OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, January 18, 1900, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1900-01-18/ed-1/seq-5/

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BeltR that wore 76c and SI uach
now 15c at Saohs
Tho Kinau isfback aud Cooper
and Hilo are safe
20c and 25o Dress Goods now 5c
per yard at Sachs
The band will play at Thomas
Square this evening
The firemen are taking a rest
They need it and the wind is in full
What has become of thn people
released from the battery camp
quarantine N
Dont fail to ring up Telephone
Hi American Messenger Service if
you have any messages or packages
to deliver
When you want a hack ring up
191 On that ataud you will got a
reliable aud good driver a fino hack
and no overcharging
There was nn incipiunt fire at the
corner of River and Pnuahi streets
last night The department will
shortly be around and finish the job
The banks will keep open from 10
a m to 2 p m iu the future Dur
ing those hours the micropes are
supposed to take a rest by the
If the Board of Health is consist
ent it should order the churches
closed People can pray at home
and this is not the time for a display
of bonnets and finery
The Miowera bjrought a muchly
needed invoice of beef for this port
yesterday from Australia She left
for Victoria this morning refusing
to take freight or passengers
The police is over worked Why
not devote some of the surplus to
increase the force Lots of new
comers are willing to serve under
the Marshal who has a penchant for
The Supreme Court of the United
States feels proud Mr W O Smith
has been admitted to practice before
that august body An yet we Bend
t our youngsters to the law schools in
the States
The people living above School
street are again reminded that tho
water supply from the reservoirs in
Nuuanu is very short indeed Drink
more whisky and less water and
bathe iu purifined beer
Walter Pomroy the genial fore
man of the Advertiser returned by
the Australia yesterday He declines
to be interviewed in regard to the
governorship but simply winks a
wunk of secret information
Maofarlane Co the sole agents
for the celebrated Anheuser Busoh
Brewery have distributed a very
unique advertising souvenir among
their patrons It is a fine pocket
knife which besides blade cork
screw etc contains a fine picture of
Mr Busch seen through a very cle
ver contrivance
There is no truth in the report
that one of the steeples of the Kau
niakapili Church was toppling this
morning It is true that the liquor
from the Bel Hive has been stored
in the ohuroh but it is unfair to sug
gest that the ohuroh spires indulged
in the booze The liquor was re
moved to military headquarters at
once this morning where it will be
The French ladies of Pauahi st root
notoriety can ply their busings at
their new quarters on Puunhbowl
street without any interference of
the police But they worn told in
Court to day that they must not
waltz down town aud induce the
good boys to call The Marsha
who is deeply interested iu the
moral atmosphere of the city stated
to the Court that the ladies should
be seen at home aud never heard
Two Moro Victims
Fo Sew Chinese male 46 vearc
discovered late last night iu Block
15 of the infected district in the
vioinity of Kaumakapili back of the
Kobayaahi hospital He out a finger
while paoking about a week ago and
when examined he had a bubo under
the arm and waB suffering great
pain Ordered removed to the Chi
nese hospital pest house and died
- shortly afterwards Postmortem this
morning showed him to be a plague
victim Cremated
About 180 this afternoon Her
mina Franz a German girl living
on the makai side of Hotel street
extension old Palace Walk near
Punchbowl street was reported
Examination showed unmistakable
signs of tho plague and was removed
to the pest house The plaoe is
now strictly quarantined
When the U S transports make
Hilo their priucipal port in the isl
ands Honolulu might as well take a
back Boat Hilo haa furnished us
with a volcano a Topeca Queen a
Lotsbenstein and a general kick
now let her furnish grub for tho U
S transports You are welcome to
the boys
It in well known that when the
correspondent of the S F Chroni
cle arrived here in 1893 it was only
a question of money whether he
espoused the cause of the monarchy
or that of the Provisional Govern
ment The name of the correspon
dent has escaped us and we must
ask the Advertiser to enlighten our
Since tho writer for the only
morning paper has become sano as
to judgment and sure punishment
for sn it will be in order for him to
recommend a day of fasting and
prayer Such a proposition would
look odd in tho columns of the Ad
vertiser we admit but it would not
be the first time that great emer
gencies have brought sinners to re
The thanks of The Independent
are extended to the proprietor and
Heasian editor of the Advertiser for
a recognition though it may be a
little tardy What the writer of
this mornings editorial about the
monarchy and it overthrow has to
say may hoodwink recent citizens
but not those who lived under the
beneficent rule of Hawaiis sov
What the President of the Board
of Health says about plague carries
little weight since he took especial
paiqs to go about telling prominent
citizens that Mrs Boardmaus disease
was not plague Was he hedging iu
the ovent of her recovery Possibly
he was telling to pre
vent panic In either case he de
stroyed any confidence that some
people had in him
Doctors Wood and Day being re
sidents of east Honolulu and high
of the Board of
Health they have no use for Nuu
anu A yenue except as a place of
detention for persons who have been
exposed to the infection of plague
Bub it in doctors while you are
clothed with brief authbrity The
day will come when you will be
sized up and dropped
We give here a nine days record
of arrivals of immigrants from Jap
an who came uuder the auspices of
the best government these islands
ever had Jan 8 S S China 607
persons Jan 9 S S Lady Joicey
707 pereons Jan 12 S S Doric
700 persons Jan IK S S Doyo
Maru 726 persons Jan 17 S S
Yorohime 700 person Threo thou
sand five hundreds orientals out of
which to set up an American com
munity This immigration will
help on the Colonial idea for Ha
There is somd doubt in the minds
of some of tho people who are being
quarantined to ascertain what be
comes of the moneys whioh they
have in possession at the time of
their deportation to the detention
camps We have no doubt that
their moneys as well as personal
property will be well oared for and
in due time restored but it may be
wise for the authorities to have
responsible parties bold the cash
and give -receipts which will enable
the poor people to feel that their
little savings are alright
Dr W6 says he would prefer to
sleep with a person who had been
exposed to plague infection than
walk barefooted over the ruins of
Chinatown Possibly How will the
doctor explain away the oases men
tioned by Julian Ralph where per
fectly healthy communities in India
and Ru88ianTurkestan were Infeot
ed through the coming of fakirs and
Out Enormous Stock
Must Be Reduced
Previous to Stocktaking
merchants from infected localities
into the healthy communities How
about the instances where clothing
wool hair and raw cotton have
spread the plague We re led to
think from the dootora loose talk
that there is a deal about plague
that he knows nothing about
That comparisons are odious is an
old saw We have heard persons
making comparisons between the
way that the late cholera epidemic
was handled and the handling qf the
present plague While wa have
little respect for the present Board
of Health and leas confidence we
are bound in fairness to say that
there is a very wide difference be
tween handling cholera its charac
teristics being well known and
plague about whioh little ia known
and that little not well established
Plague is a far more inslduous foe
to deal with Have patience dear
people and our Board of Health
may learn something in the school
of experience that may serve to
enlighten some other unfortunate
A New Adage
fjfc1 fefWil i t n W n jj1 M lwi1 w i t pd y
OiJLt in HEetlf
G erruLixie Bargains
We Will Maise This A RECORD SALE
Dont Forget Saturday Morning
The Peoples Providers
A Japanese was charged in the
District Court thi morning with
committing a oommon nuisance by
riding hiB wheel through the window
of a Chinese restaurant The Magis
trate who knows from personal ex
perience the riders of the silent
steed fined the man and suggested
that the old adage in regard to a
beggar on horseback be changed to
suit the case of a fool on a wheel
How about the automobile Judge
ft Sharkey Rebels
Hot Springs Ark Jan Tom
Sharkey received a telegram from
Tom ORourke to dey in whioh the
latter expressed indignation at
Sharkeys statement that he did not
care to have him in his corner in the
event of a fight with Jeffries
Sharkey said he cared uothing for
ORourke aud his friendship aud
could get along very well without
him and furthermore that he would
be his owu manager for the noxt
I fight
Family Theatre
Stock and Bond Broker
116 Merchant Street i
1307 tf
Graduated from the Royal University o
Turin Italy
Love Building Fort Street
Office Hours 10 a m to 12 u
1353 0 ai 3 to 5 p a
qpOUU nahoa consisting of B Bed
Rooms Parlor Dining Room Kitchen
etc Siza of Lot 75x125 A bargain
1317 tf No 310 Fort Street
Freight Olerk and Stevedore
Old Reliable Again on Deck
Office At the Old Van Dome Premises
1315 ly
J T Waterhouso Henry May Co
II E Molntyre Bro
and Retail
Tea Dealers and Coffee Merchants
R A tail CttntmQ Corner King and Fort Streets
ElOldll OlUiObj Waverley Blook Bethel Street
Wholesale Department Bethel St
P O BOX 386
rplnlt nr Fort Street 22 and 92
Bethel Street 24 and 949

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