VOL. XLITL NO. 3, To ride around this town at night Is chilling enough for mej Our Overcoats are "out of sight," They're worth your while to see. Ever thoughtful of your comfort, we have this season the best assortment of Men's and Boys' OVERCOATS you ever saw. We have all colors, all grades, all the newest styles to please all the people. Have you seen the Poole Overcoats ? They are very swell. We've got 'em. We boast of the finish, appearance and durability of our MEN'S OVERCOATS AT $10 AND $12. Mullen, Bluett i Co. 101 NORTH SPRING STREET. 201-203-205-207 &. 2Q9 W. FIRST ST. MAIN, BETWEEN FIRST AND BECOND STIiBETS. i' FAREWELL ii MATINEE PERFORMANCES OF • THIS ! TODAY ! "JOMO," A. W. HULMB, EVENING- ! '. .« „r.„ i "DERENDA." J : AT 2 P.M. : And the Marvolous : AT 8. i I : BRAATZ BROS. : : EaShbS ™ E BIQ Wfl Apfi ALL STARS. V&S&a BHOW PMMBtiM SANKEY BROS. " "„ Dm week Easteruand BESSIE PHILLIPS. THg BRST European SPARROW & SPARROW. IN TOWN «~»r-r - Novelties GEO. CATLIN. IN 10WN. OCT. 15. wm V A °» ADDIS SISTERS. j Ma «n«"i wi eoS TROXELL & ORO. : Matinees : No Opposition "ARTISTO." j Saturday and Sunday : The Imperial PROF. J. L. KLEIN'S THEATER :: Is a Necessity. UNIVERSUM. PRICES: . flnMTaTfl. SADI alfarabi, "ahrno," covne bros., LOMIW i s,sters " sanson ''" ™ 250.; Children, 10c. UUIfAAII U ■ RYAN AND SYLYO. Box Office Now Open. Open Air Concert Every Evening. A NEW DEPARTURE! Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Us For (pjjf 9M Treatment of Rupture Until Mr » Mgj Cure Ia Effected. V* r\ DR.C. EDGAR SMITH & CO. £ji'f -"ftfiSr? Jt SPECIA USTS||»M Positively cure In from 30 to 60 days all kinds ol W i^lff^ -);RUPTURE{(- V^#fV VAKC °e^ L ' ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN SKILLFULLY TREATED «■>» P- MAIN MT.. COR. SEVKN'T I. '[.OS ANOKi.Ka o*l, TEE HOLLENBECK I Best Appointed Hotel in ißl^^^^^ American and European Plans, g»^^p^",'"'];t> A. C. BILICKE & CO, 10-7 Om PROPRIETORS. -*^*>»». ML LIEBIG & Co.'SrtSsDipßißY A^ HOTEL, -*- Bear Valley Summer Resort, San Bernardino Co., Cal RATES SlO PER WEEK. •.«»-,T h t fine / , , t trnut aahlne in the stats. A fine trail has Just bean co-npletod from the hotel to B»ar Creek, the p.radi.e for iroat Ushers. Kieva.ion tiTOO feet Boat. saddli u"Xf? S £ arr< "' i? r ht % "i be hote , l V , r «' lson »'"e rates. Coach leave, New St. Charles $£&■ ,17 a B »f'"- rl l"- 0 ' TH»»days»nd Fridays at 5 a.m. Fare «» for tho round trio. Tickets lor i ale at Santa Fe ticket offloes, Los Angslos aud San Beruaidino. For full particulars address ga HT, Jr., Proix, Pine Lake. Cal. ; Bnrn9 > FOR MAN Bruises," MUSTANG LINIMENT i Rheiimatism, AND BEAST. Stiff Joints. , { The Herald LOS ANGELES, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 14, 1894. CALIFORNIA CAMPAIGNERS Major Patron Holds Forth at Salinas. He Arouses Anti-Railroad Sentiment. An Enthusiastic Democratic Rally at Ontario. OoTwoor Markham Blakea a, Stamp Speech to Sacramento—Badd at San Jo.c— White at Santa Barbara. By tho Associated Press. Salinas. Oct. 13.—Monterey county's capital did honor this evening to the next representative in oongress from the Sixth district, and it was done in royal manner. George S. Patton had been advertised to speak here, nnd for come days the Democrats had been pre paring for the meeting. Large delega tions came from Burronnding towns to attend the meeting. From Castroville a crowd came from overland, bringing with them a band of mnßic. Gonzales, Soledad and King City were also libor ally represented. Central hall waa crowded long before tbe hour named for the opening of the meeting. After the usual preliminaries, in the way of an anvil eaiute, band parade, etc., Judge J. X, Alexander called the gathering to order and introduced Mr. Patton. Aa he stepped to tbe front of tbe stage he was greeted with round after round of applause. Tbe welcome was so cordial that it had a noticeable effect on tbe speaker, who made the best speech he has yet delivered in the campaign. His arraignment of the peo ple wbo are managing the Republican party of California this year, waß about as stinging aa anything that has been said or written in this campaign. He claimed that the Republican organiza tion was under the sole control of the Southern Pacific company, which cor poration, with C. P. Huntington at ita head, waa seeking to divide the people and obscure the real issue of the day, which was tbe defeat of the Reilly fund ing bill, tbe foreclosure of the mort gages on the Pacific railroads and gov ernment ownership, control and opera tion of the came. He went on to tell how the railroads killed competition or any attempt at it. His remarks were received with great Hence oTthelr own. A short competing road from Monterey to Fresno bad been surveyed and the roadbed built for a number of miles. Tbe company bad made arrangements to secure money on bonda to finish the conatruction. Tbe Southern Pacific company sent agents to New York and informed the purchasers of bonds ol the new road that if they did buy, it would be a perilous investment of capital, aa the Southern Pacific terri tory would be invaded. Patton referred to this in hia Bpoech, laying particular etresa upon the word "our," and wanted to know upon what just basis tbe Southern Pacific, company could refer to the state as "our territory." The result of the Southern Pao'fio officials' interference has been tbat the bonds of the company were refused and work on tho rood haa been stopped. Thia road waa intended to relieve the San Joaquin valley and give it an outlet to the ocean for ite product, independent of the Southern Pacific. Thia act of the Southern Pa cific, coming ea it doee juat at this time, has aroußed the people of Monterey county, regardless of politics, and ex plains the reason why Patton has re ceived such an enthusiastic welcome wherever be has spoken in this section. MARKHAM ON THE STUMP. Tha Governor Tries to Belittle Badd'a Promised Reform. Sacramento, Oct. 13. — Governor Mark ham laat night addressed a large and enthusiastic meeting in this city in refutation of the charge made by James H. Budd, Democratic nominee for gov ernor, that the preaont administration haa been extravagant in handling tbe money of the state. The governor said ho haa been told that Budd ia promising a great reduction in the expenditures of the state, but be has fatled to hear of a single item in which Budd would advo cate a change. The governor said there is no mystery about tbe expenditures of the administration, and tbat the items are open to inspection to all. He would gladly furnish tbem to Budd at any time. Budd should be candid and point out whoroin the extravagance could be curtailed. Governor Markham then mentioned the a various sums which, according to law, must be allotted to tbe various state institutions, and Baid that iv some of the older states little is paid for their insane, orphans, deaf, dumb and blind, agriculture, normal schools and univer sities. California, he eaid, is immense, and the state institutions are located at a great distance from one another, and if some of them could be consolidated tbe expense wonid be greatly lessened. When ths governor concluded bo was cheered by the audience. A RALLY AT ONTARIO. Alford aud Mesarve Stir Up Itach "Eo thnslasm. O.STA mo, Oct. 13,—[Spocial.]—An en thusiastic Democratic meeting was held here tonight in United Workman hall. The iiret speaker was Harry Willis of the Paris club, San Bernardino. He epoke at length, eulogizing Colonel Paris aa tbe pride of the Han Bernardino Democracy. Chairman Breckinridge introduced Frank P. Meserve, candidate for assem bly, as a man who had studied business all bio life, and promised that ho would, if elected, carry business methods into the assembly. The chairman introduced William II Alford, candidate for congress, ks a man wUg had already made a record in tho legislature. Mr. Alford is a compara tively young man, of fine presence, and hie effort showed that be is a born orator. His speech was clear-cut and his argument logical. He began his re marks by saying tbe Democrats were expecting euscesa at tbe election. Po litical unrest bad caused the voters to look into tbe issues more tban usual. The high tariff policy wbb ruinons and always a failure and free commerce with the world was advan tageous to the producer, manufacturer and consumer, lie made a statistical argument, comparing the McKinley bill with the Wilson bill, showing the su periority of the latter. Democratic legislation was for the massoß, not the classes. He hoped for a result that would be beat for tbe many, not the few. He cloned by asking bis hearers to vote for the constitutional amend ment exempting non-bearing trees from taxation, of which he was Ihe author. Alford and Moserve made many friends by their Btraigbtforward manner and evident freedom from bosa domination. SACRAMENTO POPULISTS. Candidate Cornell ltfouopollzea Candi date Conor's Time. Bacramento, Oct. 13. —Tbe Populists held a meeting here tonight, at wbich there were about 300 voters and a large number of women present. Tbe speak ers were Burdette Cornell, candidate for congress, and T. V. Cator. For the size of the meeting it waa a very enthusiastic one. Cornell consumed most of the time of the meeting in explaining how the contraction of the currency caused the dark times, and how the Populists pro posed to have the government issue plenty of paper money, so tbat times would be easy again. Cator did not get a chance to speak until after 10 o'clock, and by that time the audience had tired and begun to tbin out. He was well received and spoke on national topics. BERKELEY STUDENTS. The Recants Forbid Them to Entertain James H. Bndd. Oakland. Oal., Oot. 13.—Some days ago tbe Democratic students at Berke ley started a movement to invite James H. Budd, Democratic candidate for gov ernor, to visit the university and ad dress them, and a reception committee was appointed. Several of the mem bers of the committee were Repub licans. They objected and appealed to the regents, who bave issued an order prohibiting the reception. Tbe recep tion was projected becauae Budd ia a graduate of the onivereity. BUDD AT SAN JOSE. Barney Morphy'e Townsman Ball tb* Next Governor. San Jose, Oct. 13.—James H. Budd, the Democratic nominee for the gover ■ iii lata, o at'tan a. graat recention to night at the Auditorium. Hon. B. D, Murphy introduced the man from Stockton in a very enthusiastic speech and was applauded to the echo by tbe 2000 people present. Budd's introduction was the signal for renewed appplause, and his remarks seemed to make a good impression on his hearers. White at Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, Oot. 13. — Hon. Stephen M. White arrived bere this evening and held forth at the opera house with an hour's discussion of tbe issues of tbe campaign. The meeting was well attended. KKLIANGK AND UNIVERSITY, Tbe Football Seasou Opened on the I'aolflo Coast. San Francisco, Oct. 13.—The football season opened hare today with a game between the University of California and tbe Reliance Athletic club. The game resulted in a tie—l 2to 12—and was intensely exciting throughout. The Reliance team is composed of some ol the best plajore on the coast and out weighed tho University boys by an av erage of six pounds. The University team showed more cleveruees through out, and particularly in open and team work. Walton of the Reliance made a beautiful run oi 90 feet and scored a touchdown. He was one of Stanford's star playors last year. The lin-.t half ended with tho score 6 to 4 in favor of the Reliance. The second half was a fierce and desperate struggle, the wind favored the university and a touch down and goal put them in the lead. Uni versity made two more and then Ra-. liance got down to business. The coast team played to the winds and buckad against the Berkeley line with sheer strength and weight. The university lads fought like demons but their center was not strong enough and they were forced to fall back foot by foot. When the bail had arrived within a few feet of the goal the University boys made a last desperate rally. Three times tho Reliance heavyweights hurled them selves against the line without avail, but after a further attempt, the ball was pushed over the lino for a touch down and Wbitsbouse kicked a goal, tying tbe score. Train Wreckers Ari-ested. Battle Cheek, Mich., Oct. 13.—Per sons suspected of wrecking the Grand Trunk train here on the morning of July 16th, killine Fireman Crow and injuring about 20 persons, have been nt last arrested. Stanley Knowles, John Bodwig, George W. Johnson and K. M. Jewett are in confinement. Knowles wbb employed on the road as part of the plan for the capture. Fi nally detectives arrested him nnd got a confession that tbe crime was com-* mitted while tbe men were desperate over the strike. Joe I'atohen's Failure. Sioux City, la,, Oct. 13.—This wbb tbe last day of the interstate fair meet ing. The track was fast aud the weath er warm. Joe Patchen made two at tempts to lower his record of 2:04, but failed. On tbo first mile the pacing was very poor, lie wont three-quarters in fast time, but on tho homo-stretch slackened his speed and finished in 2:05'.j. Patchen broke on the last qnariiir of tbe second mile, but went under the wire in 2:08 fiat. Wben other remedies have failed to cure tbat tired ieeting of yours, when you are dull uad full nf lassitude and have no appetite try Kamame bitters 50 cents a bottle at all drug stores. GERMANY STANDS ALOOF. She Has No FiDger in the Corean Pie. Her Interests Do Not Justify Interference. Intervention by the Powers Now Out of the Question. China and Japan Moat Fight tt Oat. Banta Mailing; Troop* on the Chinese Border—The End Mot Tat. By tbe Anoclated Prais. Beblin. Oot. 12.—The Cologne Ga zette today publishea the following dis patch from Berlin: "It ie confirmed from every source that Germany haa deolined to take par in a joint European intervention be tween China and Japan at the preaen juncture, and thia subject, accordingly, la removed from tbe diplomatic pro gramme of the powera." Tbe correspondent of the Aaaoclated Freaa bas Bounded a distinguished of ficial npon the aubjeol and haa also made other inquiries in other in linen tin quartera, with tbe result that he haa found it to be the general opinion tha Japan, in the event of being victorious will not make exorbitant demands npon China, but will restrict herself to insist ing npon the Independence of Corea while asking for protectorate rigbta for hereelf, as well as a big war indemnity. It iB probable that Japan may demanc the oeaaion of the Island of Formosa. Russia's intentions. Significant, aa indicating the Inten tions ol Russia, is the statement of the Berliner Tageblatt's correapondeat at St. Petersburg, that the Russian troope in the towns, villages and passes of the Chinese frontier have been greatly rein forced, and tbat large quantities of pro visions and war material are constantly arriving at those places as well aB large detachments of Cossack artillery and etrong dotacbinenta of infantry, bring ing with tbem the component parte ol very spacious barracks with portable beating and baking stoves. In a word everything, apparently, is being pre pared for n forward movement, if snch a step ia decided to be necessary. GERMANY STANDS ALOOF. Tbo rfaothrtrtfHsohe correspondent publishesa- Bt- ;n i-ollici «1 communication pointing out that Germany, on no ac count, will take part in any intervention in favor of either'belligerent interests. The Cologne Gazette confirms the statement that Russia and France are working hand in hand in thiß matter and repeats the asaertion that they are also averse to interference in the war. It ia added that aa Australia is in a sim ilar manner acting with Germany, and as it ie claimed that the United Statea from the first has not concealed her sympathy with Japan, Italy ia tho only power likely to comply with the pro posal of the earl of Kimberly for an in ternational intervention. The National Zeitung and the other German newapapera point ont that Ger man interests in tbe war are not identi cal with tbat of England and Russia. RUSSIAN TROOPS IN READINESS. St. Petersiiuro, Oct. 13.—The mili tary officials of tbe Amoor province, Russian Manchuria, which province ad joins Eastern Chinese Manohuria, being separated therefrom by the Amoor river, have, it is believed, received orders to hold all tbe troops in the province in readiness, in view of the complications in Cbina rendering Russian interven tion necessary. Private dispatches have been received here stating that several tribes in Afghanistan aud Turkiatan have ap pealed to Russia to make them Russian eubjecta. TWO PARTIES IN PEKIN. New York, Oot. 14. —A apeoial dis patch from Shanghai says: It now transpires that the viceroys of Hu Kwang and Yunan have been ordered to Pekiu, in consequence not of the op erations of tbe Japanese, but of French movements in tbe south. The imperial palace in Pekin is divided by two fac tious, one for peace and the other for war. The war party consists of the emperor, the imperial tutor, Ung Tung 11 o and Olohopu, director oi the board of war. On the aide of peace are the emprese dowager, Prince Rung and Li. Hung Chang. England's attitude. London, Oct. 13.—The British govern ment, the Associated Presa learna, will shortly publish a statement in regard to its attitude toward the war between China and Japan. A BOARD OF ARBITRATORS. Paris, Oct. 13.—The Journal says it learns that a conference of representa tives of the powers will be held in Pekin with a view to appointing a board ol arbitrators to settle the war between China add Japan. NOT SUING FOR TEACE. London, Oct. 13 —Sir Halliday Mc- Cartney, counsellor of the Chinese lega tion in this city, declares the report tbat China was suing for peace is nntrue. No Tlielnc Next Tear. CnicAoo, Oct. 13.—At a meeting of the board of directors of the Washington Park club, held this evening, tbe follow ing resolution was adopted: ■ Beaolved, That the Washington Park club give no racing meeting in the year 1895. Order your suit early. H. A. Qetz is crowded for fine tailoring at moderate prices. 112 A est Third street. Hollenbeck Hotel Ca:6, 214 Second street. Oysters 50c a dozen, any scyle. Wonderful appetizer; builds up a run down constitution. Kamame bitters. SIXTEEN PAGES. A PROFITABLE INDUSTRY. nit Haul. Hid. by Train Bobbin-The Quantlco Hold-Up. New Yokk, Oct. 13.—Tbe train held up last night on tbe Richmond, Fred ericksburg and Potomac railroad reached the Pennsylvania depot, Jersey City, at 8 this morning, with a badly shattered express ear. Adams Express company's messengers reported all the safes had been rifled. It is supposed the bandits obtained between $150,000 and $200,000. The heavy oak doors of the express car had been splintered by dynamite. In addition marks of revolver bullets were visible, every pane of glass in the win dows of tbe car had been shattered by the explosion and fragments of glass were still scattered over the floor of the car. The officials of the Adams Express company in charge of the car at tbe depot, claimed only the pouches and eafes bad been ransacked. a passenger's story. Many* of tbe passengers who witnessed the ho!d-np left the train at Washington and Philadelphia, a few of them com pleting the journey to New York. The trainmen were, as usual, reticent about discussing tbe affair, but Col. J. M. Bchackford, a newspaperman wbo hap pened to be on the train at tbe time, discussed the incident freely and gave a graphic account of the manner in which tbe robbers secured their plunder and made their escape. Mr. Schackford was formerly an editor of the Newark Jour nal, lie is now connected with the Times-Enterprise of Thomasville, Ua. He told tbe following story: "About seven or eight miles the other side of Quantico etation tbe train came to a sudden stop. Quantico is located on the Potomac .river, on the Virginia side. When the train stopped tbe con ductor, M. A. Bridsong, was thus ad dressed by one of tbe masked men, evi dently the captain of tbe gang: " 'Throw up your hands or we will blow your brains out.' "From the manner in which they ar ranged tbe signals for stopping the train, as well aa tbe manner in which they afterwards made their escape, it was evident that several of the gang were experienced railroad men. That they were desperate was more than evident, and the conductor and fireman lost no time in obeying their instructions and wisely complied. There wore at leaßt six or seven maßked men, and I could plainly distinguish tbem all in the clear moonlight of tho early evening. In fact, so near did they come to me that in spite of their masks I am almost sure that I could recognize aome of them if I could ace them again from certain little peculiarities of dross or speeob. When tbe alarmed passengers orowded out of tbe cars to see what was the matter, the robbers fired a perfect fusillade of shots to intimidate them as well aa to frighten the railroad men. "Tbe robbers rifled the express car fn short order. Some of the desperadoes even went so far aa to converse in a clever, daring fashion with passengers and trainmen. This made us all the more indignant, but we could do nothing to help ourselves. All tbe passengers were cool and collected after the first flush of the excitement was over. "I wae told that tbey overlooked one pouch in the car in their hurry. Ido not know how much they got away with, but some of the trainmen thought it must amount to at Isast $150,000 or probably $200,000. "The express messengers did the best they could to prevent tbe robbers from getting into the car, but the dynamite and the revolvers of the gang were enough to make any man weaken. They threatened to kill tbe messengers on tbe apot if tbey refused to open the safe. Tbe messenger refused to yield to their demands until the captain of the gang said: 'I'll give you just 30 seconds to get to work.' Then tbe man gave in." TIIE AMOUNT OP THE BOOTY. The Adams Express company ts not informed as to the amount of money secured by the robbors. Mr. L. 0. Weir, president of tbe Adame Express com pany, Baid to an Associated Press re porter today that as the way biils were destroyed tbey could not judge as yet tbe amount of money lost. It wbb probable that all the packages received at points south of tbe robbery were gone, and it will take some time ascer tain the loss. Detectives will be sent from New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, to gain clews. Express Meßaenger B. F. Crutchiield, who came to the general office bere this morning, left with the detectives from New York. It is the belief of Mr. Weir that he has gone south with tbe detectives to help them in their woik. SEVEN* MEN IN THE GANG. Washington, Oct. 13.—Seven men composed the gang that held up the nortb-bound express train on the Rich mond, Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad at Qnantico last night. Their demand for the waybill when the ex press messenger declared one safe was empty, and the caution they gave the fireman about disconnecting the air brake tubes when be uncoupled tbe en gine on their demand, shows that come members of tbe gang have been ruilroad hands. Resides, after the engine was uncoupled, it was boardod by the rob bers and run by them to a point near Wide Water station, a abort distance from the scene of the bold up, where they abandoned and cent it ahead run ning wild. > Express Messenger Crutchfield thinkß tbe booty Eecured wkb (100,600 or more. THK MESSENGER'S 6TOBY. He gave this account of the robbery: "But one robber eutered the car. Ho waa heavily buiit and dressed like a farmer, although he eeemed to timr ougbly understand the express business. He had a red handkerchief over the lower part of hia face. When the train was stopped, I opened tbe door of my car. A robber fired at me. I lired back and closed the door. Ho called, 'Open.' I did not do it. 'Open that door, or I'll blow tbe whole car to pieces with dyna* mite!' tie yelled. Then he threw a stick of dynamite. It struck the door and shattered the casing. The force knocked me off my fret. I then opened the door. One robber came in and made me opea the sale. He took every thing. There was one packaye which [Continued on Ninth rage.] PRICE FIVE CENTS. REED'S RANDOM REMAKRS Tho Maine Autocrat on the Stump. He Tarns Himself Loose ia New York. An Immense Audience Listen! to His Sophistries. Chairman Wilson and Other Demoorat lo Leader* Aaialled With Shaft* of Baroaam Peculiar to tha Down Blast Czars By the Annotated Press. New York, Oct. 13.—Barely ever hu there been a ratification meeting of ouch magnitude in New York aa that which asaembled in Cooper Union thia evening to hear the epeech of ex-Speaker Thomas B. Beed. The demonstration waa under the auapicea of the Republican organization of tbe city and connty of New York. Every corridor and aiele of tbe hall was crowded by 7:30 and tha equare in front of Cooper Union waa filled with people who were treated to campaign speeches by local orators. The "czar" waa in magnificent voice, and hia address waa received with tha wildest enthusiasm. Mr. Reed said: I confess to a sense of unwillingness to come before tbia great audience bere tonight. Tbat unwillingness doea not arise from any lack of interest in the cause w inch concerns as all, lor I never fell a deeper interest than now, nor doea it ariee from any doubt of eucceaa, for that eeema to be assured. It ia becauea the presentation of any argument by any speaker seems almost entirely un necessary. Tbe case haa been argued and is arguing itself ao thoroughly in the course of events now taking place, and which have taken place, that the eloquence of an orator, if I bad, it would surely seem to fall far short of that con viction which has already taken possei* aion of the public mind. Mr. Evarta, in one of those brilliant sayings which have ao often lighted up a life of dignity and honor, declaroa that the wisdom of mankind after COUO yeara haa diacovered no better method of ad miniatering juatioe than to Bet up two men on opposite sidea, each charged with the duty of exaggerating the mer its of his aide and perhapa abusing the other. Hardly any better method haa ever been discovered for governing the world than by political parties, who set up political speakers to chant the merits of their own and denounce tbe vices of their enemies. The position, therefore, of a political speaker in ordinary times seems to be simple and easy. Oa the other aide today the task atill appears as easy as of yore. All they bave to do is to forgot that they are in power, that they have themselves the responsibility, and then go at ua in the old-fashioned way, charging all disaster to the past and promising everything for the future. Even the senior senator Irom New York, who baa been out oi the party for aome months, signalizes his return by joining in the old chorus, just as if he had lost a step in the procession. Our task oa thia aide was never more difficult. I have been in the habit for aome yeara of speaking of the Democratic party in terms which seemed to be juat, but what members of it have not found entirely satisfactory, and yet I never dreamed of uaing worda about tbe party or ita chiefs which have been shouted in speechea by great Democrats from Maine to Texae and italicised in much letter writing by every exalted public func tionary. I should never have dreamed of charg ing tbo senate of tbe United States, though of another political party, with perfidy and dishonor, and yet that ia only a portion of the epithets which were chosen by tbe chief magistrate of their own selection. When I saw tha senator from Maryland in the senate chamber, with uplifted right hand, suc cessfully call witness after witness to prove that their party chief had be guiled them in tbe passage of the very bill he so bitterly denounced, I thought how far ebort in tbe last, campaign 1 had fallen of describing the actions liable to result from the supremacy of the party to which I was opposed. I have, there fore, no epithet to bestow tonight. My weapons have been taken from me an« my occupation as a political speaker fo' thin campaign seems to bo gone. Yet in some ways, I do not regret it If we can no longer talk politics, we cat perhaps do better. Surely there waa never a finer opportunity for a little business sense; for a little of that whole some wisdom which we put into tha vi) ur« of ordinary life. Let us then commence with a frank: admission that the action of the Demo cratic party and its complete failure in the art of governing this country was perfectly natural, and that as individu als the Democrats are not responsible therefor. Nor can we say tbat we were prophetic whose predictions were being fulfilled, for I am persuaded tbat no man on our side dared to foreshadow one half of what haa happened, most of ua not a tithe. Naturally enough if we, who were their enemies did not pro phesy thia measure of calamity, the or dinary Democratic voter could not have dreamed of it, and therefore did not have it in hia heart. It ia becauae I am aure of from out ward vißible signs, not alone from the elections of Vermont and Maine, that men are laying aside their partisanship and are willing to do their share toward saving the country, and 1 am willing to lay aside mine and discuss on reason able terms what best to do here and now for the oommon interest. Whenever the principals in Mr. Kt arts' lawsuit lay aside theirgrudges, the lawyers can lay down their weapons. So when in politics a great mistake has been made, so great that all men can see it, partisanship can be laid aside and the situation be stated without exagger ation of the merits of yonr own Ride or abase of tbe other. Juf conrse man never can be perfectly fair this tide the river of death, for professions aud lile associations can never be entirtlf