OCR Interpretation

The herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1893-1900, October 08, 1893, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042461/1893-10-08/ed-1/seq-5/

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fhe Preparations for Its Open
[ ing on Tuesday.
hme Noted Specialists Who Will
Read or Make Addresses.
[The fteoord or the Kvents Which Have
I Caused the Congrats —What Has
Been Done of I.ate—A Lively
Heeling; Kxpected.
About the moat important gathering
ever held in tbe history of this section
will convene in this city on Tuesday
morning at 10 o 'clock for a session last
ing five days.
It is tbe International Irrigation con
gress, tbe preparations for which have
been in progress lor several months
y Tbe influence oi the gathering will
■not only be felt in the great arid regions
of the United States, but in tbe
droughty east and in many foreign
countries as well.
In view ol the near approach of the
congress, it would be well to trace briefly
the incidents which led to the selection
of L»a Angeles lor tbe present congress.
About one year ago Mr.W. K. Smythe,
editor of the Irrigation Age, visited this
city after having been in the northern
part of the state. While there he vis
ited Mr. Wright of Modesta, the origin
ator of the Wright irrigation system
and law. Mr. Smythe talked with Mr.
Wright about bis system, and also ex
amined the irrigation works in the
Shortly after his arrival in this city
Mr. Smythe was interviewed by a Heb
ald representative, and in the course oi
an extended talk he advanced the prop
osition of holding the congress in Los
Mr. Smythe soon afterwards left the
city to further study the irrigation sys
tems of this section and the territories,
stating, however, that he, as secretary
of the national executive committee of
the congress, would present the claims
of Los Angeles before the committee.
The chamber of commerce of this city
became interested in the matter and
also helped to arouse interest therein.
At a meeting of the national commit
tee, held in Salt Lake City several
months ago, Los Angeles was selected as
,he place for holding the present con
trees. The claims of several other places
were also ably presented, but Mr. W. K.
Imythe proved himself master of the
litnation, and to his effort! was due tbe
ireeent selection by tbe committee.
On August 9th ex-Governor Thomas
if Utah, chairman of the national exeo
itive committe, issued a call setting
orth the objects of the congress.
At the meeting of the trans-Missis
lippl congress, recently held in Ogden,
resolutions were passed requesting the
president to issue a call to the foreign
tations. As a result Secretary of State
jrresham caused tbe outside counties to
>c notified by means of a circular sent
,o this country's diplomatic represent
atives abroad. Many of these countries
will send delegates.
When it was known tbat the congress
was to be held here the people at this
snd of the line at once went to work to
boom tbe meeting. A special publica
tion committee was appointed conaiat
ng of Fred L. A Hob, chairman; C. D.
Willard, secretary, and Messrs. George
Rice, I. H. Le Veen, B. £. Archer,
Harry Brook, A. Phillips and T. B.
y All data relating te irrigation was
■gathered and together with the purpose
land objects of the congress was pre
sented in attractive style and sent to
■very paper published in any section
that was interested or slightly identified
with irrigation enterprise.
Tbe matter cent forth by the commit
tee was almost all published and the
holding of the congress became univer
sally known. In addition to supplying
the ontside papers with stuff a Utile
pamphlet entitled Irrigation in Southern
California was also issued and has been
widely distributed.
Although the day for the congress iB
almost here it ia impossible to form any
positive eatimate of how many delegates
there will be in attendance.
The territories and states lying witbin
tbe arid section will send delegates, as
will even the several east of the Missis
sippi river. Among those from tbe far
east are several from Tennessee and one
from Delaware. A letter has also been
received from a man in Connecticut, an
nouncing his intention of attending the
congress. Ohio and Kansas will be rep
resented, as will Illinois, tbe governor
of the latter state having recently ap
pointed four representatives.
Several foreign countries will send
delegates, while a large number of other
nations has not been beard from aa yet.
Of the nations that have appointed rep
resentatives are France, Russia, Austria,
Mexico, Equador and several of the
British provinces, including, probably,
Australia. The United States govern
ment will be represented by F. 11.
Newell, ef the interior department, who
i will contribute a paper. R. H. Hinton,
1 tor years in the United States geological
department and also governmental irri
gation agent, will be in attendance.
Tbe programme aa planned thus far
contains 13 papers, to be presented by
Borne of the prominent delegates at the
congress. The programme, however, ia
eubjeet to change, and is as follows:
F, H. Newell, department of interior
—Irrigation Investigations by the Inte
rior Department.
Klwood Mead, Wyoming—lnterstate
Division of Waters or A Land Systen for
the Arid Region.
C O. Wright, Modeito, Cal.—lrriga
tion Legislation.
Count Constantin Comodzinsky— Irri
gation in Russia.
Dr. Joseph Jarvis, Riverside, Cal.—
Irrigation as Applied to Horticulture.
C. W. Cross, San Francisco—Ethical
and Social Effects of Irrigation.
Gr W ry . Garden City, Kan.—
Tbe Significance of Irrigation with Rea
ped to the Great Plain Region of the
United States.
Win. E. Smythe of Utah (secretary
national executive committee)— What
Shall be Done with the People's Heri
J. K. Doolittle, Phoenix, Ariz.—The
Common Law of Water in Arid America.
G. P. Weeka, Bakerafleld, Cal.—Col
onizing Irrigation Lands.
C. R. Rockwood—Conservatism in tbe
Development of Irrigation Enterprises.
8. M. Woodbridge—Relation of Irri
gation to Fertilization.
Major J. W. Powell, United States
geological survey—The Government's
Irrigation Work.
The congress will hold its sessions in
the Grand opera house. The foreign
representative will be seated in the
boxes wbieh will be appropriately dec
orated with the flags of their respective
nations. On Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock Governor Markham will deliver
an address of welcome, after which the
congress will be called to order ard or
ganic. Hon. John I', Irian will deliver
the opening address on Tuesday even
During tbe entire sessions of the con
gress a daily journal containing a ver
batim report cf the various papers of
the previous day will be published. At
the conelusioti of the congress a pam
phlet containing all of the papers pre
sented before the congress will be issued
and distributed to thedelegates.
The outside towns have also expressed
a desire to entertain the congress. A
delegation from Santa Ana waa in the
city yesterday and requested that tbe
various delegates viait their city and
examine their irrigation system. Riv
erside and other places have evinced a
similar desire.
Many excursions to various sur
rounding places will alao be made, but
aa tbe entire time ef the delegates will
be occupied by tbe sessions of the con
gress this week, the trips will probably
be postponed until the first part of next
Among the excursions that will be
made are tbe kite track, M. T. Lowe,
Port Los Angeles and Solders' home,
Santa Ana, Cbatsworth Park and San
Pedro via the Terminal ronte. Tbe prin
cipal object in visiting this last place ia
to ccc the enormous artesian well at
Bixby and owned by Gen. Bouton.
A reception committee, consisting of
Messrs. Eugene Germaine, T. L. Duque,
E. F. C. Klokke, L. Loeb and W. B.
Cline, haa been selected.
The following have also been appoint
ed as assistants to the main committee:
D. Freeman, John E. Plater, S. H.
Mott, F. W. Braun. H. W. Whitmarah,
J. M. C. Marble, W. T. Maurice, Wm.
G. Kerckhoff, Judge R. M. Widney,
Marcus S. Tyler, E. N. McDonald, M. A.
Newmark, S. W. Luitweiler, Joseph
Maier, W. L. Hobbs, T. D. Stimson, I.
W. Hellman, J. M. Eliiott. John M.
Bicknell, J. G, Frankenfield, A. Ham
burger, Abraham Haas, L. N. Breed, W.
G. Cochran, Joseph Meemer, F. E. Fay,
Andrew Mullen, M. S. Severance, R. H.
Howell, George Bonebrake, E. J. Curson,
J. F. Sartori, C. Ducommun, William
Mann, A. W. Davie, William L. Bell,
General Jobneon. R. A. Demena, Cap
tain Ainaworth, E. P. Clark, John J.
Akin, Frank W. King, Kaßpare Cohn, L.
W. Blinn, O. Bamesberger, F. D. Decker,
Fred L. Baker, N. W. Stowell, A. Jacoby,
H. F. Hartzell. T. B. Burnett, Frank
Sabichi, Gregorlo del Amo, H. Jevne.
The members of the reception com
mittee and aa many of the assistants aa
can attend are aaked to meet at the
chamber of commerce tomorrow morn
ing at 9 o'clock.
Baron Atzil of Hungary ia at the Hol
Ex-Oongreeeman W. A. Piper of San
Franciaco is in the city.
Capt. A. B. Lawson will return from
San Francisco tomorrow.
City Clerk Luckenback ia abaent from
hia dutiea at the city hall on account of
Don Antonio F. Coronal and Sefiora
Coronel have returned from a viait to
the world's fair.
Mr. Kalleiman, the contractor for a
number of oil wells at Newhall, was in
the city yesterday.
Mr. J. E. Clarke, one of Pasadena'a
pioneer journaliata, started for San Fran
cisco last night on a business trip.
Mr. F. A. Bradahaw haa returned to
Lob Angeles, after spending a delightful
summer at Boston and the Atlantic sea
side resorts.
Bud Clark, the popular Wells-Fargo
messenger, left on Thursday for a visit
to the world's fair and his old home at
Le Mars, lowa.
District Attorney Dillon will go to San
Francisco thia week to attend the meet
ing of the Maaonic grand lodge. He will
be absent about 10 days.
Moye G. Norton leaves for San Fran
cisco today on bis way eaat. Upon hia
return in a few months Mr. Norton will
resume his law practice.
C. Comadzinaky, the representative
engineer of the Russian government to
the world's fair, who haa been touring
Southern California, is again in the city,
accompanied by his wife. There are at
the Hollenbeck.
Sam Prager, G. S. B. of the Grand
lodge af F. and A. Maeona of California,
leavee today for San Francisco to attend
tbe annua) convocation, and will be
home again by next Sunday and attend
to business again.
Rev. J. McCarthy, formerly assistant
rector of the Church of Our Lady of An
geles, returned yeaterday from a trip to
New York and Chicago. He leaves
next week for Riverside, where he haa
been appointed rector of the Catholic
That old and well known citizen, Mr.
Conrad Jacoby, who established the first
German newspaper here in Los Angeles,
haa again entered the journalistic arena,
and taken charge oi the editorial depart
ment of Der Sued Californier, which
paper will undoubtedly greatly improve
under hia skillful management.
Mrs. L. E. Garden-Macleod, of tbe
Los Angeles Sohool of Art and Design,
returned yesterday from a three weeks'
visit to Cbicago. She epoke most en
thusiastically of the world's fair in gen
eral and the art department in particu
lar, which she declared was very fine.
Mrs. Macleod spent the most of her
stay in Chicago in the company of art
iata. She stopped at Salt Lake and San
Francisco while en route home.
A Salvationist and A. Wagner Have a
Mr. John Clarkaon, of the Salvation
Army, had a brief but fively time with
A. Wagner last night, which reaulted in
the detention of both at the city jail
until both deposited $10 for their ap
pearance in the police court Monday.
The army waa kneeling in prayer on
Spring atreet when Wagner came along
in a busgy with his wife.
Wagner drove through the kneeling
soldiers, considerably disturbing them
in their devotions. Clarkaon forgot his
amen and, jumping up, seized the horse
by tbe bridle and attempted to stop the
animal, upon which Wagner struck the
Salvationist over the head with his whip.
Both were arrested.
At a meeting of the board of supervis
ors yesterday a petition was presented
by L. H. Moyet and others for assistance
in building a road from Fairmount to
Caeiac canon. It was taken under ad
visement by the board.
A Review of the Past Week
The Element of Despondency Con
spicuous by Its Absence.
The Situation In the Bast—People
Still Hoarding; Their Money.
Mortages — Real Un
In business circles during tbe past
week there has been almost an entire
absence of that element of despondency
that characterized tho earlier days of
the late financial panic. Affairs on the
coast have taken a brighter turn. A
leading San Francisco financier who haa
large interests here, writes most en
couragingly of the improved state of
things in the northern part of the state,
and predictaan early return to a condi
tion where banking and commerce will
again be conducted on terms of mutual
The lateat bulletin of affaire in tbe
eaat aa furnished by Dun's Review
nnder date of September 30, does not
speak of the situation there in sacb a
hopeful way, although tbe tone is by
far lees alarmist than that of the same
circular a month ago. It says:
A complete statement of failures for
the quarter which close tonight is not
possible, but the nnmber thus far re
ported is about 4000, and tbe rggregate
of liabilities about $150,000,000, greatly
surpassing the record of any previous
quarter. For the peat week the failures
have been 329 in the United States
against 177 last year, and in Canada 34
against 31 last year.
"Hope deferred, explains the past
week in part, and it is doubtless true
that many indulged unreasonable hopes,
but business has not entirely answered
expectations. A feeling of disappoint
ment is commonly ascribed to delay of
action on the silver bill in the eenate. It
ia alao true that many works which have
resumed operations do not find orders
as large or tbe demand from consumers
as vigorouß as they anticipated, and
with some it ia a question whether they
will not cloae again. While money on
call haa been abundant and cheap, and
about $4,000,000 clearing houae certi
ficates have been retired, there is per
ceptible greater caution in making com
mercial loans here and at some western
Wheat receipts decrease again, and
fall far behind last year's, bnt stocks in
sight are too heavy, and tbe price for
December fell nearly one cent. Corn
continues to come forward freely, and
crop reports are not more unfavorable,
but the price fell off one and three
eighth centa. Changea in pork products
are obviously due rather to manipula
tion than to any change in the outlook.
Cotton declined about tbree-aixteentha
with no great change in the movement
or in crop prospects, and with increas
ing work by the mills in this country.
Wben stocks are unusually large, their
very weight at timea over-balances all
other considerations.
The cotton manufacture is gaining
more than any other, and there is a
stronger market for print clothe and
printe, while some reduction has helped
to stimulate trade in other goods. The
enormous (increase in production for tbe
paat two months begins to be felt, and
sales are larger, though much below the
usual quantity. Trade in woolen dreas
goods is better, and there is a little more
demand for men'a woolens, though not
enough to beep employed the increased
number of mills now running. Clothiers
are cutting up more goods, it is said,
but the change ia not greater than prepa
rations of samples for another season
might cause, and there are noticed at
tempts to clear off old atocks by open
ing retail stores and selliDg at manufac
turer's prices. Sales of wool last week
were 4,629,450 pounds against (1,448,600
last year, and for four weeks 14,473,275
pounds against 31,080,000 last year, but
it ia believed that many purchases here
and at the eaat are for investment rather
than for manufacture.
While 78 manufacturing concerns are
reported as starting wholly or in part,
against 20 closing or reducing force,
more than a third of the increaee haa
been in cotton mills and another third
in machine shops, nail mills, manufac
tures of stoves and hardware, tools and
cars, while in the iron manufacture
proper only 7 concerns have started
against 3 that have stopped, and the
outlook dues not seem brighter. Chi
cago ia adding to her marvellous build
ings, and in structural and some other
forma the demand at the weat ia clearly
increaaed. But the cloaing oi the larg
est iron mine in the country, the Nor
rie, whicb ordinarily produces a million
tone yearly, indlcatea the limited char
acter of the business. At the eaat the
demand for products is painfully inade
quate, even for the scanty force now at
work, and the lowest prices on record
attract littie business.
Clearing bouse exchanges indicate a
little gain in the volume of business,
being for the week 19 6 per cent below
those of the same week last year. In
foreign trade, exports again exceed last
year's, and for the month about 24.6 per
cent, while imports show a decrease for
the montb of abiut 30 per cent. Yet
fereign exchange has risen so far that
exports of gold to Germany might be
made with little loss, and it is believed
that calls for repayment of gold obtained
on loans from Europe in July and
August affect the rate more than current
business. Though a return of part of
tbe gold has been expected, and the
banks have on hand more than they
need, the treasury stock is so low that a
renewed outflow would be regarded with
some apprehenaion. The return of
money from tbe interior continues large,
and plainly reflects leas activity than
ueual at thia Beaaon in domestic trade
and industry.
Considerable complaint is made by
tbe principal local brokers of the difli
culty experienced in placing loans and
P nwrl
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes— 40 Years the Standard.
selling investment securities in quarters
wbete it is well known that the ability
exists to make purchases. "It is not,"
said one, "as if the money were not
here. There is plenty of it, bnt people
are still keeping it locked up in safe de
posit vaults rather than buy the best
class of securities at the prices for
which they can now be purchased. In
a few months these people will be run
ning after tbe same securities and pay
ing a big premium for them."
The San Franciaco savings banks have
practically ceased for the present to
make loans, especially for largo amounts,
and their example has been followed by
the same institutions here. They are
all accumulating funds to meet the
heavy withdrawals for which notices
were given during the Fcare. It is not
expected that tbe money will, in even
the majority of cases, be drawn when
tbe six months' notices expire. But,all
the same, the aavings banks have to be
ready to meet the call if made, and thus
an immenee amount of coin ia, for the
time, locked up, drawing no interest.
Many depoaitors expect to use their
money in loaning it at higher rates, bnt
they may be diaappointed, for the reason
that aa water will find its level so tbe
abundant supply of money when it
comes will bring tbe rates of interest
The laying of the new street railroad
track on Main street and the substitu
tion of 40 pound rails for the former
light track is one of the most substantial
evidences of a desire to improve the con
dition of things on thia important
thoroughfare. Let the good work go on
and an electric eystem be put in opera
tion. Then, with a well paved street
of bituminous rock there will begin an
era of prosperity and bnaineaa concerns
and pretty residences may flourish.
Building operations are going on in
every direction and it is a remarkable
fact that the panic has had co little
effect, all things considered, upon thia
class of improvement.
There is considerable inquire for city
property and some safes of an encour
aging kind have been reported, though
none of any larse amount have gone on
record. The sale of a lot on east Bide of
Broadway, between Third and Fourth,
at $500 a front foot, iB tbe most note
worthy incident of late. A number of
transactions in Broadway property are
likely to take place, as offers have been
made that come very near to
holders' pricea. Next in prospec
tive activity among the impor
tant thoroughfares is Seventh
street, which is the chief cross thorough
fare with direct outlet eaat and west.
Being 80 feet wide and traversed by the
cable railway it will doubtless hold its
prominence ac a desirable atreet for in
The cry for more houses etill goes up,
and there would apparently be no more
profitable undertaking for a capitalist
tban the erection of cottages or flats for
occupation by people of moderate means.
His Mether-in-Law's Plaint Sustained In
Attorney M. V. Biscailuz, who was ar
rested Monday Inst for disturbing the
peace, appeared injustice Austin's court
yesterday for trial.
Three months ago the attorney and
bis wife separated, on account, aa Mrs.
Biscailuz alleges, of her husband's cru
Mrs. Riecailuz and her son went to the
reeidenoe of tbe former's mother, where
thsy have since been living.
Since then Mrs. Lszzarovitch, the
mother-in-law, alleges that Biscailuz has
constantly annoyed her daughter by
threatening to kill them unless his wife
returned to him.
Last Monday Mrs. Biscailuz'a mother,
Mrs. Lszzarovitch, alleges that the at
torney came to her house at 8 o'clock in
the evening and endeavored to gain ad
mittance. He declared he wanted hia
piano and his child. He was not allowed
to enter, and after trying to break the
door down, he called the complaining
witness vile names, and threatened to
fetch a rifle.
Police Officer Carsey was called in and
the attorney removed.
Biscailuz defended himself yesterday
by declaring he called at tbe house
merely for the purpose of seeing his
child. He denied making any kind of
a disturbance, or using profane lan
Justice Austin did not place much re
liance upon the above statement, and
found tbe attorney guilty.
He was ordered to appear for sentence
on Monday afternoon.
The case was appealed.
Bon't Miss tbe Opportauitf of Tour
Mr. H. C. Weiner, the popular and
well-known proprietor of the Globe
Clothing company on Spring street,
near Third, has decided to retire from
business, and consequently has decided
to dispose of hia immense stock of
clothing at unprecedented rates—far be
low cost—which consists of the finest
liße of ready made men's and boy's
clothing ever exhibited m Los Angeles.
By inspecting the elegant line of goods
now being displayed at the Globe cloth
ing house, the bargains here lay all
other eompetitora in the shade, as you
will readily perceive by visiting this re
liable house before purchasing else
The Tarnverein Shooting Section to
Compote for Prizes.
The shooting section of the Turners
will hold a grand prize-Bbooting con
test at tbe East Side target grounds to
day. There are some valuable prizes to
be given away, and no one should miss
this, as the boys are all in good trim
and will do their best to give the public
satisfaction. Shooting starts at 9 a.m.
and lasts all day, so you can come and
have a gay old time. All are cordially
_ EASTON, GEO. T7. FRINH, Geo. Easton,
0) President. c Vice President. Secretary.
ill V* to _ „ -it Treasurer.
Selected from this Magnificent Tract.
Every subdivision commands a fine view of the city. Elegant drainage.
Good water supply; and in the vicinity are some of the most elegant homes
in Los Angeles. Temple Street Cable Cars direct to the property. The
proposed extension of the Electric Road to be built along Bellevue avenue
in the immediate future, connecting at Main street, directly through the
Come One! Come All!! Ladies Especially Invited.
Terms of sale: One-fourth cash; balance in one aud two years; interest
at 8 per cent. Title perfect; certificate of title with each purchase.
Easton, Eldridge & Co., Auctioneers,
J. L. BALLARD, Manager. 121 South Broadway.
For want of a nail the shoe was lost; for wan 1 ; of sine Hi? horns wll lot; for wantof a hir-"* the rider wn lost For
w«nt of a little foresight and self-denial a bmlnesi ed joatio-j was li«t; fo- want of a g>od business edu jjtlon a good
situation and success in life was l ist; for want of succjss thj rniia wen; down to ruin and perdition.
114 8. Main St., SAVS3 young people—saves thera from fallurs. X!) OSJ whs h\s coraileted ac > lrss at ttil< can possibly
fall, for he has a t orough mattery of everything p irlamln< to busln is*, an.t n kslrableel suoh a *pi rlt of pr iruo less, hrtiiisiy, enorff,
ambition and STRICT ATi'K ,Tl>)N D BOSINKj i. tint sue jxs in«u v ilitujii; it *,n abio'ute cerulaty. Let all iatetestel in a
Business ColU-gj course oo oe aud ss« u<, or addrvis' ihe !olle«-n at 111 s HUn st. fo; fo'l pirtlc liars.
N. £.-Oar Shortiind and Typewriting De artmeat is an eit oord narysuccess.
Farniture, Carpets, <k
Wednesday, Oct, 11, 1893,
Comprising 4 Oak t.'heval Bui's, 1 handsome
Walnut marble-top Suit, with lsrge pmte mir
ror, exceptionally fine Hair and Clipper Mat
tresses, including all the Bedding and Linsn,
1 Bed-lounge Sola, 1 fancy Mahogany Case
Upright Piano (Shaw & Co., mil'ers). Piano
Lamp and Music Cas;, I U" rlgm Folding Fed,
Chelfoulor, Book Cases, Sideboard, Hsilßai k.
Sewing Machine, Rattan aod Willow chairs
and Rockers, Center Tab.'es, Toilet Sets, Cook
ing and Hea ins Stoves, with Cooking Uten
His, Dishes, Crystal and S.lverware, Refrigera
tor, Extension Table and Dloing Chairs, etc.;
also 150 yards Body Brus els and Tapestry
Carpets, aso Stair and Hall Carp ts. Kale pos
itive and without reserve. Ladies especially
lnvittd to attend.
MATLOCK & REED, Auctioneers.
Special AdmiDistrator'sSale
Saturday, Oct 7, 10 A.M.,
At the corral of Chin. Mlnihardt, Los
Angeles St., near cor. of First St., by
oid-r of Jo.*iies Caxtruelo, administra
tor of tbe estate of a. Ulnocutilo, de
4 Head weU-brokeii Work and Road
1 Bay Mare, 5 Years old.
Sorrel Man?, 4 Years old.
Gr*y Horse, 6 Years, weighs 1400.
Gray Mare, weighs 12S0 pound.
The above are flrst-c'asß animals, sound and
in line condition. B. W. NOYns,
10 4 4. Auctioneer.
232 W. FIRST ST.
Has just received first shipment of
WooUii", which were bought direcs
front the mills at greatly reduced
prices. •
Fine English Diagonal, Pique and
Beaver Suits Made to Order at a
Great Reduction. Also One of ths
Finest Selections of Trouserings
and Overcoatings.
Best of Wo'knunshiD and Perfect
Fit Guaranteed or No Sale
BMjjpKWWsKaWldentlfV yo,ir«*lfwith biiftlnp*ft curd.
fIMW(JJ»BBBHP*en<I pliiln JH-,lf'a<]<lr4-fiec<l fttainurd ci-
IHfjg^^Q^'WssW-vfrlan<* for valuable Informnfion r-t
-wßlKlflDF " n ln '* ,(>c - STRAIGHT U<*Ol>«.
sssMKiß 1 1 f orrt'»non<len<>c t'onflrti'iitlal.
XaLflVlddKM B, 11 ox E, CUKAIiU, ILL*
Fine Liquors,
Bass Ale, Guinness' Stout, Cordials, Cognac & Fine Wines.
I make a specialty of pure liquors especially for family
and medicinal use. Wholesale distributor of the following
liquors, sold at the lowest market quotations:
Duffy's Halt Whiskey, Val Blatz Milwaukee Beer,
Mellwood Whiskey, Bass & Cn.'s Pale Ale,
Old Taylor Whiskey, Guinness' Stout,
Londonderry Lithia Water, Delbeck, Pomniery,
Buffalo Lithia Water, Munini, Clicquot,
Whit« Rock Waukesha Water, Monopoly and
Apollinaris Water, Perrier Jonet Clianipaguei,
French and Italian Vermouth, Canadian Club Whiskey.
Pure California Wine* put up in cas?s ready for shirking to all parts of the
east—a suitable present to send to your friends. Visitors cordially invited to call
and inspect the vintages.
Liquor Dealers and Druggists will find it to their interest to obtaiu my quota
tions before making purchases.
Special attention paid to the Hotel and Res taurant trade in pure California
Clarets, Zinfandel, Sauterne; R csling, etc.
Just received ex ship City of Glasgow, via DOO casus Duffy's Malt Whiskey.
San Diego, from London. 125 cases Hat,s & Co.'s 75 cases Joimnn HofTs Malt
Pa.c Ale, pints aud quarts, and Guinness' Dub- 50 cases Londonderry Liihia Wattf.
iin stOUt. 4<>esses Bufl'alo Lithia Water.
Xx ship Orion, via Now Orleans 35 crises as- 1!5 owes B. Hurt's S interne,
sorted Cordials from E. Cusenler His aine ,fc Oie, ifO casts t crnod Absinthe.
France, confuting ol Anisette, (Tenie de Men- SO t aa»s Bstbesda—hali gallons, pots and
the, Curacao, Creme de Kokos, Creme de Moka. ,f.:srts.
Mariscliino, Chartreussc, Benedictine, etc. 100 i.bls Val Blatz Mi: waukee Beet. '
Also 34 c.sesc. A w. Stewart's Scotch Whis- iiO cases Jackson's Napa Soda, yinta and
key, liom Aberdeen, Scotland. quarts.
Free delivery to all parts of the city. I will deliver to any part of Southern
California one gallon of H. J. W. pure Bourbon or Rye Whiskey, suitable for
family use, securely packed, including demijohn, for $4. Address all orders to
124 & 126 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal
TELEPHONE 4-4. 8.16-3ra
Saturday, Oct. 7, 1893, at 1 o'clock at the Olive Street
Stables, 628 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Tha stock consists ol about 20 hesd, anion; th?m the liyoa'-oid staSHoi by Alciz ir, 2'2OW;
two yearlings by lUdnndo, 2: .11; lour held o< geidlngs and fl'l'oi by Tr s'.age, son of Ouw.ird,
also marcs and gclcjiags aired by »ons ot Slam bonl, 2:O7J a and M inibriuo B'isssK 20JB).
Among the lot is a very fast PaCBU, that oaa'i bj beat in tv s country for a road Mr and
can show a 2:20 gait.
E. W. NOYES, Auctioneer. E. R. SMITH, Manager. .
10-1- 7t

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