OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, August 16, 1895, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1895-08-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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Except Sunday
At Brito Hall Konla Btroot
g0 ITelephone 84i j0
Oairut the wrong that netdt rttiUanet
For the right that nttdt aubtanu
JPor the future in the dittance
And the good that we can da
lam in the place whereof I am demanded
ofcontcience to tpeak the truth and the truth
1 tpeak impugn it who to list
Per Month anywhere In the Ha
waiian Islands W
rer Year 6 00
Per Year postpaid to Foreign Coun
tries 8 00
Payable Invariably In Advance
Advertisements unaccompanied by spo
ciflo Instructions Inserted till ordered out
AdYertlfeomenta discontinued before ex
piration of spcciBod period will be charged
aa II continued for fuil term
Address all communications to the Edl
torlal Department to Edmund Norrie
Business letters should bo addressed to
the JIariagor
OO KENTON - - Co Editor
V J TESTA - - - Hanagor
Residing In Honolulu
FRIDAY AUG 16 1895
The Bullotin offers itself to the
next session as an adviser otfjia
common sense system of printing
Pela pahat
Tho Star does not want to nag at
tho Gabinot but it wants it to know
what its real friends think cf some
of its doings
Has it got any real friends Trot
em out
Tho Tiser and opium successful
aborts aro still worrying the publioa
mind Why cant the TUr leave
the successful abort to attend to his
custom i house and get a duty on
opium as Senator Brown says
Thanks I Brother of tho Star
For jour recognition of our spicy
paper Our subscribers the pub
lic generally have already recog
nized it But your kindly disposi
tion is thankfully acknowledged
The Star comes out squarely and
admits the military and polico ex-
uesaos are not wanted and cannot be
afforded But political conditions
regulate tho supply and demaud id
tho field Well Change the poli
tical conditions then
Armstrong wants Hawaii to ex
port butter to Japan to retail at
dO cents gold Considering it re
tails at from 60 to 75 cents gold here
already this seems to be a profitable
scheme and worthy of the other
projects of his great mind
Professor W D Alexanderis now
the President of tho Board of Edu
cation G h Carter Deputy Audi
tor General is appointed as a mom
ber Well it is hoped the jobbery
and favoritism heretofore exhibited
will now bo stoppod Thoro is yet
time to be respeotable and honored
Thoro is every reason to believe
that tho country has entered upon
an era of prosperity in whioh the
narrow political differences will bo
wiped out in the co operation of all
classes to advance our commercial
and industrial interests
And this from the Advertiser
Great Scott We had almost said
Farrington Now we are going to
go it
In response to a request for a sub
scriptionand an advertising card
L A Thurston states that ho will
make us the Bstue yropoeitiou ae La
makes a Chinaman These are bin
own words nud they show his vnlua
tton of an honent and straight for
ward opposition It isnt even a
uiggor in tho woodpile It is only
his favorito Asiatic
Now comes tho considoratibn of
The Independents ploa for a general
amnosty It has gono much against
tho grain with some bitter fooling
supporters of the Government It
has ovon causotf disruption of poli
tical ties But at laet the commu
nity and its leaders havo recognized
that Tin Independent had wisdom
as woll aa honesty and only wanted
what was best foi all Wo have been
here tostay for many years and we
suffer like qtbdre by every wrong
move- Wo only want what is boat
for all N
For sometime tho Advortiser the
Star and tho Bulletin have been fol
lowing our lead in asking for tho re
leaso of the political prisoners Yet
when one already conditionally
pardoned mado a llttlo boyish oa
capade whioh would perhaps othor
wise havo subjected him to a pater
nal spanking the three joyously
howl and notoriously parade the
whole business so as to cause bis re
incarnation in durance vile and sev
eral people to loso their situations
We refused to publish the account
to try and save them
The Star says It is uoderst od
tho Cabinot has under serious con
sideration tho taking of immediate
steps lookiug to removnl so fir as
possible of all aftor eff ots of tho
revolution of January last Wo aro
glad td hear it It is time Let tho
prisoners go Arrange to satisfy all
other causes of grievance And then
let us work together for Tat Indi
pindknts m itto
Gainst the wronx ihit -
For trie tight thntnedasltanc
For tun in t ie dli ahco
And tho good that we can do
In Union is strength and
will bless our efforts
Says tho Advertisor Even if
upon strict construction of the let
ter of the law the Executivo is in
error tho Courts will not refuse to
sustain it In other words the in
dividual citizen is now to havo no
rights as against the oliquo whioh
may happen to hold the executive
reins and if they have our Supremo
Court will not protect them in them 1
Perish the individual Let the Ex
ecutive commit any error thoy must
be upheld no matter who suffers
Wait till Mr Judds private indivi
dual interests suffer at the hands of
this or succeeding executives What
will the court say then
W N Armstrong has now solved
the small farmer question Even
Dole couldnt do it Let us raise a
statue to this public benefactor
But stay How is it to bo done
Let tho small farmers raie ootton
As Armstrong statos
Mr H M Whitney knows about
it and says it oan be done When
our peoplo are well over the sugar
drunk auct are willing to look at
small but profitable things they
will see money in this This cotton
is a cash article cash at the door if
necessary aud is prepared with any
intelligent skill as Mr Whitney
The sentences are somewhat un
intelligible but that is no mattor
Our only Labor Commisrioner has
said it- himself and it must bo so
The development of manufactur
ing in Japan baa created a demand
for wool It is imported from
Australia and the demand for it is
rapidly increasing Why is not th
Hawaiian wool in the Japanese mar
ket Tho Japanese aro becoming
expert manufacturers of shoes and
import leather from England and
tho United States Why aro not
the Hawaiian hides tanned and sent
to Japan and manufactured shoes
taken in return t There is soma do-
mand for bananas in Japan Tho
supply at present is of an iuforior
i a re
cui Vi4r B J
ntwl Mtrmnnlvn A tllO
4 of tho Japanese increaso Ihey
wilall for thin fruit The product
lit ht rti Japan is poor The do-
for coffee is generally grow
Hawaii can supply this article
Piioulen aro consumed in con-
sidable quantities and the demand
is dwiug Hawaii can supply it
it is W Nt Armstrongs
Woll let him get up a oom
to do all theso things and
y all these wants n Huroiy
1 pay better than beiug a cablo
pre oter
ho Star nas never inveiKuou
aasttho closed sessions of the
itivo Council the bsnaio or
the absurdity of a pnvato
nK of the Houe So far as the
Galoot and Senato aro concerned
are approved safe and entirely
r nrocoedinirs What U ob
jecta o on behalf of a largo sea-
tionbi tho eommuuity ana reaiiy
in til interest of the govommentin
the kclunive the select phase of it
Wsl d ar never mind if they
donllet you iu to the seorot meet
That is all right Well get
just tho name And wo will
knoil all about it But yet we eaut
see why tho House should by you
be dWpd your approval of the
privilege of putting up jobs iu priv
acy whin you extend your gracious
approvil to tho Cabinet and Senate
doing It Dmt you play ohaueys
with the House1
W N Armstrong has beon to
Japan also to several places in that
trchipelagjc ompire Ho now writes
iboutft in the Advertisor by tho
double column Amongst other
things he advises this country to
eeud mm presumably under salary
to study tho conditions there He
shows that tho Chamber of Com
merce of Lyont France ha appro
priated 20000 for the purpose of
sending experts to study the rising
commerce nf Japan and that M Ps
in Australia urge their countrymen
to do tho same Why he wants some
one rent there is bird to see when tho
othor places have not had a resident
Miui 1 for yara TJiniS
IM liad If any rupurui are wanted
let B W Irwinfurnish them as
some return for the- money he has
made out of hiseonnoction with this
country There is no use for another
Labor Commission salary grab
Statos the Star in reference to
pardoning political prisoners
It tfills it with a firm be
lief of power and authority
and tho conviction that in ord nary
and proper course of events tho
Great Government of Great Britain
will coutinuo bo a friend aud ally
and valuable adviser This makes
the itepublio feel safe aud solid
The Eopublio 1b not losing
sleep in worry over the outoomo of
its Durrell indemnity disputo with
tho United Mates Tho country
has not yet passed upon the mili
tary commission but there havo
Hiioh things over there and in Eng-
land they do not
What that means we do not know
and from the wording wo cannot
make out But if it msans pulling fea
thers out of the Eagles tail the Star
had better crawl back into its shell
It is no use now trying to work the
British Lion up as a protector
against the AmericanEagle
The following is the Stars state
ment on the political situation
Instead of showing any inclina
tion to back up the threats of some
of ber hot bed subjects in Hawaii
Britain has refrained from so ding
gun boats and warships and cruisers
and torpedo destroyers to collect
damapes avenge outragos upon
British subjects and wipe out tho
records of tno court martial
On the contrary Great Britain
has said to Hawaii If aubjoota to
the Quon plot against your Re
public or take the field in arms
against it or aid ordbit or counsel
revolution against it you can try
thorn by military commission banish
them subject them to all the exi
gencies of martial law Of course
no innocent man shall be harmed
Whon there is conviction it must be J
on sufnoient ovidenoo But wo re
cognize fully your right to qulokly
summarily even harshly resent any
assault on your government and we
find that your military commission
is a legal and regular tribunal
We doubt if the Star oan find
authority for ite quoioliou xuark
Yet possibly If not liternlly correct
the sentiment is no doubt correct
that Englishmen individually will
not bo upheld in oudeavorhig to
overthrow any Government is nt
poaco with Groat Britain
Thus writes W N Armstrong in
tho Advertiser
Tho American flag wont help us
Go to Santa Fe Now Monoo where
the American has boen trium
phantly waving sluco tho torritory
was wrested from Mexico and the
polico will tell you not to walk in
the side RtreetH at uiuht or a ilexi
oan grenaor will put a knifo in you
Iliero is somethlug to be dono be
sides puttmgup the flag so many of
us lovo It must be put on Home
thing that is decont aud respect
able Tho flag is hot a oivilizor
Annexation may easily mako us a
political hell
Weill What noxtT Ov two
years and a half gone by and now
wo are told tho American flig in
not a oivilizor aud it wont help
us and that anuexatifln may easily
mako un a political hell Good
heavens We are sitnplv paralyzed I
Armstrong ready to rat now
Everybody Koiug to desert the sink
ing ship No prisonorsl No arinex
ationll No uothiogllt
Small doings show small minds
And in matters whichconcern the
welfare pf all tho latter should not
appear Yot we find that Louis
Marshall a political prisoner and
a boy of twenty at that whoso par
don has been granted on condition
of his leaving the country in onco
more relegated to the malarial depot
of Oahu prison Xet us recite the
incidents Marshall - with all the
wisdom and experience of his age
went out with the rebels to as st in
the emeute of Jan 7th Later he
surrendered with others Young
and all an he wan his Bentence was
20 years His health sucoumbed to
the infernal unhealthy surroundings
of Oahu prison He was removed
to the Queens Hospital for njedical
treatment even the authorities
tliauo O tM iU j tl 41jo vSpclil to
doom him to death for his boyish
escapade Lingering on between
life and death after nix months im
prisonmentj he recovers enough to
say that his life is do longer despair
ed of The executive grant a pardon
conditional on leaving the o untrv
to him and his equally sick brother
in misfortune Greig While in his
convalescent state with the usual
desire of the sick for change and ex
citement knowing that he had beon
pardoned thotjoy induces his nurse
to snd for a back and take him out
for an airing Any medical man
would havoy endorsed the request
and said by all means humor him
It will assist in his recovery to
health The nurse grants her nick
ohilds request and thejjj go off to
gethef and return In consequence
tho official world is turned upside
down A new conspiracy is discover
ed And tho poor lad scarce able to
sit up is relegated to malaria-breeding
Oahu jail as a punishment
Groat Scott Is it to babies that we
have committed our safety Could
tho Government not exist in safety
if poor sick Louis could bo granted
an evenings drive aftor his pardon
to humor his foverinh fanciest
What nextT We may say if ever W
O Smith Marshal A M Brown or
others in the deal get sick and we
havo to prescribe they will have to
take thoir medio jne also in doors
And yet some of them aro fathers
King streot formerly
occupied by M E Hlva
roBse slou elveri imme
diately Apply at No S22 Njmanu street
Bishop Company
Honolulu Hawaii Islands
Established in 1X5
Transaoi a Qonernl
chance Business L
Karikfne and
LoaiiH mado oi an-
proved security B IU nisoooutod Com
moroul Credits Qrantrd Dt poMu re
ceived on ourrcnt account oubjiot to
check Letters of Credit issued on the
principal cities of the world
Tie Liverpool and London and Globe
iDyrMM Company
Timely Topics
CJ i
Honolulu Jxdy S3 1895
It cannot bo denied that tho
war cloud which hangs over tho
world at prosont is gotting darker
und darker It is a historical
fact that tho opd of each con r
tury has always boon fraught
with bloodshed nnd strifoj in
ternally ns woll as oxtornalty
Tho creat powers of Europe to-
duy aro making and unmaking
alliances of all kinds Tho fact
is that diplomacy to day is using
overy moans to postpono tho day
when tho crash must come and
gain time for the different coun
tries to prepare thomsolvoB for
the gigantic strugglo which Will
nnd must take placo before tho
present generation dates its let
ters in tho year 1900 Turkey
is threatened from all sides Tho
Russian bear is oxtonding hia
claws and licking his blood
thirsty tongue towards tho East
and South in anticipations of
gain Tho passive and cold
brother nations who inhabit tho
Scandinavian poninsula aro
now glaring ferociously ready to
spring at ouch others throats
Germany under its impetuous
indiscreet imperial mustor is
drifting into tho doceptiv6 maol
strom of conquest and war in
which all past experience all
knowledge gained through tho
horrors of war aro forgotten and
whore only falso sentiment and
sham patriotism aro ruling
And while tho giants got
ready for tho great war thoir
leaders havo realized ono thing
and that is that no army will
havo a bIiow no militia a chanco
except provided with tho indis
penrfablo bicycle And no won
der that the monarchial coun
tries of Europe prefer tho Mori
urch to any other kind and
supply thoir wheeling cavalry
with that favorito brand
Wo have watched proceedings
in tho grea countries with a
grout deHbfcare aiid wo havo
secured tho solo agoficy for Ha
waii of tho Monarch Cycle Wo
havo realized that not alono a
largo stock is4nocessary but that
a workshop in which all needed
repairs can bo done is in tho in
terest of our patrons and wo have
established ono above our stores
on Fort street This bjcyclo
infirmary will attend to any
sickness which tho whool
may meet through accident or
lack of caro Our prices aro far
below veterinary figures Wo
fix tho Monarchs sold by us at
cost price if ovor they should
need it We have everything
on hand v and havo secured tho
services of a most experienced
bicyclo man whoso work wo
As tho bicyclo is not only of
advantage in war but lovo wo
wish to call tho attontion of tho
young boys and girls who havo
to spend their -vacations in Ho
nolulu that wo haVo wheels just
suitable for thoin If daddy
cant sond them to the country
for a trip or buy them a bow-
wow lot them ask lain for a
Monarch It will give moro
pleasure and laat much longer
than ovon a volcano trip
Tna Hawaiian Hardware Go Id V
307 Fort Sthket
1 Opposite Bprenlcels Ulnolc

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