OCR Interpretation

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, August 30, 1905, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047097/1905-08-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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lairsiii uunaojr
ataridMlh ro caw i Slonoluls
IX X BoondUii null
in tho H
P Month
Milan Iolwdi 0 00
tfayablo Invariably In Mtaaw
rroprlbtof and Tab
Uosldlua In UonolnlDi
Its really too bad Mr Garden
Jsland that Oahu Oounty is expand
lag in area and ii aa well sxpeudlng
ome o Kauais corporation Income
tax money Go on howl awey and
hope youll gst it in the sweet
GsrritP Wilder ii going to the Ut
ile elands between here and Mid
way to plant aoeoanut trees If in
rrder we would suggest that he
plant tbem upside down in order
that the ooooanuts may not be blowu
away by tho burrioanei that prevail
in those parts
The poor old Bennington was run
into by the cruiser Chicago at San
Franoiseo rhllo bslng towed to
Mare Island and another bole was
made in her Bide It begins to look
as -though the Honolulu favorite
guubpat is becoming the boodoo
gulp of tho Amorloan uavy
Tho combination betweeu the
banks open and secret is shaping
itself into au invitation for soma
outfide money institution to oonie
in hero If o now bank headed by
a former hotel man and n late oash
ierof o local bank Bnould come in
hero it neod not surprise anyone
Dnr Garden Island pleasn dont
worry over the health of The Thdb
pendent ob it ban weathered many
past atlmonts It is old onough for
its az wo arc past Iwauly one and
oto nblo to guard n altit buing
in bad health
Thert nro numerous streuuous
Republicans in Honolulu who have
been out with a lantern regularly to
find flaws In tho work of Oounty
Troasurur Trout But It Invariably
turns out that Tront is there with
the goods putting his oiltioi to
dismay Hn wilt aomo up ogla to
morrow with thnSepterubsr warrant
nhloh will be turned Into osab with
out diioount
Kauai ii still oomplaiuiug hcoauso
tho taxea of the outside Islmdsoomo
to Honolulu There Is nn Just cause
for complaint as thn Territorial ro
oulpts are bulkod end thn rnntud
among tho counties as provided by
law If Kauai boo a klok about its
coin coming to Honolulu Othu has
a graetsr klok ou the score that it
pays a large snara of the i ipenst of
Kauai oonoty
Labor organization bare made a
nro mistake in having their Wad
ing features of Libor Day ot Pearl
Harbor Thoro oro numerous places
in tho city sultablo for the evonts
and by going awsy to tho Peninsula
hundreds of people will bo deprived
of tho enjoyment of the program It
Is too lato now to ohange the plans
but it is to be hopod that tho
take will not bo made again
Tho orodlt for brluglng about
peaoa between Jspan and Russia is
given to Prodded Roosevelt but
does ho deservo that credit t He
has done no more than could have
been aoeompllshod by the King of
Great Britain tho President of
Franca or oven Governor Jock of
Hawaii nol What Roosevelt may
be credited with and the only
thing is that he got in ahoad of the
other follows and got the job
Juit why the people of San Diego
should present a loving cup to Com
mander Luolon Toung of the Ben
nington is not oloar When the
disaster ooourred he was up town
and took no obancas whatever If
tho loving cup comes from the sal
oon men of San Dirgo however
there is perhaps no just oiuia for a
klok as thoy have doubtless made
the price of It many tlmos nnt nut
of tho Benningtons commander
Tho deolslon of Judge Dole
against tho steamship iltanlsy
lario tho damage casas brought by
thirty six Japanese will probably
1 result in tho Dollar line dlieoutinu
log Its Hawaiian service In one
am fir tlu fljJ1 IVmuo
Ou I - a- - ui
i lar Ud to blln
serious trouble in timo and when It
did ootno Hawaii would have gotten
the blamo for it oil
Tho Gordon Island reports that
Judge Kahelo fell and injured
his trip Wn are sorry very onrrj
Our Supremo Court judgoB are uuan
imoun In tho opinion that a trip Is n
good thing In hot weather and wo
are luullnod to the same view Just
how the fall injurod Judgo Kahelej
trip tbo Gardon Island dooi not
toll us but it is proiumed that ho
was laid up until nftor tho oteamsr
had sailod
Surely Mr Garden Island Tun
Indkvrndeht will keop oool and
await your plsaiuro until the fiftt
of September when we expect to
have both tho matters in re Kane
alii sottlod by our best authority
tbo Supreme Court adveraoly to
you Tour Judge Hardy will surely
be made to approve and aaoopt
Kanoaliie bond an supervisor and
he will be seated as suoh A grand
jury Indictment for forgery rlooi not
make one guilty of the offtuoo not
until ho has boon tried and prnvon
guilty ol committing a felony Se
Smarty I
A despatch from Berlin eayn that
tho ogroomeut roaohod by tho ponoo
oommltelouers at Fortsmnulb in
considered to be n moral victory
for Japan and n diplomatic vlotory
for Russia That Is oertalaly ox-
be a gooa tniog lor me treaiury nnu
Mr Campbell but It is a bad thing
for tho city as It ia filling it up with
liquor Joints Moreover it is con
trary to lbs intentions of the law
Every sane man knows full well that
tho Legislature bad no iulentioo of
making saloons out of praeery
stores and meat markets Mr damp
bells polley will result in either
killing the new law wbloh Is oon
eldired a good one or the flooding
of the city with gin shopr whlob
should not b thought of for a
We thought tho Indopeudont
knew something of the habits of the
Hawatlana but find ourselves sadly
mlitakon The Hawaiian Uoea not
call o hoole duotor until bo ia dying
oud under such oiroumstaaoao it ia
cldu arsEoiciu xru a icwik
Do Your Joints
Pain You
A slight indefinite pain in the joints is the first sign of Rheu
matism Then come the aching pains and tenderness the
agonizing cramps the fever and restlessness that characterize
this disease
When you feel the first slight pain begin to take Dr Will
Jams Pink Pills for Pale People and the progress of the disease
will be arrested Neglect this and you will regret it
Dr Williams Pink Pills
for Pale People are a
Positive and Permanent
Cure for Rheumatism
This remedy expels impurities from the Mood and supplies the material
for rapidly rebuilding wasted nerve tissues It has performed hundreds of
almost miraculous cures in severe cases of Rheumatism many times after
doctors had given up hope Head this sworn statement
In IROO I was tnlen with rheumatism nhloh be an In my hin and
gradual intend throughout my body Kor to yinri and a hair I
confined to my boil employed nine or the best physicians in j
bany audilno eperlnlltte from New York city They oil dealer
rase uopelos and nnally told me that I had but six week to 11
loiawem loiaaoinoir meuioiuenway maun wore u cuoiinouiu
take no more of tho stun
My nlcco who through her friend know of the good remlU attend
tnc tho uteot lr William Plnta Pill for iale leonle itrongly reoom
mendedtbem Hhe proonred the pill ana by the time I hnd used the
nrst box I foil hungry Itavlar had no appetite for n longtime I
knewthnt the pills were doing me good I continued thelruie and
ter iniriuK scrotal noxe wa nDie 10 leave my Doa una go auout with
thenseotorutobo I weighed but ISO pounds A my normal weight
is about 110 potinde you ran ee liowron down Iliad Dooomoourina
f the tittle j wntweignru
my uonncM Aiior uikioi iiiirteen ooxesoi
again and although loss than nyrar had pasted I wolghedSOT pounds
I oonitnued tho mo of the nllle and nnallr wae nble to abandon the
crutoliee altogether and niacow ua woll a orer MatTajkx
thrro are uiuuy inotntiocs of such
fllroiimalnnctS beoauo when n Ha
ivnllnn fcols that he is about to dio
a haolo doolor Is called in to that a
burial cerlifloatn mlflht bo had for
bis inturmont th law linvlnu rustlo
thot n prrrqulslto But for n doo
tor to know Hstailau b uhould
be rbln to tnllt to them iotelllf eutly
in thulr mother tongas and not in
preosloR It neatly An n matter of I o00 fointo them
fact Japan has bson oleatly huncood
and In almost tho lainn way as she
was cheated out of Port Arthur nud
a atrip of Manohuria after the war
with China Although the govern
mont of Japan has sanottonod the
treaty it is not likely that tho peo
plo will take in a kindly spirit a
settlement that rItjs thorn praotoal
ly nothing In return for n costly and
bloody war
dens SpieiiW ACbl
Rn VtaneUto AltntiTJlENJRYAJJLirZ
iClt 1llAWOiaOO Tbn NoTKba Wsttou
BinX ol Utin lrnnauuo
Treasurer Oampboll In licensing j LONDON The Union of London 8ralth
Ham Ltd
every person that nriilloa for mi sev ORK Uool i jixaiwof S
privilege of soiling llq lor prnttim oniOAoo Oorn Kzohago National Bani
ably fo tho purpose Increasing - a nfcWjtfg
the revenues of bis oiDce tbnreb ujSffiffi2SSf
mahlng a good showing X nU may Dank of New Zealaml nnd AnuunlKia
it BrltliU North Aucilcn
TVmuasi tf rural JlMuj at4 Xn u i c
Deposits Jlecelved loans made on ApproTrd
Security Commercial ami Traveller Crcil
iMued Hill of Kxchauge bought and kold
CoUoctlon Promptly Accounted For
PREMISES recently
ooaupled by the San
itarium on King street beyond
Thomas square Possession given
Immediately For terms and piutlo
ulnrs apply to
At Storo of Abr Fornnndez Son
dl BO King Stroot
2971 tf
1020 E OK 0I3
rtfj LOT3 ot Eollhl 50x100 ft
ull baol of Knmebnmeba Sohool
just 83 uialesi o kuow Hawaiian as d Tr iihi poad
PototOiian Garden Island For full pnrtiaularo iuquiro per-
aonally of
Wi uuk wo do oud donc doubt ABRAHAM FEHNANDFZ
of the - f1 J
n 81M81 wa ar
oJgnt b f t to a I
laop in coaorally ooBut that
ii iinmiiton m Ainnny nT
Bworn to and nbsrrlhd before me thla 17th day ofUpptember INS
Nkile K Towmui Aalarj Public Albany Co NT
The genuine Dr wiIIlimsPlnfc Pills for Pafe People are sold onlr In
packages the wrapper always tearing the full nsme At all drufclsts ov
direct from he Dr Willis ms Medicine Co Schenectady NY 50c per box
SasitarfStQai kaaflry
Go Ltd
mn KEDBC30U Q m prices
Having mndo largo additions to f
our niaohlnorv wo oro now abln to
at the rate o 25 cents por dozon
Satisfactory work and prompt
dolivory qunranteed
No foar ot olothlng being lost
from strlltos
Wo Invito inspootionot our laun
dry and methods ot any tlmo dur
ing businosB hours
Kiug Op aula 73
end our wngon will call for
L Porundez Sod
Importers and Dealcrsn
Agricultural Implements
Hardware Outlory Stovos Leather
Skins Shoo Findings Fish Nots
Linen aud Cotton Twine Ropo
Stool and Galvanized Wire Olotb
Poultry Netting Rubbor Hose
Paints Oils Colors Varnishes
Brushes and Goneral Mcrchan
3STos 44lto SO
Belieen Nuuann and Smith Sti
P 0 BOX 74
Main 189
Call and iuapoot tbo beautiful and
usoful display of goods for pros
Qtts or for personal use and cdorn4
Iscye Buildluu C80 Fort Stxeot

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