OCR Interpretation

Cleveland daily leader. [volume] ([Cleveland, Ohio]) 1865-1873, October 28, 1865, MORNING EDITION., Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042437/1865-10-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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-aorning ., ,TA,irig b
. . !!? mo- 60
t rf.ANVI l.EAMm niNKKT.
;:iif BAZAAR, -.i
- 261 Superior St.
Declared upon High Prices
EVERYBODY will tad it to their ad
vantage to cull- M the On. Mw Store herore
Mircnasing elsewhere, as our Mhot, H.riv
OUR R E A D Y MAD is"' '
?"'L?f,'Vlrw.n ""nfiKtans fn Vbc no.1
a"t ' prtoa tlTOmp.tili, . r .,
i mil Kjider t),e churge of Mr. Spracrc, and it
to lU. u y. Iter ll.r tat u well kno,i, tli.t
h. c. t wh ito h.t stylo of goDnt ia the
S if' u " nd ,"M WU1 'icnl tf
IntroJoced tb. " "aatwm t
AJiaOBirh it liu tu lk - .1 . ..-
nr lircrewl trade, ! I c. ueril tife4iin
TiTen to U cuttouiera, luu fully ounviucrd us ili.t
tin Mllilic amreciate and irfot- In t,..lA ..I
tberali no jmeyltif tnt ewrtliinj; coniutted
- imxi idu uouurst ie Tini of UMiiug.
5 E- RHEI'tllEI'tlER-S
One I"ricc C'lothins 1Ioiim,
. f '"T , l4 Bunrrior .St
OF FAXS of the latest styles.
It Just reeieTed.t t'OWI-KS & CO.'S
117 Wed.1.11 House.
The Western Musical World
Containing the following clioice Slavic.
Sitnlflle. Krlody. - - Famrger,
Tley all r3mf Home but Mine. Song
and CborilS. J. U. McNauqhton.
Andante. . t , - . , BeeUivrcn.
h) Iph H aiti. ' F. SpbutUr.
And a Urge amount of interesting reading matter.
One Dollar per .in nam. 1 '
flreat indncnientfl to peroaa vinhing- to get np
Clubs. A splendid
Mason - & . Hamlin. ' Cabinet Organ.
for the largest lint of snbscrilters sent ns lu'lore
January loth, ISOU and other Talualile premiums.
8. BRAl.NAltD SOti,.
oe28 Publishers, Cleveland, 0. ;
1 161 BECE1VED. Very Fire Erkimo
f I lVxiver tSurtnnt Over-Cot; Terry Kiue Castor
B'Tt-r turtout Over-Coati.
Ait tb kitC tiesDa arioiiea of Sn k Ovur
dt. Hr-avy plain anf faiiy Caitrtiniem fcutts,
PantK and VesU, at gnutly rwiuciHl prir at
, c8. , H. MANX'S.
J 1ST KKCEIVED. A larTstwlTiilf
and Vtinc. . A fall line of tHilor a Triinniini.
3t 4az. pair heary Moolrii rWks. Ao all kiwiu
of tttckkiB. V ook'a aiwi CauJiiuiT Uluvtv, f aitcy
tStiirr8. wnolen M' rappers ai.4 Dravein of -ery
Afrrlption and variety. 54l,(Nl MaHtutRnit Papr
4llap, .T.(on Oo)Umith'R KnanieltMl Papr Cl
lr, .Si. mt Marwilln Paper CUara. All kinds of
fanrr Woolen and dilk TUa and rienrfs, at
oc8 8. MANN'S.
ACORVS GHOW." Th wort diseases known to
thehnman rmcr.epHlig fnim tstwm M small a-i to
almost d-fy dtt:ti(ii. Tlie vtduiuea of acientiflc
lore lliat fill Hie (aMua inu abelvea of the nioiliral
fratoraity only go to prore and elaborate tbew
facta. ' -. . .
Then jntarrf yotireJea - while toh jitay. Tlw
amalicat pimple oa the fkin ia a tell-tale indicator
of duteaaf. it may fade and die away from the
auiface of tlie tMMl.Vy lat it will reaili the vital,
perhaps, at last, and death be the the result and
filial close. JUagiel's Bilious, DyHpeptic, and
Piarrhea Pilla iaiclierc all others fail. While
for Buruft. SeaVtla, Otilblaiim, Cnta, and all alra
aimrs of -tferkiti, airiH - baJ ve- is- infaHiklr;
8oMfy J. Mj:tfl,-i. Firlton atreet, Kew York,
and all Drugxirttft. at 25rentnpr liaic. oc:R4:d.w
TI AI K WHJ reMotv Vmy Hair, to itttRlGINAL
40jOR; FTBEXuTHENti and raonoTEM the growth
of tlie VKAtrar aAio.: atop iu falling nt In thi-eo
days; keena the head clt-an, cool and healthy; ran
W utd freelr; contaiw notldnfr injnrions: THK
THK P1BLIV; it in recoHimeooVl ami aaed by the
firat medical authority. Sold t the I'mg-Storea,
and at uy.ollkx. No. 1.1C3 Broadway, w York.
I aaaureaH-eravfi tlial4he .pcepacatitut
will dal! tbitt ia HMiaeti fwr t.-
oc-J:74:dw - - HAUAH A. CHEVALIER, M. P.
. ... . , ClliViaAa
Electrical Manufacturing Co.
Fcnn & Kramei
' 1 ; MAliUrAciuREKS or : ;
Dr. Toung's Elec(r-TUermal Balh,
W Model and Small Machinery of all kluda
W Braae Finiabing, Bepaixing and Jobbing dona
with care and diBi-atcti.
Over Dennis Bolt's Machine Shop, ,
e Rt iftp cLEVELAyp, onio.
B. I. KK1MEB, M. D., Physician
Offlce I
,Hoa,A..U.12M.andSto.P. .
-Patients can. be ax.inmodatedjrilh Board
at tlte On re.
Treoe and Faary Pream Pre Works and Cleaning
Jr:r,7'.T J,eilJelT1ie iarm, tast-CleTeland,
Vmeanlo makeTw. the BEST DYE-HOfSB IH
THE WJCST, and aball spare m enors .'
"I'O. ti's-tl rtte"ntiB t Oratlemea" to tte
Of Cleanining or B.-djinj of atade-np t,.-.
ftii:XD $r50BT IlII TO T0WXSE5D
Tp or th piireTiTAiitAOii becioks,
rrai OJ mmu. -
i I rv.Ti m r rf ' ? ri t- i
: St
I. ; .
T f
VOL. XIX-KO. 257.
The Adams-Russell Correspondence.
What is the Duty of Our Government
under the Circumstances.
Me publish on another pgfc tne conden
sation of the diplomatic correspondence
between Charles Frances Adams, the
Karl Russell,
o-:.:.. r, '
jimen rseororurv t.,i-
g Affairs, prnl thli it will b en that
Mr.-Adann hksln'a m'ost rofirlartnanner
made a demand on the British Government
? iiknlly or damagei Inflicted by the
capture and burning of American ships by
oriiisn-Kebel pirat built in British ship
yards, fitted mi In British ports, manned
by British crew?, arnred with British can
nons served by British gunners, who were
hdcd. n Wrx)f Jletilajesty'B prac
etil'lhe W)Kc, W sailed out of
British ports with the good-wishes of a
W-gt ihkJoritJ of flie Britisl eoJ5To:i Thi
.just and.projter dVmaiid has been met with
a flat refusal by Earl Russell not only a
raufaf lo pay, j but going so far ..a io
rcluse tne ciiiinenti3' amicable'bfrcr fohave
the question reftaTed forrhitration to a
third ppwer,t thinking undoubtedlv, that
ft;r hiit-ilig passed through n'esJiaustivV
gigantic, war of 9ver four years duration,
our government would be ill ho mood fbf
enforcing its demand.. ,.
fTHr. Adams Welted up-TTO-rTntmrbv
the luost cor.vinciug arguments, show
ing beytmd A pos til.iUIy jof douLtT tE
rentrwJifg of the British Gov?rmit f? feh
.oreing its own laws tw.iilisl the fittinc out
oi nostile sot) to-war against a friendly
juct us reiusiu bo-enact auuilional. Tuvt
for the purpose of more rigidly enforcing
ils obligation of neutrality, and showing
up'brtJ!rttH'adiiifi Style tlielnooeat
baste cviijopd by the Briti.-JiGoverumeat
111 granting maritime belligerent' rights fo
bogus rebel confederacy, before it tail
single armed .hip aflcL- , -. '
Effrt RUssell rtsponded by'ciainiing tbat
His government did all Jt-conjld to rrvvetil
the Alabama and other British pirates
from leaving port, that it did even more
prevent the Cttrng oiit of those pirnteT
than our government did to prevent armed
ships from leaving American ports to prey
under flags, of bouth American powers
upon Spanish and Portuguese commerce
5 mo war 01 uiose powers against
tlieir rcliellions colonies, and that in rrrant-
belligerent rights, her majesty's gov
ernment w as justified by the action of the
American government in blockading
JSuuthern ports,, llius. acknowledging 1
that the rebels were belligerents.' 'He
then went out of his way to refuse per
emptorily the proposition niado by Mr.
Adams tjome two years ago to leave the
question to the arbitration of a third power,
giving as his reason that the honor of his
government would not allow of an appeal
from the decision of the law officer of the
crown to the decision of another 'govefn
ment.aiid then very condescend inglyoffered
consent to the appointment of a com
mission, to winch will lie referred all
claims arising during the late civil war,
which the two powers shall agree to refer
the commissioners."
Mr. Adams replied by showing that due
notice was served upon his lordship of the
titling out of the Alabama for the purpose
preying upon American commerce;
after an unprecedeuted delay of three
months orders were telegraphed to .Liver
to seize the Alabama, when the ship
already left an hour before. In. re
to American ships beingtltted under
same circumstances under which the
Alabama was lilted out, to prey upon the
commerce of Spain and Portugal, Mr.
Adams very deliberately floored his lord
by informing him that the American
overninent settled with those powers to
satisfaction, and that that should
Una matter, and - that he demanded
England should likewise settle to the
satisfaction of our government, and then
"parallel 'would be perfect. '.He in
formed his lordship that our govrrjiuieut
with as much propriety cite Tjrilish
precedent in the matter of the violation
our flag by the impressment of seamen
American ships sixty years ago, to
justify the so-called "Trent outrage, ao
British .Government could go back,
years to quote American precedents
allowing the"TMabama-' and-trther
British-Rebel lMratos to - leave British
ports. . . . - f ., . , .
Mr.. Adams .concluded bis letter by
warning Earl Eussell of the serious conse
quences that would result to English com
merce by llie general adoption- of the
British interpretation of the law of bel
ligerent rights that his doctrine will
sooner or later coiuo home to roost in
Downing street, when in some future
wats," f fly' Alabama way issxie; ftomj
cnHvonieiit neutral' ports, to sweep
ISritish commerce from the ocean.
Ir. .AdainsV wound tip by' replying in
most admirable manner, in very caus
tic style, to the hypocritical congratula
tions offered by Lord Russell on the abo
lition of "slavery, by saying that hefeannot
forget that his Lordship visited "with all the
severity of his too weighty censure" the
of emancipation by. which that result
brought ubout. . .
Mr. Adams has thus committed our
Govermuint trf the' position mii : a' Jurt
too) that our claim for damages should
paid by the British Government. This
Rasaoll will 'not acuede ta. tie will
agree to leave "the' equity of our de
mand to be decided by a third power, arid,
will not consent to its being left to a
commission judging -hy. hi proviso that
such -claims shall ba submitted as the
powers, shall .agree to leave to.he
decision of a commission. ' " '
The dispute has now roached a very
serious phase. Our Government has been
very summarily "snubbed" in offering
submit the question, to be arbitrated by
thitd power, !Either we will have to
quietly, pocket qur. losses and accept the
tngush doctrine ot belligerent nguts, ana
come out of the diplomatic contest shorn
our pride and disgracefully humbled,
we must very decidedly insist uponpa'y-
ment being made, by offering the lout argu
ment known anions' covernincnts. "When
ittsexinsidored that in 1855, during the Cri
mean war, otrr Government, at the request
the British minister, seized? the barque
Maurv, then lving in the barbortof New
York,- npon susnicioa of it being fitted out
prey upon English commerce under the
Russian flag,, even before evidence .,was
submitted to that effects, it would seajm that
the honor of our "people would i-equire,
coft what it would, that we should have
equally prompt treatment, at the hands of
the Xnglishij o vernmentj .and a failure to
Mtmd such treatment,, resultins it did
our groat commerce beino; destroyedis
sulicieht ground, according lo tne usages
known among civilized nations, for de
claring war against Great Britain, and ob
taining compensation by soizing the
.. Vbat other course can our government
take, with honor? i We claim that Eng
land is hrdfcbted to Usfor injutics done to
our commerce. That power peremptorily
Hben offer In the most ftidndlv sDirit to
j .
c ure iimiw-r 10 arounuion in tne lace
of the refusal of Fn..l,m hi n rlwiilo tl,
Treirt ft v 1 t-ji isj refasedjaud tuf
government is left to choose between two
horns of a dilemma either to enforce its
demand or ignominious submit.
The spirit of our people, we are per
fwtly satisfied, will require that Ehg
land shall be Compelled to pay
'Ur1 il' f''Pt ttf&n ,'JierJ espeoitilly. o
when" we remember the fmmodse' pftjia
nitions made by tjat power to go to war
agaiust us pending the Trent difficulty, at
a time when we were in our, weakest con
dition. "We are quite confident that our
government will meet this question boldly
and firmly, and insist upon the payment
of our claims, let the Consequences be
what UrevWitt. Honor ooints to nu i.il..
it is a matter of history that Eng.
. v. went io wr.r with any
urot cia r,ower " without fi.rm.
jng i." an " alliance with some : other
power to assist her. This ir-as Ae case in
her Jfapoleofic wars, the Turko-Grecian
war, the Crimean war and in all her other
wars. "Why is she so! bold now, in her
diplomacy with oiir government, appar
ently without the backing of friendlv al
lies?? Thiii Hoaillv contrurv to te. trai
ditfonal pofic'y.' it looks as though there
might be some truth in the rumor that
Louis Napoleon has concluded a secret
treaty of alliance) With England, to stand
by her in case ' she should get into diffi
culty with the United States, in considera
tion of England assisting France to op
pose the eniorcemem of the -Monroe doc
trine in Mexico. Time will determine
whether fhis'riimor is true.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
"We learn with much satisfaction that
the Hon. E. A. Rollins, who has been
Deputy Caainiissioaer. of internal Reve
nue for some two years, has just been ap
pointed Commissioner, by the President,
place of Hon. "William .Ortou, . re
signed. The e'xperienie bf Mr. Rollins is
invaluable. Hcis a laborious, careful,, in
telligent, capable officer; "and the manu
facturers and business men of the country
may congratulate themselves upon his ap
pointment to the .responsible position for
which he has been selected. Mr. Rollins
has the entiro confidence of the officers of
the Internal Revenue, as the resolution
passed unanimously at the mcctjng of As
sessors at Albany, testify.
Mr. D. C. Whitman, the present able
and efficient Chief Clerk of the JDepart
ment, takes the place of Deputy Commis
sioner. Mr. AYhitman has liecn connected
with the Internal Revenue matters since
September, 18G2, and brings to the dis
chargetif his duties a large and ripe expe
rience, ins administrative ability, and un
tiring industry. The resignation of Mr-
Orton is a great loss to the country, as he
was "the right man in the right place,"
but, with Messrs, Rollins , and AYhitman,
who'had the entire confidence of Mr. Or
ton, and who shared with him the arduous
labors of the Department, in charge of it,
we feel assured that'its important affairs
will, bo wfcalyj-Judiiaoiisljt, W(l honestly
arlinihisfnrrxl . . -.
A Suggestive Contrast.
In Germany not a single person has
been killed by a railroad accident since
rail roads -wero first :built aterii) of nearly
forty years. In the United States, accord
ing to a tabic compiled by underwriters of
insurance wmpanies, and recently pub
lished, the total number of persons killed
by.railwtdicckleots during Jie last six
months is 128. The contrast speaks volumes-of
itself ia relation, to tho way in
which carelessness and recklessness have
done the part of wilful murder.
" a--a- ' 1 t;
The estate of A. P. Stone, late Collector
of Internal Revenue, in Ohio, will be
sold for -the ., benefit of his, creditors. . It
consists of seyerid lots in Columbus and
vicinityhaving total appraisal of $3'4,0K,
including tjic beautiful brick, pxittaga on
State street, in Unit oity, which was occu
pied, as a residence by Judge Cltase during
his Gubernatorial tijrin, and which figures
io the list t $17,000... '.It was. tlie family
mansion of Mr. Stone at the time of his
decease. The appraisals fall far short of
the balance against him in - his official ca
A AVashiogton special says tlutt Hon.
Caleb. Gibing, leaves or Ejiglund ia next
AYedncsdlay's sfiamtf,"oh ' a special tegal
mission connected with the State Depart
ment. Thus far his business is kept strictly
confidential, but it is very jclonrly surmised
that it has reference to an adjudication of
the claims for damages made bVthis Gov
ernuraait iu GreatRrijain for the depreda
tions of the Alabamu on American com
merce.- "it-is. Wieved that the Govern
ment has accepted the proposition of Earl
Basse!' w appoipt acointnissipn to settle
such claims.
James E. Murdtich, the celebrated tra
gedian, who, dirring the rebellion, devoted
his magnificent powers to fhe'eause of the
Union, has now, that the war is over, re-
'to ; the- etagd. ' - ilis- rentree was
in Cincinnati, . at Pike's Oper
Honse, where he has met with a reception
amounting to an ovation. He has appeared
as "tYonng Rower fa J Wild. Oats. and
"Charles suriace, in tne -ocnooi ior
ScandaL" We understand that our citi
zens will have an opportunity ot seeing
him during the present season.
rWrpnbWi i mo titer colnmn debjyed
tuateiifemijRniitky.Vlescribing the Grape
and Wine Euhibition in that city a fort
night age. The letter only reached us
yesterday. " Though omwhat behind
tinie, it will b found tb possess"much in-
'terest. - " " '' "
t ' r
The- coroner's jury which held the in-
4nest on the body of -Captain John P.
Ward, ot Dotroit, have rendered a verdict
of wilful mnrder against Frederick Far
man, the boy who shot him.-' "'"
-j --. 1 e- as .
' "An excbeSingly lnterestmr concert, giv
en by Karl Formes. nd his brothers, re
cently arrived in this country, is announced
to take place in New York City on Mon
day evening next ' Everybody is acquaint
ed with the magnificent capabilities of
Karl Formes, as a basso. Herr Theodore
Formes is a tenor of the first rank, and has
long been mmous in Germany. HerrWil-
helm Fornaos js a. baritone. The Formes
Brothers intend traveling through the
country. : AiuKran:Dtfo.toubl concern
ing then: success.
The Rev. Mr.' Lanphesr, piist
Disciple Church in barren, im
or ol tne
met with
serious accident, on Friday liist, while
standing on the platform of a car. at Lea-
rtttsburg. He happened to be lloidiug
wiui one nana to tue door jam, and the
conductor closine the door without oVerv:
ing Mr- L's hand, two RVigers wctc so prl-
ousiy injured a to rcndlf atllptitatioii ne
i The dry goods merchants of Alliance
nave agreed to che thuir MiircB hereafter
until April 1b, at half-p:tst six and on Sat
urday at half past seven o'clock P. M.
.The Alliance Monitor says that tlie work
on the new railroad hotel and station
building at that place has lieen resumed
by a large force of hands. .It is jiow the
purpose of the Company to have tho build
ing under root belore the cold weather
sets in.
The Stark County Teachers' Institute is
in successful operation in Canton, . .
On Friday, as a young ntan b.v the name
ui a.esier, who iiycuui toe ueilinuorlKMKl
..c r- i -.l, .t. . i ,
of Richville, and who was dhc of the em
ployees or the P. Ft. AV. ft C. Railwav,
was coupling some cars at Massillon station
he was caught between tho cars and
rushed to death. .
Da Tuesdav evcninir lust, two nrmitnoec
named Hannah arid Kirir, made It des
perate attempt to escape Irom the Stark
county jail. AVhen the young man Smith
who attends them went up-stairs where
they were confined, for the purpose of
locking them in their ceils f'nr the night,
thev attacked him at the door, taking hold
of him by the throat and endeavoring to .
pass him and get down stairs. Hannah
succeeded and trot out of doiirs, but Smith
succeeded Iti getting King back into the
cell. I he alarm was immediately given,
and Captain Htintinsrtom who live iust
opposite, ran over and on finding out the
causea of the disturbance started iu pur
suit of Hannah, who had taken a wester
ly direction. The CaMaih ratliB Within
hailing distance of the fugitive iust out
sme oi town and ordered mm to -halt
which he did on the second call. He was
of course placed again in the Jug.
The Murder at Pithole.
A special dispatch to the Meadvillo Re
publican, dated Pithole City, October 24,
gives tlie following details of a murder at
Pithole City on Monday night :
A new establishment to be known as
"Varieties was opened last night for th
first time with a ball. The evidence shows
that late at night an actress, who was in
company with John Simpson, of Roches
ter, went to the dressing room preparatory
to going liome, and while in the room two
men entered, one of whom u-s tho Aa-
ccased, and attempted to ravish her. Her
screams attracted Simpson to the room,
wuo 11 is auegea snot one ot tiieiu, named
Matt. Kintoe, from Trov, N. Y, the keep
er of tlie Hccuan saloon there.
Simpson was immediately arrested and
was fully committed" for trial. The
town has been the scene of considerable
excitement all day. . The . friends of the
deceased threaten that Simpson shall never
leave tne town alive, and the place of his
confinement is continually surrounded by
crowd. Several deputy sheriffs, in con
nection with the local police and citizens,
are deemed sufficient to ensure the ac
cused a safe conduct to Franklin, which
will occur sometime during the night.
A public meeting of tho citizens is
called for to-morrow night, to devise some
means of ridding tho community of the
band of desperadoes who infest this sec
tion. A dispatch from Pithole City to the
New York World dated October 25th,
gives the following additional news iu
regard to the crime:
Thecoroncr's jury to-dny found Simpson
guilty of the murder of Maecnteo. There
considerable excitement, as the friends
tho deceased are endeavoring to obtain
possession of the prisoner with a view of
summary punishment; but they are-not
likely to succeed, as the force guarding
prisoner is- strong enough to insure
safety. Ho will leave to-night for
Franklin. ' " .
The Shooting Affray at Akron.
[From the Akron Beacon, October 26.]
Yesterday evening, our usually quiet
community was thrown into quite a state
excitement by the shooting and se
verely, if not fatally wounding of one of
our colored citizens named Andrew Jack
son, familiarly known as "Tobc.''
lobe, our readers will remember, is
same person who was recently so bru
tally assaulted with a heavy iron weight,
a scoundrel named Lewis from. Cuya
hoga Falls, and had not fully recovered
from the injuries then received, when he
was, on Mondav, assaulted by another
viper of the same brood, from the same
village, named Beardslcy, and again near-,
deprived of his life. From all the cir
cumstances that we can gather, the blame .
the whole affair rests with Beardsley.
commenced by most vilely abusing
"lobe'' as he was quietly passing along
street attendiug to his own business,
and after engaging him in a dispute, and
hurling a large stone at him, upon "Tobe's"
showbig resistance, struck him with a
"Bury, when "loby knocked him down
and administered some well-deserved pun
ishment upon him alter be was down. 1 be
bystanders then interfered and separated
men, when Davis immediately ran un
the Canal Bridge, on Market Street,
near the Empire, where tlie whole afuiir
took place, but returning, followed "ToTc,
who was moving away to avoid further
trouble, and after exchanging a few words
with him, deliberately placed a pistol close
his body and fired, thu ball entering
body in the region of the stoniacli,
Tho surgeons (Drs. Bowen and Howard)
who are in' attendance, have as yet been
unable to find the ball, or decide as to the
extent of the injury received by Tube, and
whether tbe wound is fatal or not.
Tola this morning, ( 24th,) is compara
tively easy. The wretch who perpetrated
the foul deed is in jail. AV'e hope justice
may be meted out to mm to the extreme
extent of the law, whether it be the peni
tentiary for life or hanging by tho neck.
A Long Look Ahead.
A cotemporary turns his visago to the
future and the mistv distance 01 two nun
dred years, sees and describes the follow
mg: .-:.' '.'
Scene House of a citizen of New
York. ,
Time A. D, 2,050. A telegraphic
message has been sent to a scrvaut, who
iresents himself at the window in a bal
oon. Master John, go to South America
and tell Mr. Johnson that I shall' be
happy to have him sup with me this
evening. Never mind your coat, go right
away. ...
In five minutes John returns.
John Mr. Johnson says ho will enme:
is obliged to go to the North Pole for
moment, and will cull here- as he conies
back.. ..;.-.'.
Muster Very well. John; now you
may wind up the machine for setting the
table and telegraph to my wife that Mr.
Johnson will be hero presently. After
that, John, you may dust out the balloon
I will have an appointment in London
10 o clock. ' ,
John disappears to execute thoso orders,
while his master steps down to the AVcst
Indies to get a fresh orango.
In France there are great complaints of
the scarcity of game. . Charivari sketches
the meeting of two desperatesportsmen whd
have been scouring the country in vain
without raising a single bird. One of them
has a sudden inspiration. "Would Mon
sieur, in the utter absence of game, bo so
good as to let mm have a shot at his dos?'
"Ah," Pav" the other, "I wn9 just about to
ask the same favor." Another picture
represents a party of sportsmen in a frenzy
of excitement because a partridge has
tuion seen 9n a flold ' - '' ....
At a Welsh- watering place a number of
young IKdies in "Zouave bathing dresses,''
swam through the figures of a quadrille.
' . According to' a census of the city bf Ge
noajust completed, the population' is now
One hundred and fifty thousand. Seven
years ago It was but one hundred arid
thirty Ihousatid. ."' ';;'",' .'. "'"
Leeds, England, ah J tlie nVgliWhood,
were, ou the morning on the 12th, visited
by;a plague of a novel but annoying kind.
The weather was. extremely hot, and
throughout the day the streets Were filled
with thick cloilds of minute flies,fehdcrtnj
it necessary in many cases to place a pocltet
handkerchief over tne face. ' ! "
A French litttraicaf of sfj'mft standing,'
M. Henri Bocace, is writine a treatise on
the nose, which he calls ''La Jiasomancie."
Dy wnivh he means a physiogLomy of the.
' . I- i ' ui mi u iiou to m:ii me cuurac
ttr of any one that has a nose. He heads
bis treatise with the paraphrase "Show
me thy nose, and I will tell thee who thou
art." .; . i... .,. ,. ., , .
Gustave Dore'9 great masterpiece, the
Illustrated Bible.'' uboh which he has
beeii engaged for the last four years, is now
on the pvq of completion. Messrs. Caswell,
Potter Gnlpin Have purchased tHc engrav
ings for their sole and fexclusive use in the
English language, and their edition of this
work, for England and America, Will be
shortly announced. The illustrations will
CMiMst of two hundred and thirty largo
page urawings, ine cost oi tueir production
Deing upward ot liltecn thousand pounds
A Montreal correspondent of Le Cana
Vitn imparts the following paragraph:
The' children of Jefferson Davis have
been tor some time in Canada, as is well
Known, ine two bfrs aw 1rt now iff
Chamhlv, and about to enter Lennoxville
College. The young girl, nine years of
age, is a pupil at the convent ot the
Sacred Heart, Snult-au-EecollectK. Last
Sabbath several Southern refugees went to
see ner, mey nrougnt with them the
iederal General Cochrane, whom they in
troduced fo the girl, telling her that he
was a trieiia 01 tne southern cause, al:
thotigh circumstances constrained him to
fight in the ranks of its enemies. The
child, looking to the General, answered :
'I shall' believe that you are one of the
mends ot our cause when you shall have
obtained the release of my father." The
General was deeply moved with this an
swer, and promised the child to use all his
influence on behalf of Mr.- Jefferson Da
vis. Ot heral Cochrane, Who, I believe.
occupies an official position in the United
States visited yesterday the magniticcnt
establishment ot tne Hotel Uieu. tie was
so highly pleased with his visit, tbat he
begged leave from the good sisters to pre
sent tnem with a picture tor their church,
which he is to forward from New lurk.
A Character.
At Harper's Ferry, tho other dav. Sir
Morton Peto ' and hhs fellow capitalists
troiu iuigiand, excavated an old fellow
from one of the cellars iu the town, who
held his ground during the war, refusing
iu oe uigjiLeucu away ,ny . eiuier canonau-
mg or explosion. "I dun Know, ' the old
fellow said, "as the wars done me much
harm.. Five years ago I was the poorest
inanin Harpers .Ferry ; two years ago I
was tne richest, every liody else having run
away. 1 wasn t worth nothing then; I
aint worth nothing how; so I'm square.
Judge (to Sir Morton) have you any ter
lmeker ubout ye?" ..: ,'j ;
A Prayer for Display.
The most absurd display-in the' Latin
inc which -ero Lmu Lau ln.lv i . .!.
attempt of a clergyman, in a prayer at a
recent celebration, to make the dead lan
guage intelligible to the Almighty. He
;aid : "AVe thank thee, n Lord, that these,
our friends, wero thus permitted to die in
bat tle for tlulcc ti decorum eat pro pairia
mori which means that it is sweet and
honorable to die for one's country." It is
very evident that the Reverend gentleman
addressed this prayer to "his audience rath
er than his Maker. 1' . ' ' -j
C'alkinn, CirtlHn V t o.'a Union Buai-
-ss College, at Oberlin, Ohio, is meeting with sur
prising surcess, beyond the expectations ot ita man J
siinguine frlo'iide. . In no- other Institution of. the
kind do students receive as mnch personal atten
and make, iu consequence, such thorough
students, as at lliat point, if we may judge by the
testimony of students. ! !
Oue-kalf the usnal- expense of taking a Commer
Course is saved by thoso who attend at Ober
lin, while a thorough preparation for business is
VVnntetl. A rimhI Housekeeper.
Apply this
only, at Lake street. '
The nnest riintoKmnhs for Holiday tiifta, are
those made by GKtLNK SC'UWEBUT, 80S 8
porior st. ' t - c:to8
Prorliuimtion to the People Cloninc
Out Sale at IV; Superior street. Great
chance to buy goods.. The proprietors of store 182
puporior street, would respectfully inform the
public that owing to the fact that they cannot re
rent said store, thi-y will close out their present
stock of Musical Goods, Jewelry, Fancy Goods,
Ac.t Ac, at cost. ' This is no hniubng, but an ac-
tual fact, that we are selling goods at one-half
their Usual -value. For proof, call and sea for
yourselves. Wo are selling good- morocco Focket
Bonks at tl, which readily sell a j3,00 or more.;
Gold Rings at ' SI, fia worth at retail aa and $4;
Ladies' Sets at from 12 to $3 that sell at retail
readily for doable the Ufoaey Gome one; -come all,,
to Ko. 1S2 Snporior-strect.: No charge for ahowing
goods.;- ; .- . . oc7:&7
For Sale. Throe good sired C0VNTEBS and
ono midling-sircd MAKVIX'S SAFE, to be sold
cheap at 1S2 Superior street! ' i
osJ7to . !., S. CltlTt'HLET CO.
Alt 'kinds of grafted winter fruit
for aale at
CUAtf. Dr.WOLFS'8, 54 Herwin St.
Pearb Blow Potntoni. Three thousand
(;xkhi) bushels choice roach Blow, Putatoes now on
hand aud for aale by. ... .- ......
oc:25& , - no Herwlnst,
Siotire to the WleU. The Faculty of the
Cleveland Homeopathic College will give gratuitous
Medical and Surgical treatment tb all who desire
it, at tlieir College rooms on Ohio stroeti every
Tuesday, Thursday and Suturday forenoons from
10 to 13 o'clock. ' oc36-.268:dw
Gentlemen' . Fursilxhina;
and SCAUPS of every description. . LINEN and
LINEN and PAPKlt XLLAB3. Also the most
WMPLETK STOCK, of UOSIEBT ever brought
to this city, which wa are selling, at the lowest
prircB. . .- :,MOTT HAIGHT.
HI Supurior st.; under the WEXISELL HOUSE
Ck-velnud. .. oc0:2o7
School and Collegu Text Books at wholesale
and retail, at HOLDEN, CLABK 4 WILSON'S,
108 Public Square. ' 'J ' 1; ; oc:i58
A larsre variety of Pftittograpk Ibunu- constantly
us hand at lOV.PubUc Square.. oc
Peach .Blow Potato-. Choice Lake
Shore Peach Blow Potatoes in' car load lots, at 68
iterwiu st. ., oci):-iXi . E. COTTREIjL
' 8100,000 4'oinponmd Interest Ante
of 18S4 wanted. II igbesWprice paid by E. J. FAB
HER CO.i Bankers, 14 Superior St., under
Weddell House.. i . -' - - : octl7:2jS
All the latest publications received 'as: soon afl
named at . . ' '- ; -,
tea.'," -' HuLliEN.Cl.A RK A VILBOX'S.
'-'4onie of thtest property in'this city, for sale
at the 'oalcv-vf NOBLE t K0BLE, 150 Snperior
street. .' ei. . i---- ccitiog
Canada Bnttcr, lu3 Firkins choice Table
Butter just received from Canada. ,Jnst the thing
for family use, at 1W River street., by .-oC.iL2.-tf
Winter Apple for Sale. Choke varie
ties winter Apples for sale in car load lots at - 68
Werwin st. oc'ri-25(i E. COTTBELL.
Cent's- FnritlHhins; Goods. Stott
Haigfit, havejust opened a splendid assortment of
Gent's Furnishing Goods for the . fall and winter
trade, at No. 141 Superior street, under the Wed.
deUHgnje, ' ;' octT:M
The Alabama Convention
They Want Jeff. Let Free.
The Louisiana Embassy and the
Dexter, the Fast Trotter, Again.
He Makes the Best Two-Mile Time on
The bounty of colored troops.
The Secretary of War vs. the
Attorney General.
Stanton Discriminates Against the
Masonic Delegation from
South Carolina.
They are about to Sail for New York.
Tug Explosion at Norfolk, Va.
Gold last night closed 145 1-4
Associated Press Report.
From Washington.
. Washihotom, October 27. The following
physicians were to-day appointed examin
ing lurgeons of the Pension Bureau : (J. K.
Irwin, Dunkirk, 3f. Y.; Jas. T. Matthews,
Oarlmsville. 111.: J. M. Smith, Charles Citv,
Iowa:Christoiher Wheeler. Jnnesboro.Teun.,
anu uanies ttoagers, rvnoxvuie, icnu.
State of Affairs in Mississippi.
Advices frohl Mississippi, reeeiveil at. the
rreeonien s isureaa to-nav, represent an un
satisfactory state of affairs existinr in that
State iu relation to the freedmen. Many of
the eourt&stili refuse theadmiasion ol negro
evicence, notwithstanding the proclamation
of the Governor, and evince an intention to
evade m every way possible a recognition
of the rights ot tbe freedmen.
teachers lor the treeilnien sent out by
benevolent northern . societies, arc leaving
thir schools with, the withdrawal of our
troops, deeming it unsafe to entrust them
selves among a people who are professedly
their bitterest enemies.
IfEW October 27. The s
special says there is no truth in the report
hat tbe iSavy Uepartment has ordered a
large number of war ve;sels into commis
sion on account of diplomatic complica
The Cabinet.
VVasniveTOv. October 27. With the re
turn of Mr. Seward, the members of the
Cabinet are all now iu Waohmg'on, and
were m cousultaliou with the rresuleui to
General Grant.
Lieut. Gen. Grant paid an official visit to
the Navv Yard this forenoon, and was re
ceived with the usual honors. He was en
thusiastically ehee.-ed by tho assembled
It is understood that, the rresident has
directed that ail pardons under the uuinesty
proclamation, which are not called for at
the r-'partment of State, within one week
after they are ready for delivery, will be
forwarded t the Governors of the respec
Bounty to Colored Troops.
The Secretary of War has, it is said, pro
hibited the payment of bounties to such of
the colored troops as were not free on the
ISthof April, lsril, thus setting aside tne
decision of the 2d Com ptrol lor of the Trea
sury, wfcich was. based on theopinion-of the
Attorney General. The law provides that
colored troops shall be placed mi llio same
footing with white troops in regard to pay.
cloth in and subsistence, but not as to
; Norfolk,. Va, October 27.A tug ex
loded her boiler this foreuoou. She was
blown to atoms.aud all ou board were killed,
ucludiug the captain end crew and V u
iam Pulton, agent of the Boston steamers.
General News.
Nkw York, October 27. Levi Farwells,
the alleged murderer of Harriet Vilkes,
committed suicide last night by opening
vein with a piece of" pewter plate, and
was found dead in his cell this morning.
A Success.
rmi.AnEi.PHi A, October 27. The fund be
ing raised for a Soldiers Home proves thus
far a great success The Academy of Mu
sic is crowded to excess day and evening.
The receipt thus far have exceeded the.ex-
DwiHuuuB u me iiiosi. sail uiul.
The lair will be hnancialiy all mat could
be expected.
Arrangements have bo'en made by nearly
all the railwnys leading to the city to sell
tickets covering tne passage anu giving en
The Tunisian Embassy.
Winrxr.To:t, Octolier 27. The Tunisian
Pmha-su(nrq. in cotnimnv with Consul Per
ry, paid an official visit to the Secretary of
State this morning, ana leit witn mm
copy of their credentials. Jo time has been
nxed lor llicir ivriual prcseuialiuu to the
!. resident. , - , .
Duxinic the day tho distinguished strnn
gers, under the escort of Mr. Cox of the
State Department, and in open carriages,
visited various localities ol lutercst.
ex- -an
had a long interview with President John
son this morning and will now leave Wash
ingtoa direct for his home in Texas. . '
BosTo. October 27. J antes Gray, alias
John Pettingell, whose arrest in Springfield
lor .attempting to pass counlerlcil titty dol
lar greenbacks nas Deen announced, was
to-day arraigned in the United Stales Com
mtssipnei's court for examination. The
necessary witnesses not being present, the
case was postponed and the jtrisoner taken
to the Cambridge street jail, and while , the
officers were taking a description of his
person Gray suddenly bolted into tlie street
and made good ma escape. As he is well
known to Uiedetecnvos his re-arrest is prob
Nashville. October 27. In the house to
day a motion to reconsider the vote of the
expulsion of Mr.' Cameron was tabled by a
vote of thirty-six to thirty-one. This set
tles tue question filially of his re-admission,
The Mexican Loan.
"Nkw York, October 27. The first sub
scription to the Mexican Loan to-day was
made by S.T. Babbit, who showed hisap
preciation by taking .five bonds. The next
subscription wos taken by an army officer
who took Jlrl.lHio worth. ' ;IA New "Bed ford
gentleman took $2.1X111.' It is stated that
twenty-six, banks to-day applied for agencies.
The news received to-day of the scige of
Matamoras and the investment of Tamauji
pas seems to bave given a new impetus to
the movement
Trotting Race.
New Yoik. October 27 Dexter boat Gen
eral Butler inthur-two mile trot to wagons
this -afterooeii, it the Fashion Course.
Time, i-Ji aud The last is the best
time on record.
-v, -Joseplj E. Worces
ter, L. L. D, author of W.rue3ler's Diction
ary, died at his residence ii Cambridge to
day, aged eighty-one years. .:.
Snow Storm.
': A cold easterly storm Jvaila and
ia some of the interior towns is aeiompanied
w.th fluries of suow. '
From New York.
Augusta Smith off and from Boston for New
hern, was abandoned at sea on the -'1st inst.
in asiriking condition.' The erew was saved
and brought tb this port. .
Reported Loss of the North Star.
' fo-
at tlie rejiorted loss of the steamer Nort
Star. ' It appears- that she sprang aleak an
put into fSorfblk to repair: reachin? th
Njrfolk dock before taking in much water.
There was no panic or casualty on board.
Mail Robber Arrested.
- Yesterday, Mr. Gajlord, special agent of
the Post uhice Department,deteeledi!.dward
Pelousee, one of the clerks in the Brooklyn
Post Olfice, Id the act of opening a letter
and took him into custody, -A large num
ber of letters had been stolen which led to
the investigation and arrest. -
To Be Hung.
convicted of the murder of his wife last
week, was to-day sentenced to be hanged on
tue totuol December.
Alcohol Seized.
- The Government has seized a large nuan.
tity of alcohol on account ef the owners at
tempting to delraud the Custom House.
number of officials are said to be implicated
in the swindlCa
From New Orleans.
New Orleans Items.
New Orleans, October 25. Cotton is- ae
five, with sales of M;21K) bales. Middling,
o4aooc bales tor the past J days, VJivv
stock on hand, 11 i."U bales.
Mr. (juodloe, the new United States Dis
trict Attorney has arrived. . .
Vm. .Kay ley, agent of tue 1 ostoluce De
partment, is looking into mail matters
Louisiana and Texas.
Governor Wells has received a requisition
for Alfred A. Jones, the Erie Bail way de
Pierre Soule is expected from Havana in
cue course oi a week.
Mr, Fitch, mail contractor to Galveston,
will commence carrying the mails as soon
as the. papers closing the contract are re
ceived. Judge Parshal has arrived lii Te.tas fro n
. Governor VTells is actively onranizintr the
State militia. Most of theotficers appointed
were prominent in tne lonteaerate army.
oenerai runerton has requested the
police to arrest all vagrant negroes and turn
them over to the provost marshal of the
Freediuen's Bureau.
Newspaper Started.
are to
St h of September,
r.x-tiovernor Allen has started a news-
paper called tlie Mexican Times, devoted to
ustaining tne Aiaxiniuian government.
deuce was celebrated on the loth of Septem
Anniversary. Decree.
The Emperor has published a decree of
fering most liberal terms to. emigrants.
Maximilian is generally considered to be
rmly seated and developing the resources
the country to his utmost ability.
llie work ol building railwavs iu Mexico
being pushed vigorously forward.
Southern News.
Southern News. Masonic.
Charlestoh, 6. Octolwr 27. The Ma
sons of the North are about to reeire a
tlistiuguihed comtuillee from the capital of
South Carolina.
The Masonic Fraternity of Columbia have
Brothers William Gilmore Bimms
Robert Brunna, a3 coiumigsioners to
represent to their brethren in the Northern
States the distressed and prostrate condi
tion of the Masonic lodges of Columbia,
nnd ufivA. Thn wnrkinir miDlements
the order have nearly all been destroyed
the ruthless hands of war, and tne icrnges
euerollv are in a mostnelpiess conuiuon.
The Brotherhood in the Northern States, it
hoi)ed, will extend the hand of welcome
these two eminent members of the Fra
ternity. They will take their departure for
of in the steamer on
Special Dispatches.
[Special Dispatches to Western Associated Press.]
New Yubk, October 27. A circular has
been issued from the Treasury Department
authorizing permits to ship sporting guns,
pistols and ammunition South without refer
ring te the Department at Washington. .
and concluding session yesterday. The
principal business transacted was the adop
ot the Committee report, especially that
portion relating to the issue of a new aud re
vised edition of the New Testament.
Sir Morton Peto visited the meeting and
made a short address.
Tha Times specialsays : The Bankers
Brokers to-dny applied for an injunction
against the Collector, restraining him from
ollccting taxes lor stocks, c, sola on tneir
own account. This is a move in the lace ot
the decision of Judge kelson, denying the
injunction to the New Y'ork bankers. . The
motion for the injunction was denied.
The National Express Company recently
organized in .Richmond, will hold a meeting
for the election of officers next Monday.
Ex-General Joseph E. Johnson is np lor the
Presidency. Six thousand shares of the
stock has been set aside for sale in New York.
These have all been purchased and an offer
made lor z,jnu additional snares.
The Fenian Senate is now in session at the
Astor House. The members say everything
progressing finely. It is stated that a mili
tary plan by which the freedom of Ireland
Irom the vriush Government can be secureu
was submitted and discussed by the leading
representatives, but no decided action has,
as yet, been taken on it. It is further stated
that the Congress has perfected their great
scheme for tbe redemption of Ireland and
that the most perfect unanimity prevails.
MiLLEnoEvii.i.E,- Ga., October 2. Mr.
Chatham introduced a resolution to appoint
committee of -hve to memoralize the rres
ident for the release of Jefferson Davis. -
Mr. Joshua Hill moved for its indefinite
postponement, which was voted down.
The motion to lay the resolution on the
table was also negatived.
The resolution was amended so as to in
clude alt Federal prisoners, and was then
adopted bv a heavy majority.
An ordinance repealing the ordinance of
secession was adopted.
The resolution ot the secession convention,
hich were incompatible with the civil and
military laws of the United titutcs, were re
An ordinance to re-district the btate was
An election was ordered for the loth of
Governor, Congressmen and Assemblymen.
At the atteruoou session the convention re
fused to receive the State election ordinance
by a vote of 133 to b.
Coli-mbia, S. C, October 27. In the Leg
islature to-day a message was received Irom
Governor Perry transmitting the report of
Commissioners appointed by the convention
to prepare a Byste.ra of laws adapted .to the
new state ol affairs. .
The re,Krt embraces a bill regulating do-
mest.c relations of the slaves : a bin pre
liminary to legislation induced . by the
emancipation ol the slaves, and a code for
the regulation of labor and the formatian-vf
government for the colored population ' of
the btate. These were ordered to be printed
and will be considered to-morrow..
Itesolutions. were adopted appointing a
committee to collect, under oath, all the evi
dence of unwarrantable seizures of cotton
and other private property, since the war,
be laid before the President of the United
The 15th of November was fixed as the
day for electing members of Congress.
Yesterday Evening's Edition.
The Herald's "Washington special says :
The Indiun Bureau yesterday received in
telligence that tbe Legislature of Chicka
saw s had ratified the treaties lately mado
at Fort Smith, Arkansas, including the
provisions abolishing slavery,
Mexican News.
Sew York, October 26! A Washing.
ton special to the Herald savs: Senor
Romero, Mexlcatt Minister to the United
States, is in receipt of dispatches this even
ing which announce the capture of Mata
moras and the entire, occupation of the
State of Lamarelsas by the Liberal forces
under Juarez: ' There can be no doubt of
important movements having been on foot
to that end for weeks past and of their
having reached a point of reasonable suc
cess. .
The dispatches are understood to have
corroboration in otfieial dispatches received
to-day by tbe government, although the
actual occupation of Matamoras by the
Liberals has not been announced or con
firmed. Important disclosures relating to the re
cent Imperial decree establishing the Ex
press Company are likely to be made with
in a few days, that will fully show up the
animus of the late Philadelphia dispatches
declaring the Liberal cause hopeless and
Maximilian's government firmly fastened
on the people of Mexiso.
Several gentlemen are. implicated .who
have hitherto held official and confidential
relations with Mr! Lincoln's administration.-
' ' ' -' :.-' I
QThe Herald lias an interesting statement
in relation to the Jew Mexican loan for
thirty million dollars, which was placed in
this market on Monday last and also the
representation of the bonds of tlie denom
ination of hve hundred dollars. Already
the demand for these bonds is very great,
applications pouring in from banks and in
dividuals, from different parts of the coun
try, as well as in the Metropolis, accom
panied by warm expressions of sympathy
for the cause which tbe loan ia intended tl
Don Auiju'tin Deturbide, the oldest son
of the French Emperor of Mexico, is in
this city. He has been offered rank and
Emoluments by Maximilian, but has de
clined them.
TAn addition to Louis JTapoleon's naval
fleet in our harbor was made yesterday,
by the arrival of the French Government
boat Destaing, Captain Debonsauge.
Washington News.
The Trial of Davis.
AsnraGTO, wctober 26. It is now
positively knowa here that the trial of
Jen. Davis has been decided upon and the
arrangement are nearly completed. The
trial will be for the crime of treason and
will take place either in this citv or Rich.
mono ana oeiore tne t nited States Su
preme Cjurt; lbe counsel for tho iri iv urn
meut has been selected by the Attorney
General, and the friends of Mr. Davis
have selected counsel for him. Jiow that
the trial of W lrz is completed it is sup-
1.1. ! T, .... - K
poseu mat ot xiavrs will immediately follow.
Order Secretary of the Navy.
It is said that the fJeeretarv of the Jfavv
has directed that all tbe available steam
vessels of war shall immediatey be got
ready for sea. It is supposed that it is tbe
mention ot the Government to be pre
pared for any eventuality In any quarter
i ine woriu.
Court Martial.
miral Farragut as President, to convene
"Washington on the 1st of Jfovembcr,
will have before' it Lieutenant Colonel
Marston, the oldest officer, one excepted, in
the Marine corps, on the charge of using
for private purposes, and losing bounty
money deposited in his hands by new re
cruits. The court Will also try Come-eW
Craven onder the tenth section of the
third article of war, which requires an
rSlUrf SV 4 Iim Irtuurt tU VlUhlkfi SUll
capture or destroy any vessel whieh itjis
ins auiy to encounter, rte is cnargea
with neglecting this, the rebel ram, Stonev
wall having been in the harbor of Ferrol
while he was in proximity as commander
the iagara" tand the "Sacramento,''
another ship ot war being in the port at
the same time to aid him. It is said that
Stonewall sent him a challenge which
declined to
Report From Andersonville.
United States armv, who has made
several inspections of the Andersonville
rison, has made a very long and interest
report on the prison, and states that
lives lost on that one spot bv starva
tion and cruelty, outnumber tlie killed
and wounded in the British army in all
the battles of the Peninsular war, and in
the battle of New Orleans. The report
could not be received as evidence at the
Wirz trial on account of its being closed
when the Colonel reached this city.
Mr. Duncan, State Agent for Georgia,
as returned home . from New York, and
as succeeded in negotiating! a loan of one
hundred thousand dollars, for one year, at
per cent, on the laith of the frovsionial
State Govemmeut of
Ex-Gcv. Neil 8. Brown, of Tennessee,
was to- the President.
Internal Revenue Commissioners.
E. A. Rollins, of New Hamphshire, and D
Whitmore of New Jersey, were to-day
commissioned Commissioner and Assistant
Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Advices from Savannah say that "Walter
. Forward, Judge of the Supreme Court
of Florida, died iu Savannah on the 19th
Assistant Surgeon Fowler, of the 1 2th
Maine regiment, has been appointed Med
ical Director of the sub-dUtrict of Ogeeche,
Georgia, in place of Dr. Baldwin, who re
tnrned home with his regiment, the 1 73d
New lork.
The steamer Now York, which arrive d
from Panama yesterday, brought some
specimens of gold taken from the newly
discovered deposits near the line of the
Panama railroad. More discoveries are
expected to follow, and Panama and As-
pinwafl are anticipating a great rush to
tne new diggings.
There is nothing later in relation to the
revolution in Peru, or tlie Spanish de
mands on Chili, and no news of conse
quence from Central American republics,
but we nave accounts of additional insur
rectionary operations in Colombia, and
apprehensions of their attaining still great
er dimensions. . .
In consequence of the invasion of the
State of Panama from the State of Canca
the suppression of which has already been
received, Canca has recently suffered an
irruption . from tbe State of Antioquia.
This new war is looked upon by many as
merely the advance guard of others with
which the ever troubled Columbian Re
public will shartly be afflicted.
The Times' "Washington special savs :
The report of the United States Treasurer
to the secretary or tne treasury, snows
that during the past year the business of
the Treasurer has amounted to an average
of t3,OO,OO0 per day. . .. .
Declined the Appointment.
bas declined the appointment of Auditor
of the New York Custom House, and in
tends to continue in his present position
during the term of President Johnson's
administration. . .
The Broker's Tax Question.
The Commissioner of Jntarnal Revenue
has received information that the broker's
tax question was again decided against the
brokers in .Philadelphia to-day. me
matter came op before the court upon an
application for an injunction, to restrain
the United States Collectors in Philadel
phia from collecting the revenue tax
which was denied.
Wade Hampton Elected.
Charleston, S. C- October 27. Wade
Hampton is elected Governor of the State
by a large majority. .
Portlaxd: Me, October 21. Com
menced snowing here at 11:30 a. M-
Southern News.
New Orleans, October 2a.--Steamship
Alabama, first of tbe direct Liverpool
line, brought a thousand tons of merchan
dize., ibrough vessels on this line coal at
Havana ,
H. T. IlOlYER & (0.,
; 230 Superior Street,
I Are' receiving their Second Invoice o
Fall and Winter Goods,
In Endless Variety and Beaalj.
TB-y are happy in aaoriiu5 the paUle t, thvir
parcliaJt. have ' la ad "d. have
toaulietl the
I. Ue Eastern Market, so that Iheyare enabled
otter then- canton tne
Ihey keg to call theatU-ntie" of th. paUic par
' . ticnlarly o their
Cloak Department
, tl Xoveltlev ta S?b
Sof replete
fabrics, bc-jiniung "
- ' Through all grades of
Black Tricot
Moscow Heavers,
! Ciilncliilla Beavers,
To'th. more common fes of fb, I. P'
variety to suit all flieir cn-tofners. They reler lo
this Itevartmrnt wilh a j',.'pi,!1',S.IFrAlVD UT
that tlK-y hare the M ULM1.ER AMI I t - I
TEB IN t'LKVELASB; that they b
what thev Cue.l fro th. rt, to .lake their
Cloak Stock the envy of every House in tbe city.
Real Paisley, Broche & Wool Shawls
In grent variety of Style, and Color. Also, a fine
tut u
Dress Goods.
They have Sterlnos In Black, Brown rarnrt.
Drab, Parple. Blue, Green, Scarlet,
Hairenta. C rinison. Pink, Sal
mon, Maiie and White.
Id Plain Colors and PlaWs.
Real Irish Poplins, Frfnth Poplins,
and Worsted Poplins,
In Plain and Plaid, Striped add (Tic-oil.
II. T. MOWER & Co.
Als offer m-ui6cent stock of
which they merit Mia 3Ilre Antique ia Browir,
JJIuts irtH, I'll r pie, (jttrnct, L-vinler, Fink,
LfiimD Hfxl Whit.-. Kl'-iraiit Blank K
from $J,i to fU ,'. IU.h k Amitiren,
UUrk i'orilftl Drap ! I'rnncr,
i'oult tie $(, iiroa Iiiipri;il,
Gnm tie Ecw, mitt Jro
uraia. BUi k T:iift-t.
Front tlie Lowest to tlie Highest Grailrd.
ltlnvk Brx:ur.
foil artortinTit of Mourning Silk ami .iangc-
A lav, a full line of
Fancy and Ught Party Silks.
Comprises foil assortment of
Esquimcanx and Castor Beavers,
Broadcloths, Doeskins,
full UnflOf WASHiyfJTOX and MIDDLESEX,
In all cuIuts and shadr.
A targe lot of
rnion Heavers,
Cbeap C'asslmcres,
' and Satinets.
They hare a large stock ot
In White,
Yellow, Re.l, Cmy and Blu.
large lot vt a-i nod lu-i
Shaker Flannels.
White Goods.
Marseilles and Honey Comb Quilts,
Bleached and Brown Linen Damask,
Kapklns and Doylies,
Fringed and Bordered,
Buck Towels,
linen Sheetings, '
Pillow Case Sheetings,
Jaconets, Salnsooks,
Plain and Striped
. . Swiss Muslins, Ac.
i They offer a large assort ment of
Breakfast Shawls,
Cloaks, Xublas,
Hoods, Sontagrs,
Jackets, Caps,
Bootees, Vc
Also a targe lot of
They alwaya keep a Urge and wclt-assorted stock
S30 Superior Street,; cornerSeneca,
and HO Seneca.

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