OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, September 01, 1920, FINAL EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042345/1920-09-01/ed-1/seq-15/

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1,01 or.iif Ton Sai.k m iioiNKa rnit sali: M I I'imn ami rums roil rui.r. n "
l.anaiea t room
nae.aw, cgrner loi near
r JIB"" 1,.,.. te Inu. tla.ira
A1 " .'V...
" ,
. nun enutty In ft
, f'H '..," seme rash for
I l" 1Mw ,,,,ru 1
'"' ''.ini.llfjrrrnc.nl hjnlow7 oVU
iR a'' ' n Intel, rl.esv 1-,'"J"
..,"! .; basement, .lan.y
1 ' 1 i.irr. I'M" reduced tn
" V Yale MK lor lr lou
II ''' ' ..re I'M or Ilseldenre
M I "' I n inv Co.. :u Securuy
lU . t'l.t .....
Kenilall cv.le0 .n st'.et car UN. fu I
fl.eil lot . c I well vcter ami .uteri,
ihsitiroorn r....h-l In ,in. e II Km m
!H.'''" '"is l-.
KA8r SIOK Oiiee I.. Illia-rest aciiilt7.n
,hou."." ."nd 4 '"'V '"'"H f.clns
on 3 .treet.; l.rlre ll.oefi; -ah 11.000
......... ... . .wii . nice l.J
, !, two moty re.ldencei
- , beautiful decetallom.
,, all bullt-ln features,
... . Meakfa.l room, twine
n.,n furnace, BrK.
,r nr. A J. JrnX'r"
. i.n.e o.age Hill
,,.w a rooms, corner, east
,'. n.l era.-e, '"'
r, I..U.I
in" Anijel, J17 Jloblnaon
,,. 715 ' T0
i,.wn 4-rcwrn nirtttern
. rv,nt t"l location corner
pavement paM out: only
' ,'
" 1
Ml. '
fir i 1
)r. H"
fell '
fr "'
i'l r -
RTTf. J"'
.. . ,. "i-room bunialow; lull
r,B, M.jr. 1(.llt t0 arhool anil car
' ,t-o a SO caalli l" rr
P1 ,r a r.nini bunaalow:
, ircta. bathroom. cipn
w. n bk porch. plnic
H.J60. hoi caih. T.
iff S'i.3
. n
rni mo.lcrn biinrtalow
cant front, aoou i.h-h-
,,rnt only I.n00, tcrmr
' l.iiniralow: cloa In.
.1 well, rlono to school;
rah. tit Pr month
, i.av" aKh (r vacant or
u a jiroptrljr. Call Ualcy.
,,.1, II
m mh
r luie,
Call l'.aley. 0i
(r IJ.7S0; law
r, ,rlb rlile location; two.
e atira.tlve ilecnrallonH.
m har.lwoo.l floor
... ii rooma; bcniitirui
' ilrry rc 1
Urre ' lr k .
M,"J,; ir A J Jenkins A Son Oaage
Ii. " room bunanlow
Foil ' A'' r... m baaemcnl I Krnao
j ii .iJirti" ""Jl l hon'
i" ""i n. '.ooyVocat.r;
"":.,"'(,m., iViy clo..t room; full
4 UKU . r 'om r nn(, ,, 0,
1" r'. ' " 1','on''
n, t tinth Kood ltc tit tun .
fIX eira wrll .ml floe
irAri i " ,'hn ai"
,R,V1 ,.m f.i P r'r month Trie
I mo 'ah balance ll per
.TVrnlTi l ' " a-., i '
7- nuii I S1 CASH. I
, ,. , .,,,k new. t roomi n.l
Ulh .-"'"'S " por-h: lot 50X1I0-. .r.
! i a .i. crrptlonal value.
! 4 pv .-ro COMPANY
iiiwr.n. c""r 117
j .m I loo c-aSII.
e..k on, on !.!. U-room biiniralnw.
f,?r rr n.el oak floor.! baaem.nt
... .... rm Cedar '17
c.t '
L r . r .. 5TJ nPn' tnVTll
iJilSV. aei.V"b.rn otloiHOi .t
" south Y..rklown. immediate po..
lit MAYO HUM. CKDAn 117
B, new - -n bungalow, breakfa
S'l,,,,, .v tloor.. mantel and all
the built In fea' 'f clo.eta: eplen
ild elTtrlc fi.'orea anil deeorallona:
Um.nlan4 .r3Ee. ea.t front; eplendld
To hou on he eame lot; one 7-rnom
mil oae -room. both modern. I5''
not lot ett fmni baamenl; mantel.
rinr fine lorannn ihe owner haa re
oie'd th'l for quick .ale: 110.500 caah;
thli prnpert will 'a"y trood loan.
111 M o nidc Phone O.aire 7025
TfSM-7. 000 i-VSIl IN nllOAOMOOR
I room, and .Iceptnir porch, bi.emeiit.
mo.lrrn. n-antel In .(wood floor.; bullt
ln.feturr fine location; shown
by ppointr 'f-nt
irOTl AI.K--e"room modern with
. reenrd in por. h breakfa.t room.
lirdwc"d floor, bum In feature.; two
tir rite loi DOnHO See owner for
trm. C O William. Stll Haat Hlchth
Hrrrt i
8ix rooms n."iIrro hardwood floor,
tnuih-ur full .tze lot, ifnrarie; ea.t
front bull in feafire. Murphy bed,
oult m wtrdirbe eerythlnB complete.
1700 win l:f'o i-a.h
I" mvt m nr. piionii oyAQR 7Q2S,
TRIVAIt fa" 1U leavlniTtown will .ell
rtw r tr , 'hree room., bath, com
pletely furni-r-rl pirt lenna. Pnr ap-
"Inimenr ri'i Mr. H o.age 8270.
ilVt ll. V ..V it Til YOltKTOWN
fit r ri r.1 h eil f..( room, basement -rode
h I! int.1 har.lwoo.l floor.; full
Ill" lii if. c. .tiHe ea.t front, bun-
c- " ' ii c "w rj.n
til MT" I.I r.ri piii.s'M OSAOK 70S5
tITV MAP m i ,ia i." Call and are It.
B W Hwarl a Went Third O.aue
lOn Ul If'K HA! II 1IY OWNKll llartalll
lit tro-iii "i.il.rn bunsolow One of
the beit I, . a'l'ini In illy, ea.t front; one
Jlnrk from . ar line, largo Blry room..
Ilnlnnrd irolden rk nd old Ivory, lnritc
t'S!"'1' r"n fnr raire. S:0
h Ohiuria Telephone Untie IHO.
II 00 ll SOU "i- vmii'-soUTH" viOTOlt
i-roonn modem, hardwood floor.; full
lot. c, front. beautiful location.
cloe to car line and erhool.
Ill MAYO Tll.no Pill INK OHAfin 7085.
k.m'VJ". n"s,'n bunitalow with ba.e.
'11 8 Kruc""" S'n 0wner.
'rlttiTV,'1 room; ba.ement;
I'll .fJ ? . n,n'': hardwood floora;
W l.te.1 rV,me.,",lfu' loclleni lii" "II
''! built in featurea
py!i,r,Jl!;P1 .PUONKOHAni; 7088
ImcedTn. 'Tm c",,Ke. Bo".r velf.
"001 IJ nno n.rt, .r-".nvenl"" ,n '" nn'l
ir; '"
IU. St 1.1. m" flni'i-atory. ),,,, tl,.
""Im r'i,""'?,","h"1i Immediate poa-
hilMn fr.n rl?". narlwoo'l floor.;
loth" ci X2n, w"'"rk; laree
Hay ; i , i-tmi;nt CO
jf..r. l,r . - l-llXEOK.nB 7085.
bo i ','",;'1!11' ''!. two 3-room
Wo- on " J-?' l'.rn; we"; """"
i'ltV A",1.' Y '? "" Wnr:
IT' rnonih ..'
B1QHT- u, N-niJlTlriTnbcK NOHTH
1 room 1-1. won!).
P'HM Jt"'.ns Porch, modern;
tllt-ln f,,, d ,"oor. full .lie lot.
I' "r II,, i'1 location; cloee
"'. w in, 1 1 -.o'o n"",y 'l'ltil.
" fAY'!iWi.',H.'Vl",MnNT CO
, r L'r' Pjm.Nl: OHAOK 7085.
''""m buoe1" " 1lvr.lmo.Tl"eV
! i. ,,"?",Lm I" slfl lot on
S bult-ln cabinet., lame
t- i, ; - i.rao caraee. one-
II sa i'V" n " lle
it jam. t iaa . r'u.T w. , ;.".r; r;:r.
Bit roimn, modem, mantel, hardwood
floora, iraraire and eranta' quarter, full
'I'lcnt'"' 'ot'",n' nowri by appoint.
l.VO 1 1 '-I'". I'l IONh,flAOl!708fc
Mitiv LT,cHKT?TN6itTTriiiiK
7 Mil, 'ulltjM lot. l-rcwm hou.e In
haik. bcMiitlful location, cl.w. to car line
or 10 mlnutea' walk to Third and .Main,
t '.. V w,,h Thla price la for
III tAVci 11 ho IMirtvifMu....
11.000 CAUlT buy. thl. beautiful iw
, L.T . ' ""r." , "niiiimn, . room.,
hreakfii.t room, uak floor., baeemtni. nt
barrel fl.lern, fruit treae. full price .,(
f..f!"") r"r month. Unimon
A: W lllam. ttealty Co, Oaaire 97 Hi. ioj
Mecurlty Itklg.
flKr? thl. immerltateiy. in a iTTuiaTu."
tonce of four arhoola; s room., run
parlor, iraraae; chicken houee, well and
fruit tree. .,oo wltli h.joo ca.h, re.t
like rtnt l.emmon A William. Ileally Co.
"". 70. 0 Hofurlty Hlda
si;M i misi Niids propeuy. to'iTTo" fToti7;t ;
pavlni about paid out. with .mall
modern hou.e. .nap: 11.710; 11,500 ca.h.
T .1 I'helan JJ.age y
S KTlTl V 8 1 nEbb" p roper t y. 50.H0 foot lot;
irooil 5. room modern hunitalniv; cnclo.ed
porch, lei'trlrtty; mantel, w.lklnv dl
,ini'i' .B",', " 0(0. H.'OO caah. T.
COTTAtlH 3 rooma, ea.t front; full lot,
Harden city. I00. term., 1250 ca.h 120
per month, w. T. Owen, lot lloblneon
;AM1 HIIcK- on car line, one l.lm k from
w. ..v... . i, ibm cam ironi loi. anann anil
fruit tree.. II. sw. term. I8S0, 12:, per
won in W T Owen, lot Itohln.nii llldtt
COTTAtli; J room., aood well. fruVtireeii
lot 77x315 feet; 11,500 Term, tr.00 ca.h'
ISP per month V T Owen. 10 Itobln-
eon i line
l.M.MUIllATi: POMMKiWIllN Uuplex, lar
.u.,,a, vflK. nun nniiin ironi.Re: corn.'r;
on car line, block from aohnol and park,
walking- dl.tance, 1.1 750; term. T50 ca.h.
110 month. V T Owen, lot Itnbln.on
COTTAtlH, 4 loom., garage, l.arn well
fine water (run trrra, full level lot.
only 12.60(1 Term. lr.0i), ca.h 136 per
month; better ee W T. Owen tlow, (04
IloblnMin Hide
1800 CASH"!:'!) month, 2 roo"mi boxeii
hou.e; corner lot, 11,360. W. T. Owon,
loo itoptneon lildg
1.1'A VINO; will sacrifice' ' my 4-room
nou.e, Rarage; iruu; electricity; well:
full alzed lot, fenced 12,660, also lot
60H6; 1760, all are on car line and pave
ment; term, to suit. Myrtle McCartt,
Orneral Delivery
f'l.OHK IN. 11-room house, ntte dec oration,
and ftxturea, two bath room.. tht.
propirty will make a good home or A
plendld proposition for roomer. 110.000,
12,600 ca.h, balance arraxiavid. Phono
Osage 9776.
Un;i:i,lM;. S, A splendid 8-rnom
modern home for 15.600; 12,000 ca.h;
xery easy monthly payment, on balance.
mono osage .77.
CllOSnlll Ilk'irlllTS A dandv elx room
bungalow, alerplna porch and garage;
oak fioorn: mantel, ba.ement and plenty
built-in features; n perfect home for
17.500 some terma Phone, Osage 5776
rive room.; brefnt room o.irn. east
front, good well, near car line, price
16 600: 11,500 ca.h Oaage 277!.
I'olt SALII 1IY OWNCrt One acre tract
with 6-room house, at Verne fttntlon;
one 3-rnom house In Kendall, with amoll
cash payment. 229 K Third. Osage Itll
, 760 13,500 CASH ON HOMUlAI.l:.
5 rooms, liiodern, basement, mnntel
hardwood floor., built In features, corner
lot; 75-foot frontage overlooking the city.
A real home 4
l'Olt SAl.i: Ono of the beet i-.tory
R-room house. In Terrage drive; oak
floora, Ivory finish; goo.1 garage and
drive; good well; thla 1. a real home; for
A few dnya on:y 110,600; half ca.h. bal
ance sizs per montn i enar mi
KOH PAI.i: We have a number of 2 to
5-room houses that can be handled with
1250 ca.h and up, call in If In market.
Cedar 1311.
15.000 11.500 CASH N ZANTIIUS.
5 rooms and blth. built In featurea. full
el.e lot; ea.t front: creened-ln back
torch, thl. houeo cannot be built for the
price a.ked
l'Olt SAI.K C-room modern bungalow;
choice location on south side; 14 500 cash
will handle, shown by appointment only
Call Cedar 13t
KAST (HUB-11.500 cnah make, flr.t
payment on 6-roum modern bungalow;
a choice loratton on cast side: call early
If you w-nt this f.r.c. cedar 151
clohi: in i:ast siuk invustmiint
One 0-room: duplex, modern. one 6
room bungalow, modern, on full sire
lot. fine location, cloae to car line Only
17,600 with J1.000 ca.h. Tht. won't last
very long becau.e the price I. rllht.
413 MAYO lll-PO PIIONKOSAC.B 7025.
IllIY I'ltOM OWNKIl Till, beautiful bun
galow. 7 room.. Including breakfa.t
rnom; tile bath, rereaa tub. pede.tal
lavatory, the very best of decoration.,
full .lie baaement. -font reilinga, furnace
heat, xvalka and drive, garage and mod
ern servanta ciuarters, priced at 115,000.
15 000 in.h. Call owner, Osage 1173 after
5 p m.
DO YOU want to rent it 6-room houe
If you hae 6500 ou don I need to;
close tn on S Houston, new 6-room bun
galow and breakfast room; basement and
everything: 13,000; Jf.00 cash. Call Orcutt
Investment Co, Oxage 67t
11 rT1 'lee I
' T it. UullyniAn.
re.t like rent. Call
H.000 13,000 CAHI1 SOCTII CAltOl.lNA
6 room., basement; inanltl, hardwood
floor., 60x166 foot lot: garage and aerv
ont.' quarter.. ea.t front. bungalow;
priced for quick sale.
4 13 MAYO III. 1X1. I'l I ONE Of4 Ann 7035.
WH HA VI; a bargain In a 2-.tory atiicco.
8 room.; 2-car garage and modern
.erxant quarter.. Orcutt Investment Co.,
414 Security bldg , Oago r.6
2 TWO-HOOM hnio.. one good lot at
Vern station: $100 cash; balance on en.y
term.. Phone Osage 405-H
lcDIt 8AI.K -lly owner; new bungalow, 6
large rooma, breakfa.t room and bath:
hardwood floora throughout, ak trim tn
living and dining room; Including two et
Flench dnora. steam heat; beat of plumb
ing and electrical futures; expen.lvely
decorated; large basement, two-car gar.
age and modorn servant'a quarters, high
est location on southeast side for price
and terms. Addrwa Hox No. 616-1:, care
COHNF.lt 16th and llaltlmore. 116,000. 2
houses, well, lot worth 18.000. Inquire
owner lo isa.t l.tn ni
Poll 8AI.I; by owner. 4-room furnt.he.1
house; .creened In back porch; garage;
servant room, chicken hou.e. fence; good
well and trees. 11.000; 11.000 ca.h. and
176 per month 250Ji:Nlnlh. Kendalb
"l ITS Tnif rjCCf.Yr" M
F-a.t Highland lot on pavement; ea.y
term. Fine borne site.
A corner on Federal street. 100x200 feel,
a rejl country home site
6 HOOMH. MOI1KUN-14.760
Tht. 5-room house, near Fifteenth and
Itcckford; I. A bxrgaln to be picked up by
onie ono who appreciate, futuro value,
liuy this and make easy profit
201 Cole Illdir Osage 3212
bntrril TIIKSTliS'-1600 block, full .lit
loi plenty of .hade O.age tOl :
FOIl SAI.H High ea.t front lot on pave
ment. 1300 block, North Main. Phone
Oaage ta.13 It ,
TWO nice "east front lota, near elegant
home. south side, must sacrifice
equity Cedai 1110
F01,"SAirrc- ono'townslte block, contain
ing 10 lots, a solid built 4-rooni .tono
hruse, out house., three acre, adjoining,
.ultable for truck farming .nil chicken
ratling; four mile, ea.t of Tulsa, on good
road. Call Jge 7224.
fol'lt l.OTH lii Tulsa'Helght.; owner now
resident, will sell cheap No.. 16, HS.
27. 53: Hit- caah. Allen Dunkerly. Fair-
view Ave . Na.hvllle. Tcnn.
HuiTKllH lii:l(lirrft-50U76. beautiful
high lot. 1400. rath 1160, payment. 110
per month n.sg . . .
I.MI1 AMI IJAHMt rOK f.l.i:M
10 A'"ltV: !r,lir..ed lo High b hi u d'
trlct nor Wirier "kla in P' ispectlve
oh fl -'d ono Term n JJ0" t years
t per r-nt Flemtua Jlugre. uwuci. W la
ter, ukla.
t n ti ii ai I l " , c . . 1
Inn a. re tia.t .0 iniir. n rih f Tui-x
Rc i i.. I. r i -i , and tenn- 11 I'aw
-ii b,U..,,K ukla
li'llllA .'lovrt a re i.ieof"the hcTt
Ira. i. f rich, deep muck land and best
.ugar proposition In Mouth flntld.. price
lid uer acre, a big money maker a an
Inie.tment For attractive land Inveat
ment. write to A M Mledesel lMnd Co,
211 Coronsrlo htdg . Denver. Colo
etA.VsUB KAIIxrS'ToltniAf.l'Sii; acres.
Anderson county adjoining town; fine
Improvements; 21 alfalfa: balance Mae
grana and other crops, price 1160 per acre.;
must aee thla to appreciate Write for
booklet and list Frank Mansfield. Ottawa,
Foil ATrTrruTvNlrrH0rrir. ot g'
levi AVMhtiA r.vr bottom Urnl, 1
MIM t mlln mi nf llrnHl.y, ffftiti
!.lndir. In (lit htt of th fnmotn
Mrvdn-iy hroftmcorn dutrlct: fin Mf1i
Ititid, rrewa practlrtxtlv ry crop run
in thU Ntnt. prtcf 117 pr m-rr; net
quirk Hv rnhrt, Mndiuiy, om ihon
ACHKfl f-otithat nf ry on "X.hrt
IMh, will HI ehp ami tjl n Inim--ills
in pntwMlon CaII ownfr, Omm (S7K.
for NO MAN - lW ynuhhplf urm In In"?
fanii'iitt Owtrka, .MImouM, clone to pretty
rl(y nf ArrflilU. tr thjin ion ml 1m nf
fl Ikiu.k, 40-rrf frm In viiiKr''. mull
prlcf of 1300, 110 per month. Cmly iho
who no Und nenl apply. Write J
HA I,! -Hnmni iatl oi MltttMrrny of
H1 arrca liwated nne rnlle -want of
lUrtleavlllfl. lit arrra In rtiltlvallon
110.000 wirlh nf Improvemf nta nn ()U4rter;
rood orrbaril; fine location for dairy farm.
1'rlre 1 1 fl.000 Htv ftfrnl, O. V. Labadlr.
StTl.I.H A SON I.ANt) fO l.ooka too
Itood t ba trti, but It la 410 nrraa,
160 of wM el , a tn a hoMitirtil alley, 75
arrea In cultivation, two f aplen-
did lmproernenta. well watered with eer
laatlnr utream ; tl of 300 acrea ran le
cultivated, tent much pasture Inrid, til
per a re .MII.I.H k SON INH CO ,
jif onr iilf Arlt
PAN I l"A N I Li; I-ANf) - Level rnrhea
arctlona at $10 per acre up, the beat
of farm land , write tna now, Oeorca M.
Tockly, llooker, Texaa
iNiTW MKX K" ratlin "rim ronlrtlhjt of
lit.OOO arrra: ft tired and rroaa fenced ,
aplrndld water, graan and ehelter; the
price la right and the terma reaaonahlt.
t. I: Mt Olnnla. IS loiirUnt lllds , Kort
Worth. Texaa
ZT WA N T I It IU ltTjT.T K 7a
Wi: IIAVK eeveral tth-Ht with $1 000 cTeh
tn pay on 4 or 8-room hnmea; irood
monthly paymenta; nlao any other HatlnEa
you hae. 1'hone theni In at on re. Oaaice
WANTI!1 llouaea, ft tn n-rnotn, north or
anuth, rnah buyer; 6-room In wet part
11.(00 caah, duplex nlao. Call toda,
OaaRa A3. IMw. i;. Uarrett, CO I llllaa
llldy. '
WANTi:t TO mr from owner. B or
7-room houie with bjaement and ca
rase; monrl location. Oaage SO as.
W ri 1 IA V K ca a h cutomer ror good hun
iralowa or two atory hotnea, let ua aell
youra. K V Try on. Cedar 70
1,1HT YilUH property with I'attnrauo
Itealtv Co. Th-v ho 1 1 It Omn K0I0.
5-Room Modern, .$G,000
Nco flvo-room modern hotiso lo-cali-il
1701 S. Kcjrcbt, with f.ml
front, Hhrirlo, newly dpcoratfil both
inside and out. A nice llttlo homo.
Kasy terma.
5 Rooms Modern on
S. Elwood
This nlco five-room modrrn hoiino,
located on South Mlwood, for only
$7,500 Is a Kood barcnln nnd nhoiild
bo Reen to b apprciclalod. Wo can
blvu forms to rcsponxlblo partlus.
L.Ot 50X70 tCCt.
Six Rooms and Store Bldg,
AVe offer a concrnto block store
room with six l'vlnc rooms con
nected und two lots on tho S.tnd
KprlnBS car Una for ft sootl farm.
Price Is J'. 500. and will allow Rood
va I no for tho farm. Only good land
Frank C. Thompson
201 Colo Hid?.
Osago 3282
Large Two-Story Home
Only A Blocks From Town
niglit rooms, cant fiont, right In the
business district; oak floors; furnnco
heat; storm sheeted; living; room
ncross front: fine, cistern; servants'
quarters; modern; rjaraKC; base
ment. Tho lot nlono Is worth ijiorc
than wc aro asking for the whole
property. Locution not Riven over
the phone. Price $17,000. Terms
arranged tn suit
Phones Oiapo 553G-3S00
Room 4, 2'i:',i South Main
Hast front home consisting of en
trance hall, living room, den, dining
room, kitchen nnd downstairs bed
room, nnd encl-iifod sleeping porch.
Largo bathroom, equipped with best
ot fixtures, oak floors, throughout,
house is weuthorstrlpped through
out; best ot decorations nnd light
fixtures. Ltrgo basoment equipped
with laundry trays; 3-cnr garago and
modern servant's quarters: nnllvo
shade; let us show you this ono.
Terms can be made.
320 Kennedy Cedar 900
Ivirge 6-room (Uplex on tho south
bide, a good loci-tlon, this hotiso Is
In good repair and rents for $90 per
month, why not move In one side and
let the other pay for the hoiifce.
Price $7,500 wi. h $2,500 ensh, bal
ance $10 per month.
31G Security Illdg.
Phono Osag) 3S3, Cedar 1459
Showing new street tinmen nnd
to-ilate. Cull and Me It.
111 W. Third St.
Phono Outm tin.
N. Elwood
An nlmocil new d-room ami break
fatt Mini hutiKHlow with oak flonm
throughout, bsiuient, Rarn nnd
drive, built-in features and attractive
decorations.; it (rood one for the
money and it won't lust; some term.
Adams & Walker
HOt'TII MlM lili:
Ton Qt irk M,i; $: on
flood S-rnntn butig.ili.tv and sleeping
porch, atiMotlve lei tirailom; mun
tl; coMVetiient floor plnn; modern
tlirniiKhottt ; Rood well; lMmnt;
notirl terms.
Ose 4ao Cedar IS
121 Mnjo Hide
320 Kennedy.
Cedar 900.
1329 South Ownsso, seven-rooms In
cluding bicnKfunt room, onk floors
throughout, tile bath, base tub, win
dow shades, combination furnnco
nlrendy Installed, yard sodded. Only
$12,500. Htnnll cash p.tyment. Ask
your agent to show this today.
Osage 5210 or 9355 701 Daniel
.$1,500 CASH
Immediate Possession
New homo of fivo extra largo rooms
and breakfast room; living room
ucroxs front, bullt-ln bunkonscs,
kitchen cabinet and breakfast room,
tnblo and benches, oak floors
throughout, ext vi nlco finish, garage,
basemont and dtlve. Closo to car
lino and on pavement. Clood terms
on balance.
3:0 Kennedy Cedar 900
Why You Should
Buy This New Bungalow
Kltiinled on th best and highest
block in Broadmoor.
It Ih different In style and architec
ture from any other homo In Tulsa.
Private ownership. 1411 H. New
port (4 whlto pillars). Call Codar
476 for appointment.
South Side Proper, $7,500
5-room bungalow; excellent condi
tion; corner lot; on one ot tho best
streets on the south sldo; good well
and basement. This property Is
priced $1,500 below the market
vnluu and cun be handled for $2,500
Leslie Brooks Company
407 S. Uoulder
Phonea 0age 2S73-
North Side Bungalow
$2,500 Casli
New five rooms and ileeplng porch,
best grade of oak floors through
out, lileely decorated, gooil tlxturiw,
all kinds of bullt-ln fen aires, large
rooms nnd cloivta, svreeiied-ln back
porch, large basement, ntmnlulely
wnlerproof, nleo concrete storm col
In r, 2-rnr garage and solid drive
way, full alav t'sst front lot In nice
location. Price $8,000.
Leonard & Livosay
We Dell the liarth.
91S Mayo llldg.
rimrtu Cedar 66-14S9.
Ulght large rooms and sun parlor,
high, sightly locution, huno living
room, nlttitctlve mantel, lnwt of
fixture!' and ilecoiatlnna, oak floors,
(ixtrn heavy, liolh down stalra, threo
capacious hud ehiiinbeiH on second
floor, laig" bath with best of fix
tures, gaiage and eiervnntH' quarters.
Thin houho Is htottti eheuted and has
n solid brick foundation. Price
$1 1,600, with $5,000 cash. What do
you pay for a bungalow 7
Miller Investment Co.
316 Security llldg.
Osnge 383, Cedar 1169.
North Denver Special
New six riMitn huiiKiiluiv. b.isenieiit
furnace, garage and solid drive.
Three bedrooms, oak floora, Ivory
finish, I Vouch dnora, bnlll-ln fea
ture, large lot, fine trull tree.
Owner, leaving Tulsa, makes sperlal
price of $9,000; $2,000 cash, balance
lean than $100 .( month.
IJxrliielvn Agent
Cedar 70 Itea, Cedar HIS
Almoel new, 4-room modern bunga
low, ll newly painted mid deco
rated, looks like new, 1ms good well,
Immteil nt 1307 Houth Qiilney; yoli
wilt elire like It, but oU will have to
hurry. Price $6, Olio, $2,500 cash,
balance, ari'Htlged to suit.
Osage 4670.
M0 Pulnce llldg.
$1,500 DOWN
A dandy, good n now, 5-room bun
galow on good high corner lot.
Priced tor quick sitlo at $6,600.
Phnnrs Cedar 900 320 Kennedy
Ilitvs a nice three. room house on a
good lot closo n car line. Why pay
iciit7 Call Cedar 1330 and let us
show you this one.
rtcautlful colonic 1. 2-story home
xvilh center hall Plan; sun parlor,
breakfast room, four bedrooms nnd
dressing room; oak floors tnrougii
out, largo basement, furnace, InHtnn.
tnneous healer, 2-car g.trage and
modern servant's quarters, decorated
In canvas nnd nil; good terms; Houin
front corner; bhown only ny appoint
320 Kennedy U'dB- Cedar 900
North Denver Home
Corner Location
$12,500 for this attractive high class
bungalow, 7 rooms, nil modern
features; fine decorations; conven
ient floor plan; complete homo; best
block on North Denver; garage. Cull
Mr. Kemp.
52S Mavo llldg.
Osngo 4306 Cedar 15
The prettiest building site on the
southeast side; corner, imixnu i-m;
splendid bungalow on rear; fine ga
rage nnd quarters completed; closo
to Sacred Hear' properties. This
property Is priepq rigiu nun nn-mii
inentnd. No better corner on the
southeast side. Call
Osage 1673 202 Vi S. Main
sT0.vKnnAK.2n bungalow
Beautiful 6-room bungalow In tho
most desirable rmldonce section of
tho city, this homo has living room
.,......,. it,, on Urn front, tog cabin
oak floors, ntt'nctivo decorations,
mantel and rix'ures, me nam, nu
i,, ,in in rnninro't. basemont. car.iKo
and servant's quarters. A rare bar
,.! n, tn r.llil with $3,500 cash.
Call us for appointment.
20 g Cosden lildg.
Phones Osaae-Cedar 1300
North Side Bungalow
Six beautiful rooms, breakfast room,
i. . , n il,-ADlinii. nvnrv C A 1 1 1 1 1 n
Is built In; ber.t restricted district:
tiasement comiueie; Siixinsio aim
driveway; handrome decorations,
renl homo-like. Price $8,S0O; $3,000
Phones Os.iro 6536-3'oo
Room 4, ZVi'.i Sou h Main
Southwest part of the city, 10 blocks from htiRlnesm center;
Mx rooms, I'leoplng porch, garage nnd huriemoiil.
Sacred Heart cnurch district; bungalow; five rooms,
breakfast room and basement; modern In every detail;
$3,000 cash.
Bungalow; seven rnomn; tllo bath; good location; extra
In i no. lot; modern am) up to date; $3,000 enph,
Ten-room residence, flvo blocks from postofflcn; modern;
good location and a bargain, with $3,000 cash.
12ast front, 8-rnom residence on South Klwood; nlmosl
new; modern and up to date.
liroadmoor; baeement; furnace heat nnd laundry, 7 rnomn
and bath; oak floorr. Ivory finish; modern; almost new;
gnrngn for one car. '
Beautiful Iwo-etnry residence, Mornlngslde illitrlct, full
slrn basement, largo living mom. dining room, kitchen
breakfast room, bath, four sleeping roomtt, garage for two
cars and servanta' quarters, Immediate posseerton, part
Corner lot, hardwood finish except bedrooms, bntiement,
ooal or gns ftirunce, eight rooms, sleeping porch, well
built, weather etrlpcc, cistern, garage ror two cars and
f-rvnnts' quarters. Open for Inspection, 1121 South
Mart front, R-ronm residence, three blocks from rourt-
house, modern with gnrngn and servant)' qunrters, fur
naco heat, located on a lot that Is worth $300 per foot.
IReall instate FacHs
$J i,ooo-
$ 9,000-
Mve-mom modern bungalow, 8outh Catunn. Tills honv
If wall located ns you know Una n good basement, man
tel, It ha no oak floora. haa lots of natural shade,
gcVnd tel of water and the loiallou could not bo heat,
about five) mlnutea wlk from town.
-Six rooma and breakfast room, heavy oak
flours throughout, baaement twlth furnnoet
beat), alao mantel, l'rench doors, book
eases and many bullt-ln features, liar ga
iage, shade and fruit. This Is ntferad
tweek only) at this price, ltomoaenkeru
Investigate thla.
-Six-room, brlrk bungalow, Unuth Uoulder,
basement, mantel and many attractive fea
ttttes. has garage and a good well nf water,
,fm nt tiHlitial simile and it full elio east
fiont loi.
Klght-room. iwn-stnry home, liHti every mod
ern convenience ny one could want, liv
ing room across the front, French doors,
mil ror dnora, large breakfast room anil
ample olivet tonm. garage and mod urn serv
aula' quarters1. Let ns show you.
.S S OOO""1'1'8 r,,om '""I breakfast loom, north side,
' j""" basement, heavy onk floors. Ivorv wood
work., mantel and many bullt-ln ffwiturcet,
also n two-ewtr gnrnge, full size eaitt front
Int. The owner In ntixloiin to sell
S12 000f"'t ronm" nm' hrenkfnat room, nrn.idmoor.
' ' This 1 a xety attractive bungalow, ixinth
I ii out, nns nnseinent, touglteil In far fur
nace, oak floots, mantel, Krench doors nnd
many built-in features, haa irnr.igo and
nerviinttf' qunrtere. This la brand now,
Let us ehow ytill.
Cedar 1069, Oungn 7027. lies., Osnge 6257.
331 Central National Hank llldg.
$ 2,500
$ 6,000
$ 4,000
$ 2,500
$ 4,000
UWB Cash
Pour-room ttnmndern house, location eicellerit. Price $3,000.
$800 CASH
Kour-room tinmndern house, practically new, well nnd pump, corner lot.
$1,500 CASH
$1,500 CASH
I'lvo rooms, modern, on paving, eolcct location. Price $6,500. ;
Alblbott & Welch
Z9f nOfi neaullful reside
rp-.ij,uvyxy i,Bi,l4, district.
nco on South Cheyenne, Stonobrakcr
lielKhttx district, eight rormiL'. basement anil sleeping
porrh, hardwood floors, tile bath, garage for two cars.
private eleeirle water system, servants' quartern, A
good homo In one of the best locntlonn In the city.
QOJ OHO """t front, nine rooms, oak and ennmer finish, hot wa
p"xJ,VVI ,.r pn Interior wallft canvassed and hand decorated,
largo baaement, sleeping porch, garage for two care,
servants' quarters, lot 100x160 feet, south nnd east cor
ner lot, a number one locnilon, aoutheart part of the city.
Ono of the moet attractive brick homes In Maple Illdge,
corner lot. basement, beating plant, center linll, living
room, dining room, sun parlor, kitchen and brenkfnnt
room, four eleeplng rooms, two baths and sleeping porrh,
flrK floor wnlls decorations, lapestry, ennvawed ceilings;
Just tho same, hm new xvlth every modern fvntura, two
car garago and xarvnntH' quarterp. Immediate poesesslon,
If Interested In purchasing a home xvo havo 1 ullt over $2,000,000 of
realdonce property In Tulsn. Wo aro confident that our experience In
building and selling real estate plnce tts In it position to show the pur
chaser the best values In well built honiea In tno city. Let lie chow you
ou- list before buying. Vacant lots In Mnplo ltldgc, Jlroudmoor, Mortl-
Ingclilo and Sunset Park.
Phonea Cedar 380, Osnge 1279,
619 Unity Hide.
Seven-room bunralnw, nexv nnd ready to orcupy. largo basement xvltli
furnnco heal, brenkrapt room, tiarnwooq noors tnroiigiiout, nil niodurn
built-in featurea. beautiful deeorallona, mantel and electrical fixtures, ga
rage and driveway, located on a full slaert loi with native shade in n high
ly restricted residential paction. Can bo handled with good terms. Cnll UB
for appointment.
Icargn bungalow of eight rooma xvlth garage, bailment and eorvnnls'
nuartera. cleee In on tho south aide, with natlx'n shade and full sized lot.
This home 1 np-to-dato nnd convenient In every respect, tho construc
tion and design are or me uert ant an woramanaiiip and matorlal aro
rtrU class. If you aro looking for a home and lrivostmunt, let tiu show
you. Terma.
1'Ivc-room bungalow, with glassed In sleeping porch, oak flnorr thrntigli
nut 2-ear earase and driveway. All rooms nrn largo and flnlahcd in Ivnrv.
Well located on a full sized lot wlihln walking dlntnneo of town. A rea
sonable caul i payment with good monthly paymentn will handle this
lltto homo.
ltepk bungalow, nix large rooma, breakfast ronm. hardwood floora, beau
tlful decorations and flxtureu, kitchen cabinet, bookrasea nnd other built
in features, large basement with stationary laundry trayn, furnace heal,
garage and driveway. IJxrellent location. $6,500 cash with liberal terms.
2015 Cordon Wdg.
Phones nage Cedar 1300.
Beautiful, modern, up-to-date home, every convenience, Including base
ment, laundry, oak-floors, innntclc, tWfAcar "ifirujie., Ton rooma with
breakfast room nnd sleeping pored. One of tho really good homea in
choice south eldo location,
An R-room, two-story, full lot. An 'Ideal Income proposition and a fine
apartment ulte. Only five hlockn from the postolflco and on tho south side.
Klvo-room, modern, full lot, real close In. $2,000 cash handles this. '
o Co Powers & Co.
Osign SI 6.
Cedar 926.
$800 Cash Down Buys a Six-Room Bungalow
On the east side. This place hns only been finished a few dayn and you
can get Immediate poeeeslon. There are Hx nlco rooms with nil of the rnillt
In feature on a 50x140 foot lot. You can get thla place with $800 down
nnd the balance at $60 per month. Prlco $6,000. Call
Cedar 66
918-19 Mayo Bldg.
Cedar 1489
New 6-room modorn bungalow on paving. Prlco $7,000. 2210 B. Second.
$4,000 CASH
night ruomi, modern bungalow, good condition, arranged as duplex, on
paving. Price. $7,000. DOS it. Xanthine.
$4,000 CASH
Six roomw, garage, bullt-ln fealurei?, on a select corner on N. Denver av.
Price $8,250. 1301 N. Denver.
$2,500 CASH
I'lva rooma, haienient. woll and Mecplng porch, corner, select location.
on a south sldo street, closo In, on paving. Price $7,500,
$2,500 CASH
Five roomr. breakfast room and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, bsee.
ment. $9,000.
$1,500 CASH
Fixe rooms, garage, sleeping porch, on paving Price $7,500.
Alblbott B WdcEn
Phono 1661. '
Wo arc offering for trtle ono of tno best buys in tho city today in a real
homo on the boat part ot tho north side. Tills homo is away under the
market; full two-story, finished attic and full basoment, furnace heat, two-
our garage. Let us show you thla one for it la worth tho money. Seeing
la believing. You look and you will believe.
3 31 South Uoulder
Phone Osage 5041.

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