OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, October 24, 1920, FINAL EDITION, SECTION A, Image 14

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042345/1920-10-24/ed-1/seq-14/

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Caterers of Confections
; Run Out of
; Names
Thin Sweet Little Tot
Graded 100 Per Cent
;ilut They Arc Tempting, Just
tho Sumo, and 'Tulsa Girl'
of Course Hasi No Equal
"There's a runann for everything"
no longer hold. Thul Ktatomiinl iim
'been regulated ui uu rusting place
lnf micli nnll(iintoil thlngH nil "I Ik
tiosn, whllo hot, Hllm hettd-ilrest".
tiuw'ln-thfi-rmr hut bunds, nnd non-powdcr-uslng
limits. Unto llio
motliH nnd t fin upldirn nro glvn
tlKwo thing! tint nro their tlwn.
(Muy thiilr innkn be relnforcetl by
the belated nrrn.il of tho "Jnt tin.")
A i: Inn en nt any of our most popu
lar iicnim found on tlio table of
our lft imf' ctlnn fhopn qnd drug
Moron lpltlH tii evidence fur the
forcROlng Hsaettli'ti, nn nvlileneo thnt
l pluming while ll hngullwi. Koi'
I Itn luscious litis "Peach (How" In
better fur iih Ihnn llm simple word
"IVmeh Ire Cioaiu" although the
oxnot region whence rotors t ll tt glow
lit known to few pcrhapn It In tlio
cream container.
Tulsa nirl" liolds tlio plaro of
luinor n to supply nnd demand. And
IA ll not fitting tlwit ll should 1)
nerved In us limns' different wiimi r.n
possible? Htnvcn known ivn'ru not
the onen to complain Unit tho glrN
hero nro nil of ono design nnd rolor.
And If tlio dUli In to bear Uh name
properly It won't pnmn from behind
tho fountfiln twice In the name itrnn
nnd rolf. nntlicr n friend of I1i
wnla Jerker you net---opportunities
for orlflnnllty and observutlnn.
"Knr.ivnn" stands strotig In the
rnnlcd of "lo Saturday nlghtem. Tli
'orlcntnl tnurh comoi from tlio tmino.
In itrurtitrn it In inucrh llkn unto n
'Whlto nnd rod roso dropped deep In
tlio mldKt of On fpfirii of n vlolnt.
And fhon n florfv rlond drift liv nnd
lop It "Temvsonln TI'Mo" would
rlvnj "Knravan" fop fllnwm un.
'Ah to tlm time worn "Oon;r" wo
lo-ntltnto. Coulil O"orK0 linvo heen
thn porter? Or wnn lin Jtift l.arlt
from nn outlnc In tlio itpnorf It In
Jnitlrnl thnt Qio wnn n tiookworm In
n Miiwn Hudy, or rven tho orlnlnn
tor of n crrtnln s'ctlon of our lire
orit div nxni'imlvo nmcnilnos. Af
to tvlt OrorKo lm.t um worrtod
T Vnmn." pnrfnlt dr luxe
nir, hw ftlili -n'i1ierrv lulee
; nnd draws n ntrenk of clineolnte vr
. nn ovr ench cvelirow. Tho vnnllln
and phoeolato hnlln In tho tull dlnh
.pro foi'en. Perchnnco t'hey perform
, tho (lotion of her nwo4nplrlnp
prrnoneo liv. proxy.
Ah for "fill Hoy," Un orlrfn Ik
nlivtnu. Vnnllln nnd Ktrnwberrv
prorm, nmnK mnrmnlnde, clnrot
, itjTiip, nnd n dnifli ot whipped rrenm
' pinko up inc niwm umi ici'iii nmi
rlrnonv In nn un'onr nnd drn" s 'rom
Vfho rlrnlBht nnd nnrrnw pith fond
liinbanitn npd Iqvlncr ronn, It'" Rood
, An for n flnlnhlnir toudi everv Bdf
' ronpertlncr fountain mnn ptiintn n red
mnrnelilno chrrrv nn tho tin eiM of
- the pt-Pittnn Orepn plierfled n.r In
rteinnd nnd It n necesmrv to keep
"In flncer on fie leo erenm pnlno of tlm
'public nn on nnv of the nthe- iinlsc"
lor lnipuln"H, And thn pulille doe.i
; not rnre for rreen when npnlleil to
i inrni"hlno rhcrrlt'i. 1'ont niny
lifive be.en rlpht. but oven so
A rnmblnntlon door knob linn been
Invented to prevent nnv but nemoim
- l'nowlnB 'he eomblnirtlon openlnu n
door. .
Kramer Recommends Uni
veraity of Hard Knocks
to Student Body
Tliero f n no edurntlnn like tho IliiU
vrrfllty of linrd Uw'h nnd no our
rn uluni llko' work," !ivun;ollt
.Ijiinen W. Ifnrmer told Tul.m lilith
ni hool Htudi'titn li hi nlcht In tho
iintf of it nerrium t'Kpi'clully do
Mirnfd for their iipmIh.
U H the lf thnt in contracted
nnd not dint met ed thnt countn "
Ktnnier Mid 'If you would reiVih
j .ii r K"1, keep it rontini.illy with
)ou. Mrniiuro tho dlnunco botween
you nnd your Konl and preM on
ward. Poverty Ii no lilndrnnee to
oil. The bent tlllnK to mrt with
i.othlnit nt nil nnd tho hint place to
Mnrt froti. In ero. The reHOn thnt
one my fall tortny 1 beuntme tllire
Im no gnnt obelni'le to ovorcomo. I
never took a eoiirHe In w hool thnt
whm nn ftlnnbn to mn oh experience
rntned In wnrKIn my wny through
"Orow. In older to do well there
nniHt be Krnwtli. Hut ho mire Unit
you nrow .:bt. Don't Kruw Hmall.
Home thing" grown mnnllvfi Junt ns I
n lint, krnu'rt Mtniiller
IIIT" II. ..I.'"' i . - ii'"'
tliroogh the Inter centurlPH. Kvery
boy mid glil. woman and limn In tliln
world Ih ellher the HtBisnnnt pool or
the ruehlng brook. Vn enn only
retn'n one llf nt tho Mirrlflcn of
ntiotlicr. Ilenr thnt In mind."
Hen nti-eii high pehool ntitilcnts
Vllu Vhlorln, the twifyeur old
diiiiKhter of M(. nnd Mi!, It 1'
llini'orlc of D10 K.ist Hu. nn Vlnt.i
nveoiin. wan nuioni; tho chllduii wil l
vi in Km ded 100 per tint durnu;
the recent Imhy content held In
lonnectlon with tho county fair.
Notice tu tVurlirr.
Tim regular nuurtiirly ijiamlnn
Hon for ti-HiliPiH for county i-ttlfl-cniee
will lie lield Thllrndny, Kriday.
nnd yitiiriUy, Octolier zx, 20 nnd :io.
Ill the office of .Mi". Mlnnettr
lieiiffK, county miperliiiendput of
hi h'joln. Tho exnmliiaitonH wl'l b
i;ln ouch muniliu at 7:6 o'clock.
elkssTart work!
First Rcadintj of Play
Will Be Given to
Cast Today
A "poop behind thn cccnex," n.i It
were, rnvenlM (ho fuel thnt tho lib:
homo latent Hhow to bo irlvun by
tliu ICIIh for tho benefit of tho Klkn
rhnrl'.y fund, ut Condition liall,
Xivoinbur fl-C ImldN u dollRlitful
Ht'rprlmj for TiiIm.i thenterRoerB.
J. A. Dnrnnby, ClilniKu theatri
cal prodtioor, nnd Ills us.ilHlaiit, MIns
llolcn Hunyan, dnunenuFo mid intinl-
col dlrcctie.i extrnnrilintiry, nrrlved
tu the ulty Innt nlk'lit, nnd innilii flnl
ptitiH for llm first rcadlnji of tho
piny to the iiinmberM of tho cn at
tlio Klkti club at 2.30 o clock lh!s
Darnaby wnn deeply pleased with
tlio army of excellent talent avail
able for uno in tlio production Jind
wan Ontlnmlnntlc! over tlio pii)HrIcctn
of exceeding Inut year's Hiiccttul
perfonnarrro. '
'Ttiu Whllo i:ionh.int I n Idirsor
hit evon than lnitt ycar'H show," cujh
a tolcsinm to the Tulsa lodao from
I'rnneln W. Hlookor, exalted nilor
or llio loin, Kiih., loilgu, w.iurn tho
nhtw wnn pruKenteil recently, 'Tho
M'conii act Mottli u m tho moot beau
tiftil over (enn Imro. Contumn nro
elnbonitP, tho mmrlc In cliannlim
nnu inero mo more inuclui than
nny musical comedy I Ii.ivo seen In
innny HciiHonn. Played tu utunding
ropm oniy."
f Wild Animals Seldom Go
' Blind
Would A'ou (let Ulcli?
"How to (let' HINi" Ih tlio Inter'
entliiR HUbJect upon which Hcvlval
lnt .IimieH W. Iviinner will hold forth
on Sunday morning, Kramer prom-
Imch to dlviilKo'llin necrnl for nt
taluliiK ono form of wealth mid will
cltu micccrutful bUBtnenH men In proof.
In the cvonliiR ho will apeak on "Aru
You lldlnc the Hllnd Hiikriiro?"
'Because they NEVER rend
flmull typo in lengthy booka
or Imeuibly pvintud news
papers. They never strain
their eyes nt sewinp; by dim
electric lights. They do not
' live in stuffy cities of jjlarinp;
paint nnd red brick wnlls.
They roat the'ir eyes on green
fields and woods. Thciororc
. animals seldom need glasses.
All people need glasses soon
er or lator . . . nnd that's
the price of civilization. If
imiT - .1 ii. i- i
xkju iieuu mem now uo not i
put off getting them, for it
will gain you nothing and lose
you n lot.
Eye Insurance
1 o Insure
Good Vision
If your eyriht la ditm-tlir, tlio
wintr you find It out llin tiftlM.
Yuu will Hiimi hn In u Inmlllun lo
tAUn prupi.r int'nfeureii (or llio iirm
crvitlon of your l8)tt.
I'erhnin you nro act to nen fairly
wull now lull II I. Important Unit
nu lw n lit lo -i f.Uoll' vlt, any
lu or three yenra Imnc.
If von wh to Inauru fulura onil
lalim it la neoasv? in rare (or
your eve now lo ullovtatn prra
put itlftlrultlra. nua In raniovn in
Jurloua attain which may axial,
Tlio rant itariKar lla In I hit (art
that your rlKhl may ileUrlorat aa
crmtually that you may nevrr
nollro nnylhlna' ami until lha
atelne rra arn aarolualy atlfctf.t.
Iialtcr have your oyta namlnea
Seekaiz& C. Moore! HANNIS
10 W. Third St.
AMI 01111 I.INN
riioiie Cnlur 00V
3 (I & B III I 11 It ll .1 T (I
I'utan'a ('online Mrert.
To Whom It May Concern
contmc tor WfufL f"r lnl,or or '' B-n J. r. Harris,
n? v,.t 'v.'0r.ll'. "'""r'ietloii f n,-n Htation No 7 (Kendall)
.V.,1,, 1 s,r,'ot wenuo. an, hereby notlf ed to Im-
liy order, ot thu Uonrd ot Com'mUHionern. October ID, 1 9-0
Cily Auditor
WpA I "MiroiU" '
A "Harvard Mills"
M Underwear
WINTER loses its terrors when
you're protected by the cosy
warmth of "Merode" and "Harvard
Mills" hand-finished underwear.
And yet you're not conscious of
having on "winter underwear" it fits
so perfectly, without a wrinkle, and is
finished so daintily I
The fabrics, soft and fine, are firmly
knit and the garment keep their shapo
from beginning to end.
All weights and models for women,
children and babies arc to be had at
leading shops.
Witishlp, Boit f Co.
Wakefield, Mass.
When Your
Neighbors Dance
When you catch tho swing of a waltz or tho
rhythmic beat of a jazz oyer on your neigh
bor's porch, that's the inie you become
convinced you must hhve a Columbia
It's only naturnl. Nearly everybody likes
to dance; and to hear your favorite dances,
tho latest luts, rollicking jazzes played on
tho Columbia Grafonola, nnd to dance
thorn nil that'B enjoying life.
Every Columbia Grafonola has a Non Set
Automatic Stop built right into the motor.
Never stops bejore it should. Always stops
nt p.vcrv end. Nomine to i
lanio forwnri when tho Invitation to
profM fnltli 1n Christ wnn Kivcn
following tho normon. Tho high
ichaoj orchestra, led by It. II. .yan,
plaed a number ot eclectlons duilnr;
tilt! aervlca nnd the offering, which
amounted to (76, was jlven to tho
TOI'EKA, Kan., Oct. 23.An
amendment to tiio KanKnM ntnto con
"tltullon making powdblo tho P"r
rhnco of farm homed by farmers of
Knntuin Ihrouch loaim from the Hlnto
will ho votid on at tho general elec
tion on November 2. Tho amend
'mcnt Is cne of throe, nubmlttcd by
the 1919 tcgbilaturo. The others call
for ntato nld tor county highway
construction anil rcciaBnlficutlon of
property tor taxation.
These amondmontn have bocomo
r.n Important Ibsuo In the election.
In campalgnn throughout tho mate,
Onv II. .1, Allen, who Im running on
the republican ticket for ie u .,
Im urge.l aupport for all Oirl C la'
emphasized especially the bt
nntry" amendment. nrLiJ"$Ux'
three nmendmoiu, we" "Mr
hU menage t0 tV.e 1919 flTtV 'a
Tho democratic state 1 nl.ltf'!l"lalUre
posed tho threo. ,M"?'
grounrt thnt their enactmon, n ln,
mean Increased taxes nt W0-1I
''Nothing to move or sot or
at every end.
No other phonograph lias this device no
other phonograph can get it. Don't fail to
nsk us to demonstrate the stop that needs
no setting.
Sold Exclusively by "n ' "
510 South Main Street
Ouch i Lame Back
Rub Backache, Lumbago, Soreness and
Stiffness Away Try This!
--. ...-ii,i tfi .i-mii-jr, "S im! 1 .i -CTa-
Hack hurt youV Can't straighten
up without ft-ollug mi rtil en pains,
sharp aches and twlngcs7 Now Un.
ten! That's tupibagu. sciatica or may
do from a strain, nnd you'll got
blessed relief tho moment you rub
your back with Moothlng penetrating
"St. Jncoba Oil." Nothing ilso takes
vr linens, lamenefm and stlffnosw so
quickly. You simply rub It on ami nut
cornea the puln. It Is perfectly harr.l-
less and doctm't burn or discolor tho
all I ii
Limber up! Don't sufforl Oof n
Miiall trial bottle from any tit-tig
store, ami uugr using It Just once,
you 11 lorgei mat 1011 ever nau bac't
ache, lumbngo or sciatica, becauso
your Imck will never hurt or cause
any moro mlsory. It never iliappolntn
nmi tins iifun rcconiincuueil tor so
)uarH. Advt.
Is CurableOur Wan: A'o Cure No Pau x
Thousands havo tnkui tho Dr. McCrnry treatment 'for rellasra; not
one disappointed. It la guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded
with $ Interest. Treatment taken in privacy of home; given under
direction of llccnscil physician, cost small; terms easy.
1)10 HOOK I'HUK -This book explains all. sent free lp.alaln, sealed
envelope to all who write for copy. Head this freo booklet beforo you
take any treatment for pellagra,
Ilcwarc of thesa Symptoms-Tlrod nnd Drowsy feelings, accompanied
by headaches, depression or state of Indolence; roughness of skin; break
ng out or eruptions; hands red llko sunburn sure nnuth. tongue, lips and
throat flaming red nruch mucus nnd choking. Indigestion and nausea:
diarrhoea or constipation, iiilml affected ana many others. Write for
Dr. W. J. .McCrary, -"-'., IK'iU. J-10, C'nrbou 11111, Alab.nua,
CtvttUht ir.O Jlatt. ScbaUucr & Mar
This is sweet music
To lower the cost of clothes we've
priced oifr Hart Schaffner & Marx
fall suits and overcoats on the low
est basis ever asked for fine clothes '
RICfeS are being forced
down. They ought to be.
We're doing some "forcing"
on our own hook. We're
taking less than our normal
profits in order to give you
lower prices. You'll make
some extra money 04 Hart
Schaffner & Marx clothes at
these figures x
30 $7.50 $
The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes

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