OCR Interpretation

The Hancock Jeffersonian. [volume] (Findlay, Ohio) 1857-1870, October 09, 1868, Image 2

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Published. Evyry Friday.
j i
E. G. DE WOLfE, Editor.
TERMS-$2 00 Per Annum in Advance.
National Union Republican Ticket.
! OF ILUX0I3.' ,; "5"V'?"'"
ot:DCi)Hii.':v' -si
; . L w
For Presidential Electors.
DAFID TOD, : J Electors.?
SAJI'IrGLALLOji AlVf u at Large
.4;;;nir.j-DATID THOMPSON.
For Presidential Electors. State and County Ticket.
' :i1 FOft.f ECTIETA K Y OF StTK,"J 'J '
William WLiie.-.;) : .i
' " FOB SCflOdL 0UTISSISEir,',-,:-,
- I O.: - :." . i Vl i : !
., : Jamea Moore.: -'v. s.V
Kodncy Foos. '' . ! ' i'"
Thomas IS. GriselL ,slK
' ' poH 8HERITF, '
' ' Christian if. Bush:'"- - -''
- . . Neri Ebcrsole..
, ;t-.:?
'" Enoch R)ss. ; '
fobbkcori.ee, , ,u
Joseph us C. Yan Euian.
Williatn' Klamfoth. ;
. Henry M. Aioier., , i
' Perry Engle.- . v.
For Presidential Electors. State and County Ticket. FRAUDS.
Look out, , Eepoblican voters, for
frauds! Our opponents, in their des
perate efforts, will leave -no ' stdne
unturned to compass their ends.
With defeat staring them in tie face
both in the State and County they
will resort to every means to get in
fraudulent vbtes. Be early atthepollflt
Have challengers at each precinct,
asd see that no man votes uulesi he
has clear right to do so, and that
every man that has 'the 'right is on'
hand to exercise lL t ... , r.j -k
That your ticket- exactly -
the "requirements of the late 1 act'bf
the Legislature, viz : that .it Is irrit
teu or printed on plain white paper,'
with the same of the ticket at the
top, but with no mark or device' of
any kind whatever, upon it" See
that the full name of every candidate,
and the office for which he is a candi
date, is upon it, and that it is precise
ly like the one at the head of our pa
pers this week. Do not out me ticK
et out of the paper; but if you cannot
procure one of our tickets from ' -n.
trusty friend, take plain white' paper
and copy lt .careluiiy. '
! I
Estimating the population otIJaa
cock county at C0.000 inhabitants,
which is very nearly the precise figures,
and comparing this number with'. fUe
tax levy for the year 1 8p 8, as publhcd
in th Clottrirr o last wck. we havel.
LUC lsikJvS in cAuiuib as ias a.-; amac j
tax to each man, woman and child in
. i .
ine coumyi . .-!:.-
County expense fund, il 7,f27.66, or
CO ceiits per head. V " '"
ToVil county taxes exclusive51 of,
ech'ooiftindj 854,997.48, dr. fltjter
head. . ' . :. ao-
Total county and local leics,S L4V
045 68, or $4.67 'per head.' - i'4-' .fi
Every man, woman and child in tnc
county must pay 60 cts. ,a , year'to
keep up the expense of running the
county ondcr Democratic rule.; t ::--:i
Your Ticmocratic Coiinfy ' ComtnisV
sioners have levied a tax of l.S.4xu
each inhabitant , of the county, for
county purposes. ; ' ''1
Our taxes lor 'county and local pur
poses in Democratic Hancock County,
amount to the nice little figure of. i
87 for each person in the county. ' PIqw-
helders,'hbw you like it
A Galea gentleman, not at-all
prominent in politics, writes to 4 for-
mer neighbor in Washington county,1
New York. , . . fi , .
"You may assure the good people
of Washington county, that Gen.
Grant's habits in respect to temper
ance are beyond reproach. . He is a
remarkable man. He never uses a
profane word. - He is a constant and
habitual attender at church.' -Aside!
from his eminent service to the na
tion, he is justly entitled to the suf
f rages of the good, the virtuous and
Christian portion of our people-for;
the stern integrity, - the rare modesty ,
and manifold virtues of bis private
life." :'' . . -i
Let voters make a note of this."
No man has been more vilified' ' and
abused by his opponents .than has
Gen. Grant though seme of them
Judge Woodward of Pennsylvania
for one have the manliness and hon
esty to .vindicate the character of our
candidate from these base and slander
ous charges. - Does any one suppose
for one moment that the great military
leader,',! who' conducted our armies
to glorious, victory oyer Democratic
rebellion, is a coinmnn drunkard ?.Np
mar. who has enough - sense to keep
his brains from mouldering would be'
lieve aucli a story. ,, . '!.
Don't forget the fki r next week. A
big time will be had. - . ,
Well, we meant that it should.
The corru
extravagnace and
incompeter of fee H&ftdsbck Cffhnty
Deonv utmonu a
well V as i Publicans and in-
teBWjfterft. GaemSbraW
ic friends commenced the campaign
by howling about the high taxes,
and unfortunately for them the late
deficit in the County Treaauery cam?
to light and set the people to reflect
ing and investigating, and they mean
to keep it tip- These gentlemen
slumpers"Eave De'en"TiolBtdwIth
their iwa i'peUrd.i.aAd fcaWgivon
far tn m. wave that will engulf them-
people, they wHi.rebse Wieaa otuce
holders by " p!ilSiig a new 1 party in
power! ' 'ThW' wiJl at'leasi; demand
that be, placed jn Qfficejirrespect;
vedl artyJ JfliO' wWa je-njouel.t'
ie c; L jj t scum ..Tei.f
i aye gaia eu ircuncnatly a consum m a
tion. .Aevou.Uyr, bexWishd .for,-.
e v y a pnWio' iSpirit(Afccitizen.' ' Let
t. 'Yir'fellMr'case 'dnr 'County V?I
ie c; L jj t M'i- scum
jjn,. order that every., j-Qtr iaay
kaoW:fo)rliimsalC:.what arc' the iiiali-
ficatious of 'an elector atv'next Taesi
day's election, we 'pubttsti "froih the
Ohio State journal, . an abstract of
the Constitution and laws on this sub-
ject r
' I. Every - white ' male 'cftizetf of
the United Sfktes,1' 'twenty-one years
old, who shall have , been, next pre
ceedinglbe election: '7 l "
-1. An actuai Te9itent ot the state
bt'one year-,'" JiU,j : ;"'
2. An actuat tfeaident df the coun
ty for thirty days - 'and, '
! ' a. Ari actaa.1 resident -of .the town
ship, incorporated vilIage"of ward
fdr twefttv daVaif " the person ' of
fering to -vpte"in airy1 t6wns,lnp, in-1
tiiJ of a family', and ' has' actually re
sided in the State one" year,1 and ifi
the county 'where 'he. btfers to Vote
for thirty tjays, and ; shall 'in " good
faith; ' remove' with Ills' famflfro'm
oner "ward ; to another in' the 'Bahi'e'tity
r Tillage,-Or frdin a ward lu' the city
ofTiHase'to a towhshlrr'.:'OTinc6fo-
rated village;' W Thsm a' township or
incorporated Ttffage to a" ward of a
city or "village' in the" Same 'county,
such'-persbxi is entitled 'to' vote with
out having resided 'the jwenfy days
m the warn. IncorDorated ' nilasor
township:' ExctfpV ' thif,, tif vote at
aiuuiei bicvHwuo uic ovu uuci
ing td Tote inust have'resided' in 'the
ward of the' elisor villHgefhe twenty
, i. ia, aeiernnning toe resiaence or
a person offering to vqte, the, judges
of the election art td be' governed "bv
thl mlejrpreseribe'a in the Statute of
that Judges'1 and clerks' of , election
shall ri6tfbc',Tiable''.'5for,f'' damees'
for' reiecVfng-the v votes' n of'per-'j
sons narmg a Tisioie aamixttrre
of African1 blood," has teen held by
the Snpreme Court to" be unconstitu
tional and Voftf ;;I'' " 1
As to the Hfifht of Students to vote.
The Di8trfct''Conrf,6f "Champaign
tjouniyvro wnrcn was reservea, ior
decision, tlic isible admixture case
from Greene county, is understood to
have held unanimously that the Act
Jr-nl lfl 1f 'an. fa' aa if rolofhs
to' the residence of a Voccri is not es
sentially different from the previous
statute, an that finder' either kctjit
is Bufflcient If the . volet' whether a
student notj has actually resided
in the State one 'year.' h the"' cbnntv
thirty days,' and in the ward or. town '
: The'ct known by ttVli'tame, pass
ed by the Legislature,"Apnr 16, ISG
(Vol. 65JOhio 'Laws. ' bales' 7.' 4 9S.
alOO,) hM'tjeeVdettaredj 'by tie
Sutireme Court to oeuncofistitdtioiial
win v ni x.ns n i i. wkh i in u-t l . la t liik
Shprem'e Court 1bidecjsTa "nTfey
last1 in the case oVUtonroe ahd'otheri
CoCIiw.'repdrted in' Ydl17 Ohio
Wtate Reports. bage 665. "Appended
oeiow is a copy or me syiiaDus as ii
is published hi The 'oractftl Volume.
. : - ... .1,1 r. ; .'!
i nis nanus conxains iuc Minia.ue
cFded bV the'futran'lf of cO'u-'se'Ae
lii'.TIftiat tribnVA'lTn Yhe Stite'.' 6
be taken' &B ;'?a,ctfjers ahd
Jame Monron", ))avil Wifrtfn n4 Gaorgg
a. lj.Dmn7. OeorRB' w. CflHi n.' Mrtllfi
fur 1m W- tittoa ;ln aror la re,.
vew tha' ioijKBent ot Ilia PiatjriG'lCvurt
ot OteeneCuttHtyV"4 " " -- f
THE VISIBLE ADMIXTURE STATUTE. Copy of the Points Decided.
"1. Male''trtizen3i'n'avinjrti VisibTei
admixttire'df ATribWi blddd,KibMt In'
whoitf the-wTiireTiloofl Tmldniinates,
are whitd; raale' titiJieris' 'within 'the-
meaning of thedns'titutidn' of Ohld,
and have the' Tight to vote aS
as ritizens bf pure white.. blobd'.1 . ' "
'"2:'The Legislature has nopbwer,'
directly or indirectly,' to 1 deny or
abridge the'crinstitutiohkl'rightdr
citizens to Vote,' !br nnnecessarily'to
impede Its exehriee and liws passed
professedly to regulate its' exercise
or prevent its abase, must be feason-
ahiA 'nwmtmrm anrl lmntrf if ' 1 " '
-3. The Act of April 16, 1863;
O. L. 97) "supplementay' to the act
entitled an- act to preserve' the purity
of elections,' -passed March; 29, TS4T,
and to protect the jftdgefc bf elccliont
in the discharge ofthctr duties; ? and
also," thfe'lasf'tlausenn 'the proviso
irl section 3, of the act 6f April 17,
1865, (65 0. ti 100 104) ntralnend
sections 2,' 4i 5: knd 1 24, of th acM
entitled ah act tO"preserre rhfc ptttrty
or elections passetl MsTehSO, l84r,"
Ac , providing that clerks td 'judges
of elections shall ntt'be'liable for
rejecting the votes of persons naving
vIsible'i'aHrixtBre'of African blood-,
are in their pirit,1 'scop and ' effect
calculated to impede ahd'inil'great
measare to defeat the'exercise of the
riqht of suffrage by legal'Voters: haV-
ingeuch visible admixture of African"
blood, bjJ imposing on them 'tin rea
sonable burdens of torcor, and. Hmfl-
tioneas td -kind and amount of evi
dence repaired of therat bylmpHedly
airthoririog the nneonditionaf 'rejec
tion of their votes;- by denying to.
them the same right of actiod "which1
is accorded to -others for 'the 'Tiola-'
tion of their rights; aridity discrifi'-1
mating against them, and in ftTor of
other classes ot votersas WbnnlsK-1
meBt anr penalties for a-violation of
the election laws,' and are, thercftJre-j
uncoBetitntxmal and void.""- 1,1 "
r.vlbe Act otilas 51 tSGS. Vol."
05,9 ts, pages 13S( 139, itjs
uaiawu.l to' m"ark.thehticket.qf,)Ay
electvi- ascertain 'hew Leyotes, or
mark the ticket of any elector and
hand it to him to vote, for the pur-
poaeoi ascertaining now ne
By the earnest aUota.voteai
must fte written la plate white paper,',
ojjiprifited wfth $2ack ink tor : plaltt
w,Ljte:p'prinung paper,
any device oi m& of ant dscrip-
Unnlnilialimmiili nn2 ticket frOi
annthar nr hv wTiw hniB ticket mart8
be known from another bv its appear-
ance except by. the words at the
head of tho ticket But the erasure,
correction or insertion of any. name
bv nencil mark or otherwise, upon
the face of tho printed ballot is not
It is important for election Com
mittees and indispensable for judges
oi election to nave- at-wu twiuB
precinct the first -volume of Swan t
Ciitchficld's Statutes, and at least
one enpy . of the Jaws of 18C8, being
volume ta Ohio Laws. . Ann laws oi
ISO Sara in. the possession of Justices
of the. Fcaoe, or can.be had at. the
Coueiy Auditor's office.. : .
Although the person offering to
voJ.'has a;Kisille.iilmixturr.of Af
rienn lWod, lint , a prcpondt ranee of
iviiile Mood, he ia white. ie. the setise
of the Constitution. The visible, ad
mixture actftf. Co L i7) iunc6n
lUiifciooal mt void. -. See Appendix
belotf.i .- i ..i-..
fContilution, Art V, Sec. 1. 65
OJiio Laws, ao) 101, ' -..!..-. i
VfiU C5 Ohio Laws 101,. 102, 103,
104. '. '
JJoiiroe i 7j, Ct'llins.. 1 17 Ohio
State Reports, 6G5. See .Appendix
Uelow. : . ; i n-.K '.; .!:.. . '
Wo answer, there is no doubt of
our doing eo, if pur voters turn out
on next Tuesday. -n Many voters who
hate heretofore voted with our bp
ponents.wiii tuis year cast tlieir. votes
witUi the. Republican party. This is
especially : the easo-'i with regard to
our county ticket which ig composed
me very pest men in tue county.
Honest,,, competent the affairs . ot
the county, in- their hands, would be
faithfully ' inanaged Baving many
thousand dollajrs to the people. Our
internal improvements would be
carefully. attended to, ditches prop
erly and econonically constructed,
uinages let put, to .the lowest and
most responsive udders, upon good
and substantial plans and specifica
tions, and 'Only taken off . the hands
of contraitors,''when',8aid plans and
speciScationYhad been fully carried
Xhen,' Republicans 'of Hancock
jcoonty, we asx yon to come out in
force and with the assistance of hon
est Democrats, place your county
aflaira in the hands of men who will
guard ft'em 'carefully will introduce
aomv ana . careyu management
infaceotthe extiravaganceand mis
management, which has injured the
fair fame and credit of our county.' '
jC'1 1'irif ' io the polls ! Remain
there through he day, and see to it
that every nan who can be induced
to vote a Republican ballot is there
S6 to it . that , the aged and the
infirm are provided with conveyances.
See to it that not a single voter
remains at home. ,
If this is done, there can be no
doubt as to the result :
To the polls I To the polls!!
Jf Samuel Spkler is not a defaulter
as the Courier would have the people
believe,- wny have the Commissioners
commenced suiJagan'st him for the
eunvjef $100?:: :..' !
Vhylid - Mr:.! Spftlerpay over
fc2,?00- bnly' ' a: few day s1 s in ce, and
then declare ' his intention to contest
ihejeat ; ywh
Why go to this expense, if there
nothing wrong with Mr. Spitler's
accounia r . ,.. . ',...
Jf .hetax'payera will not lose one
cent by Mr. Spitler, who pays the
coats in this suit?" "
what' we want to'know.-
'LW,f' iyjio'cj-l Ve.' .Ac. may ave
Biipjuiu, ui xnaPiVuiair auq canuiu
argumentid days-gone by, but your
own pnrtjr now demands the facts in
the dasc
JTy the election., of Seymour and
lilair, ail the.Convxleracy fought for
Governor Vance.
rr i - - . i . - , -
4 uls is cue wuetvnce, wao, in an
address s td tlie North Carolina sol-
s darinrr ''fne war'urged them
Ii till i '
"td pile hell ' so' full of Yankees that
thir.feet would stick out of the win
dows,' and wh6 snbseqacntlo declar
that ("he was going to light the
Yankees -until ihell froze over, and
theft hp, would fight them en the ice."
"itr. Marshall is -a very clever Car4
8!, 7$ c,1UzeD.W aid
Democrat to us. last Monday, "but I
fear he has not the business capaeity,
and will be too easily influenced by
designing inert J therefore, ' I shall
vpte for.MrJ klamroth, who is a prac
tical mechanic, a good business man,
and will carefully guard the affairs of
the county;' but added he, '"1 am
old-line Democrat" ' Let us have
econonyr. .. .
!l fast year pad 18 in the shape
taxes,", aaid a Democrat the other
day, "this year, my taxes amount to
about $35 ; next year, they will prob
ably WV$r?7ftTI Wall! vote tor
Republican: county, officials tide' year.':
jibe cannot imake ft.any worse, the
Lord Itnidwa and perhaps it may be
oetter. ' xet us nave economy.
W !'. j"' ' '
. -. . -rt j. ' lit , .. ! J '
On the 3d of,. November next, the
American, people .will, endeavor to
reaUJpe those States to. their consti
jntional. .rights... .'Should, this by . a
poaaibiUty4.i,.the white population
those States may succeed in plan
log themselves in possession of their
croTernments ; otherwise, as sure as
Itbe" Anglo-Saxon blood runs in the
veins or boutnern men, mere wui be
upheavel of .civil. war, and then,
should Congress sustain the blacks,
ashes wil), coyer, the ruins of the
Gen. T. Ewing, Jr.
"7 rJ rge ana ow
lone, all things considered, and the only
wioutrCgrets that every speaker advertised,
forBom6 best known to them-
. ;. .
Nowithstanding our farmers were
ftnr mtut.. w. Vednes-
' - ".- . . .
tee, failed to come to time.
This was
no fault ot our County Central Com
mittee, who had assurances of some oi
the speakers, if not all of them, that
they would positively be with us. For
tunately, the Rev. Robert McCune,
associate editor of the loUtto Blade,
was in town attending the Congrega
tional Church Conference, and in re
ponse to the request of our citizens,
though totally unprepared, agreed to
address 'the meeting. . Mr. McCune's
speech, was. well (delivered, abounding
in eloquent sentiments and telling hits,
and was attentively listened to by the
large audience. At the close of Mr.
McCune's address, Gen, -Walker was
called tor and responded in an able.
argumentative and interesting address.
Ue was attentively listened to tnrongn
out and closed in an eloquent and af
fecting appeal to to his hearers to turh
out at the polls' in force, and to let
nothing keep them at home, but to
devote, the entire day to the Union
The meeting was much the largest
that has been held in the county during
the campaign, and shows that the
people are' fully alive to the importance
of the issues at stake in the coming
Contest !!,;,. . ..!
. And now, RepuWicans, the time for
speaking is past.' The great duty of
working until the last ballot is depos
ited in the" box. next .Tuesday night,
still remains.
In the eloquent language of the la
mented statesman, Henry Clay, let
us, "awake ! arouse ! shake off the dew
drops that glitter on pur garments, and
onward to battle and to victory.''
ves, or Ue htato Central Cemmit
A tew days after the defalcation of
Spitler. became public, one of the
Democratic stumpers thatinfeste the
Court-house in this place, had been
to Pickens' school house to make a
speech. ;. Stopping at the residence of j
Mr. Hill, the Democratic candidate
for Auditor, and . calling him up out
of a warm bed to his door, our long
whiskered gentleman exclaimed in
an excited manner: "John,' some
thing must be done ia this Spitler
matter to stop it Dunn and Bope
are blowing1 like h 1 about it all
over the county, and it is injuring
us. Something must be dene." '
Poor fellows! Afraid not that
the County would lose by the defic
it, but that their party would lose
votes. .Not that the plow-holders
would lose their hard earned taxes,
but that some of the rats about the
Court-house will lose their bread
and butter. But . whlskerando's
fears were not without foundation.
It did come out It hat injured their
prospects. The people of the Coun
ty, irrespective of parly, demand
that the Court house shall be cleansed
of the vampires, who have fastened
themselves upon the County Treasu
ry, sad by their extravagance, in
competency, if not worse, have squan
dered and misused the people's mon
ey. Let us have economy !
"Something must be done.''
Democratic Economy.
The Democratic Legislature of last
winter cost the State of Ohio, , ior
mileage, per diem for members, clerks,
and sergeants-at-arms, only $120,000,
while the Republican Legislature oi
1 867 cost, for the same purposes, G0,
106 85. Our Democratic retrenchers
just retrenched the "poor plowhold-
ers" out of $59,893.15.
This 'same Democratic Legislature
passed just 184 laws of a general na-
ture, which , cost. the dear people, in
per diem and mileage jof the members
of that body, $653.00 each.
Adding to the per diem of members,
the appropriations for, lights, fuel, sta
tionery, printing, dec, and yeu have
the cost of 'each law. passed, about
$i,oooi ;'' '
By all means, let us have more
Democratic economy, when this same
Legislature meets in November, two
months'' earlier than any Legislature
has heretofore met. " .
Tax-payers, Low do you -like the
prospect?' I
For the Jeffersonian.
What are School-houses For?
In times like these, when the politi
cal armies of the nation are waging
an unceasing war, and the whole com
monwealth are on the tip toe of ex
pectation to ascertain who shall gain
the victory, it may seem impertinent
to bring so trivial a question oetore
the puhlio mind. . '
Bat it is not without an object.
. ...
We ask in all candor what are our
school houses for? and we desire a
answer. :- ; '
The young men of Findlay made an
effort to organize a Literary Society,
and would have succeeded had not a
suitable room for the occasion been
denied them. . They had the promise
of a room in the West end building,
but. for reasons best known to them
selves, the Board of Education with
drew their promise on the evening
appointed for the 'meeting, and the
boys were disappointed.' -
Now, we do not wish to criticize the
action of the Board, but we do think
theboya should be furnished with a
room for tiM occasion. -
What are our school houses for, ifi
not for the improvement of the minds
ot the rising generation ? And what
is better calculated to - develope the
mind, quicken the judgment, and
strengthen the understanding than a
good Literary and Debating Society ?
We hope tne Board wui consider
this matter. Give the young men a
chance to improve the hours they
might otherwise spend at the saloons,
and they will have no reason to regret
it in afier days.
For the Jeffersonian.
The editor of tho Courier in last
week's issue attempts to answer my
tormer article on Hancock Coantv
democratic finances. He does not
deny a single statement and really
admits all my statements, except the
one regarding the County Expense
r und in 18C7. He said I had missta
ted this, and uses very freely the
words ,!liar,hypocrite,scoundrel, fec.''
Mr. Glessner, remember you are a
grey, haired man, father of a family,
soon togo to your grave; thcreforet
your age,. if. nothing else, demands
my respect , , , . ,
But let us consider, iirthe Heacoci
Courier of October 3d, 18G7, is pub
lished the official statement of II. B
Wall, County Treasurer, of the grand
duplicate of that year. By that pub.
lication the County Expense Fund is
given as $33,74134. We find the
same amount in the report of the
Auditor of Slate for 18G7, (page 3G)
Now who is responsible,?, who is the
liar'' fec., Mr. Glessner? Mr. Wall
the Courier, the Stale Auditor, or
'Tax payer ?" ' '
But the Courier says 'that 817,000
of Infirmary Fund is included in this.
Let ns see again. Let us admit this.
Now we know ' that our County
officials sold the stock in the Findlay
& Cary Brauch Rail-roau, which the
county owned, for about S3000, which
was worth, and for which they could
have got two or three times as mncb,
had they made proper inquiry and
exercised ordinary discretion or re
gard for the interests of people. There
was also in the Treasury over $9,000
surplus Soldiers' Bounty Fund. This
sum of $9,000, and over, was trans-
fered to the Infirmary fund. Now
add this to the County Expense
Fund, as given, and we hve about
$4t,000. Now, Mr. G., deduct your
$17,000 Infirmary Fund, and. we still
have about 827,000, as the County
Expense Fund of 17G7. But says
Mr. Glessner, in hisUast week's Cour
ier, "if we had been as diligent to
discover truth as to -tell lies, we
would have found that there is $6,000
of last year's County Expense Fund
yet in Treasury." What do you
mean Mr. Glessner ? To what end
If you1 mean that the County officers
levied $6,000 for that Fund alone
(and we don't know how much more
of others,) more than was needed
then we say, what an unexampled
outrage this, at a time, when money
was so scarce and hard to get to
compel the tax-payers to pay $6,000
more than was needed, and let it lie
idle and useless in the Treasury.
What gross carelessness and incom
petency. If you mean to say that
it is there for current expenses
the year, then tho fact is patent, you
have levied it, it has been paid
by the tax-payers, and you admit all
we claim. If, finally, you mean that
there is 86,000 of this Fund alone in
the Treasury, more than needed
then, by reference to the County
Treasuer's report of the grand dnpli
catc, published in the Courier of last
week, we find that you have levied
for County Expense Fund for the
year 1868, $18,0U0. Add to this the
$6,000 and we find you levying $24,
000 for County Expense Fund for
this year of grace, 18G8. Again we
ask, who is '"liar, hypocrite, &c ?"
"Tax payer," Mr. Glessner, Courier
or .County Treasurer. Mr. Glessner,
utop ! you can t explain away the
fact of extravagance, carclesbncss,
corruption androng in the manage
ment ot our tounty by your party
The more you stir it up, the worse
ycu make it It is bad enough in
all conscience ; don't make us blush
for our County, and for honesty in
man by making it worse
On the fourth page of this week's
paper we republish the celebrated
"Broadhead letter," written by Frank
P.'Blair, the Democratic candidate
for the. Vice Presidency, in which he
proposes to have Congress overawed
by Federal bayonets. Not like the
noble Grant who says, "Let us have
peace," Blair and his co-workers
want war,; anarchy and bloodshed.
We believe - our people have had
enough of that and will vote to car
ry out the programme of Gen. Grant
We republish this letter at the re
quest of a Democrat who says he
has not yet seen it. And we charge
it upon the Democratic party that
their organ has not dared to publish
it for the benefit of their readers,
notwithstanding they have been re
peatedly asked to do so.. They have
wilfully and maliciously kept the
truth from them, through fear of
damaging their cause.
a rtfY
[Special to the Cincinnati Gazette.]
Connecticut to be Nobly Redeemed.
Republican Gains all over the
IIiBiFORD, Oct 6. Returns from
about .two tliinlx' of the State show
large Republican "gains in the popular
vote. The JCeuublicans nave lost one
town, but gained three and two are
New York. Oct. 0.' The Express
has ' the following telegram from C.
M. Ingersoll to Erastus Brooks:
Naw- Havkx,' Oct. 6. The returns
now coming in ' from our town elec
tions indicate a Democratic majority
in this State of over 5,000 in Novcm
ber.w ' !
Habtfbrp, Oct C.Orticial returns
from 149 towns foot up as follows:
Republican, 83 ; Democrats, 59 ; di
vided, 6. Of these the Republicans
train to, and ine uemocrais o, irom
last year. Of the towns that were
wholly Republican last year one is di
vided this year. Ot those which were
wholly Democratic five are divided.--
Granby gives 24 Republican gain;
Sunbury, 43 ; Farmington, 83 ; En
field, 25; Huntington, 15; JJethel,
18 ; Ridgfield, 29 ; Kellingly, 250.
Many other towns show proportionate
Republican gains. There are 13 towns
yet tQ hear irom.
- -
Wo! wo! to their Trustees—Taxpayers
For the Jeffersonian.
In the Hancock Courier, of the 1st
inst, we find the official publication
of H. B. Wall, County Treasurer, of
the grand duplicate for the current
year 1868-9. Wc there find that the
total taxes to be paid this year by
the town and township of Findlay are
$42,655.75. Of this amount the
State taxes are Sinking'' Fund,
81,628.13; School Fund, 81,763.
97; General Revenue, , $1,356.
io. Aoiai, 13.08. jnow, as
shown by' my' former articles, the
Republican party is responsible but
for one of these items, to-wit: $1,
35G of a Revenue Fund.' 'Then we
have the Borongh Fond of 85,490.76,
being the total amount levied for all
purposes, 'such as improvements,
general expense fund, cemetery, of
ficers, road tax, fire department san
itary, AcT Next 'is Township, or
Poor . Fund, $1,695 95. Total ! of
township and borough, 87,186.71
Next comes the School and School
house Fund, levied in the town and
township by the several 'Boards of
Education, $20,756.70. Last we
have the County Tax, levied by Dem
ocratic county officials, and for which
they are responsible, to-wit: - "Conn
ty Expense Fund, $3,188.34 ; Bridge
Fund, $1,356.76 ; Surplus Revenue,
$339,19; Road Fund, $1,356.76;
Infirmary, $2,170.83 ; Special Road
Repair, $407.02 ; Special Taxes, $1,
144.82." Total county Democratic
tax in Findlay township, $9,963.72.
Notwithstanding this exhibit , the
Courier, of last week, and the week
before, has the effrontery to say that
in 1860 the amount of township and
borough taxes was $9,889.71 ; and
that in 18G8 the same taxes ae $26,-
525, or a Republican increase; jof
$29, 1 35. Now, by tho above exhi
bit of II. B. Wall, instead of an in
crease, there is a decrease of $2,703.
Mr. Glessner, are yon a "menda
cious ," or has Mr. Wall made a
false statement under oath ? Which
is it ? As a matter of fact the trus
tees of .both .township and borongh
made lighter kvies this year than
have been made for years.' :' Another
fact is true: If yon examine the
records of the borough, you will find
that our Council have this year made
an actual saving in that which, but
for them, in road tax, die., would
have been an actual loss of over $2,
000. They have been rigidly eco
nomical, and notwithstanding the ex
tensive improvements now- beine-
made,the treasury is in a better coa-
dition than for years. ;
Now, by the above exhibit, while
the State, Township, and Borough
taxes are less, the Democratic coun
ty taxes are greater nearly $10,-
000, or two-thirds as much as the to
tal county taxes paid by the entire
county in 1855, twelve years ago.
Now. Mr. Glessner, how could you
How about CoL Bope, Dunn, Beards-
ley, and Gen. Walker being "liars.
hypocrites, scoundrels," tc ? Were
you sitting before a looking-glasi
when you wrote ? We think so.
In the above exhibit is 820,000'
levied in the Borough for school
houses, paying teachers, die. Part
of this was levied in the south-west
district to pay off bonds issued by
them years ago, whereby to get mon
cy with which to build their school
bouse. The balance, or greater part
of it we presume, was levied in the
other district for the payment of
teachers, tc , and the building of the
large, fine house, just completed.
Now, Mr. Glessner, if you wish to
attach responsibility, you know that
two out of three of the School
Board, to-wit : Messrs. Galloway and
Myers, are Democrats, allhongh the
borough is Republican. But we pre
sume no Republican, and few Dem
ocrats, other than yourself, would
seek to attach responsibility here,
much less run our schools and edu
cation into the filthy mire of Demo
cratic politics. The Republicans do
not, as is shown by the fact that they
have elected two Democrats to the
Board, and we hope they never will
run these interests into politics.
For shame, Mr. Glessner! The
truth is, that the people of the dfs
trict built the school-house because
they needed and wanted it ' They
voted for it and paid the taxes cheer-
fully,willingly,and gladly.and instead
of attaching responsibility and blame
to the School Board, are sincerely
thankful, and say "well done, good
and faithful servants," to Messrs.
Harsh, Galloway, and Myers, for
their great ability and good taste,
their patience and sacrifice display
ed and made in the building of -th
house ; for they now have one of the
fincstbest fornished,and best arrang
ed houses in the State one of which
they may well be proud. They will
soon have one ot the best, and best
conducted schools in the State, and
one to which young men and women
in large numbers are already crowd
Mr. Glessner, you can't withdraw
the attention ot tax-payers from
Democratic county mismanagement
extravagance, and wrong, by such
miserable evasions as those above
cited. Faugh! Mr. G., ont npoa
The bold and stirring letter of
Frank Blair in favor of that counter
revolution for which the people ev
erywhere are sighing, and through
which alone there is bope or escape
from military despotism and barba
rous mongrelism, ton cried tne popu-
ar heart ; and as tne representative
of these counter-revolutionary prin
ciples he received the unanimous en
(O.) Crisis.
For the Jeffersonian.
. The young gentleman who "keeps
the books in the Collector's office,
rushes into print in a twooolumn
article, in last week's Courier, jn an
swer to the statement made In the
jEFrEBsoxiAiTof the 25th Sept; that
the farmers and stock-dealers of
Hancock county paid only $549.61
income tax in 1868, and talks in reg
ular juvenile style of "sunny hills,"
"lovely plains,' "bright skies, "lux
uriant flowers,' and "gentle dews of
Heaven. Why, my dear George,
what have all these natural beauties
to do Wiih tie! taxes with! which) tie
poor plowholders pay to support the
Geventfieni? f thpj fanner affdj
stcoaf.aiert uitt flunjv.
paid more than $j49.61 income tax,
cut, our young menu commisser
ates'us; yeaj he sympathizes USi
in our effprtjS to enlighten tax-payers-
and asserting that we are sick,
he prescribes Ipr us,' on.tho principle!
as he says,' that "what sickene"ia
, ' . .j
small doses, cures when larger nes
are taken." This eminent; physician
proposes, from the2 size' of the dose
he has administered to his readers,
to cure before he sickens.
He; finds, abundant' fault with as
for not charging up the entire Rev
enue tax, Licenses, ' Income, Whisky,
Manufactures, Gold ,Watctres, and
all, to the farmers, addiwhidh) he
very well knows they do not pay,-i
and then mi advvlyldg1eid' inancier
soars ofl on tariffs National Banks,
greenbacks, and other possible and
impossible modes of collecting reve
nue, rising Entirely above the petty
trifles "of County and Local' taxes;,
indeed, these little, matters, in which
the farmers are so directly interested.
are unpleasant things for our Demo
cratic friends to talk about ! ,.' .'
And he, like, the pther Pendleton,
Vallandighara, and Brick Pdraferey,
has got a policy a financial policy
policy by 'which erriation"af debt
can be paid, taxes reduced, and inter-
eat saved. Ie ia -afopia aadastijp
comprehended ; in iaef Ahe? retoedy T
ot good judgment and common
sense alone-.'' There' yoirbave' ii
But for fear that . yon could, not ex
actly come at his meaning, he ex
plains: "Lef'CongTesrf'Abotiih the
entire revenue system officers and
all, let the State collect the neces
sary taxes for the Government' the
same as State taxes are. collected."
He ia willing for the sake of the dear
people, to relinquish his present po
sition of receiving taxes and bis saL
ery, even, wiping .to be abolishedif
by that means he may relieve the
people. He then proceeds: "Let
every man pay in, proportion to his
substance ; let the rich and tue poor
bear this burden alike, in proportion
to their means.''
This is the essence of his finan
cial policy, and it is about as pro
found and impracticable, as any that
have been - proposed ; by the great
financiers of the party to which be
belongs, and ought to recommend him
to the distinguished consfderaiij of
H. Seymour Esq., when he becomes
an occupant of the White House.
llow-holderachdwdo yon Jke (his
new policy? No. .more. .taxes jnpon
luxuries of the rich, unless the neces
sities of the pooF-jare also taxed ?
No more teiog if 4ne darrkige; in
which the rich man makes his com
fortable ride, unless, yu , tax the
wagon the. farmer uses 'in carry bag
his produce to market? If" the
wealthy man's gold -watch Isi-taxed,
yon must pay on the "old 'crfck'J'tliat
ticks in the corner. If the the rich
-1 ,
man pays on nis whisky and tobacco,
'.-i. jj iV ni nil
you must pay on your corn and po
tatoes. "
Did this very beautiful asd cdmboh
(non )sense policy prevail, and not
until then, well might wV exclaim in
the language of the .rwdeTntfeelSr
laoorer tstaxea on weai.ne eats, ami
drinks, and wears; i' Taxed on what
lives on, bleeps on; and' walks' on.
Taxed alike on necessities' and luxn
ries. Taxed from ttr"edle to- thei
grave; andercnthel'.wheahe kaaVasul
last tribute to earth, - add- eieepe
beneath the clods of tho valley,, a
revenue officer steps in and r claims
from one to six ber cent, of the entire
snbstaice' he hW ieli fotti VuVprt
his wife andlitift'onck:
But, this young Lord Chatham, has
allowed his eloquence to carry . him
beyond the realms of , truth, jor he
very well knows that there is not
now, noc never jws, 'ajrevfeotie 1 14
force" in. this? c: win try. which taxei ihe
widow and orphans from one to six
any other per cent, on the entire
amount left for their support.
Sneaking of the business id, in
connection with the revenue law, he
says "his most private business re
lations are subject to the scrutiny of
some unprincipled revenue official,
who. dictates wha$ bahelL or whatl
auaii ot no, jar oe enaoeiio antler
c6hscqtiebc.' ' ur trietof be
a revenue omeer, nas every op
portunity of knowing last how of ten
unprincipled revenue officials meddle
. 1 . 1 . . or - . 1 . ;
witu aue wri'aua..auiair8.ot. Business
and we will not controvert him.
But, seriously, C!. .F. P'uIaying
aside all your school-girl -oentimen-taliam,
thin-skinned sophistry '. and
evasion, wilt you tell the tax-payers
Hancock County just bow 'many
consecutive days since the first of Hay
they have paid directly to the Gov
ernment SDUu aaijy, ana wnat portion
that, and upon what articles . the
farmer paW ? Wa answer fj
With tho skull aad' cro bones of
! a
''Lost Cause before us, we will
swear that this is a white man's gov
ernment. . W a mcbt kXkk THt ra
we waaa waia ws, bxld hix ia
abjkct B0N9Apa and. toi taaM Aim
that he has aroused a power that
con trol or destroy him. JItri-
( Mitt.) Mercury.
We publish on our first page an.
article from the New York Eoeuig
jf-M- - - . -
i'feat contrasting the public record
J. ... -r n . j rf.M.
ni upn i vaant . ranr. aiiti. uuiisk
tia Seymour. Startling as the fact
may seem, the picture is notbt
drawn. Read ii citizens of Hancock
county, and then, choose yr which
we shall entrust with the destinies ofl
our great Republic for the next four
years. And we would call in an es
pecial manner, the attention ot the
brave soldiers of the Union to this
article. It is well written, and well
worth persual. Let every votee read
For the Jeffersonian. New Advertisements.
CoBMga Maim m Faoitr Stbih,
V. : . mrnxuAT, omo, : -
GEORGE II OMAN,' Proprietor.
This boons baa bMtf horanehhr rapnlrad
and nawlr SiaUUd. Eerr'aUeattoa lll
e paid tba oomfrrt of the traveling .pubho.J
Hood and apaoluua slabllng auaoaad io ine
i . m
Tuesday,' Novemler 3,1868;
M I.-
Hancock County. (
To Ike Qualiltd Eltttu t of taid County; .
YXJ B ERE A3, by a lav( the tiuUa of OJila, J
uie Hhenff to give notice Mtora.t&e ime or
holdinK a General Election, br proolamalion
UiroukJwai tke-caaiKr.orba ttateoa wkleh-
nucn election snail Da neia ; in pantuanoe oi
law. 1 A. Y erf er. Sheriff of Uaneook Voatty,
do hereby notify tba qualified electors ot
aald oonutr to assemble In their respective
township ,4tb vvvtKtbtmrti :aoktin(
llS64Biidiiaankna tBar pfcoaVid, a
tba law directs, to vols for
Two- Rle'tonv' for' the State M
r '-j ' m i
.rge,auu . '
: Nineteen Congressional' Electors,!
of tie United BUtew la.'raanc of tba
CoDaUtutioaof Uta United biatas and of.UUs
N In tesUineny whereof. I bava
SKAI. lherennto aat air hand seal, tbla
YthlrUeth day of Beftamber. la tba
year otowrJUvd onaehoOanrt etshl ot ad
and 1xQrfsbV anr in the 1ittitrthtrd of
tba indepandancs ot the United Statea ot
ii n rjkLvMGfct,(J d
1 j r . . u a
nO Ql riK VUUriS
iiiiru . juuicui. .lusMiti
THE YEAR 1869.
TB IT REUEMBERRD, thU at a meet-nr of
J Judea of the Courts of Common Fleas
ol the Third Common Jadlclal District of tba
diate of OUia at the Court House, la th aity
of Tiflia, Benec County, Ohio, on Uie day ol
the date hereof, for the purpoee of fixing the
times of fcnldinr the term of lha Courta of
Co rcmon. Fleas and of the District Courts In
said District for tb year IH9. Wsv tba tin
dersigned, Jutlgea of the Court ot Common
Pleas within, and (orsald District, do hereby
ax the times of holding said Courts far the
ear 169. in eoh.aBd every County In said
District, ad fdHowMs ..-.
The seraraJ.Uarms of the District CosLtn
and for the ?e:ir i&69, shall commence in the
several Counties thereof aa follows' a will'
In WillKwa Ctiumy, August 3.
In Fulton County,, 4 ,
In Wood Count . I " S
In Henry County ' 7
In Defiance County " ,
In 1'aulJing County' ' - "ll
! In Van Wert County 13
InAtlenCunty . . , ,..
Urutnaar-CiiuJUy I f .11?
In Auglaiie County " l
In Mercer County " 30
In Hbery Ooanty ': ' -' 33
In Igan County " 35
In Marion County M 28
In Uuion County, September 1
In Crawfof d County " S
In Wyandot County - t
In Hardin County 8
And that tba aeyeral terms of the Court of
shall commence in
the aereral Counties
thereof as follows :
In? riii
la Hardin County January II, starch 39.
October 4.
In Marion County February 1, April 37,
October 9. , s 0 si - if
In Loi(b Caooty February Hay21,
-In hhelby County February 8, May 10,
October IS. , . 1 , ,
cons sua Bivmoa.
In Auglaize County February 33, June 14,
Novemoer z.
In Allen County starch 9. Juns 33, Sorem-
ber 16.
In Meroer County February 16. June I,
October 36.
In Van Wert County January 19. May 11.
September 11,
Is Fulnaaa County , February 3, Kay IS,
October 13.
THiaa irs niTinew.
Tn P. 11 1.1 1 n ir fi.nnlr Vahraar 4 Santam.
Ibejr Si.. , f i jin v -n f . i. -
in Oeftartne Ceualj February,, aprflo.
In Henry County February 15, May 3,
October 4.
Ia Fulton County March 3, May 11, Ooto
ber 18. :.. f . 1 1 f . i
In Williams County March IS, May 18, No
rember 3.
In Wood County January 5, April S, Sep
tember 2.
' rersTi srB-Mvnios.
In Beneca County February IS, May 18,
November s.
lu Uano ck County Jasuary 19, April 8,
October 19-
In (.-rawfurd County February 9, May 4.
November s.
And we d3 further order sad direct that
aereral terms of said Courta shall com
menee oa the Aral day nf each ol said terms
eight o'clock A. M. In testimony whereof
issue this our order for the purpose
aforeasMdrariiSW QoMtMpnse. oa'atlathe
twelfth day ol bepumber, A. D. 18SA.
J. . COHKLl.f .
J udgea of said Courts.
To the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
HUeacatSssaty. Oble.iwh Is aerobe
directed to publish I his order for three ooa
seeutiTS weeas In each of the several news
papers published in said Coaaty.
Stall of OAie, Hancock Counts, S. S.
I hereby certify that the foregoing oodv
order lor holding Court In the Third Ju
dicial District ia Oblo. In the year 1SS9, la
truly taken and copied from the order OS Ala
this etioA. f- In testitsoST' woeeeof. v t .
---c-SI-hsras aubsertbw my mm,
aajaajytht 22J of September A. D '
- w ...... nwvi,.
Clerk of the Court of Common Fleas, Hsa-
eocE vouniy, vuiu.
Oet.1.1868. n31w3.
The tjavr. Office cia. the place to
get your job printing.
oironer jail
Od- (Hull,
Hepumber so, 186S.
11 1 nil 11
T osT 5,87irr -rT7
Iba I
aaia. 1 mm aacoaa lur r-z
tkraa jaars aftar data.
pram: an Bars.
Ootlar . IMS. 1
DAVIS dV,fiE.N;$,
' T 1 4
took of Goods In oar line ever broaght to
Wholesale and'"Reta:i,-
: muni
As th same eaa be purebasad at any house)
.,.;! . ) ,1 ' '-
t r. 1 ' j : 1.2 a 1
it'! : ( a
And bought at rates ttatMrill asabls as to
aeu 1MB al
1 A
Ws would call particular attention te oar
! Wgaaoi.eMaelex)ledaU)Ok ol
: . t .ItJllf4 .ifrr-.Mlft 'f
WAUsllws seliers W bl aaaaesTa
Ue market for qaai ty or cheap neeeT
. i October , lsS. . . i
New Store -RocunS
tr rr y 'jrkTTCT
' '" ' i ! fl-;. Ml : I 'h io J '1
') ' . - f r - -1 ',
Jsat opened at oar .-1 .
IM H.W Kt II ir'1-.-e.f
w w V .aaaWWW-aafk)M,
. . . .'- I 'I'M
JL r.r .H f Thl' 1
O MIS sous
'.i.-i-ii.iiMl Lik.ij. iu I kit v)i .1-1
" T r tf f
Cheap 'as the.CIIiejp
.i. 1-1 . :-;.a.l
t HI mti4
Call In and sea ue. asv'w di sot ooaetder It
:t.:i . i ' t..-.a-i.iiji .i'iJ:v:a
j. ' : ir:f ,!i
THE OLD FPUS?''''" '
) f)
uy; at Carnahiirt's
1 .KT'IA.M
: Ib'fl
Buy. at (rnahaffs
. '1 ,
.uii.'UMI f aal
. t i let -if.
Restores gray tad faded Hair, to Jg
OaicurAC Cbiiia, rernoVcj DrtdVw! "
mus in. piswss Ltiisi 3U.
Pierena PawV asai aske the hate
grow Soff, pkMsy aPd Laxuriaar.
UN asl $y m talk twk huh t M la ln
. Vrhar T SBWAMX-' BEtTXaTTi .
rHFVKT.DruMits.BaflhJi),N.T. Sold
For sals by FBET ETTI MG B W bole-
vale AgenU, sad 8. efc 4. aC MlfalU Afc
BeUll Agents. . . '
. . ia. aaallia. ajyHl
. rn,. .utaav tales, ara Sappoaas
kl ir.K-lan. Tba aofca.
10; 18es. iIvm by raiar ooaa- w .
.... I ti aa n.vahM lo twi
- -1 . '1-0 .-ti

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