OCR Interpretation

Abbeville press. [volume] (Abbeville, S.C.) 1860-1869, October 30, 1868, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042527/1868-10-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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f7Ffie Abbeville Press.
. - -* - - ? ~
.Abbeville*, S. CJ.
w. a. i.kk. Ki?rron.
TKRMS?Three L)ollnr? n y?.nr in nitvittice .
N<? Subscriptivu.) t for a nlioi'lu !
liuio tiinu nix motillis.
irr=^- ? ; * |
Friday, Octoter 30,1868
^Register and Vote! Register and Vote!'
_J^o cannoi too earnestly urge upon J
our fellow-bitizonB tho necessity oi1
Tegiatering, anxl voting at tho coming
'election. It is a duty \\hicli wo owe!
to ourselves, and to tho great pari}- !
which is now battling fojr tho lights
which we hold moaC dear'. It matters'
*iot whothcr wy elect our President? j
whether or not wo carry the Stato for]
f?e^tnt>ur'and Blair?let us poll our,
wholo strength, add tho canvass will
not he barren of results. * Tho success!
of tho Democracy ifc not yet hopeless l
?tho prospect ol carrying our own j
43tate ift even moro cheot'ing?but;
whether we achieve tho 0110 or'the!
othor, by rallying new with a com-j
raon impulse to the BtVpport of a com-,
,naon cause, we will not merely signalize
our dovoliop .to lite great principled
lor whioli v^o aid contending,
i>ut organize th# most eft'ectivo means
of securing tbeir ItiUtr'o trium'ph.?
jTUe Democratic party has been ilefo::*ed
in son^or.df tho $Lalen, and may
Fail to a^ciiietfo a victor)* in November;
.hut deje.it 'is cot overthrow. The
party remains intact in its organizalion,
and unshorn of its strength.
Ten thousand votes of a Kadica! majority
in Pennsylvania, fifteen thou.
.nand in Ohio, and uvo thousand in |
Ipdiana, may not Ijo overcome in Xo (
vopiber> but what are thcso to the,
several hundred tbou?a:id voters who,
ibrm the Deruocratio phalanx in those'
Slates, and who but wait Ifco ce^sa- (
tion of temporary causca?tho orrbil
tend feilirjis of tl.o | apt) ni.d the
vaguo apprehensions of tho future?,
, to over com o tbo small opposing forcc,,
and achieve un ending triumph. Lei j
us keep up our Jtamocratic organizations
intact, and prove thoir efficient y i
by a thorough registration, anti over- J
whelming voio. .Lot tlio Democratic j
organizaUxfc.13 see to it that every white
man bo solicited and urged to Vole
And id there a white man in tho l)is- ;
tricl wii i will noe 1 un/ aolioi at on to
tlo hin duty in tins particular '( We;
think not. We feel assuved that he
will esteem it?noL only a duty butaj
privilege to deeiaro his adhoronco to J
those great principles wh'c'i underjie,
his right#, as a rr)un and H citizen, by .
voting-for tho nominees df J.ho" great |
party w hiph -maintains them.
The first great duty of t!\o cit'zon !
is to register?-without tlii^'he is prac-.j
tically disfranchised. JiCt him i-e^is-j
tor in the prccinct witliih which he.
resides. If ho has beforo registered j
elsewhere,-let him-- rogihler again iu
his owri prccinct. If he has not reg->
istereU; loL hiui uow rogittlcr. Lot all
v'cmcmbcr that registration must pre J
fcedo voting, and that lo onablo one'
to voto at any precinct, his namo muti;
appear upon the list of registered j
yo'.ois of that precinct. J'Yiday arid !
Saturday, are iho b?,ly remaining
flfiuil. 1 iOt. tin i>na ii/i fl. i'i U!j .I..).. "I
-TJ" . ... r-? UW UUkj . j
' Tbcro is now no polilics.1 disability, j
fiy\A alfexcept those excluded by nonugo,
and non residor.C3, arc entitled toj
vy'.e. No disability existn under the;
Reconstruction AelB, b->causo these j
havo pushed away. No disability ex !
iHts aft to voting, under the fourteenth !
Amendment of the CoiiBlitution, be-i
cause tliis applies only, to holdingI
bflice. No disability exists Under the!
Now Constitution, for this provjdos,|
tfiat ".Every.ma4? citizen of the IJiii-l
tbd'Slaf&H, of the age of twoaiy-ono'
^ears, and upwards^ w'.thoqt di^tinc-l
ti'6'n of rice, color, or former co'ndi- |
lion, tth& was a resident of 'this State,'
at thrf4'tlrno of tlio adoption of thq I
Constitution, viz: April Jhh, lf>thri
and" ICthj A. 1)." ISfiS, mid has boob a
. * resident of. tbe ; c&unty in Wlrich hpj
. otfujraXo vdto, sixty days, next proco'
Uing-tb? eloction.",
1 Major D. T. Coibin, Chairman of
the Board of Commissioners oi' ElocJ
lions for Charleston county, has fur-I
uioheij the following circular to ' themanagers
at' the' ilifforeht procinqth
As elsewhere stated, no othor oath is
rfequfred than simply to swoar to the
truth of Lbo answer, and only then if
the managers chooso 10 require its .
To the Managert of Election in C'futrfeg
' (Qri Vaunt y, SouIh Garoliwi: !
The following qiredtions should *be
iiskifd of voters, applicants for regis j
tration : V. j * * j
1 1. Are yon a citizen of the United j
mate#, ana twenty-ono years old '( |
2.ijavo-you resided In the.'State'
sincc tbo adoption oI the constiUi-r'
lion ? - - *
3. Have you rebidcd in the oou?Uyl
sixty daye ?'' ' ' ' ' *' . j\\ |
' 4. Do yon rcsido in thi* precinct 2 '
If the applicant for 'registration an*
swcrs t!ie?e finr qubaUons in the ate
fnative, and the rchnagcra buliove hnn,
lie should be allowed td register.
1 By ordcfof t'he Board of Commit*
.(doners of Elections for Charleston
County. t
* D. T. CO It BIN, Chairman]
As wo eoininonM'd, so wo (*onolu{lc
J&egifltor and vote! ro?jiator ai:d vote !
l i ' j
i '
8?v?" At u mooting of theHtato Con- j
tral Democratic Club in Columbia 011 j
the l;?ll? jnsl,, tho folljwing resolutions
wero adopted:
Hcsofrctl. That * each Jocul ~club
throughout the ify,ato bo roijncnted to
hold weekly meetings tintil alter the
election, to diVitlo tho neighborhood* |
into Bjcli jns, and appoint special com j
mitteeu to can van every section tboi j
unfitly ; also to appoint r? special com j
mi'.leo to attend each election pre- !
cinct, to watch the polls to prevent
frauds, who shall mako wiitten re-'
pt>rta to their l>isttiet Central Cluba, j
tho day alter the election, thenumberl
of votes polled, and as far an can be j
ascertained, tho number of Democrat j
ic, Jiauiciti itnil Uoub'.lul votes polled]
at each precinct. " r'!'7'1t
licsolcsd. That tho ocal clubs arc'
recommended to hr.v?? lertitfealo^
printed, unti that. tl?o ap: ciul commit- j
teCH ut the polls friyn unci is.iuo t-aid '
col ligates to all colored men whoj
vote the democratic ticket, who do-!
siic'fcuCh certificates. . <
Jiexolced. That the District Central;
Clubs bo requested to held c^mrmoot-j
ingr, at their rcNpei-tiyo Court Houses, i
on the day at\or tho election, to receive
tho reports oV tho special committees
on election, and send up a
condensed report of ih<o ttatne to the j
Stato Central (Jlulr, with lull iirforma-l
tion txn to anv fraud* \v!ii<di nmv luiuoi
luson poi potraW'd at, the polls.
Ifrxolt"!, That tlio' tncc*in<$ 0? |
ihin (Jlub shall ho held oil (.I'd Mlh tiny
oi .November next, at 7 o'clock. P. I
M." |
?> |
at 1/njiE.?Tho Hon. John <>itiiu*yl
A< Inn is has hoen addroHsinjr Iris fol-1
low-oilizons ol' Alsi^.icl.usclt's since'
hi* return homo, rtnd a strong
plea in behalf of South (Ijirolinn and
tho South, hot'oro <bo l<:tv ol* jnihli'-1
opinion fit tlje North. Standing onoc'
more upon his native soil, ho is more'
ont'vpotion in his n Her:'wo* than1
When with us. and denouneofi in no'
measured terms t lint Radical policy;
which still subjects oijrht millions of'
freemen to I ho rule of the bayonet.
The ignorant and degraded l?ltic*T< has
boon ma?lc a ruling power in (he Stale, j
"Parpet-bairgers'' ami "sealla ways'" |
have heen inducted into office, and1
bogus governments have been set up,
and kept in pla'*e by Northern hayo-.
nets. Kor the kindimss. the warmth
and Jtlie consideration which In* re-,
eeived at the South, the speaker ex-.
pvesse^ his grateful acknowledgments,
and he believed that. sueh was the:
general sentiment at the South to.
their fellow-citizens oi' the .North, j
who would meet them on a common,
platform of kindness, good fellowship;
and brotherly love.
Skai. &, Sn;.vs ('aiuuaoe Shop.?j
By reference to the advertisement of
those genlleinen, it will lie seen thal(
they are rising again, like the pha-nix !
I'mm its ashes. iuul with invincible!
energy commencing the work of reconstruction.
AVe do not know any-!
where more worthy and reliuhle men,'
it.r who heller merit the sympathy or.
def*ij-ve the putronago of the public..
With new toojd, and ivilh renewed j
energy, they ttiv going, .(o work, syjd
let us lend them a helping hand.,
Debtors will pay them up promptly in (
this llie day of their necessity; and;
all who can sympathize with the J
aUlictcd, will come to their rescue.,
They will soon have on hand, a fine j
stock of new material, tuid will- he
prcpavedto do evert hint; in their line'
in the most approved style. \)'o com- j
nieml them to the patronage of our j
friends tluotighoti t the District,
Death c?f an Estkf.meo Citizen.!
?\Vo regret to announce tho deal It j
of Mr. Andrew Gdlcspie, an esteemed;
citizen of our community; who died j
at bin residence near thd village on j
tho 2 Uli inst., in the eightieth year of)
hit} ago, and after Buffering long from |
a chronic election. llo had survived |
most of his contemporaries, and was
the eolfe representative of the old settlers
of tho neighborhood. IJo fyad
been for many year?, a member of the|
PLCsby terian Church, and'Wg.? d its tin- j
guished for his exemplary deportment, j
and faithful'discharge pi duty iuA all
ih rJa'iong cf life. Pained'by suffering
arid chastened by diHciplino, fc'e
welcomed death -as r^leaso from
pain, and an ontranco into a blissful
inmortajity. The funeral services
- - - -
wcro performed by Dr. Turner, atj
tibaron cburcb.'-' '
BQf.Tho Doiyocratio StaLo E^ecu
live Uommitloo oi Sou lb Carolina han
irSQuil iU) adcJrotiB to tbo cilbjerifl,
tsirfingly reprobating tbo recent acts of
violence, and invoking- the earnest efy
furta of the people, whether wLito or
black, oi of \ybatovpr party, to obeck
incendiary Ujnjruage, to roajutain * the
supremacy oi tbo la^^ad {o preserve
.ibe peace, . . <> ? >..
??y* Mcesr's. . Fowler ty ^MoBq^al^.
bavp jas>t received soqno bcstutilul .caU
icoeg?--the Morimac, brqcadOjr?i*UireBt
Aw. Alnyo a cboiuo article^pf. broach?
. ?*?iV. t ? '? ? - * ? ' - -
i iuuuo j uiuuK anu lurnjy juaeui arrets ;
a variety'oF blankets; niorinoq,
luincs/^o. Caff early aud^ci^oajno..,
By reference tt> t"h? biyortige?
m'dnt ol"Dr.'G.'Wi Keflfcy; UsAvijl^ bp
seen tlmt* 5*9 removed loifofce^iPe
C. rnaf boKf6up(l itiAft times
in bl$ 6ftic'c. ' The'^bctor
aiuT Klihf refill operator, ami bft* givey
iioral *<ji{jfcfaction.
S . r . . v. .A,- ..
... , ... .. i . *; !i;H . '
'? ? ' v'
Riots in Louisiana.?A conflict of
races lisiH occurrod in St. Jicrnard
Parish, adjoining Now Orloans, bolow
the city. From information brought
to headquarters by the Sheriil' of ibo
Parish and others, it (appears that a
difficulty occurred on tbo occasion ol
a publid display of a couplo of Democratic
clubs,"i>i wbicb one white man
was wounded and two nogrocs killed,
ono of tbo latter boin^ a member of;
the now Metropolitan police. Ai
nigh* tbo negroes congregated and
proeecdcd in a" body to the hou^o of a
Spanish baker, killing him, bis Bon
und his sister in-law, and burning his
house. His wito escaped with a child
in her lLrniH 'I'wn ?....
said to havo boon burned, at ono o'|
whi.eh fyyr children aro reported to!
liavo bcuu k'rled. Tito rumors as to!
tlic extent of the outrages arc various]
and 'cor.Tlicting. Many of th j while j
inhabitants of tl.o inhabitants of the)
L'ari.sb descried their houses and fled ,
to tlio city. Troops wero immediate ;
ly sent irom the oily to tlio scene of
operations. Disturbance-* have also]
occurred in the city, whoro the Had? |
ical policc is said to bo entirely inellieien
itamc.'AL MlSttKl'rksf.NTATlON ANI?j
A husk.?Tho murders of Dill, Martin
Randolph and Kanco have been I ho
1 subjects of the usual amount of Kadi-1
c:tl niif-representntion, andhavefnrnish-;
i-.id tlio occasion of tlio usual amount of,
Lhtdical abuse. At a lladical meeting)
held in Charleston duiin<r tho past j
week, resolutions wero introduced by i
Sawyer", and supported by himself,j
Mackey and DoLtir^o, in which these;
acts of violence aro ascribed to the;
daily uIterances of tho Democratic]
press o? mo state, as their natural)
and bloody fruits. Wo denounce this I
statemont as a false and malicious1
calumny, which is disproved by the!
unvarying lone and temper which has;
characterized tho past cburse of the'
Democratic prcts ol' the Slate. The?
statement ;s loo baseless to merit a!
serious refutation.' On the contrary,j
how much of lira lawlessness has nut j
been owing to tho inlj.immatory harangues
uf incendiary agitators, who.1
whilst counselling moderation, have;
used every artifice to iiritite and tinbitter;
ai-d who even now threaten
eoiilluij ration and pillage, as the woap
oiis of their retaliatory policy't
N r. w F i r m?Mkssus. Qr \ates. j
i'r.ukiv iS.- Co.?'l'luse gentlemen, who
have recently become associated in !
biisin.es^, have just opened ( heir new j.
( "all and Winter slock, at tin; well,
known stand in While's lilock former-.
iv omijMotl hy .M r. John A. Taliuadge. i
Their slock has heen carefully selected j
in tlie >ie\v York market l?y Mr. j
<^uarlcM, ami in (he variety, style,
quality ami price. of tlieir goods, theyi
1 iivile comparison. They filler t J???;
host of stable, dress an<l fancy goods, I
notions, hoots ami shoe?. a tine Ntock i
ol' ready-made clothing, and every I
variety of articles, holh useful am| i
ornamental. They solicit a call from j
their old friends and customers, and
will take pleasure in showing their
?Nkw Fiiim of Pahkeu A: Thomson.
1 Mumioists.?Wo direct attention
to tlie new linn <>f I'urker & Thomson.!
who arc now associated in the drujj;;
business at tin- well known stand for-'
nieilv occupied l->v l>r. Edwin Parker.
T>t\ t\trl:e r is one of 1 lie institutions
of our village. and J.I p. John A. Thomson.
his associate, formerly of the firm j
of (Juarlcs A: Thomson, is also well j
known. These, gentleman solicit, a J
Continuance of the liberal patronage,
of their friends, and invite an inspection
of ilu-ir large an?l select stock of
drills t*nd chemicals. With ihcin will
be found Mr. Joueltc lluckabee, who
will he happy to see bjs old friends.
- ?
83?" We invito the attcnLion oj our
readers to tho advertisement of Messrs. J
Miller & JiobcrlKon, who have just rc j
ceived aiul opened their Full and Win-.
icr Stock. Their Block has been on- !
larged in all the different departments, |
and is one.of the most select and com- j
pleto which they have cvor elFerod lo
tho Abbeville public. Our friends
may call with the assurance of being
pleased in stylo, quality and price,
whether ihev are in search of tho useful
or tho ornamental?tho finer fab
lies or tho moro subatantiat. 'I'hoy
invito especial attention to tho enlargement
of thejr stock of reud3*-rr.ade
clothing. Call and exauiloo for yourselves.
*- - '
Domination for Solicitor.?Ai. a
Democratic <5c>nvention of delegates
ft-oin this Cireiril, (composed of Abbeville,
Laurens* and Spartanburg,)
i. T - " "
mv tiii I-ulllJ CIlS JJ. li OlltllC'
21st inst., II. li, Mcliowan, Esq.,.was
nominated us tlic candidate for Solicitor
of thy Circuit. He, wus the Jute
OpminisstQncr in Equity of Luorens
district, jiiid is a gentleman of tine
talents anil sonic .experience at the
Bar. The nomination will Jjc generally
' Messrs. W. H. Tuxr & Land; PruoniRTs,
201 Broad St., AJjgHbta, Ga ?
Wo direct attention to the ftdvortisoment
of lb i a woll known House, which
appears ifc Another column; Established
in 1845 by t>r.\Y. II. Tutt, it
lina IAn'i. r..-: 1 . -? -' ? 1 ' 1
.w.,? ruauiiivu a, ueaurveujiy uign
i/hara'otctvarid now ranks -wt?h 4be
ltt8t?fltHbrtehmdnU of t!io kind Irt tb$
Sooihi W^e-hare.-o^ier found tho piovery
libcuul and reliable men,
and t^9 plo?sui;o jn comraondin^
tlidm V>' the p^yAioiuns' and plantorg
*?f ottf BWirtot. Mr. Hobt Tl'/Land,
;<qrmApl3i'<tf Wherry, I* now on* of
tho turn* arxi'Wiil. be giud to receive a,
viijit iromc hift pav^li?a frlox^da. ?*.
\l .v.- i**v*'*?" ? ^ Y" :'u.
i 92T Gojr?Jrrior. 8oymoaK baa taken.
uio 6vump, and has been addw^iDc
*ytrartt?, <)bio and- indtiukr* TW
itojrertior fB an able and acoothniibkoek
fpo^of.^.nd ia doing yood nexvkjiu
lluj QatH-asa, . . .. t , 7? i
?V , *7" - . f * \ "if-jfVr' ^
' ' k r < ^ .? J?; i : . Krfv, ? % < ??.,
! .. < *? -
Nomination for tiir JiEutsr.ature.
?James A. Black, J5*-q, hys boon
nominntod l'ur tlio vacant Heal in tlio
legislature. A hotter Bcleotion could
not havo boon maJe.- lie 19 known
to our cili/.Mit* as a gentleman of talout,
experience and butinoHs capacity,
ami commJ>uds boats of friends, nol
ouly in odr District, bat throughout
tho Stale. ili.s long connection with
tlio Compti'ollor-(ioiiorarH Ollico ha?1
jivon hiin a knowlcdgo of mon and
utFaiiM "which would t>0 valuable to
n logislutor. Wo lmvo nominated
liiin ; lot ys now otoot hiru. In deference
lo tho wishes of tho pooplo, ho
has consented to mnko a euciifieo of
his person a I feelings, and to servo in
a position, if ' oleetcd, which can not
ho otherwise than unpleasant. Lot
us do our duty, turn out to u man,
and givo him an overwhelming vote.
B6KU Gen. ?S. Metiowan oflurs a reward
of live hundred dollars lor the
apprehension of llu* incendiary who
11 r?'d his barn and stables. Seo advertisement.
Tlin following named pettfona have Height
rriuiiniiic in the l)e|<ot nt Abbeville:
I >r (IV linrnry, Dorsey ?t Thornton, Moeley
A While, W II l'enn?l, W I) Morn, J W Craw
Km-rkiH?T> L Ward law, Gen 8 McGowan,
June L Wilson.
T> R PON DLF.Y, Agent.
M\UKiri>, Jin this Villnpe, on Tliun?iluy j
pvcninii Ooiolwr I.V l?y the Hev. Alexander L. |
Smith, Or. llliNRV ?f. MtH'ZON, lo !\li$si
SAllAll V. MOLZON, elJcHt duu^ltler of ilie1
Rev. W. 1*. Mouzoii , ull formerly of Charles1011,
{4. C. |
Rr-Sf The above was a^oomimnieil by i
a utihsla nihil ami ever-welcome memento
of the Jilissfol oof-tision, in u
piece of the delicious wedding cake?
) lA it... '
?i.-> < n? tin* i :is it WJI.S HlllJircslive
lo (lie imagination. Witli
r> o
how many pleasant associations i.s it
linked! llow many tcmh'.r memories
<h>os it evoke! What 1 111 hopes
<loes it awaken! In the spirit of
these we oxt'-iul to the happy eouple
oar lust wishes for J heir future?in
which they may realize all that hope
might picture, oj- memory would elierlr
ll. , ' ' ' ' '
1)1 i:i). n?-iir Abbeville ('. U , S.. 0- on 11-o
tilh October, 18?8. Mrs. SIS AN ij. J'KNNKY,
wife of Win. II. IVtim-y, b;iJ. (Ihii^IiIt of
Siuiuittl lirown, of AtnlgiKtui, fcj. C. Tins ln?ly
liail bt'b.'i h m umber of Lli2 M. JO. (Jliuicli lur
t wo v?'iirs aii.i :is nunc but llie Cbrisliun
end iiie?in triumph. M. I).
SOMKiTillA'd i\EW. |
1">ECEIVRl\ 28th Oct., the prettiest j
vwvH uf I lie penfon. Mcrrimun, Brocmle
\1 vi.i. . i.r.i ?. r .i . - ....
. i .vui n u> .| i>", nniiiB i nev nre nil so'd.io
Oe'tib^r VK. J'
"Black and Fancy Cassiincrc.s, I
]ted ami Crili Blankets.
Magenta French Mcrinoe.
Orange colored Deljainos. jfcc.
Iteceivcd to-dav. 2S'tli Oct.. at '
FOWLKll & Al? L)ON.\LI>'S.
OotoblT oil, 1P(?S, 1L
" It K CO N ST R U C TTO N."
BEG leave inform tlieir frirndd lliat tlicy
will cuiuinuc llie LubiiK-M of
tluir oM Innil. T's-j* liuve ortlereil. nnd
win ici pivc in it ii'w n ut'w supply 01
iiifiteri.il. ond m new lot of TVuls for till ht untlies
uf Ijivir bufine>B, mid will be prepared 10 execute,
in ilic most approved* and rniigluctory
manner. all work in their line. I
A new supply of METALLIC COFFINS will
he received in u short lime,-and will be disputed
( ul h 8|iuill advance on o.o?t.
Their. Book*- were dvstroyod in the recent
fire, and they ninke mi urgent appeal to their
old cimtoniets to call and ?cltl? tlieir accounts,
us (lie money is much needed to enable them 10
continue their buiiin is. * *
HKI'AlHINO done promptly and lulitautiully,
ul low ca<sh pi-iocs. - 3
Oct 28 Si.-. tf
Every O ay
* ' ' . *" .
Oct 28 " fi2 ' If
$500 REWARD!
't V ' * ' v
j^OMG nnknown persen or perfoofe in itiy
FcJ absence, on (lie morning of W^DRESDAVt
(he 2l?t instant, before daylight, fired-my baru
And atables ?nj {troic* into my boQM. I wilt
for ihc nppreneufrion ' of one or #11 of the fellatfe
who Ml the sot, with proof lo* convict.
Oet 28 82 If ' ''J . AbbevilleC. HP.
1 CK7Abr?il?nta tn inform fcW friomta'iliaf.
WW. W? I.U|VA moved lo lh? store, fonnnly
&eeta{kfe<t by Mr.'J. K'. TMlstaiTge, And fcoriuj b<i
pWartd i* therq at ?ortrsw?ti H>/i, wtetW**
jwoposo lo offVjr *,c*r? fully seUoicd s^nck, At At
low pficM as cab M purAUiswl kHswItero.
' ?' ..f-V *# tr i ft >>? ,r*G +'J
;<t' rh ? Q-imrle*, Perrtn & Co.
?J ' ttMk/ Ifc. 3/Ato&iflb ftki.,6o
, '< ' ' i>.Wi >f <58'ji. ':tf
OH fitl .'''J"*'.* ' .r??l J'. *:>wl
"i * " &v >/
Augusta, Ga.
2 6 4 BROA
Ilavc now in Store a very Largo nn
>vants of Morcliauts, Physicians ami
v,ci;y small advance on cost of iinpo
Merchants arc invited to call and ex
they will find as low as in any citv f
.A.ttsigiioo'.s Sitlc. ' J
i .V ISA yKIt UP TCI".
flJY virtue of it',) oraler tome direotod, isFiiin^ 1
-flJP cut of iItt* liniu'il Stutrn District Court i
fur ilia; l>i?ir:cl <>f South Cululina, in tli<; cusieof |
\V. afc. J 11. t'l.l N 1%'St'A LKrs, I'ajiKs iijite, I will j
null, mi Inday, 20th day of Kovi-ml.pr lirxt, nj. }
i pul'Ijc auction, nt ill? residence of Win Clink-j
I scales, in Alilicvillu District ntid Slate aforesaid, j
' 1 nulla?, Hcvi-ral Iiphi) uf sheep, Iiojjm and entile, j
,1111(1 1 lut'(j-? cast kttille. 1 dajuble- bill lli'l shut |
1 nun, iiiial sunalj-y iiriia.li'j of furniture; ninl at ;
I Donnnldsville, tho next day (Suiiiralay, *21 ?t). |
l I liouw xiid lut in the town of Dunmildsville, 1
1 ca>iitiii|iiii|r one-eighth aere, more or less, and a
| groat many notaM and iiecmits, lelongii g to
| the estates of Maid liuiikrupIV).
I Terms rudi. I'mcliaaer of Ileal lyjtateto p:iv ]
I for papers and stump<. Sale (<> c miueitue nt
[ ll? .?'c:oek A. M. JAS. A. 1JI.ACK,"
; Oct 'il 1 St Atsiyncc. ]
I -a^Saigxioo's . Snlo.
1 hi /Ju>(/,rtij'lrT/. . |
! R?. virtue of an order to me directed, issnod
UIII. Ul inc I'llliiU r?UlU'S t'UUI'l) j
for tin* n.siriel of South C:ir\liiiu. in il?e i
^of .lAMKS W. lijj\Civ, liaiikrupi, 1 Wi!i<-cll!
. mi W(iiluH'IfiVi 1 Kt li M<A'ci:i!n'r n?xt, at puMic '
> nuctinr>i lit Ins rcKuleticc, in Ahhevtlie Dijlriut |
|nud Slulu ftl?it'Piii>l, tlm It1 K>i:tic of (lie |
;su'ul liwikiupt, 1st, The * 11:11 Tiaot," contain I
ling 10 acres. 'ill, The interest of the Dunk-]
|tii|it ;n iht; ' Lock hut l Tract," Qontaiii'iig 117
I iieiv, more or less. JM, The intercut of the
I Hunk nipt in i he *'M ilLTi act" <ni ?pur Cteek,
! containing acres, inor'o or loss, on which
: ihi-re is a grist nod saw tniil, run \>y water
i power. 4th, The "ll'iRH' Tim t," containing
i*148 acres, uirtrc* or lc-s. The seiil lands are adjoining
luiids.il M. li. I at liner, I'sln-vof A W.
; I.y licit, T. Mill, mid olheis. A!i?n, one In?r-?<*,
one mule, it lul ?if entile, httir? at.d sheep. <>'d
IdiiriA^ and. hnguy, ox wit???n, ami part
household fu rn i Hi if ; logeilf-r wiilt sim?l 13*
I uoli.'S itfld accounts, belonging to the Kstute uf
di?ul J tli nk 1 u | it.
. Terms cuVli. Purchasers of r^nl oslr.le t:>
pay for si amps nr. d papers. hole to cuiiimencu
! ut 10 oVh ck, a m. ]
jit.uw m,AL Jv, Assignee. i
j October '27, 180$, '11, UJ,
Asyigliee'w Hale.
IN n AX Kit UrTCY.
BV virtue of an ?>r?k*r to me ilirrcleil, U?n"
jiiip oul. <>f the Slnt.tM l)i?1rit-L |
Com t, !i.r I In: 1 >is rid of tn'iitli ('ni o'inn. in tin* j
wi! ol T. 15. ISunKiupl, 1 will '
n*ll on TliiifMlay, l'.nli of Kovtainl?<T iicxl, u( I
public iniclioii, ut his rrsiii. lire, in AMicvillu j
;l>Mtric', arid Si ale nl<>r<-nui<l, I lie r?-al cstnie of 1
"Hul Bankrupt, containing 1\ iitin. wore or
le&, known ns the "Carmiclinel A! ill Triict,*" on
I lucky rivtr. ailjoiniiij: luiuls of T. C. Wilforil,
Mri>. e. A. Mi*K?*e, and ol tiers. 1'Ihb Unci is
verv vu'uhI.Ib on ncentint nf ?i4 cumi.i'!..i
water power, capable of ruiining extensive
nmetiiiu-iy.' There nre :i glial nn?l
saw mill, ui'ul tlircelier, run by tv;tl.-r nif<i
in> siK'ccKafuI operation. There will also
; be sulil hi tht# eainu time un-1 place, one thresher
and foil, one yoke of alt er;', 8 lieiul c.f sheep,
turning iftthe, &c., together with sundry not cm
an J nccuUnts belonging lo llio islutc of duid
Tujnib cn*l?. Purchasers of real nUle to
pn_v fur papers and Mumps. Sjlo lo c3u>ineuc?t
ul 10 o'clock, n. m.
JAM ICS A. BLACK, Aeeignee.
October 27, 18US, ii7, Si
Assignee* w Sale.
BY virlue of nu order to nie diivcted, ismjinp
out/of tlie United States Court for
| iliu S tale of South Ciirolinn, it) the cane of W.
t N. 11AIX, .Bankrupt, I will ec-ll on Thursday,
19tl? duy of November next, at puMic auction,
ui T. Ji. M 1L1.1'' iKl/ti mill, iu Abbeville Diall'ict,
ami Stuto a foresaid, tlio real cslute of
the said Bankrupt, containing 75 neres, more
or Ues, on 1'ik-kly 1'ear. Creek, waters of
KocUy River,in Abbeville District, uml State
uforesuid, bffunded by lands of Wm. Crow titer,
Hubert B<>yd und other?, together with sundry
noted and uccoiiuIh belonging to the Eatute of
said Bankrupt.
Terms cash. Purciiaserof the real estnfo to
.pay far papers und at amps. Sale to coiuuieuue
at 11 o'clock it. in
james a. BLACK, Assignee.
Oetobcr 27. lb??. 27. 3t
.Assignee's Sale.
BY virtue of an or<?er to me dJrccled, Issning
out of the United States District
Court for the District of Smith Ctirohnu, in the
ease of DAVID CRAWFORD. Bnnkiupt, J
will sell on Thursday, llHb day of .November
next; ul pnlilje auction, ni T. ft. -MILFOltD'S
Mill, tfie-iteal festrifa of mid Banki-ppf, containing
230 ucr??, moU or len?, bounded by
laiida of Uobcrl Smcky, 1\ Ferguson, and
other*. arid also the itiletvat uf said Bankrupt
iu Knottier tract of land, ailj'rining the Above,
knuvn ot the "Mcpurry Plate."
T< rirU cash. Purclmier of llio' real estate to
pHy for papera And etainpi*. Stilt to eatumetlcc
?l 12 o'oloak, ut.
,**' JAMES A. BLACK, Assignee.
October 27", 1HGS, 27, 8t v.'i.'I.II
. u ... ^
.Assignee's Sale?,
'* ~ltf .BANKRUPTCY. ' ,V
OY rfrtue of ?r? order to me directed, ^ui?(r 1
Jj' eat of tbe United Sfntrs JJi*tri?t Court for
jlte. DttfekL/af Soqih Turdim, in tiiejcase of
POWRtt, I witf sell oij/Toe?day,Hir
Jliir diary 'of tfarrftiber ite**, at '^'iiblfc trifion ai '
l?i?, and yiaio-i
of ufoiesnij, lite Real E'tete of. the Mid Unukmjfl,
contrtiirf!fi?.i>06 Asifc*,'mftre or b?, Wi<i?d^
ed by land* of U-'M.<l'rrtjee, Hr., R/t?-l\Vil;Umt.
nyl opier^, imd ulao, l l.myra,, l
celt,' 14 head of ftattl^ 2 wafcooe, gfi( -and
inreniipr; u(ftc**"mq-Buu omei pMDiAltOO fools,
1 .pan, etdjjle. UricltjB. byg^y. audi
piMWliMieltrtM 'ind Uijfieti furnitar#, boiung*
injrWtfta rftfittfl bfiWfA Bnufei-npt. * ? '* : ^ *
tcrmfCutH; PM-charinr of tiba ft*?V ffrftto
rCo p#y-Jfcpp?p?? *i?d4?wp?.. 9n|a(oteMMct
. Get 87 1 td . . . - Atslsneo. f
j-Si'.v?.. ,-i - . -ty
?> W< (6MCTc*'' *'
* ? '* tJ ' ',t* ' **<>4k" *" '
BY vii'tne of *o r?W (7lr#efed, tuning J
' UKitAlSfAfcH Di?t|rtL'l Com t for |
the UJ*trfci.-ofSvnrli C*foHit|, ?n flto cute of
- v x ,0. " ?' * t *
l_- i? j> ' V * "* ?< *
(ED 1845.
\ .
jlonncrly of Newberry, S. C
rT & LAND,
D JOlsriKTiS 01'
n c t D r r T
Ju u I 11 L J-i 1
[\A, OA.,
d Selcct Stock, well adapted to tli
I l'Wintcirf, which tlmy oiler at
rtalion and manufacturera' prices
amine ovir Stock and prices, wliic
south of New York*
ROUT P. RT7(-IIANAX, Bankrupt. I wi
Bell, on Tlmrsiluy, Alii day of November Hex
at puttli<> tiuuiiiiii, ni liis rvwilnice, near (Jreei
who.I, A')' villc ltirtrict and Siato aforeHi'i
tlu: Real Krluli! ol Hit i?l IStinkrupt, ctitiiinii
I" *! more or les??, and. boiiinbd by I.iik
of Wm. P>ii"ht>nnii, M.iifin Dcl-iiicy ai.d othei
ami, a!t?'?, two !\! ul. s.-1 tl Ih.-.tI of Sheep, oi
t-lior.-e Wagon, on-- ftrcgsjy mid one (.'arring
bel"iij;iiig to Mia Kstate of snid Bankrupt.
%Ttitns cas|i. t'urcli.iKcr of tlio Kent Ksta
lo pay for pjpors and *t:iinpa. Sale will con
inetice ul ID o cIj/l-U, A. M.
Oct 13 'CO :;t
-A-ssigrif>e'? Snle.
"BO V virtue of on order to ;ne directed, i.JR
H d it<2 nut of llio Cuitvil Slates l?i>tri
I Court I'm- l>!-> of Smith Carolina, in l
J t-.n-ii: of JOHN I'. MOl)l%l'?, liankinpt, isuri
vor of M;i Tf I will ."elf. on Kiidii
Cth-d::y ?f Novemher next, at |tiiMio uuvtiu
I ut. New. Marke t. in AMievil!i> IH.-Uttc', Mid S n
i uforeKintl, coiniiU'Rcin'4 m U o'elnek A. M.,
| fjrenl many notes ami iicenuuli due Kvtule
i ilie cui i <l<-h:i 14. Moore, li'inkrujil, survi.'or,
1 us tifiii'i-t-iiil. J AS. A. lll.ACK,
I Oof. i i r>(? r.t Ai>si(;up?.
Ju JiankrujjUy.
' virtue of nr: order to ino directed, ifsliii
' 1 ) out of tin' I'll't I States Diss'rict Court I
I the l>i*tri<!t of SoiHli 'nroiinn, in the ciitfo
j I Jr. Clio 11. W A f>l'Kl.L. IS.iiikruft, 1 w
; sell, on l-Yiday. (i:li day of Movemjii-r next,
I > i a I 1 i < * auction. at New Mni-L"! A 1.1 ?; ii-. i >:
Ilii-t, 1111(1 afnr?-s:i!<!, 1111!?; H C i II LI l?t
, ii'ifiiH-k A. M.. K>v?*n?l ii??lw? iiiij iipcoiiuls hi
' l"iiifinij to the iOdt.ttu ol said Htciltrupt. Ten
I cm-'i. JAs>. A. .BLACK, Assignee,
j Oct t'l "?tl 3t
Assignco's S rilo.
la JJuiiA'ittjilcy.
BY virtue of nn ordor in me directed, i-syji
out of the t'uilid Slui--!> IJislrict Ci'Urt for li
l)i?lr'u t of S'*'illi (.'iil'tiliuii, in ilit* c:m>!
JoNKS Fl'I.l.TlH. 1I:?i:Urii|?l, I will bell ?
'l'liurfiliiy, On; Hull <l.iy of l)< criiiln-r i.cst,
| piililitt miction, ikl Mn-iy Six. iti Ahhi-vi!
j ))i*ii it*l mill Sialii nf.itI. ?lie ic.il i-Rtnie
i mid Hiiiikrti|>t, c?tit niiiiug nures of lun
Iinortt or li'?, ami hound.-J l?y lunds of tl. \
Ail;in, It. iv. Miirchixmi, iwnj other*. u nl ul.?
ll,i m'(id of hunt, more or lejj, in l.unrc
llirttrirl mill SInI#? nfoicu t id, mid bounded I
i.midr of I'cnry Fuller. Ihirth-tle Milam, ni
other.*. loifel livr witll two lieild entile, one o
rir riiiijp tuid l'titlic?9, belonging to llie Ksio
i oi mi ni Kuokrt.|>t.
I Tt-rt si'h-1i. Pi:relin?prs of Ileal H.lalc
| jiny for pnper* nnd t-Siiii.p".
.1AM10S A. lil.ACK, JJsdynee.
! Oct. 28, ISO*, -J7. Si.
A.?E3ip;iioo'? Snlo.
lu Jittiikritj'lci/.
r.Y virluo of nn srdi-r to ine directed. i.??
i lit; v-it t ol tin" I nil oil """tntes District Colli*', 1
ilio IHxtrir.r of South Curolino, in t! e uaM
! V. IHHJHKV, liiiiki-iipt, I will tell on Si.ti
I day. the Uih <lay of Mowmher next, nt puh
I miction, til Ablicviliii C. II., Ablteviiln ]>i-ir
i anil Still*! siforcsni.f, (-onsislii)g of one nil*
u'lilcli. I?ig^y nr.d Larnepo, iii:d nlro sev
Sliurrd d. it C. It 11, together with mind
noli"* anil uccouni*, belonging to the entitle
?:iid Bankrupt. 'lVitits cusli.
J A M 11S A. BLACK, Assignee.
Otul.er 2S, ?8<;S, -27, iJi
In Bankruptcy.
I>V virltie of nti order to ?ne directed, i.'s
iog ou?> of the United .v't?t?'? llintrittt. Colli*'.,
lilt; 1/IWllCl <>' MlUHI ( [I lull nil, III lilt* CH-e
SAMUEL IIL'NTKU, Baiikiupi, I will sbll
Sat in tiny. I lie 1 -11 It ibiy of November next,
f-tiblic flilttltoil. nt Abbeville ('. II., Abbcvi
'District, iiik] Smte aforesaid. tlie peritoii
property of eaiit Bankrupt, consisting, of o
silver u nteli, otic olj bu^'L'y nn?l harness, on
Imlf inirre.-l iu a -coltoiT gi|i..fftii' one c
wagon, belonging to (lie csinU; of said Din
I Opt. Tvl'llld VHdll.
J \j^. A. BLACK, Assignee.
Oct. 28, 18C.8, 27; Hi
In Bunkrvpt^y.
BY virtue of on order to me directed, i*pui
out of tbe United Mvafcs l>i(-ti ict Court, fbc I
Distri" t of rt"ii>li Carolina, in ilia case of 1
MACKATU, Ilnnfci npi, I will veil on Suit)
?lny, llili d.iy of Kovrntlirr next, nt. pub
auction, at Abbeville C. II., Abbeville Di.-tii'
nnd ^tnlP aforesaid, tlie personal property
nakl Bankrupt, consisting of one silver wale
Terms cosh.
J AS. A. BLACK, Assignee.
Oct. 28, 1848, 27, 3t
AeSigi.xoo'ib Sale.
. I)i JjUJiki'iijilcy.
BY virtue nfm order lo n?e dirtctej, itmiii
out of the United .Statea District Cunrt, \
,lh? Diftriot af 84111th Carolina. in tha. chtf.
T!1(>M.IS.M?^4IjISTKR, lim kru|)t, I wills*
ort Shti/rdny, the Mth b?y of N"<?veuilier iiei
at pul.lit-auction, at rlbbrrilla C. 41., .dbb
ville iJisU'fct, ni><l Stiito nfi.resuid.. Llic p? r?cin
flrof?cHy"of said Bj'rfhrttpt, cinSlitinp of *u'i
dry noted ami necounls,belonging to ille>??ta
nf said lirtiiknipt. TVrius cmhIi, :
' ' ' JAS. A. BLACK. Assiguce.
-October 23, *7, 8t ''
- Copartxierahij).
WE, tlio undersigned, iufdrm l>nf frreit^a at
nUe.publi# that we h**? formed k'qopui
nei-ab'ip, gepfpju*,
trenage'irni ?n'ppor<! ' ^Montel^ attrfjjeJ
u/QUiPtly*'' tffFW^iptJrtna P*1 *!?
> Oetob?r lit, WW ?, lf > rr > V ^ *
T:BETUBSr htf ' thanW Vi my rnwnh-fl
frjRMds tl'?kr pajrotnh
'anq fcuitom. and Aolti'it n. eontiu.n?n<-e-w fl
'Mta2? cwofid?tica'l? Ibe'fi rWrt-centlv' #61 irtirtf'
j - - v . QU4UIiKsj ^.TUQMSOlt.
October 27, tf, , . ; ~ .
L. * r I, .Witt A*, uui fjimwwt" IJ
MBSwaRsfB? sfarva
bf rr i VOIIN KNOX A CO., w
1 . . JQ.J , ^gefr^frrJb;b?TiU&
'<5ct. ft, Iftft, 37, 3ai -: m
.. . f . i. ,".**? r '" -?? -at-^ ' " ..
'.c ?' *? * -v ' '
v 3NTH3 JS
'JlT II. 5 VI
"I ->
H -\7W-in
Ifall and wi
> '! .
.i-|S|lll; I IN'fJ, lillOWN SHEETING, Bi
? : ULANK15IS.
n I
? ' Velvet RiM-ons. Hcliintr, Pcrfmnc?v, l>iaid
Istr-ek of READY-M Al'Jli CLOTHING, li
J of Ladies' Shawls, Nubias, Sontaj^s and CI
or' Hardware,
1,1' And pvcrvtliing pise usually kepi in a j
! cash, and cordially invito our friends to co:
A l.ln-vil!.\ Urf. 27. I8U8 65J If
-J rr*- . - _ --jr
>n i J" j I
ft ? M
l-! ^
,.f; m*4 ??
:M ^ 03 5?
? .2 -S
y 4) &> ,
Jl -S * 1s2 *?
''i ir*
=* St S -m i
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S ?ts
?.s == ? rj^)
?-! ? 5 2^
? ~ "? "S S JsEasd
!' ns 4) ?] _I EH '
ici tm m -N
el S P?N ^ ^ ySSS&L ^
on eg S- ? /^y?J3*
or O S ^ TgagsUgggj
SmJ "+-? ?*
: P s* . rvn
|?2 I? k H
- J 3 ? ?i
fur i?* J L-. I,, m, J
S3 $?. >?(
S 6 -S S-kL 7
a -,b g 5
Z 113 l?^H
K a> **" _ -^j
" .-."'fee ? *
r" - Si w* ^-- I
iiV s J5 * .,
r." ? M M & ?"Y^
- ?! 2
v ^ "1
iH T3 ? ? a
? ? 45 5 .?' hnsssJ ' j
?. g.&C.Pg,,1 . J
O -O;, g - { j-- .
. i *. j,? E3^ ^rfrZZ&^1 ?
rt .;
ih & 4j ' u ^ '
e-'' ' ur' FTT
. . yri'flS ^ < 1 ?w '.
t*i v< jRT - 8^ ''ijCw ?'* - ,'i
? >^?'S O;'^'-V '
-v WW ****1 'W WI
-*? ':> ?\'.t '-<?/ ? *. i
^ fl a ' id
l ?'' .i <-0 *S ' '>:'"i
2- rf. ?. '/! " ; v" 'jf- Wpt} ^ >. ,
i-. - .-, ? ' "'. '.' ' ri " ' a#j <iJ v.. . i*
I? ?,>!.< ' *'V? ,VM .'flfl J
'-. t .**:vv ? ,.,* v l^oj -Vs -y, If.
' rOt* ' ' ' 'i*n? i
? --,. vl *K
v ' v*' *% ' :v * i * * *j
. r
I!Si 11 1
J) (Li ii J, ii Jiiii j
f ' *
i.V u v u ;
> found.
*- u #
ht m Tin n n a n ?
.a iLa u u u ij a,
KOWN DRILLS, t^^vlNG, LlSfSlfcX,
in, Sen Well select?*d, heiititiful un^ c^hd
OO'iS AND SHOES, HATS, larm variety
Cutlory, cfco.
jcncnil Dry Goods House. "NVo sell low for
me and sue us.
Latest Ne^ York New?'
runn nmni n
i riD rtiUrijtt
Look Out! Look (hit I \
[Linlim' Mayan'me for Kept ]
HENItY Ji CUSTAIt. of No. 10 Cro?hy
Si reel?iiidnid lo lie 'out* with a BEAUTltlKH
ili?L eclipera anything Known in thU lin?*
IMik 1 actios are wild wiilt delight. One Lady
fays, '1 know iiu ti^lii,'and pointed to a ?kin
as frueli, ?ofi, mid ddicnt," no a child. Anothar
Indy ?diJ, *lf it co.-t JlO.OO h hutilti, I'd ba&V
it; and another, 'A? sy with all hartfut' to*uietict,
and give me ouly
'CostarV Bitter-Sweet
and Orange Blossoms v .
It gives Beauty to the Complxion. a R -iy
glow 10 the Cb<!<-k*,-? Uuby lingo to tii? L i|>a
ml UH|>pinesn complete.
1 ! lie ware ! I of worthies! imitatious.
All l)roggiUB hi ABBEVILLE cell it.
Oi:< bottle, $e 00; three boiller, $2. 00.
Or ?dJie? "COSTAlt," No. lo Oro?by St,
N. Y.
I Oil! TiiorE C0IIN9. 1 Oil I tboss CORNS.
[Jturning /taper. Aug. 20 J
I Oil MY I t Oil MY ! I can't stand It;
but be did, for be cent riybt uifaiid got * box of
and it cured him."
^lioq'rtiidrt of Boxes toll). u
All Druggists in ./IBBEVILT.E fell i*.
' Or addreaa "CO&'iM 11/' No. 10 Cr?.lj ?$
N. Y. *
Standard Preparations
"OMtar's^ Rat, R&ach&o., Exterminate*!!.
"uoswtrr. BM Bug Extermluatora.
I^Costart (opry pare) Inseet Powder.
"Only Infallible Tt'medies knawn."
"Is y>ats ent|tl>1i>1>e(l in N^w York."
"2/A(Kf"BoxW irtd FU?ki? munufaatnrefl
MlttProgeUtB in A BBKVILLg wll lb*tw."
'M i l fk*we 1 I I of *pnn*us iroiU^ipu?."^
11JX) t[iQa ?ent l>y mail on reoaipt ?f
fU.OO for n^y tfyree f lTGO*:z<jby Expreia.
' ' *
**' A?tr R. GwriifTTo, JOCroikj Sl, K? T
yy For?le by ' ?:? *??' * &- -i.? " > ?
!-; DB. E, FABKER;' '
Abbevm?, s. c.
> t^T Andirtwholesale in'all lU? Qiiiea tad
-!?rttf't?wn? in W&fJ* 8.
v- Oat *0,-1868: 'ifv <* ^ f --
,-f.' ? } - ;>? - \v'7i f?T ? 'f?
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