OCR Interpretation

The daily herald. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1886-1887, June 25, 1887, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047239/1887-06-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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kl afriA
LOO AX jstews
Last time of grand combination
show at the tent on Fort street tonight
Report of forty sixth anniversary of
Oahu College is left ovor for want of
IB lllll I I I II I
From Oalc the Polynesian Restau
rant on tfing street will give substan
tml and liT3tyluhahcs from five in the
morning ifij midnight
Messrs fy Adams Co sell un
claimed Gtfstum House goods at 10
this tnoruingy and goods damaged by
the late fire at one oclock on the
Mr dedthfts card elsewhere leaves
the pilblfcVat no loss for want of a
translating medium in European lang
uages cjfjs wlifch the advertiser is a
Messrs Wirig Wo Tai Co w ll
known in frdnt of Chinese importing
houses announce special lines of goods
lately received wiich the trade will
find it profitable to examine
The MuriRibbon League programme
fnr to nfght comprises piano solo by
Mrs Kcnerick song by Mrs IJ C
Damon reading by Mr Dower duct
by Mrs Alexander and Miss Morlcy
muling byMis Peterson song by
Miss Dickson and address by Chief
Justice Judd
Os Ammonitc the fertilizer offered
pi inters by Messrs G W Macfarlane
Co is claimed by the proprietors to
contafn all he ingredients required for
the sugar crop in well balanced propor
tions and to have given most satisfac
tory results even when pitted against
Peruvian guano An analysis of tin
article - made by a prominent Scottish
chemist is supplied in a circular to be
obtained from the above firm
Jtcthcl Union congregation at a
meeting Wednesday night last by una
nimous resolution conveyed their most
hearty thanks to Mr J T Watcrhouse
Sr for their free me of the Lyceum
since the burning of their place of wor
ship fifteen months ago In the same
manner they also accepted the very
friternal invitation of the Fort street
Church to join them in all their serv
ices until the proposed union of the
two churches shall be completed this
acceptance to take effect on and after
the first Sunday in July
Band Coiictjtt
following programme
will be
ptoyed tliis Saturday afternoon at 430
ntErnma Square
Overture Iphfienla ClucV
WaluLa Ghana lluccalonl
Finale RIletto Venl
1 Selection Krmtnlc Jacobonslq
Chorus Uenzt Wagnei
Quadrille The Time Cooti
Police Court
Ycstcrd iy morning Chung Lung for-
feited baiif irdrutKcnness
Ctiung Lung deal ng in opium un
lawfully continued till July 1st at 130
p in P Neumann for the defense
S Dias Kamaka and Kaua police
officers assault and battery on E
Mullcr iStti inst continued till moved
on P Neumann assists prosecution
S K Kane for the defense
Win Horspool abusive language to
Harry Smith at Kapiolani Park Jum
aoth found guiltv and sentenced ti
imprisrinment twelve hours and pay
The trial of the assault case reported
elsewhere began at 11 mo
A U Fisher Electrical Engineer
will rrmtract for the erection of com
plete arc and incandescent plants and
will furnish electrical goods of every
description Repairing promptly a
tended to on any of the Islands Ad
dress 154 Fort street Honolulu
Slmr fj It Bishop from Ktlu
rltMV Junea
Simr wo Halt for Uhalna Mwla Koiia Kau
Jand jh Volcano at 10 a in
Hill lfl iftl ll
StmrMwalTnl for tahalna KuUullael Honokaa
Iaauhau Iaullo and Kukalau at 8 a m
Htmr Kllaiea llou f r Hunukua at 5 in
Stfir HitleakaU lor Jcpeekeo
Vowol iu Poet from Foraleu Port
Am lark C 0 Wliltmore Tliomnwn from Penan
uwltay DC
I aVbkKalakaua Arimlronj irom l
A ib rulllerino tunJmann from Jort
re Ken uarx uumwuw
IWuenJ for Cullao In dlnr I
Am Imne Ilanicr Icrrtman from han anciw
llvk D n Carloi Jaol ion from 1uBtl u
Anibark Hiaw from han I0
h Sea
from South
IUWn linr Morning star
U S hAdam Kempir fiora Awpuleo
Ur lk CVaatli llrunund rromliverKol
Am tk Catbarlen erkin from San l runclco
VomoIs Exnootoit tt omrorolBii Port
AmtlTja S Stone IlarMow from Iloton due
IVi Maul and Hawail per earner V 0 un
u lAtmln W H Seal Geg Ahlc JANTl
II IlUwnr V tverelt JIM
Trial of Dowsett
Whitney and
3ull Koimi t of tiio 33vti1onod
The trial was resumed at 1110 Mr
A P Peterson Deputy Attorney Gen
eral appeared to assist the prosecution
E Mullcr cross examination rinm
ed All my visitors that night left
aboitt the same time when I stenncd
between Dias and Dowsett the latter
had not struck Dias Dowsett did not
have hold of the noliccmans horse
after I stenncd in Dias iomnctl round
mc I then turned off the street and
saw four or five gentlemen standing at
the gate next saw Dias plunging into
the midst of them and the irate cave
way before them up to that time Dias
had made no charge against any of
defendants nor said he arrested them
there was no disturbance after we left
the house nor shouting to my knowl
edge wo had a good time in the house
singing and enjoying ourselves I did
not hear any shouting at the gate after
police went through the gate I went
down the street because I saw one of
the party arrested and wanted to sec
who it was so as to bail him out if
necessary went to the junction of
Hotel and Richards street then re
turned and police dragged me from the
yard that was the last I saw of these
gentlemen stioulu judge there were
about twenty police there have seen
generally one policeman stationed at
that point walking on the opposite
side of the street most I have seen
there was six on the night of the Navy
ball saw only two mounted police be
fore the crowd came up it was Creigh
ton who was in the hands of the police
when I went out had not seen Creigh
ton interfere with the police but heard
him volunteer to hold Dias horse if he
wanted to fight but Dias refused
Marshal Kaulukou here a3kcu wit
ness to repeat names of visitors that
Mr Hatch objected to any part of
the examination in cuter being gone
over again
Mr Whiting on tiie Marshal insist
ing on the right to ask the question
irgued the objection of his colleague
The Court said the question would
be proper if connected with testimony
of this morning
Witness Those who came out
vithin a minute and a half of each
other were Messrs Hedge Whiting
Videmann Dowsett Wuttney
ion Twcedic Mather Sproull and
Uaird did not follow up movements
jf every one but so fur as I know they
were ail present curing ine irouou
tad something to drink could not
wcar to defendants drinking but suj
Dose they hud been can swear I did
not see Widemann drinking but can
not regarding the others all were in
me room one bottle of champagne
iwo bottles of beer of which half of
jne was left and a portion of a bottle
jf brandy were all the liquors we had
repeats hours of arrival and departure
if his guests as stated yesterday party
felt pretty cood when we left the Hotel
and wanted to have the time extended
I had been drinkins at the Hotelbut was
only slightly under its influence do not
consider the noise at the house ex
ceeded proper limitsindeed there
was no noise unless you call singing
noise do not think the singing could
ae heard a quarter of a mile sang
Auld Lane Svne for one had no
leader all sang together talked quietly
for a quarter of an hour believe we
sang God Save the Qucen but know
we sang Auiu iang sync lasi mauc
no noise on leaving intended going to
bed when guests left that was why I
went out in shirt sleeves and without a
hat simply went to see the gentlemen
iff before Dias rushed head down at
the party at the gate there had been
trouble between Dias and Dowsett the
rush Tnade by Dias hoisted the gate
partly otT its lunges tne uegmning was
when JJowseu was sianumg ucui nam
ing post with policeman opposite dar
ing him to fight first I heard between
Dowsett and Dias was when Dias asked
Dowsett to fight and Dowsett told
him to take off that badge and he
would Dowsett did not appear to be
excited when talking to the officer Q
Why did you tell Dowsett as you
said yesterday to keep quiet if he
rc nnt excited A Because the
aniirflinan was challenging him and I
did not want a disturbance will swear
that Dowsett uiu nor as wius iu iai
first I want this clearly understood
that I did not see what passed between
Dowsett and Robinson previous to this
which apparently was the occasion for
the trouble between Dias and Dowsett
the first I heard between Dias and
nwsett was when Dias said Jack
Dowsett do you want to tight Dow
sett was standing on my sidewalk at
iii time there were a good many
standing round but I cannot name any
of them probably all were thero do
not remember hearing any bystanders
saying anything to Dowsett or the
policeman paid no attention to any
one but Dowsett asked him to co to
the yard then went to officer and
asked for his number dif
ference would vou consider there would
beinthegravityofthe offense of fighting
with an officerwithbadgeoffandd ungso
with one having badge A I do not
consider it would make any difference
I only advistd that badge be removed
to gain time so as to get Dowsett away
do not consider Dowsett was acting
under the influence of liquor he was
not so quiet as he is in Court to day
asked lor number for further use as it
seemed police came there to trouble
us loo cd as if they were waiting for
us by their following us up to the
The Marshal When under the in
fluence of liquor do you have visions of
a policeman following you
Mr Hatch I object to that nues
tion as being insulting
The Court It is out of order
nothing can come out of it
Mr Hatch Remember thats your
own witness
The Marshal It is not he is your
witness I never asked those questions
of him
The- Court It being 12 oclock wc
had better take recess till 130
1 he Marshal Yes I can keep this
witness on the stand three hours longer
Mr Hatch laughing---Will the
Court please take notice of that re
mark of thcprosccution
Court rises
E Mullcr direct examination by the
Marshal resumed There was no fight
only talk of fighting witnessed by mc
that night did not sec any fight in my
garden as I went down the street as
stated before within a few feet could
not swear to my ppsition but was near
electric light Q Do you ever sec
double A I do not know what you
mean Q Do you ever sec two ob
jects for one A If you mean was I
ever drunk I was never so much under
the influence as to affect my eyesight
My usual hour for retiring is 13 oclock
the late hour I was up that night did
not affect my vision heard policemans
whistle that night had an idea it was
for more policemen The Marshal
and witness here discussed the point of
whether assistance would have been
called if there was no serious Uronblc
witness finally saying that he could not
say how the two mounted policemen
viewed that occasion I know Dow
sett have never in my life till now had
anything to do with the police have
known in my experience of fights occur
ring without cause other than misun
derstanding fights occur without cause
among men who arc under the influ
ence of liquor have always tried to
keep out of way of drunken men
Kamaka sworn Am a policeman
No s recollect last Saturday night
saw three defendants that night also
saw counsel for tne defense there and
Mr Muller saw them near junction of
Hotel and Richards streets was at
toot of Likehke street on King and
walked as far as Ricnards where I
found two policemen asked them what
they were doing there and thcyaid
that was their station their names were
Kaua and rlulouako while there with
those men two inure came ulong on
norsebacx could not sec who they
were these two rode up street and
when they got about to Hotel street I
heard loud talking and went there as
it was within my beat did not know
whether it was a quarrel or not but it
was loud talking when I got to Kinau
gate of Palace 1 judged it was a row
and set off for the scene at full speed
got there considerably out of wind
lound a great many while men there
Mr Muller got hold of me by the
shoulder saying Who are you I
said Ale police whats a matter a
noise Muller paid no attention to
question but pushed mc aside I tried
to cct in with the crowd but he pulled
me and l puucu ana nnauy i got anuy
before that he asked me wnat my num
ber was and I told him No 5 he let
me go when my coat began to tear
Dias was only policeman 1 saw asked
him what the matter was he said these
men stopped us going past up street
wanting to fight us wanted Dias to
show me man who made disturbance
and I would arrest him as Dias was
surrounded by the crowd who tow
ered abuve and around him and he
could do nothing saw Dowsett and
Whitney in the tront of the crowd
next the police then Robinson came
mi on norseoacic anu uui uu iuuicu
round and saw Harry Whitnty hit
Dias in the face these three and
others jumped on to Uias and
then I blew my whistle the lawyer
there had Dias horse and Muller had
Robinsons the lawyer gave horse he
held a kick in the belly and Muller
did the same with the other then
they yelled to make the horses
run and they laughed it looked serious
to mc and 1 kept blowing my whistle
luoked round saw these three and
others dragging Dias into the yard and
1 1 an and caught Dias by tne leg to
pull him back after I had got Dias
outside the gate these persons were in
side and Dowsett and Whitney asked
us to come inside saw Robinson on
tne sidewalk with several men on top
of him and went to help him up
jvhen 1 got him clear saw a native
man named Lokana and told him to
stay there a3 I wanted him for a wit
ness kept blowing whistle presently
saw tnree policemen coining up Rich
ards street from King street up to
irwarnn luwuf u
that lime only saw1 three policemen
there saw no twenty police thire if so
many had been there wmiu have
known when I turned round from
looking at three policemen saw Dow
sett Whitney and another man with
Dias under them on the sidewalk
said to Whitney Loik here you are
a kamdaina what arc you abusing the
police for The tiree police named
N tah Kaua and Kamucla cane up
with the horses that bad been turned
loose when these men came I told
them to be quick with their assistance
as these men were being killed and I
was the only one helping them when
other police came I ashed Dias to
point out the men who assaulted him
and wc would arrest them made up
my mind Creighton and Mullcr should
be arrested far stampeding the horses
and taking part otherwise in the dis
turbance considered it I had not been
there to summon assistance those
policemen would have been killed as
there were about fiftv people tnerc
three hacks full of people standing by
and it seemed a very serious disturb
ance after most of the people went in
side the yard officers Holoua and
Waihinato came along I looked round
for somebody to arrest but most of the
crowd had gone inside of the yard
took nold of Creighton and passed him
over to Kamucla then told Kaua tv
arrest Mullcr not knowing at that time
that Mullcr was a consul am sure
that there were at least fifty in the
crowd then came down to Station
with Creighton and Mullcr walking a
short distance and ti king a hack the
rest of the way from actions of these
gentlemen should judge they had been
drinking some although they were not
intoxicated did not have to use force
to bring Creighton and Mullcr to Sta
tion they came right along
Cross examined There were in the
hack with mc Creighton Mullcr Holo
ua a white man unknown to mc and
the driver six in all do not know if
the other man was Whitney the driver
was between us am positive no other
policemen were there that I siw
would swear that if any others were
there I would have seen them did not
sec officer Dole while I was there he may
have come after I left I stayed there
till nearly all the crowd ran into the
yard till the disturbance was about
over had been on my beat all the
evening when I got up to corner ol
Palace Walk first time Robinson was
not there Dias being the only
policeman there I blew the whistle
and kept blowing n long time took
hold of Creignton by the wrist did not
hold him long perhaps about a minute
till I handed htm over toKamuela
who was standing close by it was not
previous to Dias being down inside the
gate that I arrested Creighton had
only arrested him in my mind before
that laughter Dias and the boys
were talking English which I courd
not understand when I tried to get to
Dias to see what the trouble was
Muller hindered mc it was after the
crowd were talking to Dias jn English
that they took hold of him
D Lokana sworn List Saturday
evening I was at the Palace both
heard and saw a disturbance at the
corner of Hotel and Richards streets
first heard a policemans whistle that
made mc go over to the corner jusi
before whistle heard noise shouting
mauka of mc I could not tell whether
near or far looked at my watch and
saw it was half past twelve started
home because I was told ccctric light
would go out at one oclock heard
whistle before coming out of Palace
yard came by gate on Richards street
and turned up that street in direction
of a crowd that I saw at corner of Ho
tel street walked fast to a spot be
tween corner of Mrs Coneys lot and
the gate saw two policemen coming
along with Mr Creighton they had
hold of him seemed to be a good deal
of excitement among the crowd and I
stood there to see who had been mak
ing the trouble whether it was some
Chinaman native or loreigner a
uoliceman asked why I didnt help
and I answered that I was waiting till
called to help saw Dowsett and Whit
ney there but do not recollect Wide
mann Uowsctt was noisy anu tain
ative speaking mostly in English so
that I did not understand him after
Muller had been arrested I saw Dow
sett come behind Dias who held Mul
ler and catch him by the shoulders
Kamuka told Dias to arrest Dowsett
while Dias and Dowsett were scuffling
I went to the officers help I was hold
ing Creighton after that when a police
man came up wim a norse 1 nsKeu
him to take tha man and I would hold
his horse while holding the horse
another policeman rode up and I took
his norse too men ue uisappcarcu m
the crowd surrounding Dias and Dow
sett afterward saw Robinson in the
crowd and a woman standing near the
gate there were at least fifteen white
men there at first I saw three police
men there all with myself holding that
little man Creighton afterward more
came until aboutteu were there think
if police had not kept coming the
crowd would have got away with the
first lot of police some of the white
men were strangers others had been
longer resident some were talking
others looking on uowsctt tooica very
active part doing much of the talking
and later wanted the policemen to
come into the yard gate had then
been shut these gentlemen inside we
outside dont think the gate was
broken when policeman asked for his
hat a gentleman with a long coat took
u good deal of trouble to find the hat
r 41MWMM
and pass it out afterward tried to Arid
Dias badge but could not officer Dole
was advising crowd to disperse and
white man in long coat advising Dow
sett to keep quiet making ai much
noise himself in as doing so if he was
iinuer inc influence 01 umiK cictinu
light went out about this time and I
went home
Cross examined Search for badge
was made inside held horse for Robin
son till he came out and look it know
Robinson idcnifio him in Court no
body tried to take horse away while I
was lulding him it was not necessary
for four men to hold Creighton but he
was the firt one arrested when Mullcr
was in charge of policeman and Dias
walking behind him they were about
middle of the street when Dowsett
laid hands on Dias the latter turned
and caught him by both arms Dow
sett said to Dias when told he was
arrested that he didnt want to be
arrested but wanted to assist the police
did not sec Dowsett strike Dias don t
know whether Dias had a badge know
he is a policeman Creighton was being
brought along under arrest when I
arrived when Robinson went into the
crpwd they were on the sidewalk saw
no one interfere villi him lost sight of
him in crowd Kamuka was running all
round with his whistle in his mouth
blowing it at short intervals Kamuka
was very much excited as I was see
ing so many people in the disturbance
my business here is walking round the
streets belong on Molokai been in
Honolulu about eight months change
the monotony of walking sometimes by
riding think that policeman over there
is the one met first if he says he is not
I will take his word for it laughter
The Crown here rested
H M Whitney jr sworn I
at Mr Mullcrs Saturday evening your
self Mr Hatch and Mr Whiting were
the first who left I should think the
others left two or three minutes later
we all came out together slowly toward
gate Mr Mullcr witli us were not all
th a bunch but straggling along when
we got to gate there were two horse
men outside whether they were stand
ing and waiting or had just come up I
do not know one of our party said he
wondered who these men were up till
then there had been no shouting only
ordinary tones ol conversation when
the question was asked who these men
were some of us were on sidewalk
Dowsett answered by saying after
looking a few seconds Why I think
thats the fellow hauled Tony and us
up the other night one of the men
men said with an oath Yes I know
you Jack Dowsett and in the same
sentence said You arc the man I
want to get at Dowsett said Well
come along then next the other horse
man rode up pushing his horses nose
among us and said in effect Ill fight
you Jack Dowsett then got down
from his horse took off his coat and
told Dowsett to strike him first some
of us said in substance Whats the
use of kicking up a row When the
nan whom I learned afterward was
Dias took off his coat I saw his badge
didnt know till then that he was a
policeman Dowsett told him that if he
would take off his badge and come
inside of Mul ers yard he would fight
him Dias repeated two or three times
You strike me first Dowsett backed
off a little and Dins rushed forward
and caught hold of Dowsett it appear
ed to me taking him with arms round
his body Dias did not say anything
about arresting him or ask him to go
along with him most of our fellows
rushed in to separate them I did my
self I did not strike Dias neither then
nor at any time during the evening
did not strike Robinson any time up
to time he rushed forward and seized
Dowsett Dias had not been struck by
anyone I did not sec Dowsett catch
hold ol Dias bridle and am very posi
tive he did not strike him it is not
true that Dias was prevented from
passing along the street by anybody
rushing out and seizing his horses
bridle after Dias came up to Dowsett
it was a general scuffle all pushing and
nulling my object was to get Dowsett
inside the gate so as to separate him
Irom Dias the gate gave way and
several of the men went down but I
did not I stepped back out into the
road Widemann was back of Dowsett
nearer the gate up to this time dont
know what he was doing it being a
general scuffle to pull Dowsett into the
yard being outside the yard after the
scuffle I did not see what happened
inside was standing out on the street
do not remember any express wagon
near us heard a policemans whistle
blowing remember it shortly after Dias
and Dowsett clenched do not know
who blew it after a time I saw several
policemen round and saw Mr Muller
arrested and think Mr Creighton was
taken off after I saw them arrested
Robinson stepped up to me wilh what
seemed to be a policemans billy raised
in his hand at that time some spec
ator not of our party from neighbor
hood of Hotel stepped in to prevent
Robinson from using it a man came
Up behind me I think it was Dias
and another man who took hold ot
me 1 said What do you want to
arrest me foi they said For inter
fering in the trouble at the gate tney
were taking me along holding ie
rather tightly and I told them to let
rne go I would not run away we went
along toward a carriage in which 1
thinn were Mr Creighton Mr Muller
and a policeman Q What were you
doing in Mr Mullers place A
- - - ----
lit the fifnl 1 was iobkiHg ai
pictures in one or two albums I think
all thiire had on drink each know I
had there were a quart bottle of cham
pagne part of a bottle of brandy aridl
think one or two bottles ot beer 1 was
rjot under the influence of drint when
T came away did not notice anything
Unusual in the condition of Widemann
qr Dowiett do not rememocr any
hack near where L was think there were
some slightly makai of that I did not
strike officer holding Muller
Cross examined I should judge it
was about half past 1 1 when I went to
Midlers could not say how many
glasses of champagne I had before
leaving Hotel think I had more than
five but less than ten the whole eve
ning going to Mr Mullcrs was not
part of our plans for the evening
Messrs Hatch Whiting Wodehouse
and myself having arranged to play
whist to drink five classes of cham
pagne now would affect me but sitting
down three hours at supper and drink
ing an equal quantity is a different
thing do not know who went out ot
Mullcr s gate first nor how many were
there probably eight or ten do not
know who saw men on horseback first
Or who spoke of them first might have
recognized who the men were before
they spoke but considered their pres
ence of no moment Dowsett was on
the sidewalk in front of the gate when
seized by Dias I was close to Dowsett
on the upper side think Widemann
was behind us the others some behind
and others scattered round when Rob
inson spoke as stated he was mauka
very close to us the first Robinson
said was about getting Dowsett and
the first Dias said was about fighting
Dowsett never met Dias before to my
knowledge nor did J know Robinson
am positive Dias wanted to fight Dow
sett have seen more fights start by
one man asking another to strike first
than any other way I never fight do
not think Dowsett is more talkative
after drinking than the ordinary run of
young men who arc strong and healthy
there were about ten In our party and
eight or ten or twelve police at the
place saw one policeman come and
think I saw three or four come at one
time did not see anyone hurt nor
hear of any one hurt at the time do
not remember hearing that night of
Dias or Robinson getting hurt did not
sec the horses running away do not
remember seeing Lokana the last wit
ness there trouble lasted no more
than five or six minutes as it seemed
to me think I saw people running into
yard when Creighton and Mullcr were
arrested think it was Charlie Arnold
who asked Robinson nnt to use his
billy first I knew that the two men were
police was when Dias took his coat off
when D iwsctt said that was the man
yho arrested the Attorney General I
had no means of knowing whether they
were regular police or not as they did
not show their badges Diaf did not
vftint to fight mc nor to fight Wide
triann or anybody else but Dowsett as
fpr as I know it looked to mc as if
Dias wanted to fight Robinsons battle
Robinson being a small man and Dias
priding himself on his muscle was not
cautioned by police at the Hotel
igninst making noise To the Court
When the party were going to the
gate there was no hallooing or waving
of hats or shouting I know of Dias
priding on bis muscle from his conver
sation this day never saw him before
Saturday to know him except I might
hjivc seen him years ago in the former
ivounicu roiicc
At a few minutes to five the Court
adjourned till Saturday at 930
jclu UUcrltgcmcnli
1 1
On and after Saturday June 35 Irom 5 a
1 to 12 p in
Tea Coffee
Chocolate Steaks
Chops Oyster Stew
At Reasonable Prices
Port Street Tent
This Saturday Evening
When the Hawaiian Dandy will appear wilh
hi ballet and hula dancer Good music and
a varied performance
Popular prices
H o clock
of admission Begins at
at the Usee Track June nth 1 pair Leg
gintiS Owner can have the tame by paying
for Advertisement
Store to let at Fort Street Shootine
I Gallery
- vx

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