OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, September 10, 1920, FINAL EDITION, Image 11

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042345/1920-09-10/ed-1/seq-11/

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v f-
ACCIDENT VICTIM probers divide
BE BURIED TODAY njm charges
Funeral Services to
Held At 4 o'clock
for Dr. Nichols
Was Returning form "Rush"
Call When Fatal Spill
Ended His Life
Funeral services tor Dr. W. 12,
v. hoK 47 years old IIS South)
rtnr. who win killed Wednesday :
..prron when a Ford car which
fo was driving In the ten hundred
t -k m Admiral turned turtle, will
; . held nt 4 o'eloek thin afternoon
f m the residence. Hcv. Meade
Iii" will officiate nt the services.
lie Nichols won born In Syracuse,
.s Y In X S73. Ho camo to Tulsa
it five yearn ago from Catoosa.
I', .den hlB wife, Mrs. Kllzaheth
?, hols, ho leaves two none, Henry
Ni. holn of K Reno, and a 6-year-r
1 boy He Is also survived by
(. hro'hcr, Krcd W. Nichols, promt
nen banker of Chlcaco, a sister,
Mis Pearl Wapncr of Ran Antonio,
an-l a niece. Mm. Kva Stern of
C'hirkssha. They will bo prcautit at
the services.
A -cording to n special nurse with
wh'.m Dr. Nichols hud worked upon
several oeeairions, ho was returning
ff m a slrk call when he was killed
and that the speed which ho was
traveling was accountable for In that
he had eeveral rush calls awaiting
him at the office. He was not rac
ing but was only in a hurry to at-
una to nis patitnts. it 1h said.
Dr Nichols lw said to havo been
one of the most charitable men in
the medical profession In Tulsa. He
tv not well known to the local
pr feeslon. but many of tho poorer
pcuple were well acquainted with
him Dr Nichols Is said to have made
rumerous rails when ho know that
thy would prove charitable.
He had been a member of tho
Maionlc lodge for a number of years
and the funeral services probably
!!! be held by the Masons. Inter,
men' will take placo In Hose Hill.
American lYtlrrntlmi Announces It
Iln- Subscript Imn Totalling $03,.
000 rioiii Voluntary (ihcr.
American Federation of Labor
through Its non partisan political
campaign committee, has to date
raited approximately IS5.000 for its
"smpalpn fund, according to Seere
ary Frank Morrison.
Reports that it is nssesrln Its
membership to raise a $250,000 fund
vas denied by Morrison.
' Our membership has not been
Msefjed a penny for campaign pur
roves ho said. "All tho money we
nVe raised has been collected
though voluntary contributions.
roNTlNt'Ktl rnnu t'AOB n.vu
While Harry M Illalr, assistant to
Fred V I'pham national republi
can treasurer, was on tho stand, a
document was Introduced which tho
witness Identified no a substitute for
'form 101." the campaign plan
which Illair drew Up but which was
rejected by the national executive
committee. This substltutn docu
ment stated that an intensive cam
paign was to bo undertaken In 5 4
cities and It also indicated that the
national tree-surer whh to appoint
city chairman of the ways and meunH
Comnilttro ntour-rntod.
John A. Kelly and a. Deforest
Kinney, stalo ways and means headH
for Ohio and Illinois, respectively,
8.Jd they appointed the local chair
men themselves and that the -nation,
al treasurer had nothing to do with
thess selections or with fixing quotas
for the various counties. Mr. Kin
ney also added that ho was con.
cerned only with tho campaign out.
side Chicago and Cook county.
In addition, Henry Owen a paid
assistant to Mr. Illalr and organizer
for Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee. West
Virginia and Indiana, testified that
he had never heard of any plan to
organize cities as dlstlnctvc from tho
county organizations Ho Mid furth
ertnoro that ho never saw "form
101" and knew nothing of Its being
locked In a safe nt republican head
quarters after it had been rejected.
A Klnrk I'lan.
Mr. Owen told Senator Hpeneer
that tho wholo republican method
of raising funds wan a "stock plan."
"I can buy It for you In printed
form for SIS cents." he added.
"Where?" asked Senator lleed.
"From tho international commit
tee of tho Y. M. O. A ." said the
wltnesn. "The plan Is known to
hundreds of men. It is 2h years old
and anything but original with this
Tho commlttco held another night
session, Chairman Kenyon explain
ing that they hoped to wind up tho
commlttco hearings In this city by
Other dcvelophcntH today Included
Saturday night.
testimony by Mr. Kelly that he fixed
tho quotas ot Ohio counties at Just
doublo what he expected to ralso,
but did not inform local chairmen of
that fact. On that bads the workers
in that state, It was brought out by
Senator Ponierone, were striving to
get Jl. 300, 000 instead of tho JS50,.
ooo which tho national committee
"Wo shot at the. moon hoping to
hit the treo tops," explained Mr.
Mrs. Bertha Ilauer of Chicago,
ways and means vice chairman for
Illinois, told of tho difficulties of
raising money among women voters.
"Wo thought that alnco women
had assumed the privileges of tho
ballot they ought to assume some of
Its responsibilities," sho said, but her
figures showed she had collected
135,367.57 from only five counties In
Illinois and that all except 1326 had
come from Cook county. Sho said
she had tried to appoint vlco chair
men in each of tho 101 counties of
tho stato but haC succeeded In only
"Did you have any sinister pur
nose In raising these funds." queried
Senator Kenyon asking a stock i
"No Mr, It was for the best pur
POo in th- w. rld, replied Mra
Ilauer and hh then smilingly a
sured Senator 1'omerene that tho re
mark was not a reflection upon "us j
tho r . i '. j II it l A a a
lirorgian ' II, 1 !. .iididMi' rr
ous poe , if nerl. all Iikhii
Number-. f f in -r i ii e mi n fr.on
over t'i' s' it' Mippiii C'l hmi. lout
cer H.rnriling I,, published stiilr
mcnts by hit fi lends
MEX GET U. S. PROTEST sls father's savings
of Georgia Beats Hoke
Smith Decisively
Herds of Kongo Cat He
To keep out of Debt? Yes.
To become Thrifty ?-Certainly.
To prepare for a rainy day?
Sure Enough.
To be ready when opportunity
knocka? Very Important.
To enjoy a comfortable Old
Can you afford to put it off any
longer ?-OF COURSE NOT.
ATLANTA. Sept. 9 -Thomas 15.
Watson, who formerly teprcefllitcil
Oeorgla in the lower house of con.
gross, and who became nationally
knnwn as populist candidate for
pirsldent years ago, received tho
ilrmniTMlfr nomination for I'. rt
Renatn on the fare of complete and 1
uti'ifflt-IAl returns from joint rdnv'H -uti.- inimn
primary, us rompllrd by the At- "" "
In Ii i.i C-nnmttmion today. ""' "
Senator Ili'ke Smith Has decisive-1
ly lient.-n for a third term as enia-l
lor. according to these figures, whb h
Indicated lie was running Intnl. Willi'
OOv. Hugh Horsey si -'Olid John II
Cooper, Macon attorney, who favored
modification of llm Volstead ii' f.
failed to carry a single county R .
cording to the Constitution I
Watson, who long hue t rn an
ouli'poken critic of the Wilson admin
Istrntlon and the league of nati..i.
covenant, lies had a picturesque'
career In tleorgla. Heforo he . ensi ,1 '
the practice of law be had built up
;i t f i ii tut loll us a brilliant ' rinilnal
lawyer He Is the auth.ir of i inner
ous histories and novels and nt ne
time published a monthly miigntl'n1
nnd a weekly paper. Tin i- win
barred fiom the mulls under the
csplonngo art during the war. but
he has slnre cstalillehed anofhi t
weekly. For years Watson, who is
64 eors old has been admlt'ed to
lie ii power tn (Irorgla politli i and
In the present campaign almost nrrv
large ni'WMp.iprr In 111'- s'nie wlfb
SAN AN'OKIi. Tex Hept. Cat
tle on the rsnges of 'il Trias, New
Mexico and Arlann.i 'htive deei eased
to per cent during the pus I four
enrs, due to heaw ilemanil for beef
during the wai and ttie sulisequent
monev stilngoiu'v wbl.-h precluded
io 'totKintf of tho range, arronl
it iir-rt prtsrtitefl to 1 tin exr
.h1wV,:vMcih2r'rr.! Nationally Known UvyerDcmaml for liccf Cuts
Hoesohenstoln of F.dwardsvllle. III.,
demooratie national tommlttreman
for the state, had sent lelters to
postmasters asking voluntary contri
butions to his party's campaign
fund. Five of these addressed to the
pnstmuHtrr at Aiigurs, ttl , wera
given lo tho committed by an emis
sary of the postmaster who ex-1
Plained that the official would be
too busy tu coino In person until
next week. Ho also said tho post
master was a progiesslio who had
won appointment by a civil service
examination aflr tho democratic In
cumbent resigned r.ir ago.
Mr. (iwens testimony brought
first chuckles, then gales of laughter
from the cominltiee and audleiuo.
He began by Identifying himself to
Senator Heed as a "professional
money digger" and snld he hod been
engaged In that work for 20 years.
Ho was asked at once about the sub
stltute for "form 101" but would not
acknowledge original knowtedgo of
It. Finally he told Si eator Heed that
ho might have m.ide suggestions
about every paragraph In tho docu
ment but knew nothing about it In
its rompleted slate.
Ho Identified several paragraphs
as "orthodox" but disclaimed
kuowledgo of eiervone referring to
.city quoins, campaign and chairmen.
lie said ho had attended a meeting
,ln Chicago nt which tho document
.was supposed o have been discussed
but I loft after listening to speeches
by Mr. I'pham and Will Hays.
chairmen of the national committee.
Mr. Owen said h hail spent about
five months In organisation work In
he file states he supervised about
half that time being spent In Ohio
Ho wna asked to describe his duti.
and said he visited county charnien
and state directors nnd "looked 1
over the field.
"Didn't you make suggeotlons to
them?" was one question.
"No sir, very seldom. I have been
told by look is better than by word,"
was tho enlgnmtlr reply.
When the witness declared he did
not know the quotas of the various
tnivim he visited, Senator Heed In
dicated he h;id no more questions.
Senator Spencer then brought out
tho ago of the system for collecting
republican funds and Senator Poine
reio took up the examination. Mr.
Owen greeted tho new questioner ns
a fellow flhlnan and told him that
Mr. Kolly'K srhcino of doubling tho
Ohio cotintv quotas had not been fol
lowed In Kentuckv, Indiana, Ten
ncsee nnd West Virginia.
"Don't you think they rather bun
koed tho people of our stato by
doubling their quotas'"' smilingly In
quired Senator I'omereno.
"Ohio bunkoed the country by
getting all the candidates for pres
ident." Interposed Senator Kenvon.
"Which only shows that when they
want m good man they come to
Ohio," rejoined Senator I'omerone.
"Thank you for the compliment,"
supplemented Mr. Owen, amid
ltrpnT.enlnllons In llolmlf of nirrl
inn itigiit Maiic in tirriH.ii or
llt'puhlli- tu the outli.
ASIIINtlTO.V. Sept. 1 Vlitof
ous i epresentatlons h.ivi- been made
j tn Mexico In behalf of all Amerlrati
rights In thai cnlintn. It wait i (
! Tn Ully slated todny
I The protests which have horii
i Hindi' against !h Mexluin sii'n-
rent's hi1 'il.le toward Anir.i in l
j it 'i I ml ills, i i our all nllni i '".!
Unlit" of A nil l .1 Mils In .Mi", i. t 1
(.III, OltM-sX'll Willi MoilO I HIT
iol lijlng Mart to ls iigelr
I'HIIWIIO H, pi. s Tin i.ill
die , Itiutna Immiimio too .tinng foi
Alinuiillm.i t'.iinii. II uiih ,
daugliler of lleihert t'srsdr
works in the ilary stei I mills
look l-'ia. her fa i hoi - Miinr
headed for !.. Ann lex. km'
derided to I Id o a llinoiium
Mi lrosp mrk, tier bli lb.l.i. .
slighted In front of . n,.t, I
ii 1 . r I si "Miss RleanorJ
ii ii t 'i a pl lire actress."
Ill i- vditilltv wan discovered and.
r.n niiata, returned to Oar with
. nts of hr fii'hrrs salngs,
t,., j
iis uouio - quick crrtcT
I t l,"IIB1 ,'po
tb. . mii.
1 1 f I' ll II 'I
I V'lieilrin tlslita
" i 1 1 1 in i ' i "
lir .1. I II I. I' I
'nil Furniture
"My Sides, Back nnd Head
Pained Me Just All the
Time," Says Alabama
Lady, Who Took Cardui
and Got Well
We pay no rent. Our prices sire our ssilesmen
You ssivc money when you buy from us
Hrown fiber, 72-inch davenport and two mrUer
upholstered in tapestry, sprint seats, loo.se
cushions $140
Reed blue and gold Chiso lounge, chair, rocker
and tablo $175
Reed frosted brown chair, rocker ami table $110
Walnut 51-inch table, five chairs and chinn closet. .$195
Ripht-picce Jacobean diniii; room iiito with 72
inch buffet $350
RiKht-pieco walnut dining room suite, GO-inch
buffet, oblong table $325
Tcn-piccc Jacobean dining room suite $430
Three-piece living room suites in mahogany and
cane or overstuffed $175 to $GG0
Oertgo 1359. 705 South Olympln.
Mt!sc j-jr Essential
A chiltl t an cntne into this store and buy a piano with
the same tren.nient and satisfaction accorded grown
ups Our instruments are marked in plain figures and
we sell any instrument in the store on a
Tills is evidence that you always got a squaro deal here.
Order That Piano Now!
Music lovers will find a splendid lino of new player
pianos on our floor now. We carry the complete line
of the Aeolian products. Select a pinno now and send
it home on the easy payment plan.
Osngo .TI.I.V.H.H
A. J. CHIfi; MKT.
niTrrnn uaiiiiw
The crusado for belter babies has
spread from coast to coist. and
taken firm hold of American Moth
ers. Few women reallie how much
the ill health of tno mother In
fluences th unborn child, both
physically and mentally. Women
who suffer from mvsterlons pains,
backache, norvou.mess, mental tie
prowlon. headaches, etc.. should re
ly on I.ydla K. I'lnkham's Vegetable Ran to BO BWay. and
T'nlnntown, Ala.. "After the birth
of my baby, I came ne.ir riving,
writes Mrs. Mauds Kelts, of I'nlon.
town. "I was In nn awful con
dition ... It just looked like I
would die.
"I cotildn'e hear anyon" to even
touch me, I was so sore, not even to
turn me In my bed. My sides, bock
and head all pained me, just all
tho tlrnc.
"Wo had (ho doctor every day and
he did everything he knew how, It
looked llko. Vei I lay there suffer.
Inv such Intense pains as seems I
can't describe.
Tlnally, I said to my husband
let us try Cardui ... He went for
It nt once, and beforo I had taken
tho first botttn the . . . came back,
soreness began to go away, and I he.
T tipitn lo
Compound, madu from roots and .
herbs, which for m.-irlv fortv venrs mend. The Intense pressure seem-
has been the standard remedy fori cd all at oncn to leave my head,
'heso ailments. Advt find before long I was up.
"I look three bottle and was well
and strong and able to do my work.
I believed Cardui saved my llfo. . . .
1 rnnnnt praise it enough for what
it did for ma "
If you aro a woman, and need a
toni' - -
Take Cardui, the Woman's Tonic
Mother's Ftai$S&
isomers z
Absolutely Safe t -Tv"1
l All OlJ! It II N V.
sstwino srcnATOS co in -t nt.rj
"Thai- GQQD flour
1 m;r ?.v rat afAk
Look for that good Bi'gn on the street window of
the grocery or general store where you buy. It
tells you that the dealer sells "That GOOD Flour"
HELIOTROPE good for all baking.
It tells more. It is evidence that the storekeeper
endeavors to carry in stock only goods which will
give his customers the best satisfaction.
That good store, that good sign, "That
GOOD flour" HELIOTRIPE good for
all baking make a combination that in
vites tho trade of that good cook.
That good bread, those good biscuits and
ail the other appetizing things you bake
from "That GOOD flour" HELIO
TROPE strengthen your determination
to buy nowhere ohe and to buv just one
brand of flour "That GOOD flour"
That GOOD Flour"
m isfH
in win i imi I
Th OkJahomo Cily Mil CCtovoioi Com
a 6oocL "wj
I LOVE Ihn Indies.
BUT LIKE moat inmx.
f OFTEN ffUOM vrron.
ON WHAT will win,
A 0MILC from thorn,
iro DCTTCfl to laugh".
THAN EVER to worry,
80 ONCE, whan,
THE DAM broke, and,
A FLOOD hit town.
I THOUGHT I'd lust.
CHECK UP i?.y wlto,
AND DO I said.
"IF THE worst come.
YOU CAN float down,
THE FAMILY xnutc-boi.
AND I'LL accompany you
ON THE piano."-
WHICH WA8 all wrong;.
POOR HUMOR, sho laid.
WAO OUT of placo.
IN TIME of dauEcr.
OO KIPLING was rlghC.
"A WOMAN Is onlr.
A WOMAN, but a coM deal.
IS A cmoko, onlr.
HE SHOULD ham rnadn 1L
A CMILC from Ihem,
THEY ALVAYO "satlaty1
TAKE tho silky, tomlflr loayeii of cholcwt
lurkl.h; blend them with thabeitDormiatis
tobacco that money can buy Moid (hum In tb
ricluslve, ran't-bo-coplcdUiestertield wfy-airi
you got a ' 'amoke. " Yes, ami omeUnni tnoro
you net a t.jarctto that honestly "tatufka.

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