OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, July 11, 1903, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1903-07-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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Queen Lilluokahni and party re
turned by the Kinau this morning
Tho British bark Killmallio 79
days from Nnwoastle arrived in
port this morning
The steamship Novadan sailed at
noon today for San Francisco tak
inu mail and freight
About a hundred through pnssen
RorB will arrive hero in the Hoog
kong Maru Monday afternoon
There will bo poo games between
four teams at Kaptolani park this
afternooo beainniog at 4 oclock
Editor Royal D Mead of tho
Planters Monthly and wife sailed
by tho Nevadan today for a visit in
the oast
About dOO men will be set to work
by Lord Belser next week on the
Eaimuki extension of the Rapid
Transit railroad
A Japanese named Sato has been
bound over in the sum of 5 000 on
the charge of importing women for
immoral purposes
Rov W N Lqno pastor of Kau
mnkapili church laft yesterday for
a two months rest at his old home
at Kailua Hawaii
The cricket roatoh between men
from the Baohmont and the local
olub has been indefinitely postponed
from this afternoon
Captain Johnsonof the S O Allen
was married in San Francisco on
July 7 to Misa Clara Northon a
nieoe of F H Hayselden
The Young Mens Buddhist Asso
ciation will observe its third anni
versary at the Buddhist Temple to
morrow afternoon
Mamas Now Husband a breezy
faroo oomedy will be staged by the
Stiue Evans Company at the Ha
waiian Opara bouBn this eveniDg
The Territorial Teachers Associa
tion had a large attendance and a
most interesting program at its
annual meeting yostorday afternoon
Sailora of tho Olympic from Iqui
qui a plague infected port have
been landed on quarantine island
and their vessel is being fumigated
Judge Estee has paid a compro
rniao aum of 2000 on a note for
10050 whioh he endorsed some
years ago iu California to help out a
Tho Kaiulani hosie for Hawoiian
girls will be opened on Septem
ber 1 in the old Hoppor home
stead at King ad Punchbowl
President Wight has decided to
name the new Wilder steamer the
Likolike after Princess Likolike
and a former steamer of the same
The Humphroys Thompson dis
barment hearing was concluded
yesterday and when briefs are filed
the case will be taken under consid
eration by tho Suprotue court
There promuos to be some red
hot games at trie baseball park this
afternoon The oontest between
the Kamehamehas and PunahouB
began at 115 At 830 the Honolulus
and Maileo will play
The yaoht Lotus oapsizid off
Diamond Head yesterday aftornooo
dumping Charles and Henry Wal
ker Herbert Honahaw and a Portu
guese named Manuel into the water
The men wero rescuod from their
peril by the steam launch Water
Bocoptton ou Anglla
Ofiioors and men of the Angiia
royally entertained Honolulus
smart act on board the cable ship
yesterday afternoon For the occa
sion the vessel was handsomoly
decorated Dancing was a feature
o the afternoon the music being
furnished by Ellis Bros quintette
Refreshments were served through
put the reoeiving hours and an ex
cjllent collation was prepared by
Steward Oady Everybody had a
chance to inspect the ship and had
I moot enjoyable tlmi
Tho Second Louislaturo for tho Con
sideration of Appropriation Bills
After the usual preliminaries on
motion of Kaohi Senate Bill 9 wbb
taken up on reconsideration
Dickey presented a report on the
nature of the chartor of tlu Kona
Orphanage the proper title of thp
institution being The Hawaiian
Orphanago and Industrial Schools
Association incorporated on Feb
ruary 28 1902 Tabled to be con
sidered with the Governors veto
And ou motion of Aohi fhe veto
was taken up for consideration and
sustained by a unanimouj vote of 12
Diokey presented a resolution
that the President bo authorized
to approve all bills and vouchors
which he may dad correct after
tho adjournment sine die calling
for tho payment of any monies for
epenses of the Senate The pay
ment to tho Clerk of the Sencte
for 20 days extra is aho authorized
House Bill 9 was thentaken up
and passed third reading by a vote
of 8 ayes to 1 noes
Recdaa was taken at 1115 oclock
The preliminaries beiop disposed
of as usual Knudseu from confer
ence committee on Senate Bill 2
Six Months Salary Bill presented
a report on tho bill and while being
read Eumalao raised a point of
order that two items those of sal
aries of Superintendent of Publio
Instruction and Auditor bad been
reconsidered in conference and car
ried and then a fight ensued whon
a motion to adjourn was made and
prevailed and those item are now
in the air The Chair did not sus
tain the point mide as the Chair is
not supposed to know of whatever
tho committee did in conference
other than the report presented ad
ruled the point out
The Clerk then continued the
reading and after being read
through Kupihea movsd adoption
and Kumilae to defer consideration
till this afternoon Oj the latter
motion bsing put it failed to pars
and on the adoption it carried by a
vote of 25 ayes to 1 noos
Before the disposal of the above a
message arrived from the Governor
at 1015 oclock
Kalama from conference com
mittee on Senate Bill 3 Eighteen
Months Salary Bill presented a
renort on the bill and after being
read through on motion tho
report was adopted by a vote
of 21 ayes and 5 noes
Vida moved to take up tho con
ference committee report ou the
Loan Bill Hpuso Bill 2 but the
Speaker said that a veto from the
Governor must first he disposed of
It was a veto of the Kona Orphan
age item inSanate Bill 9 Lswis
moved to sustain and Wright to
override tho veto The veto was
sustaiued by a unanimous yoto of
29 ayer
Fernandez then asked to take up
the Loan Bill Aylett asked to be
allowed to say n few wordB before
passing the measure and on being
allowed he said that we have now
launched two canoes only one yet
remains to be launched He had
opposed it but for the good of thp
Territory aud the benefit of the
people he would withdraw his op
position to tha word or ad
asked all tq vote unanimously to
pass the bill and in bo doing take
hold of the paddle and lauaah tho
last of the throe osnoos
tqid thot ho had based his
opposition on tho word or and ho
was of the same opinion etill While
on his way some one said 0 jjim
from behind his baok that ho was
one of those who would deprive tho
people of tho Loan Bill and he
feels that hia constituents of the
Fifth District aro bshind him to do
away with that objectionable word
even if that would be the means of
defeating these propojod benefits
But he is surprised to find the mem
ber from the Fourth who made
suqU ft eUad the other day tura
tail on the proposition and now asks
us to sustain the bill It is Bimply
Kanibo said bo was one of tho two
warriors sont to battle on the battle
field of Watorloo with the Sonate
and ho with Oil havo reported in
the minority He believed in re
maining with his conviction
Paele said that with that word in
tho money to bo gotten on the loan
miy be misapplied should an opi
demio arise and mado allusion to
the plague days He believed that
the money should be spent where
Fernandez asked him curtain
questions when the Speaker said
that members had a certain mis
apprehension but he would say to
them that the Loan Bill ib tho most
important bill of the session Every
item in it is specific and must be
spent iu the places intended There
need bs no fear that the money will
be misapplied as the Territorial offi
cials will have to account to the
next Legislature
Fernandez continuing said that
it was wroog to blame tho Senate
for that amendment by inserting tLe
word or Ho said in all sin
cerity that he made the amendment
in conference and was carried
On the motion to adopt being
put it was carried by a vote of 27
ayes to 2 noes
Ohillingworth presantod a resolu
tion empowering the Clerk to pre
pare the journal of the extra session
and to have at least ZOO copies
printed 200 in Eaglish and 800 in
Hawaiian also giving him 60 days
within which to complete tbe work
and also to take charge of all fur
niture and writing materials and
turn them o7er to the Superinten
dent of Publio Works and further
to distribute copies of the journal
5 copies of each veision to each
member 1 copy each to Senators 1
oopy to the several heads of Depart
ments and Bureau I copy to the
several libraries and publio institu
tions in this Territory and 10 copies
of each version to ba reserved by
tbe Qlerk for the use of tho mem
bers of tho naxt L3gislature and to
turn tho balance if any to the
Secretary of the Territory for dis
tribulion as he may thiol best
On moion of Harris tho 00 days
allowance was reduaed to 10 and
then the resolution was adopted
On motion of Kuanla recess
was taken at 1215 tp 8 this eyen
Kinau Arrives
The Kinau arrived about 11 oclock
this morning frqm Hawaii and
Maui ports with the following pas
Queen Liliuokalani Mes Lilian
Keamalu Misa Myra Heleluhe
J83aph Aea John Aimpku Mrii H
Kuihelani S B Rose Wm McKay
U M Reihm Walter Madler RGie
aeoke R F Liage L J Warr3u A
M Johnson Mrs G L Desha Mrs
S O Divight Mra Goo F Daviea Miaj
Liiinoe Hapai Miss Hattie Hapai
W H Stono Mies E K Ewaliko Una
K Ewaliko Paul Jarrett David
Kalan H C Vosj Miss Knhuila R
C L Perkins and wife Dr G Nagaj
Harry Pigott R Hawxhurat Jr J V
Fkekola W Q Walker Sam Wo
Qhau and son Mrs Patten Mrs T
Hussey and two children J O Car
ter Jr Misa G Akiqa Misa Alico
Ahoy E B MoOlanaban W O Vida
Vida Mrs T O Jaegar Miss N Riok
ard H T Brodoriok D H Kahaulelio
and wife E J Walker
Hor oargo consistod of 25 cords
wood 1 hors 11 hogs 167 paqlw
Hunt Stay Qloso
The follow hag been rooeved
J l Collector of Customs from
Seoretary Shaw
Replyin to your iettor of the 12th
instant enclosing a oomunioation
from Messrs H Haokfeld Co re
questing that the sub port of La
haino in your district be oontinued
until December 81 1903 you are in
formed that the authority contained
in Department letter of the 23rd
ultimo for the abolition of this aub
porl to take effeot at the close of
business on Juno 30 1903 will be
allowed to etand
The Pacific H
Is an absolutely pure product of malt
and hops browed under tho most
favorable conditions and with tho
most approved methods Order from
in 341
ardware Co Ltd
Grand Qlosirig Oirt Sale
AJn11iV 70rftock of Tinwnro such as Toa and Coiloo Pole Dish Pans
Steel Enameled Wave
Se3asafcs a sabc8inniDg Moadny mornh at
To mako shopping easy wo havo arranged alf tho articles on
Come and see what wo offer on our Counters for
Bo lOo ISo 25o BOc 7so
Wow is your chance to save ixioixey
Kbc a s so3sroMA
English Bloateib
Findon Haddock
Fancy Cheese
dip Tn
mmm lifter
It is perfootly puro and always
Blvo8 satisfaction Wo deliver it in
oat putabaird bsxu
f I WJIfii
Tntaphona 1 niu 45
Horse Slioeri
South St nearKawiahao Lane
All work guaranteed Satisfaoti
Rivon Horses dolivorod andtokou
caraof Tel filuo 01-132200-
Aud lota of other things
Wo sell those very ohoap We
deliver any artiole no uaattor how
insignificant to any place in the
Get our prices youll buy them
Lewis 8b Co Ltd
169 KING St Lowers Oooko bldg
24U Two Telephones 240
Hotel St near Fort
i m
Kontuouys famous JeBssa Moore
Whiskey unequalled for ita purity
and excellence On sale a any of
tho saloon and at Lovejoy Of
diitiibntlne agent ov hfifiUt

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