TULSA DAILY WORLD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1920 1 COAL EMBARGO MAY BE PLACED Federal Officials Con sider Plan to Ef fect Relief. FUEL SHORTAGE FACED Itriodfl Situation Reported In East" Marine strike and Congestion Art Cauaaa, U i r a. - kttMj PMM WASHINGTON, ftffli l. -An m i , n mitl ftportl mm ii HfeMIM f rt I.- vine, NM kMII furl Rhtftftift In vmtoiii p-pcilon f thr rnuntiy taki'fi up for nuiiM'l riln l"iy hy v. ml flcpurtitiMii "f ih v. vi rn in ni itirrt from BalMitf tc tHa Intfr.Hintr r -ihih' rrt nrnmlrilfn Mv loin .r .i i i ih H ti r ,m ouh iiui hi soma wuBicipallilti only two d$yi iiipply i on hand 0 vor nor Cootldfr of MAMMOhUMtti haa Illllit MI" l 1 ' 'I I ''H .th f I I ' lll'f Oth tr RMtlon ol l hi Bonn try at fHHt I" (in facing Him 1 1 r ir tltt in MHI'"ij:I) I'I'I M l''ll t ff rtl'd III l.Oliii- CAM! The n iwt.y MAgM lOfl frW which tin eountri Km litii fulU icovtfd nti'l !;' ir.kf nf inniU'r Wtu kra in numb i i r Atlftntli porta mm nn Ida ad priiiiipui contrlbuUnj f atri tna pffMtfM itlUAtloa Brajdletton of ha hi mful in ffluanoa 'f lhaaM iw fa'tni w.i ItM ubjtcl r dtaouaaloh lodtjf btji n Attorney Qanaraj I'ulmai fend in'm i i of i lit- i . 1 1 1' i n 1 1 commit oa oofn inifM on, Maana of daoiing with rail oona iidii ftnd morlna loboi trotiblaa Hard umt' Itood 0 huve hi t n m.i"t up n Iti'atoi athn of norliuil H nn-'rta t!vn t ' lullilont by rnitrua. Imw var, (ft ibIm Mid, would noi briaa oumjtli i rotlaf from the cool aJiort otf knd tborofora mi- qtiMtton of un fni I'ji i go, litn I lOT to thai ilurlma I a at fun tool Rink', in oontldorod! Had I'nui r i Hiring War, TMirliiM IhO Tool admlnl mi. it Ion art! 0O0W hh" I of power lo rl' larc an aSDOl t ani uruo on conl, hut Ihti tianafi'i t f ( I .ulut UUHt r,i Upoi pjowtri ( i ha dlrootor aoaofal of the foJIwoi odmlttloArotlon "i the mom recent plootflfl f tfiaj rtlictor Keuornl e pawfff In the OOOdi of the OOtirafaVy of th Interior, hnvn led th (iiethii of whether an ombargo oouTd ba laid withotu ml dltlrntl tRlaUton Mam bora ol i ba latojaajtajti ootii mrrrc OORtRllaolOfl hi I aald in hOd thai tha ooaitnlaalon tiii(t not pul an ambofffo "n aicopi bjidlrootly by mtoni of BOf aantK'mnent ordea whh h would altmlnota tha aupply tif tuira for ih tra naportat ion "f auch coal to thr pot Ih Should tha amorfraeg become guff flclc'nily Krcat book offlclala declare that the attorney fjiujcial mlirht act undt'r I . vcr food and fun) control a tn pUt'f an cinh.trico on emit. DEMOCRATIC CHIEFS MEET Tnnirnrl, Muridiv Mai OtOig thither tit French I.Uk MirliMra. KHKNCII LICK tirillNdg. lnd., June 1 5. Thoinaa TagKart, demo cratic no.nlnco for llnttad Htatca nator ffOBI I ndlana, t'harlca T. Murphy, of Tommaay HalL Qaa Ofnor Smith of New York, Senator WatHon of VlrannlOi and many nthara pro tnl ihmii In dnnmci atlc circle are OB joying a "reat" at Krenrh Uoh and no plana for the dcnunratlc na tional convention am hclna; dla OUaaod, Mr. TaKK'iit ilcclarcd totlay. Ha porta that ih oonvoaMoa m hainu "flXOd" at French l.lck tol.iv. ntOVOd Mr Taavarl to mako a aaplafnonl da glaring thofa araa no political aitc- nlfit an c nltui hed t the meet at French l,t k. TO ENDORSE LA FOLLETTE WImi I'lultl Slll-I'illllllll I . .IKIIIT- ll BMk Sciiiilor'a MIhuv MADIiOff, Wm, .1 ii tn 15.- The Wisconsin branch ot iht Nnntmi'ii Kn ItWKUr If t l. ''.! lo K(l I'll rfl orl linn uiiuiirrow un cnilorilnM ihi pit tin Hint.- tlokal of i in ii Kiiiii'tiv faction, from JijlnM ThompMn tot t h Unllfld siiiifM Kin. Hi' uml J .1 Uliihu' for (ho Kovi'rnornhlp to tho mom minor tfftri'. Tin- dtlMftlM from 3 DOUntlM arc ttihti'iu tt-tl foi Uliiine. Tho oon vrntlon Ih to uilot a pllrlfprm fOf Ihi' MAti HI'llMtot'lilt hiiiI i-oiiic.H. ridhal 'ni'iilKn thut la 'll to ba pi'in tti iiiiv lha lama aa tin upon wlilrli tin' I .a l'"llrttr i ain1l.l.ili' will m.ik.. t lift i rni-i'. Rich Widow Admits Taking Cans . 'Iitvajl flt jal9 aHafFuMabjab, jujariLjff Rgnyalibjg'lw Biay' v WTtfMHIBaaaW ' 'VWWWhiCi gnr aTga nflfXfll ii f1fctaaaMT r? I. CJa r'l . lilamintf faailnatlon for rurila for hor pllvht, Mm Kv.'i H. 'llrnxon, wlitotv ..f a ChlcuKO liankar. who la chargaoT with th- th-rt of r'ni" and J moni y from a woman In whom' apuitmont ho In alh gi il In luiv loat ' Mem v at pokar. tolil of n,. hl(b atakrn pluyi',1 fur : u vHiiue or woiurn protnlin'til um lally In Nrw York Mm. flleaaon haa an IMOIM nf ll,(tl a yfar. ami, aooordllll to hr iitoty, within a f w t thu hail lorn must jf i It. Tha lanm ! tuk. fi..m Ilia h f Mm Ch-HiT 11. ("urty of Ni'W Voik, anil urn valui'd at l,uu. Tin y havn I n ntiirni'il. MARSHALL SEES CHANCE TO WIN Saya Republicana Ho So Well Pleased With Harding Now. HA f 1IANCiaCO, Jung S1B. Tha' th ropublloan laadofg arg tagg well plaaaad with th-' aominatlog of aanaiai Warran 'V Harding, eandl data for tin pfgatdaficy tanighl than they w ere laat Hnturday, waa de c la red hy V ice I'reaident Mai aha 1 1 on bta arrival hora tonight i at :cnd the democratic nattoaal con yantlon Tho lag preaident addod he BrM not a oandloota for tha praaldi nay hut t ha contrary waa about i ra tire ft on i pohth Me lt and that tha rapublioang wora m arrorlftha) aaaumad the aloction of Baaator Harding wa foratrona concloaion and that rrraldant Wllaon did not want a thlid tai n but Id he nom laatad and glat tad for ona if ba did t tf .Senator Hat ding 'a and I dm . tha vt a praaldoni aala "The raptihllcana ar not en wall plaaaad now a thry were aatttrday night Paraonalli i have hinh ra gard f"i Baaator Harding I wtfuld go anything for him aaevpt voia for him Tin rapuhltcana r- mahlag tha mtataka of ihalr llvoa In think ing of the N'nx fin bar elect Inn a I foragona oonnluatoaj and f tha di vn ooratn aa n dlaorgantaod, dafaatad party Thev R.llng fn find III verv much alive In November " r Martha 1 1 decried lavtgh cx -pandMliaa of mnnrv tn BOIUlactlon with ureal dent In I lafllMlgni 1 1 WAX Mdtahaartanlng." he aaid adding thai ha fograttod "tha rapttblloaaa were not the only gtiUty onaa " if the dantoaratlfl oonrontlon and hti owti pari s dalagata in it. the rfoa pi aaldani aald i MJ nm here to prnmot paaoa and ffood will a.nnmr tha domocratl n thla romlnir convention ' Ha id ao far h m tha oonaantloa a aonggrnad. "there no Irtah Quaattan' and af prtilnhltlon gnforoamaWt h declared "Nothing In ao detrimental to tha country a tha paaaatd of lawg aad the Iffnorlng of thone aam lawa ' Mr M I rah all 'g referenci to hla re ti--reft waa In nitawar to nn la I qulrar'a quaatloa aa tn whether b w iff n enndlrlatf for the democratic praaldenttal candidacy llh an waver waa "I tWI in old man Wha line torn hn hair for Kryan. alaved for pgr-i- and dOWg hla hardnut for Wtleon and 1 am gboUl ready ! retire from TWO LUNATICS ESCAPE Rome ht'f llcr Nvrtlnn of Hod OOM tookl ii h i Ton Mm fWhstefl In bo in raiiL'rii lli N Infornwllon ihai two fhrn "d- mnfad In IfltaltMt" ar. on their wv la Tklaa haa hm-n faoatvad by Mr HallM iio .iv. hfinif arvl'' ri'lary for thr Tu1a ronn'y tt'tl "rn from homo aatrlca HapaHfnanU at To- Pka, Ktti nti'l Vltiltn Tha talafeTajn aanl Mofi'tf from Tnpaka wai an telloiwa "Balph wb baft n dlanharcad inmnf aoldlar n rapad from mothaf lio wtaari Br- f-n hal with how in thi- back, black coat ila, k blua pant, arm ihoai hi, irk ami whi'" xrlpi'd hirt: fi frit II Ifiohaa, If ha comaa tn y6nr offlrr. hold if poairibla ami wlft n" V 51 Hlmmii, fea4 of tha holM irvli at Vinlta. had Iho followilM to hv nhont a man ralllnu' hllfiattf Frank Da waa, who wa employrd In 'lnlla for a nhorf tlnio aa nwlti-h man "1 InlomlPil to flva tha man mnr tltrn bafofa hr trft horr. hut h irot out of town hrfori- I COUld gi to him. hxaillPK for Tutaa Tho raltroail paopla ballava that hi mind is affariad, if thi man ahoura up, Rlbdlv hnvi him Invoniliratiol nml I ballava that you win finrt1 it naoaa aary tn aommH him to omn iiinti- tutlon for treatment ' MAY TAKE ICE PLANTS S 'I gatlon from thr Ilnnton liar aaaorla- Hon vtditrd th" dapartmani of iuatlea aa ai . a u.. ' to urotiat hla appolntmurt of I-iml Mayor Walton Announora Hr Iter Khar ,0 aS Unltad itataa dla t all S--lal i:i-tlon to JVnialrtrr , -ttorni for th" Boatotl 'IlKtrirt. In a talagraaj to Praatdani WIumb HafahUihlfaj Masks' pal nurti OxfuAMt 'MA fITV, J'ine 15 - May or J. t Walton in a Mataajiaill t". night daelarad ha wcaild rail a pr- rial rirrtton In thin rlly to votr on a propoaal In ratatillah muni 'it i! ica pianta. Hr darlafftd thia laainad to I." thr only way of aattllna thi rliffii uliy glowing out M '" atrlki "f let ilrhrra whlrh hrgan w.i-k Th" mayor iiiii noi aal a datp whr.i thr hctlon will I"- oallad. Hop for an rarly BtttU tnrnt of tha diltatonrra lirtwfi n the :n mm uaaaturara anil tttalr anion driaar .mil h' lprra dlaapPaarad Ihl aftci noon whin, acoordlni 'o mnnufa-'t-oi. na oflll ala, thi- attlkrri fajactad in offrr lo aithmit all dlffrne I. twren th a'rikrra and omployra to a l.onr'l of aroiirallon DallVrry Of ! lo all ri-Mlnna of lh' Oily had practically Oaaaad to day, it war atatrd. hut anyone could obtain lo by applying nt tna looka NEW PALMER CHARGE claim Madkt Thai Hr mded i iirml Palronaar ro, tajppurt for i'ni danoy In Waaaarhnactta, WASMINOTONi Jtmr 15. At torney Qanaral Palmaf probably win tr raeallad bofor t te nat eont mittaa invaatlgating primary alao thr apciclatlon call tnr appoint: Qt a "puhllr calamity" and thn ch.-g, la hrlng openly mad that thi at torney general traded tha fi l-ral herth In flu-n for thr promt) of li leg.vnn to hai k hla camlldary f,)r president at the sun f ranolsrn to rent Ion. CaVMIM Figurvit WAI1IINOTON June 1 1 lahna town. la., t7 3J7, Increaar I I 85, or 2 1 ! par at nl fork, Pa., 17,ll)l, Inrreaaa 2,"4!, . per rent. ll.iv. i Ml Maaa .l HM Inrrraue 1,111 or J.i per rent Atirriteen H. 1 1. I.llf! Inrreaae 1,74. or per rent MlHliawaka, lnd, 11,191, Inn eaae 5 ir.n in 27. H per cant riaMOUt, 1 1 h io, r.',4(H. lti'Tea"" .50 or per rant. Went Alllr. VIh, U.7H6, Inrreaae 7,Un or lov l pel m Oalumbui, Miaa. 19,11 Inai aa 1 .r. II or 1 n K per rent. MAKE ROOM IN POSTOFFICE Uayfaaftong to Dadaraja PWMttttea win Hi c ii at Onoa Raojuaai mau- by (ha Tutaa poat- offlce far the addition of g whole ali mi imp window, a ' I dell cry window, and two aaCtlOlia of battM a Ith lurx btni In order to nlve I battar aervlca to Iho public haa re Oatvad the favotahle attantlgn of the treaaurv depart tm-nl and the nltor- at ion win probably ba authorlaad Immediately, John II. Mcge RUpar Inlenttetit of miilta, aanl vei fla v Tim addlUotia win ha affaotad 1 thrmigh tha ixtcnaiou of tin- iimiiry ordar dapatmant lobby Into work- rpjBtn apace BBS atBBBBySaVBBtWkaV IBSBS i &3 ! DENVER invites you to use her new $250,000 FREE a a art' M VACATION AUIO uamp IN THt MUUN 1 AINO visit Rocky Mountain National Park, Mesa JSjfSS Verde and Denver's Mountain Parks. Enjoy Camping, Fishing, Motoring in cool Colorado. Reduced Railroad Rates WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET tliot tells where to go and what to see. HRANCH BUREAUS: Chicago. St. Louu. JUnaaa City and Colorado Spring! The Wave Lasts Teip:tr hot waathr, water or paraplratlon thr hair aril I remain luatrou and wa y arhan porntan witly wavnl by our nirtho.l r'rani o-Am t Iran toilet prrpara UOH! will improve your complex ion. Try them. New York Hair Shop and Beauty Parlor 71 17th St. Illenwr fnlii I AN OLD -RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR Sage Tea ami Sulphur Turns Gray, Faded Hair Dark a nil (Hussy. Almost i vi ryone knows that Kaua Tea anil Sulphur, properly OOm poimtlail. t'l itiBB ha. k th natural color ami luatar to tha hair when fadad, aUraakad or ry Yram ago the only way to Ret thla mixture was to make it at Kama, whlrh la miiaay and trvublaaom. Nowatluya we simply auk at any tlruK atora for "Wyelh's rtage an1 Sulphur Compound " Toil will rt a lurif bottle of thi olil-tlma raolp, Iniprovnl hy ilir addition of other ad enta. at t v little ooat Bvarybod uaea this proeautlon now. 'irrauae no one pan poaatbtf tell thai you darken", I your halt, as Ii do it ao naturally and "evenly. You iluiuprn a ipon or soft hrush with It mid draw this through your halt. ! taklni on" small ntiuml at a ttmai hy mornlnif the urav hair ,1 aapprira and altar another application or two, your hair beroutea t-.Muiifully dark, thi. k and glossy and you look yraia ronna;rr. A dvt. KeepYourSkin-Pores Active and Healthy With Cuticura Soap IT'S A FACT All Tulsa Recognizes the Fact That PUTTER'S SELLS CHEAPEST Here are some of our mid-month specials for the rest of this week Onoeyelet lies, black df" i . i rti; While kid pumps One lot. kid. Louia heel tpO,vO DOUUOIT .clippers high throated, high lq or Complete lot novelty boudoir heel, special j)7.0tJ Brown kid oxfordi, military PP, beautifully flowered Bfcby ,ollis hee, fveyelet, heel, nil sizes, com- d a or qc beautiful hiack kid Jr nr plete lot at. pair ....9400 V3C oxford , DDa70 Baal Uuallty UliiKhama, per yard I jullea' Aulo Caps, ran special at . . . 9 quality laadlaa llogr. at 23c 10c 9c Hoys' avnah Suit. Tie and 11 99 Ladle jq Oollara, very daalrabla tiaC 3.45 39c 69c Ladlai' silk waiiin, at rv Ladlaa' Qardan Hot, oi all rolora and materials J't Indies' Hllk Gloves, apeclal at Special Skirt Offer In n striking assortment of skirts for warm weather wear. Silk Crepe. Kumsi- KuitiMt Beronette Satin, white and colored silk skirt.s ordinerily priced at $15 to $20 each, very .spe cial at $9.95 Pom Porn Boudoir suppers, fatirv fiowarad, a J- tjjl value it 3) LaX7 Man' summer Kool Kloth araah panta, $1 93 111 Kooi Kloth, Hon' (fo nr Hull, lor tpO.it) 9 Men a Palm 1 Q Baa, h sum, for . . . J) 1 tJstO fi'i Mai i w.i-h rf o " rants, for !.'-) I", Men s blank' not! button shoea with (laslbl sole, Ideal for sum- mr waa UiO Ov sperial IS 50 Men's atrlpprd nveral's. an aacaptlonaJ fijl Qfl valun til ! ') 11,99 Ladl' Wallta, (f I pa nl at aOC 130 Silk Vol:" lii"!W, th" moat faaolnaliae of accordion piaata. r:,ttl $19.75 II. so LaVdla1 Silk lloao, all ml- T.: 98c Sample Towela, Q aperial at C 1 Chlldren'a Uroasea, neweal Btimmar flC. f blon iOC :i and j.60 Middy QB Dlouiea, ipaolaJ at O I .) Tlf Men's allk Hale half hose, taotory 90ai Is a.sv 17.60 dainty cotton jl A nr rbllt Mroel di fsses . . tD'x.aO RKCOGMZKl) AS TUK PRICE SETTERS 2 0 .1 SOUTn MAIN M THE BARGAIN CENTER OF TULSA Darliii"; will you marry me? Not until you give me a McMinn diamond. McMINN JEWELRY CO. 120 E. Third Binraal UtUa suin- In Tula Ua. Muln ul If uurLl Boys' Suits of Palm Beach Cool, comfortable, economical and clean. They are a veritable bleeding for a sweltering son and a Pound laving for his parents. In several shades and styles, si.es ii to 18 years. $10.75 to $15 Summer Clothes for Boys' Wash Su)ts$2 to $!fi.50 Khaki Pants $1M and $1.20 Khaki Shirt $1.35 Khaki Mouwh .95c Caps all shades $2 to $3.50 Minuses $1.45 to $7.50 Shirts $1.15 to $7.50 Underwear $1 to $2 Hosiery 15c to 75c Sport HiH,c$l and $1.50 New Ties 35c to $1.50 v lluthing Suits $2.75 to $.50 Kcdft i thn Sumor Shoes for boy ytmtli'a sIon 11 S to 2 $1.50 to $2.75 Boyd 2 '-a lo 0 1.U to $4 Tan leather Sandals 5 to H $1.7! S'l to 11 $2.00 12 to 2 $2.25 2i to ti $2.H5 KovcralU the Play Suit for the Ulilille. attruotlvrlv trlni nd, -ii, : In Mi'veral ool iirs iuul matorlalNHtiirtly anil pi n"! i, al , sliex a lu $2.00 Other Play Suits $2.50 to $5 Hot Springs, Arkansas National Park " - in jaiimmpr1 a 5 "vf mmjsssiim it A winding valley flanked by green hilla. Summer's warmth tempered by cool breezes from over Bailee of pine foresU and green mountain slopes. Enhanced by mammoth ultra-service hotela and comfortable boarding houses. Blessed by a wealth of warm healing kpringe, waters efficacious in maluria und after effect of the flu. The most complete bath houses in the world, operated under Government control. Tbere is a subtle charm in this our first National Park that appeals to every American. Plan to spend your summer vacation and enjny motoring, hortsebaek riding, (rolfing, swimming, in fact nil outdoor sports while renewing your health in the radio-active hot water bath of the great American SpdL. Reduced round trip railroad fare. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED HOOK LET "W" ADDRESS Business Men's League HOT SPRINGS, ARK. 8daB.OlTtnitii I mlcw :ir MrttvTi Vvi an ..L-a -'ih va (. ' f i a 1 !tft 1 . Ma..