OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, July 22, 1896, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1896-07-22/ed-1/seq-3/

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U It Hitchcock and wife nrrivnd
by tho W G Hall yoslordny
Tbo prottiost dross mntorinln in
town at N S Sachs
Hank Inspector Sam Mnuy Ik on
duty again alter a severe illness
Figured Dimitiot only
5ard nt L B Kerns
Tho U S S Co HMonouni is
duo to morrow from tho Colonic
Tho only placo to buy Drosses in
town is at L B Korrs
Bishop Willis returned from Ha
waii on tho Y G Hall yestordsy
A good article for littlo money is
what any body can got ut Korrs
J W Girviu Socrotary of tho
Chinese Buroau has talton a short
trip to Maui
Ex PrtBidont Benjamin Harrison
is tho only ox President of tho
United States alivo
Dont bo misled I Make your pur
chases at Korrs and save at least 2o
cents on every dollar spent
Captain Reulion is gradually im
proving in health but is still in q
vory vveau conmuon
Silks Gauges Drapery nets for
evening dresses for balls parties
and weddings at N S Sachs
Oapt Oscar White and family had
a splendid send off atthe doparturo
of tho Australia yesterday afternoon
Whito Honey Comb Bedspreads
at 75cts 100 5123 and 150 each
only enough to last a fow days L
B Kerr Queon St
Tho engagement of a prominent
society girl and a high Government
official will probably bo announced
in a few days
The Moteors flash to night
Wouldnt bolls inako it morrior and
onable predestrians and vehicles to
get out of tho way of tho dashing
Rev Father A Clarke of tho
Paulists Fathers of St Marys
Church San Francisco will lecture
on Thursday night at 7 oclock at
tho Roman Catholic Cathedral
At tho Empire tho Duko and
Walter have placed this popular
saloon in first class order for tho
new cargoes of beer and first class
goods that are ready for all Paint
ing is finished aud patrons are
Tho Acting Royal Danish CoiiruI
Mr F W Maofarlano is still confin
od to his bed Tho Consul is suffer
ing from a serious attack of tho
malarial fever uow prevalent horo
Bergors band will givo a concert
at tho Hawaiian Hotel to morrow
evening and it is hoped the Mono
wais arrival may bo so timed that
her passengers can enjoy tho music
This is just tho weather to take a
lunch at the Anchor off one of thoso
splendid oyster Cocktails that Cun
ningham and Simpson know so well
how to brow Connoissours add a
glass of Fredericksburg to cool
off on
Read Timely Topics and then
inspect those Zimmy1 wheals
Thero are only half a dozen and
tho price is only 70 a reduction of
30 dollars from tho ordinary sell
ing price
The Pacific Itebekah Lodge No 1
I O O F givo their entertainment
social aud danco this evening at
Harmony Hall All attending will
enjoy a most dolightful time in tho
good old fashion
In Hollistor Cob window for
soma days past thero has beon on
view a Bplondid painting of tho Vol
cano It is understood that is for
salo at a very reasonable prjee cou
sidoriug its intrinsic artistic morit
So quiotly conduoted is tho Cri
terion that it is a pleasure to drop
in thoro and take a draught of that
wholosomo and invigorating Seattle
beor while you have a social talk
with a frionu Neatness oloanlinoss
aud good bohavior is a sine qua non
to friendship horo
Mr Frod Leslie who is well
known as the host of tho Royal An
nex has got an oxcollont picture of
Captain Cook the famous navigator
It is au old print and is of groat
morit Mr Leslie will probably
present tho pioture to tho historical
museum of tho Kamehameha sohools
Mr E W HoldBWorth of tho firm
of T H Davis Co is able to bo
around aftor a long and serious ill
ness Mr Holdsworth will leavo
for Englaud by tho Warrimoo aud
will be abBont for six months The
Independent nincoroly hopes that
our popular fellow citizen will ro
turn to his island homo rocuperated
in health
m m m m 1 a
Tho Court 1 irtial
Lloutoijflul olnutl Fisher open-
cd tho Military Court appointed to
j try Captain Good of Company E in
I tho throne room of tho palace at 730
p in yesterday
Tho court Is composed of tho fol
lowing gentlemen Colouol Fisher
presiding olllcor Majors Potter
Iaulcea McLood aud Cooper Oapt
Kinney Judge Advocate
Captain Good was brought into
court by Captain Zeiglor aud was
seatod next to his attorney Mr A
G M Robortsou Tho members of
tho court wore all hi uniform and
looking extremely uncomfortable
As a rule tho brave warriors soil
their sausages fish uoles und pills
in their shirt sleeves aud feel more
at homo iu such coslunio
Captain Good appeared in uni
form without side arms and tho fol
lowing charges were read by tho
Judge Advocate
Captaiu John Good Company E
First Regiment N G II
Charge Conduct unbecoming nn
Specification First
That Captniu John Good Com
pany E Fiist Regiment N G II
did address a largo number of tho
men of his company iu tho Com
paujs office as follows Tho pay
and allowauco are cut down our
services are not appreciated by the
Govornment and we ought to do as
littlo as wo can for tho money Im
going to do ton percent less work
and I would desiro you to do tho
same or words to that effect
This at tho Executive Building on
or about tho 1st day of May 189C
Specification Second
That Captain John Good Com
pany E First Regiment N G H
did uso language of a similar char
actor to Lieutenants Coyne Lude
wig aud Schaefer
This at tho officers mosi room on
or about tho 1st day of May 1S9G
Specification Third
That Captain John Good Com
pany E First Rogimout N G H
did uso language of a character
similar to that sot forth in tho first
specification to various members of
his Company on a number of occa
sions within a week or so of May 1st
Specification Fourth
That Captain John Good Com
pany E First Regiment N G H
did while drilling his Company on
tho regimental parado ground con
duct himself iu a manuor unbecom
ing an officer and a gentleman
speaking to his men in a highly dis
rospecful manner of his command
ing officors and did make use of the
following words in roforeuco to tho
riot drill viz This half
sailor drill if they wanted to get
somebody at tho head of tho regi
ment why in didnt thoy get a
military man not a sailor We
wont go through this halt drill
of tho Colonels or words to that
effect Sneoring language of like
import was useu on several occa
sions but this last principally on or
about Juno 19lh 189G at Honolulu
ou the regimental parade ground
Specification Fifth
That Captaiu John Good Com
pany E First Regimont N G H
did on tho occasion of tho grand
parado on of July 1896 yell at
his men at the top of his voice as
follows you guido rightPto
tho scandal of ovorybody in tho vici
This ou Miller stroot ou tho morn
ing of July i 189G
Specification Sixth
That Captaiu John Good Com
pany E First Regimont N G H
did on or about May 21 1890 against
tho members of tho First Regiment
N G H responsible for tho caro
of the Hold piocos iu tho Executive
grounds oauso tho chargo of careless
noss iu guarding the field pieces to
bo communicated to tho
President Dole and
cauBod such charge to bo based
upoii representations known nt tho
timo to Captain Good to bo false
and misleading to wit Tho repro
Boutation that a cortaiu sight of ouo
of tho Cold piecos had beon secrotly
abstracted from ono of tho said field
piocos by a party unauthorized so to
do while guard was suppood to bo
Amkm 4aJm ww mA t w
kopt over tho same and by tho re
presentation that a eoriuln sight
Drilled to tliH Commander in Chief
on or about tho said 21th day of
May was tho Bight allegi d to havo
boon abstracted aforosald
Specification Seventh
That Captain John Good Com
pany E Fiist Regiment N G II
did on or about May 2lth 1890
against tho mombors of tho First
Regiment N G II responsible for
tho caio of tho field pieces in tho
Executive grounds cause the chargo
of carelessness in guarding said
field pieces to bo communicated to
tho Preidont
Dole and caused such chargo to bo
based upon representations known
at tho time to Captain Good to
false and tnisIeadiugof tho reprenent
ntions contained iu an anonymous
letter mailed to tho Commander-in-Chief
President Dole on or about
said 21th day of May tho conteuts
of which letter is as follows
1 horowith return to you a sight
of one of tho largo guns in the shed
on tho Executive grounds I was
passing last Friday night and heard
the hail of tho sentries aud thought
I would givo you a littlo object les
son and show you how carelessly
guard was kept over tho Govern
ment property I wont in over the
Likeliko street fouco nud wont to
tho shed and took out the sight aud
wont out I could havo takon iu 2C0
men as easy as I wont iu I could
havo disablod overy gun in tho bat
tery Such gross carelessness should
not bo allowed
A FniEND of tub Government
R H McLean Colonel Command
ing First Regimont N G II
After considerable deliberation
and disputing Captain Kin tiny was
allowed to take a ride to Pawaa
whore ho interviewed Minister Coop
er and the charges against Captaiu
Good woro amended
Tho attorney for tho Captain was
very anxious to havo tho charges
against the prisoner roror to con
duct unbecoming an officer aud gen
tleman while tho original chargos of
tho judge advocato had forgotten or
ommittod tho gentleman
After -this important point was
rectified the groat warriors went
ahead with the business and succeed
ed in listening to tho ovidenco of
Sorgenut Stanhope and Corporal
Neoley who both tostifiod to Cap
tain Good on certain occasions using
big Ds and other naughty words
Tho court thou adjouruod till
this evening and will resume busi
ness at 730 oclock on tho old
Wo humbly suggest that the war
riors tako their caps off while iu ses
sion They may got an olectrio
stroke for swellingvof the brains
Tho bald heads would also liko an
appropriation for buhach or Chi
noso sticks with which to wage war
against tho bloodthirsty mosquitoes
Baseball - Association
For a Few Weeks Only
Only lO
234 130 Fort Btroot 9m
With Bryun and his 10 to
1 platform and Mr McKinloy
with his protection to sugar in
terests in tho United States
Honolulu aud Hawaii ffonornlly
will not havo much Irouhlo to
pick a winner to tho bobt inter
ests of tho islands But ns Ha
waii is to ho a relative by mar
riage to tho great United States
most pcoplo hero favor McKinlcy
and protection It has even
been said that with tho election
of McKinloy will come a two
conts a pound duty on sugar If
this is true wo may look for
money to burn in this com
Tho chances for another hit
toward a higher protective tariff
may incrcaso tho prices of Amer
ican products and this is some
thing tho public will havo to
consider Wovo a stock largo
enough to last through an Ad
ministration and wo bought tho
goods cheap Our stock of
Aluminum waro has nover been
equalled hero for sizo or assort
meat The price is lower than
has over beon thought of boforo
Wo also havo enamol waro in
white that is a perfect imitation
of whito China but is everlast
ing Groy or blue Agate
ware tho old stand by goes to
you at ton percent off tho old
price It was choup enough for
anyono this is cheaper to us
and wo givo you tho
Hollister Drug Co
Fort Street
You can dress woll nud havo
both If you call upon us Wo
can fit you out in ovory detail
that a man woars from tho best
under near to tho most fashion
able garments Our prices nud
quulity of goods d fy competi
Wo can restore your old clothes to
new ones
Medeiros Deckers
telephone on
P O BOX 203
DONT forgot that tho quality of tho
leather in a hurtioss ro itilates more
IIku unyihini dto is uurlng pr per
Ue Yoiuannot oxpfct poor lonlher
to wear veil Unmet faoa inado from
IhifbeEt loither will look well r ml wear
wolnsonlr tho best loather can wear
A harness that always looks wt 11 with
out much altoniioo and doos not need
frequent repairs
Island orders lollcled mid promptly at
tended to
317 King Street near Nunann
iii imii im
Sale Stetlole
Nuuaiiu Ave opp Eajrlo IIouso
Saddle Carriage fl Work Horses
Kind and Truo Family Hotbos
All orders rcrclvn nromnt attention
and try to plenso everyone
The Boss House Painter
Handing Challenge as my 1alnti
hnvo been provod to bo made of tho rarest
LIdspciI Olliuul tho Host Metallic Products
I dont run tho risk of increasing Insur
Hiiee rates liv tho nse of Tar or other Com
bnsiiblo or Inilaramablo Material
Horjsa Painting and Paper Hinging
Unoxeclled by tho Irado and always
tsar- Telephone to No 023 or call at
tho corner of Berotanla and Fort Street
for Estimates
General Business Agent
Conveyancing in All Its Branchei
Collecting and AU Business
Matters of Trust
All basincs entrusted to him will receirt
prompt and careful attention
Offleo Hunokaa Hmuakua Hawaii
Ttg Champion ot His TriJi
Akana Stables Konla Street above
Blacksmith Carriage Builder
dorse Shoeing a Spocialty
His chorees as a Smith are the Lowest in
tho Trade and hit wort is nneqanled
King Streot mskal between Manna
kea ana Kokaulike Streets
7n to sifiO Accordlne to BIwi
I Co
Fort Street
Oceanic Steamship Go
Arrive Honolulu Leavo Honolulu
from S P for 8 F
Jny 17 July 20
Aug 10 Aug IS
Sept 4 SeptO
8pt28 Oct 3
Oct 20 Oct 28
Nov 10 Nov 21
DeoU Deo 16
From San Francisco Trom Sydney for
forbydnoy BanTranoisco
lrriw Honolulu Ltaia Honolulu
Mariposa July 30 1 MoiiowalJaJy 23
Mononai Aug 27 I Alameda AugSO
Alameda Bopt24 Mariposa Sept 17
Mnnpnon Int 212 I Mnnqwal Oct lfi
Monowal Nov 10 AJaraeda Norl2
Alwruvln Tn 17 Marlpopa Do 10

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