LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD. VOL. XXXI —NO Ami ■sejju.its. HOUSeT VT H. C. Wyatt, Lessee and Manager. One Week—Commenting Monday, November 5, The Funniest Play on the American Stage! "I wouldn't miss it for nine dollars." The Popular Artists— HAli L E N A > I» lIAHT, Assisted by their own guaranteed company, under the management of MR. HARRY lUNE, In their new musical farce-comedy, '"——I,AVER ON »——— A superior register of noted artists, introducing sparkling operatic gems, medleys, topical songe, beautiful marches and original musical novelties. J. W. Owens Business Manager. 031 CALII ORNIA DIME MUSEUM ha or Kansas City to all points East. Bccnery by daylight a special feature; Sierra Nevada Moun tains, Balt Lake City. Black.Cafion, Marshall's Pass, Grand Cafion, Royal Gorge, etc. Call on or address J. B. QUIGLEY, agent Burlington Route, 112 North spring St., Los Angeles, nltf CARS TO Chicago. Only one change to Boston. Con ductors and porters accompany all parties. Leave Los Angeles October lltb, November Ist, 15th and 29th, December 13th and 27th. A. PHILLIPS 24tf ROBBINBT mTd., MEDICAL ELECTRI . clan, physician and surgeon, 109 W. First st. Office hours—9 to 12,1 to 5, 7to 9. Con sultstlon free. o3ltf RB. DR.-7m. SMITH (FORMERLY MRS. C.E. BOURCEY) Infirmary and Lying-in Hospital, 145 Bellevue aye. Ladi s cared for during con finement. Midwifery a specialty. 028 6m 8" sTsALISB-BY _ | M. D.. HOMCEP ATHIBT. . Office, rooms 11 and 12. Bryson block, cor. First and Spring sts. Eesidence, 538 8. Pearl •st Office hours, 10 to 12 a. sc. and 3tosp. m. Telephone Nos.: Office 697! residence 577. o24tf I~lßrc7 EDGAR S_YtbPdIBEASES~ OF WO- I mem a specialty. Dr. Smith has the exclu ve use of the Brinkerhoff painless system of V treatment for rectal diseases of L. A. city and - county. Office, cor. Spring and Second sts^Hol \ lenoeok block. ° 24tl B. WEST HUGHES, FORMER RESIDENT Surgeon to the New York Hospital. Sur \ gery (Including genito urinary diseases) and . t diseases of the nose, throat and chest. 75 N. \ Spring st. Hours, 9to 12. 2to 5. o2*tf R- eTeCcTIEK DbBSEYTM~IxTOFFICE, NO. 7% N. Main St., rooms 8 and 9. Special at tention paid to obstetrics, gynecology, diseases /of chest and throat and children's diseases I Office hours, 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to4and 7 to 9 jr. M. Telephone, No. 513. Night calls prompt y ~» 'd. o24tt 1 \ * 1.1 (ll'ATllltlTtii \ ALTflf 6^S_CER, NO \ telephone 605, o2S-tf. • MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1888.—TEN PAGES. PERSONAL* LAL-lEB— IF YOU WANT A NO. 1 NURSE, address NURSE, 150 this office. n4-3t* ffl>i A—MIDwTfE~AND NURSE; 20 YEARS' «J)IU experience Electric P. O. E^ HOLMES. MR. L. E. GASTON, FORMERLY OF THE Elite Restaurant, 13 W. First It., please call at this office. ol9tf DIVORCE AND CRIMINAL LAW A BPECI alty. Advice free. W. W. HOLCOMB, At torney, 11 Temple street. Room 10-12. 029-tf RS. PARKER, CLAIRVOYANT, CONSULT tations on business, law suits, mineral spec ulations, love, marriage, absent friends, dis eases, life-reading, etc. 28 South Spring street, Room 15. 9A. x. to 6p. M. 029-tf DAY~OR EVENING LESSONS IN~bHORT HAND and typewriting, by practical court reporter. Typewriters torrent. B. F. HANSON «fc CO., 75 North Spring-st., room 10. n3-lrn* WAN I ED-ML tLE HELP. WANTED— A BRASS BAND TEACHER AT San Fernando. Address George Buckley, Secretary. nl-lOt* WANTED-FEMALE 111 I.l*. WANTED— A GOOD COOK—SMALL FAM ily. Apply to Mrs. Wesley Clark, 1244 8. Flower sc. n4"-2t>* ANTED IMMEDIATELY — A HEALTHY respectable woman as wet nurse. Anply, J. H., box 100, this office. n4 3t* WANTED— A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOU3E work Apply at 2Ed St., back of Sisson & Crocker, on San Fernando st. n4-3t* EnPLOVNENT AIiENCY. XF YOU WANT A COOK OR SITUATIONXs a cook, free of charge, call at Cooks' Head quarters, 9 Aliso St. GEO. LACOUR. o!3 lm i^>iri«rVx^-l«o4»msi FURNISHED BOOMS—AT 127' A NEW HIGH St., Murietta block. o5 lm OR - BENT-FURNISHED ROOM IN~FrTv~- ATE family. 109 North ()live-st. n33t* OR REN I—TWO1 —TWO UNFURNISHED FRONT rooms. Apply 339 Yale St., bet. Bernard and Castelar. n4-3t* OR~RENT-NICELY FUUN ISHED ROOMS with board in a private family; charges reasonable. Apply at 932 South Hill st. ol9iro FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOR BENT—3 HOUSES OF THREE ROOMS each, from $Btosl2. 219 N. Main st. u4-3t* FOR BENT—CHEAP—A HOUSE OF TEN rooms, with closet for each. Will rent al together or in suites of three rcoms each. No. 4 Amelia st. n4-7t* OR RENT—7I2 " TEMPLE ST., " NEW 28 room house, nicely furnished; suitable for either bearding or lodging house. Terms rea sonable to right party. Enquire at 285 N. Maln-st. n3-3t* OR RENT-HOUSE OF 9 ROOMs 7 WTTH all modern improvements, on Flgueroa St., bet. Pico and Washington sts.; cars pass the door. Also a 6-roomed house on Temple st. Enquire of owner, 340 S. Main st. n2-lm* F _ OR RENT-BY LOS ANGELES RENTAL Agency, cor. Fort and First sts., 7-room cot tage, Brooklyn, near Main, furnished, $50; 5-room home, Fourth St.. tear Hope, $37 50; 5 room house, Hill, near Fifth, furnished, $50; 5-room cottage, modern conveniences, lawn, flowers, etc., Puler. near Main, $23; beautiful cottage, 5 rooms, bath, modern conveniences, lawn, fruit and flowers, $36; nice 8-room house, Adele, near Figueroa, modern con veniences, $40. About 90 other houses and stores, at reduced rent. JOHN C. FLOURNOY, Secretary. 028-tf FOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS. I~^loXiß^NT-61 : FICEd~AND ROOmI-GOOD ! location. Apply, DR. BOBBINS, cor. Spring and First sts. nl If OR RENT—LIVE KY ST AB LE NO~ STOCK or carriages. Apply at 12 and 13 Allen block, Temple and Spring-sts. n3-3t* E'OB RENT— Fort and other streets; hotels, apartments, houses, etc. A. L. TEELE, corner Second and Fort sts. n2tf LOST AND I'oUND. QTRAYbB,'FROM. i'HE UNDERSIGNED;"A £3 small bay horse, 14 hands high, branded 72, reversed, on thigh; tall in the wethers, well defined saddle marks, last heard of in Cahuen ga Pass; about 15 years old. Any information sent to Santa Monica will bo thankfully re ceived. A liberal reward will be paid for the recovery of same. E. C. PARRISH. n2-st» TO EXCHANGE. micEs of property; Lusiness buildings, houses, lots, ranchts, Eastern property, etc., etc. Big gest list In city. J. C. WILLMON, 128}£ W. First St. nl-lm OR SALE OR EXCHANGE-BEST PAYING livery, boarding, sale and feed stable in the city; small capital required; owner sick. Ad dress P. O. Box 161. nl-lm. O ings, business property and dividend pay ing stocks for Los Angeles property. Address P. O. box 97. 030 7t* DENTISTS. St., McDonald block. 015 tf DRBmXbe & cTrY6lt7 DENTISTS. OF flee, 41 S. Spring st. Gold fillings, $3 and upwards; gold and platina fillings, $1.50; amalgam fillings, $1; cement, $1. Extracting, 50c.; gas, $1 extra. Gold and porcelain crowns and bridge work, cheapest in city. Sets of teeth, $6 to $10. All work guaranteed, o 115 m ENTAL~INSTITUTE, COR. SPRING! AND Temple streets. Set teeth, $5.00; gold fill ing, $1.00; amalgam filling, 50c; extracting, 25c. One of the Board of Directors in attend ance every forenoon. A regular graduate in constant attendance. C. V. Baldwin, F. M. Palmer, J. M. White, R. R. Bourne, A, B. Bird E. L. Townsend, Board of Directors. oct2l tf 1882—■STABUSBBD—1882. DR. L. W. WELLS, DENTIST, ROOMS NOS. 6 and 7, No. 23 8. Spring st. Gold filling, $2 and up; gold and platina alloy, $1.50: com- Kositlon, $1; filling root, $3; set teeth on rub er, $10; ou silver, $25; on aluminum, $30. My new improved aluminum plate will cure all diseases ofthe mouth caused by rubber. Set of gold, $50 and up. Gold crown, $10. Filling teeth and gold work a specialty. Teeth ex tracted, 50c.; without pain,sl. Nt 10m T~DAMB BROS., DENTISTS, 28 8. SPRING A. street, Rooms 4 and 5, Gold fillings from $2 up. Amalgam and silver fillings, $1. Painless extraction-of teeth by vitalized air or nitrons oxide gas, $1. Teeth extracted without gas or air, SOcents. Best sets of teeth from $6 to $10. By our new method of making teeth, a misfit is impossible. All work guaranteed. We make a specialty of extracting teeth with out pain. _ Office Hours from Ba. m., to sp. m. Sundays from 10 A. M. to 12 m. Night calls answered office 08-tf AkciiTilEt! rsu CHAS. W. DAVI3, ARCHITECT, 44U 8. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. o22ti WR. NOBTON, ARCHITECT, 30 N. SPBING . tt. _ ol2tJ_ COBTERIBAN A FORSYTH, ARCHITECTS, rooms 21 and 22, 23 8. Spilng it., Lob An geles. Ql2tf PETERS & BURNS, ARCHITECTS, ROOMS 5 and 6, Howe's block, 128 W. First st. Su pervising architects, National Soldiers' Home. ofatj HOMEOPATHISTS. MRS. H. TYLER WILCOX, M. D.-221 8. Spring st o 12-tf EA. CIXrKE, M~. D., OFFICE 21 8. FORT . St. Hours Ito4p. m. Telephone 353. Rf siaenoe. 134 S. Hill St. oll_ TSAAC FELLOWS, M. D. —HOMEOP ATHIST X Office Hours—ll to 12 A. v., 2to 5 r. M., Office—Nos. 2 and 5 Odd Fellows' Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Residence 408 South Main street. 09-tf. attorneys! chase & irorrestelc examiners of Titles and Abstractors, Room 35 and 36, • Phillips' block. No. 1. n5-tf ALTER ROSE, ATTORNEY AND COUN sellor at Law, room 0 Allen block, corner J Spring and Temple sts. 014 tf i I'OR SALE. FOR SALE-uNE MARBLE TOP SET, (LAH OLINE Btove, Carpets, etc. Inquire 6 center-st. u2-7t* \TE~W AND SECOND-HAND GOODS BOUGHT 11 and sold by WM. P. MARTIN £ BROS,, 31!) S. Spilng st. 030 1m r,foT SALE-FINE ~HORSeT HARN|EBB~AN D t wagon for family use. Cor. Hoff and Hayes sts., East Los Angeles. n3 3t* FOR SALE—A WELL STOCKED SALOON, low rent, in good location, very cheap. In quire at Fhlladelpnia Brewery. nl-tf ROB" SALE-3 YEARS'' LIf?ABE AND FUR -12 uitnre of 15 roomed hotel; central location and popular. A. J. VIKLE, Room 1, Wilson Building, cor. Spring and First sts. n3-3t O bTaLB—PIANO 3~ MA G NIFI OK NT STEIN - way and upright: must, be sold; noreason aole offer refused, 941 S. Grand aye , near Tenth st. 023 lm > FOB SALE—City Property. TjIOR SALE—INSTALLMENT PLAN-A NEW Jj I room cottage, plastered, large lot, on 4 vearh'time. R. N WALTERS, at Moffit House, H5 Davis' st. n4-7t* I [KIR SALE-$25 CASH AND $10 PER MONTH ' buys a lot on horse car line; 30 minutes from center of city; prices $290 to $500; pure water free; cheaper than rent. A. L. TEELE, agent, Second and Fort sts. n2t[ IjlOR~ SALE—SI ~COMFORTABLE'neW ! cottage, nicely finished; near cars', on large lot covered with handsome walnut trees; one of best locations In city; $250 cash, balance $25 monthly, with interest. BYRAM & POIN DEXTEK, 19 W. First St. olti lm UOR SALE—ONhToF THE MOST CONVENI- C ent 8-room houses you ever saw; the r< oms are all large; 4 grates in tho house; plenty of closets; good bath-room; good story-and-a naif barn, and all new. you will say it is well worth rue money we ask, if you see it. MILLER & HERRIOTT, 34 N. Spring st. n5 tf E~ 10R A~ GREAT - SACRIP K'E— (i-room cottage, good barn and wagon shed, on Laurel St., bet. Grand aye. and Hope. Any one wishing for a desirable hbmc at lar below Its actual value will do well to call and examine this property at 222 Laurel st, Must be sold, owuer about to leave tho city. Apply to A. J. BRADTSH, 133, W. First Bt , room 3. nl-3t* FOR SAIiE— Country Property. F~~OR~ SALE— IN MONROVIA, Pasadena and on Vermont aye,, south. For particulars opply to L. F, QUIMBY, P. O. box 1017. s2O-3m*_ JIOR SALE-til) ACRES GOOD ALFALFA land, with abundant water supply. Only $125.00 per acre. Also. 80 acres improved alfalfa land, at $150 00 per acre. All near the city. BRYAM & POINDEXTER, 19 West First-st. 024-1 m FOR SALE —$5,000, 33., ACRES FINEST alfalfa and fruit land; near R. E. station and close to good school and church; fine flow ing artesian well; $1 000 cash balance $1,000 per annum and interest. BYRAM & POIN DEXTER, ID W. First st. old lm OR~SALE—S^IALL FARMS, 5,10, 2oTaCRES to suit, 1 mile from R. R. station and near Ingle wood: finest run land, and will raise any.crop without irrigation; $200 per" acre; small cash payment and long time on balances to parties who will improve. BYRAM & POINDEXTER, 19 W. First St. old lm lit SI NESS CHANCES c7sTEv^iT&cl)Tio'^^^ . Business chances of all kinds. Fruit and grocery centre of city, fine busi ness, lew rent; must sell Ft once, for best rea sons. Fo ty roomed lodging house to exchange for real estate; must sell at once. n4 tf * BTEVENS & CO. FINANCIAL. • ■" M' ONEY T6' LOAN-APPLY' fo" ROotToS, Temple Block. j4 M" ONEyTo SCHMIDT, 1 ARCA dIa st. Ql3-lm ASTERN MONEY TO LOAN—SEE LENDER at 7 S.Fort-st. 028-lm* OSEY T ) LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT. F. C. ANDERBON, 28 N. Spring. n2tf REASON ABLE RATE ON improved property. L. A. FINANCIAL AGENCY. 1 N. Fort St. o3ltf ONEY TO LOAN ON BEST SECURITY. IN sums over $1,000. ROBERT HARDIE, 81 and 83 Temple block. o26tf ffiKTiiTAAATb LOAN—"A, J. VIELE, 3bOUU,UUU room 1, new Wilson Build ing, First and Spring. n3-lm ONEY TO SUMS TO SUIT, ON first-class improved ci y property, at cur rent rates. FOMEROY & GATES, 16 Court st. 017 lm (CRAWFORD