Vol X HE IND Oceanic Steamship Company TIME TABLE The Fine Passenger Steatnore nf This Line Will Arrive and Leave This Port as Hereunder FROM SAN FRANCISCO AUSTRALIA FEB 14 ALAMEDA FEB 28 AUSTRALIA MAR 14 MARIPOSA MAR 28 For fuither particulars apply to w 1 FOR SAN FRANCISCO AUSTRALIA FEB 20 MARIPOSA MAR 2 AUSTRALIA MAR 20 MOANA MAR 30 Id connection with the sailing of the above steamers tbo Agents are prepared to issue to intending passengers coupon through tickets by any railroad from San Francisco to all points in the United States and from New York by any steamship line to all European ports Irwi U n L Co LIMITED General Agents Oceanic S S Company HOLIDAY G00D 2W tvles of LsLrrrps Pocket Knives and Carvers Japaneseware Pictures and Mouldings laier and Oil Colors and Mists Materials HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 2KEr STOVES ana RAMS CROCKEBY and GLASSWARE Bird Cages SILVER PLATBDWARE Large Invoices Just Received by THE PACIFIC HARDWARE CO LTD FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS KING AND BETHEL STREETS Good Air Good View Good Health A Special Invitation is extended to Everybody to visit Hono lulus moBt delightful residence site PACIFIC HEIGHTS IHq Maxima KAPLAN DRIVE Aptly termed the Via Via lEiolllJa Maxima or Grand Boulevard and in itself an artistic piece of engineering affords easy access to -11 points as also ecenio and marine views of exquisite grandtui at eery turn PlnflriP HailWQV Contracts have been let for material and JDlCulllu HdllVwaj the work of construction equipping and installation placed in the bands of a competent olcclrjcnl engineer to bo fully completed by June 1st Having an indert ndent power plant we are prepared to furnish power for electric lij hting heating and other purposes to our home builders at most reasonable ratos Ac Prniniearl ur reBorvora nrQ DOW completed and water AS rlUWIDtJUi mains laid so as to supply cooh lot Permits for making water connections will be granted on ai plication An inspection of the attractive homes now building or the name of purchasers of lots will convince anyone that PAU1FIO HEIGHTS is the choicest and most select of all the residence sites of Honolulu g0T For further information prices terms etc apply at office of BRUCE WARING CO 1130 tf PROGRESS BLOCK Theo H Davies Co Ld SUGAR FACTORS IMPORTERS OF G ezier al Merchandise AND COMMISSION 3EiILOKr3SrT3 Vgonte for Lloyds Canadian Australian Steamship Line British Foreign Marino Insurance Co Northern Assurance Co Firo and Lifo Canadian Pacific Railway Co Pioneer Line of Packets from Liverpool i HONOLULU H L TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20 19Q0 THE OOUNOtL OF STATE Bad Soosion For Enmmyn Surplus Tho Council of State mot yesterday afternoon at 315 Instead of at 2 p in as previously set There woroVprcBont President Dole and Ministers Alex Young E A Mott Smith S M Da mon and H E Cooper Councilors Secretary C Bolte Cecil Brown A Q M Robertson Mark Robinson John Nott M A Gonsatvcs W C Achl D P R Isenberg J L Kaulukou S K Kano and A V Gear President Dr Wood of the Board of Health was also prosent on tho Invitation of tho Exec utive Council to state the vloyys of the former body to tho Council of State After roll call and the reading and approval of the minutes of the pre vious meeting tho President asked the Minister of Finance to road tho Act for Sewer Appropriation Minister Damon stated that It had been voted by the Executive Council yesterday to recommenditho appropria tion of 34525324 for khe extension and completion of the sower system and In accordance with that action tho following act had been prepared which he would read An Act Making Special Appropriation for the use of the Department of tho Interior durlngho two years which will end with the 31st day of December 1901 Subject to the approval of tbo Presi dent of the United Slates Bo it enacted by the Council of State of the Republic of Hawaii Section 1 The following sums amounting to 34525324 are hereby appropriated out of any moneys which will be received by the Treasury dur ing the biennial period ending Decem ber 31st A D 1901 from the loan au thorlzed by an act passed by the Leg Islaturo of 1896 entitled f An Act to Provide for Public Loans Out of Any Moneys Now In the Treasury or Which May Hereafter Be Received by the Treasury Out of Any Surplus Re ceipts Prom Deposits in the Postal Savings Bank or From Any Balance in Hand From the Loan Fund From Whatever Source on the 31st day of December 1899 provided however that any moneys advanced from cur rent receipts or from deposits In tho Postal Savings Bank for tho objects named may as soon as practicable he reimbursed from moneys obtained from such loan For tho completion of sewer age authorized under Act 63 approved the 7th day of July 1898 nd the ex tension of the same under plans submitted by Ru dolph Herlng and tho fur ther extension of sewerage to outlying districts 345253 24 Sec 2 Every contract for con structing such public works or for furnishing material therefor amount ing to 500 shall be awarded only up on public advertisement for tenders and no public work or requirement for material therefor shall bo divided or parcoled out for tho purposo of evad ing tho provisions of thlB section Sec 3 This Act shall tako effect from tho date of its approval by tho President of tho United Statos The next aot passed was to pay accounts acoruii g from tbo manu facturing of rat pomade sulphuric aoid ieinfeotau a and haoli bill ft roads An Act Malting Special Appropriation for Payment of Expenses Incurred by the Epidemic of Bubonic Plngue Bo it enacted by tho Council of Stato of the Republic of Hawaii Section 1 Tho following sum amounting to 100000 1b hereby ap propriated to bo paid out of all the moneys in the Treasury received from all tho current receipts of the general revenues of the Republic of Hawaii To bo placed to tho credit of tho fund for tho suppres sion of bubonic plaguo 100000 Mr Damon stated there were still 140900 of the former appropriation left but of this amount 138000 would bo paid out for hills already contracted In tho bauds of tho auditor Tho Gov ernment now needed further funds to Diinnpoca tlm rtlnriia HMin hill wao fcJJ VUW lllttV AMU MW 1UUl without argument Per AUSTRALIA Tor Oamarinos Refrigerator An extra fresh supply of Grapes Applos Lemons Oranges Limes Nuts Raisins Celery Tresh Salmon Cauliflower Rhubarb As paragus Cabbage Erfstorn and Cali fornia Oysters in tin and shell CrabsTurkeys FlounderB etc All game in season Also fresh Hock fort Swjss and California Cream Cbbese Place your brders early oronlpt delivery CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET NOXIOE TO 8HIPPERB In the matter of disinfection or fumigation of freight shippers will make no distinctions between that destined for points on the Island of iOabu and that destined to points on otuer islands The original cases must be opened and the straw or loose paper wrap Iper or sawdust or other paoking material removed from each bottle or tin eaoh bottle or tin is then to be dipped in an approved disinfect ing solution tho interior of the original case H then to be washed out with disinfectant in repacking the already disinfected bottle or tin uo wrapper may be used unless same has first been fumigated or disin fected the filled case is to be rlosd up and the entire exterior is to be disinfected In cases where tho tinned or bot tled good have no loose paper or strawwrapping or where they are iiul jauuBu in tjawuuHL or any similar substance the entire original pack age after two or more large open ings have been made in it may be dipped in a disinfecting solution but great earn must be exercised to eusuretbe thorough disinfection of each tin or bottle and the whole in ferior of the original package as wolbas the whole exterior surface of such original package Shippers having the interests of the entire Island community at heart will exercise very cheerfully every precaution and assist rather than impede the efforts of the Board of Health in preventing a further spread of bubonic plague in these Hawaiian Islands Wilful infringement or careless disiegard of thea or other regula tions of the Board of Health on the part of shippers will be followed by the immediate withdrawal of privi lege of shipment of any goods what tever by those engaging in such in fringement or carelessness BOARD OF HEALTH A B ING ALLS Superintendent of Disinfection and Fumigation Honolulu Feb IB 1900 H35 tf Honolulu Feb 14 1900 The Board of Health hereby re que ts that the public of Honolulu carry out the pupgoations of the Citizens Sanitary Committee in re gard to the poisoning of rats and tbo subsequent disposition of the same The Board further suggests that the poison shall be placed in suita ble localities each night for one week beginning Saturday night February 17th By order of HENRY E COOPER Acting President Board of Health ll Gt IRRIGATION NOTICE HOLDERS OF WATER PRIVILEGES or ilioso paying water rates are hereby notified that tho houra for irrigation purposes nre from 0 to 8 oleock a m and from i to 0 oclock p m ANDREW BROWN Superintendent of Water Works Approved Alkx Youna Minister of Inferior Honolulu Juno 14 1800 IWJ tl FOR SALE HMKnn NEW MODERN COTTAGE OiOUU and Lot at Kowalo Lot B0x 100 A bargain as a home Apply to WILLIAM BAVIDOE IM tf No 310 Fort Street 47 FOR SALE ACRES OF LAND IN OHANTH 2130 and 010 at Kamaee Nortli Hllo Hawaii Apply to MORRIS K KEOHOKALOLE Real Estate Agent lirMI IR Klinmnn Street No 1437 Wifes Steamship IjIMithd TIME TABLE Stmr KINAU FREEMAN Master MOLOKAI MAUI HAWAII JNUXJUE OHANGK IN 8AILING STEAMER KINAU OF On and after Tuesday Nov G the steam or Klnnn will sill from Honolulu on Tues days ut 12 noon for Kaunakakal Laha ina Maalaea Bay Kihel Makena Ma hukona Kawalhae Laupahoehoe and xillO Returning will salt from Hllo overy Frl days at 2 p in for above named ports arriving at Honolulu on Saturdays Passengers and freight will bo taken for Makena fllaliukona Kawalhae Hllo Ha kfllau Honorau Papaikou and Pepeeon Passengers and Packages unly will bo taken for Kmnnkakai Lahaina Maalaos Bay Kiheland Laupahoehoe Stmr OLAUDINE OAMEUON Master MAUI Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdays r louehltiR at Lahaina Kahului nlku Hana Uamoa and Mpahalu I an Returning touches at above named t c nJnB at Honolulu Sunday mornirf r Will call at Nuu Kaupo once en month Stmr LEHUiU BENNETT Muster MOLOKAI MAUI LANAI Sails every Monday for Kaunakakal Ka malo Maunalei Kalaupapa Laharaa Honolua Olotfaiu Returning arrive nonoiuiu Saturday mornings This Company reserves the rign to make changes m tho time of departure and Arrival of its bteamerB without notice and t will not bo responsible for any contf qnenccs arising therefrom Consignees must bo at the Landings to n c e their freight this Company wil no hold itself responsible for freight after it naB been landed Live stock received only at owners risk Xuia Company will not be responsible foi Money or Valuables of passengers unlesr pluueo In the care of Parsers jxtr Pussngers are requested to pur chase Tickets before embarking TfioBe failing to do so will he subject toanaddi tioiial charge of tweniy nve percent Die Company will UOi be liable for lost of nor injury to nor delay in the delivery cf bagKU6o or personal effectsof the passen ccr beyond the amount of llOOCX unless the value of t e sime be declared at or before the issue of tho ticket and froicht iB paid thereon b Ai employees of tho Company are for bidden to receive freight without deliver ing u shipping receipt therefor in the form prescribed by the Company and which may ue seen by shippers upon application to the pursers of the Companys Steamers bnippers are notified that if freight lb shipped without such receipt it will be to ely at the risk of the shipper 0 L WIGHT President H B ROHE secretary OAPT T K CLARKE Port Be p i OLAUS SPBEOKEL3 W1I G IBWII Giaus Sprecftels Co BA3SriCE3KJ3 HONOLULU Sin Francisco Agents THE NEYAA NATIONAL BANK0FSANFSANOI8O0 DBAW EXCHANGE OH BAN FRANCISCO TUB Nevada National Bank of Ban Francisco LONDON Ltd The Union Bank of London NEW YORK American Exchange Na tloual Bank OHIOAGO Morohants National Bank PAIUB Oredit Lyonnals BERLIN Dresdner Bank HONG KONG AND YOKOHAMA Honj NEW ZEALAND AND Bankof Now Zealand VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British North America Jftfltwaet a General BanHnp and icAant Busineis Deposits Received Loans made on M proved Becnrltv Commercial and Travt ers Credit lasued BIJU of Kxchari bought and sold Collections Promptly AcoountPil Xctf Metropolitan Meat Gi 81 KING STREET J Wallbb Wholesale and Retail AIanaubb BTjrroHEiR3 AND TVTnvy Cnntrnntrmjj