OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, October 24, 1920, FINAL EDITION, SECTION A, Image 13

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

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I Pii mum in I, l
iHWii.ii ii.a H-n 1 1
ATTLE, 31-14
i ' i
Endurance of Crimson Eleven
Wins Sensational Grid Clash
Ted Lewis to Battle Jack Britton
In No-Decision Contest This Week
His Plan Is Factor
in Tulsa II igh Game
Playing Even in First
Half, Southerners Fail
in Second
"Greatest Bnck," Is Tribute
Paid Center Captain by
Harvard Leader
OAMBIUDOF., Mum,, Oct. 23
Hazard football finesse, weight ant
ttnlurnnco triumphed over (junior
college's Individual gridiron brlll
lan hero this nfternoon In ono of
the mst thrilling find most sensa
tlcnl Inter-sectional glumes played
In cars. Although defont?d, 31 to
H he Danville, Ky., collogluns, dc-pa-ted
for the south Into tonight
w i rhe praises of tho football ex
' prr's ringing In their ears, for they
raw a wonderful exhlbltlnnof the
earn considering ttho handicaps
un1. i' which u, Kninllcr oolleBe labors
In inctlng team of Harvard cal
iber Ir. Individual nnd soml-team play
durir tho flrHt half of tho contest,
the Center college combination
shov.ed sameness and football abil
ity which gained thorn the support
of tpe-tators. Tho "Praying Col
one's' ns the players nrn known In
their home section, matched effort
for effort with the Crimson nnd at
the rloje of the first two perlodH had
fought themselves into nn even
brcik with Harvard, tho scoro
itardins 11 to 14.
mple Honor for Center.
The exertions and suspense of such
gruelling battle under strnngo eon
dltlms and environment told In the
closing half of tho conflict and the
power and finish of tho Harvard
tmni triumphed over tho despcrnto
...( nf r?;intnln "Ho" McMillan
and his team mates to turn the tldo
vt defeat. There was no question
tn the minds of the 40,000 specta-
1 tors, who completely filled Harvard
fuuttMll stadium, as to which vtin
the better team. It w,as n slow, res
olute, crushing progress, which fi-
nalW developed the Crimson team as
n winner, but left nmplo honors for
the hardy southerners.
Thav nn Institution with an enroll
ment of about 300 students and with
but one coach to prepare a football
ram for tho puzzling and perfected
liny of ft rival team with almost un
Iralted financial and Instruction ra
dlltles should ho ablo to mutch a
. Kstnrle nnd established opponent
ttmughout the first 30 minutes of
play, stamps tho Center college
ilewn as ono worthy of all the prnlso
whkh had preceded It. Offensively
tho "Colonels" showed a gamo fully
m to that of Harvard, but It was
the lack of p. strong defense that
tlnallj dlfercntlated betweon tho
ilctur nnd vanquished.
McMillan Frescntotl Mall.
That the Harvard captain nnd
coache realized tho really rcmark
blo sp'ait and play of the south
erners was demonstrated by a sceno
nhkh took place almost Immediate
ly after the came, when tho teams
mu In tho Harvard training quar
ters. There Captain Horweon of the
winning eleven went up to Captain
rAtnin.. nfiiii-riLtulatlnf? him
upon his team nnd wonderful Indi
vidual playing, ofored tho ball used
In fho game as a trophy. McMillan,
dun covered and well nigh ex
hamted, burnt Into tears and re
fused tho ball, with tho remark that
"to the victors belong tho spoils.
The Harvard leader endeavored to
persuade MoMIInn to accept the
ball with tho statement: "You de
rve It. You are tho grcatrnt
backflcld player I ever saw.1,
HAUVAltD (31) l'os. Center (ID
Mtano I j. K Chlnn
.L. T
Kaxso . . . .
0aton . . . .
Fltzceruld. .
niurrhill. . ,
Horwood . . .
Pcor by
. L. H. .
. . . C.
It. (1. .
It. T. .
It. K. .
. Q. H. .
I,. II. .
II. H. It
. r. n.
. . . .Weaver
. . . .Snoddy
. .McMillan
. .Whltncsl
, . . .Ilobcrts
Harard 7
10 111
0 014
Ctnter 7
scorlnB. Touchdowns,
2: Churohlll. Owen.
Coals froni tnuchndnW. Fuxsrrh, 4
troal from field, Horween. Ccntor
corlns. Touchdowns, Hoberts,
M'hltncll. Uoals from touehodwn.
Weaver 2. Heferce. It. W. Mnx-
p'i. Swarthmore. I'mplre, T. J
Thorpe Columhia; field Judge, W
J (Vnwf.11 Hniullliiesmun. O. N
i , "ciiucnnrT. ujirrmnuin. ium
Period.'. 15 minutes.
IleM Oklahoma nnd Koutluwstern
drill Fie. ens on Schedule In
Until .Monti '
Tulsa high school Brtdstors play
IW'U B southwestern and Oklahomu
'tholustlc elevens In the final five
fames of tho season. The schedule
tor tho remaldcr of tho season Is:
SO Kort Worth Central hlBh
ut Tulsu.
5 Oklnlioma City nt Okla
City. 12. Shawneo at Hhawnee.
19 -Chlckasha at TUlsa.
25. MUHkogeo nt TulBa.
Tuljii .lewder Donalcs Trophies to
Oil nnd I'oiiinicrchil Ix'ngues.
1 '-npotltlon amohg teams rolling
jn hu oil and commercial bowling
o-JSurs was Increased yoatorday by
inu annuncoment that a stiver cup
would bo given to Ihe winning team
in mch ono of tho lcngucu. Harry
Jlfllliron, local Jeweler, has donated
two miver cups, which will be Bult
"uly entsraved and presented to tho
winning teams.
The toaniH continue to roll some
'ry high scores and much enthus
Is manifested by the partici
pants. Tho presont schudulo tor-fco-ta
In Janv
With tho pom
liiK of timo Ki cat '
and vital changes'
have h o o ii
brought In Ok'u-1
hotna Lolleglato
football clri.l mJ
changes IxniM-,
clal to tho popu-'
larlty of the
sport nni plao
lug football In
this state on a
higher p 1 a n o
than ever before.
Entrance of tho
University of Oklnhonn Into tho
Missouri Valley conferenco nnd tho
withdrawal of tho Kooueis from tho
Oklahoma eonforencn nnd tho ostab.
Ilshment of two additional years to
tho curriculum Of normal schools,
thus making them of colhglato
ranking, hnvo been the best meana
of effecting change In tho foot
ball status! of Oklahoma colleges.
Tho university has for years domi
nated or was ono of tho lending
powers of collego football liv Okla
homa. Now that they are no longer
members of tho Oklahoma confer
ence nnd, therefore, not considered
in tho stato title race other elevens
ran fight It out among themselves
tor the championship.
Central normal Illustrates the
dlffernco value of tho two addi
tional years to Uio curriculum of
tho teachers' schools. The Kd
mond pedagogues nro enabled to
keep men who, previously, would
hnvo graduated from that school
and gono to either colleges.
Northwestern. Rust Central, South
west rn nnd Southwestern normals
aro also moro formldablo than In
previous years, tho former two in
particular. Ivan Orovo has de
veloped n fighting machine nt tho
Iiaptlst university and mo msona
will undoubtedly bo factors In com-liir-
sensons If Orovo continues as
athletic mentor nt that school.
Willi tho rt-o of tho so-niHcti
"M'eomlni'y rlowiw," niul tho pros
pects of contliiiietl impm-! piny in
tho fill in till) domination of tho
remaining . members of the "big
fniir." Kendall. I'lillllliM nnd Agirles
Im seriously threatened, thus ndillng
Interest linn tiuocriniiiiy ut uiu
Thn Imsnhnll world seems to bo
about evenly divided In Its opinion
of tho l.asKcr pnm mr me rant
ganlzntlon of the governing of iro
fesslonal bnBeball, which, narrowed
down. Is merely a fight between tho
factions of Han Johnson and asso
ciates against. Johnny Heydler,
Charles Comlskey. et al.
War, pence, Dan Johnson's finish
as a baseball power, linn Johnson's
continued leadership, hnvo been pre
dicted by baseball scrlhes. Ami tho
fans wonder what It Is all about.
Wn don't bellcvo Han Johnson Is
through, lie Is too big a man In
baseball, even his enemies ndmlt
thnt for a personal difference to
result tn tho end of his leadership
of tho American league. And wo
also would het Hint next year both
major leagues will be doing business
nt tho sumo old stand.
There must Is- Nimc chance In
tho control of baseball. Mn.scbnll
Is it business, ami n Mich, must
mo (llrccteil hv baschull men not
hy mere fnni whfwo only rvcoKiil
tlon as leaders of tho glgniUlo In.
tlu-lry of hasehall lira In being
Cinder Tnick Sort to He Digger
Thl Ycnr, Couch Predicts
Several Slurs Lost.
NOKMAN, Oct. 23. Track will
bo a bigger varsity sport this year
than over before. It was predicted
today by Orover C. Jocobsen, as
sistant coach of tho university of
A cinder track will bo laid soon
inside tho armory so that track
workouts may begin Immediately af
ter Chrlstmna.
The nrmory Indoor track will bo
a courso of from 250 to 200 ynrds.
It will glvo all runners, except ills
tanco men. a place to work. A pair
of ehotputters were ut work In the
armory WednepiViy, but vaulters,
Jumpers, and discus or Javelin men
will need somo further provision
mado for them.
Practice Second Semester.
Instead of waiting until open
weather In the spring, Jucobsen will ,
open truck practice before tho bo- j
ginning nf tho second semester and
get his men In condition for a long
series of meets, ho said here today.
Dlst.mco runners are already u I
work on a flvo-mlle cross country)
courso extending south of tho unl-1
verslty. The coach Intends to mnkol
track a. freshman Hiyt, too. Frrsli-I
men meets with other s honls will
he arranged, ho declared, In order,
to telve the yearlliiBB nn Incentive to,
keep In trim and learn iho points of
tho game boforo they aro varsity
Truck Suffers Ijiv-c.
Track suffered a lapse us n varsity
sport laut year bocuuso of lack of j
equipment, coaching, nnd a training I
place. Tho university that year lost
Wilbur Hollinan. holder of tho I
southwestern quarter mile record.
And In addition Luther Miller, hind
er of the southwestern half-mile tec i
ord; Frank McGco and Olan Sluggs, )
hurdlerB; Wullaco Abbott, dash man, j
and several other stars of the ull.
victorious 1918 and 1919 track
NyriiciiM. Defents Dartmouth.
HANOVKH, N. II , Oct. 23Syra.
ouse a scoring In tho first and third
periods won from Dartmouth today
In a hard fought game 10 to 0. On-1
lick, the Syracuso left tackle, kicked
a finely Judged field goal from ,
placement In the middle of tno Ilrat
period. j
S .
Fight Between Welters
Features Week's
Fistic Card
Important Boxing
Bouts This Week
Oct. 26 rtltchlo Mitchell vs. Halt
er Friedman, 10 rounds at Unst
Chicago. i
Oct. 26 Jeff Smith vs. Jamallea
Kid, 11 rounds at Trenton,
N. J.
Oct. 25 Jack llrltton vs. Ted
Lewis, 10 rounds at Clevelnnd.
Ort. 25 l'al Moore vs. Jon Lynch,
S rounds nt St. I.ouls.
Oct. 25 l'al Moran vs. I'oto Hart
ley, 11 rounds at Now Orienns.
Oct. 26 Lew Tendler vs. Joe
Welling, iO rounds nt Mllwou
koo.. Oct. 27 Kid Williams vs. Sam
my Kandow, 12 roiindu nt Hal
tlmore. Oct. 28 Dudley Stolo vs. Henry
Wldmer. 10 rounds nt Kansas
Oct. 2D nob Uopcr vs. Hnrry
Oreb, 10 rounds nt Kalamazoo.
Oct. 24 Arlos Fanning vs. John
ny Noye, 10 rounds ut Cedar
Oct. 2D Willlo Jackson vs. Kddlo
Fltzslminons, 15 rounds nt
New York.
Oct. 2D K. O. Lntighlln vs. Young
Donny, 10 rounds at Now Or
Kver since ho was knocked out by
Jack Iilltton more thai) a year ago,
Ted Lewis, former welterweight
champion, hns camped on tho trtll
for a return match, thaf he mnv be
of the new king of tho 142-poundera
Blvdn mi opportunity to win back
the crown. That chance will come
Monday night when theso fighters
clash in n scheduled ten-round iiat
tlo In Cleveland. Thla bout in the
outstanding fcuturo of a spleridld
program of boxing to bo staged In
tho United States this week In which
a number of ncar-champlons will
Lewis held the title for n long
time nnd boxed Hrltton often, but
was ablo to hold tho crown bocauso
of no-dcclslon laws, and tho fact
that ho was able to tako nil tho pun
lshmcnt the present champion could
administer. Ah a matter of fact
Lewis always held his own until ho
met the New York scrapper in a
bout when tho Englishman wnssnld
to b0 not In the best of condition
nnd ho was flattened. Lo wis took
a long rest nfter that bout and then
went to England where ho beat all
tho welters Of arcit Britain, finally
winning over Joolmny llasham, who
held tho welterweight championship
of that country. Following that vic
tory ho returned to America and has
been camping on tho trull of Ilrlt
011 ever tlnco.
Knockout Not Kxpco-d.
It Isn't very likely that there will
Hrltton Is too tough, too good n de
fensive fighter and knows the style
of Lewis too well to bo whipped so
im,Hel.y; I-Cttl"-..n tl" otllcr ".
will fight a careful bout aqd Is In
condition now tov withstand ,,-
lack of tho Plmnimm. V,,... ";..n" I
alifivH ii nhL"Kh,,or8 "10t tl,uro morsel Friday night when Willie
punch h t, n.i001; .JiickBtm And Kddlo Fltzslnimons, h
S Avw Ynrwrll,blllS, ht.'y.wte of slugging lightweights meet,
nund eonZ. .n ,k I.al7" 11 fifteen-I V,tz wns matched with Leonard
win 1 ro t-S hM rly?n' I early In the fall but, the match wus
"1110 the tV, ,,n Ui'dH 1,1 ,wlllcl1 ' canceled becaiis.. Dan Morgan,
Ilut tlmt hout ,Xyi.,.i '!V,B0 handH manager of Fltzslminons. did not
larger nurse th ii fl .' f ,r u ,"M,ch ' think his fighter had hud enough
larger purse than they aro t re- ,.Xpt.ri,.nce to meet the champion.
Announcing a Most Extraordinary
Showin g of Fashionable Furs b y Harry L.
at his display rooms on the
ninth floor of Hotel Tulsa
Eastern Mink was never more
becoming than it is in this en
veloping model with its big so'ft
collar; its comfortable dolman
sleeves and that clever line
around the bottom whiih gives a
graceful slenderness to the win
ter silhouette.
Other creations of distinction are
on display for the most extreme
Tltl I.OHlS.
Tod Lewis, former world s welterweight hainpln this wei k meets
Jack Urlttnn, who knocked out i"i.i f'-r tlu tltK An l is a iio-diHlslon
contest, a knockout Is the only v,uy a vkt iry m.iy be registered.
celvo nt Cleveland, where each Is
guaranteed J5.0U0.
Two of tho flvo leading bantam
wolKhts who are camping on tho
trail of Fete Herman In the hope of
meeting the champion in decision
fights In New York, will clash In St.
Louis. They are Fal Moore and .loo
Lynch. Lynch recently fought fif
teen rounds to a draw with Jnck
Sharkey In New York and will meet
tho ruBBed Italian In a return battlo
In Oothnm If ho Is successful against.
Moore. On tho other hand, should
Moore win ho will bo the ono to re
ceive so fat a sum for meeting Slier
key In Tex ltlekurd's Madison Squaio
Garden arena, Tho St. Louis bout
will be for eight rounds. Ilefore tho
winter Bcuson ends llermnn will have
to moot Lynch, Sharkey Hurmati or
Moore. The elimination series with
theso four entries will supply pro.,
Inoters with some hlBh class fistic
entertainment for their patrons.
Lew Tendler, who hns been Idlo
for Homo time, will return to the
humped circle Tuesday night when
ho meets Joe Welling in Milwaukee.
Hccauso of a recent victory over
Willlo Jackson, Welling bus asked
for a match with Henny Leonard,
for tho lightweight championship
and wrlfers In New York who have
seen Welling In action claim ho Is
ono of tho very best lightweights In
the gnmo today. Ho was Informed
that If he can beat Tendler hu will
he Blven tho first championship con
test with Leonard In New York. Thus
the match In Milwaukee.
Welllng's (iolden Opportunity.
Leonard does not Uko Tendler.
They have had trouble. In uttVmpts
tn arrange matches nnd the chain
plon declares ho will not fight the
l'hlladelphla Hebrew. He has agreed,
however, to meet tho man who can
beat Tendler. Welling is 11 fast,
clover, hard hitting lightweight. Ho
may not bo able to knock out Tend
ler but that isn't necessary. If ho
wins the newspaper decision It will
flvo litm 11 ehanco nt the title.
ie.'"ulll,'"S" "
i,.iir,i In fnlnc- In irlvo his
Room 919 Hotel Tulsa
Mehlhorn-Kcnnedy Match
Is Indefinitely
Set Back
IiccaiiHO. the course Is not in con
dltlon for liiamplourhlp play tho
match between Hilly Mehlorn, Tulsa
professional, nnd JnuiOH Kennedy,
Tulsa amateur, for the state open
golf championship scheduled to ik,vo
been held yesterday has been In
definitely postponed.
Kennedy, .Mollinrn nnd J. 1 . Col
lins, the latter instructor of tho
Tulsa Country club, yesterday played
an lN-nolo match, Collins winning
with n card of 73. Melhorn was sec
011U with 76 and Kennedy third with
83. .
Collins and Melhorn today played
an lK-hole match.
(icoputrii Wins nt UHoiila,
LATONIA, Ky., Oct. 23. W. It.
Coo'h Cleopatra won the Latnnlu
championship stakes here this after
noon, defeating George W. Loft's On
Watch by three lengths. Cleopatra
covered the mllu nnd Ihree-quni lers
In 2.50 4-5 seconds, a. new truck
reeoiil. II. 1". Whitney's Damask
was third, three lengths In front of
hlg (stablo mate, John I". Oiler.
Ho will gain considerable! oxporlcncu
tn tho bout with .iHckson. who is it
veteran and hns fought nil of tho
lending contenders lor tno line, ,
knockout Is possible In this engage
ment becauso each pucks a sleep
pioduelng punch In his best mauler.
Hal Moran Is no longer under the
management yt Hummy Goldman,
manager of Pete Herman. Tluy sev
ered relations after Moran met Leon
ard in Kast Chicago, Moran Is han
dling his own affairs now and has
signed a contrail to ho Ftdo Hurt,
ley ten rounds In New Orleans Mon
day night. Hartley has tint been do
ing ry well of late and Moran
should add another win to his long
Mxports Are Not Satisfied
With His Showing
With Lovinsky
j M V YOltK. Oct. 28. Georges
( hn't Mtlsflvd ill I,
1' In ih a wrirld btitm
in ,in ipnr French mn 1 1 bi ih'
J 'i m Hat I.ovlnifiy In unmeth'iur
m , 1 than three round, but th''
1 . li.i-" will tell you be might j,"
,. will have beaten 11 carpel. Ilmv
1 1 oinr
l-mipiy bocauso llattter didn't fm
,,in'i lb,' opposition nrrmwm t)
1 1, ring Ciiipetitler out. He Himn 1 1 n
1 Ii, 'd punching bait, beniun tin
tlidn t flop buck at dm Fren. inn n,
afui' I,, ing hit, nnd he dldii t fir
e ,sh 1 miiiRli opposition in fr
ieurges to uncover his bag of f lc
I' 'at t is, Georges wns wide opn 111 e
1 door nil tho limn he was sleppdit;
.iImiiii LfVliisky.
After the fight a lot (IP people be
(tin Kiiisslng. Snnio of "em flKUii d
tilf.l.li.. tlwit !, I.u.l I ..
..... ii.ii ,, .iiiiii ruin,-
thliitf unlr hln pillow. otluMM tU;
urrMi It whh xhv wornt hind of n niii
iiumi. utiu nui oinni'M U'MhmJ it v it
Im( uhat thft hatllpr foutut vjm nn
til Inn -tirfiwulnir 1."rtiili 1 1 .t... .11.
. " ! Hill 1111 I"! l J
uiidnr hl tnu-iir inniii,ii-. ti.
....... "'ii'ill,l IIM I III I
suudod him to flop the minute he
rltv ,1 rill, nMll,
ai any rate, the Hsttler wont
down He took the count anil every
nuii U'hn wnm nt 11. .1
.. . ,.,,,n,,. t uiii-iii!,
for tho furl Hint I,., .11, 1, 111,.,
a mnn who was nut. So he failed
;o tiiinisii tiio opposition that must
be furnished IP neorge M to show
bis wnles, and the fistic fans are
veiling for morn action from Mr.
Hcvcnil Gixxl IVospcctM.
Thorn ,.r ........ .
f...,,, 1. ti " nl,,r"J iaos nsnio
. . j ... 1,1,1 1 11 ni n even nir h
entertaltiment. There's fl,.P Tilliliey
m!', 1,""".!;c0' A'"' Ihere'H Hilly
rV'te, r'1'",mi' . """'""H. Mlko
1 Dowd who wants In lcp nut nf
the 111 1 1 pwi.Ii.m i, 1 i .
, -,.. ii,w iiiiik nun igii
,j,'..t"nt '"-'B.wonid
".Id itr. CnivnUtrr nt'
(."nn; 10 no. niH riiiirmi,f.r
nTTl- us that a crd.'
ng In Cumins" conlraet with Mr
iZ! f,"!"4 mns't m't
,V .11.111111111 a initio with Mr
HeinpHey nt after the first ViV tho
year, nnlrnu i, ti.i...... . "'
rnn's or .V n, . ii. "' -r- 1 00 -
musl "dssd, M"iC'wJK
a breach of epntrnct.
Up In ('itirKcH.
Ho tllHio nothing for Georg-M to
d" now but be a perfeet mil,, rerlt J
leisure or !,.,. " !
some of the .ov we have immTln i'l
Extra Special Values in This
Cash Raising Sale
51 UN'S IIOSI I lt
S0V Oli'F
I). A. Mni'guii.
Not tho least Important factor In
tho play ycHteiduy of Tulsa high
school grldsters won that of I). II.
Morgan, captain nnd iiurtrterbuck,
whosetouchdown made tho tlo sooro
on their earn, IP Georges can set
'em on their ears well nnd good.
They nro nil willing to be shown,
Meanwhile, tho hoxlnir nuhllo nt
lingo would like tn know a llttlo
moro about Oeorges. The public
wouldJlkn to sen Georges meet a vn.
rlntyof Americans, lie mny bo al
most ns good as Desyhntnps con
tends, but, so f,tr, ho has beep In
Army Defeat Tufts.
WKST POINT, Oct. 23. Army
ifnn fmtti Tuft imlnv t. i
" " tiviuj m ' U( 111 (111
Interesting contest In which West
""en "'y socoiui iuring men
'llils sulo continues lo ilrnn men who ilelro lo (In
bettor ni it saving In cost. I".ory day finds our simp
thronged vtlllt critical buyer ttho understand values.
Kvery dcpuiimcut offers lis (liioln of reductions,
NOW Is Iho opiKirlimlty for buying Hulls, OiorcontH,
Khlrls, I'lideivtinr, Shot, lints, Itnlnceiats nnd Fur
ulshliigs or nil kinds, rihop early Monday. m
Special Suit Values
Iir tomorrow, choice
of iiuy suit In the house
selling for $:I5, ut ottrit
YOPU OWN KI'.LKCIiO.V eif nny Suit, In.
eluding "I'olleglnn" selling for $lft, on tuilo nt
YOl'Il OW.V SULKCTION of liny Suit In tlm II. K- O.
Shop, Ini hiding "Collegian," selling ut $B0, CfA(
on salo at tDU
YOt'K OW.V HKLF.riiO.V of nny Knit In tho II. & (),
Shop, Including 'Collegian," selling ut $(),
on rule lit . .
Silk Shirts at Half Price
Absolute cholcu of any Hllk Hhlrt for- fJr AA
ferinly selling at 110, marked tmw. . . . tDt.UV
Absoluto choice of any SHU Hhlrt for- frn pTA
niHrly selling at $12.60, now marked . ejvKOU
Absolute i but. a nf any Hllk Hhlit for- r
inerly selling at IK,, marked now. . . . fj) I .tU
Atmolute chob e of any Hllk Hhlrt for- T-j f A A
inerly selling ut 120, marked now . D J.U.UU
Mic.N's high slums
au"c off
si UN's ii rs. now
20',;, OI F
,mi;s lt. IN COATS
ao'i off
-Clothing Co.1
5 and 7 East Second Street
Hope for Good Showing
After Holding Ken
dall Eleven
ADA, Oct. 23. Tho Hast Central
Normal football teum will rest thli
week, tho Minn which linil been
si hidiileil for this week having been
( alien nrr. ThlH moans thai tlm
tciullorn will bo ablo to meet i;d
mni.d with most of tlm players In
good condition a wsek from Sat
urday. The showing of Clary's teachert
wus a siirprlsd, not only to the Ken
dall team here lust week, but waa
really u surprise tn the cUtsens of
Iho town. Ada rootert were expect.
Ing a good exhibition of football,
hut did not expect the lot al ladii to
hold Hie t rung Presbyterians to
lem Chun a iiunrter hundred points.
The fact thnt Iho visitors were able
o make only 10 points and the ail
dltloiial fact thnt tho locals took the.
Uilttallve towards tho Inst of tho
game have given tho team added
confidence and tl)o school liopus for
it good st'iiKon after nil.
I'lckens and Vernon, two of tno
best men. wore not In tho games
slih Kendall. Injuries kopt them on
tho side, 1'lckuiiH Is already report
Ing for practice, it ml Vernon In ox
peetcit back by tlio middle of next
week, vermin is suffering iroin n
broken collar bone, however, nnd
may not be ablo to tako part In tho
game with Kilmnnd normal.
Whllo tho nld men, Itmu'li. Jlrmili
nnd Cantinn, are playing a good
paine, uie snowing tho new men aro
unking Is pleasing to nil Kast Ccn
trnl rooters. Ilrazll Is u tower nl
slrcnth ut center, Victor Is proy.
Ing un offceUvo man behind tho
unu. wiisnington in nnomcr nnck
field man of great promise.. Oliver
Is displaying great strength nt end.
The entlro lino wus ablo to hold Hi
migiity suuiHiies or tnu Kendall
hacks, which Is tukon to mean that
It can hold any Una It wilt coma
Into contact with.
lack Thompson n;id fl,lnkoj" riwls
iiciiiniiie I'nignim Mingeil tiy t
I'fillcn Dcpiirlmeiit
Jack Thnninson nnd "I'lnkev"
Lewis, negro lieavywolghts, hoad-
lino n boxing eitrd Novomlior s
staged by tho Tulsa pnllco depart
ment at Convention hall. Proceeds
are to help purchase, overcoats for
the pniicomen. Lewis unn Thompson
box 12 rounds.
Chnrles Duly, Inspector and Nick
llemnckel, traffic sergeiint, nro di
recting th" staging of tho show.
Mrs. Fiske
Choice of any still In
(In. liouso selling for
Sto at tin extra special
20 OFF
Overalls Aro Now
Men's Neckwear
Now 25 Off!

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