OCR Interpretation

The daily herald. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1886-1887, April 30, 1887, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047239/1887-04-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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thrill be for nio Dnlly ut tho lTol
vv lowlnu XJluoeJ
THRUM Fort street
r f
iMerthnt MtMt
i if
RVsrAI SODA WORKS llotct Street
Jrlao O Cent
Weather ajlll uristtjlcd f
Hand conccrtthis afternoon
I I in 1
K P Adams Co hold a cash sale
at U oclock to day
Too many hack horjes in Honolulu
arc given to slicing
1 111 -
Ut Damons new building on Detlicl
street is coming up in good shape
1 1 m
There will be a two mile race with
music at the Yoscmitc rink to night
The yellow flag on the Consuclo
caused the shadow of a scare yesterday
1 ii
The side walls of Mr Mclncrnys
building on Merchant street have risen
astorcv U
Some of Ihe Honolulu native fisher
men have been making good hauls
Mr L J Levey sells horses etc of
bankrupt estate of Akana at noon to
Mr C J McCarthy gives notice
that Mr Henry Saylor will henceforth
manage his billiard room
11 in ii 1 1 1 1
Purser Simcrson of the W G Hall
reports less smoke than at last previous
report from the Volcano
l III llll II
Hon F lit Hayscldcn has our
thanks for 0 copy of the official report
of the stnall pox case at Lahiiinn
The King of Tannings Island will
he at u disadvantage in arriving at San
Irani isco after the Hawaiian royal
The anti coercion mass meeting in
Hyde Park London was the largest
ever held there as well as one of the
most orderly
msss I 1 I M
The Supreme Court in banco sat till
nearly 10 oclock Inst night The con
tempt of Court case will be heard at 10
oclock this morning
George Lucas Jr is owner of the
horse Equal Rights entered by D
H Davuforioi three quarter mile dash
with J Oudcrkirks Rockwell at the
Park to day
The Monday evening book keeping
classes taught by Mr P C Jones nrc
to be resumed next week Young
men desirous of joining should leave
their names at the Y M C A rooms
with the General Secretary
Ill - J I
The following is from the San Fran
cisco Examiner o the 16th s In the
divorce case of Mary -E Fitch vs Geo
L Fitch the motion for alimony has
been dismissed by consent and de
fendants demurrer to the complaint
sustained Plaintiff was allowed five
days to file amended complaint
Mrs Geo J Ross and Mr II W
Morse will contribute to the musical
and Mrs I A Thurston ond Mr
Oliver C Swain to the literary part of
the liluc Ktbbon entertainment to
night while Mr R Jay Greene will
deliver the address Free admission
and cordial welcome
John W McCarthy whose capture
by Detective Bee and legal contests
connected therewith formed a nine
days topic in Honolulu last year was
released in San Francisco lately on a
3000 bond but yas immediately re
arrested by Detectives Harper and Hcc
on the old charge of embezzlement of
State funds
Police Court
No business was entered on the
criminal rernrd vusterdav
Sevf ral civil cases were settled out of
Court or continued
Starr Kapu vs Gaspar Silva claim
for 300 damages by the loss of a colt
in defendants hands Smith Thurston
Kinney for plaintiff 1 M Uatcn
for defendant Judgment for plaintiff
for 3625 including expenses Ap
peal noted
13 mid Concert
The following programme will be
played this Saturday afternoon at 430
at Emma Square
Marcl Fine J 0ei LeG
Overture The Exiles new Gassncr
Polka The Dragoons newi Fahrbach
Selection Marltana new Wallace
Finale Slrailclla new llolow
Walt The Rlvcrof Years now Llddcll
Facts Not Fancies
From the date of the Mutual Life
Insurance Companys organization
842 until December 31st 188C the
company has received in premiums
301396207 It has paid policy hold
Crs trurnc C nrwl linlfls ill tfllSt
for them ijii8ipj3 It has paid
in endowments in tbellnwaiian Itlarids
tluiing the year 1886 5514313
0 Wilder Aucnt
11 n I
No handbook excels the Hawaiian Almanac
fiiil Annual for reliable statistical oml general
information relating to these Islands Iriro
3 vi llll
Particulars of tlicuuaraiitino
Report of Officer Reynolds to the Board
of Health
Lahaima April 28th 1887
His Excellency V M Gihson
President Hoard of Health
Slit I have the honor to submit to
Your Excellency the following report
concerning the case of small pox among
the Japanese at Lahaina and the quar
antine imposed on account of the
On my arrival here on the morning
of the i2thinst Dr Kuehn and myself
visited the patient at the pest house 1
found him thickly covered with an
eruption there were also several sores
on his legs and loins the latter most
likely syphilis On examining the
eruption I found it to be of two dis
tinct kinds a large majority of it being
superficial On opening the same I
found they contained a watery fluid
decidedly not small pox
There were about fifty other pus
tules half of which seemed to have
been forced towards maturity most
likely by the use of caustic which from
experience I know to be a Japanese
mode of treatment in small pox cases
The other half were well developed
pustujes having a deep base under the
skii and containing a thick pus en
tirely different to those first mentioned
The patients mouth gave additional
proof of the nature of the disease On
the iskin between the pustules I noticed
one or two marks which suggested the
idea of previous small pox As Mr
Suja the interpreter md the Japanese
doctor were present I asked thiupa
ticnt if he had had small pox before
He stated that be had it when young
In spite of the above information I
could come to no other conclusion
than that it was a case of small pox of
mild form and after watching the case
for a day or two I was satisfied that the
doctors had decided aright Two or
three days after my arrival the crup
tton first mentioned commenced to
dry up and disappear and by the 18th
inst was entirely cone leaving the
small pox pustules well defined and
progressing in the ordinary manner
Dr Kuehn and myself made a thor
ough inspection of the Japanese in
quarantine yesterday and with the aid
of an interpreter obtained the following
facts regarding their protection from
small pox by previous small pox or vac
cination Out of 55 Japanese living in
the house in quarantine 42 had small
pox before About half of this number
show strong marks of the disease one
fourth show slight marks and we have
taken the word of the remaining fourth
that they had it although it has left no
marks Eleven of the Japanese who
iiavc not had small pox show good
marks of having been successfully vac
cinated in Japan and two only of them
show neither small pox nor vaccination
From careful inquiries 1 find that
the patient was taken with the fever
April 1 st the eruption broke out on
the 4th and the man was removed to
the pest house on- the morning of the
8th The house was thoroughly fumi
gated and disinfected and with the 54
Japanese was placed under strict quar
antine There was also a quarantine
placed on the town by order of Dr
Kuehn but this was afterwards raised
by orders from other quarters Upon
my arrival here after having seen the
patient X decided to re quarantine the
town also Olowalu and as there arc no
signs of any more cases I have raised
the quarantine this morning
I have had the Japanese quarters
again disinfected and the quarters of
other laborers have been cleaned and
disinfected by V Y Horner at my
request and every precaution taken to
put the place in as good stmitary con
dition as possible Since the quaran
tine was imposed 229 persons have
been vaccinated
I am Sir your obedient servant
C D Rbynolds
Agent Djard of Health
One of the papers arrived yesterday
but which did not fall into our keeping
contains news that Commander Green
of the United States Navy had warned
a Uritish commander on the spqt not
to seize the island of Tortuga in satis
faction of the English claim against
A Rangoon despatch of April 15th
says that half the town ot Pegu fifty
eight miles northeast of Rangoon was
destroyed by fire It is presumably an
incendiarv one Also that nn exten
sive nlot anions the inhabitants of
Upper Hurmah and the Dacoits to
burn towns massacre Europeans and
proclaim a new King has been frus
trated by the police and loyal Uurmese
who after three days fighting captured
the leaders
II -
Chas T Gullck Notary Public
Records searched abstract of title furn
ished and conveyances drawn on short notice
CoutaCTibN AdRNtiv Mr John Good
Jr authorised collector
EMrijOVMRffn AjjiNCYMr V Marcos
special ngem
Merchant street
Dell Teeihono 3 8 P O llox 4 1 s
April Term
The Court resumed in banco
day Present Chief Justice JuUd and
Associate Justices McCullv Preston
and Bickerton
Argument in the equity appeal of
Wood vs Dillingham was completed
from the previous day
Peterson vs Lazarus nnncllant
Equity appeal Thurston for propo
nent Kinney lcterson for appellant
Argued and submitted
Willfong vs Paty appellant Equity
appeal Dole for proponent Hatch
for appellant
Union Feed Co vs Geo II Luce
tax collector Question reserved Ar
gued and submitted Hatch for plain
tiff Peterson for defendant
The King vs Piipiilani Selling
liquor without a license Qustion re
served on habeas corpus proceedings
Argued and submitted Creichton A
C Smith and Pocpoe for prisoner
iiatcn ana ictcrson for the Crown
The services for the Hcthel Union
congregation at the Lyceum to morrow
win ue as ioiiows bunciay school
and Liblc class at 945 oclock
The Rev E C Oggcl pastor of the
Uethel Union Church will preach at 1 1
oclock The rite of infant baptism
will be administered new members
received and the communion sacra
ment celebrated Evening services at
7io oclock Suhloct I irn a fUlilnrr
A cordial invitation is extended to
Services at Fort st Church an follows
Is Yours a Great or a Little find
will be Mr Cruzans theme Sunday
morning In the evening -Science
and Religion arc they Friends or
Enemies will be the theme All
arc invited
The Bishops congregation of the
Anglican Cathedral will have Morning
prayer with sermon at 930 a mj Sun
day school at ioi5 a m Hawaiian
evensong at 330 English evensong at
6 1 M
The second Anglican congregation
Rev Geo Wallace pastor Services
at 1 115 a m Evening service at 730
v m Wednesday at 730 p M Holy
Communion on the first Sunday of the
month at 1115 a m The Sunday
School meets at 10 a m Scats free
at nil services
The Roman Catholic Cathedral will
have high massat 10 a m and bene
diction of the blessed sacrament at 4
30 p M
Y M C A Young Mens Class
for Bible study in the parlor at 945 a
m conducted by the General Secre
tary Gospel praise service at 630 v m
That Man Dante
Mrs Florence Williams who had
already made one successful appear
ance before a Honolulu audience as a
lectures in a word painting of the life
and character of Shakespeare again
entertained an appreciative audience
last evening at the residence of Mrs
J G Dickson on which occasion she
gave a very interesting account of the
life history of that child of adverse for
tune the man Dante The lady has
nn excellent command of language nnd
she used her elocutionary powers to
excellent effect in the portrayal of the
trials of the exiled Florentine Appre
ciative applause greeted Mrs Williams
at the close of the lecture Announce
ment was made by Rev J A Cruzan
that ladies desiring to form lecture
classes under the tutelage of Mrs Wil
liams would meet this morning at ten
oclock at the residence of Mr C R
Bishop Emma street
A Disclaimer
To tie Editor of the HtrM
Sir Since my arrival in town after
seven years absence I have been con
siderably annoyed by being credited
with the authorship of 1 certain article
copied in one or more of the Hono
lulu papers from the New York Mail
ami Exprtssy entitled The Horrors of
Leprosy If space permit I desire to
inform those laboring tinder a most
natural mistake that 1 am not the author
of the interview in question as my signa
ture will plainly Bhow Being undoubt
edly the only Dr Miner that has ever
practised medicine on these islands I
am forced to regard Frederick T
Miner as an assumed name
Fhank Leslie Minbr
Smoke the Havana Cheroots to be
found at C J McCarthys
Messrs King Bros ore the largest
importers of ai lists materials pictures
picture mouldings etc in this King-
dom and still continue to keep their
prices to suit the tunes
A fresh supply of the famous John
Wieland Philadelphia Beer has been
received at the Critciion Saloon Fort
street tf
Jack McAuliflc light weight pugi
listic champion has sent a challenge
from New York to Jim Carney cham
pion of Eoglund for a match for 1000
a sjde and the championship of the
world under Maiquis of Quccnsbcrry
rules and in a twenty four foot ring
Shipping Notes
Brigantine Consuclo Cousins master
arrived yesterday morning t3 days
from San Francisco with general cargo
and nine passengers Having four
Japanese from Yokohama on board she
tcr was granted by the Board of Health
The Japanese were put in quarantine
and the vessel was fumigated by Capf
J H Brown The cargo consisted of
general merchandise to M W McChcs
ney Sons W G Irwin Co and
M Phillips Co hay and feed to
Paul Neumann sails and merchandise
to Inter Island Steam Navigation Com
pany and 236 hogs to Burk Win
Steamer Likclike brought 704 bags
sugar 145 bags potatoes 84 bags taro
and 30 bags corn
Slcaifier W G Hall brought 6933
bugs lugar 244 bags awa 30 bags
coffee 79 hides 75 packages sundries
2 horses and 8 hogs She reports fine
weather and cleaned up all the sugar
on her route
Schooner Cnterina brought 300 bags
sugar and sails again for Hanatci to
Captain Macaulay of the Kauhlua
reports speaking the schooner Jennie
Walker 13 days out from Washington
Island with a load of copra for San
Francisco and Mr Grcig and family
on board A mail from the Jennie
Walker was brought by the Kaulilua
Steamer Kinau is due this morning
from Hawaii and Maui
Brig Hazard sailed from Hilo for
San Francisco on Monday
Steamer Surprise will not sail for
Maui until Monday having been de
tained by repairs
Kauuiui Maui April 28 Sailed
28th bark Will W Case Robertson
master for San Francisco with iCoo
bans Wnikanu plantation sugar 11037
bags Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar
Company sugar total 1009539 lbs
Schooner Rosnrio will probably sail on
Saturday 30th
Ship E B Sutton the first vessel to
load sugar at San Francisco for New
York had finished loading on the iotn
having taken on board 2500 tons
The San Francisco Examiner says
This winter has been the most dis
astrous ever experienced on this Coast
In all there were twenty vessels aud
ninety lives lost Ihu loss to ship
owners amounts to nearly 700000
The largest loss was at Cape Flattery
where seven vessels were lost and forty
three men went down
Barkcntinc Ella sailed from San
Francisco same day as the Consuclo
1 III f M
Mr A M Hewctt ias our thanks
for latest California dates from his
paper mail per Consuclo
ImiiAr April
Stmr W O Mall from Hawaii and Maul
Stmr Likclike from Kshulin ami wry jwtt
llrKtna lontutlo Iroiu Siuv t ranciKO
Sciir lattiliu ftpm HauaUl
Schr Waimulu from Iiiluu
Sctir KalnUiw rem KcoIau
Kkidav AU
Sclir Molwahtno for llanulua
Schr Lihollho for Wabnaa
Stmr J A CumnniM fur Koolau
Schr Calerina for Ilanalct
Schr Jbtcliin for lvwa
VonsoU lu Port from Foreign Port
llawhk Kalalaua Arnunonj from Yalparalto
Mlwtoa tuir Morning Slur 1 urnor from South Sea
Vrik Julie Clavev fiom Newcastle NSW
Wlinlcnj bk Ohio from New lletironl
llrlt lik Ironcroj Joncv from San crancitco
lint batlt Lady Laraton Maritoii from San Fran
Am lurk Cnluta 1UcVu from San Francisco
Am bgme Contudo Cousins from San Frondscu
VomoU Rrpootoil lroiu Foroicn Ports
Ger bk Hercules from Liverpool due Feb
ruary 9030 1807 1 o schaefei fs Uo agetus
lint bark Cerastes from Liverpool ilue Mav i io
llr bark K L T fiom Newcastle K S W due
rcDIJ 3
411 UK iiuuui 111BHEI vm iwiwhuu iiity l
Hark Malah from Newcastle NSW due Apul
Ilrll bark Scottish Lassie Sieger from Liverpool
duo May 3031
ULtno Haute Hangs Terr II I from Hongkong duo
April 13 30
Am bark Hope Tenhallow from Iort Tow nsend
due May i 10
Am bktne John Worstef from llritlslij Columbia
due May eo 30
Am bark C O Whitmorc Tioninsoii from lturl
lire Hay due May 30 30
Am bVue Amelia Newlull from Iort Townscnd
now due
S S Australia Houdlclle from San Francisco du
May 3
S S ZeaUndla Otercndorp from tht Colonics for i I
Francisco due May 3
SS Mariposa HnyMrard from Sail Tranclsco for the
Colonies duo May 13
From Ran Francisco per bgtne Consuclo April 99
Mrs I Shepherd Miss I Lfdgatc ASuiUcrK Hygo
James lollock and four Japanese
From Kalmlut and way ports per steamer LUtclike
April o Iu Slilng 1 Tuomry Father lheodore
l nutcr K A llielenbenr Mr Futrnml wife Hon Sam
1arLernn i servant Miss 1 Hlchanlson J S Lake
I W 0 Cofran It F Glade Miss llannisier MUs
Haiper T LlsluiMD Miss I Lishmau 40011 deck and
From Hawaii nnd Maul per steamer W Q Hall
Aptll 90 J N Robinson ami wire C 11 Reynolds K J
llarnfielJ A K Jones Master A Wilder Master W
Wilder Miss H Vida Master F Vlda Mr II Kane
and 50 deik
Oflkc in Campbells nck corner Fort nnd
Merchant streets Honolulu II I
PmotluoH in tlm aomln
3T When desired will rIvc the law in a
written opinion as to the probable remit o
tlte contention upon the facts Muted
eto ebbcrliocmcntjci
Hartford Mro Insurance Co
Assets 5055000
Commercial Insurance Co
Fire and Marine
Assets 450000
inglo STovada Assuranco Cor
Fire and Marine
Capital Full Paid 2000000
South IJritisli JTiro and Marino
Insuranco Co
Capita - - - - 10000000
Now York Life Insurance Co
Assets - - - 75000000
General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands
Notable and Significant Items From The
I 01 T1IK
israrw yoke
A total income of over nineteen million two
hundred ihoctand dollars nnd payments In
policy holders nl nearly eight million dollars
Interest income over three million seven
hundred thousand dollars being over i per
cent on average net assets nnd over nine
hundred thousaud dollars in excess 01 iicam
losses paid
Market value of ccmil let over three million
nix hundred thousand dollars In excess of their
cost on the Companys books
Liabilities both actual and contingent pro
vided for and a surplus of over fifteen and a
hail million dollars uy tnc state sianuaru
AN INCREASE of over three million
dollars in Income over two million in sur
plus over eight million In assets oyer
sixteen million in Insurance written and
of over fortyfour millions of Insurance
in force
fash Asstls January 1 1SS7 oirr Scitttlj Gie
Alilliou Dollars
Insurance In Force January i 1S87 over
inrcc nunarcu minion uonari
Issues a greater variety of Policies than any
other Company thereby adapting its contracts
to the largest number of people It has
lately perfected a return premium feature un
der which mai j of ils policies are Issued with
Guaranteed Return of all Premiums
Paid In addition to the Amount
Originally Insured
In case of death during a specified period
The returns on tlieNiv York Lifes Toriltne
Iuliclus that havq matuisd have been
Larger than lliose if any oilier Company
Whether Tontine or Ordinary comparison
being made between policies taken at same
age and premium rate and running through
the same jVriod of time
Do not injure until you have seen full par
iculirs of the New VorkLifcs 1olicics
Insurance in Force on these Islands over
Oiiq Million Jlollars
For laiticulara Apply To
General Agent lor the Hawaiian Islands
Central abcdtacmcnte
Merchant Tailor
7 ATorolmut Btwiefc
Has just received from England -a large
selection of j
Suitiigsf Diagonals and Fancy
ContprIinp the largest Mock ever opened out
In Honolulu all personally selected by Mr
rvcrr wncn auroau
Mr J -Spencer Martin
A Cutter well and favorably known on the
l aciuc low ami in tnc liaslcrn states lint
been engaged and the finest work In the city
will be produced at reasonable rates
Cloth of Various Kinds and TrimmliiRs
for Sale to the Trade and Others
Telephone H 11 Co No 4 P 0 llox 306
And For Sale At
Horns Steam Candy Factory
A Few Hundred Pounds Fresh Homo
ivinuc Chocolate and Cocoa
Nut Caramels
Also loo pounds Fresh Home Made Chew
ing Slicks of many llavors and larger
than any imported at
Horns Steam Candy Factory
Hotel St between Fott and Nuuanu
General Business Agency
Skilled nnd Unskilled Labor Furnished
at the Agency Book keepers Engineers
Ilantation Lunas CarpcntcisHostcrs Cooks
Hoys etc who are seeking cmplojment arid
many of whom can furnish the best of refer
cnccs if required
Valuable real estate In desirable lots for
sale or lease ConvenlciitCotlages to let ou
favprable terms
THE OLD CORNER Koltef for sale
on reasonable terms A rare chance for In
Conveniently located paying handsomely to
be had at a bargain
Full particulars given upon application a
the Agency
Bell Telephone 348 B 0 Box 415
Contractor andjDuildor
Estimates Furnished on Wood Brlct or
Citblnot unit Cnrmmtor Work
rXaun to Order
86 King Street Dell Telephone 107
At the lowest figure of the finest quality of
Watranlcd genuine made of the pine uicc
only and guaranteed to gland
Will not dcteriprate in quality for any number
of years Large quantities exported evciy
year by some of the largest commercial firms
of this city to different parts of the United
States and the GermauEuipire
Manufactured at the
Pionoor Steam Candy Factory
Established in 1863
f j foRisr
Practical Confectioner Pastry Cook and
Hotel between Nuuanu and Fort Streets
Both Telephones No 74
If you wint to know alltlje ncyys
you must read the Htkald
1 t
l i
I 1
i I
IT rt
re i

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