OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, October 22, 1920, FINAL EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042345/1920-10-22/ed-1/seq-6/

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1 ,
1 r
The Woman Voter SH-itliH.
Alwam In fore, 1 Bk il you what
you thought
Anil hnp il mv thought by your
the way I nit
My (torment by ft pattern: y
Or, myn thai," I'd ".unto with
wifely lirlda,
Almoat 1 smile at the nbsurdlty
Of selUn ui my thoiwht annlnat
your own
ymi, whose approval bmu my liaart
Whether It w for hut, or duws nr
Op for tha (lull you tlioiiKht 1 sea-
oaed wall.
Ami yt -rtu you reitumher hllil
hood's cams,
;tadtlmc, anr prayani, find food, you
loft l UK'.
"Oo to Minr mother, children," you
wmilrt say;
"Hhe knows what In liaat for Jtiu
to dol"
Hnw did t know?
And how again today,
Whan tho aad world la crying at my
1'or food mid ololhlng. and maternal
euro 7
How Itnow I whnt la rlBht for ma
to do,
Or how to iibo tho power bo strangely
given' , , ,
I grope, und grope, nnd try to foot my
Andyul, ns Mrd uro Kuldcd through
tho nlr
This migrant Autumn, no I seem to
A "Tight a light llko that which
guided ouro
Tho shophertla to tho IJauo of lleth
lehom. I cnniiol argue I onn only fcoll
I find no answer for your clever
It mny bo In tho centuries to como,
When I liavo Krown us wlo uh you
nxo now.
I, too, ahull stnllo, as tit a twico-told
"When poets yearn for universal
Hut yot I know not! hot m
drenm my droaml
Mntriiltv In irnlnc to tho Iiollsl
Florence, Van Cluve In New York
T.iiIiiv'm 1'.I'IIIH.
Colonial llrldKO club will moot with
Ml KhiMi Wiilknr.
Juno Addums Chautauituii clrclo
will meet in i) u Dl lo nurury.
kiittirltv Luncheon.
MemheiH of tho ICuppa Alpha
Thcta Bororlty will havo u lunchuon
lit tho Tea Cup inn twiuruay ai i
o'clock. TIiohu dctdtlng reserva
tlontf will plu.mo phono Mrs. Kmory
lliilliiiii-.lrn I'jirtv.
Ono of tho Interesting ovonts In
lihllanthroplo circles la tno nai
lowo'cn party doing arrul Bed for thu
eh ldrcn In tno tJeioniion nuniu
Baturduy, October 30.
Annlverslry I'nrty.
Mm. T. W. I'addock of 912 South
College avoniio Ih entertaining ubutit
forty frtonda on Saturday ovmiliig
In honor of tho birthday antilvoreary
of Mr. l'uddoclt.
Iir Visitors.
Mrs. Herbert Harriott will enter
tain with nn Informal card party on
Saturday afternoon, honoring -Mra.
llloliard KtruiiHH of ltlehmnnd. .,
and Mrs. David Morton of I'hlladol
phln. Tin mi matrons will arrive to
clay, tho runner to visit her slater.
Mrs. Lewis Harnett ml tho latter to
visit her parentK, Mr. and Mra. A.
ha'i Pisi rxMitlv moved to Tulsa for
pei in.HK'nt n alil' hi e
( aid llirl.
Temple laiael'a Hlslerhnod will
entertain with a eard party on Tuaa
dav nfliTiH.im, October 4. In the
veiiry rooms of tho Tempi. The
general pnMh Sh t'ortllally Invited.
Informal Ton.
Mra. Tro I'nweii hna Iweied Invl
tntlnna fur .in Informal leu whl' h
mIh' Kite l I" r home, 1717
Hoiith Hoiildir avenue on Hiilurduy
llnlloiii'Yii 1'nrly.
Mr. and Mra, H. M. drotkop nnd
Mr. and Mra A. K. llendren will en
tertain n eompanv of their frlenda
on Haliirtlny evetiirm, Ontohnr SO, In
Ilia (I rot Hop hum, 1113 Houth Hon I -rtnr
I'ollllciil Tm.
The drmoi ratli- women of Tulea
aro Invlleil to meet In the h"Hie of
Mm. 1 'rial on t! Heat on HmIuiiIiiv
afternoon for lea whan over the
upn. apenkor will talk Informally
rnnrornlnc the leaiiua of milium. All
women IntcreMted ui democratle noll-
tlra nro lnvltd, The hour Is three
Auto Theft, (lucsiwn
Puzzlinu the Police
Crocks Have
More Than $81,000
to Missions.
Club Evenln
ampler N, I. I'. .
Thorn will bit a meeting held Mon-
Iny afternoon of C'hantei N. I'. H. ()..
In the homo of Mra. Mam McHlmoy,
mod Moutti Denver avenue.
NI?V VOIIK. ( t. 21. Native
('reek Indiana have recently inadn
il''itKi's omountliiK to mora than
J 1 .00(1 to the Amerlenn Hnptlat
Home MlMlon aoelety for furrylng on
Ha work nniotiK Ho Indiana, Dr.
(hni- I,. White, exieutlvo aacia'
larv of the olty nald today.
Twelve thoiieaml ilnliara of 111 Id
money rnmo In ihe ehape of an
CO arre farm adjoining Hacone eo.
leKe It, oklahornn. wl.h'h la to he thu
Morrow Indiana mphatw homo. lir.
II. I). U'eeka, pi eylilont of Hruone
eollue, aaked the American Huptlxt
llofni Mlwiliniury aoolety aome
montha hro for thla land. Upon
luiirnlni? tli L Ihe wie.Pty hnil u
funda nvallnblo for pueli n piirrhaae,
Mr. nnd .Millaijo boiiKht tho farm
and presented It to Ihe American
HflptlPt Mom" Mlaalonnry noelety
Two Indian women havo Klven thu
olllty tSO.Ono for the erenllon of a
new trlrlH' btilldlnK at th orphonanq
at llaconn Min. I.oey Polnken do
iialltiK $30,000 and Mrs. Soma lloaen
1 20,060, llenldoa theae soma, eiionuh
more waa aeeuied In eaah and
plednea to brlnn tlm amoiml up to
more than JHI.onn All thin li out.
aide tile pteilxoa mad lo tho hundred
million dollar campaign
Another of the Indinn Kills rn.
eently nmle to the nierhiin Unptlata
Home M Imloimtv aoclety In tile In
half of Hacone eoltatin JRO.OO0
l-en by an Indian nnmoii Knatman
Itlehard for tho orncttnn of a lioya'
ilormliory to bear tho tmnin of hh
Hon, Samunl, who died during the
fieeond year of his studios at llacono,
The jrlft wan to show the npprnolii-
Home matorlat Kot Into tho
. mriv veitterdnv morn-
IMt'dKCd! l" " men.br of tho OsnKn
. iumF Koraker Oil rompahy haa n da-
ealtful memory, II, tho opinion 01
tha police ...
About 11 oelnrk ycntorduy
mornlrif It was reported to tho
pollre that an O.ik.nnd roadster,
nelona'nff to lha Ossko Korakcr
(("ipnny. "ao i 1 en Moien from In
front of Uih Klk lodrfo.
n ii "jt . iin I' w,la reported
that tin. "etolrir car had been
fun id on Hi.' Ti'itn aide of tho
Mk bi.'iilloit Mow tho rur got
thue atill iimaltm u tnyatury,
hut the po.Ue ib'laro that It saa
Ilnh) Clinic.
MNa Victoria Trotter. nnblln
health nurse for the Child Welfaro
board, annouiires there will bo u
baby rllnlc held In the Humane of
ficii Krlday tit 12 o'rloek, whlrh will
bo open to tho public.
Personal Mention
Mr. and Mra, Kmmett Iiwler, for
mnr Tulanna, havii returned to thla
elty from Ooluinhus, Ohio, for real
ilnnru and at pri'Bi'iit aro UvlriK in
I'lazu court.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John W. Shields
havo returned from a. vlHlt In Chl-
caKo, Went Balom, 111,, und .St. Louln.
Hon fell by Mr. Itletiatd for the edu
cnilnn of hla ihlldron (11 HatMl4t
kehoola ilutlnit the iiuys of hla pov
erty. before oil waa uwcovercu on
the nklahoma fiirm.
Twent v-one tiihea nrn rnprfHonion
In the i nrollinctir at llaconn 1 1 1 In
yanr, J'reldetit S'eeka annollncoM
Creeks, Choctaw s, Chlekaaaws, Pern
Inolea, Kueheva, Hhawnees, Klowas,
nomiini'ln", raiiahoes, Cadilos,
Mahltns. Mlardaalppl Cliortaws.
Cnyeiimw. Mmios, I'ottawatomlt's,
Crona. llopla, C.yoes, Onae.i und
NHW YOllK, Oct. 21. Forty
two stowaways who boarded tha
steamer Logan In Naples, wero re
moved under heavy military KUard
when alio arrived today und woro
taken to K(IIh Inland.
According to lmmtgrntlon offi
cials, this breaks nil rccoribi In
Htowawav traffic. Offlccrn of tho
ship aald tho men were not discov
ered In thu hold until- tho ship wa.i
well on thn way o New York.
Itepuhllcaris CluirK" llourkc Cockrnii
Oiuti Hitter Ia'ukuo opitoticm,
Now SupiMirlliif: It.
CHICAGO, Oct. SI. ollpuhllcan
National commlttoo hoadfiuartcrs to
day I-wucd a statement attacking
tho stand of W. llurko Cockran, who
Is now on a speaking trip In favor of
tjic luagun of nutlons. Thu ropubll
oan statement charges Mr. Cockran
appeared before tho snnato foreign
relations committee August 30,
to oppose the league. Mr. Cockran
upenks today nt Kansaa City nnd to
morrow In Chltngo.
Tho statement quoted tho official
record of Mr. Oockrun'a plun beforu
tho aenutu commUtua hm saylngl
"I do not want lo charge delib
erate treason ngaliiHl anyone, but I
do say that betrayal of the cause
for which this war waa fought ami
won will be tho reault, If the pur
pose of thosn who negotiated this
treaty shall be arenmpllslieti.
"Is thuto In that treaty one alngle
word of which any American should
be proud 4 Dors It llberato a single
people who reoK emancipation, ex
cept na an net of vengeance against
the countries who wero over
thrown 4 "
Again, he Is quoted ns saying:
"Thn league of nations horo pro
MAtttriN. Ind.. Oct. 21. Crng-
Ing tho democratic party with Inef
ficient nnd extravagant manago-1
merit of national affairs during tho
war. United Stntea Senator .Miles
I'nltirlnxter of WuBhlngton. In an
addrosa here Inst Ight declared that
thn issue of this campaign Is tno
WIIsmi ndmlnlstratlon." ,
Having enuanderod thn money ,
squeezed from tho peoples In taxort 1
arid war contributions, ma anmin-
lstratlon Instead of punishing ex-1
travagance and Inefficiency, has j
told of the vast sums which havo ;
been expended, Senator I'olnduxtor
"liy hla linnet In his speech of 1
nccoptnnce that tho United fitatea i
has paid ono-thlrd of tho cntlro (
coat of thn war, Oovornor Cox has ,
chosen tho sumo standard of ex
cellence.' posed Is an abomination, an nttempt
to uno tho consclonco of Christendom
to sanctify and perpetuate wrong
which morhllty und Justice condemn."
NKW YOK, Oct, 21. Death In
a Brooklyn hospital yesterday of i
Itlehard Lamb, widely known con
atructlng engineer, waa unnouncod
Visitors to New York
arc cordially invited to view
our exhibit o Diamonds,
Sapphires, Pearls and Emeralds
in Artistic Platinum Settings.
Opposite St. Patrick's Cathedral
Mrs. Oeorgo Falling has gone to
Ardmoro for a winter's visit with the
family of hor on, Mr. Harry Falling.
Mlaa Lucy Mau Marquis ban re
turned from Dallas, where nhe haa
vlsltqd for a. weuk, enjoying uttendn
2 nee at thu Jjall.iH fulr during her
Mra. W. -'. Hcott and Miss Jesslo
L. Douglas wore called to Fort
Worth, Toxaii, Tuesday on ac
count of the Borloim Illness of their
alatur, Mra. J. C. Wlnfluld.
Mr. arid Mrs. II. O. Orlfflth of Now
York City aro In tho cltj- and gueats
nt tho Jvetchum hotew .Mr. llrlf
flth represents t)i Tulsii World in
mo metropolis.
Mi.n A.i. ....... m..
r Ell" lllCllh IIIM IIMIIU.
At the regular sabbath evening
Korvlcn at Tomplo lsraul Fourteenth
and Choycnno, ITlday evening at S
o'clock, llabbl Ijitz will preach on
tho theme, "Tho ureal Adventure.
The temple choir will Mug neveral
special numbers. At the ftudy
clnrtM, which meets on Saturday
morning from 10:30 to 11:30, Itabbl
IwiU will review tho "Life of Abra
ham." and will discuss u current
event In Intrmlurli.g tho lesson. Tho
public Is cordially Invited to all
tumplo i.ervlccH, and cIusscb.
Uruguay Is planning a permanent
exposition at Montevideo to teach
and extend tho uses of electricity.
For Mr. .Innnui-Uy.
Mrs. 11. .lunkowdky Iiiih Issued In
vltntlcinii for nn Informal unction
bridge party wllloh she will glvo
on Thursday afternoon. October 29.
honoring Mrs. Mike Jankowsky who
Sore Throat, Colds
Quickly Chackod By Hamlln'n
Wizard oil
Sore throat and chest cnldi
should never lie neglected. Few '
people realize how often they re- t
6ult frriously if not promptly i
checked. Hamlin's Wizard Oil is ;
a' safe, simple and elTcctivc treat- I
ntctit. Used as a gargle for nore I
throat it brings quick relief. Hubbed '
,on the chest it will often loosen up
a hard, deep seated cold In one !
night. Keep a bottle on the shelf, j
wliurd Oil U a food iWptniliihU prep
aration ro havo In tlif mtJIclna clioit (or
rirat alii vhn tti doctor iny b fr '
way.. How often nprln. brulnra. cula !
nd t'llrna oc.-ur In rvrrr family, ua wall ,
aa Hula truublra Ilka earartm. toolhach. i
tyU aorra, t-niikcr anraa, allrr nick, unit
tirtJ nt'hlnx (art Hoothlna", haallni Wla-
rtl Oil lll alwaya brine quick relief.
(lanaroua also bottle Jc. I
If you are troubled with ennatlratlon
r alck headache try llainlln'e Wliard
I.lver Wlilpa Juat lilriaent little pink
pule at OrujiUla (or loo, QuarantetO.
You can get that living room suite,
now. - Head Haymoml , (.'olemau's
Advortlsiiment --Advl.
Any Home
Can Afford
This wonderful instrument a ictrola makes it
possible for every one to enjoy the best there is in
music and entertainment.
It brings the opera, the concert and the vaude
ville stage within the reach of all right into the
Let us put a VictroU into your home today.
SSmCOX A Manner
alKXIilHnMBemaaaaatlBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' i
nn-iiiTHaiiwiini ui j i MirwiiiTijtiT-viiTi- irMMiiii- 1 1 ii ii i ii -rnn nr in "iri n -rr n mmm&
I at rl 2 SIT
1 1 IFh at More Desirable for Everyday I
"" I Than the Frock of Tricotine
It's decidedly refreih-K j
lng to steti Into a trlco- .
tlnn frock, enpeclally if l lV1
It's woll tailored and In V ?tt 1
every reaped a favoryd y'sJw''' lU
version of tho newest ' JrJ I' A.M I
modes. Thry'ro ch.irm- f V ,7 1
lng these frocks: VR I
ho mo one-piece In H ffflv A
i chemlso effect, others p 1 zfafk
following thn long linen 1 In l1 J
of tho redlngoto and I I V J ,
still othuru the youth-
ful. long waist loycn- II j f
ago stlhouotto. They ft j 'j
,mmm I often nchlevo tho tin- 1
iBiSM I I mVng. CoW are the T I
eSJWfH3 k i "ch wanted navy. IV U ill!
15SSSSSSr H a I'rown and black. J WW
mm ' h w
rt ji ia kunntvi r vi viii.r ft i I
11 coftNfcr oitess ran women
Hunt's Daily Store News
VOL. 10
NO. 22.
Our Great Winter Selling
,This store is constantly striving to do its part in reducing prices. The
tendency toward the lowering of prices and the gradual return to near
normal conditions has already taken root at the Hunt store. No time
is being lost in making revision in keeping with the present market.
Goods with new price tags are evident in most every section and the
Hunt Company's patrons will share in every advantage which we will
enjoy. Tomorrow affords splendid opportunities for Fall and Winter
shopping. ,
f Specials From Our
Staple and Linen Departments
36-inch Blench Muslins, the 35c quality. Spe
cial, per yard . 2.7c
3Wnch Bleach Muslins, the 40c quality. Spe
cial, per yard 29c
3G-inch Bleach Muslins, the 55c quality. Spe
cial, per yard 39c
G5c quality Indian Head Muslins. Special,
per yard 38c
36-inch Unbleached Muslins of fine lonp
staple, cotton, the 35c quality. Special. .. .27c
36-inch Unbleached Sea Island Muslin, the
37V-;c quality. Special, yard 29c
40-inch Unbleached fine Sea Island Muslins,
tho 50c quality. Special, yard lie
Fine, Sheer Cambric Muslin, Special
36-inch fine Cambric Muslins, the regular 50c
quality. Special, yard 0c
36-inch Sheer Nainsook Finish Cambric Mus
lin the 50c quality. Special, yard 40c
36-inch fine Cambric Muslins, the 60c quality.
Special, yard 48c
36-inch fine Cambric Muslins, the 65c quality.
Special, yard 52c
36-inch soft nainsook finish Cambric Muslins,
the 65c quality. Special, yard 52c
36-inch extra fine, soft finish Cambric Mus
lins, tho 75c quality. Special, yard 59c
10-yard bolts of English Loup Cloths, soft
chamois finish, tho $7.25 values.' Special, per
bolt '. $5.95
10-yard bolts of English Nainsooks, fine sheer
quality, the $7.75 values. Special per bolt $5.75
Chimosa Nainsooks, an extra nice fine quality
in white and flesh. Box of 10 yards, the 58.25
values, special per bolt $6.50
Imported Japanese Nainsooks, a beautiful
quality, 42 inches wide. Box of 10 yards, tho
$13.50 values, special per bolt $9.96
Staple Goods and Linens
Linen Crash Toweling in half bleach and un
bleached 1
The 45c quality, Bpecial ...v 34c
The 50c quality, special 37c
70-inch Mercerized Damask, an extra nice
quality, in assorted patterns, the $2.00 grade.
Special, per yard $1.4S
70-inch All-Linen Damask in floral, stripe,
dew drop and fleur do lis designs, the $2.75
quality. Special, yard '. $2.19
Mercerized, ready-made Napkins, hemmed,
ready for use, in assorted designs. Tho $3.90
values. Per dozen $3.19
Mercerized Damask Napkins, size 22x22, in
assorted floral and stripe patterns. Special,
per dozen $2.58
Hemstitched linen finish Huck Towels, fancy
damask borders, tho COc values. Special, ,49c
Linen Huck Towels, size 18x36, with fancy
woven borders, the 80c values. Specials
bach 69c
Hulhiru'en Novelties
V .Tc fo $5,00
An untiisual collection of
favors, pumpkins, witches,
lanterns, ina.sku, etc, etc, etc.
Slain Street lift ween Third and Fourth
Children's School Hos
iery, 3 Pairs $1.00
Odd lots specially ta
bled. Values to 75c

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