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The interior journal. [volume] (Stanford, Ky.) 1905-1910, May 16, 1905, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052021/1905-05-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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i The Interior Journal
a t Entered in the Poll Office al Stanford
Mcondclaii maUer
ElgM hunireJ acres of u IinllinJ ai you will fin1
thouun1 dollII
with twenty
In Central Kentucky
worth of brick bulMines on lanJ running water on
4 free pike close W II to BLAKELEY this clt only Bowling Ito an acre Green Ky
< For Sale Privately
My house and 10 acres ot land Iltuated
the Somerset
lust outside of town limits on
House has 7 rooms kitchen and ler
pike cellar stable and all
Tanta room good
I Water hydrant In
necessary outbuildings InI
the yard and one for stock
You should see us before you let out Jour i
house carriage and root painting
samples of I
We hare sam
l hanging a specialty
three leading houses oftblorld
paper from than
wall cheaper
and can sell you J paper
Estimates furnished OD aI
you caD steal lt
plleatloe All work guaranteed
J L nEIDICN sir Co taomeraot street
Jlghtlllll vInd NtnrnllIdfP nllt
th IITHO otHT nlul
ItntViiTiuiirunVml lo PaylnsjHc
Uilti ItJlt
r IaylugjlteOUlenl
MAHONY Stanford Kentucky
KoMdince Phone No Si
Office in flyers House Parlor
Phone No1
I Stanford Kv
at Reasonable Bate
Good SerTlce
LlTery Street Also Dealers li
Call on us on Depot
My block luck will inuki tin neon of <
1rincln rsvlll I
utiililrone ladle from
nl my
on the Irriulii rHVlllr A Htnufonl tilke lit I 1j
to Insure a colt llv > months old lie Is n our j
1to cttter unit H KIKX mule Jack lIij me II
who Imve his eolts will testify Mums truil
uirtetl with without MillafyliiK me llmI
si or IUlrttt1
forfeit the stunt
th estan
few mure at JIS5 per month
I nlMi unue H 1II01lihI
the stock
My nfrsonil attention given to
hilt will not IIP renponMMc for PXct3 s or lie I
oltleutshouUI O lIrI
occurH ASlltH OS
I Preiichersvlll < > Ky
r Successor to Bruce sit Carter
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Depot Street STANFORD KY
Special attention to Commercial Men
i Your patronage is solicited Horses
handled on commission
Stock Pens In Connection
Jt Give Me Your Order
I Can Please You
Why buy ready made clothing when
there Is so little Jilllrence iu the price ol
high grade ready made suits acd a suit
made to out measure taken byan ex
pelfenced tailor T I have a handsome
Ilse of 5priog goods I cm make from II
low price business suit to the flout these
i unit Also Spring overcoats nod troun
3W The company I represent is one ol
the beat I also have a line of goods I
make up mutt for those who prefer IL
II C RUPLEY the Tailor
Rice Record 124 14
i Sire tJf MIDI 211i Klectrlmont sat 14 crctchen
914 14 Prince H sal 14 Lett aa3 own brother to
Crateful saa j In list
Electrician Is i brown stallion if 14 hands high
P stinJard reclitered He Is by Electioneer 115 sire ol
t 166 dams of 115 he by Hambletoman 10 sire of 49 I
dims of 118 lie by Abdallah I sire of dams of r
Kent mite by Imp liellfounder Electricians ist dam
Rebecca dim of Btrnul sti Rexford rss Atlant
26 Russnole s JO etc Rebecca by Gen Benton
ITS sire of 21 dams of 68 he by Jim Scott 8j6 sire
of a Lady Benton by Grays HambletonUn 10 Sec
ond dam ClrabeX dim of Clifton Bell 114 14 Idella
a jo and Chimes Bell sire of Van Zadt 109 14 she by
AWHUli Star Third dam Emma Mills dam of j
sires etc by American Star 14
islrn Is a royalbred horse fine style and ac
lion with great beauty He Is a horse that possesses
great speed and gameness although his record Is on
lyji l4 he repeatedly showed miles In a a5 A
number of his get has been told for roadsters bring
ing from SIOO to liyxj As most of his colts are
beauties with fine a Iionstyle and size I can recom
mend him as a great stock horse
Will make the season on sam conditions and al
same place as Clay King at the fee of Sit
Record star j4
Sire of Dick Wilson ao3 The King aio ta Ma
lls U aiT 14 Tom Phalr rts j4 Nellie Bruce I
ai8 14 Cay Wilkes star 14 Daisy Mn 14 The
Guar1aa 14 The Raven 126 Justin M 106 II
Dorado a 27 14 and eight others with records of bet
r ter than jo all trotters but Dick Wilson pacer
By King Clay 544 SIC of Mist LI1uao4 Mar
f bs 114 Claymore oaT j4 Eola atg 14 Klngbrlno
aaoDoc aj j 14 Edgar a28 fa Queen Clay a o ia
etc tit dam Any aau 14 by Volunteer jj dam of
Clay King aar J4 and grani dam of Volo Maid
I aij 14 Sire of St Julian 411 14 SL Patrick
au ia j J others sons have sited 175 and dtughteri
have produced Dick rat tj Strongwood an j4
llomestake ai4 i4 etc ad dim Belle Brandon by
llambletonlan to dam of Amy aio 14 Gov Sprague
aao ia tiro of jS Wllmar ai9 14 sire of a and
Wlldalr sire of a Sire of George Wilkes Election
Mr Haopy Medium Harold etc jrddam Jenny by
Young Bacchus King Oay 594slre of Clay King
f Is s son of Harry Clay 45 dam Modesty a 26 taby
Tom Woddtr 147 ad dam Wells Star dam of Artllery
Sur dam Emmons Du
itt ia by American 14 J by
J rocClay King with any kind of stud opportunltes
would today N In the first tight of successful sires of
extreme speed Ills stud career Is practically Just
f begun and there Is not a horseman in the Blue Grass
j State who does not regard him as a wonderful sire of
1 early and extreme speed Eveiy man at th Lexing
ton track has seen his get accomplish what has never
been done by the produce of any oilier horse they
have seen his yearling step quarters In js 14 seconds
and then sell for startling prices they have seen hit
older representative show as much speed gameness
t god genuine race horse qualities as those of any sir
ever quartered In Kentucky
I Clay K ng will make the season of IMJ at the low
nrfc of in So to Insure a living colt A lien retained
upon the foal to secure the payment of the season All
care will be taken to prevent accidents to stock In
I f trusted to our care tut should any occur we will nol
lb responsible forth same W B BURTON
Lancaster Ky
For Rent or Lease
A splendid large dry Roods storeroom I
and a large warehouse attached recently
occupied by Levy linn Stanford Ky Ap
ply for particulars to J B Owsley or to
The Lincoln County National Dank
J B OW9LEV Stanford Ky
E D peyton
Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries Fruits Veg I
etables Cigars and
Tobaccos Stanford i
Surgeon Dentist
Cilice over McRoberts Drug Store in
the Owaley Building
Dar i Traylor
tfHIskn Brandy Wines Beer
GIflars Etc
Oarpntr House STANFORD KY
Dlose to Depot I
Prompt and polite attention Nothing but the be I
0 drink Milt phone cr ttligraph order receive I
iroapt attention I
TOO world admires men who are strong la phrslol
mental and nerve fore f men of ambition energy ftDl I
personal magnetltall the true type 01 perfect manhool
To attalD thJa 11 11 rf ulIlI Ifood beltll7
PEFrCRS HEM Vieoil inakn Sirens Calm Nave
cr rfIE ateinty Z Mina Mama yttl We i
1a pIatla SI > l < Mn hablli oinrrtroubleau
to oTerworkmoklnir arehablli and oter raaMi 1
llikn rtrb brltbjr blond and rrpaln w utea Din UI
Kqnallf rood for women Imokltt free 1
antroktoebndlfnoteor fpa1 WIth a rear
aliI to rotnnd1f DoH or oetlt rearII
JLBeazleyCol il
VnJertaKers and Embalm
ers Also Dealers in Fur
niture Mattillg Rug They
will exchange Furniture for
all Kinds of Stock Give
Them a Call Prices Right
e 1 CcelaTy
Undertaker Embalmer and
Dealer in HarnesSaddIerj
This premium saddle stallion of Ihe
world will make the season of 1905 at the
stable of J C Bailey on Old Lancaster
Street in Stanford Ky
Preston is a brown horse 13 years old
I5 > hands hipth a perfect model with
great style action and speed
Preston was sired by Washington No
54 he by Cromwell No 73 ist dam Delle
by Roderick ad dam by a Denmark horse
Preston has shown against and defeated
a1 the great show horses of Kentucky
such as Kentucky Artist owned by J T
Crenshaw of Lexington Ky and Mont
gomery Chief owned by Ball Bros Why
yon should breed to Preston
i Because he is the greatest show
horse Kentucky ever produced
3 Because he is siring great bow
horses such as Electra that was sold to
Senator Yare for 2000 Rebecca that
sold at New York Exchange to Geo Vat
son for S650 Miss Henrietta owned by
Gay Bros that won more premiums in
saddle and combined rings than any three
yearold out in 1903 a yearling colt sold
to J C Cravins of Illinois for 8500
3 Because he is the only saddle stal
lion that ever sired a team of harness
geldings that sold for Scooo
4 Because he won the championship of
the Louisville Horse Show in 1903 shown
by Matt S Cohen of Richmond Ky
5 Because he has won more money in
the show ring that any other saddle stal
lion in Kentucky
C I will be glad to show him to any
one at my stable and invite those wishing
to breed to a fine saddle stallion to see him
before breeding I will stand him at 15
Mares grazed at 2 per month Care ta
kan to prevent accidents but not responsi
ble should any occur
J C BAILEY Stanford Ky
J H Floyd sold to A D Coleman oC
Casey a pair of mules for 325
S J Embry Sons sold to J H
Baughman Co a lot of corn at f2G I
T P Reed of Boyle sold to tho I
Parksville Roller Mills 175X barrels of
corn at 285
Eon RENT Either to graze or cut
40 acres good clean timothy Mrs Eli
za Harris Hubble Ky
FOR SAiEAn extra fine Jersey
milk cow Fresh and good mtlki
Bert Matheny Maywood
M M Sandidge sold to Lutes Cot
30 800 pound cattle at 4c and to
Mackin of Lebanon a bay gelding for
sow pig black spots weight 35 pound
Information thankfully received A
M Felanda
G W Robinson bought the Bob Da
vis homestead near Burgin of J A
Shuttleworth for 42607 The place
contains 370 acres
The top price for cattle on t he
Chicago market during April 1905w
7 The top prices for the corresponding
months of the five preceding yea
were us follows 1904 5580 1903
5EO 1902 750 1901 6 1900 6
It is said that the damage in Mont
gomery county as a result of the down
pour of rain will amount to many thou
sands of dollars Corn and tobaci
crops have been retarded or ruined and
much planting will have to be done I
over again
The sale of Shorthorn cnltlqat Mt
Sterling 111 by W B RIgg Was weill
attended and the 36 head sold made the j
satisfactory average of 178 The top
or the sale was io5 paid by J AI
Wear of Plymouth 111 for the cow
iridesGiftf I
Dr Charles Markwoll of Milner has I
bought a pair of twoyearold mule
rom Hardin Field for 350 At the
Clark county court Mr Gullfoile or
Montgomery county sold a pair of e >
tm good mules for JlFarmers
Home Journal
DANVILLE CoultTA big crowd at
ended Danville court yesterday but all
kinds of business was quiet No cattl
were on tho market but a number of I
horses and mules changed hands at 100
o250 Some Boyle National Ban
stock sold at 154DO
IA E Hundley of Boyle bred and
raised Beautiful Bess the great 2yetu
old filly that so easily won the Debu
ante Stake at Louisville last week I
She was named in honor of Miss Bess
unlap formerly of Danville who has
a right to feel proud of her ndmesake
Beautiful Bess is entered in all of lhe
big Eastern stakes and she should an
nex many of them to her credit
How to Ward Off Old Age
The most successful way of swmlln
olf the approach of old ago Is to main
aia a vigorous digestion This can
be done by eating only food suited to
our age and occupation and whet
ny disorder of tho stomach appear
take a dose of Chamberlain1 Stomach
and Liver Tablets to correct It H
ou halo a weatc stomach or are trou >
bled with indigestion you will find
lese Tablets to he just what you1 need
For sale by Lyne Bros Crab Orch
aro K y
In France there are 6000000 smokers
and of every 15 there are eight who
smoke a pipe five who smoke cigars
and only two who use cigarettes
sun the French consume more than
KWOOO cigarettes a year
Wur Against nsumptl n
An nations are endeavoring to check
tbe ravages of consumption tho white
plnruo that claims so many victims
onch year Folevs Honey and Tir
cures coughs and colds perfectly and
ou arc in no danger consumption
Do not risk your health by taking
omo unknown preparation when Po
les Honey and Tar Is safe and cer
taln In results Ask for Foleys Honey
nOlI Tar and Insist upon having It G
L Penny
TIll line Hliitlnml ixmy will nnikc the iirrs
Illt HiiiKm ut niv plnci niiir IVytoiiii well
lit w to liimirt n hn 11g colt Ile U most li
hlllll hllllt1I lIlItlllll MI ottiKl IHHIV mill II
Irfct Individual Con tiiktn to prnyvnt
IIcchlIt but not rtsiHMnlliltf should nay
occllr Miirtit urnzril at rtn < > iml > l < mti
Turner vl I lo Ky
Notice to The Public I
luAIUtlllOmKlt tllOlxkt liornc HlllKTH 111
thlM mTtlon H with nit nnd I will do plnlli
nualiiHliit for nirvntu enitli I urea do
111111 liors nlKMlnj nt riimoinililii prices I
milk II ixCIrilty of wiiKoiiiuul 1iiKKv work
111111 piilntlnu iiiul run plfiiw you lest ii In
work and prlco I IIMk u slime of your pit
trollllll J 14 timer KoimriMt Ht Htiiu
ford Ky
Season Specialties
crriii dMir window ncrrrin mill Kcfitll
11Ij Him Klimt Vieklese all Htovc 3aico
Ollrllllll Hlnidin roll Kxtrn lcm Ilrnck
lU CiirMtH Rugs MnttliiKK IortliTrei
Ollrlllill Htrltclwu eUfJut HtroIollIr Horult
UrllMht1t to rviuuvii wiitrr < te from llmir IIY
11111011 Uiiriiwttiiiil lltilldtiiK lIII r Doom
iKlowN Wnll IliixT Inlntit VnrnUli
Htllill ami Kimiiulx Pictures Fri olctl
iiiUlliiKi Mittn Glues llnggliM Now and
Ohl Furniture Ooinu nnil sir If you van
UIIIIIO huniuthliiK we < lo not kwp O < KH My
r 1kiity of liortfH and luiKKlc ami fceil
txclIelll undirtiiklngiiilpnieiit
ruitt Brothers
Moroland Ky
a f
s J b
Dry Goods Notions and Ladies I
Haying under contemplation extensive alterations in our storeroom which will while in proztws nrnelkaliy
slop lmsSnc we have decided to hold a general Reduction SnIt Kow IiII as to di < po e ijuirkly of n big lot of goods
anti thus make up for nay time we may ION later
This is not a scheme to dUj > oo oia lot of unsaleable gtaoil + hut a HuimKide Hdrtion nf thmioflndj IIf dol
lars worth of new and desirable goods in every department of our tore
sale Begins Tuesday May ifiin
Our Store Will be Closed All Day Monday May 15tht
To give us an opportunity to go through the stock and make new price and arrange tho stock to boat ndvnntago
to handle the rush of trade an ulmott everything in the Metro except n few restricted goods have to be changed
it will take nilour force a full day to make the changes We mention below the various linos thai we will mark
down but will not attempt to give prices as Qo many would only bo bewildering
IWhite Goods
Wash Chiffoug 1creian I awns
French Lawn Dot Swiss India Lin
ens etc all nt
Reduced Prices
Childrens Hosiery in all Grades
Ladies Hosiery Black and Colored
plain and lace nil at
Reduced Prices
Wash Goods
Printed Organdies Iwn Hit
tietun Ginghams Vuitw Linens
Crepes Icrccrtzed Good
Reduced Prices
Gowns Skirts Drawers and Cor
set Covers Knit Pests Pants and
Union Suits all nt
Terms of Sale
Spot CashNo goods charged at reduced prices
and no goods sent out on approval
Over 1000 pieces of Vnl Lacc
Net Top Laces AllOver LIICOB
Torchons Embroideries Etc nt
Reduced Prices
Shirt Waists
Linen Waists Silk Waists India
Linen Waists hi every Grade nt
IReduced Prices
PJnln Tafleta in black nail r > lorw
China Silks Poiigm Penu de Sole
all mncy dross silk atI
Reduced Prices
All Black and Colored Dress Goods
At Reduced Prices i
Portiorc OverCurtains Cretonueft
Kviw Ktc nt
Reduced Prices
All kinds of Corsets Kid Gloves
Handkerchief Belts and Girdles
Fans Veils Umlirvlla Etc nt
Reduced Prices
CutGlass Silverware and Jewelry
At Reduced Prices I t
Silk Shirt Waist Suits Bilk Coat Suits Wool Tailor Suits Separate Skirts of every kind and quality at
greatly Reduced Prices
Our clock of Suits and Skirts in very complete and the priced during this Salo will bo low enough to satisfy lt IJ
None of thews will be scut out on approval nor will they be taken back after being Hold hut they can bo tried
on in our dressing room as well as you could at home and then if you do not buy we will have them to sell 1
someone elset
p a
t W
t >
o s
i f q

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