OCR Interpretation

The Morning Tulsa daily world. [volume] (Tulsa, Okla.) 1919-1927, November 11, 1920, FINAL EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042345/1920-11-11/ed-1/seq-14/

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!7'i' I
i t
"Will Support Campaign
Drawing Near; Cooke
la Taken Sick.
Ih .Joined by Vice l'lesidont
Hlcct in Ankinjf Ail for
Aid to Patriotic Move.
At the rcKllhir weekly iikmIiik III
Him private dining; toi.m uf llolel
Vftm Wmlnsailriv noon, the Hilary
dyb plfilnml I self prn"l. nlly l
JKir Ctlll Itl U' ItH HlllllllK tld
(lint) to tha Hod t'i" rhrtminw
all tiMtl from Novinu.cr m to ao
Tliat almltar union will Ik lakmi by
othur civio ommilisnil la tho !;
llHf of thorn In 'h .rr of tin- fill
Hou'reml "mK- Sli'U.
Hoy. Harold U '. Uy "'iina-
Mr, wiw taken aumieiiiy in ."'
kotfoi) ynalorday niiffurlttK with
iilmHln irtilwinln. now r.""'
In .. tinnnllad in that city.
I. he rcenvorn uulekly. Ill" pblcHrl
vll be filled by f 1" McCtine. an.
tutu lit rlly iiimiM r.
Tlm plan "t the "lirltnm mil
mil In tn obtain n dollar from every
purwoli III TiU. iot only aoctirlnK
iihw mmnberahlpn, but icnowiiw old
,im from Inn your. MeOlino In con
fident that tliu loll roll thW your
will Im very miecoaaful.
WABIIINUTd.V, Nov. Hi on tho
eve or thu fouith minimi roll cull
of tilt A motif an IIimI Cross, tin iip
pi'hl from I'loHldenl-Klrol lliirdlnK
was IiwiiciI today front I"'' national
hcyiilMiiurlnrn hero. It "'S'l .
''NotltiK that y'l"r mt'inberahlp
roll call for Ihl" ncWin l Impetid
Iiik. I liuvo wanted to express my
M.ry earnest sympathy for your
value iiml my hopn tlmt It mny be,
forwarded l.y tlm conllni; rtuiipnlKii.
"If In nil ttio world thttTu Im nn
nrKdnUatlon moru untitled to bo "'-t-ns
tied as ilolntr kooiI unlv.i.illy
nnd ilnliiK nolhliW olso nt nny time,
o;- place. 1 ilo lint know what it
may mv . .. . i
Kml or War Docnii'l I. nil Work.
Ml would bo peculiarly n misfor
tune If thn Hod Cross, Willi ItH man
iilfloont oi'Knnlzntliin und splendid
pill-pones of imoful nclilnvvnii'iit
hIioiiIiI Uiho nny m'iiHUrt) of lis effi
ciency bociumo Ilia pvcln IntorcBt
mid ctilluisliiHin of wilrtlme linn'
cennnd. Your ornanlmitlon linn livun
liullt tn ncrvn Immunity nlul Inimiuu
lly neriln I tn mrvlco In ihsicm J"M im
lt,illd In war. My wining for; all
HUccumi KO out to you."
An tippcnl from Vlt'o rrenlilcnt
Kpct fJiilvlu OoolldK" wim iIho miido
public, an follow:
"Thoro urn no Iiitru ronultn wlth
out organized effort In no oilier
way can tbo" mercy of mankind ad
('iinuli'ly,bn oxprniHiidi To that olid
till! Heil Croi, tbo Kreatvnt expren
ylon of tlm compnnnlmi of iimiildnd,
nhould liavu Itn oritaiilmtloii main
tnlnnd anil mippnrtcd."
cflrH of the IurIoii oxpect rovcral
hundred car to brlnif up tlio icnr.
' IhuikN mill SlorcM Tn :ioo.
layor T. U. Kvnna said Wcdncn.
dliy that whtln It Ih lint compillnory
that ntorcn clone Thurnday iifteiiTonn
they nhould na u matter of renprct
to thi boyH who aru nlecnlnir In
1'Ynncomml to thu bovn wiin o.iuiu
hpmo after boIKk throUKh a vorlTablp
Inferno. u wllllnir to cuann luiHlncm
fur bdlf a day, llunlia will bo ohmsil
ull day.
Alf cx-nnrvlco mon vho can do
HO aro rt'(Ucntod to oppcarJn tho
pamdn III uniform, fml 1111 oh added
indticcpient un arrangement has been
undo whereby nil men In uniform
who tuko part In tlm paradii will bo
udmltted to tlm KendaJI-KlnKflnhnr
ftnUliull gamo thlH nfturnoon free of
Tile ilnv will Im iilmervrd hv Tillmi
lifRli nchool with n program In the
snornlni, und participation 111 tho
American paradn nt 1:30,
following which tlm Htudentn will bo
dlMMil.isvd for tho remulnediir of tho
All hlsh school studentw will not
march In tho paradn hocaunii of thu
lnfKo numbur, lint each clnmi will bo
lepresented by pupils from, two
"homo rooma." Thoro will bo about
250 In tho paradji, ropriw htliiK
frcxhman, sophomorcH, Junlora iin
VttCnillM Will lllUo KlHtH'lll-H
Tho proRnuii will bo hold nt tho
auditorium nt tho rcRUlar uiwonibly
hour, with Morlo C l'runty, princi
pal. In charno. Harold AruiHlroim,
lniwell McCabo, and Vy Ham, hlKh
titihool miidentn who norveit abroad
durlny tho world war, will tell of
tUulr ivxporleiu oh while In l'ranen.
O. A Uordor, e.M etnry of tho Junior
Chut.. (xt nf Oommerrc will io tlm'
principal Bpeaker.
A. J. Ktellnir, nrlnrlpat of Jeffcr-
non nchool In In charge of the ward
hqIiooi dopaitment liv Hi.- parade.
All Krailo ijehoolr will dlHUil. nt 1Si.H ,.m,),.,1 from ilno rcporta ro
o'clock ami tho ntudenin win mareh
lo Blxth and Cincinnati htreetn fi.r
tlio followliiK order of lineup' HIkIi
nchool. Cclla Cllnto, Ki i lull liw-
ell, IjOriKfellow. KeijUi"
Horaco Munn. whltller. umikv
ornon, Central, Vn8hm,.tnii, Hlver
View, Vornhini:. Mark Twnln, le
l,tiicoln, Joffornon and rlprlnRiliil,
Xif Aocllr1 1'rtM HUU Alr.
Amid tho blaro of bandn olid demon
trationn of pittrlnlhim and enthiut
latn, Oklntioma will celnlirate to.
morrow tho m'cond nnnloiH.iry of
.v, uii-olnir of tho armlntlce.
rrcnent plana, for tho feature ?t I
tho obanrvanco in iiKianoma i uy- - , onnuun O 'lU.UUU WHO I UU
a Pnrndo provldo that II ; '"'' (Thul'n What lie s,h i on Deiim
mllca tn Jciigth and ho participated t.rHtH n,. s4- i ii,.,.
by 10.000 pornonn, BU dtvl,,, , A I J I N Y , K' . Y , N o v . 10 ' 'l emard
will part clpatP. each dlvlnlon meet- M ,u , Nl.w Vork former
nt- different polnta aloni: the line of ,,, spiMlt ,,o ou0 or , ,,roU(..
march. tlon of a motion picture In mipport
- . .W iTnllinrcn cuiiei"! ,h'" 'einocmtlc party and leaitue
FLL S IS ADJUDGED SANE lf mitlonn In the election a week aKo,
. I be nollded thu secretary of mate
cr 'TlUTfl Nov. 10.-NO trace ofto",!Jy- . , .
. HVit v wnn found in Albert i:ill. Mr' ,V?ruc,l wrote that ho wan not
iTviHB ohl. under Indictment f.,r ?",,,l",";i for ",l1,b,lr "' H
St yeam 0111, u 11 1 nweethenri ,r '"''' election and wan pot eertalh
llnlut iiniiniiiinr.l
oirnonai canp.ilKn Klatrinent mid-
Vtrnvn, Jr.. ";""
Man lAvino I MontfiH
After Shoot inn Self
Jumps From Wlmlmo
KANKAX i H V. Nov. I0.-IV.ii-tAilif
M. I in. 11 1, who. In Jannuiy
xli'il Kml Kllb'il h n wlfa mid nlep
non ni iheir home In I5mlwom
and then nhol nlmavlr unit for
tnontliH llner il lie(Htli illfn dhil
deiilh, e (iwl In Ida ilonlli from
the llilfl floor of I he KUtli'lal llo.
piinl thin mnrnlng.
I ni in I ban lerl rnnfjnMl nl the
K nernl honptlnl nlnre I fie ri.inmin
nlon "f tho irlm brrimtH- of hla
phynlml mi'l mrnlnl lonillnnn lie
wnn urn e ri m-ived a ml hri ilKtud
nn 11 mill li'. rhttlK', llllt "11 '
lulu r 15, Man nlnrned in the
Thli mornlns l"im nl"il nn-
.npiirl nill v Winn nllenilnii". wein
n mdi.w of Ih in in h he
v,.n I i.eflrierl. I ' e landed ..li
hind on the '". of im iinh.irii)
l Me Ihrri Mm. hlo ai-. hn
ile.id n I f ii,, f I mi illy
coNTiNUirii irnini aiik umk
prlt'wln or innnle'piit boillen of the
HMino propertln n
lie alfo Mid he had found rime
whr "lenliiln" were Inchnleil In
valuation firewnleil for mtllMiiiint.'
Tho x.ile of Mherly boiidn Hlno
en mo Into the tesiiniony of Mr.
Itleliiinlwin. Iioniln worn honuht. Im
wild, by mime of iho compiinlea, with
advalj'e fiimln and fflerwnrdn Hold
at dWeoiiiil Kffortn on the pint of
there eompanleM lo be icimlnirMed
by tlm hoard for thiuil.Hcniiiit loisi'i
wero not ullmveil ami the i-laitim
wllhdrnwn, no were dhiiriren of per
ccnliiue In nulling i, rover cost of
nelllriK camprilHiln. k
Ofiernloin who run I heir own nhlpn
III nddltloil to hIiIph of the board,
nald Mr. Itlehatdnoii, unually nend
tho Kovernment hIiIph on -tho leant
valuable louten. They feel confi
dent, he added. Hint nllhoimli the
Kovernmi'iit nliarl In tho praflln,
It wan leipilred to pay h II tho lolnen,
No iiriiplo)in, he explalnid, wem re
la'Jird In fmelmi portn, with tho re
milt that there wan a rrcipient re
turn of nhlpn In hallait from potin
wlioro cariinen were Knlnff becKlmf
Military )h'iilcM for Sohllcr In lie
Ilfdll nil XritiUtli'i, Ilnv
HrwUI ta Tlm M'erlil,
rt'Nl'A C TV. Nov 10 -Am,!..
lieu day idiworv.inco hern iiml IH' I lilt
aunplcen of the Ameilcan l-oitliin.
may Inrltidn a tullltarv fnneril ,inr.
IHK tho afternoon, for nond M
I.owerv. killed In iietloo In
The body han nrrlved In Now York
ami ii iiiih neon expecteil heru by
Armlntlce day. ArriiiiKementn hnve
neon miulo by tho Leiclnn for a fir
Inn Miiunil nnil pallbearurn from
(heir niemborn.
Tho wVrmlntlcn day proRrntii will
Includo, otherwlnr, a parado nt 2
o'clock in tho nftcrnoou, with all
former nervlco men In uniform, and
with 18 former nervlco inomhlrn of
tho chamber pf clmtncrru baud fur
nlNhliiR tho munU The iilorea will
cIoim at 1 o'clock for tho remainder
of tho day Tlm 11. A. It. mid Hpan
IkIi American war velern hnve been
Invited to pmtlclputo in tho parado
and In tho exerclnen nt the auditor
linn, where a (iiiiKiiiin will bo ren
dered A l,('Klon ilanco nt tho Moono
tomplo will clone Iho day.
Ah nn additional feature of Armln.
tlco day, the Junior hluh nchool
football teanm of lllnokwell and
l'onca City will play hero on Mai
lanil field, lllnokwell won tho flrlt
tilt biitwceu tho I wo huuiiiIh nt
Ulnckwell. two wcekn 'iiiro. and thin
I a icturn'cnKnK"ment.
Thrco Itopiihllcnim iiml.Ttirco Dciiin
itiiIh ArrcMiil In Hi! T,otiK
BT. I.OUIM, Nov. lfl.-Threo m
plibtlcnn and three democratic pre
cinct election offlctain wero lmllctcil
today on charKen of hiivluit mado a
falnu count and rettlrnln Iho ntnto
wldo primary election Amount 3,
lant: Three nf tho men wero nr
rented and tho nthcr Ihreo Hurt
Tho nix inch cnnntlluted tlm forco
of JtidKoii and cleikH In tho l'lftb
precinct of tho Sixth ward, where a
heavy republican voto wan polled.
The Krand Jury'n luvcHtlKnttou wan
InntiKiited by tho "hounecleanern,"
an orKUnlratlon of republlcnnH
which opooned eaudldnleH nllgue
wiin .Minnouriann wnone nmnen were
luenttoned In tho l,owden pre. con
vention cnmpnlKii fund dlHclonures.
Tho "hoimeeleiinern" declared their
candidates had been "counted out"
In thn Fifth precinct.
Tho nix men denied thev had inln
counted tho ballot. Tho offeiiHe
chnrKed nKalnnt them In a felony.
ZINC ATHALF production
Mine? ()M'nilo nt Half Ciiacllv iiml
May Continue So for Some Tlinc,
MIAMI, Nov 10- -Morn than
eleht iilid a half million poundn of
rlnc and nearly two anil a half mil
lion pound" of lead, about half tho
ri'Kiilar output of the Oklahnmn
KauHiiN mlnliiK dintrlct. wan nhlpped
out of tho field durlni: tho week end
ing November fl, accordlnir to Btatln.
it'iitly Itemed hero
The report added that tho mines
of tho dintrlct nre npcrullnx at about
1. .If .lt.,1.. l,rl,.e ,.,,.1 tlm
"."'I'lbtllty of runnliiK at n'U;h a rat
Ilevid The total mine of both the
IbIiic and lead output was Klven as
The total number nf poundM of
xlno nhlpped from thin dintrlct tduco
Jmumry t, 1920, an contained in tho
repoft. wm CU.TSS.SSS and load.
1I1.&RIS.SSIS. Tho total value of
th two products ilino January 1
Man Klven at j; 92G 932. '
..- lnnnn r.V.Tr-r,
".;..?: !V'-5 - 'o mi .he
i.i... iiu-mn 01 .nt law,, ,f tbei
Recent. Wot Spell and Re
sults Aid Committed
Seeking Funds.
Tlmt therr, will ,,. nevrnl Milder
for I he I)WIkIom aireel pavliiK iro
Jeel In Went Tulwi In n hldn un
opened I'llday. Nnvi-mber Jil, In
piolmble, an the npi" lul eommlttee
nppoliiird by Hit. 1 h.nober of com
merre Iiiih prin t Inilly in niiiifed for
Hie ilpiiillii of (he pnvlliK acrlpt.
Thin will nmilre the nurrennful bid
der bin money viitunlly when the
Work In completed
V Tula illieni hive npenl Ihe
pant novefhl dnn nnlleltliiK dona
tion from oil 1 ompanten ami otlurn
to be applied upon h pnvlliK of III
Vlnlon Htrenl. 'I hi. Mdlcltilllnn enni
nillteii In heade, by n (t. Huff, Went
Tulmi hardwiiie dealer A ieiorl
will be mud. 10 the mayor and city
1 binmlnnlonitn Krliley mortiliiK'
Property mIiimk Ihr ntreet affeel
ei will ntniid only an iiHnemtnent
e'lillvnlenl to in lS-foot corn-role,
roiidway. Money obliilned throiiKM
iionaiioiin win im uneii towmil liu Id
Inif a wldar rmnlwuy, nnil If It In nuf
flclenl, tnWHiil pkiclinr an iiHih:ilt
nut fa e iiimiii It,
The roi'erjt Wet weather had made
Lllvlnlon nln'et the "horror road" of
Hklahnmii. not onlv in tfime hul in
fait. ,An I. ite tin Wednend'iy. aulo
innlilliV and miitor tiuckn were
"liU In tlni mud hole which almont
Hppimr to have no bottom. Hevetnl
men with loams, were aveniKlUK
conHlderablv more than the union
wiile by haUlliiK tinfiiriiinate ino
t'li'Mn out of thn mud and 1 h.irKlni;
til In fcirh one for thin' nervlco.
Mtreet Coniinlnnlouer fl A Hteiner
nximctH lo put two or three teamn at
the lllnponal of motnrlMln Thurnday
If liurxcH ran Im obtained. If Divl
Minn In paved, the ntf'et ono block
mint Ik to bn tempornrlly repaired
while Iho work In In ptoKTcwM,
Commmidiin! und ytrn. (, T, .lohii
miii Co lo Staff Coniciitliin.
Commmidant mid Mm, O, T. John
non of the Kalvatlon army, wero lo
havo left thin morning for Okla
homa City, where, after npeukltiK at
t)iMiilViillfin army citadel HiIm eve.
ninit, they will Jpln the npeclnl pull
man which wll Irtiiunpnrt nfricorn of
tlio Hinilhwcnt chief iIIvIhIiui to tho
ntaff convention In CIiIcuro. (len
efal llramweir lloolh of Knitlnnd,
lntnrnntlon.il commander, will be
Iho chinf Kjieaker. Offlcefn from
Texan, l.oulnlann, Oklahoma nnd
routhweKtern Arknn.nin, will attend
tho meetlim. To pny honor to Oen
oral Ilooth n notiK named "Thu Call
nf the Knuthwcnt,'' and wtllten en
peclally for tho occasion by 1,1. Col,
OeorKo Wood nf I Milan, will be
mini; by Hi" noulhwcatorn offlcern
at no of the nonnlonn,
Unvoy I.ula Campbell will havo
charRo of the work durlni; thn nb
nenco of Commandant' and Mrn.
Sum Urowiic llcl'ln.VsiuirH nnd Cnncn,
Only l'iiilpiiiciil llnrnil.
The lClkn will hold their nuiiu.il
"Armlntlce D.iv" ilanco tonluht. for
12lk only. Iloth tho main ball
room and thu IihIko room will bo
thrown open, with two big orehcH
trim. ,
Thono who care to mny year nnl
formi arniy rmvy, marlnen,
Ited Cnmn nnd "Y" Klrln, nnd oveu 1
,inn -.:, . 1 1 ,... I .
,..", r ,,.i,r ,tll, J 1 UIHIUIIII,
It In hoped, however, thono In the
latter clann will not wear tho ctsto
mary lend-weluhted nhpen.
DauctnK will heifln liromplly nt 9
o'clock nnd thoro In only ono ro
ntrlctlon Ham Hrowno holla, apnrn
and canes will bo barrod.
romiiT l'lNirlioiini! lnnuito Kin-IHiik
Job nnil Cliaiuv at Self Sunoort
After having fundH fumlnhed by
two cltlieiiH of Tulwi, whureby ho
wua to bo to Claremore, obtain llKht
work vtiil undnrKo a treatment for
ft complication of dlncancn, Kretl J,
Uei?an, former Inmate of the county
poorhoune, returned to Tuls.i Vod
nenday and rof ortcd work ncarco nnd
tho Nint of tlio treatment beyond bin
Itecau bhd nuked for tv chance to
work bin way back to a nelf-HUn-(.nlplni;
position In life, nnd was re
knnmt on thin reiiurnt. Ho In not ank
Imr for charity, favorn or nympnthy.
All ho wantn In a chance. Itetnin,
who in bclim cared for In the mean,
tlmo by lntercntod cltlr.otiH, ran be
located throUKh The Vorld.
Miv. l'.'iumn 1)111, Wlfo of Kendall
.Mentor, AVrllcn Difficult Vrrm.
BontlmvntH and incuiurleM which
ArnilMlIco day Innplreu in evory heart
nre told In verno in a poem, 'Tho
ArmlHtlco Day," compoNOd by Mrs.
Unima O, Dill, wife of Dr. Franklin
a. Dllf, head of tho rhnir of Ihblo
of Kendall collect' The poem, bo
uillon bttlnn of lnterent liocauno of ItH
thiiu. In a very difficult bit of liter
ary work iu It In written according
to tho rtilca for the old French "b.il- j
lade," ono .of tho mos.t net types of
iwrnry rorm., Tlio poem:
Ilnrk! thore'fl a notlpd of 11 note.
Peacefully. Joyounly hear!
O'er all tho world doth It float
C'lnu to every car.
liiHien thenl nothing to fear
War In o'er, ended the fray.
KLikh nfloat.. up wlili a cheer
Thin in tho AfmUtlce. Day. '
Wonderful, HdliiKa nfloat
Weep with un, l:UKh.wlth us. hero
Nations and countries remote
Hound tho Brent world, true and
Kvorywhero, o'er all tho anhern
Cant away norrow, bo ku'!
Coano then tho rhoddliiK of tear.
This Is tho Armlntlce Day,
Sini; it out every throat!
Croatent of d.iyn Of tho year
Kvor will hlatory denote.
Never will ureal or appear.
Pant me the bait I oh nevero.
Kneel antl reJolclnKly pray. ,
tUved nro our loved onen and dear.
This Is tho ArmlHtlco Day.
Kvor tho fallen revere.
irimnc and honor we'll pay
catholic bazar open
of Holy I'umlly ( liurcli
III flnolliH In Alfimider
lliillillnc I nlll riiluril.il. .
Almost ('ipfylhlna; ' uri'lnr hti
nun" In to in- found In thf Holy
Family Cnlholle hnitanr im.i In pin
Kfian In ihe Alexander hiillrllnn, 2'i7
"outh Main In nil there are Inn
In r ; mid nully decoraled b'ilh ful
to ovrifltmliiK.
Four bnolhs In chaiK of lb"
Kn'Khtn of t'olumhiin lire the doll,
ham und baton, oil lenne nmf rull
booths mnl Ihe Knlehbi of ivdurnbiin
nre nlno iairln; an 'iiutninohlln to
tbo lucky winner. Tin booth with
irnmt elnbiitate d'-corHt b.na In Uial
of the Junior Ynmn Iidlea Kodal
Itv led bv Mm All. e CJ In Ion. The
Kilt hen I'teriHll"' booth In presided
over by Mia John II. MaiKbnm f:.
W. Daley him 1 hurue of Ihl'.Allur
Hoys'' booth, where nui'ikern lltlRer.
The flah pond will probably rac
all the other booiim ror net pro
Vlie illiiliik' room, under the man
naement of Mm. C W. Illnhnn. will
iet at rent the Inner man, whllft the
tllneiii will, be eiiK rtnlnetl with
apci'lnl pt-offratn, nrmuMed by Mrn.
O F. Hell.
Only 'J 1:1, (Kill Men Ijindlcil nt Pros
cut, , tiiiilliiK lo llis.'irils.
riKulnr army nllll la nearly 70,000
nhait of Hie authorized ntreliKth of
.M0.O0O offleern und linn. Thin In
nhowii by a war department ntatu
mint today, .
or the 2 1 3.007 offlcern and lurl
eniolled, y";2.918 nro in tho conif
nentnl United Hlnteii and 1 1,306 In
tho army of occupation on th
Itliluc. There mo IS. 'J 17 In Ho
PhlllpplncH; C.9:'7 in Hawaii; u.flOO
In Panama; 1,193 In Portn Itlto,
l.lOfi In China, C7 In Alanku and
101 In France, and five In Fnifland
Tho department announced that
durliiK October tho enllnled h rciK'h
of the national Kiiitrd wan lncruancd
by 1,1 no, making n total Novembe
I of fi7,&f3 men, an compareil with
an minimized alretiKth of 1DZ.K30.
Texan ban thu necond lari;ent nil
tlniial KUanl oritanlzatlou, 8.000
Cnthidlc.M and .Voti.CntliollcN Inilteil
to Hear Spisdal Scrvlccn yen'.
Dally Incrennlm; Intercut and it
tendance in noted nt tho Pannlnnl ;t
mlnnlon which In beiiii; conducted it
the Haired Heart church by two
ti.embora of thin order from CM
riiKo. Thu mornlim nervlcon, mil
hUHiik of nmii.s. and InHtructioi.H
nro held nt fi and 0 30 o'clock nnd
the principal nermonn nro delivered
nt tho ovenlmx aurvleea nt 7 30,
Although tho mlnHlou la prlmarllv
intended for the mcmbera of Iho
Harred Heart pariah, Catholics from
all partH of the city, an well nn non
Cnthollcn. nre Invited nnd wolcomo
to attend all tho Horvleen.
Fount! With Wound In Heart Near
1 1 ii mill : One Arrested.
OKLAHOMA CITY, "Nov. 10.- l.eo
Hbnnnhmi of llnrrah, Oklahoma, wan
arrentcd thin Afternoon and lodKed
la county Jail hero tonight, chnrRod
with tho murder of A. K. Payne,
farmer, also of llarrali, whono body
wnn illHCovered today with n knlfo
wound Uirmmh the heart. A ipiarrol
over n aniblln Kiitue 'Is reported to
nnvo cauneil the traifefly.
I'ollco llaio "lllnwoiil."
. nannuet, HtnoKor and mann
mcetiiiK combtnetl hold under the
direction of Police Innpector C. W.
Daley nt tho pollen Htntjou yentcrdav
ovonlnir was a Knmd ftaturo of tho
day with thn polio department. A
nupper of ronat meatH, veKetablea,
and donserlH wan nerved from tho
municipal kitchen, jiftur which cIk
nr wero paaaed nrouniU Several ad
drrnnoH wero Klven byvpollce nnd
city offlclalH. Tliu mtHitlim- wniuheld
nn nn Inauguration of a nchool which
U helm; ntnrted for members of the
To enable a railroad car with n
broken wheel or nxln to bu run to a
aiding a nhoo that Hllde.s nlonR rails
una throiik'li Hwltchen hut? been In
Phono Osa'Ka 9709
Pit. H. C. HADOF.lt .
1 1 MS U. Thlnl St. Ttilsn, Okla.
Children Cared for During Working
or fthoppinit Houra.
ni.oon, SKIN AND
IflSS 1'jvst Thlnl Street
Samuel A. Boqrstin
Attorney nnd Counsellor
nt Law
Now LocntiM H2S-20-27 Mryo Illdj,
law of Oil nnd Oas
Ijiw of CoriHiralloiu
10 H Third Klird
Venereal, Kidney. liLuidcr.
Illood, SLIn '
and Dlsciikcn of Women
113h S. Mnln
Osubo 1053
Stanley C. Edmistcrl
401-1 Kennedy Ilulldlns
Vhonea Qfflc 13S-I Itenldenca 41)1
lioiilsliiini City finin President
Fled ii llecord Vote.
Pienldent Klu-t llnrdlni; will bo a
lut-nt of tin New Orlenna Aaaorl.i
tlnii of runimereo at a biii'heon
November IK, a few houra bofo'm
be anils for Panama, It wnn nn
tiiHiwi'd Inday
Henntnr llanllmt'a iinrty will nnil
on the f'ai Intmlnn fnr Panttni'i
Muring; the afternoon of Noveinbur
IS. -
Conaldeiahle Interenl In attached
In th vlalt here nn the repuhllran
"iirtv polb'd more than half the
number of votrn Heelired by the
lemoeratle cnntlldntm In New Or
lentiH, a eontlltlon unheard of nlncu
r i oimlrut Hon dnvs. "
Olicnilfon nf l(illrnitts 1'iifpt by
I Vli nlc Oiiiicm Tcrmcil
WAHHINOTON, Nov. 10.- Public
ownernhlp and operation of the
rallioadn linn failed wherever It him
been properly tented, declared a
committee report made today to
the 32nd nnntinl convention of tlm
National Anaoclatlnn of Hallway nnd
Utilities CommlFaloncrn In ncHalon
Tho question of privnto owner
nhlp with regulation ns mriilnnt
public ownernhlp without icKiila
iin'n "nhould no longer be nonsldrr-
ed by Intelligent InvenllKiitorn an an
"pen intention," the report nnm)rted.
II added that prlValo owtunnhlp
and operation with public rejnilrf
Hon wnn tile only "Junt mid honent
m.iiinor of ronductltm tbo public
utility luiHlnenn of this country "
Pcorln, HI., ulio kii)h hhe
bcllfvC-rt alio Is tho happlit
iioiuaii on earth nlnco Tanlac so
complclelly ri'sfoinl her health.
Ulti'Kiiliis 5(1 iniunils which hho
lnt dm Im; n jh tIimI of III health
uhleh lanlcil tjeicii loni; jcars.
I lifMfvn T nm III., l.i.itt.lnul
. . ..... ..... n ..(,,-
an in tho worhl, and it in all hucauxa
or what Tanlac haa doua for me,"
hhIiI Mm. Uuira Itnrlck, 403 Mul
roth St.. Peoria. 111., a wetl-knnwn
and highly reapocted rculdont of
iliai city. x
"I nover drenmed that T would
ever find iinvthhiir tlmt wniilil ,1,
for mo what Tanlac ha.s done," alio
Hall!. "I wnn 111 fL wretched Hlftln nf
health and wan down in bed mo Innir
that 1 lost 50 pottndH in welht. hut
1 havo ualned bark iivurv tmtitid T
lont and I now fool. as well ns 1 ever
did In my life. Tho Indigestion nnd
other troubles that nradu my life a
burden for cloven years havo en
tirely disappeared mid I am. lko a
now woman.
"My Ktomnch wns no disordered"
tbnt oven II nn 1,1 ftmdu nml tiliil.
water caused mo to havo-dreadful
cnunpliik' npolla that lasted tor
hours. .My kidneys wero disordered
and I had pains ncrons my back al
most ('Oimtnntll'. I lim! nuvnrn l,f.ri(l.
aclien nenrlv evcrv ilnv nnd heenm..
ho dtzzy I could hardly aland. I wn
no nervouH ii wan iinponsimo lor me
to K'ct n irood nlL'htSt nleen. 1 tried
evory concelvnblo mcdlciliu and was
treated by npociallstn. hut nothing
helped me, nnd finally I was told I
would never bo well again.
"Hut Tanlac has mado mo a per
fectly well woman In overy way. I
can now eat and sleep llko other
people mid 1 haven't a pain about
"I mil Ulntl lo t?IW thin alfiln,nn
for 1 want Jo do all I can to let tho
world Jknow about this wonderful
medicine." .
Tanlac is aold in Titian! exclusively
by tho Quaker anil Puritan Druir
comonnleM. -A.lvt.
Next to
Brady Hotel
HcpnJ'.iitaHn' of Piirchanlii; Aitcnt
AMK'lulloti of Oklahoma Will
fN'ek Wi-stcrn Ss:'rclnry,
It. D (Iwynnc, Tulna member of
thn purehnnini; Anenta' nunoclatlon
of Oklahoma apd t. of tho eleven
member of the execullvo eommltteo
of th National annnclatlon of Pur
chasing Auenln will leave thin eve
nlh for Detroit to attend a culled
ineellnif of the execiltlvo connnltteo
on .Saturday, flundny nnd Monday.
Mr. Owynne will wni;o a nlnsle
banded rnmpnlKtt for the appoint
ment of a w'-ntern necretary liy the
nntloiml ansoclatlon and tho location
of the necretary In Tulna an head
quartern, bin contention beliiR fulind
ed upon the need of n necretary to
organize brnnchen In , t he west nnd
thu prer ulnence of tho Oklahoma
orgatilzntinn In activity I
An exchange bureau for the ex
chnnKe of aurplun oil country atockn
ml eiiuipmcnt between mombor'n of
the tlkbihoma association will be
ontabllshed December 1 In tbo Con
den bull lltiK with O. V. Hordeti,
nei-rttury of tho nnnocliitlon, In
charKc. During the pant year tho
oxch.inKc of materlain amoni; mem
hern haa been In exeeni of (2,000,000
mid this 'Xi baime will bn facilitated
mid viMcinatlzt'd by tho now ar
rangement. LODGES AND SOUrTr!a
TlTRA LODOK 'Ntr 71 mrata r
, Thurmlay. Klrt ThursiU. F.
j.9ris Third Thur.Uy, KW M. Vnurth
.j'W''',Cj'rhur,1,'y' l:' A- Nt inf-tln
, ff5 'ts?JN ,r " Hunlarns Inrflllis
WaIA.JC' r "ii m-nrlna t " 30 p, tn.
I tic-.t villor wtleomn.
John A. Walkor, W. M. J. a MnnfnrV, fic
I i I l.idxtr. :A ulli inft In iriuUr
' irJ communlotlnn TunmUy, Nor.
'jtfXi': 1 nt h Humnt-nn nmoiini; mm-iJ.wll.-,
. rnrlMI nt J p. m Vl-ltlim
lKSiniSk;1'"''''" l"y wlcom.
Jc$C Monlc Ii j.1 1.
AHTIIt'll llAKKH. H-rretury
rnTiiohia-M Lonn'r. m in mu
-irry Frlilny urc-iii i-eontl.
urn coinmunicsiion irur,
Nov i. (tittuiii.irini; 3 p. tn
Work In I;, A. ik'nrt"1. I.i
Hridnntlou In II. A nnd F. C
itrur-rn. Vlnlttmr Masons p.
lUdy Invllr.l,
M. II. Ff.nsiIKH. W. M.
It. II. It ANNA. Sicrtlrr.
TUI.HA CIIAI'Tr.lt O. IS." .M inret. tfrVt
nml thim Wrdn-idiy of th
month at Maaonlo hall: (Imt
inllnR, bualnr-a, acnnJ, Int
tlatlun and aoclal, Ktar'a club
mecta 2nd and 4th Wedntaday,
ZXIW Marnlilo hall, 1.10 D. in.
I11S VriCMPIi: TBNNANT. Worthy Matri.
JIltH. r.MUA FAHT. SrcrHary.
reiiuiar romrnuniCHtion nov.
It. Work In M i; ilfarm.
Thrre will 1 el-vtlun and In
atallatlon r( ufftr-ra life (.
it. k. NmviioL'SR. ii. r.
M. A. HNVnr.lt, Hfcr-tary.
-ty rnd nnil fourth Monday
.J.U"-.. afii rienm. tn-llnir
iWI-W rov' '" i"''" - rn.. Dinner
the Temple.
AKDAIl TKMPI.K A."X. O. N. !." Neil
r.'jjul.ir meeiinic KilJ-y. Nov,
1- Ceremonial Nov. 30,
SAMUni, II. I)TIi, Potentate
II. it. WKLl.tVUIl, necorder.
AUItOHA LOIH1B NO. 91, 1. O. O. T.
.Not l mentlliK Nov. lOlli,
Work In Ural degres.
rlrn,l M.,1.. 'ti....u. r.
Andrews ivlu bo our gueat. Iwidtie opna
t v ii, in. iii'irriiunsniu. will Uiia l'cl
lovvt Invited.
J. a.-jCHAltPAN. N. o.
M. L. POUNUHIONi:. Secretary.
mectN aexond nnd fourth Friday, 7:30
p. m.. K. I', hall, ISH Uaat Kecond.
J, I'. Moon, C. 1'. It. A. Fuller, Act. Scribe.
TUUSA ItKIIKK.MI NO. it. I. O. O. r..
lueeta aocond and fourth Friday, 7,ia n
in., K. V. hall. Ill, Kant Second.
MltS. U A. WATSON, N. O.
TUUIA CANTON NO. It. I. O. O. P., meeta
, flrat und IhlrJ Friday. 7.30 p. m .
Muatclana' hall, I1JH Houth lloulder.
J. II. WlllUma, Captain. It. II. Fuller. Ctlc
I Jl-''wllUm,ii'"Puin' '' r
, ""hffiWltfguVteH
... oi a meeia every Tuea.
day. riltthl at K. of I, hall.
ItH Kast Second aireet. via.
Ilora welcome. J
. . K- Medina. Conaul.
ilr. n i, ""n"' " Clark.
.... Kennedy. O-SOIt, Oracle.
Mra. I..J.tVrlahi. O-3J03. Hecorder.
BlLVUll Iimiul. innno" nt XrT
meeia evury Thuraday night ai
iv. I ,hall. Uaat Second. Neal
lilectlng .Vt.v. 12lh Vliltmg
knlchta urged to attend.
I). 11. FlILTS. C. C.
. Kl "AUK. K. It. it S.
SAliA OltOTTO NO. 5S meets first Bator-
day In each month at
Masonic Hall, Uuslneis
meeting ) p. in. at
Masonic, hall.
(Published In The Tulsa Dally World.
November II. 19J0. World Publishing
Company, Publishers.
OUDIN.tM'K NO. Slot.
An Ordinance vacating tho alleys
In lllock t, llroadmoor Addition to ,
the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, ac
cording to thu official olat thereof,
with certain reservations, and declar
ing an emergency T
L i WIIKntlAH. a ...llllnn .I....I .... .it -1
WIIKnrjAS. a. oetlUon algned by nil nf
i!1, .W"! ""n onlne . property In
.V "'... "r?"n.00 Addition to the
Clly ef Tulsa, uklahoii, haa been pre
"'I'll m' stayorltna Hoard of Com
JV1'."'0."."" ,he yf,r of Tulsa, asking
that the alleys therein dee'rlbrd. to,wt,
I l? " ."elr rfjrmlnar North nnd South
I through aald lllock t fnnn Fourteenth
Mtreet it. Ilrecklnrldge Place, and the
I alley running Kaat and West between
m","!"1 ' ".n'.'. ,,nu 10 and 7 In said
lllock 5 In said llrnadmoor Addition, aald
. alleys being all of the'alleis In said block.
n vacated nnd abandoned aa public
stleya, I
S'9.,T,,!.K,.,nt'"Il,:' ,,K 1T ORDA1NKD
SIJCTION I- That tho alley Binning
North in, Bnuth 1 11.. I. T. "
moor Addition to Ihe city of Tulsa, Okla
horn from Fourteenth Street to Ilreck.
Inrldgn puce according to the official
filalt t haranf ha 4 1 1. . - , . .
-..-.... . Bituie ie nsrcoy
-.seated and abandoned as a public alley
p.h.t:ill.05l.' KTn" ,h running
..... n,,v, .. r,. uri-ppn iiia i ana an.I
'.'",."..10 "n,1.J In lllock 5 of llroadmoor
Addition to the Clly of Tulsa. Oklahoma.
, according lo tha official plat thereof,
bj and the same Is hereby vacated nnd
Abandoned aa a itublfn all r.r ..t.i
rrovKie.tT however, that tha City of
Tils hereby reseries and ahall retain
forever, the right lo construct, recon
struct, repair, maintain and operate aaol-
."A"" . ,n? ,,h,r . l'Purlenancea
thsreto appertaining, now lncale.1 In said
alleys nr which of heceeiliy should be
CnriH riirfai.l as. malnllnaJ I .. ..
Ii wn tUe rlslit of Inifrf.i ami rrrM ovat
iV'i. rrprnUfa for Ui jurpot nbov In-
, feet on each stds f the cnjuer tine of
said alleys Is hereby maintained by the
CUV nf Til ,,r.An
which said City of
Tulsa, may allow fubllo service cornon.
- . ri.ive corp,
tlona. rnmlianl In.llvl.l.i.t. ,..
construct, maintain and operate facilities
Yr , u t. i:" .',.r""1 i1'1
rloea. ronilulta tn,l ttli.p '
sorlcs and,
Provided further, that four fl feet
on each side of tha center line nf said
i allea shall ba construed to mean suftl-
clent spr?-enear Ihe center of said alleys
for the purpmSa above specified.
I And, provided further, that the above
tlona jind prcvlilona of Paragraph hi of
?rCt'tl,.nr?.J" .""" 11 ot ,h0 CHarler
of the Clly of Tulsa.
SECTION lj That ail cnllnaDcn or
parte of ordlnahoen In conflict with the
lrnvlalon nf thla ordinance Insofar sa
eiirh rnnfllrt eiiata. ar hereby repealed.
.SUCTION I: That an eineiaency eli
for the prmervatlon of the public welfare
and infety by resion whereof thla ordl
nanre shall take effect from and after Its
laaae. approval and publication.
IMSSKI), and thn emergency clause
ruled upon separately slid Approved thla
tih day nf November. 1930,
APl-llOVKIl, this tth day of November.
city Auditor.
Clly Atltirtiey.
(Published In the Tulia pally WnrIA,
Nnveiiiber I, II, la, JS.-7 December 1,
1910 World Publlanlng Company,
Publlahers I
v OltlllNANCK NO. tlOO
An ordinance In apportion, ievy and
aaeeea apertal tunes In payment of the
cuet of constructing a sanitary aewer In
Hewer Dlelrlrt No Hi, as created and
established by Ordinance No. J0H. and
declaring ah emergency
WIlNnilAH, In pursuance of th prs
rlatnna of Ihe fhsrur of the rlty of TulaJ.
omahomn, and Ihe atatulea uf the etnts
ef Oklahoma fer such caaea made and
provliled, t.ic uald City did by Ordinance
No 20J create and celahllih Hewer Dis
trict No. Ill, anil after de taring It nec
essary to cnnalruct rewcie In esld Hee.er
District No 1 thy the prnvialnns nf
Ordinance No. :o;. did, nn the Hth day
of R.'pteinber l:n, let lo fiiinstork
Hmettiey Co.. rnntrarttirs, s certain ton
tract for the construction nf a certain
sanitary aewer In fitwer District No, 163.
WIlltltFAH, in purauranc nf said con
tract, said romsleek-Ninedley Co.. have
ci nstrtirted n certain sanitary eewer In
said sewer district No. !'. nnd the work
under esld contract has hen accepted and
approved bv the City Engineer nnd the
Hoard of Conimlsalnnera ef the city of
Tules . antl
WIIICIIHAft. In further pursuance of Ihe
statutes of the slate uf. Oklahoma, afore
said. siM under the terms nf theC.hsrte"
nf tlie said city of Tulaa. Oklahnmit, It
ts tleemed necessary by. the Hoard of
rrmmlalonrs of the city of TuUa to
levy and aeee h special tax upon the
property liable to aaeeaemenl In eald
sewer dlsttlct No. HI, by reason of the
construction of said sewer and tu pay lor
the ea!liet(nnd
WHIUIKAH, 'thn total coat of the con
struction of said sewer In said Sewer Dis
trict No. HI. Including extras has been
aarerlalned nnd Is hereby declared to
Im the sum of 110.51113. all nf which Is
to be levied Ly special ssscssmenis agsinm
tho lots and parcels nf I und benefited by
the construction nf aald sewer In said
Wll Kit HAS, all legal requirements have.
been rompum wnn to auinorise tne levjr
nf the nsscsamenta against said lota and
parcels su llabi. :ir the cost nr construe
tlon of said sewer In suld HF.WKK DIS-
TltlCT NO 161. In the amounis nerein
after specified In Hccilon 1 of this Qrdln
SKCTrtTN 1 : ThaC there shall be. and
thoro la hereby apportioned to ana levied
upon and asaossed against thn several
Iota and narcels of land In said. HKlVKIt
DtSTItlCTt NO. HI In the City ef Tulsa,
Oklahoma! so bsnerited by me construc
tion of said sewer. As a seecl.tl tax to psy
for the construction of said se,wor, the
amounts respectively, as follows:
111k. Irfit
Edgewood Place
- t
15 ,
22. t7
222 t;
282 M
211 S3
233 70
281 46
233 70
RKCTION 2: That the sssesments here,
by levied on each of the above mentioned
lots and parcels of land are hereby de.
rlared to be a lien upon such lottt and
psrcels nf land tn the same extent as
other taxes and shell he collected and
enrorced tn the name manner as other
tales In and for the City of Tulsa, Okla
homa, sre collected.
SKCTION 3; Thst sll sssesments here,
by levied shsll be divided into three (31
eiul annual initallmenta as authorized
by said statutes of the State of Oklahoma
for auch cases made and provided! thst
the assessments shall besr Interest at
Ihe rati, of eighths) per cent per annum,
payable annually at the time of the pay
ment of the several Installments of the
ssld aaseesmenta. from the date of tho
taking effect of this ordinance! that the
first Inststlment of ssld assessments, to
gether with the srerued Interest on the
deferred Installments, shall ba payable
or. the Hth day of December, H2I,
and the remaining deferred Installments,
with the yearly Interest on the unpaid
Irstallments. ahall be payable on the ltth
day of December, 1921. and the re
malnlng deferred Installments, with the
yesrly Interest on the uppald Install
ments, shsll be payawe on the Hth day
nf December, of each aucceedlnr year
until all shall hn paid.
Provided, however, that any of the
owners. nf the lots or parcela of land so
assessed may nt anytime during thn four
(4) consecutive weeks folowlng the date
Pay to the City Auditor nf the City nf
Tulsa, the full amount nt the .assess
ments so levied against their aald lots
and parcela nf land, andlltt-reby release
such property frortfths lien of such
SKCTION 4: That this ordlnanca shall
be published for four (41 consecutive
weeks In the Tulsa Dslly World, a news
paper published In Tulsa, Oklahoma: that
the publication of thla ordinance as re
quired by Isw shsll be , tsken and re.
gartted as sufficient notice to all persona
Interested In tho Assessments hereby
levied by the terms of this ordinance.
' SKCTION S That all ordinance, or
Parts nf ordlnsnces tn conflict with ths
provisions of this ordinance, are hereby
BKCTION 6: Thst an emergency exists
for the preservation of the public health
and safety, by reason wdiereot this ordi
nance shall take effect from and after
Its passage, approval and publication.
PASSKD, and the emergency . clause
ruled upon separately and approved this
39th day of October. 1920.
APPIIOVKD, this 29th day of October,
Mayor pro tern.
2d 113. KltANK RKAMAN.
Clly Auditor. , t
riiAisn. r. iiu.fAr.',
City Attorney.
(Published In The Tulsa Dsily World,
November 9. 10, II, 13 and 13, 1920.
World Puhltshlng company, Publishers )
Notice Is hereby given that In pur
suance, of an order by thn Hord of Com
missioners ot the City of Tulsa, Oklar
hums, sealed bids wilt be received at the
office of ths City Auditor of said Clly
until t o'clock p. in.. Thursday, November
11, 1130, for furnishing innlerlals and
performing the work neceasary In paving
and otherwise Improving In the manner
and subject to the conditions hereinafter
set out, the following described portions
of the following named streets, avenues
and allrja In aald Clly ot Tulaa, to. win
UUANNA1I A VKNl K In West Tulsa
Addition, from the north Una of Twenty
flrat Street south to the center line nl
Section II. Tuwnshlp 19 'North. Hangs!
13 Ksst. being distance ot approxi
mately 1.7(0 (est.
AI.I.KY In Hlock Tour (4), Stonebraker
Heights Addition.
ir further dtulla at lo tbo mattiial,
plans and methods of cnnitrurtlii i
used In Improving ssld etrr'ts , t
svenues, bidders are referred tn the r a t
and 'sprrltlrstlnns thetefnr spprn.et
Ihe Hoard of Commissioners and i
resolutions adopted by said Una
flaring the nece-elty of and' p
for the Improvements nf aald pnr , 4
said atreets and avenues. Said r
lions, plans and apeetflratlona sie t ,
In the office of the Clly Audi!
copies nf ssld resolutions wilt be fur l
upon application Iherelor at the of! t
the Clly Auditor.
The entire coat of ssld Improve, i
on ssld portions nf said streets, a.e i
and nlles, and each nf them, sha a
apportioned lo and levied and e--c t
against, rlie abutting property llabi
assessment therefor antl the owner n
of In accordance with the provision-
Article 9, nf ths Chsrler of the cu (
Tulsa, Oklahoma, and payments I,, i
conlrsctor will be made In tax bills ej.
denclng said assessments.
The contractor tn whom Ihe coi.i t
may he awarded is III be rrnuhed tn t t
nlah it.nstrucllnn and guaranly bond) ri
accordance with the provlsluna if r
speclfpstltins antl n statutory bund
dltloned lo secure payment of labor d
material bills, ssld bunds t b. ,
amount equal to twenty five (2i t r
cent, twenty (20) per lent and one li
dred (100) per cent reapeetliely f t
estimated nmtrjnt of the wnik has. I
ujt'in Ihe price bid In the propim t
clutlve of the engineering and adce i .
charges, eald bonds to bo executed by
contractor and n surety or auretici
ceptable to the Hoard of Commissi, n a
111, Is mint be upon Ihe propnest n., .
furnished by the Clly Kngineer and i
nm mon ne srcotupsnieil liy a seiii
certified Check on some snltent r
bsnklng house or trust company In
Amount equal lo five 151 ner ceni ri
ih i
amount of the approximate total r ,r
Ihe work, bsaetl upon Ihe bids with ' t
submlittt. The Hoard nf Cnmmlstl , t
of ssld city reserves Ihe right to t
sny sn.l all bids nnd bidders are can . d
to observe all the conditions set A m
Ihe speculations and bidding sheet
Illds received ss aforesaid will be n
slderrd by Ihe Hoard of Commissi r
at h meeting to he held nt the City It
In the Clly of Tulsa. Oklahoma, si I
".flock a. in., Friday, November I h
19.0. -
All bids are renulre.l in l, nt...i
llo In thn Cltj- Auditor's office for n
au, , iiuura niier oprn
before the award or rejection of bids an
be made.
Tulsa, Oklahoma, November I, I $20
fc . City Auditor
The. regular annual mc"Stfng ef the
stotkhnlilers of th Catlett.Darla oil (Mr.
pnratlnn will bn held at 10 o'clock a m
Monday, November H. 1920, at 303 World
llulldlng, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
w i ,.J.'.aa'.,CA'rLI:'rT' 1'fsldent
. A. JACOIIS, Secretary,
Want Ads
J.OST, b-TrtAYKD'oit 8TOI.KNfroimy
place six miles north of Tulsa and thr.e
west of Turlcy, one black horse eic!'
I'1' "Id. weight HD0 or 1700 et h ,
leg white -edmoat to h.K Joint, got bMlle
siiro behind left ear, and reached man
M III,. I. ... ... . . . .
.., i..irue,iu, uno sieei Plus
uiores, eight yesr old. roach mane weight
1(00 or I500i with white star in forehead
" r sores on points ot snouiders, on uut
sldea of both front feet shown in he
little, large Just on upper edge nf hof
i"."n Jls I'lTes east and 2 miles south
nf Tulsa. Nov. 3rtl. IHO reward for if
livery of horses at my place. J. C Wei
Ion, Turley. Okla.
LOST Hither In Mnyo's, lUllhiurton i or
Mlsa Jarksnn'a shop or on the etrrtt
between these place, a platinum bar pin.
with amull diamond In center ami pearl
on either side. As value to owner Is Isrgely
sentimental liberal reward will be paid
fur lis return trt IHO S. Ijlgln. Osage T31,
Wll,!, party who found laundry bundle
addressed Sin s. Klein and 111 S. .Main
return in im a. cnsjcnna.
LOST A brown dress, between Fifteenth
and Twenty-first streets on .Madison or
Norfolk; phone Osage 4460.
LOST, strayed of "stolen! large white snd
liver spotted pulntsr mulo hint dnic
suitable reward fur Infurmatlftn leading n
Ha recovery, phone Ossge 4100 or Uu
3H3. P. K. King, 1JH . DctrolU
LOST White Siltse dog; six months old,
snswers to name JFIuff. Calj Oiage 61
TWO strayed yearlings Taken up at
IMr-tfCriln n'1 Utlca. Osage 6I27 J
LO.tT Hank book. CaII Integrlly Mutuil
...iiaay up., an .Miyg, usage ajyts
LOST Kngllsh setter bird dog, black ears
tan over his eyea, black and whits
Iteward for return, n. fl. Davis, 616 North
spylted. Answers to nmno of "rtcolile.
Deliver. l'hnne Cedar 693. 49
OPN'D A good place lu uo my wsIcH sr.il
Jewelry repairing at popular prlcjs,
JeHlers, 307 South Main.
II worKAruaranteed ons yesr.
THAYrJO td my placu 4 miles north of
TUlsa. one btv tnate .nri lt llr T W
USB the I'arada treatment for all Ills of
the human hn.tv. .Inni.h trmihle.
rheumsllsm, sny disease. Its a home treat
ment und guaranteed. All kinds of refer
ences, free demonstration. A. M. Young
NewroxJlotel.Tulsa.Ossge 6333
KLKCTItIC "swest bath for reducing, rheu.
matlsm, Invigorating. 709 N. Mala.
Osage 4033.
don't haul your trunks we both lets
money. ,N. Tatuni, 23 W. First St., Cedar
A home for the rtr. sn.l oretectlon F
of young women: rateh reasonable, tublei
stiopien. ur, i. ii, .Newman, tneuicsi
director. HIT W. Msln. Oklahoma CUT
ApK ANY l'OLICKMAN le Tulsa t. Si-
reel you to the reople'j Trading Lirj
ewelry eiore, wnere uu can buy dli
"Cr.da, watches and Jewelry at a grest
't'. !conle'a Tradlntr Co.. 307 Soith
Main. .
I'lllVAHI HOSI'ITAU Maternity a sps i
ty. atrlcllv modern and unitary, c ' fl
7319. Ill N Xanlhuif.
CANC.KIt posltlvel euredt nn psy till
cured. Delay It fatal. Ccurt flusssl, IH
Forest Ave.. Tulsa.
confinement, private, prices ressonsoie,
may work for beard, bsblss adoptsa.
Write fer booklet. Mrs. Tf II. Long. 4ll
K. 27th Ksnsas City. Mo.
CNCKIts, tumors, goitre. Tnlss ristuls.
Write for eitlmonlaIs. Ilox U7. Dallas,
A I.AIIV whr. haa an Inialld's chair
for 323 call Osage Ihl again.
M," II. I Nil HAM hna moved tu 327 Itobtn
son Jlldg. Phone Osage 121
AUTIIUfltlll VU Wilt Hll.K II
I'UKllLKSS CHUMMY roadsler. 1917 moll
el, t good tires. Call Osage 6316 or H
and ask for Hush.
VOW SALK Ford rosdattr. llir ns
fenders. J215. Vrlle, .K. Ik Hatch, 11
176. Turley. Okla.
SitOTOltS and gr'neraior bought, sold ar
exchanged. Electric repair work of e
sry description. Electric 8uppl Co.. 31 '
Fourth, phone Osage 606.
KOH HAI.K OH TltADK 130 Nssh roa
setr automobile with bit rack. 1120
cash or will trsde for light S psneng"
ear -In good condition, Dodg preferrei
j i none mage :ni.
vj . . .A..r r.i u.un ifMLii.r. ' .....
at Cosden Pipe Line gsrage, coeden
lleflnery. West Tults. After Inspeetlaf
trsetor callal room 1001, Cosden Hldg
KOItD tourlng carl9f. In"eicsllent con
dition; a bargain for cash, Liberty
Osrags. 317 Wast gecund atreet.
OAKLAND roadster, lll for sal or
trade for good Ford, excellent condi
tion; a bargain; 111 ltoblnson-llldg Cedsr
FOHD roadster, 1919 model. UuTek
chissls; will sell cheap. 131 N. Msin.
usage tile.
FOH SALE I9H Peerless, 7'pssiener'j
looks and runs like new! IHO vail
154 n. Xsnlhus. Thone Cedar 47
KOH HALF) or trade 111 I Oakland touring
car In first class condition; will coo
slder trade for 1'ord sedan. Call Osaf
FOHD touring, goxd condlllon, good t''J
and tlreat 1309 cash or terms. Hl &
Tnlril Intlay.
je t uMIK roadsler. good c'jndltli v
I37J for quick salej call llli V. Th"

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