OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, September 08, 1896, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1896-09-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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1 1 4
II 1
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I i
Ext opt Stindny
At Brito Hall Konia 8troot
S39 Telephone 841 jgCS
Per Month anywhere In the Ha
waiian Islands BO
Por Year 0 00
Per Year postpaid to Foreign Ooun
trie 8 00
Payablo Invariably in Advances
Advertisements unarcumpanipd by spo
clfio Instructions Inserted till ordered out
Advertisements dlscontlnned before ox
ptratlon of speoiflcd porlod will bo charged
as if continued for iuil term
Address all communications to tho Edi
torial Department to Edmund Norrlo
Business letters should be addressed to
tho Manncor
F J TESTA - - - Manner
Residing In Honolulu
Another life has been lost and
another man must go to jail because
Mr Doles Republic insists on
furnishing firearms and ammunition
to irresponsible mon When in tho
past was over an official under the
Foundmaster allowed to go around
with a loaded pistol in bis pocket
In the past no firearms wore given
to tho police officers except when on
special duty and no ammunition
was over handod to the soldiers ex
cept for target practice Then there
was rarely any shooting killing or
suicides Now we are recording
such events daily
Tho Republic is to blame for this
terrible change in our peaceful little
country When Bridgot shot Patten
on Fort street eleven or twolvo years
ago the town was shocked because
tho use of tho revolver was virtually
unknown here There was great
provocation in that scrape and the
assault of Patten on the othor man
might have justified the rash act
Chief Justice Judd held in the
Court at the trial that a man has no
right to use deadly weapons in self
defense as long as there are any
means and chances of escape from
his assailant The learned judge
stated at tho same time that ho pro
posed at all hazards to prevent the
eril prautice of carrying firearms in
this couutry
The Chief Justice has had his
own way and ho has got his own
missionary Government iu the sad
dle He has evidently forgotten his
tiradvs agaiut the carrying of fire
arms because since the day whon
ex Captain Good shot a policeman
Honolulu has been able to boast of
being as much of a shooting town
as those heard about from the wild
woolly west
Knnpunl graduatod from jail to
office under thia funny little Re
publiu becauso of his willingness to
takctho oath of allegiance He was
one of the few Hawaiians who wont
back on Hawaii His Honor Circuit
Judge John W Kalua was auolhor
Into Buoh hands does our Repub
lic place its doidly weapons And
when the shooting which is bound
to take pluuu ut some time or othor
HSHbI I Vw1 M61 ptfWCffpWJffg v JV
occuro tho official organs shod tears
ovor tho increasing depravity of tho
peoplo and tho world gonorally
Thoy never put tho blame whoro it
bolougs Every lifo lost tho blood
shed tho sufferings of widows and
orphans fall nu tho bonds of our
bost Govornmout
Wo aro fold that n republic is a
stato in which tho sovereignty re
sides in tho peoplo aud tho adminis
tration is lodged iu officers elected
by and representing tho poople
Tf Ibis is a proper definition thon iu
no Benso is Hnwaii a republic Tho
sovereignty of Hawaii resides iu a
bakors dozen of pooplo who were
placed in power by tho Minister of
the United States of America aided
by tho naval forcoa of the samo
United States Tho sovereignty of
Hawaii is lodged in officers who aro
appointed by tho aforesaid bakers
dozon of mon who were appointed
by tho United Statos Minister This
being Undeniably the case then Ha
waii is in no sonso a republic
This best Govornraont Uiofo isl
ands over had is a Government by
a hair trigger and in tho opinion of
tho governors can bo govomod in no
othor way is a Ooverumout evory
officer of which from President Dolo
to Poundmaster Kaapuni carries a
gun Dear reader is it not a funny
little ropublic Hawaii came to be
known as tho Paradise of the Pacific
and if a resident who was horo five
short years ago will look back in
memory for that longth of time ho
must admit that it was as noar a
paradise on earth as was ever attain
ed To day even a P G will admit
that all is changed that tho ser
pent of discord is abroad in the
land that a once happy aud con
tented poople have becomo a most
unhappy and discontented one
Tho groat chango in Hawaii has
been wrought by the lust of power
and greed of gain of the men who
on January 17th 1893 overturned
the monarchy These men were
shunted into power through tho
porGdy of officials civil aud military
of the United States of America tho
worlds greatest republic
Wo bav not yet had an opportn
uity to look ovorHuslcds directory
Tho attention of the socioty for pre
vention of cruelty to animals iB
called to certain linos which caught
our nagle eye In describing tho
opera house tho directory says
The use of tables for htago scenery
is superseded by a bride constructed
in three sections adjustable at any de
sired angle all scone shifting is mo
chatiical Now we want to know
who tho bridegroom is
The St Louis College is certainly
not meeting with much considera
tion from our immaculate Govern
ment Besides withdrawing tho
amounts formerly paid for scholar
ships to this groat eduoatioual insti
tution everything is done to annoy
and interfere with the businoss of
tho Colloge Tho roads to the s ohool
aro nearly impassable and tho
numerous scholars hare to find their
way through mud aud dirt The
boarders aro kopt awake every night
by tho hideous iioises rrom the
Chinese Ihoatros which seem to bu
under the special patronage of our
paternal rogime If n Chinese theater
was established near Kamohamoha
Schools or Oahu College it would
vory booh be tabooed No regard
KtaM 4tf - 1 l
however is paid lo tho Catholic
school although it is tho largest and
most important factor in tho edu
cational life of tho land Tho
Brothors go on with thoir good
work in spito of all obstacles and
thoy moot a hearty response from
tho poople
Tho following romarkablo itom ap
pears in this mornings Advertiser
Mrs J Robinsons watch was
found yoslorday It was in tho
possession of another Japanoso
Tho verdict of tho coronors jury
iu tho Pacheco case is to say tho
least unique The wise mon who
sat ou tho body say that I ho
killing by this jury is considered
unjustifiable Does that moan that
thoy find a true charge against Kna
puui for wilful murdor or man
slaughter or do thoy simply mean
that ho killing wasnt quite right
aud dont do it again
W G Irwins contemplated im
provements on Nuuanu street be
low King is much appreciated by
tho Firo Department as fire rookeries
will bo destroyed There are a fow
more to bo remodeled either at the
will of their owners or bj tho costly
oxporienco of fire Tho conflagra
tion of 188C unfortunately for the
appearance of tho city spared cer
tain of those and thoy remniu as an
olemenl of daugor Chief Hunt aud
the reorganized firo forco though
far too small in numbers aro pre
pared for an omorgenoy and like
gallant men will fight oven against
great oSds of Govemmeut inoffici
An erroneous impression was
oroated through an item which ap
peared in a contemporary iu regard
to a lot of opium imported here by
tho Australia It was stated that
about twenty tins of opium were
found in the ico house on board the
steamer Genial James who has
charge of tho ico house feels indig
nant over tho insinuation that he
should have opium in any part of
his department in such small
quantities Tho fact is that a pack
age containing twenty two tins of
dope was brought on board tho
Australia at San Francisco The
parcel was marked goods aud the
cubtoms officers at that port had no
authority to interfere The owner
disappeared and tho package was
handed tho purser who depositod it
iu tho specie bank aud upon arrival
at Honolulu delirored it to the port
surveyor In justice to tho officers
of the Australia our contemporary
ought to tell the truth and make a
full explanation
Wj suggoat to tho Marshal that
Htiuu rules and regulations aro now
in order in regard to our frionds the
wheelman and wheel women In all
civilized parts of tho world tho
bicycle hall has to bo used and
specific regulations iu regard to
spood etc aro ouforcod Hero in
Honolulu the cyclers aro simply
askod not to rido on tho sidewalks
they do it iiQvertholosn and to
carry a light after dark Several
accidents of a moro or less sorious
nature have boon caused becauso tho
riders dp not give notice of thoir
approach by sounding a bell In
regard to light tho mounted patrol
hao boen very diligent iu running in
the dHrelicta and it is very seldom
now to meet a cycler without his
light Wo desire to call spocial at
tention to a most poruioious custom
which thanks to the societies for
protection of children has been pro
hibitod iu Euglaud Tho carrying
w5jWgsjggj t ii iMtwimi
of 3oung children ovon infants iu
front of tho rider of n whool is a
monaco to tho child which should
novor bo toloratod Lot tho man or
woman who ridos tho modorn con
voyanco of the fin de siecle take a
cropper and break thoir noo
necks or arms But do not allow
thorn to jeopardize tho lives of small
children who in caso of a fall invari
ably got soriously injured
Tho Rev Serono E Bishop is not
vory logic or consistent In the last
number of Tho Friend ho refers to a
lottor written by tho Rov J P Lyt
ton to a Missouri papor and calls
spocial attention to a paragraph
stating that tho Americans horo
rebelled becauso thoy hoard that
the Queen was about to proclaim a
new constitution exacting that no
one should bo allowed to voto with
out first faking tho oath of allegi
ance to tho Govornraont Tho
Reverend Sereno E Bishop lifts
his bauds in holy indignation aud
says that the feature of the alleged
constitution quoted would alono
necessitate prompt resistance And
yot we are cursed most awfully by
tho reverend editor when wo on bo
half of tho Hawaiians ask to bo al
lowed to voto without taking tho
oath of allegiance to Mr Doles
funny little Republic Such au atti
tude ou our part dcos not necessit
ate prompt resistance What is
sauce for the horse Mr Bishop is
evidently uot saUco for tho pitch
Ed Tiic Independent
The Bulletins article ou Saturday
on the shooting scrape at Pauoa is
an outrage
Hardly is tho dead man cold be
fore tho public is treated to a grossly
one sidod version of the affair iu
which tho victims sorrowing family
is insulted by the assertion that tho
dead man was an allround bad man
and had served a long term in jail
for stnbbiug
It bourns to me that tho maus
family should have a good csso for
damages against tho Bulletin
Pacheco had not a bad name aud
never was in jail either horo or else
whnro nor was he connected with
any stabbing case or anything else
of tho kind
By tho arrivals of the steamers
Claudiue Lehua aud Kaala last
Sunday morning W G Irwin Co
rocoived over 10000 bags of sugar
tho greater portion of which is be
ing piled in the O S S Cos ware
Tho bark S C Allen sailed for
San Francisco yesterday afternoon
carryiug away 700 tons of sugar and
four babiu pashongers Captain
Thompsons position ou tbe wreck
Gainsborough has boeu taken by
Captain Call way late of the steamer
Tho schooner Transit received
3019 bags of H S Co P S M
sugar from tho steamer Iwaiani The
Transit will bo discharged to
morrow Captain Jorgouseus flbet
schooner will load sugar to hor full
capacity a jout 1000 tons
Tho steamer Jamos Makoe looks
like a second Iwalaui with the omis
sion ol her old bjwsprit Captain
Gregory is still on board diroctiug
tho important work of improve
Exit Hummer
Gun Hammer who for tho last fow
years hsa been contented with tbe
police force was dismissed yester
day by tho Marshal Mr Hammer
who has boon a very tflioiont officor
aud always ready tu perform any
duty assigned to him claims that no
valid reasons were given for his dio
charge aud that ho is at a loss to
understand the arbitrary action of
the Marshal During tho oholora
nud rebellion Hammer was always to
tho front and now tastes the pro
verbial gratitude of om new sweet
littlo Ripnilic Uummur has not
vot decided into what lir nt imci
boss he will outer
riiumwif w
Baseball Association
1st Regiment
321 A 323 King BtreeU
Tho Lending
Carriage and
Wagon Manufacturer
Will furnlBh everything outsldo steam
boms mid boilers
Horso Shooing a Specialty
Printing House
Konln Street nbovo North Corner of King
Book and Job Printing
PatronB can be satisfied by a Trial
Ka Mnknainnna Tho Independent
Iloolalm Mnnaolo ana Kstnto Regis
ter nre printed here
To snvo your Taxos nnd a large portion
of your ront bay your edibles nt iho
Palama Grocery
Square dealing nt rcnsonablo rots hns
necessitated incronscd facilities for carry
ing n jiuiuh lnror nnd moro fully assorted
Block ttmii hwtofore
Kit Mackerel
soused pig feet
Tongues and sounds
Salmon Bellies Single or kits
Pino Fat Sulmon Good dollverod
Tkl 755 Opposite Hallway Depot j
Hollister Drug Co
Fort Street
Btion Smitk ST
Fort Street
11 A Moral reward will bo paid to tho
Under nt the ofllco nf Vhe Imdependkbt
coruor of King and Konla Streets
312 tf

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