credit in
"I tell you frankly that If I per?
mitted my thoughts to dweti apoc the
responsibility that will Tall upon rte
I wonld be daunted. I came here to asg
your counsel and assistance.
"The business future, of this country
does not depend on the government of
the United States; It is dependent on
tne business men. The government
cannot breed a temper. It cannot
generate thought and purpose. Things
done under the whip of the law are
done sullenly, somewhat reluctantly
sjyaf never successfully. The hope of
America Is the changing attitude of
the business men towiard tlie things
they have to handle in this country.
"I want to take sternness out of this
country. I want to see suspicion dis?
sipated I want to seethe time brought
iibotit when the. rank and file of tho
d!tuiTi| ??f the I'nited States who
hav< a stern attitude toward the busi?
ness men of the country shall be ab
iwdtjtely done away with and for?
gotten. Perfectly honest men are now
at a disadvantage in America e.-iuse
business methods In general are not
trusted by tho people, taken as a
whole. That is unjust to you; it is
unjust to everybody with whom busi?
ness deals and evnsybody*. whom busl.
ness touches.
People Vre \ot Trustful.
'In the I'nited States they do net
believe?I mean the rank and tile ot
our people do not believe?that men of
every kind are upon an equality In
their access to the resources of tho
country, any more than they believe
that everybody Is upon equal terma
In his acc.-ss to the justice of the coun?
try,, it is believed in this country that
a poor man has less chance to get
justice administered to him than a
rich man. God forbid that that should
be generally true.
"And then, in addition to all this, we
must see to it that the business of the
I'nited States la set absolutely free
of every feature of monopoly."
Here Governor Wilson paused, looked
about the banquet room and then add?
ed: 'J notice you do not applaud that.
I am somewhat disappointed, because
unless vou feel that wsy the thing la
not going to happen except ba duress,
which is the worst way to br.ng any?
thing about, because there will ha
monopoly in this country until there
are no important business men who
do not Intend to bring It about. I
know vrfa; when they sre talhtthn*
about that thev sav there Is not any?
body In the I'nited States who ever In?
tended to set up a monopoly. But I
know there sre some gentlemen who
did deliberately go about to set up
monopoly. W* know that they ta
ter.dcd to do It.
c ?? provided it g-ow? Wg In Pontaat .'
with sharp competition, and i know
that a baeinres ba-rd) oa ceaain*
tsl which bss not a drop of wats? la
It can be . uducted with greater ?f
snd economy than a bas.aesa
His star..I appwnded.
Tou-h.ng on coasTvation. he said:
llcy of reservation is not o
of eonservatton.'*
\ TP la use greeted th!? statement, at
he added that tho government st Waat
ington had been "suspicions of
body who approached !t fee water pow?
er rights and the pm leges ef conser?
vation generally*
The Governor pro.-:>:m?d a yetlicy of
accessibility to the raw materials at*
the country to ever , body aa tho easao
Prat A conservation sofey. ha Ar?}
elared. sSoeid bo free from d.ecr
Taw oagttt to he
raise that esaty the aaaa excesg'eaa; ra
sfaarartar f gal? %? rl\ ssanat the
?hOeW '

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