OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, March 25, 1904, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1904-03-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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WWftWttWtMMiiwKaitttagMiwii iHniHim
100 AL AND
Colin Campbell Attorney at Lnw
810 Kaabutnanu utreut
A dance will be giverTat tbo Mo
nun hotul thin ovpninR
Tbo Mauno Loa arrived in port
oarly thia morning from Hawaii and
Maul ports
In making up hs estimates Gov
ernor Carter has decided that tbo
military and band must go
Fino weather having come ngaln
redger began work roaularlv In
larbor ohaonelthin morning
Sir Edwin Arnold author of The
Light of Aia and once n visitor to
Honolulu died in London
TBotp on tho BarryrPatton fight
tomorrow evening ore about ovenj
although Barry mpnoy ie tbo easiest
to Ret
Father Webber will preaoh at tho
Sunday morning eervioe of the Ha
wailan congregation in St Andrew
Tho not profit on last seasons
ugar or dp is said to bq tho largest
ever roalliod by tho Hawaiian Com
meroial Company
Father Webber drew a good nized
tongregation last evening at St An
drowa Cathedral It will bo repeat
ed tonight but not tomorrow
Messrs King and Milburn Geo
dotio surveyor will sribrtly leave
here for tho Aleutian Islands to lo
cate a coaling station for tho
A large party of tourists visited
Ewb mill and Waialua yesterday
returning to the oity this morning
Thoy bad flue weather and a roal
good time
Tho engagement is announced of
Stanley Cutter and Miis Minerva
Fernandez the youngest daughter
of Abr Fornandez of tho Hawaiian
Hardware Co
E P Dole Honry E Hinbton
Judge Robinson Henry E Cooper
and of oourse Frearand Perry are
candidates for appointment ob
judges of tho Suprome oourt
J H Flynn the Demooratio Cen
tral Committeeman did not leave in
the Alameda Wednesday booausa
ho ooiild not got a berth He will
now leave in the Koroa next week
Another meeting of the Demo
oratio central oommittee will bo held
next Thursday afternoon to act up
on tbo report of the Bpeoial commit
tee on the matter of precinct rules
Throe and may be four of the
largest steamer calling at this port
may be iu tbo harbor at one time
next Wednesday They aro the
Siberia KoreaVentura and Sonoma
Tho March number of tho Forest-
ar and Agriculturist is at hand Its
two leading articles are on the sub
ject of tobaooo culture in the Isl
ands and it has interesting articles
on forostry and subjeots
Iho yaoht Lurline was towed to
sea yesterday afternoon and sail for
tho South Seas The Government
hfttiri nlsved hor off and a number
of friends went on the FoarUss to
bid farewell to Oommodere Sinclair
and party
Mr and Mrs Jeffney of Oolumbu
Ohio who returned this morning
from Hawaii reports that tbo Vol
eano is emitting considerable smoke
and that tho violnity is very hot
They found it quite wot on the big
island but tho wnathor was clearing
A joint meeting of the oommer
elal bodies of Honolulu will be hold
this aftarnoon to discuss the matter
of raising funds for an exhibit at St
Louis It Is believod that enough
can be gotten together privately to
guarantee a respectable exhibit
Because Road Supervisor Johntfon
oxpeotod too much work from tbo
men under him during theso damp
days be yesterday took the Makiki
quarry Iu to task for not gottlng
out much work from the oertmen
From having worda in his ofljor he
flicked andforoibly ejected the luna
out The luna resigned the job soon
William H Coney Pas-
Aw After a
Short Illness
Bis Career
William H Coney oity editor of
tho Evening Bulletin died at 8d5
oolook this morning at Holani Pa
tho family residonco noar Control
Union church
Tho news soon spread about tho
oity and was received with regret at
all hands Friends soon began to
call at the late residence to tendor
their sympathy to the hoart broken
mother and relatives
Mr Coney waa taken ill somo
weeks ago a very severe cold bing
tho trouble Thia changed to pneu
moDia whioh complicated with
heart trouble hastened death It
was seen yesterday morning that the
patient waa in a serious ooudition
and he gradually sank until the end
aamo this morning
Decoaaad was born at Kaulu dis
trict of Ewa on this island Nov
ember 80 1872 and waa therefore in
his thirty seoond year His early
life was spent in Honolulu where he
attended local sahools After com
pleting his preliminary education be
went to the Ohio Stato University
at Columbus from whiob he grad
uated in 1895 Returning to Hono
lulu in that year he acceptod a posi
tion on the Advertiser as reporter
In 1893 ho left the Advertiser to join
his old friend Editor Wallace R
Farringtonon tho Evening Bulletin
and upon the departure of Mr Log
an from tho paper he became tbo
oity editor a post he hold until his
Mr Coney was a member of Lodge
Ie Proffrop A and A S R Order of
Kamobameha Hawaiian Branah
Knights of Pythiap Myrtle Boat
Club and was a charter member of
the Pacifio Tennis club He was
elooted a member of tbo last Repub
lican Territorial Convention and
was made a member of the Terri
torial Committee Wbon A L 0 At
kinson resigned from tho office of
seorotary of tho committee Mr Coney
was eleoted to sucoeou him When
0 B Wilson retired from tho office
of Road SupervisorGovernor Oarter
tendered the position to the deceas
ed but he deoliuod it preferring to
remain in the newspaper business
Another position he reoently held
with great credit to himself was that
of assistant alerk of the Senate dur
ing tho sosBion of 1901
Deceased was a son of the late
John H Conryonoe owner of Hono
uliull ranch whioh was sold some
years ago to the late James Camp
bell Ho leaves besides an aged
mother one brother and four sisters
Tbe brother is John Q Coney sher
iff pf Kauai aad the sisters are Mrs
Julian Monsarrtt Mra Ashlou Mrs
Hubert Vos and Mrs H Renjes
Tho funeral will take place from
tbe late residonoa at 8 oclook Sun
day nfterpoou and will be under tbe
auspices of Lodge le Progres
Mssons and Hawaii Chapter No 1
Order of Kamehameba The Utter
will stand watoh over the remans
by njgkt
Mr Coney was ono of the m6at
promising ol young Hawaiiaus Ho
was poiseseed of a remarkably clear
and aotive mind and was rapidly
approaching a position of prom
inence and groat valuo in tho com
munity His spirit of enorgy was a
matter of common notoriety As a
man defeated was honest and sin
cere as a friend he was all that one
could desire His many excellent
qualities won for him a conspicuous
position in social oirales Ho will
bo greatly missed by a yery large
oirole of friends throughout tho
IXWiww mmmmTmmm
The bpbndent
bO oents per
High Echool Ooncort
FoPoning is tho program to be
rondored by pupila of the High
Sobool in the Y M 0 A this even
Koowa Maroh Knot
High School String Olub
a Tho Sun Has ArisROBindall
b Maiden With the Lips co
Rosy Oall
Violin Mennetto A Mozari
William Hoogs
a llBacio Arditi
b Lullabv from Jocelvn
B Gbdard
Violin Obligato
Miss Agnes Lovell Lyle
Chorus Tho Gypsy Round J Beckef
a Idnbel A J Weicll
b JAIohaOe
High School String Club
Comody in Oqo Act entitled
One of Us Must Marry
byA Zeohmeioter
Cast of Characters
Jacob Zorn William Cardnn
William Zorn - SWKing
Brothers Professors in a German
Gortrude their aunt
Miss Maude Paly
Louise their cousin
Miss Losilind Waldron
a JboruB of rilsrims Verdi
b O Italia Italia Beloved
Passengers Departed
Per stmr Mikabale March 24 for
Kauai ports J WCathcartand wifo
Mise Ethel Bishop H D Wishard
Mr Gulby K Watanabo S Tanaka
Mi Silliman H LRosenbledt Mrs R
D Moler J K Njmse Mbs Rosa
Aka J K Farley U MuGraw Geo
Castle I i Benton Mass Maroh
24 1904 to Mr aud Mra W R Castle
Jr a daughter
Is hereby givnn to all partiesjjav
ing claims against he undersigned
to present them duly itemized and
sworn nt his residence in Kukui Lane
within thirty SO Hays from tbe date
hereof or they will ho forever bar
red and all parties indebted to him
are hereby notified that they must
make immediate payment of tbeir
indebtedness at his residence as
Honolulu T H Feb 25 1904
2717 im
iron BAX
tania cttreot 89 yoars
Present not income 190 pi
month Apply to
1 1tCR UoroVipr Ptv
MfunMvl il Jewelor
Call and inop3ot the boautiful and
useful display of goods for prea
outs or for pomonai uao and adorn
1016 Smith St ono doorfron King
too OR PER CASE of 42 48 aud
Oddd r3 bars eaoh of Mainland
Laundry Soap 100 lbs eaoh case
delivered to aoy part of this oily
Also 17 bars of Soap for 100
Soft Soap aspeoialtv Inland orders
FOB wharf at Honolulu Ja or
dering be careful to stato number
of bam 2752 tf
nn LOTS at Kalihi 60x100 ft
fill brok of Kamehameha Sobool
and Kaihi Road
For full portiowfrn inquire 6f
d Hawaiian Hardware Uoa Store
Fort St 2876
BBRfflrrrffSn 1VSltyvSSBIB rl
jpMWwtfE ME BI
Hr E37l
H MP iflh v yr y ffft Vr flr r
Pi rtWnii m flHft fMi A 3nh i 5
It spreads furtlaer
Covers rriost surface
ILast lonrost
ZTver oraclsLs peels
01ials or rio tos ofT
Tiie Pacific Hardware Co Ltd
Sole agents
3i3 3 Sfe 3CB2SrOyE
English Bioteifc
Findon Haddock
Fancy Cheese-
hum LIU
T0aT FirnEDJ
P O BOX 886
yM ii
mJ tfc i H
pnogs Batter
It is perfectly pure and always
gives oatiafnotion Wo deliver it in
eat pasteboard boxes
Metropolitan ileat Oa
Talophone Main 4F
Per ALAMEDA lor Camarino
Refrigarator An ostrn fresh supply
of Qrape3 ApplooLomouBOrangct
Limea Nuts Raisins Celery Fros
Salmon Cauliflower Rhubarb As
paiagns GabbaKe Eantorn and Cdi
foxnia Oysters in tin ana shell
Crab Turkoys Flounders eto All
game in season Also fresh Rook
roft Svfiss and California Create
OhooEO Place your orders eerly
prompt delivery
Oovnnr TCint aid Alnhna Ft
Horse Oliben
South St noar Kawaiahao Lane
All work guaranteed Satisfaoti
given HorGea delivored andtakon
ar of Tl Blue
i A- U
And lots of Other things
Wo sell lheso very ohliap We
deliver any article no matter how
insignificant to any place in the
Get our prides youll buy them
Lewis Co Ltd
169 KING St Lowers Cooke bldg
240 Two Telephones 240
TnADE Marks
copyr1qhts c1
An yon o scindlne n BUctnh and doscrlptlon mar
qnlokly aicottulii our opinion free wfiuthor nn
litToiitlpn IsprobnblypatoniBhlo Comraunlciv
tlonaKtrlctirrnimdontlal HANDBOOK on latentt
ecntfroo Olilost Miioncjr tor nocurlng patonH
latont taken tlirounh Munu A Co recelra
ipteial nolle without cliarRO In tho
Scientific American
A handsomely llluttratod weekly Jjuttoat oil
dilation if an sctcmitlo inurual Terms f 1 a
yoari four montliB U Bold by all nowBdealora
MUNNCo3010 New York
rmiu l omv fi W fit Wuhl Dston O-
Hotel St near Fort -
Kentuoys lamoua Jesaio Ifoora
Whiskey unequalled for itu purity
and exoellenco On sale at any o
the saloons and at Lorejoy St Oo
diatrlbntlaK aflenti lor tLct tiiwalU
Iskr da tt

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