OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, March 11, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1903-03-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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TS r xrryir -
Bzoapt Bio ori
Eit9r3dat thaW OHos at Honolulu
H T ca Bccoud olnos mall
In tho Hn
er Month nnywnere
wnlian lulandB B
Yc poHpaVdto lVelguUoun
JayaWo Invariably In aonor
JT i XEdXi Proprietor and Ju
Usher j
SBANK GODFREY Oity Editor and
Buoinoss ManaRor
Bcniding In Honolulu
Hawaii has again been called upon
to mourn the death xf one of its aliis
chiefs of high rang The late Hon
Albert Kulcailimoku Kunlalcca was
named in Hawaiian after the war god
of Kamehameha the Gieat and none
but a chief of superior rank could be
so named ho begin tho reputed son of
Kanichameha III surnamed the Gener
ous or Beneficent The dead chiefs
great ancestor on his mothers side
was the High Chief Keliimaikal bio
ther of Kanichameha I by the High
Chief Keoua aud the High Chiefess Ke
kuiapoiwa and was also by his ma
ternal grandmother a descendant of
John Young whoso son also named
John Young Keoul Ana was Premier
Kuhina Nui during the reign of tho
third Kanichameha He was flist cou
sin to the late Queen Emma Kaleleona
lanl consort of Kamehameha IV
whoso mother Fanny Kelcclaokalanl
Grace Hikoni Mrs Dr T C B
Itoolce and his mother Jane Lahllahi
wore sisters all of whom were daugh
ters of tho older John Young and sis
ters of tho younger
His father Kaeo was a Molokai
chief Tho Hon Peter Young Kaeo
was his elder biother who died many
years ago beforo tho death of either
Queen Emma or her mother Ho was
ono of twin boys his twin brothor and
tho first born of hto pair died In in
fancy shortly after being born Tho
deceased alii was better known ub
Prince Albert called Prince only by
courtesy for from childhood ho was
brought up by boing a hanal child
by adoption of King Kamehameha III
and his consort Hazalclcponl ICapaku
halll hotter known as Queen Kalania
also a High Chiefess rou ttiocliilcf
was a ravGTrty figure in and about
grounds duilng those days
Eycn at tho death of his reputed fath
er ho remained with Queen ICalama up
to tho tlmo of her death with tho ex
roption of tho flays ho attended school
at Ahuimanu under tho tuition of tho
Itoroan Catholic Mission with Father
Walsh au tutor
Ho was a man of woids aud that
loudly too His pcoplo called him pu
pulo not crazy but nutty to use a
slnng phrase on account of being tnlk
alive in an indiscreet manner It is
said of him that thus trait befell hlin
when ho was yet In his infancy and
itc amo about in this wise The King
his reputed father visited the child In
dlBgulse as ho was wont to do at times
when going out among his people and
found tho child In hlsc ladle asleep un
beknown to the nurse kahu who was
nway washing and awaking him took
him up and nestled him on his lap ha
being very fond of him knowing him
to be of his own flesh When the
nuise returned who died a few years
ago and was bulled by tho now de
railed chief and saw the King witli
tho child she rebuked him saying
You have ruined my charge And
from that time so it is said by thoso
who pretend to know began this trait
in him remaining with him to the end
as a punishment of tho gods upon tho
faultless child who was unaware of
his late The reason for this was tho
reverence and awe In which the King
was hold his rank being such that ho
was considered sacred kapu next to
that of a god and deemed likely to bo
worshipped by tho other chiefs of low
er rank and by the people The first
Llholiho King Kamehameha II tho
High Chiefess Nahlenaena the Kings
sister was held in tho same respect
they being considered alll kapu sa
cred chiefs for they were the children
of first cousins being of the first
blood almost a brother and sister
Kamehameha I and the High Chiefess
But apart from all of these traits in
his character ho was generous to oth
ers not of his people or letalners and a
steadfast friend On account of certain
traits in him their loyal friends and
retainers did not stay around him al
though when called upon they always
responded and respected him It Is
true that he might have been King
but it was not so decided his character
being too well known and -he was
feared by the people for they mis
trusted him
His first fiancee in his young days
was the lato Princess Likellke their
betrothal being much desired by thdsq
in authority as well as the other chiefs
But through somo reason or other tho
engagement was broken she loter be
coming Mrs A S Cleghdin In 1878
he was married to Mary Poll tho
widow of tho Itev Z Poll who now
survives him a widow for the second
time After being released from a
spendthrift guardianship under which
he had been placed by thoso who cared
for his welfaro tho people of this city
to show some confldouco In him elect
ed hi mas a Representative of tho Leg
islature of 1882 But he was never
again icelected till under the Provis
ional Government ho was elected as a
member of tho Constitutional Conven
tion of 1805
Ho was born Juno 19 1851 at tho
premises known as Kualhelanl now
tho piesent sltouotrthecentraTtJnIon
diurchJHlB -death occurred after 1
oclock yestoi day afternoon on tho Ala
Moauu where ho has been lingering
for some tlmo past His remains weie
removed to his residence at Kapalama
in rear of Senator Achis arriving tlioie
about 8 oclock lnbt ovenlng where a
large contourso of his peoplo had as
sembled to leceivo them All honois
arc being given ono due Ills rank and
fetation among the people Tho jc
mains are laying in stato today from
13 to 3 and dnlly thereafter Arrange
ments forthc funeral which will tako
place on Sunday nro not yet com
W tiidorUand S inator Aohi
wants to change the titlo of the
Board of Health to that of Board
of Public Institution1 Why so Mr
Senator is it iu order to make fur
ther provisions for evasions
Two importnnt resolutions passtd
the House yesterday forenoon with
out as much a a murmur or a rip
pie They were the Kauiho relat
ing to subsidizing curtain iuter
eland steamer and the Keliinoi on
the Rapid Transit Go
Although The Independent baB
not yet been dolared of general cir
culation it is evidently being large
ly read as we have been een sinoe
itB issue of last evening by quite a
number of different parties And
yet it is uot known is it so T
The lBBt of the Kimehamahas
aro remarks frequently used and
hesrd since the death of Mrs Bishop
in 18S5 arid still we hear it today in
the death of Prince Kunuiakea
The Advertiser evades those remarks
by sayiog the last of the Kmaha
meha heirs
Mondajs Advertiser article on
the late Hon James H Bouut is
mo it despicable and unwarranted
buse of a mm when dead Mr
Blount did more L for Hawaii from
the Hawaiiana standpoint than any
other one man of the present day
inoluding even all the family oom
paot cohorts
It is now Clerk of Iho Senate
juet what it should rightly be and
no more the Secretary the high
lounding title We wonder wheth
er Willie is savid age now dr is
he a cannibal to obew up the oon
3ervativei and aristoprals whole
Dont do it Will but he tempered
ooolly and work for your money
Whats in a name any way for a
rose smells ju it ai sweet by any
other name
Aid the HomoRule County Bill
ha been finally resurrected from its
premature death and has taken
tho usual course of b ing translated
and printed It has taken weeks to
bring the majority totimo and those
composing it to their senses and
this was accomplished without es
xuch as a murmur or a ripple That
msjirity finally bit on the sugges
lion and advice of Tup Indepkndent
Mid rightly too Who says that we
are not It although not yet approv
id ao of general circulation
Reprscontative Jjawis yeserday
ntroduced in the House a somewhat
harmless bill on its face beiug an
aot for the relibf of Anlono Ger
rao Asife rom the resolution
previously- offered by the member
together with the petitionshe pre
seated all on this same matter now
oome this Hitln bill to pay Mr Sat
no Si3lf2 7f out f any moneys in
the Treasury not otherwise appro
priated We yesterday touched oo
the danger that would follow if this
matter is allowed by the LogUlaluro
and it behooves the Houto to watch
this iucocent looking liltlo bill
Dont evor allow it to go too far
but nip the bud in timr and if need
bo stand it up to the Fire Claims
Commission which is still in exsis
ttnee who will uo dsubt give all
tin information needed in tho
I tnater
S uaor OhoiI ljvu ha givn y
pjm itvhil uev interpretation oi the
word ireatmant entirely io to u
While tho E tiergency B II was bti g
dijoused iu the Senao Mcuday
afternoon iu which is an item under
tho Board of Health appearing as
follows Sogregatinu and treat
ment which no dnubt refers to thi
leper The Hawaiian translation
of the wrd treatment waB given
as lawelawo lapaau meaning lit
erally medical treat meut Aged
Senator Kaohi drew attention to
this item particularly to tho roat
me it part ufij Ho said t ha he
was a mstnbsr of the Legirlaive
committee that visited the Iper
Settlement in March 1901 During
that visit a call wnp made atth Bald
win Home and while thore he sw
many persona young and
old Oa irq liring of thrrn whether
they reoeivad any medical treatment
the inmates answered that tiny did
uot other than the tr jatmont they
received from the Roman Ca holio
Brothers in oh urge He thtfr inre
thought that tho reament pirt
of the item wa unnecessary and
superfluous Bui Mr Brovn -x-pained
that the trea msoi meaut
wis not the medical but rather the
care which we might add as
maintenance or support which
ever of thesj three words anyone
might care Io uia From our limited
knowledge of Eurfliswe agre Tvith
whoever translated the iretraent
to mean medioal treatment and
cannot agree with the paUivment
arian authority Tbas streebing
a point to make it mean something
else other lhau wha is really meant
to be couveyod Mr Kaohi aUo
hinted that the medical treatm u
of leper wards wa utterly uipV
as no attempt io ever male to that
endAnd we may as well believe with
him But if thetreament intended
to be conveyed is oare niaiotenjuco
or eupport why not say so in plain
straight Euglish and bu done withit
aad not try to htdze aroucd any
bush We hope that members cf
the lower house wM take note of
this aud benr it io mind when the
mattor should come to them as it is
bound to in a few days
Well uow theres the
You know youll need ico you
mow its a necessity in hot weather
vTe bBlieve you are auxious to get
hot ice which will give you satin
faction and wed like to supply
jrou Order from
tiis Oabn lea Elactflc Co
Telephone 3151 Blue Poataaffl
Tot fina
Fred Harxiscm
Contractor nd Builder
All Work Entrusted Promptly At
Ifliiilhd o 2218 tf
IfOtt UALit
Liliha Stfeot near King Only small
cash payment received Apply to
208 Merchant Stroe
Janet Waldorf
Comedy and Drama
Tuesday TimrscHy and Srnrday
An Entirely New FJay
will be presented eaoh evening
Threo Week Season CommonclDg
Tuesday march 10
Boxplau at Wall Nichols Co
Tariff as usual
For Everybody
are now putting up their BEST
Number SOAP in 50 pound Cases
Siring Butter
It is perfectly pure and alwayi
gives satisfaction We deliver it iu
neat pasteboard Boxes
Metropolitan Meat Co
Telephone Main 45
A Good List to Select From
BudwoiBer A B C Bohemian
Premium Pale IiaiDier and
Prlmo in Quarts and Pints
lull Bog Stout
German Malt Extract
3 SLiaerTor um xien
With Claret makes a nice refresh
ing drink
A fine assortment of the Best
BrandB of Wines and Liquors just
Assorted Goods fo r Family Trado
a specialty
Coraer Queen and Alakoa
T1B1iih 492 22r
WiStos Steaisiiip Go
Freight and
Passeiiger3 for all
Island Ports
family size at 52 55 per box
ed free to every part of tho city
Full oases 100 pounds will be de
livered at S4 25
For all empty Inxes returned in
good clean condition 10 and 20
cents will be paid
Every Family in tho Islands
should have a ease of Soap at this
price The best Soap made for the
Kitchen and Laundry Try a case
It is cheaper than buying by the
Order f iom the Agents
W Mctliesney A Sod
Queen Street
2436 tf

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