OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, February 19, 1897, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1897-02-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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Except Sunday
it Brito Halt Konliv Btreot
ftSST TcLEnioxE 811 2
Por Month anywhere In tlio
wailan Islands
Por Year 0 00
Per Year postpaid to Foreign Coun
tries 3 00
Payablo Invariably in Advance
initial the urong that needs resistance
or the right thai needs assistance
Pur the future in the distance
And the aood that we can do
1 an in the piacc wherenf I am demandea
of conscience to speak the truth and the truth
t Sicnk tiiptiin it who so lid
Advtrtlenn uts uniicoiuvnnifd by spc
oltiii Instructions Inserted till ordered out
Advertisements d scontlnupd boforo ox
ptnitlon of specified period will bo charged
a3 II continued for fml term
Address all Communications and Hum
ness Icttors t l J Testa Proprietor and
V J TESTA Proprlotor and Pub
Kcsldinu In Honolulu
FE1DAY FEB 19 1897
Wo mny bo permitted to assume
that tbo political control of tho
United States over tho Hawaiian
Islands is not moroly a word of idle
vaporing tmpressod upon pa por or
glibly mouthed by would be states
men but i3 an actual fact at tho
present time
Tho Unilotl States has given as a
formal notice as it can fairly bo ex
pected to givo without a threat of
imminont war that it will not per
mit any interference with Hawaii by
Foreign Powers
This noli vie langere aud its con
junctive proposition nemo mo im
pune htcessil policy is pretty fairly
undorstood by all tho Great Powers
iuterestod aud should bo Auflicieut
to satisfy pseudo alarmists that Ha
waii js as safe as an iudepondont
country uudor the protecting togis
of America Jrom foreign foes as if
sho woro a parish attached to the
great Stato of California
No Ringlo maritime power nof
oven tho coloisal power of Japau
dare singly confront tho United
Status iti tho wagor of battle so long
as sho is a consolidated force limited
to hor own continental territory en
oiroled as it woro by tho protootiug
fence of tho never rosting oceans
supported by hor superb aud over
increasing uaval force and her
woll prolootod har
bors and coast defences
So long as tho United States and
Groat Britain agreo that wheuevor
tho time may bo ripo for tho auton
omy of Hawaii to bo merged into
that of any othor couulry it shall
belong to the Uuited Slates aud to
uouo other aud that is undoubtedly
tho prosont understanding thorn is
no combination of tho GroatsPow
ers that will be unwise enough to
intorfero with such deoision No
Nlrn --
nations cuitld ovor successfully con
front such au alliance of tho so
called Anglo Saxon races
Bui lot this patortial control
once bo swallowed up in aotuol pos
sesion and incidents and accidents
will change Understandings agree
ments aud oven secret treaties will
bo subuiorged in tho sea of thirst
for acquisition All fottors will bo
thrown off from tho hands which
through mutual suspicion aud for
mutual interests- havo hold aloof
from destroying tho autonomy of
our country which has hitherto boeu
hold liko Switzerland and Belgium
in Europo as a counterpoise
Transpose tho flag of Ilawail for
that of tho United States on theso
islands and tho Armageddon iu tho
Pacific will bo precipitated ten yoare
and thou will ensue that fight for
our possession ou tho good old
rule tho Border plan Ilia tho shall
talto who has tho powir and ho shall
keep who can It will not then bo
the tnlkors and tho howling jiugoe
who will do tho fighting nor the
Coxny army of unemployed worlting
men of the United Stales who will
require President iMcKiulio nltmi
tiou boforo ho and Sherman malm
the worst break iu statesmanship
that could ever befall the United
The oflicors aud men of H B M
S Icarus will bear awny with them
to morrow tho best wishes of all
here for thoir ploasiut personalities
whilo iu port and whilo tendering
thij in a fond aloha Clio wish is
breathed that wo may all meet again
Well woll tho Advertiser would
havo tho Aunexalion Club take heart
of courage because Eddio Duus
comb writes that ho has heard poo
plo in Now York speak in favor of
the annexation of Hawaii Verily
drowning men do catch at straws
Aueut tho hog question the four
loggod ones au old member of tho
Board of Health saye That in his
time the inspector of meatu was re
quired and did report upon the con
diliou of hogs foreign and domestic
brought to slaughter aud it is tho
opinion of ye auoiont tnombot
that if the present inspectors luck
of information about hogs is probed
that a tale will bo unfolded that
will make a stir in ollieial circles
Put our much vaunted detective
force on to this scout and let us all
know what they find
Aro they pennies or oeuU Lot
us call a spade a spade If the coins
aro coute aud not ponnic by all
moans call thorn conts or somo an
nexationist with anglophboia will
urge tho peuuius as another reason
why tho United Stotes should annex
Hawaii Howevor thoro may be
method in the Advortinors nomen
clature Its sly yes dovilish sly
Tho editorial aud pictorial pagm
of our only moruiug paper are at
odds Iu tho ouo Mr Gage of
Chicago a good gold Democrat is
the coming Sooretary of tho Troas
ury in ProsidontMcltiuleys Cabinet
whilo on tho othor it is MrDingley
of Maiuo a good Republican who is
to handle Undo Sams coins This
would seem to be auolhorstraddlo
but it is probably ouly a difference
of opiniou between tho editor from
Now York aud tho ouo from Maiuo
Tho geutlomon should sink thoir
political differences keeping in mind
tho Ghiof Juaticos waruingjto haug
together to prevent Imaging eopar
Bocontly Justice Barneti has been
engaged in trying tho divorce case
of Lady Cowley against Earl Cowley
for trauBgrossiugthe moral code and
violating his marriago vows Iu tho
report of the trial published in full
iu tho staid aud respectable English
paper appears tho following in
cident The maid was no impressed
by what sho Raw on that particular
occasion that oho preforrod to
doscribo it in writiug ralhor thau by
word of mouth So alio wrolo it
down on a slip of blue folio papor
which was handod up to tho jury
Tho butler had uot tho samo deli
cacy Ho gpokoaa to dolails Such
modesty ou tho part of tho maid in
suggested as an oxauiplo to bo fol
lowed by future practitioners in
divorce cnios iu other countries
thau Etiglaud It is rathor fronchy
you know but morally modest and
innocont aud it leads to euoh a lot
of guessing until tho jury is dis
charged or tho couusel blurt it out
iu their speeches
Educational Mattoro
Minister Coopor presided over
yesterdays meeting of tho Board of
Miss Hannah Jarrott wai ap
pointed to fill tho vacancy iu Kallhi
waona school at a salary of 10 a
luspeclor Gouoral Townsend re
ported against auy present action
iu adopting Baucrofts object lesson
charts aud iu favor corliOoales for
pupils of the Normal School be
ing printfd in Houolulu Adopted
Mr Meyers tbudorod his rougua
lion a t school agont for Molokti
Aitiou deferred
The school teaohors of Hana were
allowed lo meet at Kaupo ou Mon
day March 1st instead of on tho
previous Saturday
ProfeHr Yamdley wa3 engaged
a musical instructor iu tho High
School Departments at a palary of
u0 a month tho nature of his
work to be outlined by Minister
Cooper aud Inspector - General
On tho blackboard of tho Hawai
ian News Company appears this
moruiug the following
a comb a lap robe a scarf pin
What Kapiolani Park romance is
uow in progress
m m
King merry bolls on tho cyclo
A rather serious fracas is reported
to havo takou place Into last evening
ou tho Semauthd docked at Sorou
sous wharf Five mutinous sailorri
nttacked tho mate using a knife and
ripping up the officers stomach
Tho participants in tho outrage aro
held ou board ship peudlng au in
vestigation by thn British Vice
Whou All tbo World lo Younf
When all tho world is young lad
Aud all tho treos oro green
Aud every goose a swau lad
Aud every lass n quoou
Thon hoy for boot and horse lad
And round the world away
Young blood must have its course
And every dog his day
YVhon all the world is old lad
Aud all tho troes aro brown
And all the sport is stale lad
And all tho wheels run down
Croep homo aud tako your place
Tho spoilt and maimed among
God grant you find ouo face there
You loved whou all was young
A Doctors Orinio
A sonsatioual affair ongrossos pub
lic attention at Buda Poath A
highly respected doctor has con
fessed that ho look from tho dead
body of a lady who had boon under
his caro ho key of a safe and ab
stracted therefrom all ho could lay
hands upon valuablo jowelory a
savings bank book with a large sum
deposited aud othor papers of value
He gave tho sorvant FiOO llorius and
a fhfquo for 1000 moro to keep
silonop but when ho was arrested on
suspicion sho bctrayod him Ho at
first douied ovorything but ou bo
iug told that a jowolor had recog
nized the doooasod ladys trinkots
ho confossec It is surprising to
loam that h is not undor arrest but
is being watched by tho polico
There oro thrco entrances to tho
Pacific Saloon but tho cry novortho
loss is half and half This a mathe
matical problem whioh can only bo
solved ou tho spot The half and
half is good howover
BajOMMggllWMrWtM1WlWafa fgOT
Grooaip Gathered Aneiit tho Shipping
In tbo Harbor and Plaowboro
Tho steamer las Makco wos wel
comed back lo port yostorday uioru
irifr All hands well Sho brought
sugar from Hanamaulu linked as
follows L P B Gl L P A 1582 G
F B G90 a total of 233G bags
Tho ship Houry B Hyde took
away GC121 sacks of Island sugar
for Now York yesterday Sho sailed
out of port at 2 oclock
Sugar to arrivo on Sunday noxt
por WSS Olaudlno will be corallod
by W G Inviu Co for tho May
Tho British bark Jorthbrook has
not beon charlorod by Win G Irwin
Co for New York Sho leaves
shortly for British Columbia
Tho schooner Luka left yesterday
morning for Waialua for rico aud
paddy taking a lot of freight from
Oaptaiu Lane late of tho Wilder
Steamship On is now employed ns
luua by Win U Irwin Co on
thoir steam anil sail vessels
Complaints are still made that
tho rotiriug establishment at the
Ocoanie wharf is still au abomina
tion Some of Irwin pIpiUb havo
beon taken down with miliaria Wo
havo yet to hoar of some of the
Intor Island pooplo at lhir dock
ollico buing knocked out Lut fcomo
eminent Government official come
to tho dock get an insight n
whiff hu will get sick nigh unto
death 1113 uobln sirs
Shall it bo said of tho Likelikc
Captain N30 and tho Lehua Capt
ain Everett never agun bo heard
of- No anxiety is folt horo for Iho
safety of either steamer Still many
aro anxious to cue them back with
H B M S Icaru3 will leave port
to morrow mottling
Roman Catholic Cathedral
Fifth Anniversary 1 f tho Uosth of iho
Jtcqtilciu Mas at 7 oclock am
fill 3t
18 IttKPAllKI 10
Manufacture and Repair
All kltds of Jewelry
Fiasr ciiAss work only
509 Lovo DnldliiK Fort St tf
Notice is hereb given to Deposit
ors in tho Savings Department of
Claus Sprockets Cos Bauk that
ou aud oft- r April 1 1897 all Inter
est on their deposits will cease
Savings Dopositors may withdraw
thoir accounts without giving pre
vious notice or they may leave samo
in our Bank ou call
Honolulu Feb 17 1897
Wo havo rocoivod ox Kouton
bock onough goods from English
packing houses to stock any two
storos on tho islands our trade
demands largo purchases bo
causo English packets do not
como in as ofton as stoamors
Wo boliovo wo buy right bo
caubo our California houso takes
tho samo intorost in our affairs
as wo do Tho markets aro
watched as closely as it is possi
ble and whon goods aro down
wo buy largoly as we may buy
woll Yon know tho result wo
soil lowor for spot cash than
any houso in Honolulu and wo
oflor inducomonts to pooplo who
buy in caso lots Thoso English
goods woro bought by our own
agent and tho assortment com
prises moro than wo could toll
on a pago of this papor A lolo
phono mossago will answer if
you wish to ardor from us
Fort Street GKOOEHS Tol 210
Honolulu Feb IS 1897
CulJuarisls Como Hither
And gathor around us whilo wo
recall to your grateful memories
an ovont of tho past year Ah I
wo seo tho more glance at tho
articlo shows that you dont for
get whon wo cooked thoso savory
meals ovor tho
New Process Bine Flame OU
smokeless odorless cloanly
wholosomo and absolutely safe
and using tho samo oil you burn
in your lamps You all admired
them many of you purchased
them and tho purchasers havo
invariably approved of thorn
Woll so satisfactory woro thoy
that vo woro run out of stock
and tho manufacturers had such
a doinaud upon thorn that wo
havo only just now beon ablo to
havo our orders filled
Wo aro now ready for you all
and woll tuko from 21 to 25
for thorn
The GoUku AnvJl
stool range is nnothor favorito
wo can lot you havo it at re
duced prices Wo only havo a
very few loft Thoy aro vory
cheap at 50 If you dont know
them call and oxamino and test
The Pansy Sfove
is as protty and usoful as tho
blossom whoso namo it boars is
lovoly pensive and rominiscont
It is equally as celebrated as tho
best family stovo in tho market
Wo keop thorn in thrco sizes G
7 and 8 and tho prices rango
from 15 to 25 Call and seo
thorn It will be a pleasure to
us for you to inspect tnom
Triii Hawaiian Haruwaro Go V
307 FoitT Stukct
Oppoalto Sprcokols llnuk
Oceanic Steamship Co
AnslnlibB Mail Service
For San Franciscu
Tho Now nml Kino Al Stool Steamship
Of thn Occnnlc Steamship Company will
bo dim at Honolulu rom Syilnoy and
Auuklnnd on or about
And will lenvo lor the above port with
Malls nnd Inssoiiuorj on or ubout tluti
For Sydney Auckland
Tho Now and Vine M Steul Steamship
01 thn Oeeiuilo Steamship Company will
u uu 111 iiuuuium irum owl Iruiioibco oil
or about
IMIeiroli 1 ltli
And will havo prompt despatch with Malls
nnd 1is Olivers for tho ubovo ports
Tho iimlorblKiicd uro now proparod
to Issue
Through Tickets to All Points In tbe
United Slates
cKorliUot particulars rorfnrdlnc
lnlilit and Iiihmiko apply lo
Win 0 mwiN a co lm
- Ounornl Agentd
Tlio Pioneer Bakery
Hrend lios Cukes ol all kinds fresh
overy day
Fresh Tco Jionii mndo of tlio Heat Wood
Iihwj Cream in all KhiYors
The Inesl lloiuo mado Confectionery
178 tf

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