OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, January 12, 1899, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1899-01-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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Stylish Millinery at SacliB
The commissioners
moot this aftornoon
of Education
For dosirablo goods at desirable
prices you must go to SacliR
The Amateur Orohestia rehearses
at the Y M O A thisovoning
Tifo Triiiir TTr v
Mlkahala arrived thiB morning
The Matinn Loa will leave on her
regular route to morrow morning
Putting a pin on a mans obair is
an old jolse that never loses its
N S Sachs Dry Goods Co are the
peoples providers Bargains in all
There really was a miniature
eclipse of the sun yesterday and the
Alraauachs spoke the truth
Theo H Davies Co expect the
S S Leunox to sail hence for Port
land Or on the 20th instant
The second term of the educa
tional classes of the Y M O A has
opened under successful auspices
Judge Edward Hore has been ap
pointed Tax Assessor and Collector
for the District of Waialua Oahu
Persons requiring tombstones
should apply to Fred Harrison who
has a choice lot of now designs on
The Hawaiian Rifle Association
has announced its program for the
shooting tournament of the 17th
Manager Post has arranged au ex
cellent program for Saturday even
ings Amateur Minstrel performance
at the Orpheum
E B Thomas has secured the con
tract to build the masonry tover for
thd Diamond Head Lighthouse t
the price of SU70
Mr Y L Howard of Ca tle
Cooke will bo married this evening
at the Central Union Church to
Mrs Goddard of this city
Iu the case of Solomon charged
with hiding a leper sentence was
suspended until the 14th inst J L
Kaulukou for the defendant
Ring up Telehono 113 if any one
desires a good rubber tired hack
with careful drivers J S Audrade
Manager City Carriage Co
Capt Garland late of tho mission
ary packet Morning Star has been
appointed assistant harbor master
and nut entered upon hi liunt
A meeting of all interested in a
baseball Benson is called for to
morrow evening at the headquaiteit
of CoG at the Drill Shed at 730
The Executive Council has older- j
ed the payment to the Oahu Rail
way Co of the subsidy earned of
10500 granted on the roport of the
official inspectors
St Andrews Guild meets at the
residence of Rev Alexander Mdukiu
tushst 730 oclock this evening for
the election of officers and for other
important business
The Foundry is busily engaged
shipping the nine rjllor mill and
niiu r machinery for the new planta
tion This is heavy work for our
railroad but proves its practical
Jack McVeigh at the Quarantine
Station has at last tumbled on to
the Chinese grape vino communicat
ing system by discovering the vege
table letter carriers Are there any
carrier pigeons over at the Station
The Supreme Court is again busy
with Chinese habeas corpus cases
aud there wbb an interestingly hot
time between Attornev Ballou
Morgans connection and our own
pet Attorney General yesterday
Hiloites will be both surprised
and pleased to receive Judge Stan
ley to sit at their term in
x the cases iu whioh Judge Wilder is
disqualified They expected to see
Judge Perry the locum teneus of
Justice Frear on tbo Supreme
This Thursday evening thero will
ha t h annual meetinc and social at
Central Union Church at whioh
time will be presented tbo reports
of church work also of the sabbath
school and societies conueoted with
the church All are cordially in
vited to attend
F W Wood Deputy High Chief
Ranger has installed the following
ollioers of the Court Oamoes 8110
A O F Tho lodge is in a pros
perous conditiou with 87 membors
O R J P Dias S O R J A Gon
palves F S A H R Vteiraj R S
M O Paohboo T J P Eokardt
S W J Maohado J W J Leal
Jj S B J B da Poutoi J B T P
Jlelim Phyeioiau Dr L F Alvaree
Marshal Brown is surprised at the
goodie goodie complexion of Ho 1
nolulu since he has soon the bad
views of San Francisco Our Police
Court records are simply childish
and the Marshal is endeavoring to
find something where ho can show
l his next teachings During Christ
nd j mas and New Year Honolulu was
I make here is the S F record
Accordiug to the police this lias
been the bibulous Christmas record
Sunday morning eighty seven drunks
were discharged by Judge doncuim
seo and yesterday morning the
number reached 127 making a grand
total for the two days of 214 They
were a motley crowd of men and
women as they ranged themselves
before the Judge and all had the
same excuse to offer Christmas
The property clork had more prop
erty taken from prisouors than at
any previous occasion in his recol
Compared with Sunday the cases
treated at the Receiving Hospital
weie few and moat of them consist
ed of broken noses
Pickpockets wore buy Sunday
and several cases were reported at
police headquarters yesterday morn
ing The result has been that Cap
tain Bohen has instructed his force
of detectives to bring in every known
pickpocket and bunko man in the
city aud he will throw the onus of
disposing of them upon the Police
The Postmaster -General is in
creasing bis staff in a very conspicu
ous manner Young haoles are
finding ready employment in the
General Post Office but we regret
to say that the service is by no
means improved and thst the more
clerks appointed the more work falls
on the shoulders of Louis Kenake
and tho old staff By the way are
there no Hawaiiaus suitable for a
job in the bureau
An observer asks whether Tub
Independent is aware of the fact
that a certain Poker mom on
Hotel street is visit ed daily by
from three to ten puliee of
ficers o different rauks and grades
Observer ought to know that a
poliee officer a doctor and a uews
puper man can be sewn everywhere
without any reflections being per
missible The polico frequenting
the room are pn haps trying to re
trieve chauces lost at Cho fa
Naughty Newspaper Boys
Dalton an elderly rnechanir who
claimed to ha in the employ of
Rowel was charged in the District
Court this morning with assaulting
a small newspaper boy He claimed
that a whole regimeut of the distri
butors of news and Bulletins follow
ed him on the street pulled his coat
tails and angered him to such an ex
tent that he gave one of them a
gentle tap A police officer said
that Daltonn adversity to news
papers aroBo from too much booze
and that the gentle lap knocked
the boy over The little fellow told
his story in tho Advertiser English
making several columns out of it
and Dalton was eventually repri
manded and told not to get into
trouble with the newspapers any
The Habeas Corpus Oases
IT S Spoeial Agents Sewall and
Brown with Chinese Vice Consul
Goo Kim Fui were among the
listeners to the arguments of the
Attorney General and Messrs Thurs
ton and Ballou in the Chinese
Habeas Corpus oases before the Su
preme Court this foronoou One of
the main contentions of the Govern
ment was that the Supreme Court
oould not review its decision and
that the only right of appeal left to
the petitioners was to the Secretary
of the US Treasury
MoKeaque In Honolulu JaurlO
1899 to the wife of James H Mo
Keague a daughter
m m
Messenger Service
Honolulu Mes3onger Service de
liver messages and packages Tele
phone 878
iviwMirtfc i MaiLiLuiOTnwai
eaning Up Stock
To tho Soldiers
The Boys in Blue complain that
they have not ben served with the
Eastern heer which tiokels their
palates and makes them good
Pahst Milwaukee Beer on draft is
now served at a proper temperature
iu the Royal Pacific and Cosmo
politan saloons conducted by the
olitnof the employees of the Peacock
Tbo Milwaukee Beer on draft has
proven a tonic whioh is daily help
ing tho sensible soldiers who are
patronizing tho three great refresh
ment places where the beer is so
served that even prohibitionists from
Milwaukee recommend it
Pigs May Squeal
J Alfred Magoans pigs can squeal
aB much as they please and his calf
oan study law in the early morning
hours to the annoyance of Geo A
Davis The Board of Health has
examined the premises complained
of and pronounced them in good
order and Mr Magoon was conse
quently discharged in the District
Court this morning Let Davis now
hire a judge jailor or jackass and
tie them up to Magoons fence
For That Tired Feeling
That steals over you as the daya
work is over theres nothing else
so good as a refreshing glass of
RAINIER BEER Itisthetonio you
need beats all the medicine you oan
takebringson a sound refreshing and
healthy sleep and makes one feel like
a new person On tap or in bottles
at the Criterion Saloon Phone 783
A grand clearance sale of Christ
mas goods including dolls and toys
wbb commenced luonuay at u
B Kerrs store Queen street and so
great are the bargains that the store
has been crowded all day notwith
standing the holiday Kerr is sell
ing these goodB at half price they
being part of a bankrupt stook
bought in London All those in
searoh of Christmas goods would do
well to call and examine his stook
Brown I came aoross a good
thing this morning
Smith How muohd you make
Brown Nothing Got touohed
for a five by our minister
e Holiday Rush
It will pay yon to look at the
Various Lines
Yon will find something to interest
We are offering some exceptional
values in
Ladies Muslin Hnderwear Hosiery
and Gloves
Left Overs in Embroidered and
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs have been
marked down to Bedrock
To Have Your
Saturday Evening Jan 14th
Assisted by tho best local talent will give
an Amateur Mmstrol Entertainment
Reserved Seats on Salo at Paclilo Oyole
Manufacturing Co
Doors open at 7 S0 Performance at 8
Reeerved Chairs 50o General Admis
sion Sr5e
T Y KING Lessee
py t v
TTS7 f If
We have just received a larg supply of UPHOLSTERING GOODS
of the LATEST DESIGNS A large variety to pink from the best that
was ever imported here If you want a BOX COUCH for Ladies Dresses
covered iu any style we can do it Parlor Sets or Odd Pieces re-upholster-d
Call and Fee our COZY CORNER LOUNGES Something new
You will want one when you see it
Mattresses made to order and renovated Silk Floss for Cushions and
Tli TTpliolsterers
Tetepobnu 928 MASONIC TEMPLE Alakoa Street
The Mot chants Exchange
The latest quotations on tho
bulletin board of the Merchants Ex
change on the corner of King and
Nuuanu streets quotes a big rush
for Enterprise beer on draught the
arrival of a special cargo of Scotch
whisky and a full supply of assorted
liquors of the very best brands The
Merchants Exchange will be kept
open daily from 580 a m to 1180
p iu during whioh hours quota
tions will be obtainable upon
Waimea rhubarb celery cabbage
and potatoes Edgar Henriques
Manonio Temple
Family Theatre
Amerioan Hawaiian and
Portuguese Bunting Flags
all sizes Lanterns ect
For Sale at Lowest Cash Prices
Corner Nnuanu and Kins Btreots
Telephone 478 P O Box 635
1079 8 W LEDERBIt lm
tf AIKIKI BEAOH Honolulu H I
0 J SHERWOOD Proprietor
There earth and air and sea and sky
With breakers song give lullaby
King Street Tram Cars pass the door
rnilloa unci children npnIlfvnTBB for
laco on New Years Day or there
alter between tho residence ol W H
Cumuiitigs at Kallhl and the Reforma
tory ocnooi r inner win ue ouiuiuiy re
warded by loaving it at this office
1093 lru
Hoars 0 10 am 1 3 v u 7 8 p U
Sundays 1
r M
Telephone 741
1088 3111
JL sued 5 for full Bet cancelled or un
cancelled including several odd South Sea
Inlands Also a tew large otlloial envelopes
wltU Royal crest out of date now at 1
imleco Address
Tonga Friendly Islands
XO Box 32 100H

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