OCR Interpretation

The daily herald. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1886-1887, January 21, 1887, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047239/1887-01-21/ed-1/seq-4/

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Contradictory Character of tho Rvlitcncc
The Court Xonplimtcil A Cnptnlna
AtvlccAy Explanation Mndo After
tho Cloio of the Wiir
It was in tho spring of 1603 DcMHions
wero frequent frtom tlio rebel lines In front of
Petersburg Hugh Morris n sergeant of a
Now Jersey regiment had been reduced to
tho rank A detail for fatlguo duty flvo
miles awny Included Hugh The following
night a deserter who enmo in mid ho iad n
brother in ho Union nrmy nnd on investiga
tion It was ascertained to bo Hugh Ho was
permitted to wall with Hughs moss until his
return Meantime tho commanding oQlcor
of Hughs regiment had been detailed nwny
from ills command and his successor was ig
norant of tho facts ftbovo narrated Ho re
ceived shortly after assuming command nu
order from headquarters to Mid Hugh
Morris brother thciu Ho reported that
Hugh was away on detail nnd had nor brother
In tho regiment In doing so ho crroacouIy
signed tho colonels name In placo of his own
Tho colonel had proviously reported tho
deserter nnd obtained permission for him to
wait for his brothers return Meantime ono
of Oen Mcados spies had como across tho lino
and reported that Hugh had deserted and wns
giving tho rebels all the information ho could
as to tho Union army and position Tljo pro
tendod brother was doubtlesi a rebel spy It
would seem also doubtless that tho colonel
was in tho game
Meado quietly ordered Wilcoxs division to
surround tho New Jersoy reglmont nnd
placed every ono In It under wrest Tho
rcbol descrtor could not bo found Tho ofll
ccrs of tho regiment wcro furious Tho next
morning Fort Stcdmnn was surprised nnd
captured by tho rebels as Js known In history
On tho samo day Hugh Morris returned to
bis regiment nnd was immediately arrested
and brousht before a court martial for trial
charged with desortlon There was no evi
dence against him except tho spy of Gen
Meado before mentioned But that was
direct and conclusive Ho was on tho rebel
outpost when Morris camo In himself seeking
an opportunity to reach tho Union lines Ho
accompanied Morris to tho rear nnd slept
with hlra that night in tho prison barracks
near Petersburg While 3orris wns asleep
ho took from him his diary nnd also cut from
his head n lock of hair loth of whlh ho
showed before tho court Tho lost entry in
tho diary was mention of tho fact of detail to
repair a locomotive engine Tho clip of hnlr
appeared to oxactly match a sheared lock of
Morris head Other than this and tho fact
that Morris hail been reduced from sergeant
to private and had expressed cinpliatlo dis
content there wasnothlng ngalnst him This
however was absolute and convincing Mor
ris in his defense produced tho four me
chanics who were detailed with him to repair
and replace tho rnilrond engine which had
boon thrown from tho military railroad mid
seriously impaired Thoy testified that ho
wns with them continuously und only left for
his company when tho Job wns completed a
short timo before ho In fact rejoined his com
Iny Ho admitted the diary was his and
raado no explanation of tho lock of hair The
mechanics who worked with him identified
him particularly liy tho hat ho wore which
liad n peculiar feather in It and also his coat
sleeves showed tho dark lines which had bo
f ore been covered with tho sergeants chev
rons All the officers of his regiment testified
to his uniform soldierly conduct through
many campaigns and battles and It also njv
peared that ho had been deprived of his ser
geant rank bocauso nf communication Vith
tho enemy against cjpress orders
rxriuiNKn XT LAST
Tho court of which tho writer was presi
dent wns uoilplusssd by tho evidence It ad-
adjourned early until tho next morning
Late that night they camo to my tent one of
tho most rellnbfo nnd conscientious captains
in tho whole nrmy of tho Potomac I
liovcdjnblmnexttomyttaviour Hositnpiy
sold Morris ought not to bo convicted
and went away Wbou tho court reassembled
a vote was taken by the ballots There wcro
eight blanks nnd ono Not guilty and so tho
finding was recorded
Two months after Avhcn tho war was over
nnd tho nrmy at Washington I was invited
to tako supper at tho Washington houso cor
ner Third nnd Pennsylvania avenues by this
man Morris There were assembled every
member of tho court martial besides citizen
friends of the accusod man from Now Jersey
Ho then mado the following statement
When tho war broko out my brothcrwas
in business nt Atlantn I learned ho was in
our front before Petersburg as a member of
tho Thirteenth Alabama I had been dotallod
to go on ndvnnco picket duty during tho fol
lowing night Afterward camo tho ordor for
alocomotlvo mechanic oud tho orderly
geant changed my previous detail sending
me the only man from tho regiment to
assist in repairing tho engine Now when
you understand 1 hod raado arrangements
with tho rebel picket to meet my brother be-
twecu tho lines you can liuagtno I liadno
taste for that locomotive detail My chum
looked almost like my twin brother He
know a little something about machine iron
work I told him the facts Ho refused to
go in my place unless tho captain would con
sent It was asking a good deal of the cap
tain Well wo swapped clothing and ho
went in my placo My brother missed mo
and camo over to our side I missed my
brother and went over to their slilo The
Federal spy met moJust as ho testified and I
told him all tho stories I could
think about tho Union army Tho assault on
Fort Stodman wns wholly unknown to mo
but I got a way In tho melee and returned to
my company -Thou camo tho court martial
Hod I told my story then in I do now I
should hnvo been shot at sunrise But tho
facts you now kno w
This man Is now manager of tho Michigan
Southern railroad Army Ofllcer In Milwau
kee Tolcgraph
Dunn lJutt its loetuiuater
In a private noto Col Donn Piatt indig
nantly denies that ho has been writing com
munistic essays for the press and ns to that
postninstcrshln ho sayss It
was greatness thrust upon mo as a practical
joke Tho patrons do not And it so funny
-now I hnvo moved thoofilco to my house
mid taken down the old sign from my gate
which ww No Admission on Dullness ana
In Its placo hung up a tin horn with direc
tions which read Any ono having business
with this postoflice will blow tho horn and
glvo tho 1 M timo to chain his dogs1 I
have to guard against county commissioners
lightning rod men book rgenui and other
nuisances two huge mastiffs ono St Bernard
and a bulldog of nmazlng pertinacity of pur
pose No iy York World
A Largo Grnrie Arbor
Protubly the largest grape arbor in central
North Carolina is a Scuppemong nrbor on a
plantation In Sumter county It has 1700
lost covers nearly an acre of ground and
every year it boars un abundanco of Scupper
iipngs Chicago Times
Fitnily Story Concerning it Couple
rooms VnWio of Perseverance
It stands to reason that tho oxperieheed
writer who has outgrown any morbidity that
can bo produced by n rejected manuscript im
mediately tears oft tho wrapper upon Its re
turn renddresses it nnd sends it onco more
upon tlio road Tho result is very upt to bo
satisfactory Mrs Clam Doty Bates tells a
funny story of tho fnto of two of tho first
poems she over sent for publication Thoy
were forwarded to religious magazines simul
taneously nnd simultaneously thoy returned
ro sho reversed the addresses and sent them
nwny again They wcro both accepted nnd
brought 10 apiece Many professional writ
ers keep n book nnd under the namo of each
nrtlclo write tho list of magazines to which it
has been sent that thoy may not forward it
twlco to tho samo editor and then keep it
going till it ilnds n resting place
There Is ono writer of this city who has
tried n daring gamo with marked success
When n manuscript which his Judgment told
him was really good was rejected by a favor
ito paper be kept It quietly awhilo nnd then
trusting to tho forget fulness of tho editor
sent It back ngaln A happier mood or a
better dinner or ono of thoso mysterious
chances which govern tho fata of manuscripts
conspired to its acceptance
Auy mngntlno of high position is ranch af
fronted if it receives tin nrtlclo which it dis
covers to hnvo been rejected by somo rival
periodical Most of them and it may bo nil
o them hnvo some cabalistic ltttlo mark
which they uso in various ways and now and
then It can bo found upon tho leaves of a re
turned manuscript Tho experienced eontrhV
utor knows this nnd hover sends n manuscript
away n second time without first carefully
examining tho pages Tho fact that ono edi
tor rejects nnd another accepts nil article it
should bo borno In mind is no reflection on
tho Judgment of cither What is in keeping
with tho tono of ono publication is qulto un
sultcd to another It isn mistaken idea too
to suppose that mngnzlno editors will not tako
n manuscript unless It bears tho namo of a
well known writer This is an obvious ab
surdity fpr how then could thoso well
known writers havo first becomo known
Tho enterprising alitor Is nlwnyji on tho alert
for strong fresh writers whoso names they
may havo tho credit of introducing Chicago
Lnily Wildes Kcccntrlo Wnj
Marshall 1 Wilder who recently returned
from London speaks of Lady Wlldo us being
oren more eccentric than her two sons Her
receptions nro nttended by tlio most prominent
people in London und nro much sought after
Sho receives her guests seated upon n throno
wltji Oscat on her right hand nnd W lUIo on
her left Every now nnd then In imploring
tones Willlo wlllnddroahls mother Mother
doyou love met Then Oscar takes up tho
drain Mother do you lovo your Oscnr
Then they will shako hands nil around
Lady Wilde though qulto advanced In
years will insist upon wesrlng her dresses
very deeollcto nnd plmied ut tho breast with n
brqoch contalnng tho picture of her lato la
mented husband This brooch tho day Mr
Wilder dined with them would insist upon
falling into tho soup Oscar Wlldols dining
room is most peculiar in tho design of its dec
oration The entire floor in made of gloss to
represent wntcr tho wnlls being decorated in
the same style mid tho table Is set upon nn
Kland in tho mlddlo of tho room Thagias
and chlnn are equally unique tho dishes nnd
plates representing - various fishes and tho
glasses shells The tables nro waited upon by
young girls in peaeant costumes Chicago
A Wouinnft AiuMtlau
1vo Just been out in Denver said an cast
bound passenger and whilo there I inet Mrs
Tnbor divorced wlfo of the senator Sho ha
not married ngaln but Li living quietly with
her 60U 8ho lins developed very good busi
ness tact and has taken tuch admirable care
of the f 100000 which sho got from licr hus
band that sho is nown millionaire Tabor
on tho other hand has been gradually going
down bill Not long ago ho mado n rather
lucky hit in koiqo mines which revived his
drooping fortunes n bit but tho prediction is
freely mado that in n few years bo will flatten
out Into hopeless bankruptcy Mrs Tabor
No 1 says that she will yet have to take care
of tho old man nnd that when Ills hour of
adversity comes ns como it will ho will lw
glad euough to return to his first lovo and her
million It seems to bo tho height of this
womans nmbitlon to get her husband back
nnd to bo nblo to set him up again financially
Chicago Herald
Jlulldlng tho Morv Jtullwny
Tho Invalldo Russo gives thofollowlng ac
count of tho construction of tho last stago of
tho Mcrv railway Between Karybcnt and
MervUio rails -wore laid to tho extent of 119
versts in tboKpnco of thlrty sbt daya which
it Sundnys nnd festivals are excluded becomo
only thirty working days To tho 110 versts
should be added seven versts of stations con
structed during tho hurao period so that tho
total per diem was rather more than four
versts or nearly three English miles Tho
works wero carried on In military fashion
Morning work began to tho sound of tho
drum the men proceeded to tho lino from
their huts at a quick march and tho officers
gave tho signal for breaking oft Tho latter
superintended tho work on horseback Tho
soldiers worked with extraordinary emula
tion and oven tho qfllcera ate In basto and
wcro novor long absent from tho line Bos
ton Transcript
News Agency of No Sfans Lund
No matter what any ono may do ho con
novcr run down ono of theso reports of tho
night Thoy como as regular ns tho epidemics
of wind fire ocean disasters and tho seizure
of American lionta In Canadian waters But
from where Is never discovered There must
bo a no muns land somowhero in desolate
wind swept space in which there abides a
spectral nows agent who with n ghostly
chatter of teeth and u hollow latigb claps his
bones together ns ho fixes up ono of theso
weird creations nnd starts it on a trip around
tlio world Chicago Herald
Women nt tlio Theatres
A bright actress says that sho hates matinees
bocauso women audiences nro Hko n sea of
posts Thoy est bon bons seem toifgard tho
actresses ns inferior creatures and act ns
though tho lightest commendation in tho na
ture of applause would 10 a serious breach of
propriety It to unnecessary to say tho actress
was talking of provincial matinees There is
never n lack of appreciative npplntwo in Now
York Chicago Herald
On the Inkos llottom
Tho Natural History society of Worcester
Atnsa bus employed illvcrs to hunt around
tin tho bottom of Lnko Qalnslgainond for
Indian relics A chart of tho bottom is to bo
mado showing tho cold springs so much
dreaded by Bwimmcrs
1 i1
Tlia Cunscleuco Iuiiil
Tho conscience fund in tho treasury at
Washington Is approaching the round sum of
Tench plucks s tho namo given to thoso
t7ho are oinployed In gathering fruit from tlio
peach tree
ScncnU abbttllotmcnto
tnce Company of Uoiton
The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance
Company In the United States
Jollvlei Tttiidt 011 Hie most FuvorableTermt
Iottesi paid through Honolulu Agency 4900
I jnl in i Hull IV fplWilarii
r 0 Pox 39s
Today September tst 1886 is issued the first rhtmbcr of The Daily Herald
a morning newspaper to be printed or the proprietor under contract by the
Press Publishing Company Merchant street Honolulu
Price Six Dollars per Annum or Fifty Cents per
All who receive a copyjol the initial or any succeeding number arc
Business men are solicited to test the advantages of The Daily Herald
as an
A large edition will b printed each day to be circulated in Honolulu and
throughout the Islands regardless of subscriptions until a regular paying listbl
subscribers is obtained on the public becoming acquainted with the merits ol
the paper
The Daily Herald will furnish a fresh and readable record of events in
city and country It will also give from time to time as received a summary
of the blest news from he outside World in concise and systematic form
The Daily Herald will fbltow a straightforward consistent independent
and moderate course in the discussion of public affairs It will not be the
servile organ of any clique faction or party At tne same time an earnest sup
port will be given to measures promotive of the public welfare and to indivi
duals or organizations that may appear in the political field with claims to
popular confidence backed by worthy records and unassailable principles
The undersigned would however rather point to his record as a journalist
in this city for the past two years as conductor of the Daily JiuUtlin than
make promises that in general estimation arc valueless until justified by per
formance He can only pledge himself to do his best to produce a thorough
an influential and in every way acceptable daily newspaper
Try the Daily Herald1 foa month at least
Honolulu Sept i iSSG
Editor and Proprietor
Brick Building King Street near Maunokcn
Goods delivered promptly Mutual Telephone 387
Shippers Attention
Chns Brewer Cos
A vessel will leave Boston for this Tort on
or about MARCH 1st next and
The Hark AMY TUUNKR tyiU sail from
Boston for this Port on or about May 15th
next t
Further information can be obtained by ap
plying to
C Brewer Company
Queen Street
Planetary Almanac
Weather Guide 1887
With calculations for the Hawaiian
time to plant
According to the scientific theory of
H Lunar Influence on Vegetation
For sale at the Honolulu Hook
stores Price 25 cents
to Let-
cupied by Jame A Kennedy corner
Kinau and Pcnsacola Streets
Office Honolulu Iron Works Co
Tins Popolau Binderv located at
10C Fort Street Advertises no Spe
cialities but is able to do all sorts
sires and conditions of Hook binding
Ruling PerforatingNumbering Let
tcring and Paper cutting as well as in
San Francisco and at moderate prices
At This Complete Uinbeuv
newspapers magazines pamphlets ind
sheet music are neatly and simply or
elegantly and sumptuously bound as
taste and pocket may demand Old
books are carefully and firmly rebound
All Descriptions op Ulank
Hooks are made to order at as Ion
rates as are qonsistent with first class
work The Binder is now using
Westons Record and Brunswick
Linen paper for all first class work -
Orders Left at T G Thrums
Fort Street Store will have
Prompt Attention
Stockholders Meeting
The nnnual mcetln of the stockholders of
me jvonaia augar uompany will ue heltl at
the office of Messrs Castle Cooke lanuary
i atioaro I II ATHERTON
Stockholders Meeting
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Haikue Sugar Company will be held nt
the office of Castle Cooke January 201887
X this opportunity to express my heartfelt ap
precla Ion of the sympathy and kindness shown
towards me in my late bereavement by the
TVLh0yarlU5ly PtlePSlcdjn the last
William P AVondj and wonld especially and
severally thank Captain Clark of the Kings
Own and Mr SMacy Hack Inspector Tor
their very kind assistance in attending nand
arraneine all necessary details
Honolulu January 14 887
Scncwl ePUcitiscmcnt
USfo 4LSJ Cfciieew t
In trreUlurlt Urrtli an Uxe
m1 n ftJ1n rUt
ibk Vloiit El Dorado
Cton Ktai1
Skt 1tt Dt
Sck Cora Bt Whole
SW Corn tktt Cndied
Saclci linn Cairn inJ Flnr
ScU Uan While
SmW Ctuii Rnl
SicVt nni Hiyou
sk ns 0Mt
SttVt Hunt Urn
Cawi EtlraSoJa CnuWrfA
Que lllum llrrad
Cax Cracked Wheal to lb fort
Caet Corn Meal while i lbW
i CaieiOal Meal tolufag
Caw 1 Com Slarch
Casks Dupcje Hams
Catliytk A IfkWCaielUtlvBtUSk 1
- t
Ca FWnka I JrJ5 lb fall
Cawt FilrlunV fiid is Ik r
Catet Whlioeya ltuller In tint
gnillfrVrVln llutier Ctlt Edge
Qr fiiktnt Duller O I Etlre
Cases 2giu Cheese
Hoiil and Ullt SaltCodCib
IIUTkrcclCliluiUa Rtttr SaliMm
Cu Laundry Starch
H IUoict Drown IaunJry Soap
Par Java Coulee It oa tied and Ground f lb lint
Sack Crten Coffee V
Chetta Japan lea t lb paper
Ch4t Japan Tea J lb papers
Iloici Rabln London LaYcri
Jf bo Kaulni London Laycra
lloxel RaUlntMutcatc
Drumi Citron
Iloaet Currant
Catea Chocolate
Catei Mixed Pickles
Catet Sptcee aiaortcd all alia
Sacki Engllih Wlnuti
Sack Soft Shell Almondi
Caici Callforr la Honey 1 lb tint
BCaiei Klnjt Mone Co frcah canned
CrruKi jellies and Vegetablet
llalei Wrapping lVper extra iiia
A mASIIK amortmbkt
Best California Leather
Sole Imute Ilarnen Skirting and Upperii
French and American Calftklm
Sheen Skim Goat Sktm
Saddle and Saddle Treei
There goods nre new anil reklj aiul will te aohl t
M W McCliesnoy Sons
No 4aieuoil S2tvet
titciat Abbcrttoctticnto
106 1 ORTSTRIjlir tmuyURS UlOtK
AssitS MlLt As6fVliNT o
Fhio natl Commercial Stationery
uNltttib Til Mirror
Note LflUr lonCap Ugl It lt IWr
jold St tl OOll VenL
Writing 4nd Copylnj iml ColteU Inl
W 1 1
rtirU Viitnc Wo
dip LtlrNblmjdJMraoTl
111 AlAMIl ftllfl tilH lltwr
VMtit na tile V
liiWumli Kultriri u
Knvtlopti si tlitJ pir and cloth ltnd
Trial Dalantt and
Hoe Root i
Taar Memo Tlne 0rler Reeelrlt Eaertlw
and Utter Dookt
Copytnit IlnitU Rubr Copying SheeK
lllankIlooVlrVarloui SlieaandSlyleiof ninJIng
Tracing CJmIi nd Paper
njitiristi VAiiu
Photograph fraraet and Puiieiiuleuit
Autograph atxl Phsto Albiimt Scrap Ilooka
InUU Wot k Doaei andWrltlnrlHik
Attetvnee frame aiul iinrrftb
CelluUM feu of ComK llniah owl Mirror
iianuuagi JitlKruiw liatkell
ShaITrapt School tljg -A
Fine Varlelr of Irariga Ulrtlidar Caiil
Poetical IKlhdar ami MteelUntotH llwV
Ithulraled Ultrr Sheett Pocket and Letter Main
theltJamli Mafrtof llenolulu
tJoiVnli VIvwn of IlonoHilu
Wladaor ft Naietana Attltta Materlali
pcelal or utra large UoU tMile tap to enter tll
wesions Linen rkcord paper
v AlfiSlUTetied
ivRiitmiis to tvr
1 Coouaniljln Stock
Jocket Edition Seatlde Library
m tAe fAnurr or xii most roretAn avihow
ltovnii to ounrn ox ymonrxorivi
A orders leipetifullr aotletird and guaranteed
pronipl attention
- Manufacturing and luipoitlng -
Xo 0i Fort Street
Alu keep on hand a mott elegant aatortment of
Cter brought lothli market
ClocltH Wtttclics llrncolola Acck
lots PJiib Loblcctt Gold Chains
nml GimrtlB Slcovo ButtanB
Studs Etc Etc
And omamenti of all klndi
ElegnBt Solid Sllvor Tea Sot
And all LinJr of atlvcrwara luliallefor pietentatlou
Made to order
Repairing- of walcles and Jewelry carefully at
tended to and executed in Ine mott workmanlike
Pailicular attention 11 paid to orders and Job woik
frpm the other htanda
Hawaiian Hotel
Carriages at all hours day and
night Saddle horses buggies wagon
nettcs and village carts with stylish arid
gentle horses to let
Horses clipped with the Patent
Lightning Clipping Machine
A few good Horses 2 Phaetons
Two Top Buggies second hand Har
ness and a Village Carts
Ring up Telephone Nuniler jj or Apply t

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