OCR Interpretation

The interior journal. [volume] (Stanford, Ky.) 1905-1910, November 17, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052021/1905-11-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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J Probably tho oldest and best preserved couple in the West End aro Mr and
nro portraYldI1Love Mr Reid is 80 years
old and his wife while several years younger is bordering on the three score
and 10 They were married Sept 16 185G and they may celebrate their golden
I wedding next year Theirs is one of the most hospitable homes in the West
End nnd to visit them onco is to want to do so again Mrs Reid want Miss Amer
t children Carroll B James C Leslie M and June IL Reid and Miss Anna
Reid nnd n happier family never lived That Mr and Mrs Reid may be spar
i ed to celebrate their diamond wedding their many friends unite in wishing
< Joo Lawson who has been residing
in Bolo for the lost two years has
1mOetl back to this place
J The stork has made Its annual visit
to this vicinity leaving a sweet little
r girl ut Eldon Silers much to the tic
I Grady Tucker says we did not give
him justice on the corn question for ho
has ono ear of corn that measures IGJ j
Inches in length 1
Your typos made a mistake in M
Mullins walking to and from his school I
It read 100 miles but it should havo
been 1000 mllosI
From the number of 1 bills and new i
shoes It looks like there might hats
been n bank robbed or a store burned
Hut then we recollect that it has been i
unln short time since the election I
That settles IL
Joe Coleman is preparing to move I
back to his old homestead Ho now re
sides near Bee Lick G M Unllanl of
Somerset Is hero looking after his
farm Frank Owsloy of Knoxville
was hero last week
Since the protracted meetings are all
over for tho year let us make a mo
st ltion to abandon dances and candy par
ties and other worldly amusements
which lead young people Into sin Do
we hear our motion seconded
1 Mans Unreasonableness
Is often ax great it + womnnn Hut
Thou S IUII Mgr of tin Ho
puhllciin uf foavenwnrth hid was
not iiprrimmabic whrn m rolusud to
ullnM UM doctor to operate on his
wife fur fnawir Irotihi Instead
hcMtvft ire conrludtd to trr IChwtrle
litters Mywife was then so sick
sin ciiflil hardly leave her M and
fie 15J phyfttoluns hail failed to re
lieve IHT After taking Klctrlc Hit
tars Mhc wits jwrfeotly cured and can
now perform till her household duties It
Guaranteed by O L Penny Stan
furJ Lyne Urn Crab Orchard
11 ire VX
Weve often raid of chants girls
Those girls so lightly laced
Whoso lower limbs whonor they
In trunks Were snugly cased
Hut styles do differ widely
In widely sundered places
In Boston tis the fashion now
To wear them in suit cases
The Exact Thing Required for
AM a certain purgative and stomach
purl tier Chuinborlainti Stomach and
Liver Tablets seem to bu tho exact
thing required strong enough for tho
most robust yot mild enough and safe
for children and without that tofrlblo
griping so common to most pur
gatives Bay It S Webster Co
Idora Ontario Canada For Bale
nil druggists
A Jackson dispatch says Judgu Jas
Hargls has decided to Institute proceed
ings contesting tho election of his op
ponent on the ground of fraud alleg
ing that Mr Taulbee present county
clerk failed to comply with tho law In
not delivering tho ballots to tho regu
lady appointed clerks of the election
and because tho elections In a number
of tho democratic precincts were not
held at the regular voting places
Walter these aro very small oys
Yes sir
And they dont appear to bo fresh
Then its lucky theyre small aint
ton both of tho Southern end of the
county were married at Wuynesburg
George Alfred Carpenter tho splen
did young son of Mr John Steele Car
penter of tho West End was married
lUStintMU a charming young lady of
hit portion hut the mattor was kept
sccrxt until a week ago
ItontBSTKKLRB Miss Hettio Roch
Deter of this place and Mr Frank Leo
of Mlddlcsboro were married in the
parlor of the Gllchor House Danville
at 280 Wednesday afternoon Rev Gil
bert Glass of this place performing
tho ceremony Mr Welsh Rochester
brother of the bride and Miss Mary
Iunningtun n cousin accompanied
them and stood with them during the
John Owsley Reid of this place were
also present The bride wore a travel
ing suit of bluo which was exceedingly
becoming She is a pretty brunette
of amiable disposition and lovely char
acter and is admired by all who know
her Mr LeI is wellknown and well
liked hero where 10 lived several years
Ho is a fine young man In every way
and a Christian gentleman Ills friends
here include all who havo the pleasure
of his acquaintance At 8 oclock Mr
and Mw Leo took tho train for Paris
whore they will visit her sister Mrs
G W Clark irtid thence to LaGrange to
visit Mr Lees mother They will then
go to Louisville for a few days after
which they will bo nt hoino to their
friends at Middlusboro whcro Mr Lee
has n splendid position That they nay
always be as happy as thoy are now Is
the wish of their hosts of friends In
Tueaday evening Mrs Hugh Rokl en
tertained most charmingly In jionor of
the bridal party
Son Lost Mother
Consumption HUM In our family
and through it I lost my oUter
write K it Held of Harmony Mo
For the punt live years however on
the slightest sign of u Cough or Cord
I bars taken Hr Kings New Dis
covery for Consumption which has
unrotl ine from serious Inng trouble
Ills mothers death was u sad loss for
M t Held but lie learned that lung
troulllo must not be neglected and
how to ruro It uickost relief and
euro for cough and cold Price Wk
and SlOO guarantcil at 0 L Pennys
Stanford Lyne Ilros Crab Orchard
Trial bottlo free
I hate to give up my old straw hat
But of course the best of friends
must part
Yes but this is n peculiarly nggra
vated case It
How s01
My old straw hat Is all I possess
Three different wwnltc At dinner
asked a prim precise professor If ho
would have soup Annoyed ho said to
the last waiter who asked the question
Is It compulsory
No sir said the waiter its mock
turtle It
I tell you its pretty hard for a man
with a large family to live on a small
Yes but Its a good deal harder for
his family If ho dies on one Philadel
phia Press
Several hundred school children of
Sturgis each carrying a bunch of flow
ers attended tho funeral of Lottie Lu
cas a schoolmate
Secretary Taft is back In Washing
Three persons mot death by asphyxi
ation nt Pntcreon N J
The fund In London for the relief of
the Russian Jews amounts to 355000
Chicago coal dealers say a car short
ago is responsible for advancing prices
of fuel
The Frank Harper will contest case
at Versailles has been Settled by com
The town of Burke W Va was de
stroyed by fire entailing a loss close to
The Cuban Houst of RtprosentaCivea
passed n bill granting fro postage t o
all Cuban nowsjmpem
a B Lewis said to have been tho
oldest Mason and Odd Fellow In Ken
tucky is dead at Covlngton
Tho relief fund raised In tho United
States for the Russian Hebrew suf
forces now amounts to 112635
Union mIners on strike at Sturgis
induced a carload of laborers Imported
from St Louis to return home
Tho body of Sir George Williams
founder of the Y M C A was burled
beneath the dome of St Pauls Lon
About onethird of the arsenal em
ployes in France are on a strike Tho
most serious situation is ut Toulon
where 5000 men arc out
Prince Louis of Battcnberg gave a
dance on his flagship the Drake at
New York which was attended by
about 1000 Invited guests
The receiver of the Enterprise Na
tional Bank of Pittsburg Is said to
have discovered a duplicate set of books
kept by persons in the bank
A warrant for the arrest of Thomas
W Lawson was issued Tuesday in
Boston on charges of criminal libel
preferred by Clarence W harrow
Prcndo Merritt aged 17 was shot in
lice breast accidentally and killed at mid
night by a companion Lawrence John
son while possum hunting in McCrack
on county
Tho Owcnsboro Business Men a Asso
ciation has started a movement erect
n bridge across the Ohio at Owensboro
It Is proposed to organize a company
with a capital stock of 600000
The Bluegrass seed factory and ware
house of David S Gay at Winchester
was burned together with most of its
contents Besides machinery it con
tained about 1C000 worth of bluegrass
A state of war exists at Vladivostok
where n mob has been pillaging nnd
burning houses The entire Chinese
quarter has been destroyed and the Irj
habitants have fled to tho vessels in the
harbor for protection
John A McCall president of the
New York Life Insurance Company
was called before the legislative in
surance investigating committee in
New York and was ordered by the
committee to demand the return to this
country of Andrew Hamilton and an
account of the moneys which Hamilton
has expended
Jainua Hazon Hyde made some im
portmit revelations before the legisla
tine insurance investigating commit
Uo in New York Tuesday and create
a caries of sensations by his bitter
references to some of his former as
sociate in the mnnagemunt of the
Equitable Mr Harriman Mr Frick
antI former Gov Odell wero tho sub
jests of uncomplimentary comment
from the witness
And Its Happy Results
Mrs Florence Stewart of Evansville
lad writes Any woman who can
appreciate what it means t6 be restored
to health and vigor after being so run
down and anaemic as to make lifo a
misery will understand why I cannot
express my gratitude for Vinol
I had been in this condition for
years and had tried many remedies
prescribed by physicians but without
benefit When n friend suggested a
cod liver oil preparation called Vinol 1
must confess I had not much faith in it
but I decided to give it a trial and af
ter taking it a short time I began to
feel better I continued its use and to
day nm ns strong and hearty as can be
and I feel that Vinol saved my lifeI
I advise any woman who Is in need I
of a blood maker and strength creator I
to try Vinci and I know she will thank I
me as I thank the friend who suggest
ed it to me
Mr Penny of Pennys Drug Store
says Vinol Is not a patent medicine
but it is tho most valuable and delicious
preparation of cod liver oil tho greatest
health restorer and strengthcreator we
have ever sold and we ask every run
down nervous debilitated aged or
weak person In Stanford and every per
son suffering from stubborn colds
hangingon coughs bronchitis or in
cipient consumption to try Vinol on
our guarantee to return money if it
fails to give satisfaction Pennys
Drug Store
d Ie
Thomas Hill has been appointed post
master at Nina Garrard county
The handsome residence of Mrs
Alice Hankins in Anderson county
Sam Britton fined 990 in the aggre
gate for selling whisky withput license
escaped from Harrodaburg jail
Four generations of tile family dined j
with Mrs Anne Grimes of Harrods
burg on the occasion of her Slat birth
An oven tlozen arrests nt Harrods
burg last court day Eleven fofdrunk
enne B and ono for stealing a quart of
Col Jack China of Harrodtburg has
created something of n sensation by
suggesting a new motto for Kentucky
Brains loose beauty and bullets It
While prospecting for oil near Grays
In Knox county a seven foot vein of
coal was encountered at a depth of 300
feet Upon investigation the coal was
found to IKS of the wellknown Cumber
land vein claimed to be one of the
hardest bituminous coals known The
discovery has aroused considerable
interest in shaft mining which has
never been tried in this part of the
State and it Is reported the vein will
be operated Pennsylvania capitalists
arc backing the movement
Mr Clarence Coleman who has been
chief clerk to Mr Mitchel Taylor the
stave king at his headquarters in
this city for the past six months has
accepted position with the
Louisville office of Swift Co the pack
ing firm Mr Coleman will be in the
auditing department under Manager
Dickey of the Louisville office His
reason for leaving Danvilie is on account
of Mr Taylor gradually retiring from
the stave business to devote his entire
time to his enormous cattle interests in
New Mexico Mr Taylor expects to
wind up the business some time in the
catty Spring Mr Coleman is a native
of Mlddloburg Casey county and rep
resents the highest type of a hustling
young business man His many friends
in Danvillo will regret exceedingly his
leaving Advocate
No Poison In Chamberlains
Cough Remedy
From Napier New Zealand Herald
Two yoars ago the Pharmacy Board
of Now South Wales Australia had
an analysis made of all the cough
medicines that Were sold In that
market Out of the entire list they
found only ono that they declared was
entirely free from all poisons This
oxceptlon was Chamberlains Cough
Remedy made by the Chamberlain
Medicine Company Des Molns Iowa
U S A The absence of all narcotics
makes this remedy tho safest and boat
that can ho had and It In with II feeling
of security that any mother can give
Ik to her little ones Chamberlains
Cough Remedy is especially recom
mended by Its makers for coughs
colds croup mind whooping cough
When taken In time it prevents pneu
monia This remedy Is for sale by
all druggists
Elder P M Tindor will fill his up
polntment at the Christian church Sun
day afternoon
L G > Hubblo sold some hay to Banks
Hudson at 10 per ton A P Sloan and
J S McKittrick sold some fat hogs to
Eph Woods at 4c Owsley Dunn sold
a bunch of hogs to John Woods at 4c
Sam Harris bought some 1200 cattle
from L G Hubble at 31c
Arthur Hubble has gone to Kansas to
visit relatives Mr nnd Mrs Owsley
Dunn are rejoicing over tho arrival of a
son Miss Lucile Hennakcr of Cald
well College was the guest of her aunt
Mrs Robert Rankin Mrs W IL Un
derwood entertained the Ladies Aid So
ciety at dinner Wednesday
Ono of the saddest scenes ever wit
nessed at the State penitentiary was
enacted tonight when John and Mary
Rogers husband and wife were brought
here from Kenton county sentenced to
three years each for horse stealing
says a Frankfort dispatch They wero
separated nt the prison gates tho wife
being led to the womans department
of the prison while Rogers was incur
cerated in the mens ward They will
not be allowed to see each other again
until their sentences have expired al
though only the thickness of a wall
will separate them all this time The
woman wept bitterly at the parting
from her husband
husbandt u n
When you want a pleasant physio
try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets They are easy to take and
produce no griping or other un
pleasant effect Sold by all drug
A rantankcrous husband in Norfolk
Va it la said has been sentenced by a
judge to kiss his wife twice a day
Look out for a biting story pretty soon
Hartford Herald
k iii
The Danville Jeweler and
Ophthalmologist will adA
dress the Lincoln County to
people in this space on each
Tuesday and Friday on a
subject that will prove inter
esting to you The story bjs
gins next Tuesday
i For liens Overcoats 84 to 81250 Mens Suits 8450 to 815 Boys and
Childs Suits 1 to 84j Mens High Cut Shoes 2 to 4 liens
Fine Shoes 8125 to 84 Ladies Fine Shoes 81
to 8250 and a most complete
Line of Childrens School Shoes Prices 1 to
2 Dry Goods Cloaks Ladies and
Gents Furnishings Etc
Felt Boots for men and boys Rubbers for men women and children My
business has increased so that I had to get nil experienced salesman and you
will find the wellknown Mr W A Carson with me
Next Door to Lincoln County Nat Bank
Bargains In Buggies y
On account of having to give pos
session of our Buggy House on Jan
I 1906 we will close out our stock at
Reduced Prices You can afford to
buy a Rig now for next Summer
The Tinner Plumber Furnace
and Pump Man can furnish
you any size shape or price
handmade Stove Pipe that you
may want See him r
Phone 116 Depot St Stanford Ky
Sells Ivuriucs Beady Mixed Paints Every 4
gallon Guaranteed There is none better
New Spring patterns of Wall Paper White t
Lead and Linseed Oil Also
A Tested and Sure Bed Bug Destroyer

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